Facculty of engineeri
ng - Elecctric Energy Grouup [Escriibir texto] BATTEERIES O
0 Contents Electric Energy Group in FIGURES
RESEARCH ARTICLE………………………..…….2
20 university researchers involved (9 of them doctors) 15 PhD students 10 granted full time students 10 granted part time students NEWS……………………………………….……….….7 Long term cooperation with more than 6 leader companies such as; Orona, Ingeteam, Trainelec, Modragon Componentes, Ormazabal, Ikelan. More than 160 undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as more than 35 professionals from the industry, currently studying the following degrees: ‐Master in Power Electronics and Energy OUR POSTGRADUATE ACADEMICAL OFFER………………………………………….………14 ‐Automatics and Industrial Electronics Engineer ‐Master in Electric Energy ‐Graduate in Industrial Electronics ‐Customized advanced courses in power electronics and drives Editorial Board Dr. Gonzalo Abad, coordinator of the master in power electronics and energy and the degree in automatics and industrial electronics engineer. Dr. Javier Poza, coordinator of drives for traction and electric energy generation applications research line. Dr. Jon Andoni Barrena, coordinator of power electronic systems for electric energy control research line. Mr. Jose María Canales, coordinator of the energy storage systems research line. Dr. Igor Baraia, coordinator of the master in electric energy. Dr. Gaizka Almandoz, coordinator of the electrical machines and control area. Mr. Aritz Milikua, coordinator of the electronics area. Mrs. Miren Marticorena, Magazine Administrator. 1 BAT
ENTURY. Authors
s: JM. Canales, JA. Barrena, U. Iraola, D. Garrido Translattion: M. Marticcorena oduction Intro
Between the t Lead Acid
d batteries and traditional cells an
nd the ones which w
move the t
d the electriical appliances, vehiclles and feed
there is a big differrence. On the other hand, w
we t
need off saving larrge have observed the ous quanttities of energgy to balance the continuo
uction of some renewable eenergies. Which are th
he technologiccal premises aand how will be the fu
uture developments? The Lithium Ion Batterries. Charracteristics If we find in the perriodic table the t
m, we can seee that it is thee slightest meetal lithium
and the metal with high
hest level of otential. Due to this reaso
on, electrrochemical po
m is the metaallic material w
with the higheest energgy density. The firsst rechargeeable Lithiu
um batteries were ussing pure lithium, chemical elemeent that reactts very violenttly with oxygeen. This reason r
caused serious seccurity problem
ms becau
use the batteries b
weere thermaally destabilized and caused firres and evven opments startted explosions. The following develo
ompounds in which lithiu
um using chemical co
ncluded . was in
Generally the anode of a battery is c
with graphite. The T
formeed mixing carbon graph
hite’s propertties are: itss fair price, it condu
ucts electricityy, it can storee lithium ionss in a saffety way an
nd it does not n
change its crystaalline structure. The cato
ode is forrmed with a combination of liithium salts and a specific most usual Li‐CoO2, LiMn2O4 metall, being the m
y LiFFePO4 but with significcantly differeent speciffic energies. Becausse the reactivity of the lithium e non‐
with the oxygeen the batterries must use
queous electrolytes. Typiccally, solid lithium aq
saalts dissolved in an organ
nic solvent su
uch as etther are used. This electrolyte during th
he first ch
harge of thee cell, reactss rapidly witth the an
node, maaking up a layyer called SEI (Solid Electrolyte Intterface).This layer avoids the ecomposition of the eleectrolyte from
m the de
econd charge of the cell. TThe SEI layer aacts as an
n electric inssulating, but provides suffficient ionic conductivvity, it impactts in an incre
ease of he internal im
mpedance limiting the maxximum th
discharge current. Also, above 120 ° C emperature, the t SEI layer is broken, causing te
he reaction between the electrolyte
e and an
node which release h
heat, causin
ng an un
ncontrolled th
hermal runaway. Fig. 1 Detail
of a LiO
On cell layers
In concclusion, the m
materials used in the node, cathod
de and eleectrolyte influence an
grreatly on the voltage, capaacity, life cycle and saafety of the LiO
On cells. Also in
ndicate that th
he cells of LiO
On may haave three types of formaats. The cylin
ndrical on
nes, which are a
typically used with lower caapacities than
n 15Ah and which carcass are bu
uilt in steel. Th
hose carcassees incorporate
e some prrotection baseed on PTC an
nd a vent valvve. The prrismatic ones,, with rigid en
nclosure, are u
used in higher capacities than 10Ah
h and they inccluded d a vent valve
es too. prrotection baseed on PTC and
he pouch o envelope e
ones are not rigid and th
hey are sealed to ensure the vacuum inside th
