Multiphase Voltage-Mode Hysteretic Controlled VRM With DSP Control and Novel Current Sharing J. A. Abu-Qahouq, N. Pongratananukul, I. Batarseh, and T. Kasparis School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida 32816, USA ABSTRACT - Applying the voltage-mode hysteretic control to multiphase Voltage Regulator Modules (VRMs) can satisfy many of the new and future generation of microprocessors and ICs powering requirements. This is because of the numerous advantages that can be obtained when both techniques are used. However, several challenges arise that include current sharing, multiphase control signals distribution, high-speed comparators noise sensitivity, hysteretic band accuracy and stability, VRM operation startup, and the stability of the controller operation at large load transients. Addressing these challenges cannot be easily achieved using analog and discrete components but rather DSP can be used to solve these problems. In this paper, multiphase voltage-mode hysteretic controlled VRM with DSP control and novel current sharing is proposed. I. INTRODUCTION The increasing demand for lowering the new generation microprocessors operating voltages to achieve high performance and high power density has never been greater [1-8]. As a result, the steady state and dynamic requirements are becoming stricter, which makes the power supply design process a non-easy task. It is expected that the required operating voltages in the next few years will decrease below 1V while increasing the current drawn from the power supply in order to reduce the power consumption while increasing the microprocessor speed and its integration density [5-9]. Moreover, the slew rate at the Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) output will be much higher than 50A/µs in the future when the microprocessor switches from one state to the other. This causes voltage spikes at the processor power supply. These transient spikes must be limited to a certain maximum value such as 2%~3% or even lower. As the processor supply voltage becomes lower, the allowed voltage deviation during the load transient becomes tighter [1-8]. Distributed Power System (DPS) can be used to satisfy overall system requirements by using on-board VRM located near the processor. Most of today’s non-isolated Low-Voltage Regulator Modules (LVRMs) are buck derived such as the conventional buck, the synchronous buck and the Quasi-Square-Wave (QSW) buck [1,3,5,9]. While the isolated LVRMs are such as symmetrical and asymmetrical half-bridge, active clamped forward, flyback forward and push-pull [6,9]. The secondary 0-7803-7404-5/02/$17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE 663 side of the isolated topology can have different schemes such as forward, center-tapped, or current-doubler as discussed in [6]. To achieve high current slew rate at load transients, assuming that the closed loop has sufficient bandwidth, the LVRM output inductor ( Lo ) should be as small as possible. Unfortunately, using small output inductor to achieve faster transient response will cause the output voltage ripple to increase and pushes the LVRM operation towards discontinuous mode of operation. In order to reduce output voltage ripple, it is required that the switching frequency be increased. However, the higher the switching frequency, the lower the efficiency, making the selection of the switching devices very important step in the converter design process. It is also possible to reduce the output voltage ripple by increasing the output capacitor, resulting in a physically large size for practical design. In practical designs, typically the crossover frequency is designed in the range of 20%-30% of the switching frequency. Hence, the higher the switching frequency, the faster the closed loop response, resulting in smaller output capacitor and smaller critical output inductor value required to operate in the Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM). Another requirement in the design of LVRM is to have high input current slew rate that in turns requires large input capacitor ( C in ). In order to decrease C in , the input voltage, Vin , must be increased. This means DPS with high-voltage bus is needed. This makes the isolated LVRMs more attractive than the non-isolated ones because it includes a transformer that can be used to step-down the input voltage as mentioned before. Applying the voltage-mode hysteretic control to multiphase VRMs can satisfy many of the new and future generation of microprocessors and ICs powering requirements due to the numerous advantages that can be obtained when both techniques are used. However, there are several challenges arise. These include current sharing between the phases, multiphase control signals distribution, high-speed comparators noise sensitivity, hysteretic band accuracy and stability, the VRM operation startup, and the stability of the controller operation at large load transients. Addressing these challenges cannot be easily achieved using analog and discrete components. DSP control can be used to solve these problems. In this paper, a DSP control algorithm using a programmable real time DSP chip is applied to a multiphase