LIST OF PUBLICATIONS( since January, 1994)

Prof. Ambrish Chandra
Journal Articles: Accepted or Published
[1] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, A.O. Barry, T.D. Nguyen, „Power quality enhancement utilizing
single-phase unified power quality conditioner: digital signal processor-based experimental
validation‟, IET Power Electronics, vol.4, no.3, pp.323-331, March 2011.
[2] Kishore Chatterjee, D. V. Ghodke, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad 'Modified
One-Cycle controlled load compensator' In press for publication in IET Power Electronics,
March 2011, PEL-2010-0070.R2
[3] Vinod Khadkikar, Ambrish Chandra and Bhim Singh, “Digital Signal Processor
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Split Capacitor, Four-Leg and Three HBridge based Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filters,” IET Power Electronics, vol.4,
no.4, pp.463-470, April 2011.
[4] E. Tremblay, S. Atayde, A. Chandra, „Comparative study of control strategies for the
Doubly Fed Induction Generator in Wind Energy Conversion Systems: a DSP-based
implementation approach‟, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Volume: PP, Issue:
99, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TSTE.2011.2113381, Publication Year: 2011.
[5] V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, „UPQC-S: A Novel Concept of Simultaneous Voltage
Sag/Swell and Load Reactive Power Compensations Utilizing Series Inverter of UPQC‟,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume: PP, Issue: 99, Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/TPEL.2011.2106222, Publication Year: 2011.
[6] Mukhtiar Singh, V. Khadkikar, A. Chandra, and Rajiv K. Varma, „Grid-Interconnection of
Renewable Energy Sources at Distribution Level with Power Quality Improvement
Features‟, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 307 – 315, January
[7] Mukhtiar Singh, V. Khadkikar, and A. Chandra, “Grid Synchronization with Harmonics
and Reactive Power Compensation Capability of PMSG based Variable Speed Wind
Energy Conversion System,” IET Power Electronics, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 122-130, January
[8] Mukhtiar Singh, Ambrish Chandra, 'Application of Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy
Inference System for Sensorless Control of PMSG Based Wind Turbine with Non-Linear
Load Compensation Capabilities', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume: 26
Publication Year: 2011 , Page(s): 165 - 175
[9] Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, D P Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al Haddad, “New
Control Algorithm for Capacitor Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer,” Journal of
Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications. doi:10.4236/jemaa.2011.37045 Published
Online July 2011 (
[10] Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al Haddad, “Electronic
Load Controller for a Parallel Operated Isolated Asynchronous Generator Feeding Various
Loads,” In press for publication in Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications2011.
[11] Khadkikar, Vinod and Chandra, Ambrish (2010) "Three-Phase and Single-Phase p-q
Theories Applied to Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter under Different Operating
Conditions: A Comparative Evaluation," International Journal of Emerging Electric Power
Systems: Vol. 11 : Iss. 2, Article 1. DOI: 10.2202/1553-779X.2308 (NSERC)
Prof Ambrish Chandra
Available at:
Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Conditioner
for Variable-Frequency Drives in Offshore Oil Fields,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, vol. 46, no.2, pp.731-739, March/April 2010.
Khadkikar V and Chandra A, “A Novel Structure for Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution
System Utilizing Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)”. IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, Vol. 45, issue 5, Sept.-Oct. 2009, pp. 1897-1902. (NSERC)
Bhim Singh, R. Saha, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “Static Synchronous
Compensators (STATCOM) - A Review,” IET Power Electronics, Vol. 2, issue 4, July
2009, pp. 297-324
Kishore Chatterjee, D. V. Ghodke, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “Simple
Controller for STATCOM based Var Generators”, IET Power Electronics, vol. 2, issue 2,
pp. 192-202, March 2009. (NSERC)
Khadkikar V and Chandra A, and Singh B N, “Generalized Single-Phase p-q Theory for
Active Power Filtering: Simulation and DSP based Experimental Investigation”, IET
Power Electronics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 67 -78, January 2009. (NSERC)
Khadkikar V and Chandra A, “A New Control Philosophy for Unified Power Quality
Conditioner (UPQC) to Co-ordinate Load Reactive Power Demand Between Shunt and
Series Inverters”, IEEE Trans on Power Delivery, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 2522 – 2534, October
2008. (NSERC)
Singh, B.; Gairola, S.; Singh, B. N.; Chandra, A.; Al-Haddad, K., „Multipulse AC–DC
Converters for Improving Power Quality: A Review‟, IEEE Transaction on Power
Electronics, Volume 23, Issue 1, Jan 2008, pp. 260-281.
Brij Singh, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Parviz Rastgoufard, Kamal Al-Haddad "An
Improved Control Algorithm for Active Filters" IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
Vol. 22, No. 2, April 2007, pp. 1009-1020. (NSERC)
A. Pandey, B. Singh, B.N. Singh, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad and D.P. Kothari, “A Review
of Multilevel Power Converters”, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 86,
March 2006, pp. 220-231.
Kincic S., Ooi, B. T., McGillis, D., Chandra A., „Voltage Support of Radial Transmission
Lines by VAr Compensation at Distribution Buses' IEE Proc. Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, UK, Vol. 153, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 51-58 .
Singh B. N., Singh B., Chandra A., and Al-Haddad K., „Design and digital implementation
of an active filter with power balance theory‟, IEE Proceedings-Electric Power
Applications, Vol. 152, No. 5, September 2005, pp 1149-1160.
B. Singh, V. Verma, A. Chandra and K. Al-Haddad, “Hybrid filters for power quality
improvement,” IEE Proceedings- Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Vol. 152 No.
3, May 2005, pp. 365-378.
