Troubleshooting Guide This guide contains information for identifying and correcting issues that may arise. Applicable Models: i200 i200P i250 i250P i200X i201X i250X i251X iQ251 iQ251D iQ751 iQ1001 iQ1501 Product Support / Warranty If the water heater requires additional service, please use one of the following options for contacting Intellihot Technical Support: - Call: 309-473-8040 (toll-free 1-877-835-1705), and press 3 - Email: When you contact Technical Support, please have the following information ready: - Model Number - Serial Number - Date purchase / Date installed - Installation location & application - Error code (if any) or other problem with the unit Table of Contents Error Code List & Suggested Tool List......................................................................2 E1-Blower Speed Fault...................................................................................................3 E3-Blocked Flue................................................................................................................4 E7-Ignition Failure...........................................................................................................5 E9-Temperature Sensor Shorted................................................................................6 EA-Temperature Sensor Open Circuit......................................................................7 EC-Flue Temperature Exceeded.................................................................................8 Ed-Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Exceeded............................................9 Flashing Icon..............................................................................................................10 Icon Flashing......................................................................................................11 Recirculation Icon Flashing................................................................................12 Blank (Blue)/Illegible Display....................................................................................13 Breaker Tripped (Over-Load)....................................................................................14 Dead Unit-No Powerup..............................................................................................15 No Hot Water.................................................................................................................16 Rough Ignition...............................................................................................................17 Rumbling.........................................................................................................................18 Water Leaks.....................................................................................................................19 Appendix Blower Replacement..............................................................................................20 Gas Valve Replacement.........................................................................................21 Electrode Replacement.........................................................................................23 Controller Pin Layout.............................................................................................24 Wiring Diagram (Wall-Hung)...............................................................................24 Wiring Diagram (Floor-Mount)...........................................................................25 1 Error Code List Code E1 E3 E7 E9 EA EC Ed Description Blower Speed Fault Blocked Flue Ignition Failure Temperature Sensor Shorted Temperature Sensor Open Circuit Flue Temperature Exceeded Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Exceeded Suggested Tool List - Digital Manometer - Electrical Multimeter - Flue Gas Analyzer (for NOx & CO2) - 7mm Socket & Ratchet - #1 Phillips Screwdriver - #2 Phillips Screwdriver - Instrument Flat Blade Screwdriver - Pliers - Adjustable Wrench 2 Page 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yes Replace Fuse Yes Replace Blower Yes Check blower. Is there a broken vane? Yes Is Blower Noisy? E1 Blower Speed Fault E1-Blower Speed Fault Does Blower Run on Start-up No Unplug blower and measure 120V at the 3-pin Connector (J15)? No Check fuse. Is it blown? No Replace controller No No J8 Power cycle unit and at start up, use a multimeter to check PWM at J18. Remove blower and inspect inside for damage. J14 J15 J23 FUSE FUSE Does PWM read between 10-90%? No J11 J9 Replace blower J12 ON NG OFF LP E12 GREEN LED (POWER) DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) J7 Black Red Yes J3 Check J18 & J15. Are the contacts loose? No J20 J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J5 Yes Repair/tighten connectors DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J1 3 No E3-Blocked Flue E3-Blocked flue Check exhaust termination. Is it blocked? Yes Remove blockage and Install screens if not installed Turn off gas and remove condensate line. Remove the condensate tube/input trap. Is it blocked? Yes Are the drain hoses sloped away from unit? Yes Check for double loops, air locks or debris in loop No No Slope drain per Manual Is vent piping sized (diameter & total length and installed per manual? No No Yes Correct piping per manual specs Check Air switch wiring (green/black). Is it loose Repair faulty wiring at air switch Yes Contact Authorized Service Personnel 4 Yes Gas No Are the regulators & gas lines sized for loads? Yes Check the static gas pressure. Is it within specs? Replace switch for wall-hung, for IQ check flow change requirement. Check recirc pump Yes No J5 Yes No Put unit at maximum firing value. Did pressure drop less than 0.5" W.C.? No Is dynamic pressure within spec? Yes Yes Yes Is the flame visible through the viewport? No Remove igniter and inspect. (Gap and cleanliness) Bad Yes Replace the igniter Replace gas valve No Is flame visible during ignition? Regulator or gas lines inadaquate. Please correct. No Check for 120 V at J23 pins during ignition Yes Replace controller No Repair or replace wiring. Check wiring to gas valve and to DSI (brown/blue). Is it damaged? No J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J1 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J20 Gas lines and/or regulators inadequate. Please correct. J9 J11 J3 Size gas lines and regulators for max BTU/h requirements J12 ON NG OFF LP GREEN LED (POWER) E12 Overheat Hi-limit tripped? E7-Ignition Failure E7-Ignition Failure Nat. Gas or Propane? Propane Is LP conversions completed per manual? No J8 FUSE FUSE J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT Complete the conversion per the manual J14 J15 J23 J7 ** Is red LED lit up on controller? No Check white wire from electrode to controller (E12) Replace igniter No Shut off gas and test fire to see if sparks at the gap Good Yes Go to ** Yes Contact an authorized service technician Yes 5 No Replace corresponding sensor No J14 J8 J23 J15 Measure resistance of sensor using multimeter. Is it within spec? E9 Temperature Sensor Shorted E9-Temp. Sensor Shorted Verify Secondary Sensor code: HE-heat exchanger water outlet temperature sensor (orange wire) FL-flue temperature sensor (gray wire) IN-inlet water temperature sensor (blue wire) rE-Recirculation temperature sensor (white wire) Ou-Domestic hot water outlet temperature sensor (green wire) No Yes Check harness connector J3. Is it damaged? Yes Repair or replace connector wire. Is Sensor wiring or pigtails damaged or corroded? Repair nicked or broken sensor wiring/connectors. FUSE FUSE DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J12 ON NG OFF LP GREEN LED (POWER) E12 J9 J11 Contact Authorized Service Personnel J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) J7 Yes J3 18 10 3 J20 J10 J19B J1 J5 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J19A CASCADING CONNECTIONS Temp of Water Sensor Resistance (kW) (°F) 50 77 140 6 No Replace corresponding sensor No Measure resistance of sensor using multimeter. Is it within spec? J8 J23 J15 J14 FUSE FUSE Yes J7 J12 ON NG OFF LP GREEN LED (POWER) E12 J9 J11 Contact Authorized Service Personnel J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT EA Error Code-Temp Sensor Open Circuit EA - Temp Sensor-open circuit Verify Secondary Sensor code: HE-heat exchanger water outlet temperature sensor (orange wire) FL-flue temperature sensor (gray wire) IN-inlet water temperature sensor (blue wire) rE-Recirculation temperature sensor (white wire) Ou-Domestic hot water outlet temperature sensor (green wire) Check harness connector J3. Is it damaged? Yes No Yes Repair or replace connector wire. Is Sensor wiring or pigtails damaged or corroded? Repair nicked or broken sensor wiring/connectors. J3 18 10 3 J20 J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J5 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J1 Temp of Water Sensor Resistance (kW) (°F) 50 77 140 7 8 No Yes Check for faulty HE sensor/wiring (orange) No Is there air in system? Yes No Is the unit a combi or pump model? Yes Remove and inspect check valve on the line and inside pump. Is it normal? No