Chapter 21: The Proton Motive Force Problems: 1,3,5,6,8,10,12-14, 17, 19-20, 23-24, 28, 30, 32-34. ETC: NADH + ½O2 + H+ ATP Syn: ADP + Pi + H+ H2O + NAD+ ATP + H2O G = -220.1 kJ/mole Proton Gradient G = + 30.5 kJ/mole Proton motive force 21.1 A proton gradient powers the synthesis of ATP. 21.2 Shuttles allow movement mitochondrial membranes. 21.3 Cellular respiration is regulated by the need for ATP 21.1 A Proton Gradient Powers the Synthesis of ATP The Chemiosmotic Theory • Proposed by Peter Mitchell in the 1960’s (Nobel Prize 1978) The proton gradient generated by the oxidation of NADH and FADH2 is called the proton-motive force. The proton-motive force powers the synthesis of ATP. Heterologous experimental systems confirmed that proton gradients can power ATP synthesis. Coupled nature of respiration in mitochondria Oxidation of substrates is coupled to the phosphorylation of ADP Respiration (consumption of oxygen) proceeds only when ADP is present (a) O2 consumed only with ADP, excess Pi. (b) (+) Uncoupler DNP (O2 consumed without ADP). The amount of O2 consumed depends upon the amount of ADP added Fig 14.4 2,4-Dinitrophenol: an uncoupler •Uncouplers stimulate the oxidation of substrates in the absence of ADP. •Uncouplers are lipid-soluble weak acids. •Both acidic and basic forms can cross the inner mitochondrial membrane. •Uncouplers deplete any proton gradient by transporting protons across the membrane. Mitchell’s postulates for chemiosmotic theory 1. Intact inner mitochondrial membrane is required (to maintain a proton gradient). 2. Electron transport through the ETC generates a proton gradient (pumps H+ from the matrix to the intermembrane space). 3. The membrane-spanning enzyme, ATP synthase, catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP in a reaction driven by movement of H+ across the inner membrane into the matrix. The Protonmotive Force •Protonmotive force (p) is the energy of the proton concentration gradient . 1. Chemical contribution Gchem = nRT ln ([H+]in / [H+]out) n = number of protons translocated) 2. Electrical contribution: =membrane potential (in – out) Gelect = zF (z = charge (1.0 for H+), F =96,485 JV-1mol-1 ) p = - (0.059 V) pH p = - 0.17 - 0.03 = - 0.20 V ATP synthase • F0F1 ATP Synthase uses the proton gradient energy for the synthesis of ATP • An F-type ATPase which generates ATP • Composed of a “knob-and-stalk” structure • F1 (knob) contains the catalytic subunits • F0 (stalk) has a proton channel which spans the membrane. • There are 3 active sites, one in each subunit • The c-- unit forms a “rotor” • Passage of protons through the Fo (stalk) into the matrix is coupled to ATP formation • Estimated passage of 3 H+ / ATP synthesized • Rotation of the subunit inside the 33 hexamer causes domain movements in the • -subunits, opening and closing the active sites • The a-b--33 unit is the “stator” (the Fo channel is attached to 33 by the ab- arm) Passage of protons through the Fo channel causes the rotor to spin in one direction and the stator to spin in the opposite direction Binding-change mechanism of ATP synthase The binding change mechanism accounts for the synthesis of ATP in response to proton flow. The three catalytic β subunits of the F1 component can exist in three conformations: In the O (open) form, nucleotides can bind to or be released from the β subunit. In the L (loose) form, nucleotides are trapped in the β subunit. In the T (tight) form, ATP is synthesized from ADP and Pi. The rotation of the γ subunit interconverts the β subunits. H+ H+ H+ Three protons = one complete rotation = one ATP Binding-change mechanism of ATP synthase 1. ADP, Pi bind to an open site. 2. Inward passage of protons, conformation change, ATP synthesis from ADP and Pi. 3. ATP released from open site, ADP and Pi form ATP in the tight site. Proton flow around the “c” ring The number of c rings determines the number of protons required to synthesize a molecule of ATP. The c ring of vertebrates consist of 8 subunits, making vertebrate ATP synthase the most efficient known. Overview of Oxidative Phosphorylation 21.2 Shuttles are Necessary for Aerobic Oxidation of Cytosolic NADH • Cytosolic NADH must enter the mitochondria to fuel oxidative phosphorylation, but NADH and NAD+ cannot diffuse across the inner mitochondrial membrane • Two shuttle systems for reducing equivalents: (1) Glycerol phosphate shuttle: insect flight muscles (2) Malate-aspartate shuttle: predominant in liver and other mammalian tissues The Glycerol 3-phosphate shuttle (prominent in muscle) For each mitochondrial NADH, approximately 2.5 ATPs are made; however for cytoplasmic NADH entering via the G3P shuttle, only 1.5 ATPs are made. Why? The Malate-aspartate shuttle (prominent in liver and heart) H+ + + H+ Entry of ADP into Mitochondria and Exit of ATP ADP3- - charge in matrix is depleted cyto + ATP4-matrix ADP3-matrix + ATP4-cyto - charge in cytoplasm is increased ATP-ADP translocase Cyto. ++++++ - Matrix ------ + p decreases during ADP/ATP exchange 1 proton transferred from cytoplasm per ATP Numerous Mitochondrial Transporters + ATP synthase = ATP synthasome 21.3 Cellular Respiration is Regulated by the Need for ATP Of the 30 molecules of ATP formed by the complete combustion of glucose, 26 are formed in oxidative phosphorylation. The metabolism of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate in glycolysis yields the remaining four ATP. When glucose undergoes fermentation, only two molecules of ATP are generated per glucose molecule. Calculating the Amount of ATP/Glucose Complex #H+ translocated/2e- I II III 4 0 4 IV 2 Since 4 H+ are required for each ATP synthesized: For NADH: 10 H+ translocated / O (2e-) ATP/2e- = (10 H+/ 4 H+) = 2.5 For FADH2 = 6 H+/ O (2e-) ATP/2e- = (6 H+/ 4 H+) = 1.5 O H3C NADH + H+ Pyruvate COOH Pyruvate dehydrogenase NAD CO2 Rate of Ox/Phos is Determined by the Need for ATP Respiratory Control of Ox/Phos Electron flow to O2 requires ADP Energy Charge and Ox/Phos • Low ADP = low FAD, NAD+, and CAC. • Increased ADP = increased FAD, NAD+, and active CAC. Electrons do not flow to O2 unless ATP needs to be synthesized. Uncoupling ETC from ATP synthesis leads to heat generation NADH + ½O2 + H+ → H2O + NAD+ + 52.6 kcal/mol UCP-1 thermogin brown fat Non-shivering thermogenesis (humans, but not pigs) ATP Heat Inhibition of ETC and Ox/Phos Inhibitors of ETC Inhibitors of: ATP synthase ATP export Oligomycin, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), DNP Atractyloside, bongkrekic acid Mitochondrial Diseases 10 to 15/100,000 Complex I functioning (NADH, etransfer to Q) Implications for aging, cancer, degenerative disorders, ROS generation, nervous system, heart General Uses of Proton Gradents (Cellular Power Generation)