Column Headings Guide id An internal ID used by the webpage. Supplier Name The company name of the supplier of the product. Product Name The name of the product. System Type A high level description on the main function of the product. Product Version ID The latest assured version of the product. Configuration Description Hosted software refers to software that is installed, hosted and accessed entirely from a remote server or location. The hosted solution can support all sites and users. Alternatively, a locally hosted version of the supplier's solution, with a single configuration (hardware, network, operating system), is used for a single site and its users. To support scalability, the application is installed on multiple machines (called horizontal scaling). Deployment Restrictions Restrictions on the deployment of the product agreed during assurance. Module Message Sets The below Column Headers refer to the Message Sets or version of IG that the System has been assured against. IG Module Information Governance in the NHS relates to the structures, policies and practice used to ensure the confidentiality and security of health and social care services records (especially clinical records) and to enable the ethical use of them for the benefit of the individual to whom they relate and for the public good. The IG versions listed cover different requirements. PDS Module Personal Demographics Service (PDS) is the national electronic database of NHS patient demographic details used within health and social care. Demographic information includes, for example, name, address, date of birth and NHS Number. Choose and Book Choose and Book was a national electronic referral service which gave patients a choice of place, date and time for either their first outpatient appointment in a hospital or clinic or their appointment to other services, including community based services and allied health professionals. CAB has been superseded by the e-Referral Service, which uses the same Message Sets as the earlier system. EPS The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) allows prescribers working in primary care settings to generate and transmit electronic prescriptions using their computer system. The electronic prescription is sent to the Electronic Prescription Service, where it can then be downloaded by a dispenser who has also upgraded their computer system to use the EPS. GP2GP A secure service that transfers electronic patient records from one GP practice to another when a patient changes GP practices. SCR A Summary Care Record is a summary of a patient's important health information which can be made available to the patient and to NHS staff caring for them anywhere in England, including outof-hours and in an emergency. Summary Care Records are being introduced so authorised healthcare staff and patients have a summary of important health information available when and where they need it to help them make care decisions. At first a patient's Summary Care Record will just show their allergies, current prescriptions, and any adverse reactions to medicines. If a patient chooses to have a Summary Care Record, this information will be automatically copied into their SCR from their GP record. ACS This service is used to query and update the Summary Care Record / Consent Preference value held on Spine for a particular patient. CDA CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) is an HL7 standard for the structure (format, content) of clinical documents. TES Alerts Service used to raise access alerts on Spine. A number of different types of Spine alerts are raised. For example, when a user accesses a patient’s Summary Care Record where the patient has recorded that they must be asked every time for permission to view their Summary Care Record or declined permission to view their Summary Care Record, then a TES Alert (information governance alert) is raised to the Privacy Officer assigned to the organisation of the user. SUS CDS The Commissioning Data Sets (CDS) are the primary mechanism for the national reporting of secondary care activity which is either NHS funded, and/or provided by NHS organisations. Commissioning Data Sets are patient level data sets intended to deliver robust, comprehensive, nationally consistent and comparable person-based information on activity to support a variety of secondary use purposes (i.e. not for the direct care of the patient). ebXML ebXML (Electronic Business XML) is a project to use the Extensible Markup Language (XML) to standardize the secure exchange of business data. GPES GPES (GP Extraction Service) is a centrally managed primary care data extraction and analysis service that will obtain information from NHS GP systems in England with the aim of improving patient care. CP-IS CP-IS (Child Protection – Information Sharing) provides health professionals with prompt and easy access to key social care information that can help them to assess whether a child is at risk. Latest TATD/DevMAC Number The unique identifier present on the latest Technical Authority To Deploy/Development Milestone Achievement Certificate provided by the NHS Digital Functional Assurance team.