April 2015 - IEEE Council on RFID

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Vasileios Lakafosis
Issue #2, April 6, 2015
In this
From the Editor............................................................................................................................... 2
Computer, ITSS, and UFFC Societies Join IEEE CRFID in 2015 ............................... 3
Conferences and Call for Papers .................................................................................... 4
Less than two weeks until RFID 2015................................................................................................................ 4
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Meet the CFRID officers! ............................................................................................................ 6
Gregory D. Durgin ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Gisele Bennett ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Apostolos Georgiadis .......................................................................................................................................... 7
William Lumpkins ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Emily Sopensky .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Shahriar Mirabbasi ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Paul Hartmann ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Larry Zhang .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Daniel W. Engels ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Vasileios Lakafosis ............................................................................................................................................. 10
CRFID Technical Community Membership ................................................................. 12
©2015 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. — Personal use of this material is
permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, including reprinting /republishing this
material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to
servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
From the Editor
Blah, blah…
Vasileios Lakafosis
Information for Contributors: Announcements, feature articles, book and meetings reviews,
opinions, professional activities, report abstracts, letters to the editor, and other material of
interest to the CRFID community are solicited. Please submit electronic material for
consideration to the Editor-in-Chief at lakafosi@cisco.com.
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Computer, ITSS, and UFFC Societies
Join IEEE CRFID in 2015
By Emily Sopensky, 2015 CRFID Chair
With the new year, we are delighted to welcome our three newest member to the CRFID; the
Computer society, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Society, and the Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control society. CRFID now comprises 12 member societies.
The representatives assigned for each society are:
IEEE Computer Society
o Jean-Luc Gaudiot
o Chuck Walrad
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
o Wei-Bin Zhang
o Liuqing Yang
IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society
o Donald Malocha
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Conferences and Call for Papers
Less than two weeks until RFID 2015
By Dr. Matthew Trotter, IEEE RFID 2015 Publicity Chair
This year's IEEE RFID conference has tremendous content lined up. Check it out for yourself
and register for the conference if you haven't already!
Keynote Speaker - Dina Katabi, MIT
Invited Speaker - Fred Tubb, iControl Inc.
Rectenna Spinout - Student teams build hand-crafted rectennas (rectifier + antenna) and
compete to see which can spin a motor the fastest! $500 cash prize to the winner.
Tutorials and Workshops - Learn more about the burgeoning world of RFID:
 Tutorial: Backscatter Communication Techniques for Internet of Things (3
professional development hours!)
 Tutorial: Near-Field Wireless Technology (3 professional development hours!)
 Workshop: Bluetooth Low Energy & BLE Beacons for Active RFID Applications
 Workshop: Energy Harvesting and Transfer – Present and Future
Conference Program - Download the conference program via the Guidebook app straight to
your mobile device TODAY! Simply visit http://guidebook.com/getit to download Guidebook.
Then, search for "IEEE RFID 2015" within Guidebook to see the upcoming program!
Go ahead and register now if you haven't already. See you in beautiful San Diego, California,
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Meet the CFRID officers!
Gregory D. Durgin
Dr. Durgin is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. He is a
senior member of the IEEE and currently serves as both vice chair of educational outreach and
as a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID.
Gisele Bennett
Dr. Bennett is a Regents’ Researcher, the director of the Electro-Optical Systems Laboratory,
and a Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. She founded the
Logistics and Maintenance Applied Research Center (LandMARC), a multi-disciplinary center
at the Georgia Institute of Technology. As the director of the Electro-Optical Systems
laboratory, she manages 168 researchers, scientists, and students in a diverse applied research
environment. Dr. Bennett’s past and current activities include editorial or officer positions
with the Optical Society (OSA), SPIE, and IEEE. She is a member of the US Army Science
Board, a Fellow in the Optical Society (OSA) and SPIE (International Society for Optics and
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Photonics) and a senior member of IEEE. She is one of the first ten fellows chosen for
Georgia Tech’s University Leadership program. Dr. Bennett has patents related to RFID and
container security as well as over 90 publications in books or book chapters, refereed journals,
technical reports, and workshops. Her doctorate is in Electrical Engineering and a certificate in
Management of Technology from Georgia Tech. Dr. Bennett is Secretary/Treasurer IEEE
Apostolos Georgiadis
Dr. Georgiadis is a Senior Researcher at the Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions den
Catalunya (CTTC), Barcelona, Spain. His research interests are in the field of energy
harvesting and RFID-enabled sensing and additive manufacturing. He is a Distinguished
Lecturer of IEEE CRFID, and the 2015 Vice Chair Conferences.