hem, ant theyy do not havee any protecttion or 2
valve. This format allows to adapt the physic dimensions of the cell to the final application and it presents capacities between 5Ah and 50Ah. The advantages of LiOn cell: ‐ High energy and power density as well as nominal voltage per cell. ‐ Very low self discharge. ‐ Very low maintenance. ‐ It supports fast charging. ‐ Number of charge/discharge cycles > 1000. The disadvantages of LiOn cell: ‐ It needs to set protection to operate within safe area. ‐ It has restrictions on transport, subject to regulations. ‐ High cost of manufacturing. ‐Rapid degradation with temperature increases. ‐It is unable to recharge the cell at temperatures below 0°C or at voltages below 2 V per cell. minimum) and current (maximum load and maximum discharge). If the cell exceeds any of them it goes into a failure mode that could disable the cell or even cause a fire or explosion. To not exceed the safe operating area is required to take, at cell level, measures to avoid destruction. LiOn batteries of handheld systems like mobile phones, incorporate in the battery module an electronic device to measure the voltage, the current and the temperature and acts opening the circuit if the limits are exceeded. These electronics typically consists of a NTC resistor for temperature measurement, a reversible fuse, PTC resistor type, which acts in the event of overheating and / or over current and an integrated circuit that controls two electronic switches to allow the loading or unloading of the battery if limits are not exceeded. Comparison of the technologies of electrochemical battery Mainly magnitudes such as energy density and power density are applied to classify the energy storage technologies. Figure 3 shows a diagram with the state of the art of each of the mentioned electrochemical technologies. It is noted that the lead acid technology presents less specifics power and energy, while clearly LiOn cell shows the highest performance. Fig. 2 LiOn cell formats. Cylindrical, prismatic and
The main drawback of the LiOn cell is to ensure that its performance is within the safe range, bounded by the voltage (maximum and minimum), temperature (maximum and 3 Note that within LiOn technologies and NiMH, it is possible to distinguish cells for high power applications with limited power, or cells for power applications with limited power. As an illustrative example of comparison can raise an application daily charging and discharging cycle of a storage system with 5 kWh of energy, for a maximum maintained power of 2.2 kW and a life expectation of 10 years, with temperature between 10 and 40°C. Fig. 3 Diagram of specific power vs. electrochemical storage specific energy
In this type of applications the critical specification is the number of cycles, about 3500. This means designing a storage system that at the end of its life provides the 5 kWh at 2.2 kWh. This requires an oversizing of the energy stored by the technology used. In any of the electrochemical storage technologies, the less depth of discharge is produced, the number of cycles that can withstand will be higher. NiCd batteries are discarded for their toxicity and there exists a general tendency to be replaced by NiMH batteries. Another important parameter is the ambient temperature, especially below 10 ° C and above 40 ° C. The temperatures above 40 ° C accelerate the aging of any battery technology and the low temperatures limit the maximum power that can be extracted. In this example the temperature is not a critical parameter. Finally, we must take into account the rate of discharge. In this case we can evaluate the maximum discharge rate as the relationship between energy, 5 kWh, lead acid accept as the optimal discharge current 0.5 C and, therefore, the rate of discharge is a condition for sizing Lead acid technology. The result of analysis of the life cycle parameters, temperature, and maximum discharge rate for the dimensioning of the application, is shown in Table 1. For the under study application where life cycles are the critical parameter, the conclusion is clear, from the viewpoint of cost the solution with Pb acid battery is the most economical. It is 4 times cheaper than LiOn solution. However, its weight and volume is 6 times higher. In a compromise solution is the NiMH, very close to the performance of the LiOn. Lead acid
27,8 kWh
10,3 kWh 7,5 kWh
679 kg / 348 L 3100 €
163 kg / 78 L 8000 € 100 kg / 60 L 11000 €
Table 1 Storage systems for implementing 5 kWh
daily cycles, maximum power of 2.2 kW for 10
and power, 2.2 kW, which is 2 hours of discharge. In terms of nominal capacity in Ah is C, C/2h = 0.5C. All the technologies except the 4