Remove jammed check valve due to water not flowing through unit. Follow EA & E9 error code processes (Pages 6 & 7) Yes Bleed out unit with water when unit is off Pump Model No No No Contact Authorized Service Personnel No Does the flow rate change more than 2 GPM in 5 sec.? Yes Add recirculation pump Correct direction (arrow pointing right-Combi, Left for Pump Model) and replace if damaged Yes Inspect solenoid valve. Is is damaged/ plugged or installed backwards?? Yes Ed-Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Exceeded Ed- HEX Oulet Temp Exceeded On a well water system? Yes Is pressure within 30-150psi? No Correct well water system Combi 9 Flashing Icon ! Flashing Icon Error has occurred Unit is locked, Error Code has occurred. Refer to applicable error code resolution for the code that is present on the units. To reset the water heater, press and hold the power button on the display or unplug unit and plug back in after 10 seconds 10 No Set each unit with unique number (1-10) per manual No Go to cascading mode in each unit. Does each unit have a unique identifier set? Yes No Yes No Refer to manual for proper configuration Are the DIP Switches for the non-end units set properly? Refer to manual for proper configuration Are the DIP Switches for the end units set properly? Cascading Icon Flashing Cascading Icon Flashing Check connection data cables, are they damaged or unplugged? Yes Reconnect cables and replace any damaged cables or connectors Yes Do any of the units show an error code? Yes Refer to Guide for that specific error code. No Contact Authorized Service Personnel 11 Yes No Contact Authorized Service Personnel Check J7 that there is 120V when the recirc icon is on. No Replace controller Yes Pump Model Remove jammed check valve due to water not flowing through unit. No Remove and inspect check valve on the line and inside pump. Is it normal? Recirculation Icon Flashing (Pump Models Only) Recirc Icon Flashing Check to see if pump is rotating by touching or with pump rotation tester. No Inspect the pump wiring connections (J7). Are they damaged or unplugged? Yes Plug in or repair wiring & connections. Combi Yes J14 J15 J8 J23 J7 J12 ON NG OFF LP E12 GREEN LED (POWER) DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) FUSE FUSE Black Red Inspect solenoid valve. Is is damaged/ plugged or installed backwards?? Yes Correct direction (arrow pointing right-Combi, Left for Pump Model) and replace if damaged J9 J11 No J3 J20 J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J5 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J1 Contact Authorized Service Personnel 12 Yes Plug in securely. Repeat power cycle of the unit. Yes Check the wiring at display end. Is it loose? Blank (Blue) / Illegible Display Blank (Blue) / Illegible Display Power Cycle the Unit. Is Display still blue/illegible? No All OK No Replace the Display 13 Yes Power down the unit. Unplug transformer, pump and blower. (J12, J7, J18) J14 J15 J8 J23 FUSE FUSE DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J12 ON NG OFF LP GREEN LED (POWER) E12 J9 J11 Plug in blower. (J18) Did Breaker trip? J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) J7 No Yes Plug in Pump (if present) (J7). Did breaker trip? Yes Replace blower Plug in transformer (J12), and power up unit did breaker trip? Yes Replace pump No Breaker Tripped (Over-Load) Breaker Tripped Review manual for breaker sizes. Are they size appropriately? No Appropriately size the breakers per the manual Replace transformer J3 No J20 J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J5 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J1 Contact Authorized Service Personnel 14 Yes J14 J8 No J9 J11 J3 Correct or replace power connection Yes Check the power connection to the controller (J14). Is it loose or damaged? J12 ON NG OFF LP E12 GREEN LED (POWER) DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J18 RED LED (BURNER ON) FUSE FUSE See Breaker tripped page Yes Is corresponding breaker tripped? Dead Unit - No Power Up Unit is Dead No Power Up Is Unit plugged in? No Plug in Unit(s) Black Red J15 J23 J7 No J20 J10 J19B CASCADING CONNECTIONS J19A J5 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J1 Check the fuses on controller. Are they rated at 10A / 250V? Yes Are the fuses blown or damaged? Yes Replace Fuse and see Breaker Tripped page. No No Replace with appropriate fuse Contact Authorized Service Personnel 15 Clear out debris Yes Is there debris? Repair or replace check valve Yes Remove Pump & inspect check valve, is it stuck? (pump & combi models