University Experience Days – University of Leicester Pre-Visit Information Pack Please note that this information pack is for visit organisers who have already booked a University Experience Day with us by completing and returning a UE Day booking form. If you would like to book an event with us please contact us at for further information on dates available. Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Further information required from visit organisers Frequently asked questions Code of Conduct University Experience Day – Programme Campus Maps / Instruction for arrival Risk assessment documents Activity Register Parental Consent Form Page | 1 Further information required from visit organisers Thank you for booking a University Experience Day with the University of Leicester. We very much look forward to working with you and your students. Now that your booking is fully confirmed please find further guidance below on the next steps to complete in the weeks leading up to your visit. Information required a minimum of two weeks before the UE Day: • • • • Final confirmation of student numbers The number of staff attending on the day Name and contact number for the lead member of staff on the day Details of any students attending the visit day who have special needs relating to mobility and access, sensory impairment or special learning needs Information required on the day of the visit: • • A full register of students attending together with a fully completed University of Leicester consent form for each student. We cannot accept students on the University Experience Day without a signed copy of our consent form. Please ensure that at least 66% of students attending the event are from your WP cohort. Notification of any students who do not have permission to have their photograph taken. Some of the frequently asked questions regarding University Experience Days can be found in the next section, which you may find useful. If you have any questions not covered here please do not hesitate to contact us at or on 0116 252 5349 / 0116 223 1709. Page | 2 Frequently Asked Questions We send out our own permission slips to parents/carers. Do we need to send out University of Leicester consent forms also? We need permission to enter the participants’ details into the regional widening participation partnership database for reference and statistical purposes. As we will be taking photographs on the day which we might use in future publications or on our partnership website it is important that we have our own copy of parent/carer permission for image capture. All students will need to be issued with a parent/carer consent form which must be completed and signed by parents/guardians and returned to the main staff member in advance of the UE Day. It is essential that parents/guardians complete all sections of the form and we would ask that staff check the forms thoroughly to ensure that all the permission statements have been completed. What do we do if we’re delayed on our way to the University Experience Day or if there is an emergency? If you are running late please contact the event organiser on the number which will be supplied to you in the weeks leading up to the event. If you are unable to speak to the organiser for some reason please try our main office on 0116 252 2674 and someone will get a message to the event organiser. What will the staffing arrangements be on the day? A DBS checked Co-ordinator will be in charge on the day, assisted by a team of trained Leicester Student Ambassadors. We will allocate one Ambassador per group of 5/6 students. Please note that we will allow students to select/sit in their own groups on arrival and we will not organise this in any way. Though we will deliver all activities with minimum supervision required from school/college staff, we would ask that staff stay ‘on duty’ in the room during the activities and are available to help with specific groups/pupils if required. School staff are welcome to accompany groups on the campus tour if they wish. At the end of the visit, when evaluations are complete we ask that the visit organiser is on hand to give directions to the students for the journey home. Page | 3 What are the catering arrangements for the day? Break - We will have a mid-morning break for a snack and a drink. Water and squash will be provided as well as a KitKat (suitable for vegetarians but not suitable for nut allergy sufferers). Students are welcome to bring their own snacks. Tea, coffee and a KitKat will also be provided for school staff accompanying the trip. Lunch – We would request that students bring a packed lunch due to the large volume of University students/staff using the catering outlets on campus. If necessary students can purchase their lunches from any of the facilities in the Charles Wilson building but school staff must supervise them during this time and ensure that they return promptly for the beginning of the final session. Please be aware that it could take the entire lunch break to purchase some food, due to the volume of university staff and students also using the university catering facilities over this busy lunchtime period. Are we able to take photographs throughout the visit? Yes! Students attending the visit day will be provided with a camera to take photographs on their campus tour. The outreach team will also use these cameras to take additional photographs throughout the day. Copies of these will be sent to the visit organiser for the school to use as they wish. It is for these reasons that we need to know if any students do not have permission to have their photograph taken. Who can I contact for further information or to discuss changes to the programme? Please do not hesitate to contact us at or on 0116 252 5349 or 0116 223 1709 with any further questions you may have. Page | 4 General Code of Conduct Here is a copy of the Code of Conduct which you will have read, signed and returned with your activity booking form. The Outreach Team at the University of Leicester hope that your students enjoy their time on campus. Our aim is to introduce visiting students to a different learning environment and demonstrate to them that higher education is an exciting and inclusive environment which they can aspire to. To ensure that all participants are