Magnetic field therapy - Paracelsus Klinik Al Ronc

The use of magnetic field for healing purposes is the oldest physical form of therapy. The biological effect of
magnetic fields was recognised and used early in the ancient times. Famous doctors such as Hippocrates,
Hidegard von Bingen and Paracelsus used magnetic fields for healing purposes on a large scale as depicted by
their writings.
The magnetic field of the earth covers our planets from south to north. The plus pole and minus pole, activity
and passivity, stimulation and relaxation – these polarities of all life’s processes are derived from the magnetic
poles lying in the north and south. The magnetic forces regulate all processes of life on the earth. The magnetic potential in cells and the flow of life force all depend on magnetic fields.
Magnetic field therapy is a physical therapy in which large surface pulsating magnetic fields of extremely low
frequency are made utilizable for therapeutic purposes.
An organism can be influenced bio-energetically through a large surface pulsating magnetic field of a certain
frequency and intensity. These magnetic fields completely penetrate the body and all the cells in the body. The
ions present inside the cells which can be influenced magnetically are made to move in rhythm with the
magnetic field pulsation passing through it with a positive effect on the metabolism. This leads to an improved supply of oxygen to the cells and hence improved cell metabolism.
Diseases of the support and locomotor systems of the body, rheumatism and arthrosis too.
Sport injuries such as bruises, strains, muscle and ligament tears, tennis elbow
Slower pace of wound and bone fracture healing
Headache and migraine (specific forms)
Cardiovascular diseases, blood circulation disorders
Metabolic diseases
Bronchitis and sinusitis (acute and chronic)
Follow-up treatment after teeth extraction and operative interventions, for improved healing of wounds
Why is the range of indications so wide?
The pronounced wide range of indications results due to the fact that the magnetic field therapy penetrates
tissues in the body completely and has a strong effect in deeper parts of the body. The pulsating magnetic
fields not only have an effect on the tissue layers lying on the surface of the body but rather penetrate the
whole organism (even bones), as well as complete organs and influences all cells.
25th September 2011
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Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc AG • Zentrum für Biologische Medizin • CH-6540 Castaneda GR • Telefon +41 91 820 40 40 • Telefax +41 91 820 40 41 • •
Magnetic field therapy
Why is it so that on bed, magnetised metals are considered dangerous but magnetic field therapies
are not?
What is thought about magnetic mattress covers?
human body. They overlay the natural tension of the earth’s magnetic field and disturb the fine tuning of the
body’s magnetic potential. In this way, a disease arises. It is different to our pulsating magnetic field therapy in
that it caused rhythmic activation of the cell membrane and increases its vitality.
‘‘A correct dose is that which transforms a toxic substance into a healing medium’’ according to Paracelsus. Areas with technical magnetic field overlapping have a much stronger potential than the earth’s magnetic field.
Aim-oriented transforming effects of the therapy does not have to be interpreted as aimless long term
effects. Whilst in one case the effect of the therapist’s hand may prove to be beneficial for a certain patient, it may have a completely opposite effect for someone else. This does not speak against the medicine
but rather against false ‘‘application’’.
Intensity: Basically, there are two different forms of intensities of pulsating magnetic field therapy. On one
hand, there is the highly energy magnetic field therapy (our ring shaped magnetic coils), which involves a
magnetic field with a clearly higher intensity than that of the earth’s magnetic field. This therapy leads to
intensive stimulation of the cells, bone healing, change in inflammations and enhancement of blood circulation. Cell membrane potentials (‘‘cellular activity’’) are developed. The maximum duration of this therapy
is 30 minutes. On the other hand, there are magnetic mats for regular and long-lasting home-use (systems
such as Bemer, Vitapuls etc). These lead to changes in cell metabolism and have a subliminal effect. We
recommend these devices only in exceptional cases since their long term effect is unknown.
The body needs time to react following every therapy impulse. The treatment with magnetic fields is hence
carried out in a rhythmic way: the therapeutic stimulation is interrupted several times in each second in the
pulsating magnetic field. The total duration of the therapy remains below an hour but its activating effect
lasts for much longer.
Heart pacemaker
Artificial joints, metals
Acute autoimmune processes such as Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis, acute M.S.-drive
Drainage valve, in order to regulate liquor drainage
Dr. Petra Wiechel and the Team Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc
25th September 2011
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Paracelsus Clinica al Ronc AG • Zentrum für Biologische Medizin • CH-6540 Castaneda GR • Telefon +41 91 820 40 40 • Telefax +41 91 820 40 41 • •
Even static magnetic fields passing through magnetised metal parts in bed region influence energy level of the