REF-PS-109 / Rev 1.01 Geographical Information System (GIS) Guide to Symbols The purpose of this document is to improve the clarity of information displayed on our Web based GIS Viewer so that stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of how our Network is constructed and operated. A Geographical Information System is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on one map. Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution (SSEPD) offer access to the Web based GIS Viewer system by logging in to the web address and registering for access which will allow you access to the viewer which will display electrical network infrastructure. Web based GIS viewer To ensure your security and the security of our network information you will need to register online for access. On our Web Based GIS Viewer you will be able to identify detailed mapping as well as SSEPD’s network information. This guide is to help interpret the symbols used with the system so that you are able to understand how our electrical network operates. The map on the right shows the areas covered by SSEPD, Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution (SHEPD) North of Scotland and Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) in the South of England. SSEPD was formed in 1998 with the two different networks falling under one company however the symbols used by each network areas are slightly different. Therefor in this guide we illustrate both North and South symbols. Also included are gas network symbols as these are also available on our GIS map and want to make it clear which is gas and which are electric. SHEPD a SEPD 1 Geographical Information System (GIS) Guide to Symbols GIS Electric Symbols for Southern England (SEPD) LV Underground service cable LV Underground mains cable 2kV-3.3kV Underground cable 6.6kV Underground cable 11kV Underground cable 22kV Underground cable 33kV Underground cable Pole Pole mounted transformer Substation Link box Pillar Major pipeline Assumed route Cross section 66kV Underground cable 132kV Underground cable LV Overhead cable 2kV-3.3kV Overhead cable 6.6kV Overhead cable 11kV Overhead cable 22kV Overhead cable Ducting Flying stay PME Earth Neutral earth Oil/Gas gauge Oil/Gas tank Balancer 33kV Overhead cable Regulator 66kV Overhead cable Pit 132kV Overhead cable Schematic connector Fibre optic cable Supply location-property Pilot cable Supply location-other Circuit breaker Supply location-street furniture Switch connector Pole box Straight joint Tee joint Trifurcating joint Pot end joint Capped end joint Sealing end joint Service connector joint O/H Connector joint Wall box joint 2 Geographical Information System (GIS) Guide to Symbols GIS Electric Symbols for Northern Scotland (SHEPD) Fibre optic cable Pilot cable Link box Pillar 6.6kV-11kV Underground cable 33kV Underground cable Substation 132kV Underground cable Water pipeline Low voltage underground cable Oil pipeline 6.6kV-11kV Overhead line Gas pipeline 33kV Overhead line Switch disconnector 132kV-275kV Overhead line Circuit breaker Low voltage overhead line Supply point Poles Tower Pole termination Joints Ducting 3 Geographical Information System (GIS) Guide to Symbols GIS Environment Guide Countryside Agency English Nature / Scottish Natural Heritage Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) National park National Nature Reserve (NNR) RAMSAR Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Environment Agency Special Protection Area (SPA) Borehole Ancient Woodland Water extraction point Sensitive waterway Source protection zone Areas of Concern Vulnerability zone Contaminated Cadmium Forestry Commission Methane Access Heavy Metal-Unclassified Ownership Asbestos Ordnance Mercury English Heritage / Historic Scotland Restricted Access Monuments SEPA Flood Area Flood Location If in doubt ask Scottish & Southern Energy Power Distribution 4