Constitution of a lion battery module A battery module is constituted by the association of cells, either in series, parallel or a combination of both. This association gives a total voltage and capacity of the battery module. The battery voltage is typically determined from the power, with the aim that the maximum current of the cell is located below its optimum level of discharge, this makes possible to extend the maximum life of the set of batteries. With LiOn technology and using it in applications above 100 volts, a battery pack is usually constituted by serializing basic modules which contains a limited number of cells. These basic modules can contain between 4 and 16 cells, depending on the manufacturer and the type of format of the used cells. As we have mentioned before, in LiOn technology it is necessary to include electronic circuitry which is responsible for monitoring the voltage, current and temperature of each cell, this electronic circuits shown in Figure 4. When the modules are linked to compose a full battery pack, all measures of the cells have to be centralized in a manager called Battery Management System or BMS. The main function of BMS is to protect the battery pack, managing the measurements of each cell and determining if one of the parameters is outside of the established range of voltage, current or temperature. If limits are exceeded, the BMS opens the main circuit or communicates to the application where the battery pack is being used, and it should limit its consume to preserve the integrity of the cells. Fig. 4 Pouch type 4-cell module with NEC .
5 Fig. 5 Cylindrical 8-cell module with associated
During the charge process, the cells will increase their voltage value until they reach a maximum voltage. Not all the cells have the same rate of increasing its voltage, so that some cells reach the maximum level before others, mainly because the cells are not exactly the same and they have small deviations of capacity and internal impedance. To avoid exceeding the maximum cell voltage during the charge, the BMS activates circuits to balance the voltage. The circuits to balance are responsible for diverting part of the load current in those cells which are at maximum voltage, allowing the rest of the cells to continue the charge until their capacity is completed. The circuits to balance can be dissipative, where excess of energy is consumed in a resistance or may be active, where the excess of energy is transferred to less charged cells. But also the BMS incorporates features such as estimating the battery charge state (SOC) that indicates the level of capacity available all the time, and estimating the state of health (SOH), an indicator of the life of the battery module . SOC and SOH algorithms are estimated from the measurements of voltage, current, temperature of the cells and the historical charge and discharge cycles to which it has undergone. These algorithms can have great complexity and high computational load in calculating the estimate when required accuracies below 5% in both the SOC and the SOH. The BMS also provides communication channels to transmit and receive information between both modules of the battery pack and the external application. temperature between cells does not exceed 5 ° C, thus ensuring that the aging of all cells are balanced. For this reason, in many cases the TMS must have both the capacity to heat and to cool. Heating processes of the battery pack are caused mainly by Joule losses due to conduction of current in the interior of each cell and much less to the chemical reaction of the same in the charging and in discharging. This heat must be discharged to the atmosphere and depending on outdoor temperature will be necessary to cool or heat the battery pack. Fig. 4 120V / 4.7 kWh battery pack cooled with water
by Kokam
Another very important point to take into account in the battery packs is the thermal management or TMS (Thermal Management System). To maximize the energy and the specific power of the battery and ensure the longest life, it is primordial to control the temperature of the cells. The optimum operation range of LiOn cells is between 20 and 35 ° C ambient temperature. Furthermore, it is recommended that the maximum difference in The typical cooling methods in the battery packs are natural convection, forced air and water. As a method of heating, resistors are used with a fan heating inside the battery packs in a homogeneous way. Currently, research on Peltier cells is carried out, an electronic device which presents capacity to pump heat in both directions, what means that is able of cooling and heating. To know more [1] Linden D, Reddy T B. Handbook of batteries. 3ª edición. McGraw‐Hill, 2002. p.838 ISBN: 0‐07‐135978‐8 [2] Williams B W. Principles and elements of Power Electronics. 2ª edición. Glasgow: Barry W Williams, 2006. p.277 ISBN: 0‐978‐0‐9553384‐0‐3 [3] Crompton T R. Battery Reference Book. 3ª edición. Oxford: Newnes, 2000. p.774 ISBN: 0‐7506‐4625‐X [4] Schwartz R. “Battery charging strategies“ ECPE Valencia, 2011 p.30 [5] Oudalov A, Cherkaoui R. “Sizing and Optimal Operation of Battery Energy Storage System for Peak Shaving Application“ Power Tech IEEE Lausanne, 2007. p.621‐625 ISBN: 978‐1‐4244‐2189‐3 [6] “Distributed Energy Storage Modules“ Descriptive bulletin ABB Group, 2010. p.12 [7] “A123 Systems Grid Solutions” A123 Inc, 2010. [8] Johnson R. “Smart Grid: Carbon and Economic implications for Colorado“ PUC Smart Grid Policy Specialist, 2010. [9] Khiene H A. Battery Technology Handbook. 2ª edición. Germany: Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003. p.509 ISBN: 0‐8247‐
