Al.l'AMUXT hNTLRIRISL A L T AM O N T . N . V . FKuMnl M 1 11 J \ N VJ7. I>*B9. i:\KHillBMKS . . , , • , • >V • > \ .. ,<• • . , ii ' . a n i l i in ml.<y nt lii m«* Mr Brailt and wife, of Gulnnio, uro visiting frici.dM In tbie place. Mt»a E w l y u QHHV, who baa bppuqiilio aiclt with Ihr gr i> the p.tat week, la getting Krttcr. 1'UxllHTO. A nnmlor fivni here are working ou thv let- nt K' nwi <<1. Mir* F.liznUth Albright eallrd on MU» Al>«v IVi u r, Knud .y ><fl«-rtiiHin. Mm —»||-l.tiri; Ik• • • I Mm F i l l e r >\t nl Frulu< HfttiU'X'ii wnh \in» K H.niitr. HiAVIMI -ni^luri.'. who wt-ttl to Triiui lu •p ml tin- wintrr. h i * l o m n cd \ourtitM>«iviiie. lit'rao. Centre. Meadow-date. Doiln^ Dr. *>uaw'« ataenco, Dr Hiram Mr ( } B II ill.nbeek i* (lRrtin atinnt. The Oitinnre Gle < Club, met at Chat, Matf r W. Hurt is ra tbe sick list Iii-Uv, uf Mitiuerlui di. wHI bu ut his ntiKi to ntloml to IIIH busiowa. H e had lira. o'«, Wtd'O'dxy ovening. A concert Ur. Frank Crounse aud friend were QWe every d n from . n- unlil tno p in. i-li.r^.i «f t i e f urn-rut of Mrs. H»nry mid caudy pall was eojojed. in town, Tuesday. D.irlug, en U>,n.liiy. MifB Ida Treadwell, who waacalltd to U I'lllllotlt. Mr. Crayton and ton Martin left for Mr* L>»i\ d Hull piiwul away frmu Ono.intp ft few v.e»>ki» ago to care for her the ice fl-Ids, Monday. a il i m i ,I-HI a d d.tiuh'p e i th .11 1 n. MI..). ,)„,,. 24.Hit».r umntiiB -tlli.t. Mrs. F D MreVell, who wui Ul, ' e t • • i it. II n. i. . ... *,t!.r Ur and Mrs V*nZ«nt entertained a «• •..Bo IIK AMI- tt.- (tenth or li«-rban iviuri.ed t<i Henry Hnrst's. •' . . • • • • ! i « o e i . till• number of the r friend< last Saturday. 11 l t . | . < ^ . I 11 • ^ i n | M J , O h h O C H I U , " - i • •! n » • k I . I.e - i i> i i - u u O. M. Frederick sells the touu'hmit Mhve< Helen and Lizsie Barber aro !•• i i - I,, i n , 1.1 i, r (1 . l i g h t e r . M r s W E . f i ftiiit uow known—Devoe lead aud cine. spending a week wttb friends at Cobles(^ I I' .i hiiiiiii. i . [ in li M r i t t f kill. "I" nt Ait» Ititll V\MH II number of ttw FtMiraDusU. l.mti on nuuiluy to (. oxaucktv to wolk an Ltiiti.riiii diuii-h ttijd it lo^ulur attei<dRuby Blessing, Florence and Willard Roller skating 1s the latest fad. the lcM. nut upou it» Hrrvici-s while liOilth |wrOliver, of Voorhceaville, wero in town, Miss Olive Lagrange has returned Mr a c d MrH J B Wlnn, of Atiuu-. •uiitrd. u f ii fhtrrfnl aud active dt»|ioSaturday. Hpuut Kniuiny with her puionts, Mr. HII.I hitum, »ha loukid well to tho ways of from Barnervtlle, There will be a public debate at the hoi houxoiiuld, imd carefully iidniinlsMrs. J. E 11 urntwe. Mr. J. Harris Loucks recently spent a soliool IJOUHH, under tbe auspice* of the Mii>a Mary Hnu.plHvy an 1 niueo, Ml«« t<".u I lo i||,-1 omfurt of l.or (niinly. The fevf days tn Albany. Patrons of Industry, on Saturday eveMiss Battle Hindi, of Albany, ia viiit- ning, Jan. 2Sth. Question: "Resolved, (.'arrlf, »pout the day at Shadow Wood linn' m-rvici' vvunliti) Ion Frtihiy inorii* l»4, Ht iu.. IH.UI«- of Ur \V. E Ui-lts. Fu>m hint Wr<lntsilny. iug her sister, Mrs. John Herber. thut war is inconsistent with ChristianF m - cliiliiitn hiu \ h e her. oue eon a i d At this writing Mr. Henry Joslin is ity." TUB general public is invited. Minn Mae LOUR, of Kenwood, has he- n fwiir i ai>(tl.t<-tH '1 h<- ri-iunliut wt-ic tux|>eiiiliiiR ii fVw di«y» with her ftirml, It-lird II, tl, . Iuiuil> |i:ot tn HfHVUllHIll dHiifcronsly ill and bis recovery hi t Mr. S A. Fackler, Editor of the doubtful. CHIUIMI ()i»e. HI the Kims. ct-tiiftny. Mtcunopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wife Mr aud Mrs. Frrd Spore, jr. spent and childi on, differed terribly from La T.. tiiKiirf u ii I p i i.i rt >fiir, Ke>« p t h . ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wright at Ottppe. One Minute Cough Cure wns VIr» Adnin "pnwn ic quite rick tbe ouiy remedy that bolprd them. It liver c , « i i iti'd t h e botly vigoroiin liv Bi Iblehem Centre. Ur and Mm ( l i m i t * Wo tliln^t i>( u-.i'K DeWmV Little Kuly ttmem, the Mr. Martin Bradt. who is well known nctt-d quickly. 1 hom-awl* of other* n»o \ o >rh<-twvillf, \ibit<-<l t i i n . d - here thl« sturdy as a specific for LaGripp.', IUIIIOHH l i t e plIiH | . . r c.ui»tl| u t i o u a m i In tlits vicinity, left Albany for Caliand its exhausting after effects. F. & liver tiuublen. !