Sumit Ghatak Choudhuri, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “A
Comparative Study of Power Quality Improvements in Six-Pulse AC-DC Converter fed
Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive,” Journal of IEEMA, Vol. XXV, No. 5, May
2005, pp.54-57.
Kincic S., Wan X., McGillis D., Chandra A., Ooi B. T., Galiana F. D. and Joos
G.,"Voltage Support by Distributed Static VAr Systems (SVS)," IEEE Trans. On Power
Delivery, vol. 20, no 2, April 2005, pp. 1541-1549.
Singh B. N., Rastgoufard P., Singh B., Chandra A., and Al-Haddad K., “Design, simulation
and implementation of three-pole/four-pole topologies for active filters”, IEE ProceedingsElectric Power Applications, Vol. 151, No. 4, pp. 467 - 476, July 2004.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[27] Singh B., Singh B. N., Chandra A., Al-Haddad K., Pandey A., and Kothari D. P., “A
Review of Three-Phase Improved Power Quality AC–DC Converters”, IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 641 - 660, June 2004.
[28] Singh, B., Singh Brij N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Pandey, A., Kothari, D.P., “A
review of single phase improved power quality AC-DC converters,” IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, vol 50. No. 5, Octobre 2003, pp 962-981.
[29] Singh, Bhim, Singh, B. N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, Kamal, “Digital Implementation
of Sliding Mode Control Technique on SSC for Load Balancing and Reactive Power
Compensation,” IETE Journal of Research, Volume 49, No. 5, September-October 2003, pp
[30] Singh Brij N., Chandra A., and Rastgoufard P., "Simulation and digital implementation
of a simple technique of active filter for elimination of switching ripples/distortion in the
supply current",The Journal European Trans. on Electrical Power (ETEP), vol.12, no.1, pp.
63-72, January/February 2002
[31] Singh Brij N, Singh, B., Chandra A., and Al-Haddad K., "A new control strategy of a
three-phase solid state compensator for voltage regulation, power factor correction and
load balancing", The Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 83, pp.55-64, June
[32] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "DSP Based Implementation of
Fuzzy Control Algorithms of Active Shunt Filter", European Transactions on Electrical
Power Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2000, pp369-375.
[33] Chandra, A., Singh, B., Singh, B.N., and Al-Haddad, K., "An Improved Control
Algorithm of Shunt Active Filter for Voltage Regulation, harmonic Elimination, Power
factor Correction and balancing of Nonlinear Loads", IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics,
USA, Vol. 15, NO. 3, May 2000, pp 495-507.
[34] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A DPS Based Indirect Current
Controlled STATCOM-Part I : Evaluation of Current Control Techniques", IEE
Proceedings-Electric Power Applications, UK, Vol. 147, No. 2, March 2000, pp 107-112.
[35] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A. and Al-Haddad, K., "DPS Based Indirect Current Controlled
STATCOM-Part II : Multi-functional capabilities", IEE Proceedings-Electric Power
Applications, UK, Vol. 147, No. 2, March 2000, pp. 113-118.
[36] Singh, B., Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "DSP Based Implementation of
an Improved Control Algorithm of a Three-Phase Active Filter for Compensation of
Unbalanced Non-linear Loads", European Transactions on Electrical Power Engineering
,Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2000, pp. 29-35.
[37] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Digital Implementation of an
Advanced Static Compensator for Voltage Profile Improvement, Power Factor Correction
and Balancing of Unbalanced Reactive Loads", Journal of Electric Power Systems
Research (USA), Vol 54, 2000, pp 101-111.
[38] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "A review of active filters for power quality
Improvement", IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics (USA), Vol 46, No. 5, pp 960-971,
Oct, 1999.
[39] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., and Singh, B., "Performance of Sliding Mode
and Fuzzy controllers for Static Synchronous Series Compensator", The Journal of IEE
Pt.C, Generation, Transmission and Distribution (U.K), Volume 146, Number 2, March
1999, pp 200-206.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[40] Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Computer-aided modeling & Simulation of
active power filters", Journal of Electric Machines & Power Systems (USA ), Vol 27, No.
11, November, 1999, pp. 1227-1241.
[41] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "Active Power filter for harmonic and
reactive power compensation in three phase, four-wire systems supplying non-linear
loads", European transactions on Electrical Power (Germany), Vol. 8, No. 2, March/April
1998, pp. 139-145.
[42] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Anuradha and Kothari, D.P., "Reactive Power
Compensation & load balancing in Electrical power distribution systems", Transactions on
Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Elservier Science (UK), 1998. Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 375381.
[43] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "A New Control Approach to Three Phase
Active Filter for Harmonics and Reactive Power Compensation", IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, Feb. 1998, pp. 133-138.
[44] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Anuradha, and Kothari, D.P., "A Three-Phase
Compensator for Load Balancing and Reactive Power Compensation in Three-Phase
System", Journal of Electric Machines and Power Systems (USA), vol. 26, no. 1, 1998, pp.
[45] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "Harmonic Elimination, Reactive Power
Compensation and Load Balancing in Three-Phase, Four-Wire Electric Distribution
Systems Supplying Non-Linear Loads", Journal of Electric Power System Research (USA),
Vol. 44, 1998, pp. 93-100.
[46] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "An Active Power Filter with Sliding Mode
Control", IEE Proc. Gen. Trans. and Dist. (UK), Vol. 144, No. 6, Nov. 1997, pp. 564-568.
[47] Chandra, A., Dessaint, L.-A., Saad, M., and Al-Haddad, K., "An Adaptive Pole Shifting
Algorithm and its Implementation for Reference Tracking of a DC Drive Using a DSP
Chip", Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada, vol. 20, no 1,
1995, pp. 39-48.