given the opportunity to gain from their time on campus, visiting students will be expected to show responsible behaviour in accordance with the points of guidance detailed below. • At no point shall students jeopardise the experience of others. • All Health and Safety Rules which are displayed or which are advised by members of staff should be followed. • Abusive and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances. • Students are expected to behave in a respectful and appropriate manner towards everyone they encounter during the day. • Vandalism or damage to any property belonging to the University, staff or fellow students will result in the person responsible being held liable for costs incurred. • Students should not involve themselves in dangerous activities that are likely to cause injury to staff or students. • Students and teachers are expected to remain on university premises during events. • At no point shall students attempt to buy, sell or consume alcohol. • Teachers will be responsible for ensuring that students abide by this code of conduct and must supervise their students at all times during the event. Student/Staff Ratio In accordance with government and Local Authority guidance, we ask that the staff/student ratio for your visit is a minimum of 1 member of staff to 15 students (1:15). We would ask schools to ensure that at least 1 member of staff attending is a qualified teacher professional who is familiar with the students Page | 5 University Experience Day – Programme Sample programme 9.30 - 14.30 Time 9:30 – 9:40 Activity Arrival and Registration. Belvoir City/Park Lounge, 2nd floor Charles Wilson building 9.40 – 9.50 Welcome to the University of Leicester, programme for the day, meet the Leicester Ambassadors 9.50 – 10.20 Icebreakers/quizzes 10.20 – 10.35 10.35 – 11.00 11:00 – 12:00 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 13:15 Break for a snack – water, squash and a kit kat 13:15 – 14:20 14:20 – 14:30 Marketplace Activity Page | 6 Interview the Leicester Ambassadors Campus tour and photos Poster Activity – make a poster on your topic Lunch – bring your own or use the catering outlets in the Charles Wilson building Photo opportunity – why not have your picture taken in graduation robes and mortar board?! Evaluation & End Campus Map – Arriving by bus If arriving by bus, ambassadors will be waiting at Entrance 1 to the University campus (wearing bright red jumpers) to meet your bus. After hopping on the bus, they will direct the driver around campus to the bus lane drop off point. They will then lead school staff and students to the event venue. Buses should then exit the campus at Exit 2. When returning at the end of the day buses should enter and exit campus in the same way, parking in the bus lane drop off/pick up point for staff and students to meet them. Page | 7 Campus Map – Arriving on foot If arriving on foot, ambassadors will be waiting at Exit 2 to the University campus (wearing bright red jumpers) to meet you. They will then lead school staff and students up Mayors Walk to the event venue. When leaving at the end of the day staff and students should exit campus in the same way. Please note there is no entry for general traffic or public parking on campus. Therefore if parents are collecting students at the end of the day a meeting point off campus should be organised. Page | 8 Risk Assessment – Widening Participation Activities Risk Categories: Type: Likelihood: Examples 1. Hardly any risk 2. Low Risk Non-frequent risks – not common injuries Burning Choking Smoke Trapped in lift inhalation Chemical reactions Heart attack 3. Some risk Asthma attack Allergy to food 4. Likely risk 5. High risk Frequent risks – common injuries Bang head in Tripping fall Falling Ankle Sprain Grazing Graze Minimal bleeding The University of Leicester has a very comprehensive Risk Assessment Procedure in the context of Widening Participation activities: • If schools are permitting students to arrange their own transportation to the University, the RATF form applies. • If students are arranged to be engaging in laboratory type work, the University’s Health and Safety policy applies, available from the Estates Department. • If any other form of hazard occurs, the RAEP Form applies. Page | 9 Risk Assessment - University Experience Day Item / Hazard Lecture Theatre Possible Risk Likelihood Outcome Rate (L- M- H) Trip / fall / personal physical injury 4 M Trapped in lift / Claustrophobia 4 M Trip / fall / personal physical injury 4 M Trip / fall /personal physical injury 4 M Catering: Food Choking / Allergy Activity: Use of scissors Stairs Mobility: Lift breakdown Campus tour Room: Fire Interaction: Fight Cut / physical injury Smoke inhallation / Burns Physical injury Burns / chemical Department: Laboratories reactions Page | 10 Consequence (L - M - H) M H M M 2 L H 3 L H 1 L H 2 L H 1 L H Control Measures Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Emergency procedure RAEP form Health and Safety (Estates) form Risk Assessment – Emergency Procedures (RAEP Form) Internal emergency numbers: • 888 Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance • 0116 252 2888 From a mobile phone External emergency numbers: • 9 999 University Telephone - located in all University buildings. • 999 Payphone Procedure: 1. Occurrence of hazard 2. Notify the organiser as soon as possible. The organiser can be identified via the name badge s/he is wearing. 3. If the organiser is not present, contact any University representative in close proximity or the vicinity. 4. The Contact person will access a First Aid qualified person from the following Departments, depending on who becomes available at the earliest time: i. University Security 2023 ii. Catering 2212 iii. Safety Officer 7770 iv. Admissions Office 5281 The individual numbers can be prefixed with 0116 252… to call from a mobile phone. All numbers can be accessed via the main switchboard on the internal telephone on 0 or on an external telephone on 0116 252 2522. A first aid box is available in all University buildings. 5. A first aid box will become immediately available via the located First Aider. 