Citizens` Police Academy Pamphlet

Mission Statement The Virginia Beach Police Department is committed to providing a safe community and improving the quality of life for all people. We accomplish this by delivering quality police services and enforcing laws with equity and impartiality. In partnership with the community, we reduce crime through public education, prevention, and awareness. In meeting this objective, we demand or ourselves the highest professional standards and dedication to our core values. Professionalism, Respect, Integrity,
Dedication, Excellence
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Crime Preven on Unit ........................ 385‐1006
Municipal Center, Bldg. # 15
1st Police Precinct ............................... 385‐4377
Municipal Center, Bldg. #11
2 Police Precinct .............................. 385‐2700
820 Virginia Beach Blvd
3rd Police Precinct ............................... 385‐2703
926 Independence Blvd
4th Police Precinct ............................... 385‐2800
840 Kempsville Rd
Emergency .............................................. 911
Non‐Emergency ............................. 385‐5000
Virginia Beach Our Citizen’s Police Academy is highly popular and well attended. I encourage you to join one of our sessions so you can learn more about your police department and the capabilities and services we offer. We need you to help us do our best to protect you, your loved ones and your property. James A. Cervera Chief of Police Virginia Beach Police Department
Crime Prevention Unit
2509 Princess Anne Road, Bldg. # 15
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Phone: 757-385-1006
Fax: 757-385-1064
PD-318 Rev 03/15
Citizen’s Police Academy City of Virginia Beach A Cer fied Crime Preven on Community When citizens understand
generally how the police
function, myths are
dispelled. What may
seem to be ambiguous
behavior by police, in the
eyes of the public,
becomes much more clear
and understandable.
What is the Citizens’ Police Academy?
The Virginia Beach Ci zens’ Police Academy provides an
excellent opportunity for ci zens who work or live in
the City of Virginia Beach to become familiar with the
day‐to‐day opera ons of their Police Department. It
will enable par cipants to gain a be er understanding
of procedures, guidelines, responsibili es, demands,
personnel, equipment, policies and laws that guide the
Police Department’s decision‐making process. The
academy is not intended to turn ci zens into police
officers, but to allow ci zens to learn more about
police opera ons. Ci zens will become informed as
to the actual role of police and in return, police will
benefit from the wealth of knowledge the ci zens can
provide about their community.
This Academy is our opportunity to show how serious
our commitment is to our community. While a ending
the Ci zens’ Police Academy you will be involved in
actual training sessions and will leave with a greater
knowledge of how, why, where and when the police do
what they do. It is our hope that the par cipants of
our academy will develop an understanding of law
enforcement that will assist them in the formula on of
responsible conclusions concerning police ac vi es.
Ci zens who live and/or work in the City of Virginia
Beach, as well as family members of police officers, are
eligible to apply to a end. A criminal record status is
checked on each applicant who wishes to go on a ride‐
along with an officer.
Applicants must be 21 years of age or a college student
at least 18 years of age.
How are the Classes Conducted?
Classes meet for 15‐weeks on Tuesday evenings (6:30‐
9:30 pm). Students will receive instruc on from cer fied
police officers, detec ves, and other instructors. On the
night of the last class, a gradua on ceremony will be
Par cipants will also be encouraged to ride along with an
officer on one of their shi s. This experience provides
first‐hand knowledge of what it is like to “work the
street” in a patrol car.
The Ci zen’s Police Academy is offered twice a year,
spring and fall.
Topics That May be Covered in Class:
Many of the classes will give students an opportunity to
have hands‐on experience so they will develop an under‐
standing of what du es are performed by police officers
on a day‐to‐day basis.
Commonwealth’s Atty’s Office
Crime Prevention
Crime Solvers
Crisis Intervention Team Program
Deadly Force Encounter (and)
Dynamics of a Deadly Force
History of Law Enforcement
Internal Affairs
Law Enforcement Technology
Media/Public Relations
Patrol Operations
PhotoSafe Red Light (cameras)
Enforcement Program
Recruitment, Selection and
Ride Along
School Resource Officers
Special Investigations (Gangs,
Narcotics, Vice)
Special Operations (K9, Bomb
Squad, Mounted Patrol, SWAT)
Volunteer Opportunities
How Can Information from This Academy
Be Used by the Police?
The Virginia Beach Police Department believes public
opinion is essen al to establish the community
policing concept. Opinions provided by ci zens will
play a vital role in the future of the police department.
The more informa on the public has about the police,
the less fears will exist. Many conflicts are caused
simply by a lack of understanding, and these can be
avoided through communica on and knowledge
It is our hope that graduates of this Academy take
their knowledge into the community, educate others
when the opportunity arises and make decisions
which affect the City and the police department with
heightened awareness and accurate informa on.
Addi onally, graduates become extra eyes and ears to
observe and report crimes or suspicious ac vi es in
our community.
Is There a Fee to Attend this Academy?
NO. Virginia Beach Police Department provides this
service to the community free of charge. The Academy
is put on by the Virginia Beach Ci zen’s Police
Academy Alumni Associa on, with support from the
Virginia Beach Police Department’s Crime Preven on
Unit. How Do I Apply?
Apply on line by going to the Police Department
webpage, select Opera ons Division at the far le , then select Crime Preven on from the drop‐down. The on‐line applica on will be on
the right of the page, under Forms. Upon comple on,
click the submit bu on. Once your applica on is
reviewed, you will be contacted by someone from our
Crime Preven on Unit. If you have any ques ons,
please contact:
Virginia Beach Police/Crime Preven on Unit 2441 Princess Anne Road Municipal Center, Bldg #15 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 757‐385‐1006 