4249‐4 [10] Dhameja S. Electric Vehicle Battery Systems. 1ª edición. Oxford: Newnes, 2002. p.240 ISBN: 0‐
7506‐9916‐7 [11] Jang‐Soo L, Sun Tai K, Ruiguo C et al. “Metal–Air Batteries with High Energy Density: Li–Air versus Zn–Air” Advanced Energy Materials. 2011. Vol. 1 p.34‐50 [12] Kumar B, Kumar J, Abraham K M et al. “A Solid‐State, Rechargeable, Long Cycle Life Lithium–Air Battery” Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 2010. p.50‐54 [13] Tahil W. “The Zinc Air Battery and the Zinc Economy: An Virtuous Circle” White Paper 6
Programme of lectures 2012 The Electric Energy Research group has initiated the “Programme of workshops on Power Electronics and Energy” in which national and international experts will address topics related to Energy and Power Electronics as Electromagnetic Compatibility, Multilevel Converters , thermal modelling of Electrical Machines, Energy Storage systems, Smart Grids, etc SERIES AND PARALLEL MULTILEVEL POWER CONVERSION On April the 23th, Dr. Thierry Meynard gave a presentation entitled “Series and Parallel Multilevel Power Conversion”. This presentation was one of the series of presentations and workshops organised by the University of Mondragon in the Program of Workshops on Energy and Power Electronics 2012. Thierry Meynard is regarded as one of the world‐leading experts on Power Electronic Converters. In the lecture he presented a general vision of Multilevel Power Converters using series/parallel connection of switches or commutation cells, and he presented the latest developments in this area. The lecture took place at the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao, and around 70 people attended the presentation, including many industrial and academic researchers. This lecture attempted to provide an a short presentation of the Laplace (Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie), and another subjects like a review of topologies for series and parallel conversion and the most recent evolutions of parallel multilevel techniques. Brief biography of the speaker Thierry Meynard graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Hydraulique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in 1985. He was a Doctor at the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse,Toulouse, during 1988. He was an Invited Researcher at the Université du Québec à Trois Rivières, Canada, in 1989. He joined the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et d’Electronique Industrielle as a Full‐Time Researcher in 1990. From 1994 to 2001, he was the Head of the Static Converter Group in the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique et 7 d’Electronique Industrielle (LEEI), Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse‐Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique, d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et des Télécommunications (INPT‐ENSEEIHT), Toulouse, France, where he is currently the Director of Research. He is also a Part‐Time Consultant with Cirtem on a regular basis. His research interests include soft commutation, series and parallel multicell converters for high‐power and high‐performance applications, and direct ac/ac converters. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY On February the 27th, the professor of the University of Oviedo Alberto Martin Pernia ( offered a short course about Electromagnetic Compatibility at the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce. It was attended by the students of the professional master, researchers from different companies and researchers of the University of Mondragon. The audience could improve their knowledge on EMI issues. To make this possible, during the lecture Dr. Pernia attempted subjects such as EMC tests, types of links and grounding, etc... Brief biography of the speaker
Alberto Martin Pernía finished his studies in Industrial Engineering Electronics and Automation intensification in the School of Industrial Engineering of Gijón in 1991. In 1996 he obtained a PhD degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Oviedo.
