I INTRODUCTION COMPONENTS, QUANTITIES, AND UNITS 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 Componentsand Electrical MeasuringInstruments and MagneticUnits Electrical ScientificNotation Metric Prefixes Metric Unit Conversions at available Tutorials PSpice http://www.prenhall.com/floYd This chapter presentsa basic introduction to the field of electronics.An overview of electrical and electronic componentsand instruments gives you a preview of the types of things you will study throughout this book. You must be familiar with the units used in electronics and know how to expresselectrical quantities in various ways using metric prefixes. Scientific notation is an indispensabletool whether you use a computer, a calculator, or do computations the oldfashioned way. TECHnology Theory Into Practice Fluke 867 graphical multimeter (courtesy of John Fluke Manufacturing Co.) r CHAPTER OB'ECTIVES O Recognizesomecommon componentsand measuringinstruments tr List the electrical and masnetic quantities and their units tr Use scientilic notation (powers of ten) to express quantities tr Use metric prefixes to expresslarge and small numbers Q Convert from one metric unit to another - A ,N D U N I T S 2 T COMPONENTS Q,U A N T I T I E S INSTRUM ENTS 1 _ "1T E L EC T R IC A CLOMP ON E N TAND S M EASURING In this book, you will study many types of electrical components and several instruments. A thorough background in dc and ac fundamentals provi.desthe foundation for understanding complex electronic devices and circuits. A preview of the basic types of electrical and electronic components and instruments that you will be studying in detail later in this and in other courses is provided in this section. After completing this section, you sihould be able to r Recognize some common components and measuring instruments . State the purpose of a resistor . State the purpose of a capacitor . State the purpose of an inductor . State the purpose of a transformer . List some basic types of electronic test and measuring instruments Resistors Resistorsresist,or limit, electric current in a circuit. Several common types of resistors are shown in Figure 1-1 through Figure 1-4. # ---- W il0l nRfl l; ..-.'-.'.-.'-.'-.'.-.'-lul! +€: (a) Carbon-composition (b) Metal film F I C U R E1 - 1 Two commontypesof indivi.dualfi.xedresistorswith axial leads. (a) Metal film chip reststor (b) Chip resistor resistr anay FIGURE 1-2 Chip resistorand resistornetworks. (c) Resistor network (simm) 1d) Resistornetwork (surfacemount) E L E C T R I CC AO L M P O N E N TASN D M E A S U R I N C INSTRUMENTT S 3 (a) Axiai-lead wire wound (b) Adjustable wire wound (c) Radial-lead for PC board insertion (d) Surface-mount FICURE 1-3 Commontypesof power resistors. W (a) Lead mounted (b) Surface mounted FIGURE 1-4 Commontypesof variable resistors. Capacitors Capacitors store electrical charge;they are found in most types of electronic circuits. Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6 show severaltypical capacitors. In d u cto rs Inductors, also known as coils, are used to store energy in an electromagneticfield; they serve many useful functions in an electrical circuit. Figure 1-7 on page 5 shows several typical inductors. 4 . COMPONENTS A ,N D U N I T S Q,U A N T I T I E S Ww (a) Electrolytic, axiai-lead and surface mount (b) Ceramic, axial-lead and surface mount (c) Film, axial-lead and chip F I C U R E1 - 5 Commontypesof fixed capacitors, F I G U R E1 - 6 Typical variable capacitors. Transformers Transformers are used to magnetically couple ac voltages from one point in a circuit to another,or to increaseor decreasethe ac voltage. Severaltypes of small transformers are shown in Figure 1-8. Utility companies use huge transformers to change voltages for high-voltage transmissionlines. E L E C T R I CC AL I N S T R U M E N TT S 5 O M P O N E N TASN D M E A S U R I N C \ \ \ \ \ \- s*ffi" '* ffi" @., \.