voltage-mode hysteretic controlled buck converters VRM with current sharing. In the next section, the idea of interleaving with voltage-mode hysteretic control is discussed. Section III states some of the challenges in implementing this idea and possible DSP solution. The block diagram of the VRM with DSP control and the DSP algorithm are given in Section IV. Simulation results are presented in Section V and experimental work is discussed in Section VI. The conclusion is given in Section VII. II. INTERLEAVING WITH VOLTAGE-MODE HYSTERETIC CONTROL Both the interleaving and the single-phase voltage-mode hysteretic control techniques can reduce the output voltage ripple. However, the overshoot and undershoot requirements during large magnitude transients still have to be investigated. It is known that to obtain low output overshoot, the multiphase LVRMs require the design of highperformance feedback control that can also provide current sharing [9-11]. Hence, even though the interleaving technique reduce the output voltage ripple and helps in achieving faster current transient response, a careful control design and/or increase in the output capacitance size will be needed in order to satisfy the maximum overshoot and undershoot limits during large load transients. In the single-phase hysteretic voltage-mode control technique, the hysteretic window can be set to a certain level such that the controller will respond quickly to load transients and correct the voltage before deviating from the maximum allowed overshoot and undershoot. Even though the output capacitor size still plays an important role here, its size is significantly reduced because of the hysteretic window. On one hand, voltage-mode hysteretic control has many advantages over many other control techniques that include simplicity, no feedback loop compensation is needed, near instantaneous response to load transients, and no limitations on the switches conduction time. On the other hand, the interleave technique has several advantages such as the high frequency output voltage ripple with lower switching frequency, ripple cancellation, current division (sharing) between the phases which allows higher current carrying capability, and also fast transient response which is limited by the feedback control loop. From this, it is clear that by combining the voltage-mode hysteretic control technique with the interleave technique will result in a VRM that has the advantages of both techniques. When applying the hysteretic voltage-mode control to interleaved buck converters, one must note that: 1) The derived control signal from the output ripple (hysteretic control) must be frequency divided while keeping the same control-signal ON-time (interleaving) and 2) During transients, multiphase control operation must be disabled so that all the phases' switches will switch ON and OFF at the same time. The first note is to keep the switching frequency low (lower than the output voltage ripple frequency) so that the interleaving can be achieved. The second note is to achieve faster transient response and synchronization between the phases during transients. Figure (1) shows the basic block diagram of N interleaved synchronous buck phases with voltage-mode hysteretic control, while Figure (2) shows the example of control signals for two interleaved phases (N=2) for illustration purposes. The main control signal ( Cm ) is generated by comparing the input voltage to a minimum value ( VL ) and a maximum value ( VH ). Then, the generated pulses are distributed between the phases interchangeably so that one phase highside switch is ON at a time whereas all the other switches are OFF at that time. This will generate the required multiphase control-signals C1 , C2 , …., C N . At transients, another hysteretic comparator with wider window that has smaller lower value and higher upper value, i.e. VLT < VL and VHT > VH is required. If these new limits are reached, then the controller turns ON all the high-side MOSFETS and turns OFF all the low-side MOSFETS in lowto-high load transient and to opposite manner in high-to-low load transient. Figure (3) shows how the multiphase control signals can be generated from the main control signal using discrete components for two and four phases along with their corresponding waveforms. III. IMPLEMENTATION CHALLENGES AND THE DSP SOLUTION There are several challenges to efficiently implement the multiphase voltage-mode hysteretic-controlled VRM with analog and discrete components. These challenges along with the DSP solution are as follows: A. Current Sharing Between the Interleaved Phases: It is very important that the current be distributed almost equally between the interleaved phases. Unfortunately, component and connections differences from phase-to-phase to the load and other non-idealities may cause the current distribution (sharing) to be unequal especially at large load transients [10,11]. Current sharing between the interleaved converters can be achieved by controlling the ON-time of each converter phase such that the ON-time of the phase that carry larger current from the other phases is less than the ON-time of the other phases and the phase that carries the smallest