JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 85, NUMBER 8 15 APRIL 1999 GMR: Fundamentals I W. H. Butler, Chairman Effect of biquadratic exchange coupling on magnetoresistance and magnetization process in magnetic bilayer systems C. C. Kuo, M.-T. Lin,a) and H. L. Huang Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan An improved model is proposed to deal with the magnetic bilayer systems taking into account the contribution of the anisotropy energy and biquadratic exchange coupling to elaborate on the evolution of the magnetoresistance ~MR! ratio and magnetization process. The results indicate that the characteristic behavior of the MR ratio depends distinctly on both the biquadratic coupling constant and the layer thickness. The profile of the MR ratio was found to vary from an inverted bell shape to a concave pyramid with increasing biquadratic coupling strength, and decays sharply with the layer thickness. This model calculation helps us to provide a venue for further understanding the MR or giant magnetoresistance behavior of the magnetic multilayer system. © 1999 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-8979~99!48108-3# angles between the neighboring magnetic moments of the sublayers. When the magnetic field increases, these magnetic moments tilt further, depending on the field strength, and become saturated under a strong field, as depicted in Fig. 1. Here, the field is assumed to be applied parallel to the plane of magnetic layer along the easy axis. As shown in Fig. 1, each magnetic layer A and B is subdivided, respectively, into N 1 and N 2 sublayers which are numbered from the edge to the interface of the layer. c and f are defined as the angles between the field direction and the magnetic moments at the edge of the magnetic layers, while c i and f j correspond to the angle between the ith and i11th moments in layer A and the one between the jth and j11th moments in layer B, respectively. Schematically, the configuration of the magnetic moments in layers A and B in Fig. 1 can be projected onto a plane parallel to the interface, as shown in Fig. 2. The total energy E total of the system can be approximated as the sum of the exchange energy E ex , the Zeeman energy E z , the uniaxial anisotropy energy E k , and the biquadratic coupling energy E bi . They are expressed as In recent years, the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance ~GMR! and exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers has been of utmost interest for many physicists and engineers concerned and has been extensively investigated. In addition to bilinear exchange coupling, the biquadratic coupling ~i.e., the second-order Heisenberg exchange coupling! has been found to exist in many magnetic multilayer system.1 The biquadratic exchange coupling has also been linked with the spatial fluctuations in the interlayer thickness,2,3 suggesting that this particular coupling may be present whenever the interface is not so smooth. In order to describe the magnetic and GMR properties of the multilayer systems in a tractable manner a simple analytical model calculation taking both the Heisenberg exchange and biquadratic exchange coupling into consideration has been reported.4 For a bilayer system, there is also a model calculation which subdivides each magnetic layer into several sublayers for calculating the magnetization processes of the system.5–7 However, neither the anisotropy energy nor the biquadratic coupling has been properly taken into consideration in the latter. Our objective in this paper is therefore to address this problem by incorporating these two terms into this model calculation to examine its consequential effect and significance on the magnetization processes and the MR ratio of the bilayer system. Let us consider a composite system of two ferromagnetic layers A and B which couple antiferromagnetically at the interface. Accordingly, in the absence of the magnetic field or in a weak field, the magnetic moments in layers A and B are expected to be either parallel or antiparallel to the field direction. By introducing the anisotropy energy to the magnetic layers and biquadratic coupling at the interface between the two layers one expects a continuous variation of the N 1 21 E ex52A1 M 21 S F F E z 52HM 1 cos c 1 2HM 2 cos f 1 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: 4430 ( j51 N 1 21 1AM 1 M 2 cos c 1 a! 0021-8979/99/85(8)/4430/3/$15.00 ( i51 N 2 21 cos c i 2A2 M 22 N 1 21 ( n51 N 2 21 ( n51 ( S S D N 2 21 c i1 f 1 i51 cos f j cos c 1 n ( j51 ( ci i51 cos f 1 n ( j51 DG DG fj fj , ~1! , ~2! © 1999 American Institute of Physics J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 8, 15 April 1999 Kuo, Lin, and Huang 4431 FIG. 1. Configuration of the bilayer system under various strength of the magnetic field. F N 1 21 E k 5K 1 sin c 1 2 F ( sin n51 2 S c1 ( ci N 2 21 1K 2 sin2 f 1 ( n i51 S n sin2 f 1 n51 DG ( j51 fj DG and the biquadratic coupling energy S N 1 21 E bi5BM 21 M 22 cos2 c 1 ( i51 N 2 21 c i1 f 1 ( j51 ~3! , D fj , ~4! where M 1 and M 2 are the moments of the sublayers in A and B, A1 and A2 are the intra-molecular ~exchange! field coefficients in the ferromagnetic layers, A is the antiferromagnetic intermolecular exchange field coefficient at the interface between layers A and B, and H is the applied field. K 1 and K 2 are the uniaxial anisotropy constants in layers A and B, respectively. B is the biquadratic field constant between the layers across the interface between layers A and B. By introducing the dimensionless constants8 the total energy « is expressed in terms of c, c i , f, and f j . After some algebraic manipulations, we