\ @\\ \ t \ \\ ,M^. N.1,,' [j @ -t,,.rri, ,I-7 FICURE Somefixed and varinbleinductors. rry 'T--,,, = 'il i ' l 'll ',' t) r i {J ilt.i FIGURE 1-B Typicaltransformers. Devices Semiconductor Severalvarieties of diodes, transistors,and integrated circuits are shown in Figure 1-9. ElectronicInstruments Figure 1-10 shows a variety of instrumentsthat are discussedthroughoutthe text. Typical instruments include the power supply, for providing voltage and current; the voltmeter, for measuringvoltage; the ammeter,for measuringcurrent; the ohmmeter,for measuringresistance;the wattmeter,for measuringpower; and the oscilloscopefor observing and measuring ac voltages.The voltmeter, ammeter,and ohmmeter are available in a sinsle instrumentcalled a multimeter. 1-9 FIGURE An assortmentof semiconductordevices. R ffiffi/M& / rs,\ #ffi/ffi fo/ Y7a -g w $mP @ l:..- ry (c) (d) 1-10 FIGURE Typicalinstruments.(a) DC power supply.(b) Analog multimeter.(c) Digital multimeter(d) Disital storageoscilloscope. ELECTRICAL N D M A C N E T I CU N I T S . SECTION1-1 RTVIEW 7 Answers to section reviews are found at the end of the chapter. 1. Name four types of common electrical components. 2. What instrumentis usedfor measuringelectricalcurrent? 3. What instrument is used for measuringresistance? 4. What instrumentis used lor measuringvoltage? 5. What is a multimeter? 1_2 ) ETECTRICAL AND MACNETICUNITS In electronics, you must desl with measarable quantities. For example, you must be able to express how many volts ure measured at a certain point in a circuit, how much current there is through a wire or & component, or how much power & certain ampffier produces. In this section, you are introduced to the units and symbolsfor most of the electrical and magnetic quantities that are ased in this book. After completing this section, you should be able to r List the electrical and magnetic quantities and their units . Specify the symbol for each quantity . Specify the symbol for each unit Letter symbols are used in electronics to represent both quantities and their units. One symbol is used to representthe name of the quantity, and another symbol is used to represent the unit of measurementof that quantity. For example, P stands for power, and W standsfor watt, which is the unit of power. Another example is voltage. In this case, the same letter standsfor both the quantity and its unit. Italic V representsvoltage and nonitalic V representsthe volt, which is the unit of voltage. As a rule, italic letters stand for the quantity and nonitalic letters representthe unit of that quantity. Table l-1 lists the most important electrical quantities, along with their SI units and symbols. The term 51 is the French abbreviation for Intemational System(Systime International in French). Table l-2 lists magnetic quantities, along with their SI units and symbols. TABLE1-1 Ekctrical quantities and units with SI symbols, Quantity capacltance charge conductance curTent energy frequency impedance inductance power reactance resistance time voltage Symbol Unit Symbol C farad coulomb siemens ampere joule hefiz ohm henry watt ohm ohm second volt F C S A J Hz f) H W O O s V O G I w f Z P X R t v AND UNITS B T COMPONENTS, QUANTITIES, TABLE1_2 Magnetic quantitics and units with SI symbols. flux density magnetic flux magnetizing force magnetomotive force permeability reluctance 1-2 sEcTroN REVIEW . 