The TAC and Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Services (VPRS

The TAC and Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Services (vprs)
communication guidelines
The TAC and VPRS provide support to children in different ways following a transport accident. This document has
been developed to enable a joint collaboration of the two organisations and to assist VPRS and the TAC to support
TAC clients who are in receipt of VPRS. This information is based on current TAC policy and work practices in addition
to the VPRS model of care.
For the TAC client who is an inpatient
What does the
client need?
and Information
The TAC claim
Claim Acceptance
Action required by VPRS
Action required by the TAC
• Contact
client or family member upon the TAC claim acceptance
• Send claim acceptance letter and relevant information
booklets to the TAC client
Note: The TAC cannot consider any request for services until the claim has been submitted and accepted
Referral to VPRS
Verbal Contact
• Referral
made to VPRS by inpatient medical team
• If referral accepted and client has an accepted the TAC claim, notify the TAC of referral within three working days by telephone call
• Return
• Treaters
• Contact
provide inpatient rehabilitation to the TAC client
• Engage and work collaboratively with the TAC
• Invite the TAC to attend appropriate team and family meetings
phone calls within one working day
client or family, treater and employer
phone calls within one working day
• Respond to all written requests within 10 working days
• Engage and work collaboratively with VPRS
• For Independence client’s: Refer to ‘Guidelines for
the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ *
• Return
* Refer to ‘Guidelines for the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ document
The TAC respects a client’s privacy and is committed to ensuring information is valued and safeguarded in accordance with the Transport Accident Act 1986,
Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Health Records Act 2001.
For the TAC client who is an inpatient (continued)
What does the
client need?
and Information
Action required by VPRS
Action required by the TAC
Discharge planning
Discharge meeting
• Conduct
discharge case meeting and invite the TAC to attend in person or via telephone
• Identify key contacts and treaters (Eg. School, OT, PT, etc) who will be managing client in outpatient environment
• For regional client’s: VPRS inpatient team to liaise with VPRS community team to negotiate which team will conduct home assessments (if appropriate)
• Provide the TAC with a discharge summary within five working days of receiving request from the TAC ^
• Attend
Discharge contacts
appropriate meetings if required in person or via telephone conference as per team work practices
• For Independence client’s: Refer to ‘Guidelines for
the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ *
Rehabilitation Plan
• Requested
services must relate to transport accident injuries
• ORP to be submitted to the TAC at least five working
days prior to program commencement
• ORP must incorporate multidisciplinary rehabilitation
• ORP must identify measurable goals
• Requested services must have clinical justification
• Inpatient VPRS team consider making request for
outpatient services to avoid delay of treatment
• Review
Support for
family members
• Submit
• Respond
Family counselling
written request to the TAC for accommodation,
travel and/or family counselling
• Specify relationship of family member to the TAC client on written request
ORP within five working days of receipt and notify client or family and VPRS of decision
to all written requests within 10 working days
decision to client or family
• Communicate
Note: The TAC are only able to pay Family Counselling for family members of clients who are severely injured in their transport accident
* Refer to ‘Guidelines for the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ document
^ Refer to the TAC document ‘VPRS Discharge summary’
For the TAC client in the community (outpatient)
What does the
client need?
and Information
The TAC claim
Claim Acceptance
Action required by VPRS
Action required by the TAC
• Contact
client or family member upon the TAC claim acceptance
• Send claim acceptance letter and relevant information
booklets to the TAC client
Note: The TAC cannot consider any request for services until the claim has been submitted and accepted
• Referral
• Return
made to VPRS by inpatient medical team or outpatient practitioner
• If referral accepted and client has an accepted the TAC claim, notify the TAC of referral within three working days
Verbal contact
• Allocate
key contact person for multidisciplinary
• Home/School visits conducted when necessary
• Respond to the TAC phone calls or emails within two–three working days
• Ensure client information is transmitted via fax or postal mail
• Discuss client goals with the TAC
• Engage and work collaboratively with the TAC
• Return
• Consider
• Respond
Referral to VPRS
Team meetings
Goal planning
Family meetings
Interim treatment
requesting ‘interim’ allied health services if request for ORP will be delayed
• Submit written request to the TAC
phone calls within one working day
phone calls within one working day
to written requests within 10 working days
• Engage and work collaboratively with VPRS
• Respond
to written requests within 10 working days
• Consider payment of initial allied health treatment inline with associated policy and work practices (Eg. First five physiotherapy, etc)
For the TAC client in the community (outpatient – continued)
What does the
client need?