6. The First Aider will assess whether an ambulance and medical care is required and if so, call for an ambulance on 888 via the internal telephone system. A fire extinguisher is located in every University building. In the event of a fire, all personnel are requested to use the staircases only to evacuate the building and are asked to reconvene in front of the building as soon as possible. Fire exits are clearly labelled. Please contact the Fire Safety Officer on 2651. Page | 11 Activity Register Please return this completed register on the day of your event. The University is required to monitor event participation. When completing the register below please ensure you have a University Consent Form for each student and that you bring these with you on the day. Activity details School/College: Activity Date: Activity Title: Year Group(s): Number in WP cohort Participant details Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Page | 12 First Name Last Name Year Group WP Chort? 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Page | 13 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page | 14 Parental / Carer Consent Form Ver. 5.0 Dear Parent/Carer, Your child/dependent may have the opportunity to take part in university visits, mentoring programmes, summer schools, subject tasters, revision classes and a whole range of other rewarding activities. To make sure these activities are useful and effective for young people, we need to gather certain information which we use purely for research purposes. We would be really grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this consent form and return it to your child/dependent’s school. The information collected on this form will be used for research purposes only. Student Name: Date of Birth: D D M M Y Y Y Y Year Group: Home Address: Home Postcode: Sex: Female Male School / College: Educational background of parents / carers Have any of your child/dependent’s parents or carers been to university or taken a degree? Yes No Don’t know Free School Meal (FSM) Eligibility Has your child / dependent been eligible for Free School Meals at any time in the last 6 years? Yes No Don’t know Prefer not to say Parental / carer occupation - we would like to know the following information for research purposes only: What is the occupation of the highest earning parent/carer currently living in the household (please state)? Student Ethnicity (please tick): Chinese Black Caribbean White & Black African Bangladeshi Black African White & Black Caribbean Indian Other Black Background Other Mixed Background Pakistani White Other Ethnic Background Other Asian Background White & Asian Prefer not to say No known disability Deaf/hearing impaired Multiple disabilities Dyslexia or other learning Wheelchair user/mobility difficulty Autistic Spectrum Disorder / need Mental health difficulty Asperger’s Syndrome Blind/partially sighted Unseen disability Other disability Student Disability (please tick): Prefer not to say Page | 15 Photography Universities in the East Midlands sometimes use photography for publicity purposes. We would like your permission to photograph your child/dependent for possible use in our publications, website and other publicity material. They may also be used by our partner organisations (noted above) with our permission. The image(s) will remain the property of the university providing the activity and will be used for the sole purpose of promoting similar activities. I agree* / do not agree* to my child/dependent having their photograph taken (* please delete as appropriate) Further Contact From time to time we may send information to you or your child/dependent that we feel is useful, including university/education information or more opportunities to take part in activities. We may also wish to make contact for further research purposes. I agree* / do not agree* to me or my child/dependent being contacted by the partners mentioned above (* please delete as appropriate) To sign up to receive further information from the University of Leicester to include emails containing information, advice and guidance about future education options please provide details below. These details will NOT be passed to any third parties other than our CRM provider. I would* / would not* like my child/dependent to receive further information from the University of Leicester. (* please delete as appropriate) *To be sent to the following email address: _______________________________________________ I would* / would not* like to receive further information for parents/carers from the University of Leicester. *To be sent to the following email address: _______________________________________________ Data Protection In order to ensure that our activities are effective and reaching the right people, we collect and analyse statistical information, including information about your child/dependent’s ethnicity and disability statement. We may share the data held on this form with one or more of the following receiving organisations: Higher education providers in the East Midlands, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the Department for Education (DfE), Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT) service subscribers, the National Data Service, your child/dependant’s school or college, the school or college’s Local Authority EMWPREP and the receiving organisations may then link data from this form to additional educational data about your child / dependent (including DfE attainment data held on the National Pupil Database, UCAS records and/or HESA student records). We may access this data and use it to monitor the impact of our activities. Any personal data we collect will only be shared with the partners mentioned above, all research publications will be anonymised and the data will not be used for any other purpose. Data will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. For more information, please see or call 01509 223462 PLEASE COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW Name of parent / carer: Relationship to child / dependent: Signature of parent / carer: Date: If you do not give your consent for the information collected on this form to be used in the above mentioned research, then please tick this box Thank you for completing this form. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact the Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Co-ordinator on 01509 223462 / Page | 16