Curriculum "Electronics, Electrotechnics and Telecommunication

Curriculum "Electronics, Electrotechnics and Telecommunication
Curriculum Coordinator
1. Prof. Franco Chiaraluce
Curriculum Board:
1. Prof.
2. Prof.
3. Prof.
4. Prof.
5. Prof.
6. Prof.
7. Prof.
8. Prof.
9. Prof.
10. Prof.
11. Prof.
12. Prof.
Giorgio Biagetti
Giovanni Cancellieri
Massimo Conti
Paolo Crippa
Simone Fiori
Ennio Gambi
Simone Orcioni
Francesco Piazza
Paola Pierleoni
Stefano Pirani
Stefano Squartini
Claudio Turchetti
Scientific sectors involved:
ING-INF/01 Electronics
ING-INF/03 Telecommunications
ING-IND/31 Electrotechnics
ING-INF/07 Electrical and Electronic Measurements
PhD students and Tutors
PhD student
Marco Bianchi
Prof. Franco Chiaraluce
Fabrizio Borioni
Prof. Ennio Gambi
Massimo Mercuri
Prof. Claudio Turchetti
Andrea Primavera Prof. Francesco Piazza
Research topics
The main topics of this curriculum concern 3 distinct research areas that, though safeguarding the
multidisciplinary approach of the Doctorate Course, evidence specific expertises, in such a way as to
ensure the PhD student the required specialistic preparation. The areas are reported below, and for
each area a short list of the topics of major interest is provided:
1. Electronics: Design of low consumption electronic systems, Analog and digital electronic
circuits, Radio frequency components, Electronic devices, Electronic technologies, Digital signal
processing, Artificial intelligence, Biometric systems, Biomedical systems, Sensors and wireless
sensor networks, Transductors, Electric and electronic measurements.
2. Electrotechnics: Algorithms for signal processing, Algorithms for digital signal processing of
audio signals (in particular, the voice signal), Artificial neural networks for smart elaboration of
multidimensional data.
3. Telecommunications: Error correcting codes, Video signal coding, Cryptography, Network
protocols, Digital Video Broadcasting, Spread spectrum systems, Network architectures for domotic
applications, VoIP/MoIP systems, Network protocols for the transmission of multimedia signals.
Educational objectives
The curriculum in Electronics, Electrotechnics and Telecommunications Engineering of the Doctorate
School in Engineering Science is the natural extension of the Laurea Magistrale in Electronics
Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering, preceded, in turn, by the three years laurea
degree in the same disciplines.
It aims to prepare professional figures with high qualification, having multidisciplinary and
integrated competences in the most advanced sectors of the information and communication
technology (ICT).
Its goal is forming researchers endowed with advanced technical and methodological knowledge,
and to grow the personal creativity abilities of the students, through the practice of the scientific
research in advanced topics of the Information Engineering. It aims to prepare researchers with a
suitable cultural level for satisfying the requests of innovation and development of the actual
information society, in regard both the scientific creativity and the design ability.
Specific educational objectives can be referred to the individual research areas as follows.
The educational objectives of the "Electronics" area aim at providing the PhD student the ability to
analyze and design electronic systems. The goal is achieved by providing tools and methodologies
suitable for the development of advanced research activities, in an autonomous way, and
supporting his inclusion in national and international research groups.
The educational objectives of the "Electrotechnics" area consist in maturing the PhD student a
strong capacity to analyze the problems emerging in the research issue of interest for the group, to
propose innovative and original solutions, to develop such new ideas autonomously, but also
working in groups, by employing suitable tools for this purpose, to recognize the scientific value of
the results obtained and to disseminate them within the international community. In particular, the
PhD shall demonstrate to have acquired the capacity to operate in the field of the Digital Signal
Processing (DSP), and to be able to use the theoretical knowledge and the HW/SW tools necessary
to certify the validity of the new solutions he has studied.
The educational objectives of the "Telecommunications" area aim at providing the PhD student a
strong capacity to analyze and design telecommunication systems, in regard both the
hardware/software competences and the ability to model and evaluate the performance of the
telecommunication systems. Among the proposed activities, for which the PhD student shall
demonstrate to have acquired a high level set of expertise, we can mention: the employment of
powerful (state-of-the-art) error correcting codes, the development of encryption algorithms and
cryptanalysis techniques, the management of spread-spectrum techniques and video coding
procedures. Another educational step in this area concerns learning of the methods for using
protocols in VoIP or MoIP sessions, and their development in the framework of real networks,
characterized by the presence of firewall and NAT, the study of the coding and transmission
techniques for multimedia contents through heterogeneous networks (IP/ISDN/PSTN), and the
knowledge of network architectures for the integrated management of domotic networks.
Possible professional and academic opportunities
The know-how furnished by the curriculum constitutes the best starting point for a career in the
university or in research agencies, but it also gives job opportunities in industries or public
administration. Well motivated PhD's will be also able to finalize their knowledge as professional
It should be mentioned, in this sense, that the scientific sectors involved in the curriculum give
guarantees for a rapid and qualified inclusion in a lot of professional activities: the high level
reached by the PhD's, and the number and quality of the scientific publications produced, during
and after the Doctorate, have permitted some of them to begin the academic career. On the other
hand also those not employed in the University have often found highly qualified occupations, even
in those agencies or industries that cooperate with the members of the curriculum in the framework
of national or interna.