The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward Teaching Portfolio Sanjeev M. Kavale Lecturer, School of Mechanical Engineering, BVBCET, Hubballi. Index • • • • • • • • Teaching Philosophy. Experimental Course. Course Design. Active Learning Activity. Collaborative Learning Project. Technology integration. Course Assessment. Engineering Education Research. Teaching Philosophy “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - 21st Century Learners. - Active Learning. - Collaboration with Technology. - Regular Updating of domain knowledge. Experimental Course Course Title: Elements of Mechanical Engineering. Level: Undergraduate (Freshman) Credits: 3 Continuous Internal Assessment: 20 (minor 1) + 20 (minor 2) + 10 (assignments) Semester End Evaluation: 100 (3 hours exam) > 50 Marks. Course Design • Course Objectives. • Course Description Document. – Office Hours. – Ground Rules for the Course. • Course Plan. – Sifting of the contents. • Lecture Plan. – Wake up Activity. My First Class First impression is the best impression. - Introduction about myself and class. - Introduction to subject. Active Learning 1. TPS (Think Pair Share) Topic: Ratio of tensions in belt drive. Question: What are the different forces acting on the belt for a belt drive? Details: - 3 - 4 minutes for thinking. - 3 in one team. - 2 minutes for pairing. - 2 minute for sharing. Active Learning 1. TPS (Think Pair Share) Topic: Ratio of tensions in belt drive. Observation: Students had more attention for the rest of the topic for the class. Student Feedback: Did you understand the concept? No Yes 8% 92% Active Learning 2. Visual Quiz Topic: Rapid fire quiz including small numerical, True False questions, multiple choice questions on Power Transmission chapter. Details: - 6 to 7 in a team. - 1 - 2 minutes of activity. - 1 minute for sharing. Observation: Students involvement was very high. Active Learning 2. Visible Quiz Students Feedback: Did you understand the contents of power transmission chapter? No Yes 12% 88% Active Learning 3. Questions by students. Details: - - - - Time required: 45 mins. Question collection. Random 2 big teams. Quiz session. Observation: Involved too much, but with huge noise. Level of understanding was known. Active Learning 3. Questions by Students. Students Feedback: Did you feel this activity was worth spending time? No Yes 12% 88% Collaborative Activity STAD – Students Teams Achievements Division Details: - A pre individual quiz to understand the level of learning of students. - Based on the pre quiz score, students teams were formed. - Targets for the teams. 2 marks more than weakest member score in quiz 1. - Second individual quiz after 2 days. - Assessment of second quiz. - Targets for the teams. 2 marks more than weakest member score in quiz 2. - Third individual quiz after 2 more days. - Assessment of third quiz. Collaborative Activity Collaborative Activity Collaborative Activity STAD Results: Were shared to the students within half hour of the quiz electronically via group mail in excel sheet with answers. And a notification was sent in WhatsApp group. Observation: Lack of Motivation among students, Absenteeism. Collaborative Activity Collaborative Activity STAD Observation: Did you feel the collaborative activity was worth spending time? 55% No Yes 45% Technology Integration Start of the lessons. During the lessons. End of the lessons. 1. WhatsApp Group. 2. Google Group. 3. Google Forms. 4. Edmodo Technology Integration Course Assessment Rubrics: Suggested Change in Word Document. Evaluation: Changes Made in Word Document. Course Assessment Evaluation: Observation: Old Test New Test No. of Students 52 35 Total Marks 30 40 Duration 20 Min 30 Min Highest Score 30 40 Least Score 1 5 Average score in % 62.16 71.35 My Overall Feedback My Overall Feedback My Contribution Pass percentage of my division 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 - 83.34% 86.67% 81.67% 2014-2015 - 95.00% Research Multimedia technology is playing a great role in changing the teaching learning process in the recent past. Some examples for such multimedia resources are NPTEL and Khan Academy digital libraries. It is no doubt that millennial learners learn better through multimedia technology like animations, videos and pictures, but the objective of my research work is to understand the learning by making students create such animations, videos and pictures on their own. Thanks to: IUCEE Dr. Veena Kumar BVBCET Questions…..?