B OLLETTINO U NIONE M ATEMATICA I TALIANA B. Yousefi, S. Jahedi Composition operators on Banach spaces of formal power series Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie 8, Vol. 6-B (2003), n.2, p. 481–487. Unione Matematica Italiana <http://www.bdim.eu/item?id=BUMI_2003_8_6B_2_481_0> L’utilizzo e la stampa di questo documento digitale è consentito liberamente per motivi di ricerca e studio. Non è consentito l’utilizzo dello stesso per motivi commerciali. Tutte le copie di questo documento devono riportare questo avvertimento. Articolo digitalizzato nel quadro del programma bdim (Biblioteca Digitale Italiana di Matematica) SIMAI & UMI http://www.bdim.eu/ Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Unione Matematica Italiana, 2003. Bollettino U. M. I. (8) 6-B (2003), 481-487 Composition Operators on Banach Spaces of Formal Power Series. B. YOUSEFI - S. JAHEDI dedicated to the memory of Karim Seddighi Sunto. – Supponiamo che ]b(n)(Q n 4 0 sia una successione di numeri positivi e 1 G p E Q f×(n) z n , tali Q . Consideriamo lo spazio H p (b) di tutte le serie di potenze f (z) 4 Q che ! n40 N f×(n) Np b(n)p E Q . Supponiamo che 1 p 1 1 q Q 41 e ! ! n qj n 4 0 q n 4 1 b(n) p 4 Q per un in- tero non-negativo j . Dimostriamo che se Cf è compatto su H (b), allora il limite non-tangenziale di f ( j 1 1 ) ha modulo maggiore di uno, in ogni punto della frontiera del disco unitario aperto. Dimostriamo anche che se Cf è di Fredholm su H p (b), allora W deve essere un automorfismo del disco unitario aperto. Summary. – Let ]b(n)(Q n 4 0 be a sequence of positive numbers and 1 G p E Q . We conQ f×(n) z n such that sider the space H p (b) of all power series f (z) 4 ! Q ! N f×(n) N b(n) E Q . Suppose that p p n40 1 p 1 1 q Q 4 1 and ! n40 n qj q n 4 1 b(n) p 4 Q for some non- negative integer j . We show that if CW is compact on H (b), then the non-tangential limit of W ( j 1 1 ) has modulus greater than one at each boundary point of the open unit disc. Also we show that if CW is Fredholm on H p (b), then W must be an automorphism of the open unit disc. Introduction. First in the following, we generalize the defintions coming in [5]. Let ]b(n)( be a sequence of positive numbers with b(0)41 and 1GpEQ. We consider the space of sequences f 4 ] f×(n)(Q n 4 0 such that V f Vp 4 V f Vpb 4 Q The notation f(z) 4 ! f×(n) z n Q ! N f×(n) N b(n) E Q . p p n40 shall be used whether or not the series con- n40 verges for any value of z . These are called formal power series. Let H p (b) denotes the space of such formal power series. These are reflexive Banach spaces with the norm V Q Vb ([4]) and the dual of H p (b) is H q (b p/q ) where 1 p 1 482 1 q B. YOUSEFI - S. JAHEDI 4 1 and b p/q 4 ]b(n)p/q (n ([6]). Also if g(z) 4 V gVq 4 Q Q ! g×(n) z n H q (b p/q ), then n40 ! N g×(n) N b(n) . The Hardy, Bergman and Dirichlet spaces can be q p n40 viewed in this way when p 4 2 and respectively b(n) 4 1 , b(n) 4 (n 1 1 )21 /2 and b(n) 4 (n 1 1 )1 /2 . If lim b(n 1 1 ) n b(n) 4 1 or lim inf b(n)1 /n 4 1 , then H p (b) conn sists of functions analytic on the open unit disc U . It is convenient and helpful to introduce the notation a f , gb to stand for g( f ) where f H p (b) and g Q H p (b)* . Note that af , gb 4 f×(n) g×(n) b(n)p . Let f×k (n) 4 d k (n). So fk (z) 4 z k ! n40 and then ] fk (k is a basis such that V fk V 4 b(k). Clearly Mz , the operator of multiplication by z on H p (b) shifts the basis ] fk (k . Remember that a complex number l is said to be a bounded point evaluation on H p (b) if the functional of point evaluation