only) Remove water inlet valve. Inspect for debris or PTFE paste. Open and clean out strainer per manual Yes Yes Yes No Hot Water No Hot Water Open faucet, is the flow icon lit? No Open drain on bottom of unit is water flowing? No Check inlet strainer, is it plugged? No Is the inlet & outlet water connection piped correctly? No Repair piping to have proper inlet and outlet. No No Blow on valve to hear for movement of turbine? No Replace valve Contact Authorized Service Personnel No 16 NG Yes Check the static gas pressure. Is it within specs? No Check HV cable. Is it unplugged or damaged? Gas lines and/or regulators inadequate. Please correct. No Replace or plug in HV cable Yes Rough Ignition Rough Ignition Nat. Gas or LP? LP Has unit been converted to LP per manual? No See manual and convert. Yes Check the emissions. Are they within specs? No Yes No Check with gas company about the caloric value of gas value is within limit (975-1050)? Retune gas valve to set emissions to specs. Yes Contact Authorized Service Personnel 17 Rumbling Unit is Rumbling Verify the intake & exhaust is installed per specification? No Install according to manual instructions Yes Is the vent length less than 5 ft? Yes Add an elbow or reducer to bring effective length to over 10 ft. Check the CO2, is within specs. No 9.1% to 9.3% < 200 ppm < 60 ppm < 200 ppm Contact Authorized Service Personnel Max. CO Level (ppm) 9.0% to 9.2% < 60 ppm No Yes Set the CO2 level within table below CO2 and CO Standards CO2 Range (%) High Fire 9.0% to 9.8% Description Low Fire 8.6% to 8.9% Natural Gas High Fire LP Gas Low Fire 18 Yes Water Leaks Water Leak (internal) Remove cover and inspect to locate leak. Is the leak spotty and located under the casting? No Shut off the inlet & outlet and open an fixture to release pressure in system. Contact Authorized Service Personnel Check the internal water lines. Identify location of leaks. Refer to Serviceable parts diagrams in manual, Remove and disassemble leaking/damaged part. Inspect part and O-ring for damage. Repair or replace as needed. Contact Authorized Service Personnel 19 Appendix BLOWER REPLACEMENT (See Diagram, page 22) The blower is located on the top of the heat exchanger − Shut off the gas to the heater − Shut off power to the heater by unplugging the unit from the 120 VAC outlet − remove the front panel (three screws at top and three at bottom) − Unplug the display cable from the pcb (press plastic tab and pull) − lift up and remove the front display bracket − Unplug all the wiring connections from the blower (press the tabs and pull) − remove the gas valve wiring located behind the blower − Unplug the HV cable from the DSI − Remove the gas connection at the top isolating the unit's gas supply from the building − remove phillips screws to remove the aluminum gas fitting at the top the unit − remove 4 allen screws to remove the aluminum gas adapter fitting − remove two plastic taps on top of the cabinet to access the screws securing the blower − remove 4 screws securing the blower from the top using a long screwdriver − remove the entire blower gas valve assembly from the unit − remove the gas valve 3 torx screws − install the gas valve on the new blower − reverse process to assemble the blower back to the heater − ensure the gasket is installed between the blower and the top housing − Install the blower gas valve using 4 screws and a long screw driver − Install the aluminum gas adapter on top of the gas valve − Install the gas fitting and secure it using 4 screws to the cabinet − Install the building gas supply − Install the blower wiring, HV cable and gas valve wiring − turn gas supply back on and check for any gas leaks − turn water on and plug the heater to the outlet 20 GAS VALVE REPLACEMENT (See Diagram, page 22) The blower gas valve assembly is located on the top of the heat exchanger − Shut off the gas to the heater − Shut off power to the heater by unplugging the unit from the 120 VAC outlet − remove the front panel (three screws at top and three at bottom) − Unplug the display cable from the pcb (press plastic tab and pull) − lift up and remove the front display bracket − Unplug all the wiring connections from the blower (press the tabs and pull) − remove the gas valve wiring located behind the blower − Unplug the HV cable from the DSI − Remove the gas connection at the top isolating the unit's gas supply from the building − remove phillips screws to remove the aluminum gas fitting at the top the unit − remove 4 allen screws to remove the aluminum gas adapter fitting − remove two plastic taps on