TEKS Based Lesson Plan Subject: 4th Grade Writing Weeks: First Nine Weeks Group 3 Unit of Study: Personal Narrative Essential Questions: 1. How can writing help my future? 2. How can writing help me to express myself? 3. How can the writing process help me to improve my writing? TEKS/Essence Statements: • 4.17) Writing. Students write about their own experiences. Students are expected to write about important personal experiences. Critical Skills/Postsecondary Goals: This section needs to be completed based on the students in your class. Instruction/Classroom Activities: Small Group: • Tell students to close their eyes and imagine their favorite place to be, a place very special to them. Using chart paper the teacher will list ideas and have students share as much as possible. • The teacher will show the cover of All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan. Then have the students predict what the book will be about. • The teacher will read the story aloud to the students. Discuss and ask questions: ü Who is telling the story? ü How does the family feel about each other? ü Who were the characters in the story? ü What were the favorite places of each character? • Have students think about their favorite places again. Let them know that it is okay to change their favorite place if they want to. • Have students tell/show the group about their favorite place. Students should be able to answer/show the following questions: ü Where is your favorite place? ü What do you do there? ü Describe your favorite place. ü How do you feel when you're there? ü Why is it your favorite place? • Students will illustrate their favorite place stories. Together with students glue and bind the students stories into a class book. Then share stories out loud with students and add class book to the reading area. Whole Group: Finish reading aloud 4th Grade Rats by Jerry Spinneli. Stations/Centers: • File Folder games dealing with pictures of different places. Students can categorize pictures • File Folder games dealing with sequencing events of the story All the Places to Love. • Computers station for typing student’s personal narratives. North East Independent School District TEKS Based Lesson Plan Individualized Communication Planning: This section needs to be completed based on the individualized communication needs of the students in your class. Differentiated Tasks: Level 3 The student will be able to answer at least 4 out of 5 questions by pictures/words. Where is your favorite place? What do you do there? Describe your favorite place. How do you feel when you're there? Why is it your favorite place? Level 2 The student will be able to answer at least 3 out of 5 questions by pictures/words Where is your favorite place? What do you do there? Describe your favorite place. How do you feel when you're there? Why is it your favorite place? Level 1 The student will acknowledge the reading of their personal narrative. Materials/Resources: • The book 4th Grade Rats by Jerry Spinneli. • The book All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan Assessment Strategies: This section needs to be completed based on the strategies appropriate for the students in your class. IEP Connections: This section needs to be completed based on the IEPs documented in the students’ ARDs in your class. North East Independent School District