•' & W. S. Hitts. fornia lact Monday. W. 0. Pitts. NEBVOUS DEPEESSI0N. [A TALK WITH HKS. A woman with the blues is a very uncomfortable person. She Is illogical, unhappy and frequently hysterical. The condition of the mind known M " tho blues," nearly always, with women, results from diseased organs of generation. It is a source of wonder that in this age of advanced medical science, any person should still believe that mere lores of Will and determination will overcome depressed spirits and nervousness in women. These troubles or* indications of disease. Every woman who doesn't under* stand her condition should write to Lynn, Mass., to Mrs. Plnkham for her advice. Her advlco Is thorough com* mon sense, and is the counsel of a learned woman of great experience. Dead th* story of Mra. V. 8. BKKXKTT, Westphalia, Kansas, as told in the following letter: " DRAB MRS. VTSKIIAM:—t have suf- fered for over two years with falling, enlargement and ulccratlon of the womb, and this spring, being in such a weakened condition, caused me to flow for nearly six months. Some time ago, urged by friends, I wroto to you for advice. After using the treatment Which you advised tor a short time, fleldHvllle. that terrible flow stopped. Those who have been suffering from "I am now gaining strength and severe coldi are nenrly all well again. flesh, and have better health than I Frank Weldman, of Norinansvllle, have had for the past ten yean. I spent last Sunday with bis parents here. wish to «ay to all distressed, suffering women, do not suffer longer, when Reduction Sale PREVIOC8 TO ANNUAL INVENTORY. Men's Camels Hair wool shirts and drawer wtll close at 66c. Men's Wool Fleeced ehirti and drawers 4?to Cotton rV>so blankets formerly 60c pair, only 00c pair. A few winter coats we will close at tS per cent reduction. Gents while handkerchiefs 6 for only 26o. Some special dcils in nunpenders, gloves and mittens, a large assortment, at 10 per eent. off. Lamb skin vests. Have you Been them? Will close at $2.83. MUbeWanka All Wool Knit Boots, best made, complete t'i.75. Hpeclal dial in ArcticOrorshoos, please examine. White laundrtO'l shlitn. colored brwom», all the go, only 70c Large comfortables at B9c. $1.20 and $1 44 each. Big rush for Spray F>onr, they all like it. Try a rack FEED t FEED ! 4 carloads. Feed of all kinds is much higher, but wo will foil nt low pricei Bave you bought a 7 lb package clothes starch yet ? Only 25c 1 gal white sngar drip syrup ond a now jng, only 35c A new barrel Porto Rico molaases, beet we ever b»d, at 80c 9 lb Oriental cuffee in a qt tin pail, Just try it, only 80c pall 3 lbs nice fresh candy, only 25c Several special bargains in ladies and gent's shoes, from f 1.85 np Now bere are many tbitgn that you need and at these prices you know yon cannot do better. Mr. and Mm Aitlrrvv B.xith outertail od a cuuj|niiy of iritjuda »u Tuesday Mr F. H CAIUSI recently shipped H VMrs. C. Math u»a and daughter liable, New »«<otliMi(l. eveuiug. erul liarrele of Strny Bmuity seed potnof Rotterdam, have b«D visiting her John T. Furbrck is attemHng the Altoei to Ur. Elliot Lewis in tbeotaie uf Miss Mund Blnn.lmr.l and Miss Amy parents, Mr. und Mm L. Litcbfleld. buny lin^lueps College, Bouili ».pt>nt n d»y recently with Mi»s Maryland. The creamery baaiiieiw is progressing Tlin (ick lii our vicinity have nearly liable V mi Allen H« Kdiiuwtmd Farm. Frank Smith, Hiirn-on and Hurry VIMfinely, only a few shares left. We hope all logiuicd their usual health. bnndi, William ond U n'y «"d that onr fellow ueigbbors will lend a South Weaterto. Ar bur Uimlti'b are down the river Meveral men from this place are Ht helping bond. YOUBS FOR BUSINESS, Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Weldman visited there Is one ao kind and willing to Q<rtt*a uotutor in thin vicinity are working on tlio tee. VIIUWIU'B Puint, working in the ioefl<-ldn. her panntsat loiRiekis a part of last aid you." affected with tbe grip. There will be a dime social, for the Mrs. J. W. Oou«htry and Master Bd week. Three Things David Smith, of TJrlton, n-fll work the heu«fli of the Pr»t>bjterian church, Ht uiuud are Hp.»tn)ln« ihe week at Albany. Lydla E. Plokham'a Vegetable Comto remember, let that I call at yonr Mr. nod Mrs. Fred Pnnuau, abo Mr. pound Is a woman's remedy for wo* farui of yra Delilah Reynolds. tho house of Thomas Tymrt, Fnllo-», Aln>. JniuCM A. Hnuck has been upend- homes for Laundry Work. $d that I bun's Ills. More than a million woMiss Louisa liable, of Saratoga Jan it lift 1HU0. Ice will be served. ing the p.tst week with friOuds at N e w d-liver the work. M that my terms are and Ura. M. Braman, vhrited friends at men have been benefited by it. Glarksville hist Friday. AU ate ttivited. Springs, In visit Inn frloncih