at l , el , is bounded. The functional of evaluation of the j-th derivative at l is denoted by el( j ) . The function W in H p (b) that maps the unit disc U into itself induces a composition operator CW on H p (b) defined by CW f 4 f i W . The operator CW is Fredholm, if it is invertible modulo the compact operators. If CW is a bounded invertible operator, then W must be an automorphism of U , that is a one to one map of U onto U . We say an analytic self-map W of U has an angular derivative at w ¯U , if for some h ¯U the non-tangential limit of W(z) 2 h z2w when z K w , exists and is finite. We call this limit the angular derivative of W at w and denoted it by W 8 (w). Main results. We suppose that H p (b) consists of functions analytic on the open unit disc U . We study the Fredholm composition operator CW and investigate the compactness and essential norm of CW acting on the Banach space H p (b). LEMMA 1. – Let X be a Banach space of analytic functions on a domain V in C . If there exists a sequence of functions gk in the dual space X * such that V gkV41 and gk K 0 weakly with VCW*(gk)VK0, then CW is not Fredholm on X . PROOF. – Suppose S is any bounded operator on X * . Then by the hypothesis VSCW* ( gk ) VGVSV VCW* ( gk ) V K 0 as k K Q . Now let Q be an arbitrary compact operator on X * . Since Q is necessarily completely continuous, then we have VQ( gk ) V K 0 ([2, p. 177, Proposition 3.3]). Thus V(I 1 Q) gk V K 1 for every compact operator Q on X * . This implies that SCW* 2 I can not be compact, since else it should be V(I 1 (SCW* 2 I) ) gk V K 1 that is a contradiction. Thus CW* , and hence CW , is not Fredholm. r COMPOSITION OPERATORS ON BANACH SPACES ETC. 483 Q ! In the following we use the fact that ew H q (b p/q ) and Vew Vq 4 n40 Q for all w in U ([6]). THEOREM 2. – Let 1 p 1 1 q 4 1 and Q n qj n40 b(n)q ! NwNnq b(n)q E 4 Q for some non-negative inte- ger j . If CW is Fredholm on H p (b), then W is an automorphism of the disc. PROOF. – It is well known that if CW is Fredholm, then W is univalent since else the kernel of CW* will contain an infinite linearly independent set whose elements are differences of evaluation functionals. This is a contradiction, since dim ker CW* E Q . So we need only show that W maps U onto U . If not, there exists v ¯W(U) O U and zk U such that W(zk ) K v . By the Open Mapping Theorem it should be Nzk N K 1 . n qj Let j be the least non-negative integer such that the sum 4 Q . If q ez n F 0 b(n) j 4 0 , set ek 4 k . Then V ek V 4 1 . But ! V ezk V lim V ezk Vq 4 lim k k ! nF0 Nzk Nnq b(n) q 4 ! nF0 1 b(n)q 4Q and so if p is a polynomial in H p (b), then lim ap , ek b 4 lim k k p(zk ) V ezk V 4 0 . But poly- nomials are dense in H p (b), thus ek K 0 weakly as k K Q . Since v is in U and W(zk ) K v , we have eW (zk ) K ev . Since we also have Vezk V K Q , we conclude that VCW* ezk V 4 VeW(zk ) V/V ezk V tends to zero. So by Lemma 1, CW is not Fredholm that is a contradiction. ez( j) If j D 0 , let ek 4 (kj) where ez(kj) is the functional of evaluation of the j-th V ezk V Q derivative at zk . Note that ew (z) 4 ! 