Information on notice to terminate a training contract

Information on notice to terminate a training
Following the expiry of a training contract’s probation period, an employer cannot just
terminate a training contract with an apprentice* without the apprentice’s consent. There
is a legal process that must be followed and the training contract needs to be officially
The termination does not prevent the apprentice from entering into a new training
When an apprentice consents to terminate the training contract, the attached form
should be completed and returned to the Apprenticeship Office immediately.
The training contract record on the training record system will be administratively closed
as of the date the form is processed by the Apprenticeship Office. Please do not submit
the form until the termination has taken place.
Important information regarding the termination of a training contract
The employer or apprentice can notify the Apprenticeship Office of the termination of a
training contract.
If the apprentice does not consent to terminate the training contract:
 do not complete the attached form; and
 contact the Apprenticeship Office immediately.
If both parties agree to terminate the training contract:
 complete the attached form ensuring both the employer and apprentice (and
parent/guardian for apprentices under 18 years old) sign the form; and
 submit the completed form to the Apprenticeship Office.
Please note: it is important that no coercion takes place for either party to agree to the
termination of a training contract.
If both parties agree to the termination of the training contract, but the employer
is unable to obtain the apprentice’s signature:
 the employer can complete and sign the attached form; and
 by signing this form the employer certifies that the apprentice (and
parent/guardian where applicable) consented to the termination.
If both parties agree to the termination of the training contract, but the apprentice
is not able to obtain the employer’s signature:
 the apprentice is encouraged to speak to the employer before submitting the form
to the Apprenticeship Office; and
 the apprentice can complete and sign the attached form.
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Alternatives to terminating the training contract
There are other options if the training contract cannot continue, such as:
 assignment (transfer) – subject to approval, training contracts may be transferred to
a new employer; or
 suspension – training contracts may be suspended for an agreed period of time, for
reasons such as injury or illness.
If you wish to discuss possible alternatives please contact your Australian
Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider on 13 38 73. Your AASN provider
offers support throughout the life of the training contract to the parties and also provides
job matching services.
If you have any concerns regarding termination, please contact the Apprenticeship
Office on 13 19 54.
Please email this form to
*The term ‘apprentice’ covers apprentices, trainees, cadets and interns.
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Notice to terminate a training contract
Please read the information sheet before completing and submitting this form. If you have any
questions or concerns, contact the Apprenticeship Office before signing this form. Email the
completed form to
Apprentice’s details
Training contract ID:
Employer’s details
Legal name:
Trading name:
Contact person:
Contact no:
Host employer (if applicable):
By signing this form, I hereby certify that I have read and understood the information contained in the
cover sheet and that the apprentice has consented to the termination of the training contract between
the parties above.
I am aware that the record of the training contract will be administratively closed when this form
has been processed by the Apprenticeship Office.
Apprentice’s name:
Please print
Employer representative’s name:
Please print
Guardian’s name (required if apprentice under
Please print
Please indicate the reason for mutual termination (for statistical purposes only)
 Business Downturn
 Career change/alternative
 Performance/progression
 Personal reasons/reasons
 Other, please specify:
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