[48] Chandra, A., Dessaint, L.-A., Saad, M., and Al-Haddad, K., "Implementation of SelfTuning Algorithms for Reference Tracking of a DC Drive Using a DSP Chip", IEEE Trans.
on Industrial Electronics, vol. 41, no 1, February 1994, pp. 104-109.
[49] Singh, B., Puttaswamy, P.S., and Chandra, A., "Microprocessor Based Design of a Firing
Circuit for Three-Phase Thyristor Convertor", Journal of Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India, vol. 39, no 3, May-June 1993, pp. 149-155.
[50] Chandra, A., Wong, K.K., Malik, O.P., and Hope, G.S., "Implementation and Test Results
of a Generalized Self-Tuning Excitation Controller", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion,
vol. 6, no 1, March 1991, pp. 186-192.
[51] Chandra, A., Malik, O.P., and Hope, G.S., "A Self Tuning controller For The Control of
Multimachine Power Systems", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, August
1988, pp. 1065-1071..
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
Conference Articles : Accepted or Published
[52] Sergio Atayde, Ambrish Chandra, „Multiple machine representation of DFIG-based grid-connected
wind farms for SSR studies‟, accepted for presentation at IEEE IECON, November 2011,
Melbourne, Australia.
[53] Miloud Rezkallah, Ambrish Chandra, „Wind Diesel Battery Hybrid System with Power Quality
Improvement for Remote communities‟, accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS Annual Meeting,
Orlando, USA, Oct 9-13, 2011.
[54] Neha Adhikari, Bhim Singh, A. L. Vyas, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal-Al-Haddad, „Analysis and
Design of Isolated Solar-PV Energy Generating System‟, accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS
Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct 9-13, 2011.
[55] Parag Kanjiya, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal-Al-Haddad,‟ “SRF Theory Revisited” to
Control Self Supported Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) for Unbalanced and Nonlinear loads‟,
accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct 9-13, 2011.
[56] Subhasis Jhampati, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal-Al-Haddad, „Controller Design of
Multilevel Voltage Source Converter Based HVDC System‟, accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS
Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA, Oct 9-13, 2011.
[57] Ali Chikh, Ambrish Chandra, „An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy based Solar Cell Mode „, presented in
IEEE PES General Meeting held at Detroit, USA on 24-29 July, 2011.
[58] Manu Jain, Mukhtiar Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Sheldon S. Williamson, „Sensorless Control of
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor using ANFIS Based MRAS‟, presented in IEEE IEMDC
conference, May 2011, Niagara Falls, USA
[59] Vinod Khadkikar, Mukhtiar Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Bhim Singh, „Implementation of single-phase
synchronous d-q reference frame controller for shunt active filter under distorted voltage condition‟,
Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) & 2010 Power India, 2010 Joint
International Conference on Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/PEDES.2010.5712526, Publication
Year: 2010.
[60] Mukhtiar Singh, and A. Chandra, “Comparative Study of Sliding Mode and ANFIS Based
Observers for Speed & Position Sensor-less Control of Variable Speed PMSG” Proceedings
CCECE-2010, Calgary, Canada.
[61] Mukhtiar Singh, and A. Chandra, “Sensorless Power Maximization of PMSG based Isolated WindBattery Hybrid System Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller” presented in IASAM-2010,
Houston, Texas, USA.
[62] Bhim Singh, Shailendra Sharma, Ambrish Chandra and K-Al Haddad, “Voltage and Frequency
Control with Reduced Switch Integrated Voltage Source Converter for IAG in in Wind Energy
Conversion System,” IEEE PES General Meeting, July 26 - July 29, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
USA (Paper#2010GM1252).
[63] Mukhtiar Singh, and A. Chandra, „Modeling and Control of Isolated Micro-Hydro Power Plant with
Battery Storage System`, National Power Electronic Conference 2010, Roorkee, India, 9-12 June
[64] Bhim Singh, Shailendra Sharma, Ambrish Chandra and K-Al Haddad, “Voltage and Frequency
Control with Integrated Voltage Source Converter and Star/Hexagon Transformer for IAG Based
Stand-alone Wind Energy Conversion System,” Proc. of 4th International Conference on Computer
Applications In Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA), IIT Roorkee (India), February,
19-21, 2010.
[65] Bhim Singh, K. Venkata Srinivas, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad, ”A New Configuration
of 12-Pulse VSCs Based STATCOM with Constant DC Link Voltage,” Proc. of 4th International
Conference on Computer Applications In Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA), IIT
Roorkee (India), February, 19-21, 2010.
[66] K. Venkata Srinivas, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “New Control Strategy
of Two-Level 12-Pulse VSCs Based STATCOM using Hybrid Fuzzy-PI Controller,” in Proc. of 4th
National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC-2010, held at IIT Roorkee, June 10-13, 2010.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[67] Bhim Singh, V Rajagopal, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Decoupled Electronic Load
Controller for Asynchronous Generator in Pico-Hydro Power Generation,” in Proc. of International
Conference on Industrial and Information Systems - 2010 (ICIIS 2010) held at NITK, Surathkal,
Karnataka, India during July 29th-Aug. 1st 2010.
[68] B. Singh, V. Rajagopal, A. Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Development of electronic load
controller for IAG based standalone hydro power generation,” in Proc. of 2010 Annual IEEE India
Conference (INDICON), held in Calcutta (India) from 17-19 Dec. 2010, PP.1-4.
[69] Mukhtiar Singh, Ambrish Chandra, "Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control of Renewable Interfacing
Inverter to Maintain Smooth Power Flow and Non-Linear Unbalanced Load Compensation
Simultaneously" 3rd IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference on Sustainable/Renewable
Energy Systems and Technologies, Montreal, 22-23 October, 2009.