here. each. Tbe farmers around here have their Tho will of the Into Mnry Jane Cramp Miss Anna Thorn«, of South Cairo, is The yonug people are l-chearaing a W A L T E R SBVEHBOK, Lanndryuian. ice houses filled with very nice tee, and tou wan'Oil to pmha'e on the P..tiJi.tic t'miiiiti to be given on FebPRIZES AWARDED. at her grnnd-fathfr's, VV. D. Ciildor's. SO-tf nearly ail the boys have left for the ice 17lh ln f t It ti«queatb» *."itHJ to a little ruary aad. Mr. and Mr* John Wiuue, of C arksfields. ration. vtlle, viisiti d their t>Mur, Mrs. Uoury La- )2raiid-dau{(litor and the remainder to her d^u K liter, Bo*e Ellon Byau, who t» Pi of. H. P. VanLlew will give his William Smith is working on the ice Mrs. Roda Pelton, who to stopping Who know how difficult it hi to find a pant suitable and serviceable for grungf, tbr iHi»t wetrtL. niHile t x i c u t r i s . The estate i« vn'ued at famous lecture, 'tuba and the War,"at Karner's, with ber daughter, Mrs. Elmer Bradt, is working in shop or outside, we have illustrated with a p vworfut bterenpticon Orrio But lor. au aged and rwpected !?-l.0O0 The will was dated Nov ad Jacob Oliver is driving a fine pair of quite feeble. Borne think it is old age Many Tried to Get the St. Albans oiilzni living Hliout three miles ea"t of IKbG. nud wns nlltiesitpd by J. Ii. Uuiu aud icaily loo lar|je views. This Is aa she is nearly seventy years. Bemsdy Go's Prisesforthe this vtlluyp, <"«-d uu fbtmdity of pnru- and D. C. Main. *oiu<-tbiuK that no oi:o ebonld miss, so brown hones lately matched up. B«at Window Display. Miss Nettle Filkins, who has been very Designed for the toughest kind of usage, which for this week, we will mnoU Funeral services were hold come and hear this lucturo this Saturday Arthur Sharp sells his milk at the sick with typhoid fever, at Deimar, has offer you at tbe low price of from tbe ( hrl»tinn chnrch at Alcove, ib J»u 88tb. Great Ingenuity and tiueti Talto Exhibited Thorn|>i»on'n Lake. door to Charles Lombard, of Rotterdam. so far recovered as to be able to visit Saturday at 11 u in. By th» Bnt Known Pharmacists. Harvesting ice is tbe order of tho dny Mist Ada Becker, of Quilderland Cen- her suiter, Mrs. E. E. Qotaling of this The smallest things may eiert the giOiitiHit inflo. nee DuVVitfs Little Mrs. Am brow Ketcham is on the sick liirly Ri«era nrrf narquallod for ovor- tre, in the goest of her annt, Mrs Alvln place. Early in the fall the St. Albaos W e n t Towunlilp. Witherwax. list We bave another line of tromtara we call the Colonial, every pair warRemedy Co offered four prises to the C'>uiit)R coiistip.itlim aud liver trouble. Mrs. L. P. Witter is quite 111 with laranted, for $J So. We have these in all shies, for the short, tat man or th» Yellow Jaundice Cured. four druggists who should make the The frame for the new church hnll •Small pill, bent pill, safe pill. F. & W. Simon W. Hotaling, formerly residing grippe. very tall, leaa fellow. 8. Pitts. in Rottordatn, died lu Scbenectady, Satnow stands erect. Buffering humanity shonld be supplied best window display of their good*. 8UITINQ3 - We are <till selling on all wool Kersey snit for $7.60 & $3 GO. Mm (orintba Chatc is sick. Dr. J. with every means possible fur its relief. It Druggists all over tbe conntry re-pondurday, Jnn SI, aged 61 years. Mr R A. VanDewen, of New Salem, BROKEN SIZES—At the end of each season we always have left on onr Olurkttville. Cronnce atteuds is with pleasure we publiifa Che following: The funeral of George Becker, of "This is to certify that I wm a terribls ed, and entered into competition. Procoonturs a few slsea of certain I mm of goods which we are unable to rewas in town, Monday. Mr. Wm Reid, of Union Hill, New Mr. Win. V»uAuken IB at Albany bablj never before has sneb pains be^n place. We may bave only two. or even one sise, of each line left. These Mls» Imogens Warner was tho guent Jersey, has betn in for u few days. Rotterdam, to >k place from the Luther- sufferer from Yellow Jaundics for over sis taken to make handsome window dinwe desire to close ont. Thin pxunds throughout our rtock in suits and aerviug a« jnror. mo tbs, and was treated by some of tho best an church at Ontldt>rl»od Centre, Tuesof Loita tiress, Sunday. overcoats. We cunnot advertise prices on these, for we do not know ph.vstoiing In our city and all to no avail. plays as these druggists have made in Miss Agnes Vunderzetf, of Solktrks. is day. He was in bis 70th year. Mrs N O B«-!l has returned from a whether they wtll fit yon, unless you come in. If we have yonr sues yoa Dr. Bell, onr