1 , 1 , i.:'::, H F^ LL gI tesla weber ampere-tums/meter ampere-tufn webers/ampere-turns-meter ampere-turns/weber 1. What does 51 stand for? ,. '. B r:t"Tlf to Table l-1, list as electricalquantitiesas possible,includYttol, :n1ny ing their symbols,units, and unit symbols. 3. Without referringto Table l-2. list as many magneticquantitiesas possible,including their symbols,units, and unit symbols. NOTATION 1_3 r SCIENTIFIC In the fi.eld of electronics, you will encounter both very small und very large quantitics. For example, il is common to huve electric current values of only a few thousandths or even a few millionths of an ampere. On the other hand, you will fi.nd. resistance values of several thousund or severul million ohms. This range of values is typical of many other electrical quantities also. After completing this sectian, you should.be able to I Use scientific notation (powers of ten) to express quantities . Express any number using a power of ten . Perform calculations with oowers of ten Scientific notation provides an easy method to express large and small numbers and to perform calculations involving such numbers. In scientific notation, a quantity is expressedas a product of a number and a power of ten. In standard scientific notation, the number has an absolutevalue between 1 and 10. For example, the quantity 150,000would in scientificnotationas 1.5 x lOs. be expressed Powersof Ten Table 1-3 lists some powers of ten, both positive and negative, and the conesponding decimal numbers. The power of ten is expressedas an exponent of the base 10 in each case. The exponent indicates the number of places that the decimal point is moved to the right or left to produce the decimal number. If the power of ten is positive, the decimal point is moved to the right to get the equivalent decimal number. For examole. l O a =l x l O a =L Q W 9 . =1 0 , 0 0 0 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION r TABLE1_3 Somepositiveand negativepowersof ten. 106= 1,000,000 10s= 100,000 104= 10,000 103= 1,000 102= 100 l3j=l' 9 10{ = 0.000001 10-5= 0.00001 10a = 0.0001 10-'= 0.001 l0-2= 0.01 10-l= 0.1 If the power of ten is negative,the decimal point is moved to the left to get the equivalent decimal number. For example, l0+= lx lOa=.Pg=0.0001 EXAMPLE1-1 Expresseachnumberin scientificnotationasa numberbetweenI and l0 timesa positive powerof ten: (a) 200 (b) s000 (c) 85,000 (d) 3,000,000 Solution (a) 200=2 x 102 (c) 85,000= 8.5 x tOa (b) 5000= 5 x 103 (d) 3,000,000 = 3 x 106 RelatedProblem* Express4750in scientificnotationas a numberbetween1 and l0 timesa positivepowerof ten. EXAMPLE 1-2 Expresseachnumberin scientificnotationasa numberbetweenI and 10 timesa nesativepowerof ten: (a) 0.2 (b) 0.00s (c) 0.00063 (d) 0.000015 Solution (a) 0.2=2x10-r = 6.3 x 10-a (c) 0.00063 ( b ) 0 . 0 0 5 = 5x L 0 - 3 (d) 0.000015 = 1.5 x 10-s RelatedProblem Express0.00738in scientificnotationasa numberbetweenI and 10 timesa negativepowerof ten. EXAMPLE 1-3 Expresseachof the following as a regulardecimalnumber: (a) 1 x 10s (b) 2 x 103 (c) 3.2x l0-2 (d) 250x 10 6 Solution (a) 1 x 10s= 100,000 (c) 3.2 x l0-2 = 0.032 (b) 2x 103= 2000 (d) 250x 10-6= 0.000250 RelatedProblem Express9.12x 103as a regulardecimalnumber. + Answers to related problems for examples are found at the end of the chapter. A ,N D U N I T S 1O T COMPONENTS Q,U A N T I T I E S CalculationsUsingPowersof Ten The advantageof scientific notation is in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of very small or very large numbers' Addition The stepsfor adding numbers using powers of ten are as follows: L. Express the numbers to be added in the same power of ten. 2. Add the numbers without their powers of ten to get the sum. 3. Bring down the common power of ten, which is the power of ten of the sum. EXAMPLE 1-4 Add 2 x 106and5 x 107andshowtheresultfor eachstep. Solution L. Expressboth numbersin the samepowerof ten:(2 x 106)+ (50 x 109' 2. Add2 + 50 = 52. 