124 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, FEBRUARY 1987 HQI The total effects of the use of reward and coercive power sources on power and dealer satisfaction will be no different from the direct effects. Figure 2 FULL SECOND-ORDER MODEL 1 I 15'it«m Scale Ex perl Scale RelerenI Scale Uj LegHmato Scale 6-Item Scale lO-Hem Scale 5-llem Scale \E3 among these alternative hypotheses is a matter of justification on the basis of theory, because any of the three results in exactly the same model fit.'' The point is that only when both power and satisfaction are included in the same model can an analysis of their relationship be performed. This is also true for the model in Figure 1, which utilizes the three indicants of "qualitative power sources" as individual endogenous constructs. INTERPRETATIONS Other issues involve the methods and data used by Gaski in the interpretation of his results, specifically the use of the LISREL "total effects" estimates for hypothesis testing and the use of potentially low-variance data in suggesting managerial implications. Direct and Total Effects As an "exploratory" null hypothesis, Gaski presents (p. 66): Gaski seems to have recognized (p. 67) that this hypothesis is simply a test of Hy p = 0 in his Figures 5 and 6. That is, if reward and coercion are related to qualitative power sources (H, and H, in Gaski's article), and if qualitative power sources are related to power and satisfaction (P ^ 0), the total effect of reward and coercion on power and satisfaction musl be different from the direct effect. As Gaski's HQ is indistinguishable in practice from H,: p = 0, Gaski's argument that "the absence of prior theoretical development on this issue seems to dictate an exploratory approach" (p. 67) seems to be irrelevant. Further, caution must be exercised in the interpretation of the "total effects" output generated by the LISREL software. These effects are the direct plus indirect effects computed from the unstandardized solution. Even when the correlation matrix is used as input and the variances of the ^'s are fixed to 1.0. the variances of the endogenous constructs {r\s) normally will not be equal to 1.0 in the unstandardized solution. Thus Gaski's direct comparisons between the structural coefficients ofthe standardized solution and LISREL's "total effects" based on the unstandardized solution (p. 74) are not appropriate. There are at least three reasonable approaches to this problem. First, one could confine comparisons to unstandardized coefficients and effects. Second, one could follow standard path-tracing techniques on the standardized coefficients (Duncan 1975). Third, in complex models where path tracing is difficult, the methods provided by Fox (1980, 1985) can be applied to the standardized coefficients matrices. In particular, when one is interested in estimating the direct effects channeled through one or a subset of the endogenous variables in a complex model, the methods provided by Fox (1985) may be useful. It should also be recognized that the standard enors associated with "total effects" can be very large, especially when several variables with "large" standard errors are included in the computation of indirect effects. When nonsignificant variables (whose confidence intervals include zero and possibly estimates of the opposite sign) are included in the multiplicative computation of indirect paths, as is the case in Gaski's analysis, results can be particularly misleading, again suggesting the preferability of simply testing the equivalent hypothesis that Managerial Implications illustrative of the problem of drawing causal inference from a saturated structural submodel. The inclusion of either 3J2, pj^, or i|t,2, though certainly having different causal interpretations, results in exactly the same mode) fit, because any of the three specifications results in estimating a structural model equivalent to a measurement model with all 10 among-construct covariances estimated. This further illustTiites that any lack of fit in the model in Figure 2 must be due to the measurement of TI,. given the saturated structural model and fixed measurement for the other constructs. Referring to his Table 2, Gaski suggests that, "Managerial recommendations are . . . to capitalize on the realization that some punishments might be used without fear of undesirable consequences. For example, 'refuse to seir is the one action in this study without a significant relationship with any of the qualitative power sources" (p. 75). COVARIANCE STRUCTURE MODELING A N D MEASUREMENT ISSUES It is difficult to understand why a relatively extreme supplier action such as refusing to sell to a dealer would fail to affect dealer perceptions of referent and expert power sources when other (less extreme) forms of punishment relate negatively. Recall that punishments were measured as "Please indicate how often Clark Equipment takes each of the following kinds of action in their dealings with your organization" with four response categories ranging from "never" to "often" (p. 67). Before one would be willing to refuse to sell to a dealer "without fear" of a negative impact on qualitative power sources, one would need to know the likelihood that a sample of current Clark Equipment dealers would include several dealers to whom Clark Equipment "often" refuses to sell; that is, the variance in the variable. If recurrent use of the "refuse to sell" punishment results in a termination of the supplier-dealer relationship, the empirical results reported by Gaski would follow, but with exactly the opposite managerial implications. The same general problem could account for other weak relationships involving elements of the "coercion" construct. 