druggist, recommended EleoMrs Vanderbilt and Mr. E J. Martin visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. HanOrhne. their efforts to bring Green Mountain visit to Scheufctudy. can bay very cheap. A ludy living near here attended an trio Bittern j nud after tnklng two bottles, t are suffering from felons. Mrs. 8. T. Horner has bet-n entertain- auction one day last wi ok and on open- was entirely cured. I now take grest pleas- Renovator to the front It Is not only Mr. Will Williamson is f[wndiug eouiti Pni-tor Lock wood IH COI ducting revi- ing l.or mother, Mra. Atkinson, of ing a purchase found it to contain nigbt ure in recommending thorn to any person tbe liberal c u b prises that were offered Wt-eks iu Sclient-ctady. suffering from this terrible malady. I am that aroused this enthusiasm among the val meetingH bere with good cUcciwa. PoOKhki epMe. cups Another one bought "a cat in the gratefully yonn, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, drnggfots. It was folly as much tbe Rev. Ur. Whilbeck is very ill with a 1 Mre. C. 8 Warner has b*eu conflm d A Institute will be held in bai4" and found on exutnlninK it that she Ky." Bold by 0. M. Frederick, Druggist. severe attack of pnvoniouia. fact that they are all great believers tn t» tl>e house for the past two weeks with ibo Urange Hall on l"ou 9th Profei«Bor had a lagful of shirt's wives. t-oiue of the t elghhorho d dramatic the grip Smith's Green Mountain Renovator, Coeyinaut* H o l l o w . lontfreaa, T. B. Hurry ami Mr. Calahan. talmit are prt-pariug for a initu-trel entorwhich has been so well known for over Mr. C. A. Shear is at Albany as juror. forty years. Mrs Sitnnn 8p*or. of Scheuectady, i» editor of The Country Omitlemau, will Bucklen's Arnica Salve. talniix-ut, '•e pioient, aud three sessions will be Hptnidiug n week or BO with her daughMrs. Lydia A. Merritt is undar the Tbe Host 8aln> in tbe world for Out», WI GUARANTEE Nut«bborhoo«l ict> lionets have been ter, Mrs. Bort Halien'M'ck. This great blood and naive remody, lied. All are invited. Braises, Hores, fJloers. Salt llbemn, P^vtr doctor's care. Er«rr piece of dentistry tbnt leaves oar office. Ton take fll!eii with lie fruui th« reservoir atid Xorcs, Totttr. ( bapprd Hand*, Ohilblnlnx, which bos become so popular and wbicb tin c-lianrc* u hire work U ilnnu liy experts. We dl< «!• A "C" Bocinl, togethpr with a "leaf" Conw and nil Skin Uroptiona, and positlvoUi»s Hophina Groeabeck and Miss About thirty wagons pnsa this place Is bnlieved in equally aa mnch by drouami HIUVIBIIZL' the work "lib trained mi'li at tbo bend of adjacent p iu>)8 t*ach dfttartmeM, something fmpusfiibh; 10 do ID "mio Grace HotaliiiK. of N»w SflU-m, oppnt n social, which will torn! h fuu for all, ly enres Piles, or no pay required. It tn every morning for tbe ice fields. IIIBII" "MttH'ii. We are Ihiw enabled to turn out enperinr ghts and doctors as by tbs many people guaranteed to give pefhat snttsfacttun, or will I*. ivi n by the Y. P. K C. E of feiv davs here llils wook with trio,ids, K nark at tfrrftlly reduced price* Then oar anlck «ml These are dnn^eruuD times for the Wm. Gas well, who has been quite ill wbom it bat benefitted, gave them a mo&t money refunded. Price 25 cents par box. paluWj methods rob dentistry uf Its terror*. Crown and the Keformml ohnruh on Hatnrday eveand enjoyid themselves dliuting on the rtd«>-work a R|H-rlalty. All kindnof lilnlca scrurauljr health. Croup, coldn and thr. at troubles with the lajrrippe, is convalescent. Kor nnle bv (' M. Frmlpriok. excellent subject on wbieb to use their »4iil fccti-nttticnll) lit ltd to tbotnuuth. All tbe latest |>ain uiug, January 2sth. Doors i pin at l.o'f lake. lead rapidly to Consumption. A lotMe >teal ro> era used In extracting. Examinations and railThe next meeting of the P. of I. will skill. pustesteii Kv..iM n« will be given a motes cbeeriallr furul-Ued free of One Minute Con«h Ctire used at the liKltan r t o l d s . Mrs. Righter died last rnoRday After bo held Thured ty evening, Feb 2nd. It Is nnneccessary for ns to spaak of the toif ou ent-rluK t;i« door, alno a ear.l rieht time will uioi-orve life, health and ihe tuui-ral the reiualua were put iu tlm Mrs, Andruw Wit beck is on the sick with bill of fare. The gentleman will Mrs. ttarab Tompkins hi visiting ber hundreds of beautiful and artistic disa lar»e amoant of money. Plen<nnt t> vault until next spring when they will flud a match to bis loif und ttke that list. sister, Mrs. D. O. Keefer, at Schenec- plays that have been given. The greatDB. WILLIAM H. BOOTH, M u i p r . take; children like it. P. & W. 8. Pitu. be takeu to IieUMela-rville for Interludy losnp t er, which will be served IIW est care was necessary to decide to Qeorgo Hatch has moved his family to tady. uieut. 