Tuberculosis There are two states of Tuberculosis (TB). The latent TB infection occurs when the TB bacteria are inhaled but the body is able to stop the bacteria from growing. People with the latent form have no symptoms, can’t spread the bacteria to others, but can develop the disease if they do not receive treatment (CDC: Questions and Answers About TB, 2005). The second state of tuberculosis is the active TB disease, which will be the main focus of this research. Causative Agent: The cause of tuberculosis in humans is the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (rarely M. bovis and M. avium cause TB in humans but more commonly other animals) (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). M. tuberculosis is large, thin, slow growing bacilli, with a cell wall made of a waxy substance called mycolic acid which makes the cell less permeable (Ellis and Zabrowarny, 1997). This permeability barrier makes the cell repel stains, causing Gram stains to show a weak positive, or to show up white; so typically an alternative (acid-fast) stain is used instead (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). The cells are arranged in “cords” (long lines that are placed end to end) (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). The knowledge of bacterial metabolism is still developing, but it is known that M. tuberculosis can adapt their metabolism to the available sources within the host’s tissues; causing the bacteria to become firmly planted within the host (Fritz et al., 2002). The metabolism of fatty acids as a source of carbohydrates is necessary for the growth of M. tuberculosis. While most of the bacteria prefer to have access to oxygen, they can adapt to anaerobic conditions by using nitrate to replace oxygen in the production of ATP (Fritz, et al., 2002). History: The first known case of recorded pulmonary TB occurred between 668-626 BC. This record was found in the library of King Assurbanipal of Assyria the following is an extract: “The patient coughs frequently, his sputum is thick and sometimes contains blood. His breathing is like a flute. His skin is cold, but his feet are hot. He sweats greatly and his heart is much disturbed. When the disease is extremely grave, he suffers from diarrhea” (Harms, 1997). Even earlier, are records of another form TB such as M. bovis which commonly affects cows (Harms, 1997). Research has suggested that M. bovis was the first to begin causing disease humans after the farming of cattle began around 8000-4000 BC (Harms, 1997). It has been hypothesized that around 1000 BC M. tuberculosis adapted itself to humans from the M. bovis strain (Harms, 1997). In the seventeenth century Sylvius recorded anatomical descriptions of TB and also noted pathological changes in the lungs of a infected TB patient (Harms, 1997). He noted that the lungs underwent distinct changes and even noted tubercles which were consistent to TB patients (Harms, 1997). After the turn of the eighteenth century, a physician in England by the name of Benjamin Marten postulated that the disease was caused by “minute living creatures” and further speculated that “It may be therefore very likely that by an habitual lying in the same bed with a consumptive patient [consumption was the name by which TB was known at the time], constantly eating and drinking with him, or by very frequently conversing so nearly as to draw in part of the breath he emits from the lungs, a consumption may be caught by a sound person…I imagine that slightly conversing with consumptive patients is seldom or never sufficient to catch the disease” (Harms, 1997). Confirmation of Marten’s speculation would not come until eighteensixty-five when TB was shown to be able to pass from humans to cattle to rabbits by Dr. Jean-Antoine Villemin (Harms, 1997). By the end of the nineteenth century Robert Koch brought TB to light by using a new staining technique that made viewing M. tuberculosis possible (Harms, 1997). Epidemiology: Current statistics show that over 1/3 of the world’s population is infected (latent and active stages) with TB, of the infected around 3 million people die every year from active TB (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). In is estimated that for every single minute that passes 60 people become infected somewhere in the world (Harms, 1997). If the rate infection remains the same, over the next 10 years over 30 million people could die from TB (Harms, 1997). South East Asia accounts for a third of world wide cases ( magnitude.htm, 2005). Around two thousand people die every day resulting from TB infections in South East Asia that is around _ of a million a year ( /TB/magnitude.htm, 2005). Humans remain the only reservoir for M. tuberculosis but M. bovis (has it’s reservoir in cattle) will also sometimes infect humans through un-pasteurized milk and cause extrapulmonary TB (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). Cases of TB rose from 1985 to 1992 which have been attributed to AIDS (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). AIDS patients are excellent incubators of M. tuberculosis but also M. bovis and M. avium (bird TB) which takes advantage of their weekend immune system (http:// , 2005). TB remains the most prevalent infectious killer among AIDS patients about 1/3 of them will become infected with it (Harms, 1997). Pathology: The infection of tuberculosis begins when a person inhales infected bacilli that are released from the lungs of an infected person (it can take as little as one droplet to become infected) (Kaplan et al., 2003). Once the bacteria reach the lungs the alveolar macrophages (cells found in the lungs that destroy pathogens) attempt to destroy the bacteria. Two to three weeks after infection the immune system forms tubercles (lesions) that contains the mycobacteria (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). Ninety