top of the cabinet to access the screws securing the blower − remove 4 screws securing the blower from the top using a long screwdriver − remove the entire blower gas valve assembly from the unit − remove the gas valve 3 torx screws − install the new gas valve on the blower 3 torx screws − reverse process to assemble the blower back to the heater − ensure the gasket is installed between the blower and the top housing − Install the blower gas valve using 4 screws and a long screw driver − Install the aluminum gas adapter on top of the gas valve (ensure the o-ring is in place) − Install the gas fitting and secure it using 4 screws to the cabinet − Install the building gas supply − Install the blower wiring, HV cable and gas valve wiring − turn gas supply back on and check for any gas leaks − turn water on and plug the heater to the outlet 21 Blower/Gas Valve Exploded View Gas Valve Blower 22 ELECTRODE REPLACEMENT The electrode is located on the top of the heat exchanger − Shut off the gas to the heater − Shut off power to the heater by unplugging the unit from the 120 VAC outlet − remove the front panel (three screws at top and three at bottom) − Unplug the display cable from the pcb (press plastic tab and pull) − lift up and remove the front display bracket − Unplug the HV cable from the electrode − Unplug the electrode connection from the controller at connection E12 − Remove the 2 screws & washers securing the electrode − Remove electrode from HEX assembly. − Insert new electrode into the HEX assembly, careful to use new probe hole seal − Fasten the electrode with the 2 screws with washers. Verify that the yellow/green wire is attached beneath the right hand screw. − Connect the electrode to the controller at connection E12 − Connect the HV cable to the electrode − turn gas supply back on − turn water on and plug the heater to the outlet 23 Controller Pin Layout J8 FUSE FUSE J10 J12 ON J14 NG DIP SWITCH SW1 FUEL SELECT J19B J9 LP CASCADING CONNECTIONS OFF J15 RED LED (BURNER ON) J19A GREEN LED (POWER) J20 DIP SWITCH SW3 ON OFF J23 J7 J18 J3 J11 E12 J1 J5 Wiring Diagram (all wall-hung units) %. :7 %2,/(577 /($.6(1625 + FRUGFDEOH )86( )86( %. %1 %1 5' 5' 02'(/6L;L;21/< %. :7 75$16)250(5 %. %. %1 + + $,56:,7&+ *1 *1*5281' 21 + :71(875$/ %./,1( ',36:,7&+6: )8(/6(/(&7 1* +# + /3 2)) %1/,1( + %/1(875$/ *1</*5281' %/2:(5 5('/(' %851(521 +" *5((1/(' 32:(5 %1/,1( %. + *1</*5281' %/1(875$/ %1/,1( 5' + </ %/ ',36:,7&+6: 21 2)) + %/1(875$/ %. 5' &$6&$',1* &211(&7,216 + & + + + + 5' *1 </ %/ 25 :7 *1</*5281' 3803 %1 02'(/6L3 L3L;L; 21/< %<%$66 62/(12,' 9$/9( *1</ +($7,1*6<67(0 *5281' 38037(50,1$/ 1(875$/ 02'(/6L; $'1L;21/< /,1( %1 $)86( 5' 7(03(5$785( 6(16256 5' :7 %/ :7 %/ *< )/8(7(03 %. *< 25 *1 :7 %. 5' 5(&,5&8/$7,217(03 %1 %1 %1 %1 %/ 25 +($7(;&+$1*(5 287/(77(03 ) 7+(50$/ )86( ) 7+(50$/ )86( %/ *1 +27:$7(5 287/(77(03 %/ 02'(/6L3 L3L3 L;L;21/< *$6 9$/9( :7 *1</*5281' +,*+92/7$*(&$%/( ,*17(5$1')/$0(352%( ',5(&763$5.,*1,7,21 24 287'2257(03(5$785(6(1625 02'(/6L;L;21/< 5(3/$&(6&2/':$7(5,1/(77(03 :,5(&2/25&2'( %. %/$&. %/ %/8( %1 %52:1 *1 *5((1 *< *5$< 25 25$1*( 5(' 5' :7 :+,7( </ <(//2: *1</ *5((1<(//2: &2/':$7(5 ,1/(77(03 :$7(5&21752/9$/9( $1')/2:6(1625 ,*7/%/5(9 Wiring Diagram (all floor-mount units) :7 75$16)250(5 %1 %1 5' 5' %. 32:(5 ',6752%87,21 %/2&. + )86( )86( %. %. + + $,56:,7&+ *1 21 *1*5281' + :7/,1( %.1(875$/ ',36:,7&+6: )8(/6(/(&7 1* +# + /3 2)) %1/,1( + %/1(875$/ *1</*5281' %/2:(5 5('/(' %851(521 +" *5((1/(' 32:(5 %1/,1( 5' + </ %/ ',36:,7&+6: 21 2)) + %/1(875$/ %. 5' &$6&$',1* &211(&7,216 + *1</*5281' & + + + %. 5' *1 </ %/ 25 :7 %1 + + 21/<21(',63/$<3(581,7 *< 5' :7 %/ %. :7 %/ *< 25 *1 7(03(5$785( 6(16256 )/8(7(03 %1 %1 ) 7+(50$/ )86( +27:$7(5 287/(77(03 %1 %/ %1 ) 7+(50$/ )86( %/ ,17(//,+27:$7(5+($7(5 &21752/02'8/(:,5,1*',$*5$0 02'(/L4L4L4 %/ L42)6+2:1 L42)6+2:1 L42)66+2:1 *$6 9$/9( :7 *1</*5281' ',5(&763$5.,*1,7,21 %. 5' *1 +,*+92/7$*(&$%/( ,*17(5$1')/$0(352%( 25 :,5(&2/25&2'( %. %/$&. %/ %/8( %1 %52:1 *1 *5((1 *< *5$< 25 25$1*( 5' 5(' :7 :+,7( </ <(//2: *1</ *5((1<(//2: &2/':$7(5 ,1/(77(03 :$7(5&21752/9$/9( $1')/2:6(1625 ,*7/%/5(9 26 27 Product Support / Warranty If the water heater requires additional service, please use one of the following options for contacting Intellihot Technical Support: - Call: 309-473-8040 (or 1-877-835-1705), and press 3 - Email: When you contact Technical Support, please have the following information ready: - Model Number - Serial Number - Date purchase / Date installed - Installation location & application - Error code (if any) or other problem with the unit Revised 9-2015 v1.1