William Lumpkins
William Lumpkins, Senior Member of IEEE is the Vice-President of Engineering at O
& S Services, an Engineering Services company specializing in Consumer Product
development with bringing ideas in the U.S. to fruition and bridging the
manufacturing process into the Far East. William served as the IEEE Committee on
RFID Chair (2013-2014) and as the IEEE Systems Man & Cybernetics Standards Chair
and the IEEE Sensors Council Standards Chair. He served in the United States Navy
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
from 1987 ~ 1996. During his active duty and while serving aboard the USS Carl
Vinson, William actively studied Electrical Engineering/Computer Science and
received his BS from New York University, Albany, 1996. William’s research interests
are AI in the Home/Vehicle, IoT, Cloud Computing, Security Systems, and RF Energy
Emily Sopensky
A business consultant, Emily Sopensky specializes in strategies for technology
companies. In 1995 she began working for Texas Instruments on RFID. After 20 years in
Central Texas, she became the second IEEE-USA Fellow to the U.S. State Department in
2004, and relocated to Arlington, Virginia. Besides organizing IEEE’s RFID interests
across OUs, Ms. Sopensky has held numerous positions in societal, regional, technical
and corporate IEEE activities. She is Chair, IEEE CRFID.
Shahriar Mirabasi
Shahriar Mirabbasi is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of British Columbia. His research interests include analog, mixed-signal, and RF
integrated circuit and system design for wireless and wireline date communication, sensor
interface, RFID, and biomedical applications. Professor Mirabbasi is CRFID Vice Chair
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Paul Hartmann
Paul is President of RF SAW, Inc. Paul’s previous positions include Founding Vice President
of Engineering and CTO for Applied Digital Access in San Diego and Director of Advanced
Technology for Rockwell International in Dallas. Paul is a Senior Life Member of IEEE and
the founding chair of The IEEE Technical Committee on RFID (CRFID).
Larry Zhang
Dr. Larry Zhang has worked in the semiconductor electronics industry for over 20 years. His
experience includes research, design, product development, product definition and launch,
product testing, quality and reliability, silicon device and chip characterization. He currently
works for NVIDIA on wireless 2G/3G/4G LTE system-on-chip (SoC) RF modem development
in Dallas, Texas. Before joining NVIDIA he has worked for Texas Instruments, for 15 years.
He has published more than 30 papers and filed more than 20 United States patents.
Dr. Zhang has a PhD in Materials Sciences from University of Minnesota, Twin cities in the
US, and MS and BS in Physics from Lanzhou University in China.
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
He has been active in many IEEE activities: Editor in Chief, IEEE RFID Virtual Journal, 2012present, Editorial Advisory Member, IEEE Spectrum Chinese Edition, 2012-present, President
of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society 2009, Chair, IEEE Dallas section Chair. Keynote
Speakers for many IEEE Conferences on Wireless Communications and Consumer
Daniel W. Engels
Matthew Trotter
Vasileios Lakafosis
Vasileios Lakafosis is a Software Engineer and Researcher with the Locator / ID Separation
Protocol Team, in Core Software Group of Cisco Systems and the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
CRFID Newsletter. Dr. Lakafosis' cross-disciplinary research interests range from novel
networking protocols in the areas of core routing and wireless mobile ad hoc, mesh, and sensor
networks to RF security authentication, perpetual ambient RF energy harvesting
communication systems, wireless localization techniques, and distributed computing in delay
tolerant and opportunistic networks.
Dr. Lakafosis' PhD Thesis research work was listed among the 25 technologies in all categories
featured in the November 2011 20-year anniversary issue. He is a recipient of the Best Paper
Award at the 2012 ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and
Computing (ACM MOBIHOC).
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
Vasileios is a member of IEEE, ACM, Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) National Honor Society for
Electrical Engineers and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Newsletter of the IEEE Technical Committee on RFID
Issue #3, April 6th, 2015
CRFID Technical Community
The CRFID technical community is open to any IEEE member -- scientists, engineers and
practitioners -- who is interested in in RFID research and applications.
CRFID Member Societies