1 p n 4 0 b(n) wn z n and ew( j) 4 Q ez(kj) 4 Since Nzk NK 1 and ! n40 ! nF0 n(n 2 1 )(n 2 2 ) R(n 2 j 1 1 ) n jq b(n)p k k ! n40 b(n)p ew . Thus z n. 4 Q , we have Q lim Vez(kj) Vq 4 lim (zk )n 2 j dj dwj (n(n 2 1 ) R(n 2 j 1 1 ) )q Nzk N(n 2 j) q b(n)q 4Q. Since polynomials are dense in H p (b), by the same manner as in the previous case, we can see that ek K 0 weakly as k K Q . Now we show that VCW* ek V K 0 as 484 B. YOUSEFI - S. JAHEDI k K Q . A straightforward computation gives the following equalities: (1) CW* ez(k1 ) 4 W 8 (zk ) eW(z k) (2) (1) 1 W 9 (zk ) eW(z CW* ez(k2 ) 4 W 8 (zk )2 1 eW(z k) k) (3) (1) (2) (2) 1 WR(zk ) eW(z 1 2 W 9 (zk ) eW(z 1 W 8 (zk ) W 9 (zk ) eW(z CW* ez(k3 ) 4 W 8 (zk )3 eW(z) k) k) k) QQQ ( j) (1) 1 W ( j) (zk ) eW(z 1 lower order terms CW* ez(kj) 4 W 8 (zk ) j eW(z k) k) where the lower order terms involves functionals of evaluation of derivatives of order less than j at W(zk ) with coefficients involving products of derivatives of W at zk of order less than j . From this it follows that VCW* ek V K 0 as k K 0 . To see this first suppose that j 4 1 . Thus we have CW* ek 4 (1) W 8 (zk ) eW(z k) V ez(k1 ) V (1) 4 aW , ek b eW(z . k) (1) V K V en( 1 ) V E Q . Also since ek K 0 weakly, But W(zk ) K n , where n U . So VeW(z k) aW , ek b K 0 as k K Q . Thus indeed VCW* ek V K 0 as k K Q . If j D 1 , remark that for all i E j we have (i) 4 eW(z k) Q n! (W(zk ))n 2 i n41 (n 2 i) ! b(n)p ! and so Q (i) Vq 4 V eW(z k) ! n4i (n(n 2 1 ) R(n 2 i 1 1 ) )q Q G ! n4i n iq b(n)q G Q n ( j21)q n4i b(n)q ! since j is the least non-negative integer such that Nv(zk ) Nn 2 i b(n)q EQ, Q n jq n40 b(n)q ! 4 Q . Thus the limit of the norms of the functionals of evaluation of derivatives at W(zk ) of order less than j remain bounded in U . Also, by the Principle of Uniform Boundedness Theorem sup V ez(i) V E Q for i E j and all derivatives of W at zk of order less k k than j are bounded. Note that V ez(kj) V K Q and W(zk ) K n U . Thus we have lim VCW* ek V 4 0 provided that kKQ lim kKQ 1 V ez(kj) V ( j) (1) V(W 8 (zk ) ) j eW(z 1 W ( j) (zk ) eW(z V40 . k) k) COMPOSITION OPERATORS ON BANACH SPACES ETC. 485 Clearly 1 (˜) Vez(kj) V ( j) (1) V(W 8 (zk ) ) j eW(z 1 W ( j) (zk ) eW(z VG k) k) NW 8 (zk ) Nj V ez(kj) V ( j) VeW(z V1 k) VWVjH p (b) V ez(k1 ) V j V ez(kj) V NW ( j) (zk ) N Vez(kj) V (1) VeW(z VG k) ( j) (1) VeW(z V 1 NaW , ek b N . VeW(z V. k) k) (i) VK Note that V ez(kj) V K Q and lim V ez(k1 ) V E Q , since 1 E j . Also VeW(z k) k Ven(i) V E Q for i 4 1 , j and aW , ek b K 0 , since ek K 0 weakly. Thus indeed the term in (˜) tends to zero as k K Q and so VCW* ek V K 0 which by the lemma implies that CW is not Fredholm that is a contradiction. r Note that by the Julia Caratheodory Theorem ([3]), W has an angular derivative at w ¯U if and only if W 8 has non-tangential limit at w , and W has non-tangential limit of modulus one at w . Consider the open Euclidean disc, Julia disc, J(j , a) 4 ]z U ; Nj 2 zN2 E a( 1 2 NzN2 )( of radius at j 11a a 11a and center , whose boundary is tangant to ¯U at j . By the Julia’s Lemma ([1]), if j ¯U and W is an analytic function such that BW 4 inf NW 8 (j) N E Q , then j ¯U W(J(j , a) ) ’ J(W(j), aBW ). Recall that the essential norm of CW is denoted by VCW Ve and is the distance in the operator norm from CW to the compact operators. THEOREM 3. – Let 1 p 1 1 q 4 1 and (i) Q n qj n41 b(n)q ! 4 1Q for some non-negative integer j . Also for 0 G i G j let W be an analytic self map of the unit disc U . If CW is a bounded operator on H p (b) and NW ( j 1 1 ) (j) N G 1 for some j ¯U , then VCW Ve F 1 and CW is not compact. PROOF. – Let ]zk ( be any sequence in U with zk K j . Also let j be the least Q non-negative integer such that the sum ! n41 n qj b(n)q 4 1Q . Set ek 4 ez(kj) V ez(kj) V . Then V ek V 4 1 and by the same method used in the proof of Theorem 2, ek K 0 weakly as k K Q . If K is any compact operator, then K * is completely continuous and since ek K 0 weakly, it should be VK * ek V K 0 . By definition VCW Ve 4 inf ]VCW 2 KV : K is compact( and VCW 2 K V 4 V(CW 2 K)* V F V(CW 2 K)* ek V F VCW* ek V 2 VK * ek V . 