130 P. RAZELOS A New Integral Representation of the Bessel Coefficients By P. Razelos The modified Bessel coefficients /„ are defined by the series [1] ,tyq+n (1) I(t) with the integral representation (2) t w «-QSKS+ n)\ [1] In(t) = - Í e °°BXcos nxdx. ir Jo An integral representation of the coefficients In(t) is presented here where the path of integration is extended to infinity. Theorem: The integral An(l) = - / IT Jo e<cosa: cos nx-dx x is the modiñed coefficient In(t) for any 0 < t < 1. There are many ways by which the theorem can be proved, but we give here the following proof which consists of a straightforward evaluation of the integral An . The function e'c°" Xis expanded in a power series (which is absolutely convergent for all t) and we then integrate term by term. /o\ (.tCOSX) e(coax = V"1 2---j-• (3) r=o r\ Let us define ia\ r\ r (4) 2 f" Qn = - I r sin ex , cos x cosnx-dx. 7TJn x Then Qn tr An(t) Z^rtr¿InVJ = = Z^ (5) r=o r-0 Introducing (6) r\ the expansion 1 <<■/*),-' /r\ cosrz = -—: 2r~1 y, k-o ( , ) cos(r — 2k)x \k/ (where 5 = 1 or § for r even or odd, respectively) (7) Qn = \r 'g Q into (4), we obtain lg(r - 2k + n) + g(r -2k- Received March 31, 1964. Revised July 6, 1964. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use n)], INTEGRAL REPRESENTATION OF BESSEL COEFFICIENTS 131 where (8) g(y) = - i 7T J0 cos yx ^-^ X dx = 0,1, for | y/t | greater than, less than, or equal to one, respectively [2]. Therefore, the only term which is nonzero in (7) is the term g(0), if it exists. Then r ! r! (9) ^B = 2r (r - «\ '- -L--\ (10) Q„r = 0 ' r - n and r' n both even 0r odd' &)<;-¥)' for r < n or r, n one even, one odd. We can now write r — n = 2q, (11) r + n = 2(g + n). Thus, ' r! Qn' = br 2rç!(ç + n)! (12) Substituting (12) into (5), we obtain (13) A.(0-¿ .)2¿_ „-i- Q-E-D. ,=oql(q + n)l A similar expression can be readily obtained for the coefficients Jn(t). The value of e = § gives the following interesting result. Let us define (ia\ (14) d d\ % fn <1/2) r" Bn(t) = - / / xJn-(i/2) Jo e tC08x 2 f" ¿ ■KJo rotmax dp / = lim? 2e Jo f dv f ¡CO rJo = 2e t cos y sin Consider 2/ , i now the integral v sin(a;/2) cos(ra)--— x , dx 2etcOBXcos(vx)cos(vy) SÍn(x/2) dx Ji j//2 j a; It can be easily shown that Bn(t) = In(t). = - / sin(x/2) cosca; ———- dvdx. X = e by Fourier's theorem. Clearly B(t) = 2Z-«,ß„(i). License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 132 C. D. SUTHERLAND Acknowledgment. The author wishes to thank Professor H. G. Elrod, Jr. for suggesting the problem. Columbia University New York, New York 1. G. N. Watson, A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1944. MR 6, 64. 2. R. S. Burington, Handbook of Mathematical Tables and Formulas, 3rd ed., Handbook Publishers Inc., Sandusky, Ohio, 1949.MR 22 #2514. Footnote to the Evaluation of Certain Complex Elliptic Integrals By C. D. Sutherland The formulas for evaluating the elliptic integral of the third kind wi h a complex parameter as given by Byrd and Friedman [1] have been corrected and simplified )by Lang and Stevens [2]. There is, however, a further correction necessary in these latter results. The integral to be evaluated is / = (ai + *i) where a2 is complex and A = \/(l there appears the quantity fPi T2= I / T- . , Jo (1 — a2 sin2 0)A — k2 sin2 6). In the formulas for evaluating / m2dx m2 , -i, ,, N T+h^2 = VF2tan WW' where sin tj>cos <t> V2 = (1 + m2 sin2 </>)A' We will consider the case where m2 ^ — 1. If this occurs we see that as </>goes to ir/2, either p2 —> oo (m2 = —1) and [tan-1 (p2 \/h2)] —*ir/2, or p2 —>0 through negative values (m2 < —1) and [tan-1 (p2 \/h2)] —*ir (and not to zero). To avoid overlooking this possibility the proper representation —1 \/h2 72 = —FT cos -i / A cos <t> \ f ( -JTÏ.—• i -i i A2-T^\ I Ior \V(h2 sin2 4>+ A2 cos2 <j>)/ for r2 is m2 = 1 ~ 1' m2 -i ( A(l + m2 sin2 <f>) \ cos I -771—7~in-2 ^ _l A2^i _l-■ , ^n ) Vh2 \V(h2 sin2 (j>cos2 <t>+ A2(l + m2 sin2 0)2)/ 72 = -yr . for m2 y¿ -1. It is to be noted, in particular, that the formulas for the real and imaginary parts of the complete integral should contain a term involving r2 whenever m2 ^ —1. Received Commission. March 16, 1964. Work performed under the auspices License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use of the U. S. Atomic Energy