[70] Aslain Ovono Zué, Ambrish Chandra, “State Feedback Linearization Control of a Grid Connected
Photovoltaic Interface with MPPT" 3rd IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference on
Sustainable/Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies, Montreal, 22-23 October, 2009.
[71] Ali Chikh, Ambrish Chandra, “Optimization and Control of a Photovoltaic Powered Water Pumping
System” 3rd IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference on Sustainable/Renewable Energy
Systems and Technologies, Montreal, 22-23 October, 2009. (NSERC)
[72] Miloud Rezkallah, Ambrish Chandra, " Control Of Wind Diesel Isolated System With Power
Quality Improvement" 3rd IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference on
Sustainable/Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies, Montreal, 22-23 October, 2009.
[73] Etienne Tremblay, Sergio Atayde, Ambrish Chandra, " Direct Power Control of a DFIG-based
WECS with Active Filter Capabilities" 3rd IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference on
Sustainable/Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies, Montreal, 22-23 October, 2009NSERC
[74] Mukhtiar Singh, Ambrish Chandra, “Control of PMSG Based Variable Speed Wind-Battery Hybrid
System in an Isolated Network” IEEE PES General Meeting 2009, Calgary, Canada.
[75] Mukhtiar Singh, A. Chandra,“ Power Maximization and Voltage Sag/Swell Ride-Through
Capability of PMSG based Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion System” Proc. 34Th Annual
conf. of IEEE Indus. Electronics Society, IECON‟08, Orlando, Florida, USA ,2008
[76] Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, T. R. Somayajulu, D. P. Kothari, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal AlHaddad, “Integrated Three-Leg VSC with a Zig-Zag Transformer Based DSTATCOM for Power
Quality Improvement in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution System,” in Proc. of IEEE Industrial
Electronics Society, IECON 2008 to be held 10-13 November 2008 in Orlando, Florida, USA
(Paper No. HD-006475).
[77] Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Voltage and Frequency
Control with Neutral Current Compensation in an Isolated Wind Energy Conversion System,” in
Proc. of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2008 held 10-13 November 2008 in Orlando,
Florida, USA (Paper No. HD-013072).
[78] Khadkikar V and Chandra A, “An Independent Control Approach for Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt
Active Filter Based on Three H-Bridge Topology under Unbalanced Load Conditions”, Proc.
Annual Conference. IEEE Power Electro. (PESC’08), 2008, pp. 4643 – 4649. (NSERC)
[79] Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Voltage and
Frequency Controller for an Autonomous Micro Hydro Generating System,” IEEE PES General
Meeting, 20 - 24 July, 2008 in Pittsburgh, PA USA.
[80] Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, D P Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad,
“Indirect Control of Capacitor Supported DVR for Power Quality Improvement in
Distribution System,” IEEE PES General Meeting, 20 - 24 July, 2008 in Pittsburgh, PA
[81] Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad,‟‟Capacitor
Excited Asynchronous Generator for an Isolated Wind Energy Conversion System,‟‟Joint
International Conference on Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conference,
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
POWERCON, 12-15 Oct. 2008, New Delhi, India.
Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al Haddad, “An
Independent Active and Reactive Power Control of an Isolated Asynchronous Generator in
3-Phase 4-Wire Applications,” Proceedings 39th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference (PESC‟2008), Island of Rhodes, Greece, June 15-19, 2008.
Bhim Singh, Sanjay Gairola, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, “Design and
Development of T-Connected Transformer Based 24-Pulse Rectifier,” Proceedings 39th
IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC‟2008), Island of Rhodes, Greece,
June 15-19, 2008.
Bhim Singh, P. Jayaprakash, D P Kothari, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al-Haddad,
“Neural Network Based Control of Series Active Filter for Compensation of Voltage Fed
Nonlinear Loads,” Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
ISIE08 Cambridge (UK) from 30th June to 2nd July 2008.
Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal-Al Haddad, “A Frequency
Based Electronic Load Controller for an Isolated Asynchronous Generator Feeding 3-Phase
4-Wire Loads,” Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
ISIE08 Cambridge (UK) from 30th June to 2nd July 2008.
Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Battery
Based Voltage and Frequency Controller for Parallel Operated Isolated Asynchronous
Generators,‟‟IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2007), Vigo,
Spain, June 4-7, 2007.
Bhim Singh, Sanjay Gairola, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Zigzag Connected
Autotransformer Based Controlled AC-DC Converter with Pulse Multiplication,” in Proc.
of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2007), Vigo, Spain,
June 4-7, 2007.
[88] Bhim Singh, Sanjay Gairola, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality Improvements
in Isolated Twelve-Pulse AC-DC Converters,” The 38th IEEE Power Electronics Specialists
Conference PESC 07, Orlando, USA, June 17-21, 2007.
[89] Bhim Singh, Gaurav Kumar Kasal Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal-Al-Haddad, “Improved
Power Quality Based Controller for a 3-Phase 4-Wire Isolated Wind Energy System,” in
Proc. of IEEE Canada Conf. Electrical Power Conference 2007 on Renewable and
Alternative Energy Resources(EPC-2007), October 25-26, 2007, Montréal, Québec,
Canada (Paper # 1116).
[90] V. Khadkikar and Ambrish Chandra, “A Novel Structure for Three-Phase Four-wire
Distribution System Utilizing UPQC”, IEEE International Conference on Power
Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (PEDES-2006), New Delhi,
India, December 12-15, 2006. (NSERC)
[91] Aslain Ovono Zue and Ambrish Chandra, “Grid Connected Photovoltaic Interface with
VAR Compensation and Active Filtering Functions”, IEEE International Conference on
Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth (PEDES-2006), New
Delhi, India, December 12-15, 2006. (NSERC)
[92] Khadkikar V and Chandra A, “A Novel Control Approach for Unified Power Quality
Conditioner – Q without Active Power Injection for Voltage Sag Compensation”, in Proc.