3. Bring downthe commonpowerof ten (106),andthe sumis 52 x 106. Re/atedProblem Add 3.1x 103and0'55 x l0a. The stepsfor subtracting numbers using powers of ten are as follows: Subtraction L. Express the numbers to be subtractedin the same power of ten. 2. Subtract the numbers without their powers of ten to get the difference. 3. Bring down the common power of ten, which is the power of ten of the difference. EXAMPLE 1-5 Subtract25 x l0-t2 from 75 x 10-11and showthe resultfor eachstep. Solution L. Expresseachnumberin the samepowerof ten: (750 x 10-12)- Q5 x 10-tt)' 2. Subtract750- 25 =725. 3. Bring downthe commonpowerof ten (10-12),andthe differenceis 725 x l0-r2. RelatedProblem Subtract98 x 10-2from 1530x l0-3. Muttiptication The stepsfor multiplying numbers using powers of ten are as follows: 1. Multiply the numbers directly without their powers of ten. 2. Add the powers of ten algebraically (the powers do not have to be the same). EXAMPLE 1-6 Multiply 5 x 1012and 3 x 10-6. Solution Multiply the numbers, and algebraically add the powers. = 15 x 106 (5 x i012X3x t0-6) = 15 x 1012+(-6) Re/atedProblem Multiply 3.2xlO6 and l'5 x l0-3' M E T R I CP R E F I X E .S 1 1 Division The steps for dividing numbers using powers of ten are as follows: 1. Divide the numbers directly without their powers of ten. 2. Subtract the power of ten in the denominator from the power of ten in the numerator (the powers do not have to be the same). EXAMPLE1-7 Divide50 x 108by 25 x 103. Solution The divisionproblemis written with a numeratorand denominatoras 50 x 108 ,J,TF Divide the numbers and subtract 3 from 8. : 9 ' 1 9= : 2 x r o 8 ' r =x2r o s 2 5x l 0 ' RelatedProblem Divide 100x 1012bv 4 x 106. sEcTtoN1-3 RTVIEW 1. Scientific notation usesboth positive and negative powers of ten. (T or F) 2. Express 100 as a power of ten. 3. Do the following operations: (a) (1 x to5y+ 1zx ro) (c) (8 x 103;* 14x r02; (b) (3 x to6x2x r04t (d) (25x 10-6)- (130x 10-7) 1-4 I METRICPREFIXES In electrical und electronics applications, certain powers of ten are used more often thun others. It is common practice to use metric prffixes to represent these quantities. You can think of the metric prefix as u shorthund way to express a large or small numben After completing this section, you should be able to I Use metric prefixes to express large and small numbers . List the metric prefixes . Change a power of ten to a metric prefix . Use a calculator for numbers with metric prefixes . Use engineeringnotation Table 1-4 lists the metric prefix for each of the commonly used powers of ten. Useof Metric Prefixes Now some examples will illustrate the use of metric prefixes. The number 2000 can be expressedin scientificnotationas 2 x I03. Supposeyou wish ro represent2000 watrs (W) with a metric prefix. Since 2000 = 2x 103,the metric prefixkilo (k) is used for 103.So you can express2000 W as 2 kW (2 kilowatts). As anotherexample,0.015 ampere(A) can be expressedas 15 x l0 3 A. The metric prefix milli (m) is used for 10-3.So 0.015 A becomes15 mA (15 milliamperes). 