8he is the mother of Cyrus ordered. L'omo one aud all, and be Troy. The Social Few met at tbe home of wbom pises sbould be awarded. Tbe F.tiBt llerne. Htgbter. cheered aud refreshed by tho Curious Jft-per Wbitbeak and family have all Mixs Lydta Hunt, near Aqtietnck, ou following gentlemen were chosen as A number of families about here are Judgisi bad tbe grip. P. P. Merrihew, tho Qnuker Street Catering Company. Friday evening last afDii ted with tbe grip Undertaker and Lieut Gov Piak, Isle La sfotte, V t ; dentist, IH ut Hotel Aliaiuont, every Much sickness hereabout and Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayner ond Mr. Furniture Dealer.... 708tf The Women'* Hmue and Foreign Miss- Tursday. Paul Perry, of Colutnbna, Q-a., sufferCol. Gco. T. Cbilds, Editor Bt. Albaos Reid is very bnsy. and Mrs. Howatd Quick are at the ionary Societ> will inert with Mrs. M. ed a.ouy for tnirty jvars, and then Messenger, 8t. Albans, V t ; Alfred Mrs. LewiB Woodruff visited her niece parsonage for a visit, cured IIIH ptlcH by uaing De Witt's Witch LeggeM, on 8«tur.lay nfternoou, Fob 4. North Ucttilenem. Dntcber, Member Stuta Board PharA Full Line of Furniture in Stock. Un Mr». A. D. Caldweli, Friday and HatnrMiss Bertha Cafe, of Albany, who has macy, Ernett Alexander, Hgr. MacLeod's H-.Ef) Halve. It heals injuries uud skill Mr. W. St-ott Dyer received a telegram The funeral of Mm J L. Bleasiuit was dertaking in all its branches. Coaches been speadina n few days here, returned Drag Store, St. Albans, Vt. last Thursday fr..m ( edar FalU, Iowa, largely iittwul.d from her late renidence, dwedBes like n aaic. F & \\. 8. Pitts. day. and Flowers furnished. Will furnish Caleb Snyder has been very sick with to ber home Saturday. announcing the dmith of bis aunt, Mrs revwully. Tbie-j minii-t.;rs offloiuted, That snob well-known men should Htuto ICuml. pall bearer's conveyance free oi charge pneumonia but U a little better at presA nnmberof our people wore the evince their interest in this matter and ASH F. Cobnrn. who died at the home of one of whom wai her uopttew, liev. P. fur and near. Calls by telephone or recipients of one of Wm. Connor's consent to decide this important question her niece. Mm. Mary BaUly, the day F. tlessii.g. of Scarborough on tbe Henry ElIU, of Dnnniville, has rented ent writing. before. Mrs. Cobnrn, who was a resi- Bud«ou. The church IMB Htmtutued a the farm of ihe heirs of tne late OtOrgo telegraph at my expense. Mr. and Mrs Clifton Bedell, of Aqne- beautiful and service iblo calendars. It iu Itself shown the high standing and the dent of thts village, went west last great loss, as she was greatly int-re.-t.-d Cos s. luck, visited at A. KOOUX'B, Saturday is a thing of be-tnty. Thanks. recognised merit of tbs St. Albany summer in company witli her husbaud in the Sunday school, ChriatUn EnEmory Pangbnrn and family, of Knos. and frJunduy. Coughing Injun's and inflames sor Remedy Co , who manufacture tbis best • • • to spend lu« wimor. Before arrlviiiK at deuvor and all otbor depaitmeuts of i u speut Friduy with his sick sister, Mrs. The remains of Or in Butler, of Grape- lungs One Minute Cough Cure loo*en of all xpsclflcs. The piites, wbicb after their de&tinition she wua taken ill and work. At one time waeu several pf tlie Chapped. vllle, were biongbt here Saturday and thu cold, allays couplting aud heal careful investigation were awarded •• gradually gr»w WOITO until death re- aged, faithful members were called quickly. The best cpuub cure foi were as follows: Charles Hewitt will move to Bellevue put in the vault. children. F. & W. 8. Pitts. lieved her At her reqnent b«r rOuiaius uwuy by death, many thought It would iu the Kpriug an 1 from thero will peddle First prizn, $100, W. H Zotttnnu & Large loads of men and boys pass were buried there. Whe hod lived her be Iiupoeaibla toftUstoluthe church any milk to the city. Uallu|>viiie. Co Burlington, Vt through tioro on their way to work on allotted time, three score and ten y< ars. longer: but Mrs. Bleseim; said, "WecauSecond priio, |C0, Cady's Drog Store, Tho annual trustee meeting of tbe the ice nt Coeymans. Mr. and Mrs. I. Kling returned Ur. Dyer npun receiviug tho telegram uot close tbe church; we must have a Plattsburii. N. Y. tbelr home laot Sunday. started immediatly for tho west and oburcb." Several contributions were M. U. church will be held Monday eveThird priie, $35, W. W. White, BlebW h a t d o tho Children D r i n k ? Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sheldon, of arrived at Cedar Falls on Saturday, In sevuioJ to repair the church, including ning, January 8uth. Henry Witherwnx and bis men are Don't give them tea or cuffee. HHVO Berne, visited at J. T. Taylor's last Fri- ford Springs, Vt. time for the funeral. He will return one of fifty dollars from the late Mrs. ESTABLISHED 1880. yon trind the new food drink called Men's extra heavy wool Fourth prise, $33, J. C. Brady, Fall home the first or no«t ne^k, brtugiug Wm. H. Vanderbilt, the day before she doin^ some carpenter work tor W. B. QRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish- day. % River, Has*. Melins at Vuu -\ ie 8 Point. bis Uncle Donnrn with htm. Ing and tukes the place of coftee. Ton B P. Wilber and family spent 8stnr dted, and services are now held every Undertaker, hose, • • Though many of the' unsuccessful The bicycle path which was com-more Oruin-O you give tbe children the day last with bis mother, Mrs. J. T. Sunday afternoon. Mra. Blessing weut competitors regretted that they had not more health yon distribute through South H o m o . to visit her daoghter at Odnr Hill and menced last fall from Bellevue to State their syetuins. Grain-O is made of pare Taylor. been able to obtain one of the prises, yet 215 Hudson Ave., Miss Editb Carl Is spending a few had been there but a few duys whin Rbe Ro-td is eipuct«d to be boilt early tn the grains, and when properly prepared Children's extra double Mrs. Sherman D. Wideman, who hasthey all acknowledge;] that the contest spriug. tastes like tho choke grades of coffee ALBANY. weeks at Albany. was taken mc.k with grip. She was supbeen having fi slight attack of the grip, was a fair one. and have evinced tbelr but costs HUnit J an much. AU grocers kn<-e, heel and toe, is fully recovered. l i t * Mary Myers has dosed her school posed to bo convalescing, when she was The funeral of Qeorge Beaker, who sell it. loo. and 2Qu. gratification that they entered into tbe suddenly attacked with heart failure, died at Ida home lu Rotterdam, was for a short vacation. Tbe R o c H. A. Strati aud wife wero competition as as they did, as we guaranteed fast black aud went to her uou>e.ily home In her guetitsof Mr. Grnnville Plue aud family hear from every side of the increase' in A number of the boys of this place last moments she talked of tbe (Jreut be.d from the Lntberan churoh nt Weal lt«ruo. Otiildcrluid Ceutru, I u»day, Jun 24th •ales not only of thin popular remedy are forking in the toe flails. hose, • • 10c Hay buyers are common as flies in on Saturday last White Throne, and of tho redeemed 'ul). U. F. Hulloubeck uf AJtamout took We are iufoimed that Mr. Gtorge but of other articles in the store to Mr. Joeie Lexgett and Charley Bailey ones washed In tho Blood of tbe Lamb. August, but few sales are made owing cbargo of Ihe arrangements. Norman and wife will occupy tbe house which people were attracted by tbo recently called on Bert Witlsey. to the low prices. Although she has gone, her ii flueoce for Ladies' fl-'ece lined huge, lOo handsome display, no that tbe proprietors It is rumored that a certain clergyThe grip in taking leave of this place go-jd survives, and will livo on through By every diy practice on the ice by where Taylor's now live, the coming man in a nearby city went to a store aud were more than jiaid for the trouble to year. the coining ages. and all hope it may never return. certain fast horses we would tblnk that purchased a keg of ale, leaving bis order Mrs. Zlmmer, an aged lady of this which they bad gone. the coming race would be well contested. Ur. and Mrs. E Crary spout Sunday to have it put tn a flour harrol and A lot of mill remnants, suitplace, woo #11 and hurt her head a with her suiter, Mrs. David Snlllvan. The series of meetings in tbe Reformed Koruiansvtlle. Letter to Frank Lape, Altaheaded up, and delivered at his door. week ago,'is not Improving as fast as able for mending or making Mr. Jay 8crafford, of AlUmont, has This was dona While unloading tbe cboi eh, conducted by Rev. B. B. Rob-ber many friends would wish. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ball, of Uwego, mont, N. Y. •lulled at Mrs. George Sllllck'g latt returned home. same the bead of tho barrel came out, erts, are very interesting and much good Dear Sir: As a painter, perhaps yon Death has again entered onr communsmall garments, at lo tuns follow. week. Ur. freeman Vosburg has a position exposing the ale, but with the help of a ity and removed one of onr dear moth- object to Duvco lead and sine, and paiut Commnniun will be observed in the man who was pissing thekeg was quicklira. Henry Palmer and dangbter with David Set-ley at McK.)wn»viile. per oz. On Saturday morning, after a lend aud oil. Let us bave a few words ly hustled into tbe clergyman's cellar M. E. church iinxt Sunday, preceded by ers, Addle ar« visiting friends at Ue.d*vtlle Mr. Abrani Oliver, of :b» Uaugera brief iUnea, Mrs. Henry Dariug pased on tbe subject. K lovo feast. All are cordially tuvited and Clarknvlll*. ISIias Williams, of Rotterdam, died Farm, lost a valuable hur*e thu pt«t Tou say a good job will last three peacefully away. The deceased leaves Money refunded or goodi exThursday, Jan. 11). '1)0. ngwl 87 years to att-nd without regard to denomina- a husband, throe nons and two daughters .years and yon say a boose ongbt to be Ur. and Mrs. Dewitt Slaaon gave a wee*. tion. His funeral wna held at the M f£. changed. Terv enjoyable party to about forty of painted once in three years. to mourn her loss. Mr. and Mrs. John Denny, of Delmar, Qaarant^ed to ran tbe CheapUr. Henry Daring's family wish to exonr ptrty-going people a abort time ago. are spending a few days at Buena Vista cborch, Monday at 10:3i) a m. of which We take yon to rtam that your work est of any Generator on Ihe be was a member. He is survived by a press their Bjiprteit.tii<u of the kindly is good for three years, no more and no Mra. Vina Vtuoent, widow of the late Terrace. Market R> quires no Atteuwidow and four children by a former services and sympathy which they have less, or not mnoh more and not much , tton. Perl cot Bsfoty. CleanCyrus Vincent, whose funeral occurred Mr. and Mrs. Qeo. T. Crear attended wife, Kov. 8. M. WlMiania, of Mass; received from their friends since the est. No transfer of refnso carlens. at her late residence at this place, Jan. the dedication services at MoKownsvllle, bldn. Mrs. Lewis Brewer, uf richeoectou'yi death of Mrs. Dartug. Do you wnnt yonr work to lant longer ? 14th, '09, was 67 years of age. Sunday. No «IUP1I Iti the h>nige when Mra William VuuDyck and Mrs. M. L. What do yon say to six years You'd filitug. Every particle uf carThe funeral of Mr. Nathan Lonusbnry, Hr. John Crear, of Albany, spant Fisher, of Rotterdam. Interment at The ladies of tbe Reformed church ludo is consumed. Gin tbe have to bave twice as much work, yon Which occurred at the Christian church, Sunday, the gneit of his son at tho Esperauce. propose to give a supper at tbe hall on 01 No. Pearl St., coolest wbtn it goes to tbe know; or you'd be losing money. There are three great remewas largely attended. Mr. Lounabury Hotel Nurauii. burner. th« evening of Washington's" Birthday. blmon totaling, formerly our neighConsider tbecase of yonr doctor. Ton dies that every person with was 71 years of age and leaves a wife, Gall and exuva ino and sea for ALBANY. (jiilto a nnmber from Blbigerlands bor, died at his hom-> in ttehi<nivt«dy, The young folks will futntib something call him in. Is it better for him to get weak lungs, or with consumpyourself "a ll^lit that tellB the three cons and one dangbter, for euteitaintneut suitable to the ocmay be seen evenings, skating on tbe Sitnrday morning. Jan 31, 1800, aged 61. your child oat of bed to-morrow, ar keep tenth " tion itself, should understand. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Wlllsie and ••reek ft this place Mr. Hotaliug uiove.l here IS years ago casion. him nick for a month ? These remedies will cure daughter Lucy, who have been very ill, Mo t people have observed that they You prefer a quick doctor. 8o does Mr. and Mr» Peter Venter and family, from New Scotland, aud three years ago about every case in its first •re much better at ihU writing; also Mr Mr and Mr». George Many, Mr. andho moved to tho city uf Hchenectady. cau talk and write fieely upon a subject everyone else in yonr town, and county, stages; and many of those AUbNT. David Bailey and Mrs Jacob Jualyu. Mrs Ed. Uinckol. Mr a'i«l Mrs C P For t"O pant five years he had been that has absorbed tneir attention, bnt and state. We are all alike; we all want more advanced. It is only ALTAMOKT, H. T. They were attended by Dr. Bradley. Williams and Jndge Hinckel, oi AlUn.), •ID i'o i wliti rht'iituattsm front which he what can we write a boat that "returnonr doctors quick. A doctor, that gftn the most advanced that are were guests of Ur. and Mrs. Fred w»> a niuat suifaier, bavbig no use of ing home from Scbobsrie," recently. In his patlenta up quick, is tbe doctor tb»t hopeless. Even these are How's This ? Hinekle at Olga Villa, Sunday. his dauds or f>ot, Monday, Jan 23rd tun* ctuw it is ne ttsary to ask questions gets the patients—gets rich too, if he wonderfully relieved and life We offer On« Hundred Dollars Resn't run to dettb. Quito a little exi'itomont was occn- Ms fn no! al watt Icld from his rt'»<ncn. IO i-nuafy one's thirst for loforiuntlon. itself greatly prolonged. ward for m y < a-e of Cat.rrh that cuu- sioueil at this plii;e, on .Smidny, by the (I« is i-urvivmi by a widow, two «i»lor« Jurvie, con yon give us that It's about thd same with a painter. What are these remedies ? 