Annu. Conf. IEEE Ind. Tech. (ICIT‟06), 2006, pp. 779 – 784. (NSERC)
[93] Khadkikar V, Chandra A, Barry A O and Nguyen T D, “Conceptual Study of Unified
Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)” presented in IEEE International Symposium on
Industrial Electronics 2006 (ISIE 06), ETS, Montreal, Canada, 9-13 July 2006.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[94] Etienne Tremblay, Ambrish Chandra, Pierre Jean Lagacé, “Study of Grid-Side Converter
Control for Grid-Connected DFIG Wind Turbines under Unbalanced Load Condition”,
presented in IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2006 (ISIE 06), ETS,
Montreal, Canada, 9-13 July 2006.
[95] Jitendra Solanki, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal-Al Haddad, “A Solid State
Compensator with Energy Storage for Isolated Diesel Generator Set”presented in IEEE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2006 (ISIE 06), ETS, Montreal, Canada,
9-13 July 2006.
[96] Vipin Garg, Bhim Singh, G Bhuvaneswari, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “A
Tapped Delta Autotransformer Based 24-Pulse AC-DC Converter for Variable Frequency
Induction Motor Drives” presented in IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics 2006 (ISIE 06), ETS, Montreal, Canada, 9-13 July 2006.
[97] Kincic S., Chandra A., Ooi B. T., „Dynamic Voltage Support of the Transmission Network
from Distribution Level‟, presented in IEEE-PES General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June
18-21, 2006.
[98] Zué A. O., Chandra A., „Simulation and Stability Analysis of a 100 kW Grid Connected
LCL Photovoltaic Inverter for Industry‟, presented in IEEE-PES General Meeting,
Montreal, Canada, June 18-21, 2006.
[99] Tremblay E., Chandra A., and Lagacé P.J., „Grid-Side Converter Control of DFIG Wind
Turbines to Enhance Power Quality of Distribution Network`, presented in IEEE-PES
General Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 18-21, 2006.
[100] Khadkikar V, Chandra A, Barry A O and Nguyen T D, “Application of UPQC to Protect
a Sensitive Load on a Polluted Distribution Network”, presented in IEEE-PES General
Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 18-21, 2006.
[101] Khadkikar V, Chandra A, Barry A O and Nguyen T D, “Analysis of Power Flow in
UPQC during Voltage Sag and Swell Conditions for Selection of Device Ratings”,
presented in IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2006
(CCECE 06), Ottawa, Canada, 7-10 May 2006.
[102] Singh B., Bhuvaneswari G., Garg V., Chandra A., „Star Connected Autotransformer
Based 30-pulse AC-DC Converter for Power Quality Improvement in Vector Controlled
Induction Motor Drives‟, presented in IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, India,
April 10-12, 2006.
[103] Singh B., Solanki J., Chandra A., Adaline Based Control of Battery Energy Storage
System for Diesel Generator Set‟, presented in IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi,
India, April 10-12, 2006.
[104] Khadkikar V., Chandra A., Barry, A.O. and Nguyen T.D., "Steady State Power Flow
Analysis of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)" IEEE International Conference on
Industrial Electronics and Control Applications, 2005, ICIECA 2005, 30-02 Nov. 2005,
[105] Chatterjee K., Chandra A., and Al-Haddad K., “PLL less one-cycle controlled load
compensator for wide range of loads.'', IEEE PESC 2005, Recife, Brazil, June 12-16, 2005.
[106] Virendra Kumar Sharma, Shaista Ahmad, Ambrish Chandra & Kamal Al-Haddad,
„Emerging trends in power quality issues of industrial drives and their mitigation
techniques‟ Proceedings of 2004 Petroleum and Chemical Industry India Conference,
November 9-10, 2004, New Delhi, India.
[107] Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra & Kamal Al-Haddad, „Power Conditioner
For Variable Frequency Drives In Offshore Oil-Fields‟ Proceedings of 2004 Petroleum and
Chemical Industry India Conference, November 9-10, 2004, New Delhi, India.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[108] Jitendra Solanki, Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra & Kamal Al-Haddad,
„Neural Network Controlled Power Conditioner with Battery Energy Storage Feature for
Isolated Offshore Power System‟, Proceedings of 2004 Petroleum and Chemical Industry
India Conference, November 9-10, 2004, New Delhi, India.
[109] Vishal Verma, S.S. Singh, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra & Kamal Al-Haddad, „Genetic
Algorithm Based Design Of Passive Filters For Offshore Applications‟ Proceedings of
2004 Petroleum and Chemical Industry India Conference, November 9-10, 2004, New
Delhi, India.
[110] Chatterjee K., Chandra A. and Al-Haddad K., “A PLL less one-cycle controlled load
compensator with enhanced stability margin'', India International Conference on Power
Electronics, Mumbai, India, 20-21 Dec. 2004.
[111] Vishal Verma, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, and Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality
Improvement through Active Power Filter Employing Selective Compensation using SRF
Theory,” in Proc. of Second IEEE-India International Conference on Power Electronics
2004, Mumbai, India, December 20-21, 2004, CD Copy.
[112] Khadkikar, V., Agarwal, P., Chandra, A., Barry, A.O., Nguyen, T.D., "A Simple New
Control Technique For Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC)", 11th International
Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQPS), September 12-15, 2004, Lake
Placid, New York, USA.
[113] Chatterjee, K., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., P. J. Lagacé "A PLL Less Var Generator
Based on One Cycle Control", 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of
Power (ICHQPS), September 12-15, 2004, Lake Placid, New York, USA.