obtain a recursion relation for c 1 and c n as follows: c 1 5arcsin S F D h k1 sin c 1 sin 2 c , a1 a1 S DG ~5! n21 h c n 5arcsin sin c n21 1 sin c 1 ci a1 i51 S n21 k1 1 sin 2 c 1 ci a1 i51 ( ( . D FIG. 3. MR ratio ~a! and corresponding magnetization profile ~b! of the bilayer system as a function of the magnetic field with different biquadratic coupling strength b between the two layers for N 1 5N 2 53. The inset in ~a! is that of the MR ratio for b50. From Eqs. ~5! and ~6!, all the angles c n and f n can be uniquely expressed in terms of the angles c and f. Thus, all the undetermined variables are reducible to the two angles c and f which can be determined by seeking the extremum conditions of «(5E total /AM 2 ) for c and f. It is of particular interest to examine the characteristic behavior of the bilayer system such as the magnetoresistance ~MR! ratio and magnetization process under the magnetic field. The MR ratio and magnetization process can be expressed as MRratio5 ~6! By the same procedure, the corresponding relations for f 1 and f n can be obtained easily by simply replacing c i , a 1 , k 1 by f i , a 2 m, k 2 /m, respectively. F 21 Dr1 r t,0 N 1 21 i51 S and F N 1 21 F ( n51 1M 2 cos f 1 ( j51 N 1 21 1D r 12 cos c 1 M 5M 1 cos c 1 FIG. 2. Projection of the magnetic moments shown in Fig. 1 on the plane parallel to the interface of the magnetic layers. ( N 2 21 cos c i 1D r 2 ( i51 S N 2 21 ( n51 N 2 21 c i1 f 1 n cos c 1 S cos f j ( ci i51 cos f 1 DG n ( j51 fj ( j51 DG , fj DG , ~7! ~8! where r t,0[(N 1 21) r 1,01(N 2 21) r 2,01 r 12,0 , r i( j)0 and D r i( j) are the resistivity of the sublayer ~interface! at zero field and change of the resistivity of the sublayer ~interface!, respectively. Upon substituting the calculated values of c, c i , f, and f j , it is thus possible to numerically evaluate the MR ratio and magnetization process in a straightforward manner. For easy manipulation, all the pertinent physical 4432 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 8, 15 April 1999 FIG. 4. MR ratio ~a! and corresponding magnetization ~b! of the bilayer system as a function of the magnetic field with different number of sublayers for b50.3. The inset in ~a! is the comparison between the MR ratio ~solid line! and the 2(M 2M 0 ) 2 profile ~dotted line! for N 1 5N 2 53. quantities such as the exchange constants and the anisotropy constants, etc., are expressed in terms of the dimensionless constants a 1 , a 2 , k 1 , k 2 , m and b, as given in Ref. 8. Figure 3 shows the tendency of MR ratios and corresponding magnetization processes for different biquadratic coupling strength b when the number of sublayer N 1 5N 2 53. Typically, the MR ratios are shown to decrease with the increase in the magnetic field h as expected. One particular noteworthy feature of these figures is that in the absence of the biquadratic coupling constant b, the MR profile exhibits a convex curvature, having an inverted bell shape. Then, with an increasing biquadratic coupling strength b, the curvature of the MR profile turns from convexness to concaveness, i.e., the inverted bell shape turns into a concave pyramid. Clearly, the presence of an inverted bell shape of the MR ratio profiles is contingent upon the absence of the biquadratic coupling. Our result is consistent with the previous data9,10 indicating the existence of the biquadratic coupling in some of Kuo, Lin, and Huang the bilayer systems. Note that the magnetization processes seem to be insensitive to changes in the biquadratic coupling strength, as shown in Fig. 3~b!. Figure 4 shows the trend of the behaviors of the MR ratios and magnetization processes by altering the number of sublayers from one to three for the case of biquadratic coupling constant b50.3. The MR ratio profiles exhibit a pyramid-like shape rather than an inverted bell shape before becoming saturated. Furthermore one sees from the figures that the larger the number of sublayers the more sharply the MR ratio profile declines with the applied field. Also, the magnetization increases steeply with the magnetic field when both the biquadratic constant b and sublayer number N become larger. In fact, the (M 2M 0 ) 2 profile, as suggested in Ref. 10, bears a very good resemblance to the MR ratio profile, as depicted in the inset of Fig. 4. However, unlike the behavior of the magnetization process versus b shown in Fig. 3~b!, presently we see that the magnetization becomes relatively harder to saturate, almost behaving like a hard axis magnetization process especially when N is small. In summary, our model calculation indicates that the MR ratio profile versus magnetic field may vary from an inverted bell shape to a concave pyramid as the biquadratic coupling constant b increases. Thus, the present simple model may help to shed light on the role of the biquadratic coupling in relation to the MR ratios and the magnetization processes in the magnetic bilayer systems. Our calculation also suggests that the MR ratio profile decays more sharply with the external field when the number of sublayers becomes larger. This research was supported by the National Science Council through Contract No. NSC-87-2216-002-005. 1 M. Rührig, R. Schäfer, A. Hubert, R. Mosler, J. A. Wolf, S. Demokritov, and P. Grünberg, Phys. Status Solidi A 125, 635 ~1991!. 2 J. C. Slonczewski, J. Appl. Phys. 73, 5957 ~1993!. 3 S. Demokritov, E. Tsymbal, P. Grünberg, W. Zinn, and I. K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B 49, 720 ~1994!. 4 H. Fujiwara and M. R. Parker, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 135, L23 ~1994!. 5 M. 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