60 YEARS' not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. The iuloriii-nt tojk You stopped at GaUnpvlllo—that Isn't it ? Bupiio*e yon object to Devue, skating match botvveen Pi or. Elt<ts Htalil ind nix brothnrs Fresh air, proper food and CXPCRlfNCI F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo. O. und Dr. Thomas Horan, in which the place at Bcheuootady, Mr. Tiuiaaou know—tell us the ie»t. and yonr competitor palnw Devoe; yonr We, the nndersigned, hare known F. former received the deoisuu. Pi of. in charge. nrurk lasts three yeats and bis work six. J. Cheney for the last 10 yearn, aud Editor Smith acted as referee. Miss Bertha L Steluer spent Buuday Yon cost )onr easterners double; h« of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo* costi bait. Who'll get the business; aud believe htm perfectly honorable in all Attending to Business. with ber parents. Delivered at Voorbeflsville or AlMr Orvllle Creble, only son of Jolliia phosphites. Be afraid of business transactions and financially who'll go to Texas. "I snllwml very much from fever and Isaac Waldron has been home for a tatiiont Parties winning to sell Creble, paiwd into life oU-ni'il, Tuesdny draughts but not of fresh air. •bio to carry oat any obligations made Devoe lasts six years—joot exactly—we THAWS MftHKi will call or write, and in writing afternoon, from congestion of tbe bruin, kidney complaint and bent trouble. few days on a visit. _ OOIQNS Eat nutritious food and drink by their "firm. know of its Luting seventeen—and it Pierre state different grades of Herman Baker has recovered from an after an illness of four days, in the 23rd My whole nervous system came near COPVM&HTt ftC. plenty of milk. Do not forget WEBT& TKCAI. Wholesale Druggists, never wears ont in less tban three, so far k d driMk bay yon bave to sell I also bny year of bis age. The deceased was em-giving out. I was unable to attend to attack of la grippo. that Scott's Emulsion is the wi we know. On a windy sandy seaside Toledo, O. WALDINO, KIMHAN & MABgood, bright oat straw, frt* from ployed up to Fnday night by the Con- iiuslnt**. After taking a few bottle* of Mrs. James P. Miller and ton Willie oldest, the most thoroughly TIM. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. house, it last* three years. Lead and oil flood's Safsaptrllla I was able to attend chaff or weeds. solidated Ice Co. at tbe Abbey. Tbe tested and the highest enHall's Catarrh Core is taken internal- funeral was held from his late resi- to my buninen-t as well aa 1 ever could." have gone to Cohoes. lasts oae ye ir there. dorsed of all remedies for Richard Lee, of RsnsMlserviilo, is ly, acting directly npau tbe blood and dence, NomianMVille, Thursday 36th inat. HANSON HARMON. Levant, N. Y. Dtsvoe lasts two or throe tinws as long weak throats, weak lungs and visittug bis brother Joseph. mncona««rfacas of the «ysUm. Testias lead and oil; and it's going to paint O, long expected day. begin 1 consumption in all its stages. monials test frw. Price 70c. par bottle, your town. Do yon want to bo in it ? There will bo a chanoa en Tuesday, H >ud'o Pills euro ull liver Ills. Easy Dawn ou tbeije realms of woo anJ MM; gold by all Druggist*. Tours truly, Fain would we leave this weary ro id, to ufee. easy to oparutu; reliable, sure. tho 81»t, to sea bow good a borw you F, &W. S, PITTS. Druggists all Our tb« Coantry f e n la Competition. For Workingmen A Special Line of Trousers i\U Wool -- $1.50 " AH Wool. C. C. CRAFT & CO. MAIDEB LAKE AMD JAMES STREETS, ALBAHY. HILL DENTAL CO., M I. PetrJ St., M. F. Hellenbeck, Helderberg Ave., Altamont, N. Y 6. LODGE & CO. BRASURE, te«ecee«esa«$ •«• "Criterion" Automatic Acetylene Generators. Advice to B. LODGE & CO., Fred Keen holts, Jr, Hay... of all grades Wanted scon's S Pllli m (jit tat, Ai><lei9«»iBdfit$t9 m i with G«4> Uave, wi tfatrf wiU t» • ttvt Wtt»to, n^^r^^^ . BLOOlH&OiLI, f. IOWBSIIUII • • H