12 r A ,N D U N I T S COMPONENTS Q,U A N T I T I E S TABLE1-4 Commonlyusedmetricprefixesand their symbols. Metric Prefix Metric Symbol PowerofTen Value T G M k m p n p 1012 one trillion one billion one million one thousand one-thousandth one-millionth one-billionth one-trillionth tera oi oa mega kilo milli micro nano plco EXAMPTE1-B 10' 106 103 103 10-6 10-e l0-12 Expresseachquantityusinga metricprefix: (c) 0.000036 A (b) 25,000,000 (a) 50,000V O Solution (a) 50,000V= 50 x 103V = 50 kV (b) 25,000,000 Q = 25 x 106O = 25 MO (c) 0.000036 A = 36 x 10-6A = 36 pA RelatedProblem Expressusingmetricpref,xes: (b) 0.000470 A (a) 56,000,000 o on a Calculator EnteringNumberswith Metric Prefixes To enter a number expressedin scientific notation on a calculator,use the EE key (the EXP key on somecalculators).Example 1-9 showshow to enternumberswith metric prefixes on a TI-85 scientificcalculator.Consultthe user'smanualfor your particularcalculator. 1-9 EXAMPLE (a) Enter 3.3 kO (3.3 x 103fl) on your calculator. (b) Enter 450 p.A (450 x 10 " A) on your calculator. Solution (a) Stepl: Step2: Step3: (b) Stepl: Step2: Step3: Enter @ A @. Thedisplayshows3.3. Press@ . Ttredisplayshows3.3E. Enter @. fne displayshows3.3E3. Enter @ @ @. Thedisplayshows450. Press@ . ttre displayshows450E. Press@. Enter @. ttr" displayshows450E-6. RelatedProblem Enter259mA on yourcalculator. Notation Engineering Engineering notation is a term that refers to the application of po$/ersof ten in which the Dowers of ten are limited to multiples of three, such as 103' l0-3, 106, 10-6, lOe, i0-', tOtt, and 10-12.Thereasonforihis is that all units used in the fields of engineerwith^prefixesof ing and technology,such as ohms, amps,volts, and watts, are,expressed (giga, (micro, 10e),n (nano, 10-6),G t ltito, 103),m (milli, 10-3),M (mega, 106),p 10-e),T (tera, 1012),and p (pico, 10-12). M E T R I CU N I T C O N V E R S I O N SI sEcTtoN1-4 REVIEW 13 f . f-ist the metric prefix for each of the following powers of ten: 106. 103,l0-3, 10-6, l0-q. and l0-r2. 2. Use an appropriatemetric prefix to express0.000001A. 3. Use an appropriatemetric prefix to express250,000W. 1 _ 5 T M E T R ICU N IT C ON V E R S IONS It is often necessaryor convenient to convert a quantity from one metric-prefixed unit to anotherysuch as from milliamperes (mA) to microamperes (p"A).A metric prefix conversion is accomplished by moving the decimal point in the number an appropriste number of places to the left or to the right, depending on the particular conversion. After completing this section, you should be qble to I Convert from one metric unit to another . Convert between milli, micro, nano, and pico . Convert between kilo and mesa The following basic rules apply to metric unit conversions: 1. When converting from a larger unit to a smaller unit, move the decimal point to the right. 2. When converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit, move the decimal point to the left. 3. Determine the number of places that the decimal point is moved by finding the difference in the powers of ten of the units being converled. For example, when convefting from milliamperes (mA) to microamperes(pA), move the decimal point three places to the right becausethere is a three-place difference between the two units (mA is l0-3 A and pA is l0 6 A). The following examplesillustrate a few conversions. EXAMPLE1-10 Convert0.15milliampere(0.15mA) to microamperes (pA). Solution Move the decimalpoint threeplacesto the right. 0 . 1 5m A = 0 . 