Review: The finite square well Today’s class: Outside well (E<V): (Region I) Quantum tunneling Outside well (E<V): (Region III) Inside well (E>V): (Region II) d 2ψ III ( x) = α 2ψ III ( x) dx 2 d 2ψ II ( x) = −k 2ψ II ( x) dx 2 ψ II ( x) = C sin(kx) +D cos(kx) ψ III ( x) = Be −αx Energy 4.7 eV Eelectron V=0 eV 0 L x 1) ψ(x) has to be continuous:ψ II ( L) = ψ III ( L) 2) ψ(x) has to be smooth: ψ ' II ( L ) = ψ ' III ( L ) 3) ψ(|x| ∞) 0 (required for normalization) Q1: Review: ‘Penetration depth’ ψ ( x) = Be −αx E<V: Classically forbidden region 0 Eelectron 0 L ψ ( x) = Be −α ( x − L ) Penetration depth: Distance 1/α over which the wave function decays to 1/e of its initial value at the potential boundary (here ψ(L)): 2m (V − E ) h2 , with α = ψ ψ (L) ψ ( L) / e 1/α x 2m (V − E ) h2 with: α = L What changes would increase how far the wave penetrates into the classically forbidden region? A. Decrease potential depth (= work-function of metal) B. Increase potential depth C. Decrease wire length L D. Increase wire length L E. More than one of the above For V-E = 4 eV, 1/α ~ 0.1 nm (very small ~ an atom!!!) Wide vs. narrow finite potential well V V-E E1 ≈ L π 2h 2 2mL2eff α= 2m (V − E ) h2 Smaller V-E smaller α larger penetration depth 6 Q2: ψ(x) V(x) Eelectron Eelectron 0 a little later… L Wire#1 Wire#2 If very very long Wire#2 gets closer and closer to our short wire#1, what will happen? a. electron is “shared” between wires, with fraction in each constant over time b. there is a probability the electron will flow away through wire 2 c. electron will jump back and forth between wire 1 and wire 2 d. electron stays in wire 1. e. something else happens. Q3: Ψ(x,t): standing wave even latter... Ψ(x,t): traveling wave Electron flows away If the total energy E of the electron is LESS than the work function of the metal, V0, when the electron reaches the end of the wire, it will@ A. stop. B. be reflected back. C. exit the wire and keep moving to the right. D. either be reflected or transmitted with some probability. E. dance around and sing, “I love quantum mechanics!” Answers to clicker questions Q1: E (A&C work) Q2: B Q3: B