12 Basis and dimension of subspaces

Basis and dimension of subspaces
The concept of basis
Example: Consider the set
    
 1
 2
−1 
Then span(S) = R2 . (Exercise). In fact, any two of the elements of S span R2 . (Exercise).
So we can throw out any one of them, for example, the second one, obtaining the set
  
 1
 .
Sb =   , 
 2
−1 
And this smaller set Sb also spans R2 . (There are two other possibilities for subsets of S that
also span R2 .) But we can’t discard an element of Sb and still span R2 with the remaining
one vector.
b leaving us with the set
(Why not? Suppose we discard the second vector of S,
 
 1 
S̃ =   .
 2 
Now span(S̃) consists of all scalar multiples of this single vector (a line through 0). But
anything not on this line, for instance the vector
 
v= 
is not in the span. So S̃ does not span R2 .)
What’s going on here is simple: in the first instance, the three vectors in S are linearly
dependent, and any one of them can be expressed as a linear combination of the remaining
b we have a linearly independent set, and
two. Once we’ve discarded one of these to obtain S,
if we throw away one of these, the span changes.1
We use the word “span” in two ways: if V = spanS, then we say that S spans the subspace V .
This gives us a way, starting with a more general set S, to discard “redundant” vectors one
by one until we’re left with a set of linearly independent vectors which still spans the original
set: If S = {e1 , . . . , em } spans the subspace V but is linearly dependent, we can express one
of the elements in S as a linear combination of the others. By relabeling if necessary, we
suppose that em can be written as a linear combination of the others. Then
span(S) = span(e1 , . . . , em−1 ). Why?
If the remaining m − 1 vectors are still linearly dependent, we can repeat the process, writing
one of them as a linear combination of the remaining m − 2, relabeling, and then
span(S) = span(e1 , . . . , em−2 ).
We can continue this until we arrive finally at a “minimal” spanning set, say {e1 , . . . , ek }
which is linearly independent. Such a set will be called a basis for V :
Definition: The set B = {e1 , . . . , ek } is a basis for the subspace V if
• span(B) = V .
• The set B is linearly independent.
Remark: In definitions like that given above, we really should put ”iff” (if and only if) instead
of just ”if”, and that’s the way you should read it. More precisely, if B is a basis, then B
spans V and is linearly independent. Conversely, if B spans V and is linearly independent,
then B is a basis.
• In R3 , the set
   
   
   
B =  0 ,  1 ,
   
 0
0 
 
 
 0  = {e1 , e2 , e3 }
 
1 
is a basis..
Why? (a) Any vector
 
 
v= b 
 
in R3 can be written as v = ae1 + be2 + ce3 , so B spans R3 . And (b): if c1 e1 + c2 e2 +
c3 e3 = 0, then
  
  
 c2  =  0  ,
  
which means that c1 = c2 = c3 = 0, so the set is linearly independent.
Definition: The set {e1 , e2 , e3 } is called the standard basis for R3 .
• The set
   
−1 
 −2
1 
is linearly dependent. Any two elements of S are linearly dependent and form a basis
for R2 . Verify this!
1. Any 4 vectors in R3 are linearly dependent and therefore do not form a basis. You
should be able to supply the argument, which amounts to showing that a certain
homogeneous system of equations has a nontrivial solution.
2. No 2 vectors can span R3 . Why not?
3. The vector 0 is never part of a basis.
4. If a set B is a basis for R3 , then it contains exactly 3 elements. This has mostly been
done in the first two parts, but put it all together.
5. (**) Prove that any basis for Rn has precisely n elements.
Example: Find a basis for the null space of the matrix
1 0 0 3
A =  0 1 0 1 −1
0 0 1 2
Solution: Since A is already in Gauss-Jordan form, we can just write down the general
solution to the homogeneous equation. These vectors are precisely the elements of the null
space of A. We have, setting x4 = s, and x5 = t,
x1 = −3s − 2t
−s + t
x2 =
x3 = −2s − 3t ,
x4 =
x5 =
so the general solution to Ax = 0 is given by Null(A) = {sv1 + tv2 s, t ∈ R}, where
 1 
 −1 
v1 =  −2  , and v2 =  −3  .
 0 
 1 
It is obvious
by inspection of the last two entries in each that the set B = {v1 , v2 } is
linearly independent. Furthermore, by construction, the set B spans the null space. So B is
a basis.
As we’ve seen above, any basis for Rn has precisely n elements. Although we’re not going to
prove it here, the same property holds for any subspace of Rn : the number of elements
in any basis for the subspace is the same. Given this, we make the following
When we say it’s “obvious” or that something is “clear”, we mean that it can easily be proven; if you
can do the proof in your head, fine. Otherwise, write it out.
Definition: Let V 6= {0} be a subspace of Rn for some n. The dimension of V , written
dim(V ), is the number of elements in any basis of V .
• dim(Rn ) = n. Why?
• For the matrix A above, the dimension of the null space of A is 2.
• The subspace V = {0} is a bit peculiar: it doesn’t have a basis according to our
definition, since any subset of V is linearly independent. We extend the definition of
dimension to this case by defining dim(V ) = 0.
1. Show that the dimension of the null space of any matrix R in reduced echelon form is
equal to the number of free variables in the echelon form.
2. Show that the dimension of the set
{(x, y, z) such that 2x − 3y + z = 0}
is two.