1 Fault-Induced Transient Detection Based on Real-Time Analysis of the Wavelet Coefficient Energy Prof. Flavio B. Costa (UFRN - Brazil) Goal • Wavelet-Based Method for Real-Time Detection of Fault-Induced Transients – Energy of the wavelet coefficients with Border Distortions • Contributions over other Wavelet-Based Methods – Presents no time delay in real-time analysis – Is not affected by the choice of the mother wavelet – Presents a reliable performance even in critical cases 1.3 1.0 Signal sliding window 0.5 Circular signal sliding window Sample that does not exist at the current sampling Sample 0 1.3 -1.0 -1.3 Wavelet sliding window Sample Current sampling 0 x( k) -1.3 The first L-1 coefficients are not computed in real-time Coefficients with border distortions of the signal sliding window Real-time wavelet coefficient energy Wavelet sliding window Current (pu) -0.5 Real-time wavelet coefficients Original signal (pu) Boundary Wavelet Coefficient Energy Wavelet coeff. of the MODWT pyramid algorithm Coefficient to be computed in the next sampling k-3 db(4) ~ h(0) = -0.0915 ~ h(1) = -0.1585 ~ h(2) = 0.5915 ~ h(3) = -0.3415 k-2 k-1 k k-∆k+1 k-∆k+3 k-∆k+2 Sample ~ h(2) ~ h(2) ~ h(2) ~ ~ ~ h(2) 0 h(0)0 h(0) ~ ~ h(0) ~ h(1) ~~h(3) ~0 ~ x(k) h(0) ~ h(1) h(1) h(3)0 h(1) ~ ~ h(3) h(3) (kx)( k) x x(k) k-3 k-∆k+3 k-2 k-1 k kk Real-Time Fault-Induced Transient Detection 0 -3 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 kF Fault inception time detection Energy due to border effects Sample Energy due to noises and transients 2 1 10 10 0 10 5 Fault inception time followed by transients 5 3 kF Normalized wavelet coefficient energy Normalized wavelet coefficient energy Current (kA) db(4) db(6) db(90) db(6) - db(90) 10 4 10 10 10 Sample 10 No time delay in fault detection for compact wavelets 3 2 1 Time delay in fault detection for long wavelets 0 kF -7 kF Sample kF +37 kF -7 kF No time delay in fault detection for compact and long wavelets Sample kF +37 Wavelet coefficient energy Wavelet coefficients Current (pu) Real-Time Fault-Induced Transient Detection 7 5 Fault inception time followed by transients Fault clearance time 0 -5 -7 kF Sample kF Sample 25 0 -25 107 Fault inception time detection 106 Energy due to border effects Energy due to noises and transients 105 104 3 10 2 10 kF Sample Real-Time Fault-Induced Transient Detection Bus 1 CB3 line 2 CB4 Bus 2 S1 Z 1 CB5 CB1 CCVT CT line 1 CB2 Bus 3 line 3 Fault • Evaluated parameters: • fault type • fault resistance • fault distance • fault inception angle • sampling rate • effect of the mother wavelet • etc. 2698 faults were simulated CB7 S2 CT CCVT Fault Fault-induced transient detection • CB6 T1 Fault-induced transient detection Time delay (samples) Success rate (%) Mother wavelet w Ewb Ew w Ew Haar 0.5 0.4 0.2 96.9 100 db(4) 0.2 0.8 0.2 99.0 100 db(6) 0.3 1.0 0.2 98.9 100 db(12) 0.7 1.8 0.2 98.2 100 db(24) 2.0 3.0 0.2 97.9 100 db(48) 5.0 5.6 0.2 93.9 100 coif(6) 0.7 1.6 0.2 97.5 100 coif(12) 2.0 3.3 0.2 96.7 100 coif(18) 3.9 4.8 0.2 96.4 100 coif(24) 5.8 6.6 0.2 96.1 100 coif(30) 8.0 8.3 0.2 95.6 100 Real-Time Fault-Induced Transient Detection Features w Ewb The most sensible to fault-induced transients Affected by low-frequency oscillations Ew √ √ √ √ The most reliable fault detection with the choice of the mother wavelet √ No time delay with the choice the mother wavelet √ No time delay with the decomposition level √ The most reliable detection overdamped fault-induced transients √ Fault-induced transient detection not affected by current transformer saturation √ √ √ FLOPs per sampling 2L-1 2L+2 2L2+2 Not affected by fault inception angle √ Not affected by fault resistance √ √ √ Not affected by fault distance √ √ √ Not affected by the fault type √ √ √ Not affected by mutually coupled line √ √ √ The least affected by the sampling rate √ Fault-Induced Transient Detection Based on Real-Time Analysis of the Wavelet Coefficient Energy Flavio Bezerra Costa flaviocosta@ect.ufcg.br Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte School of Science and Technology Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova - Natal - RN 59078-970, Natal - RN - Brazil Phone: +55 (84) 3342-2362 http://www.ect.ufrn.br