[114] Hamadi, A., Al-Haddad, K., Lagacé, P. J., Chandra, A., "Indirect Current Control
Techniques of Three Phase APF Using Fuzzy Logic and Proportional Integral Controller:
Comparative Analysis", 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power
(ICHQPS), September 12-15, 2004, Lake Placid, New York, USA.
[115] Verma, V., Umesh, Singh B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., "Defining Power Factor for
Intermittent Duty Load Conditions", Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering (CCECE), May 2004, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
[116] Verma, V., Singh B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., "Novel Front End Series Power
Conditioner For Variable Frequency Induction Motor Drive", 6th International Conference
on Electrical Rotating Machines, février 4-5, 2004, New Delhi, Inde, VI 25-VI 32.
[117] Chandra, A., Mbang, B., Srinivasan, K., Singh, B.N., Rastgoufard, P., ”A Method of
Implementation of Separating Customer and Supply Side Harmonic Contributions Using an
Active Filter,” Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE),
May 2003, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[118] Singh, Brij N., Simina, M., Chandra, A., "Solid State Voltage Restorer (SSVR) for
Voltage Swells/Sags and Harmonics", IEEE-Canadian Conference of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (CCECE'2003) Montreal, Canada, mai 2003.
[119] Kincic, S. and Chandra, A.,"Distribution Level STATCOMs (DSTATCOMs) for Load
Voltages Support", LESCOPE 2003, 7-9 May, Montreal.
[120] Kincic, S. and Chandra, A., "Impact of Distributed Compensators on Power System
Voltages", CCECE 2003, 5-7 May, Montreal.
[121] Ooi, B. T., Kincic, S., Wan, X., McGillis, D., Chandra, A., Galiana, F. D., and Joos, G.,
"Distributed Static VAr Systems for Regulated Voltage Support in Load Centers", IEEE
PES General Meeting, 13-18 July, 2003, Toronto.
[122] Singh Brij N., Chandra A., Al-Haddad K., and Rastgoufard P., “Single-Phase Switch
Mode Boost Rectifier: An Improved Design/Control Applied to Three Phase AC-DC
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
Converters to Power Up Telecommunication System”, presented at INTELEC‟ 2002,
Montreal, Canada.
[123] Akhter, H.E., Sharma, V., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Singh, B.N., “Modeling
Simulation and Performance Analysis of Four-Quadrant Operation of Switched Reluctance
Motor Drive System,” accepted for presentation at ETS Conference, June 2003.
[124] Akhter, H.E., Sharma, V., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K.,” Modeling, Simulation and
Performance Analysis of Switched reluctance Motor Operating with Optimum Value of
Turn and Turn Switching Angles”, IEEE-PESC, 15-19 June 2003, Mexico.
[125] Rastgoufard, P., Sergey, V.D., Singh, B.N., Chandra, A.,”Modeling, Simulation, and
Control for Planning Modern Large Scale Power Systems”, presented at NSF-EPRI-DOE
workshop on “Modernizing National Grid”, New Orleans, USA, November 18-20, 2002.
[126] Kincic, S., Huang, Z., Chandra, A., Babic, S., « Simulation study on enhancement of
maximum power transfer capability of long transmission line with midpoint sitting
STATCOM for voltage support » Presented at EPE-PEMC Sept 9-11, 2002, Croatia.
[127] Kincic, S. Chandra, A. Singh, B.N., Rastgoufard, P., « Real Time Simulation of
STATCOM with Two Novel Control Algorithms », Presented at 10 IEEE-Mediterranian
Conference on Control and Automation, Lisbon, Purtugal, July 2002.
[128] Kincic, S., Chandra, A., and Babic, S."Five Level, Diode-Clamped Voltage Source
Inverter and Its Application in Reactive Power Compensation" " LESCOPE 2002, July 2628, 2002, Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada, ISBN:0-7803-7520-3.
[129] Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., “Qualite de l’energie et moyens de mitigation”, presented
in Conference sur la qualite de l‟onde et les harmoniques, organised by Le Groupe InfoEnergie, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Oct 15-17, 2001.
[130] Kincic, S., Chandra, A., Babic, S., “Power factor correction of Single Phase and Three
Phase Unbalanced Loads using Multilevel Inverter” LESCOPE 2001, July 11-13, 2001,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, ISBN:0-7803-7107-0.
[131] Kincic, S., Chandra, A., Babic, S., “Multilevel Inverter and its Limitation when applied
as STATCOM”, 9th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control Automation, June 27-29,
2001, Dubrovnik, Croatia, ISBN:953-6037-34-3(book of abstracts), 953-6037-35-1-CD
[132] Agarwal, P., Chandra, A., Srinivasan, K., Al-Haddad, K., “Active Power Filter to
Compensate Only Customer Generated Harmonics: A Simulation Study”, presented at
National Power Systems Conference-2000, Bangalore, India, Dec. 18-22, 2000.
[133] Kincic, S., Chandra, A., Agarwal, P., Singh, B.N., “A New Algorithm for the control of
a Multilevel Inverter used as an Advanced Static VAR Compensator”, presented at National
Power Systems Conference-2000, Bangalore, India, Dec. 18-22, 2000.
[134] Kincic, S., Chandra, A., “Two Algorithms for Reactive Power Compensation Using
Inverter Circuits”, presented at North American Power System Symposium, Waterloo,
Canada, October, 2000.
[135] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., Olivier, G., “Versatile Control Strategy of
the Unified Power Flow Controller”, presented at IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering, May 7-10, 2000, Halifax, Canada, pp. 142-147.
[136] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K. , “DSP Based Implementation of
Sliding Mode Control of an Active Filter for Voltage Regulation and Compensation of
Harmonics, Power Factor and Unbalance of Non-Linear Loads” Proceedings IEEEIECON, San Jose, USA, Nov 29-Dec. 3, 1999.