current has the largest ON-time. Unfortunately, in the voltage-mode 664 0-7803-7405-3/02/$17.00 (C) 2002 IEEE Figure (1): Block Diagram of N Interleaved Buck Converters with Voltage-Mode Hysteretic Control Figure (3): Multiphase Logic Circuits to Generate Multiphase Control Signals Another more efficient way, which will be implemented here, is to compare the current values in each phase and turn ON the phase that carry the smallest current. This technique results in more accurate current sharing between the phases than the first technique. Moreover, sensing the load current and generating the current reference for each phase depending on the load changes is not required here for the current sharing purposes (It may be required for other functions such as protection) since the current value of the phases are compared directly with each other not to a reference value that need to be generated dynamically following the load changes as in the first technique. This results in better and more stable current sharing. This current sharing functionality can be more easily implemented using programmable fast DSP than using discrete components even with large number of phases. As an example, if four phases are to be interleaved, Phase 1 current will be compared to Phase 2 current and Phase 3 current will be compared with Phase 4 current and the smallest of both comparisons will be compared again to find the phase that Figure (2): Example of Control Signals for Two Interleaved Phases (N=2) hysteretic control the ON-time mainly depends on the previously set hysteresis window. Hence, another technique of current sharing must be employed. One way is to check the current of the phase that has the turn to be turned ON and pass the ON-signal to the next phase if the current in that phase is larger than a reference value. 665 0-7803-7405-3/02/$17.00 (C) 2002 IEEE positioning, and voltage identification coding that require voltage reference and band changing can be easily implemented using DSP by simply changing the numerical value of the reference and the band limits. In summary, the DSP has several advantages, among them: simplicity in applying sophisticated control algorithms and modifying them via software revision, lower environmental and noise sensitivity, and less component count. carries the smallest current and turn it ON when the output voltage hits (reaches) the low hysteretic window limit. B. Multiphase Control Signals Distribution: As the number of interleaved phases increases, the design and logic of the phases control signals distribution part becomes more complicated and unstable, and the delay time increases, especially when a current sharing technique is implemented. However, using a fast programmable DSP, the pulse distribution between the phases will be easier since the control pulse can be programmed to pass to the correct phase at the correct time by sending it to the digital output port of the DSP. Hence, the design complication will not be affected by increasing the interleaved phases. IV. DSP CONTROLLED VRM BLOCK DIAGRAM AND DSP PROGRAMMING ALGORITHM Figure (4) shows the block diagram of four-phase interleaved VRM with voltage-mode hysteretic control and current sharing using a fast DSP processor. The VRM output voltage and the current in each phase are being sensed to generate the required interleaved control signals through a programmed real-time fast DSP. C. High-Speed Comparators Noise Sensitivity and Band Accuracy: One of the complications that may face the designer is the high-speed hysteretic comparators noise sensitivity and hysteresis band accuracy, especially at large load transients. It is very important that the hysteretic comparators respond very fast and at the required time. Moreover, the high noise sensitivity of the high-speed comparators may cause the comparators to give wrong output signals if not well designed and to cause the controller operation to be unstable especially that the whole controller operation of the voltage-mode hysteretic control depends on the comparison process. Using programmable real-time fast DSP, the VRM output voltage can be converted to digital by ADC (Analog-toDigital-Converter) with high speed and high resolution and then compared to reference values previously set in the DSP program. This will eliminate the use of analog comparators and make the controller immune to noise and more stable, especially at transients. Moreover, accurate and stable hysteresis band can be achieved since the comparison is being done numerically. D. VRM Operation Startup and Other Functions: Many other functions may need to be added to the VRM controller, such as operation startup, active voltage positioning, and voltage identification coding [14-16]. These functions can be easily implemented by DSP without increasing the design complication. As an example, the VRM operation startup can be implemented by turning ON and OFF the switches with a certain constant frequency, all the phases at the same time, starting with a small duty ratio. The program automatically will keep checking the output voltage and increase the duty ratio of the signal until the output voltage enters the hysteresis band. When the output