percent of the infections stop here and lay dormant (for an indefinite period of time) possibly never going on to be a detectable active disease (Kaplan et al., 2003). If the bacteria do not lay dormant, the bacteria continue to grow until the tubercles invade other portions of the lung and active tuberculosis begins (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). Once, in the active stage, cell death (necrosis) occurs and cavities are formed in the lungs (Microbiology TexTBook, 2005). The necrosis is believed to be caused as a result of the response of the immune system by releasing cytokine (a protein that acts as a mediator in the immune response system) at toxic levels and the release of proteolytic enzymes (enzyme that catalyzes the splitting of proteins) (Kaplan, et al., 2003). In addition the growth of M. tuberculosis is accelerated if the bacteria have increased access to oxygen which is why the infection normally occurs in the lungs (Kaplan et al., 2003). Although tuberculosis normally affects the lungs it can spread to other parts of the body like the brain, blood, bones, glands, etc. (Questions and Answers About TB, 2005). Symptoms include a cough that lasts longer than two weeks, pain in the chest, coughing up blood or sputum (phlegm from deep inside the lungs). Other symptoms include weakness, weight loss, no appetite, chills, fever, and night sweats (Questions and Answers About TB, 2005). Response and Treatment The immune system reacts to Tuberculosis (TB) in two different ways depending on weather TB is in the active or latent phase. When the TB germs are latent in the body they are considered infections. After they have entered the body the immune system reacts by building a wall around them in the way a scab forms over a cut. TB can stay alive inside these walls for years, or even for a life-time, in a latent state. While the bacteria live inside these walls they can not be spread from one person to another and they do not create any harm to the host ( When tuberculosis is in an active state it is considered a disease. People who have a very weak immune system, such as those with a serious illness, aging, or drug and alcohol abuse are very good candidates to contracting the disease. Shortly after TB enters the body of someone with a weak immune system the disease begins damaging tissues and organs. When latent TB becomes active TB, usually do to a weakened immune system, the bacteria breaks out of the walls and begin to rapidly multiply. People with active TB are able to treat the disease by taking several different medications either on their own or with the help from others and also by surgical treatment if antibiotics are ineffective ( People who have active TB are treated with several types of antibiotics due to the fact that there are a plethora of bacteria to be killed, and also to prevent the bacteria from becoming resistant to the medications. The most common medications used to cure TB are, isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide. TB bacteria die very slowly and it takes at least six months for the medicine to kill all of the TB bacteria. Many people start feeling better after only a few weeks of treatment even though the TB bacteria are still alive in their bodies. Since many people start to feel better after only a few weeks of antibiotic therapy they tend to skip doses of medications or quit taking them all together. When this happens the TB bacteria will grow again and may keep the individual sick for a longer period of time. The bacteria may also become resistant to the medications they were taking, and in that case new and different medications will be prescribed. Patients with drug resistant TB should be treated with a minimum of two to three drugs to which their organisms are susceptible. It is very important that the medications are taken exactly as directed by a nurse or physician, and local health departments offer DOT therapy which can also help increase the chances of TB to be cured from an individual (, DOT therapy, or directly observed therapy, involves meeting with a health care worker every day or several times a week. DOT helps in several ways. The health care worker can help remind those with TB to take their medication and complete treatment. Also with DOT, medication may only need to be taken two to three times a week rather than every day ( Surgical treatment of tuberculosis may be used if medications are ineffective all together. There are three surgical procedures for respiratory TB: pneumothorax, in which air is introduced into the chest to collapse the lung; thoracoplasty, in which one or more ribs are removed; and removal of a diseased lung, in whole or in part. According to it is possible for patients to survive with one healthy lung. Spinal tuberculosis may result in a severe deformity that can be corrected surgically ( There have been several preventative measures that have been developed in order to lesser the chances of an individual contracting TB. These measures include strict standards for ventilation, air filtration, and isolation methods in hospitals, medical and dental offices, nursing homes and prisons. If someone is believed to have been in contact with someone infected with TB preventative antibiotic treatment may have to be given. There has also been a vaccine developed called Bacillus Camille Guerin (BCG) which is useful in preventing certain types of tuberculosis, although it’s effectiveness is variable. There has not yet been a vaccine that is truly one-hundred percent effective against adult forms of the disease ( Many countries use BCG vaccine as part of their TB control programs, especially for infants. The statistics for preventing serious forms of TB (e.g. meningitis), using the BCG vaccine in infants, is fairly high at greater than eighty percent. In