Since 1998 Alberto is Professor of the Department of Electronics Technology at the University of Oviedo and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In recent years he has participated as an investigator on around 60 projects about Power Electronics in which he has worked in AC / DC, DC / DC and DC / AC Power Systems and design magnetic elements for power systems with high energy density. Alberto has an abundant number of publications (over 60) in national and international journals and presentation of several papers on Power Electronics and Industrial Conferences, both national and international. Since 2007he exercised coordinator functions on the University of Oviedo, of electromagnetic compatibility lab "CemLab". In the doctoral program "Process Control, Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering", later transformed into a Research Master with quality mention, he has taught the subject “Electromagnetic compatibility testing in industrial equipments”.
His current activity is focused on energy storage systems and high voltage applications. 8
CONFERENCE ABOUT ECO DESIGN, DRIVES AND ENERGY STORAGE ON ELEVATORS On May the 2nd, Ritxar Aizpurua from Orona Group offered to the students of the Master in Power Electronics and Energy a conference about vertical transport. The conference had three differentiated parts: ‐ In the first part an overview about the drives on elevators was given, from the earliest to the current drives for both, the vertical displacement of the cabin and for opening doors. ‐ In the second part, Aizpurua spoke about Eco Design concept of the elevators, energy ratings and VDI4707 standard that defines the classes of energy consumption. ‐The final part was focused on the possible innovations required to optimize the energy efficiency of the lifts, highlighting on the electrical energy storage concept. THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTRIC MACHINES On April the 2nd, Dr. Dave Staton offered a short course about Thernal Analysis of Electric Machines at Bilbao Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Staton is one of the world references in this area and is the leading developer of the software MOTORCAD. It was attended by the students of the professional master and researchers of the University of Mondragon. 9 TRAINING COURSE IN SOFTWARE MOTORCAD Between January the 31th and February the 2nd a training course in software MOTORCAD
oriented to thermal simulation of electrical machines has been held at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, on the campus of Garaia . This course organized by the Electric Energy Research group, in collaboration with INDIELEC‐Electrical Engineering Design Ltd. The speaker, Dr. Staton is the leading developer of the software MOTORCAD. It was attended by 5 researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and other 17 researchers from different companies and government research centers.
Brief biography of the speaker downloaded from the publications area of the website.http://www.motor‐ Dr Dave Staton's PhD research studies at the University of Sheffield in the 1980s centred on the development of CAD software for electric machines. Dave Staton is regularly invited to present tutorials at conferences and in industry on 'Thermal Analysis of Electric Motors and Generators'. In 1998, he became the founder of the pioneering company, Motor Design Ltd, with the specific aim of developing the world's first and only motor design software to simplify the complexities of thermal analysis ‐
Motor‐CAD. He now lives with his family amid the lakes and beautiful countryside of Shropshire close to the Welsh borders. Click here for contact details of the UK headquarters of Motor Design Ltd in Shropshire. Dave Staton has presented numerous technical papers at electrical machine design conferences worldwide. Many of these can be 10
MULTIPHASE MACHINES AND DRIVES On June the 18th, Dr. Emil Levi provided the presentation entitled "Multiphase machines and drives". This presentation was one of the series of presentations and workshops organised by the University of Mondragon in the Program of Workshops on Energy and Power Electronics 2012. In the lecture, he offered a vision of the polyphase electric machines area including the necessary power electronics for power and control them as well as an analysis of areas of application of these machines. It provided an introduction into the area of multiphase machines and drives, including power electronic supply solutions for these systems. The lecture was organised around seven distinct topics, such us multiphase machine modeling and control of multiphase machines. Brief biography of the speaker