1 5x l 0 - 3 A = 1 5 0x 1 0 - 6 A= 1 5 0p A RelatedProblem ConvertI mA to microamperes. EXAMPLE1-11 Convert4500microvolts(4500p.V)to millivolts(mV). Solution Move the decimalpoint threeplacesto the left. 4500pV = 4500x 10-6V = 4.5 x 10-3V = 4.5 mV RelatedProblem Convert1000aV to millivolts. I I ,O . A ,N D U N I T S COMPONENTS Q,U A N T I T I E S 1-12 EXAMPLE (pA)' (5000nA) to microamperes Convert5000nanoamperes Solution Move the decimalpoint threeplacesto the left' 5000nA = 5000x lO-qA = 5 x 10-6A = 5 PA RelatedProblem Convert893 nA to microamperes' EXAMPLE 1-13 (pF). (47,000pF) to microfarads picofarads Convert4',7,000 Solution Move the decimalpoint six placesto the left' F=0.047x 10-6F =0'047v"F x 10-12 47,O}OpF=47,000 RelatedProblem Convert0.0022prFto picofarads' EXAMPLE 1-14 Convert0.00022microfarad(0.00022pF) to picofarads(pF). Solution Move the decimalpoint six placesto the right' =220pF 10-6F=220x 10-12F 0.00022pF=0.00022x RelatedProblem Convert10,000pF to microfarads' EXAMPLE 1-15 (MQ)' Convert1800kilohms(1800kO) to megohms Solution Move the decimalpoint threeplacesto the left' 1800kO = 1800x 103Q = l'8 x 10oQ = 1.8MO RelatedProblem Convert2.2kA to megohms. When adding (or subtracting) quantities with different metric prefixes, first convert one of the quantities to the same prefix as the other as the next example shows. EXAMPTE1-16 the sumin milliamperes. Add 15mA and8000p.Aandexpress Solution Convert8000pA to 8 mA and add' 15 mA + 8000pcA= 15x 10-3A + 8000x 10-6A = 15 x 10-3A + 8 x 10-3A = 15mA + 8 mA = 23 mA RelatedProblem sEcTloNl-s REVIEW Add2813mA to 10,000prA;expressthe sumin milliamperes' 1. Convert0.01MV to kilovolts(kV)' 2. Convert250,000pA to milliamperes(mA). 3. Add 0.05MW and75 kW. S E L F - T E SrT 1 5 r SUMMARY r Resistors limit electric cuffent. I Capacitors store electrical charge. r Inductors (also known as coils) store energy electromagnetically. r Transformers magnetically couple ac voltages from one point in a circuit to another. r Semiconductor devices include diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits. I Power supplies provide current and voltage. I Voltmeters measurevoltage. r Ammeters measurecurrent. r Ohmmeters measureresistance. I A multimeter measuresvoltage, current, and resistance. I Metric prefixes are a convenient method of expressingboth large and small quantities I In scientific notation, a quantity is expressedas a number times a power of ten. r SELF.TEST Answers are found at the end of the chapter. 1. Which of the following is not an electrical quantity? (a) current (b) voltage 2. The unit of current is (a) volt (b) watt (c) time (c) ampere (d) power (d) joule 3. The unit of voltage is (a) ohm (b) watt (c) volt 4. The unit of resistanceis (a) ampere (b) henry (d) farad (c) hertz (d) ohm 5. 15,000 W is the same as (a) 15 mW (b) 15 kw (c) 15 Mw (d) 15 pW 6. The quantity 4.7 x 103is the same as (a) 470 (b) 4700 (c) 47,000 (d) 0.0047 7. The quantity 56 x l0-i is the sameas (a) 0.056 (b) 0.s60 (c) 560 (d) 56,000 8. The number 3,300,000 can be expressedas (a) 3300 x 103 (b) 3.3 x 10{ (c) 3.3 x 106 (d) either answer(a) or (c) 9. Ten milliamperes can be expressedas (a) 10 MA (b) 10 pA (c) 10 kA 10. Five thousand volts can be expressedas (a) 5000 V (b) 5 MV (c) 5 kV (d) 10 mA (d) either answer (a) or (c) 11. Twenty million ohms can be expressedas (a) 20 mQ (b) 20 Mw (c) 20 MA 12. Heftz is the unit of (a) power (b) inductance (c) frequency (d) 20 pa (d) time 16 I A ,N D U N I T S COMPONENTS Q,U A N T I T I E S r PROBLEMS problemsarefound at the endof the book. Answersto mostodd-numbered SECTION1-3 ScientificNotation 1. Express each of the following numbers in scientiflc notation as a number between 1 and 10 times a positive power of ten: (c) 2,000,000 (b) 7s,000 (a) 3000 2. Express each number in scientific notation as a number between I and 10 times a negative power of ten: (c) 1/5,000,000 (b) 1/2000 (a) 1/500 3. Express each of the following numbers in three ways, using 103, 104,and 105: (b) 99.000 (c) 0.2 x 106 (a) 8400 