[137] Singh, B.N. , Chandra, A., Rasgoufard, P., Al-Haddad K., “DSP Based Control Method
of Active Filter : Elimination of Switching Ripples”, IEEE-APEC, 2000, New Orleans,
USA, Vol. 1, Feb 6-10, pp. 427-433.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[138] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A New Control Scheme of
Hybrid Series Active Filter", IEEE-PESC, Charleston, USA, 1999, Vol. 1, pp 249-254.
[139] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Digital Implementation of a
New Type of Hybrid Filter With Simplified Control Strategy", IEEE-APEC 99, Dallas,
Texas, USA, March14-18, 1999, Vol. 1, pp 642-648.
[140] Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Performance Comparison of Two
Current Control Techniques Applied to an Active Filter", 8th International Conf. on
Harmonics and Quality of Power, October 14-16, 1998, Vol 1, pp 133-138, Athens,
[141] Singh, B., Saxena, A., Kothari, D.P., and Chandra, A., "Four pole active filter to
Compensate Unbalanced three phase four-wire non linear loads", Tenth National Power
System conference, Vadodara, India, October 14-16, 1998.
[142] Singh, B., Anuradha, Kothari, D.P., and Chandra, A., "Variable structure control of
single phase active power filter", Tenth National Power Systems Conference, Vadodara,
India, October 14-16, 1998.
[143] Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari and Ambrish Chandra, `Four Pole Active Filter to
Compensate Unbalanced 3-phase 4-wire Non-Linear Loads‟, in Proc. of 10th National
Power Systems Conference(NPSC), Vadodara(India), Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 204-210.
[144] Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, `An Improved Power Factor
Correction of 3-Phase Auxiliary Loads‟, in Proc. of IEEE TENCON‟98, New Delhi(India),
Vol. II, 17-19 December 1998, pp. 552-556.
[145] Bhim Singh, Anuradha, D.P. Kothari and Ambrish Chandra, „Comparison of PI, VSC and
Energy Balance Controller for Single-Phase Active Filter Control‟, in Proc. of IEEE
TENCON‟98, New Delhi(India), Vol. II, 17-19 December 1998, pp. 607-614.
[146] Singh, B., Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Real Time DSP Based
Implentation of a New Control Method of Active Power Filter", Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Waterloo, Canada, May 24-28, 1998, pp 794-797.
[147] .Singh, B., Singh, B.N., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Fuzzy Control Algorithm for
Universal Active Filter", Power Quality Conference, Hyderabad, India, June 18-20, 1998.
[148] Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A Universal Active Power Filter for Single
Phase Reactive Power & Harmonic Compensation", Power Quality Conference,
Hyderabad, India, June 18-20, 1998.
[149] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Anuradha and Kothari, D.P., "Variable Structure Control of
Four Pole Voltage Source Inverter for Active Filtering of Non-Linear Loads in 3 Phase 4
Wire System", Power Quality Conference, Hyderabad, India, June 18-20, 1998.
[150] Singh, B.N, Singh, B., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Performance
Analysis of a Low cost Vector controlled Induction Motor Drive : A philosophy for Sensor
Reduction", proceedings of IEEE-IEMDC, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, May 18-21,
1997, pp. TB3-1.1 to TB3-1.3.
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[151] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., and Parimelaragan, R., "Design and
Implementation of a New control Algorithm for a Three-Phase Active Filters", APEC, Feb.
1997, Atlanta, USA.
[152] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., “Power Factor Correction for 3-Phase Auxiliary
Loads”, Proceedings-The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits,
and Systems (ICECS‟97), December 15-18, 1997, Cairo, Egypt.
[153] Singh, B., Chandra, A., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., “Load Balancing in Electric
Power Distribution Systems”, Proceedings-The Fourth IEEE International Conference on
Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS‟97), December 15-18, 1997, Cairo, Egypt.
[154] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., “A Review of Active Filters for Power Quality
Improvement”, Proceedings-The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics,
Circuits, and Systems (ICECS‟97), December 15-18, 1997, Cairo, Egypt.
[155] Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A Novel Three Phase Compensator for
Harmonic Elimination, Reactive Power compensation & Load Balancing in Electric
Distribution Systems", 9th National Power Systems Conference, Kanpur, India, December
1996, Vol. 2, pp. 629-633.
[156] Anuradha, Singh, B., Kothari, D.P., and Chandra, A., "Generalised Concepts for
Balancing Three Phase Load Fed From Three Phase Supply", 9th National Power Systems
Conference, Kanpur, India, December 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 30-35.
[157] Singh, B., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "A Three-Phase Active Power Filter for
Harmonic and Reactive Power Compensation", Canadian Conference on Electrical &
Computer Engg., Vol. 2, Calgary, pp. 838-841, May 26-29, 1996.
[158] Mendalek, N., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., and Singh, B., "Correction active de
facteur de puissance dans un réseau triphasé impédant", Canadian Conference on
Electrical & Computer Engg., Vol. 2, Calgary, p. 842-846, May 26-29, 1996.
[159] Singh, B.N., Singh, B., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Optimised
Performance of Solar Powered Variable Speed Induction Motor Drive", Proceedings of
IEEE-PEDES, Vol. 1, New Delhi, India, p. 58-66, January 1996.
[160] Sharma, V.K., Singh, B., Murthy, S.S., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Performance
Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Based Speed Controller for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive",
Proceedings of IEEE-PEDES, Vol. 1, New Delhi, India, p. 373-380, January 1996.
[161] Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra and Kamal Al-Haddad, `An Improved Single-Phase Active
Power Filter with Optimum DC Capacitor', in Proc. of IEEE IECON-96 Conf. Record,
Taiwan, August 1996.