125 lated more strongly to expert and referent sources than to the legitimate power source, and that reward and coercion are related to power and satisfaction only indirectly. The results in Table 3 corresponding to the model in Figure 2, which incorporates the second-order representation of power sources, suggest similar conclusions about the explanatory power of the model with respect to power and satisfaction, and their relationship. These revised estimates are provided for comparison with Gaski's estimates. Deriving meaningful managerial conclusions from these (and Gaski's) "causal" models is as difficult as attempting to draw conclusions from an examination of the (disattenuated) among-construct covariance or correlation matrix. It is only through the a priori imposition of overidentifying restrictions that the goodness of fit of the models can be examined or causal interpretations made. Because (1) the model in Figure I is a "saturated submodel," (2) any lack of fit in the model in Figure 2 is due only to the measurement model for TII, and (3) any Table 3 REANALYSIS In view of these problems with the measurement and structural models presented by Gaski, two models were reformulated and estimated with Gaski's correlation matrix as input. The model estimated in Figure 1 uses the three sources of power individually whereas the model in Figure 2 uses them as indicants of a second-order "qualitative power source" construct. Both models include power and satisfaction simultaneously as endogenous constructs. An examination of the results in Table 2 suggests that (1) power is related directly only to the legitimate power source, (2) satisfaction is related directly only to the referent power source, (3) the observed correlations among the expert, referent, and legitimate power source constructs are not fully accounted for by reward and coercion (as evidenced by the 4*,;), and (4) in the context of the model, power and satisfaction appear to be unrelated/ These fmdings suggest that there is value in examining the three power sources as first-order constructs and that information can be gained by including power and satisfaction in the same model. For example, the preceding conclusions cannot be examined under Gaski's model formulations. In agreement with Gaski. these results further suggest that reward and coercion are re- PARAMETER ESTIMATES, FULL SECOND-ORDER MODEL Standardized USREL estimates .912 .787 .821 .848 .522 .930 .874 .308 .771 .070 .489 -.488 .102 ,017 -.037 ,024 -.231 ,431 ,864 ,420 .168 .381 .325 ,281 ,727 ,135 .236 Parameter X, X2 X3 x/ X, x/ ^21 pll &n 7ij 721 731 732 4i ?3 5," e, «3 €4" "The distributional properties of the x' statistic and the standard error estimates produced by the LISREL program are based on the asymptotic variances and covariances of the sample variance-covariance matrix, not the sample correlation matrix. Thus, tests on individual parameters are conducted here by fixing one structural parameter to zero, reestimating the model, and examining the difference in X^ with one degree of freedom. In an importani article, Steiger, Shapiro, and Browne (1985) show that sequential chi square difference statistics are asymptotically uncorrelated. €,' X = 13.70 p = .090 d.f. = 8 R'it],) = .587 x' P< - 4.44" 28,07 \- .02 .00 .23 .00 ,00 .21 .89 ,70 ,80 .96 44,60 38.40 .92 .02 .15 .05 , ' F i .] • ' 1- RH-(]2) = .136 R^T],) = .580 GFI = .984 AGFI = .943 RMSR = .027 'Fixed parameter in unstandardized solution. V difference statistic with 1 d.f. for model with this parameter fixed. JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, FEBRUARY 1987 126 overidentifying restrictions that might be added would, of course, be post hoc, causal inferences from both Gaski's models and these reformulations must be avoided. CONCLUSIONS Gaski's basic conclusions about the interrelations among power sources are not changed substantially by this reanalysis. However, the parameter estimates themselves are important and correct estimates should be reported. The basic message of this note is that measurement assessment and covariance structure modeling should be performed on the individual indicants constituting one's measures whenever possible and applicable. Coefficient alpha is inadequate in assessing the unidimensionality and discriminant validity of measurement scales. Further, it is suggested that the use of LISREL with single indicants of all constructs and fully recursive models is unnecessary; in the absence of multiple indicators and overidentified models, the LiSREL method is simply a cumbersome alternative to more straightforward procedures. When all possible structural relationships are estimated, any lack of fit must be due to the measurement model; when multiple indicators are not available, no measurement model can be estimated and thus the advantages of the covariance structure modeling approach are lost. Perhaps this note will underscore the piitential complexity in the specification, estimation, and interpretation of covariance structure models. Many informed judgments are catted for in the process, each of which requires justification based on the specific goals of the research, the nature of the data, the context of the analysis, and the assumptions underlying the available techniques. REFERENCES Anderson, James C. (1985), "A Measurement Model to Assess Measure-Specific Factors in Multiple-Informant Research," Journal of Marketing Research. 22 (February), 8 6 92. and David W. Gerbing (1982>, "Some Methods for Respecifying Measurement Models to Obtain Unidimensional Construct Measurement," Journal of Marketing Research, 19 (November), 453-60. Bagozzi, Richard P. (1980). Causal Models in Marketing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bentler, P. 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