Emil Levi was born on June 21st, 1958 in Zrenjanin, in a country that used to be known as Yugoslavia. He received his Dipl. Ing. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Novi Sad (Yugoslavia) in 1982, and MPhil and PhD degrees from the University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in 1986 and 1990, respectively. Emil was in full‐time employment in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad from 1982 till 1992. He started immediately upon graduation as a Teaching and Research Assistant and became a Teaching and Research Associate in 1986. He was promoted to an Assistant Professor position in 1991. In May 1992 Emil joined what used to be known as Liverpool Polytechnic (Liverpool John Moores University since Autumn 1992) as a Senior Lecturer. He was promoted to a Reader in 1995 and became Professor of Electric Machines and Drives in 2000. 11 Emil is the author of more than 290 full‐length scientific papers. The publication list includes over 80 journal papers in SCI source journals (more than 50 are in IEEE Transactions, IEE Proceedings and IET journals). He has also authored two chapters in the “The Industrial Electronics Handbook”: Power Electronics and Motor Drives (CRC Press, 2011) and a chapter in Encyclopaedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (John Wiley and Sons, 1999 and 2007). Emil is a Fellow of the IEEE (Class of 2009, with citation: “for contributions to vector control of induction motor drives”) and recipient of the Cyril Veinott Electromechanical Energy Conversion Award of the IEEE Power and Energy Society in 2009 for contributions to “modelling and control of induction machines”. He has also received The Best Paper Award of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics for 2008. ELECTRICAL ENERGY STORAGE WORKSHOP In the Electrical Energy Storage Workshop which took place in Garaia campus on June the 22th, the international experts Benedikt Lunz (ISEA Aachen), Fran Blanco (IK4‐Ikerlan Energy) and Rolland Gallay (Garmanagel) provided a technical overview of electrochemical storage systems and applications. The program of the workshop included the opening speech realized by B. Atxa (General Coordinator of MGEP) and Jesús María Goiri, General Director of CIC ENERGIGUNE. The closing speech was realized by X. Garmendia (Vice Councilor of Industry and energy of the Basque Government) and the presentations of the following international experts: "Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles" by Benedikt Lunz, "Energy Storage Systems for Grid Applications" by Fran Blanco and "Technologies and Applications for Supercapacitors” by Rolland Gallay.
Xabier Garmendia, Vice Councilor of Industry and Energy of the Basque Government Jesús María Goiri, General Director of CIC ENERGIGUNE Brief biographies of the speakers Benedikt Lunz, Dipl.‐Ing. Research Associate ISEA since September 2008 Function: Team leader Integration into grid Research topics: plug‐in hybrid vehicles. Research Group: Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems, ISEA Institut für Sromrichtertechnik and Elektrische Antriebe RWTH Aachen 12
Francisco Blanco. Director. Energy Business Unit IK4‐Ikerlan. Member of IK4‐Ikerlan´s executive board IK4‐Ikerlan´s Energy Business Unit Director. Head of theIK4‐Ikerlan´sElectrical Storage R&D team IK4 Energy Sector Manager. Member of CADEM‐EVE Board of Directors Lecturer at Deusto Master´s Degree on Renewable Energy, Gas and Electrical Networks Roland Gallay received the Ph.D. degree in solid states physics from the EPFL in Lausanne (Switzerland), in 1987. He joined the company “Montena Components” in 1990, where he was in charge of high voltage and power capacitor project developments. He initiated supercapacitor activities in 1998, launching the wellknown Boostcap products on the market, in 2000. From 2002 to 2007, he was WW R&D Senior Director by Maxwell Technologies, in particular developing the “D‐cell” size supercapacitors. Since 2007, he is managing his own enterprise Garmanage, providing R&D services to the industry in the domain of electrode, supercapacitors, batteries, and film capacitors. Beside his entrepreneurial activities, he is a Lecturer in the Electrical Department of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), France, teaching material properties for electrical applications. He is also a Member of the Swiss Technology. 13 Mastter in p
power electrronics and enerrgy Information: http://www
w.mondragon Professio
onal m
master in
electtric en
ormation: http://w‐y‐
tics/electrronica/masteer‐profesionaal‐en‐energiaa‐electrica 14
Electric Energy Group: Dr. Gonzalo Abad Mr. Ibon Ajuria Dr. Gaizka Almandoz Mr. Jon Aranguren Dr. Igor Baraia Mr. Antonio Barbero Dr. Jon Andoni Barrena Mr. José María Canales Mr. Endika Delgado Mrs. Maialen Elorza Dr. Ander Etxeberria Mr. Fernando Garramiola Mr. David Garrido Dr. Ander Goikoetxea Mrs. Aitziber Gorostiza Mr. Aritz Milikua Dr. Javier Poza Dr. Gaizka Ugalde Mr. Ander Urdangarin Dr. Naiara Vidal Loramendi 4, Apdo.23 20500 Mondragón Gipuzkoa, Spain Tel. +34 943 79 47 00 Fax +34 943 73 94 10 15 