and Information
Action required by VPRS
Action required by the TAC
Rehabilitation Plan
• Requested
services must relate to transport accident injuries
• ORP to be submitted to the TAC at least five working
days prior to program commencement
• ORP must incorporate multidisciplinary rehabilitation
• ORP must identify measurable goals
• Requested services must have clinical justification
• Review
Form (EPF)
Public Hospital
• Review
Direct Order
Form (HDOF)
Attendant Care
Attendant Care
Child Care
Post Acute
• The
Public Hospital should supply the TAC client with all equipment needs for the first 30 days post discharge
• When equipment is required beyond 30 days, the hospital should submit either an EPF or HDOF
seeking the TAC funding for ongoing hire or purchase
• If highly customised equipment is required, discuss first with the TAC, then submit an EPF seeking the TAC prior approval
• Refer to EPF or HDOF for further information
• If
client is in receipt of attendant care, treating team to
review and consider attendant care program using goals
• Allied Health to consider ongoing hours/duration of attendant care program
• Allied Health to consider ongoing hours/duration of child care program
• Submit written request to the TAC
* Refer to ‘Guidelines for the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ document
ORP within five working days of receipt and notify client or family and VPRS of decision
all written equipment requests and respond
within 10 working days
• Arrange highly customised equipment and delivery in a timely manner
• Organise equipment through appropriate provider if required beyond 30 days post discharge from a Public Hospital
• Review
requests from provider and respond within 10 working days
• Review request for services ensuring they relate to injuries sustained in transport accident
• For Independence client’s: Refer to ‘Guidelines for
the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ *
For the TAC client in the community (outpatient – continued)
What does the
client need?
and Information
Action required by VPRS
Action required by the TAC
Benefit and
Support Services
• Be
available for discussion with the TAC arranged BASSA
• Review and discuss recommendations/findings of BASSA
report with the TAC
• The
• Need
for assessment/treatment must relate to transport
accident injuries
• Treater should identify need for future Neuropsychology
assessments on VPRS discharge summary ^
• Provide the TAC with copies of all report/s
• The
• Provide
• Respond
The TAC policy
clinical justification in writing to the TAC detailing reason concurrent treatment is required and why an exceptional circumstance exists
• Refer to the TAC website ‘Concurrent Physical Treatment
by Health Care Providers’ for further information
TAC may arrange and pay for a BASSA to review
attendant care, child care or equipment needs
• The TAC to provide copy of BASSA report to treating allied health team
TAC claims manager to refer to VPRS discharge summary ^ when considering request for Neuropsychology assessment/treatment
to all written requests within 10 working days
Note: Other than exceptional cases, the TAC will only fund physical treatment by one provider type or single practice where treatments are considered similar
case meeting
Discharge contacts
Support for
family members
Family counselling
• Conduct
case meeting with appropriate team (Incl. School, the TAC, VPRS, Community, etc)
• Provide the TAC with VPRS discharge summary ^
• Identify key contacts and treaters who will be managing client in community
• Attend
• Submit
• Respond
written request to the TAC for family counselling
• Specify relationship of family member to the TAC client on written request
appropriate case meetings if required in person
or via telephone conference as per team work practices
• For Independence client’s: Refer to ‘Guidelines for the
TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ * document
to all written requests within 10 working days
decision to client or family
• Communicate
Note: The TAC are only able to pay Family Counselling for family members of clients who are severely injured in their transport accident
* Refer to ‘Guidelines for the TAC and hospital: Independence clients only’ document
^ Refer to the TAC document ‘VPRS Discharge summary’