4. Expresseachofthefollowingnumbersinthreeways,using10-3,10-4,and10-5: (c) 7.8 x l0-2 (b) 0.6 (a) 0.0002 5. Express each of the following in regular decimal form: (c) 3.9 x l0-l (b) 50 x 10'z (a) 2.5 x 10-6 6. Express each of the following in regular decimal form: (c) 40 x 1o-'2 (b) 8 x l0 e (a) 45 x 10-6 Add the following numbers: (b) (5 x 10r) + (85 x 10-2) (a) (92 x 106)+ (3.4x 107) (c) (560x 1o{) + (460x lo-e) 8. Performthe following subtractions: - (1.1x 1012) (b) (26x 108)- (1.3x 10e) (a) (3.2x 1012) - (8 x lo-1r) (c) (150x 10-12) 9. Performthe followingmultiplications: (b) (12x 1012)(3 x 102) (a) (5 x to3x+x tos) (c) (2.2x 10-e)(7x 10-6) 10. Divide the following: ( a ) ( 1 0 x 1 0 3 ) + ( 2 . 5 x1 0 2 ) ( b ) ( 2 5 0 x1 0 f + ( 5 0 x 1 0 8 ) @) (a.2x 108)+ (2 x 10{) 11. Expresseachof the following numbersas a numberhavinga powerof ten of 10-6: (b) 0.001856 (a\ 2.37 x l0-3 x 10-2 (c) 5743.89 x l0 12 (d) 100x 103 12. Performthe followingindicatedoperations: (b) (46X10r)(105)/106 (a) (2.8x 103X3xlo2)l(2xr02) (d) (30)'z(s)11o-'? (c) (7.3s)(0.s x l0'0)] x 1012)/[(2x10 1 13. Performeachoperation: (a) (49 x106)l(4x 10-8) (c) (1.5x 10-f214.7x 10f SECTION 1-4 (b) (3 x t03;2/11.8 x t03; (d) l/t(s x 10r)(0.01x 10-6)l Metric Prefixes 14. Expresseachof the followingas a quantityhavinga metricprefix: (c) 200x l0 12F (b) 5.5x 103v (a) 31 x 10-3A 15. Expressthe followingusingmetricprefixes: (c) 350x 10-eA (b) 3.3x 106Q (a) 3 x 10{ F 16. Expressthe followingquantitiesusingpowersof ten: (c) 1200kV (b) 0.022p.F (a) 258 mA 17. Expresseachof the following quantitiesas a metricunit: (c) 0.003x 10-ew (b) 970x 104Q (a) 2.4 x 10-sA 18. Complete the following operations: (a) (s0s.A)(6.8 ka) = (c) 12kYl20mA = - V h) 24V|1.2MA=-A A 19. Complete the following operations and expressthe results using metric preflxes: (b) (30 ky)2zMQ = -W (a) (100 pA)2(8.2kA) = pW . "17 ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST SECTION1-5 Metric Unit Conversions 20. Perform the indicated conversions: (a) 5 mA to microamperes (b) 3200 pW to milliwatts (c) 5000 kV to megavolts (d) 10 MW to kilowatts 21. Determine the following: (a) The number of microamperesin 1 milliampere ft) The number of millivolts in 0.05 kilovolt (c) The number of megohms in 0.02 kilohm (d) The number of kilowatts in 155 milliwatts r ANSWERS TO SECTION REVIEWS Section 1-1 1. Common electrical componentsare resistors, capacitors,inductors, and transformers. 2. The ammeter measurescurrent. 3. The ohmmeter measuresresistance. 4. The voltmeter measuresvoltage. 5. A multimeter is an instrument that measuresvoltage, curent, and resistance. Section1-2 1. SI is the abbreviation for Systdme International. 2. Refer to Table 1-l after you have compiled your list of electrical quantities. 3. Refer to Table 7-2 after you have compiled your list of magnetic quantities. Section 1-3 1. True 2 . 1 0 0 =1 x 1 0 2 3. (a) (l x 105;+ (2 x 105)= 3 x 105 (c) (8 x 1031 * 14x 102)=2v 10r (b) Q x r c \ Q x 1 o 4 ) = 6 x 1 o r o (d) (25x 10-6)- (130x 10-7;= 12; 19-e Section1-4 L. 106= mega(M), 103= kilo (k), 10-3= milli (m), 10-6= micro (p), 10-e= nano(n), and = pico (p) 16-12 2. 0.000001A = 1 pA (onemicroampere) 3. 250,000W - 250kW (250kilowatts) Section 1-5 1. 0.01MV = 10kV 2. 250,000pA = 0.00025mA 3. 0.05MW + 75 kW = 50 kw + 75 kW= 125kW r ANSWERS TO RETATED PROBTEMS FOR EXAMPTES 1-1 L-2 1-3 L-4 1-5 1-6 4.75x 703 7.38x 10-3 9120 8.6x 103 55 x 10-2 4.8x 103 r ANSWERS r. (c) (d) e. TO SEIF.TEST 2. (c) 10. (d) l-:7 25 x 106 1-8 (a) 56 Ma (b) 470 p,A L - e @ m @ m @@ 1-10 1000pA 1-11 l mV l-12 0.893p.A 3.(c) 11. (c) 4.(d) 12. (c) s. (b) l-13 2200pF 1-14 0.010pF 1-15 0.0022MO 1-16 2883mA 6. (b) 7.(a) 8.(d)