ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Ruby Cox for the immeasurable amount of
support and guidance she has provided throughout this study. Dr. Cox’s insights into and
patient endurance throughout this project have been a true blessing. I would also like to
thank my committee members Dr. James Bohland, who has given me support for several
years, and Dr. Forrest Thye, who has provided me with much assistance and encouragement
throughout my time as both an undergraduate and graduate student. Special recognition is
given to the FSNEP Program Assistants who performed the client interviews and the
Statistical Consulting Center at Virginia Tech for their help.
I am especially grateful to my family for giving me the opportunity to follow my dreams and
the love to make them a reality. Furthermore, I would like to thank my comrades in the
HNFE graduate office who have been the best friends, during both good and bad times, that
anyone could ever hope for. Your daily laughter and smiles have made my time as a graduate
student extremely enjoyable and absolutely unforgettable. Most of all I would like to thank
my lord Jesus Christ who’s perfect love, patience, and gift are the real strength behind all my
work and accomplishments. I owe you everything for the simple reason that you always have
been and always will be everything.