[162] Singh, B., Singh, B.N., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K., "Unity Power
Factor Converter-Inverter Fed Vector Controlled Cage Motor Drive without Mechanical
Speed Sensor", Proceedings of IEEE-IECON, Vol. 1, Orlando, USA., p. 609-614,
November 1995.
[163] Singh, B., PuttaSwamy, C.L., Singh, B.P., Chandra, A., and Al-Haddad, K.,
"Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Drive", Proceedings of IEEE-IECON, Vol. 1, Orlando, USA, p. 399-405, November 6-10,
[164] Sedraoui, K., Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., and Olivier, G., "Simulation d'un système de
contrôle unifier de l'écoulement de puissance dans les réseaux C.A. avec SIMULINK",
Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engg., Vol. 1, Montréal, p. 453-456,
September 5-8, 1995.
[165] Sedraoui, Al-Haddad, K., Chandra, A., and Millet, C., "A Strategy to Reduce the
Vibrations Generated by the Harmonics of Armature Reaction in Hydro Generators",
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engg., Vol. 1, Montréal, p. 272-276,
September 5-8, 1995.
[166] Singh, B., Al-Haddad, K., and Chandra, A., "An Improved Single Phase Active Power
Filter with Optimum DC Capacitor", Conference Records IEEE-IECON, Taiwan, August
5-9, 1995.
[167] Chandra, A., Wong, T. and Dessaint, L.-A., "Mesure de performances des générateurs
de code de la compagnie Integrated Systems Inc.", 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS, UQAM,
Montréal, May 16-20, 1994.
[168] Chandra, A., Dessaint, L.-A., Saad, M., and Al-Haddad, K., "An Adaptive Pole Shifting
Algorithm for Reference Tracking", Proceedings of IEEE-IECON'92, pp. 1258-1262, San
Diego, USA, November 1992.
[169] Chandra, A., Dessaint, L.-A., Saad, M., Al-Haddad, K., and Hébert, B., "An Adaptive
Pole Shifting Algorithm for Reference Tracking and its Application to a DC Drive",
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Automation, Robotics and
Computer Vision, Singapore, Vol. 2, pp. CO-13.1.1-13.1.5, September 1992.
[170] Chaffaï, R., Al-Haddad, K., Dessaint, L.-A., and Chandra, A., "A Single Switch High
Frequency Power Converter for Induction Heating Applications", High Frequency Power
Converter Conference, San Diego, USA, May 1992.
[171] Bharadwaj, S.K. and Chandra, A., "Application of a Self-Tuning Algorithm to a Rolling
Mill Drive", IEEE Industry Application Society 25th Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA,
October 7-12, 1990, article no. IDC 90-47.
[172] Bharadwaj, S.K. and Chandra, A., "Simulation Studies of a Dual Converter Fed DC
Drives Employing Self-Tuning Algorithm", International Conference on Automation,
Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, September 18-21, 1990. article no. Co-04.
[173] Laway, N.A., Chandra, A., and Malik, O.P., "An Adaptive Digital Excitation Controller
for a Synchronous Machine", 6th National Power System Conference, Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, India, June 4-7, 1990, article no. 27.
[174] Bharadwaj, S.K. and Chandra, A., "Digital Simulation of an Adaptive Control of an
Electric Drive", National Conference on 'New Strategies for Industrial Process and
Instrumentation Control', Jodhpur, India, March 5-7, 1990.
[175] Bharadwaj, S.K. and Chandra, A., "Simulation of Self-Tuning Control of an Electric
Drive", 13th National Systems Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,
India, December 13-15, 1989, article no. NSC/89/95.
[176] Chandra, A., Mohanty, B., Bhargava, R., and Masood, J., "Simulation Studies on
Reference Tracking of Temperature in C.S.T.R. Using Adaptive Control Techniques",
Proceedings National Seminar on Recend Trends in Chemical Engg, University of Roorkee,
India, February 20-22, 1989, pp. 195-190.
[177] Chandra, A., Malik, O.P., Hope, G.S., "Generalised Self Tuning Controller With Self
Searching Pole Shift For The Control of Power System", Proceeding of the 9th Power
Systems Computation Conference, Cascais, Portugal, August 30 to September 4, 1987, pp.
[178] Chandra, A., Malik, O.P., Hope, G.S., "Generalised Self Tuning Controller With Self
Searching Pole Shift", Preprints 10th World Congress on Automatic Control, Munich,
Germany, July 1987, Vol. 10, pp. 88-92.
Technical Reports
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Prof Ambrish Chandra
[179] Khadkikar V., Chandra A., Barry, A.O. and Nguyen T.D., " Unified Power Quality
Conditioner (UPQC): Status Review, Controller and SIMPOWER SYSTEMS Simulation
Results to Validate It‟s Adaptability In Practical Distribution Network'', A Report Prepared
for IREQ / Hydro Québec, février, 2006.
[180] Technical Report for Hydro-Québec/IREQ by V. Khadkiker et A. Chandra, "Unified
Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) : Status Review and SIMPOWERSYSTEMS
Simulation Results", December 2003.
[181] Technical Report for Hydro-Québec International : A project of Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation of Japan, Chandra, A., "Implementation and Verification of Digital
Synchronous Thermal Machine Using SystemBuild Software and its Autocode Generator",
May 1994, 133 pages.
[182] Technical Report for Hydro-Québec International : A project of Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation of Japan, Chandra, A., "Implementation and Verification of Digital
Synchronous Hydro Machine Using SystemBuild Software and its Autocode Generator",
May 1994, 52 pages.
[183] Technical Report prepared for Institut de recherche d‟Hydro-Quebec, A. Chandra, T.
Wong and L.-A. Dessaint, “Mesure de performance des generateurs de code des
compagnies ISI et Mathworks”, August 1993, 94 pages.
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