voltage enters the hysteresis band, the program will switch to the normal multiphase voltage-mode hysteretic operation. The active voltage Figure (4): Block Diagram of Four-phases Voltage-Mode HystereticControlled Interleaved Converters with DSP Control Figure (5) shows s simplified controller flowchart. The program operation starts with a soft start operation after reading the required output voltage from the Voltage Identification Coding (VID) [16]. During this period, all 666 0-7803-7405-3/02/$17.00 (C) 2002 IEEE phases receive the same control signal without multiphase operation with a preset frequency f and duty ratio D. At the beginning, D is set to be small and it is slowly increased until the output voltage reaches a voltage equal to a percentage of the required output voltage. When this condition is met, the controller enters the multiphase voltage-mode hysteretic control algorithm described in the previous sections and as shown in Figure (5). V. SIMULATION RESULTS Figure (6) shows simulation results for four-phase VRM with the following design parameters: Vin = 12V , Vo = 1.5V , I o = 80 A at full load steps to 40A at transient, L phase1 = L phase 2 = L phase 3 = L phase 4 = 1µH , and Co = 1.5mF , with steady-state hysteretic band of ±10mV and transient hysteretic band of ±20mV. S ta rt R ead R eq u ired O u tp u t V o lta g e (V ID C o d in g ) to In itiate S o ft S tart O p eratio n S et V start = x% o f T h e R eq u ire d O u tp u t V o lta g e S tart T u rn in g O N an d O F F A ll T h e P h ase s T o g e th er W ith N o M u ltip h ase O p eratio n w ith F req u en cy = f a n d V ery S m all D u ty Ratio = D Read Vo D =D+ ∆ D No V o > V sta rt ? Figure (6): Four-Phase VRM Simulation Results Y es VI. EXPERIMENTAL WORK In addition to the importance of careful design of the multiphase power stage, the selection of the real-time DSP processor chip and the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is very important. Some of the most important parameters in the selection of the DSP and ADC are their speed and noise sensitivity and the ADC resolution. The laboratory availability was for the TI DSP Chip and Evaluation Module of TMS320LF2407 [12] which has 33ns Instruction Cycle Time (30 MHz) which is relatively slow for this application (Refer to [12] for more information on TMS320LF2407). This chip is geared toward control applications. However, it lacks the processing speed (30MHz). In addition, increase in processing power is necessary for advance control methods in the future. Hence, even though this DSP chip is used here for initial experimental verification, the experimental work has to be and will be implemented in a faster DSP chip to achieve faster response, lower output voltage ripple, better current sharing accuracy, higher switching frequency, and better stability. A good candidate is the C64x DSP family has a speed range of 400-600MHz [13], i.e., instruction cycles in the range of 2.5ns to 1.67ns, will be used in the near future to repeat the experimental work. Moreover, future DSP chips speed will break the 1GHz speed limit [17]. R ead R eq u ired O u tp u t V o lta g e (V ID C o d in g ) S et T h e H ysteresis L im its V L T , V L , V H =V H T Read Vo T u rn O N all h ig h -sid e sw itch es an d O F F all lo w sid e sw itch e s V o< V L T V o=? V o> V H T u rn O F F all h ig h -sid e sw itch es an d O N a ll lo w sid e sw itch e s V o< V L R ead P h ases C u rre n ts I1 , I2, I3, ...In W h ic h P h as e H as T h e M in im u m C u rre n t ? = Im in S to re Im in P h as e C o n tro l S ig n al Ad d re ss = P _tu rn _o n T u rn O N th e h ig h -sid e sw itch o f P _tu rn _o n an d tu rn O F F a ll th e o th e r sw itch es Figure (5): DSP Program Flowchart 667 0-7803-7405-3/02/$17.00 (C) 2002 IEEE The ADC used here is the TI 12-bit 53MHz ADS807 [18] with OPA642 Op-Amp in its signal conditioning circuitry. The VRM power stage includes paralleled buck converters with the following main components: • • • MOSFETs: SI4410DY. Output Capacitors: 3 SANYO OSCON of 820uF, 4V. Output Inductors: 28 A, 1uH, T68-8/90 Core, 7-turns, 16AWG Wire. • MOSFET Drivers: TPS2836. • OP-AMP for current sense signal of the MOSFETS junctions amplification: OPA642. • Vin=5-12V input voltage source. Figure (7), (8), and (9) show the experimental results for two-phase VRM, three-phase VRM, and four-phase VRM, respectively. All with the slow 30MHz TMS320F2407 DSP board which limits the switching frequency and the minimum output voltage ripple. VII. CONCLUSION Multiphase VRM with voltage-mode hysteretic control interleaved buck converters is proposed. On one hand, voltage-mode hysteretic control has many advantages over other control techniques, which include circuit simplicity, no feedback loop compensation is needed, near instantaneous response to load transients, and no limitations on the switches conduction time. On the other hand, the interleave technique has several advantages such as high frequency output voltage ripple with lower switching frequency, ripple cancellation, current division between the phases, and also fast transient response which is limited by the feedback control loop. 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