TEKS Based Lesson Plan Subject: 7th Grade English Weeks: 2nd Nine Weeks Group 1 Unit of Study: What roles do personal identity and group identity play in people’s lives? Essential Questions: • How do we know if we are communicating clearly, effectively, and correctly? TEKS/Essence Statements: • 7.13 Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images, graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. • 7.19 Students understand the function of and use the conventions of academic language when speaking and writing. Identify, use, and understand the function of the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: interjections Critical Skills/Postsecondary Goals: This section needs to be completed based on the students in your class. Instruction/Classroom Activities: Small Group Instruction: -Teaching Interjections! Begin by introducing interjections with the Schoolhouse Rock: Grammar Rock video Interjections! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhHpJ45_zwM found on Youtube or may be checked out from the school library. After the video, ask students if they remember any interjections from the video and make a list on the board. -Interjection Poster Activity: Teach students about interjections by assigning poster projects. Interjections are words that show excitement or emotions and are often followed by an exclamation point. Assign each student a word that qualifies as an interjection. An example could be, "Wow!" Then, have each student create a poster that shows the feelings associated with the interjection he/she was assigned. Students can cut out magazine words or pictures that reflect the interjection. If a student was assigned the word, "wow" he can cut out photos of a person who shows excitement. He/She could also write words like "happy" or 'surprised" on the poster or cut each letter of the word out of a magazine. When the posters are complete, have each student present his poster to the class. Students may work in partners. -Writing Sentences with Interjections: Ask students to brainstorm ways to express emotions. Interjections are grammar elements that demonstrate feeling. Remind students to think back to the video. Examples would be: Ouch! Stop! Hooray! Wow! Such interjections demonstrate emotions like pain, anger, excitement and surprise. Often, when written, exclamation points communicate an intense feeling. -Write a list of conjunctions on the board or add to the list from the start of class, and ask students to connect two or more thoughts using components of the list. Conjunctions are if, and, or, but, nor, for and so. You can ask students to join two sentences using interjections. For example: “Stop, or I'll tell the teacher you are bothering me!” Guide students through this activity if they are still unfamiliar with conjunctions. North East Independent School District TEKS Based Lesson Plan Stations/Centers: o Word Wall Vocabulary Activities with interjections o Interjection Poster Activity o Writing Sentences with Interjections Individualized Communication Planning: This section needs to be completed based on the individualized communication needs of the students in your class. Differentiated Tasks: Level 3 Student will create an interjection poster. Student will generate examples of interjections. Level 2 Student will create an interjection poster. Student will be asked to identify interjections. Level 1 Student will explore tactile representations of interjections. Teacher will utilize response switches. Materials/Resources: -TV and media to view Schoolhouse Rock: Grammar Rock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhHpJ45_zwM, white board, posters or large chart paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, glue, magazines *Adapted from eHow.com Assessment Strategies: This section needs to be completed based on the strategies appropriate for the students in your class. IEP Connections: This section needs to be completed based on the IEPs documented in the students’ ARDs in your class. North East Independent School District