adults, however, the effectiveness ranges from zero to eighty percent. The vaccination does not prevent infection of TB, but it does strengthen the immune system of first-time tuberculosis patients. As a result, serious complications are less likely to develop. BCG is used more widely in developing countries in comparison to the U.S. The effectiveness of the vaccine is still being studied; it is not clear whether the vaccine’s effectiveness depends on the population in which it is used or on variations of its formulation ( Social, Economic, & Political Issues: The social and economic issues of Tuberculosis are vast. The cost of TB is difficult to estimate because 80% of the victims are 15-49 years old which is the most financial productive time of their lives, and a patient that isn’t diagnosed or cured loses approximately an entire year of work (, 2005). By curing a patient not only is their productivity restored but additional TB deaths are prevented, which leads to a large positive economic impact (WHO: DOTS Experiences So Far, 2005). For example the economic impact in India from tuberculosis is at least a $372 million yearly loss; but if treatment plans are implemented throughout the country it is estimated to have an economic gain of $10 billion (WHO: DOTS Experiences So Far, 2005). Where as lack of treatment or inconsistent treatment leads to the drug resistant form of TB, which is more difficult and cost prohibitive to treat so is normally a death sentence to impoverished countries (, 2005). In the United States between 1992 and 1996 there was a tuberculosis epidemic that New York City alone spent $700 million to stop. Yet, people of the United States feel that tuberculosis is a disease of the past and something not to worry about, even though 15 million people in the U.S. are infected with the bacteria (the rates of TB are highest for minorities in the U.S. because of socio-economic issues such as high unemployment, low median income, and poor living conditions) (, 2005). In addition, tuberculosis is a major problem in developing countries, and there is no way to seal the borders of the United States from this disease. Yearly there are one million plus refugees and immigrants that enter the United States, large amounts of Americans that are traveling to high-risk countries, in addition to the millions of foreignborn travelers that enter the U.S., exposing the population to tuberculosis (, 2005). The only way to effectively control tuberculosis in the United States is to control it worldwide (, 2005). Currently the World Health Organization recommends that the most effective way to combat tuberculosis is by further implementing the Directly Observed Therapy Short Course (DOTS). This strategy works by ensuring that patients are diagnosed and monitored during treatments, which stops TB at the source preventing the spread of the bacteria (WHO: DOTS Strategy, 2005). Another tangible benefit of tuberculosis treatment is that it is a cost-effective way to raise the quality of life for AIDS patients (for example a person with HIV in a developing country that contracts TB has a survival time of 5-6 weeks, but with TB treatment survival rates are 2-5 years (, 2005). There are five main obstacles to overcome for DOTS to expand: shortages of trained staff; lack of political commitment; weak laboratory services; and lack of management of drug resistance TB. To address these challenges, tuberculosis needs to be a high priority with national policy makers and governments. Practices that would employ DOTS expansion include: providing financing for administrative support of DOTS implementation and to increase the manufacturing of drug treatments; supporting an increase of manpower to supervise and sustain DOTS; enhancing inter-country collaboration to maximize benefits from private donors and grants; and promoting operational research to continually advance strategies. By implementing these strategies it means to take funds, manpower and attention from other diseases; however the benefits of implementing the DOTS program can save millions of lives over the next 20 years in an extremely cost effective manor (WHO: DOTS Strategy, 2005). Literature Cited Bureau of Tuberculosis Control. July 15, 2005. Treatment to Prevent Tuberculosis. Center for Disease Control. July 8, 2005. Questions and Answers About TB 2005. Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. July 15, 2005. Latent and Active TB Spread. Ellis and Zabrowarny. July 13, 2005. Stain for Acid Fast Bacilli. Fritz, C., S. Maass, A. Kreft, and F. Bange. January 2002. Dependence of Mycobacterium bovis BCG on Anaerobic Nitrate Reductase for Persistence is Tissue Specific. Infection and Immunity: 286-291. Global Tuberculosis Control: Surveillance, Planning, Financing. WHO Report 2005. Geneva, World Health Organization. Harms, Jerome. 1997. Tuberculosis: Captain Death. Health Cares.Net. July 15, 2005. Prevention of TB. Kaplan, G., F. Post, A. Moreira, H. Wainwright, B. Kreiswirth, M. Tanverdi, B. Mathema, S. Ramaswamy, G. Walther, L. Steyn, C. Barry III, L. Bekker. December 2003. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Growth at the Cavity Surface: a Microenvironment with Failed Immunity. Infection and Immunity: 7009-7108. Kenneth Todar University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Bacteriology. July 15, 2005. Tuberculosis. Microbiology TexTBook. July 18, 2005. Mycobacterium tuberculosis. tions&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=138 Results, The Power to End Hunger. July 17, 2005. Tuberculosis: Facts about the TB Crisis. WHO Regional Office South-East Asia. July 18, 2005. TB as a Public Health Problem. World Health Organization. July 17, 2005. Combating TB- The DOTS Strategy. http://w3/ World Health Organization. July 17, 2005. Combating TB- The DOTS Strategy; DOTS Experiences so Far. http://w3/