486 B. YOUSEFI - S. JAHEDI If k K Q , then since VK * ek V K 0 , we have VCW Ve F lim VCW* ek V . Now we show k that lim VCW* ek V 4 lim k k ( j) V eW(z V k) Vez(kj) V . Note that since NW ( j 1 1 ) (j) N G 1 , by the Julia’s Caratheodory theorem the nontangential limit of W (i) (j) have modulus one for i 4 0 , 1 , R , j . If j 4 0 , then ek 4 (1) eW(z k) CW* ek 4 W 8 (zk ) V ez(k1 ) V ezk V ezk V and CW* ek 4 eW(zk ) V ezk V . If j 4 1 , then ek 4 ez(k1 ) V ez(k1 ) V and . But the non-tangential limit of W 8 (j) has modulus one (1) V/Vez(k1 ) V . and so lim VCW* ek V 4 lim V eW(z k) k k If j D 1 , then ek 4 ez(kj) /V ez(kj) V and CW* ek 4 1 V ez(kj) V ( j) (W 8 (zk ) j eW(z 1 Lj , k ) k) where Lj , k is the sum of lower order terms and involves derivatives of order (i) (i E j), with coefficients involvless than j at W(zk ), i.e., terms of the type eW(z k) ing product of derivatives of W at zk of order less than or equal to j . Remark that since j is the least non-negative integer such that we have Q (i) VeW(z Vq 4 k) ! n41 (n(n 2 1 ) R(n 2 i 1 1 ) )q NW(zk ) Nn 2 i b(n)q Q n jq n40 b(n)q G ! 4 1Q , then Q n ( j21)q n41 b(n)q ! EQ (i) V remains bounded for all i less than j . Also since for i E j . So lim V eW(z k) kKQ Vez(kj) V K Q and W (i) (j) has the non-tangential limit of modulus one for all i G j , thus indeed lim k Therefore VLj , k V V ez(kj) V 40. lim VCW* ek V 4 lim NW 8 (zk ) Nj k k 4 lim k ( j) V eW(z V k) Vez(kj) V ( j) VeW(z V k) Vez(kj) V . Now to complete the proof it is sufficient to show that lim g this set zk 4 1 2 1 k ( j) V eW(z V k) V ez(kj) V F 1 . For h j . Then there exists a sequence ]r ( of non-negative k k numbers such that zk is the point on ¯J(j , rk ) closest to 0. Therefore by the Ju- COMPOSITION OPERATORS ON BANACH SPACES ETC. 487 lia’s Lemma W(zk ) W(¯J(j , rk ) ) ’ ¯W(J(j , rk ) ) ’ ¯J(W(j), rk ) . It follows that NW(zk ) N F Nzk N for all k . Now since Vez( j) Vq 4 Q n4j ( j) VeW(z V/V ez(kj) V F 1 k) V ez( j) V n2j ! (n 2n! j) ! NzNb(n) q , the norm increases with NzN . Thus for all k , and indeed VCW Ve F 1 . This implies that CW is not compact and so the proof is complete. r COROLLARY 4. – Let 1 p 1 1 q 4 1 and Q n qj n41 b(n)q ! 4 1Q for some non-negative integer j . If CW is compact on H p (b), then NW ( j 1 1 ) (j) N D 1 for all j in ¯U such that W ( j 1 1 ) (j) exists. REFERENCES [1] L. AHLFORS, Conformal Invariants, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1973. [2] J. B. CONWAY, A Course in Functional Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985. [3] W. RUDIN, Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn , Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, 241, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1980. [4] K. SEDDIGHI - K. HEDAYATIYAN - B. YOUSEFI, Operators acting on certain Banach spaces of analytic functions, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 18, No. 1 (1995), 107-110. [5] A. L. SHIELDS, Weighted shift operators and analytic function theory, Math. Survey, A.M.S. Providence, 13 (1974), 49-128. [6] B. YOUSEFI, On the space l p (b), Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Serie II, Tomo XLIX (2000), 115-120. B. Yousefi: Dept. of Math., College of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71454, Iran E-mail: yousefiHmath.susc.ac.ir S. Jahedi: Dept. of Math., College of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71454, Iran Pervenuta in Redazione il 5 marzo 2002