Batte Center Facilities Request Form - Community

Batte Center Facilities Request Form - Community
IMPORTANT! This form is required for all events and must be submitted at least 2 months before date requested. A date is reserved only when you
receive written approval from Sarah Huskey. Do not advertise your event without this confirmation! One Event per Form.
If you have questions you may Contact Sarah Huskey at or 704-233-8316.
Reservation Request
Venue Requested [Required]
] McGee Theatre
] Austin Auditorium
] Recital Hall
] Rotunda Lobby
] Recital Hall Lobby
] Austin Lobby
First Choice Date(s) Requested [Required]
Second Choice Date(s) Requested [Required]
Company or Organization Name [Required]
Name of Event [Required]
Please give us the title of your event.
Event Description [Required]
Please describe your event here with as much detail as you have at this time.
Contact Information [Required]
Valid input:
- must be 10-15 digits long and may include only numbers,
hyphens, and spaces.
First name:
Middle initial:
Last name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Estimated Setup Time [Required]
When will you arrive to setup and how long will it take?
Event Start Time [Required]
Estimate Event Duration [Required]
Will ANY food or drink be served? Who is Caterer?
Note: ARAmark is the preferred catering on Wingate University's Campus. All other caterer's must be approved by management.
Other Needs
Any other requests or information we should know about your event. The more detail the better!
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Have you and your organization rented from the Batte Center at Wingate University in the past? [Required]
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
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Is your organization a registered not-for-profit organization?
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
What is your organization's Website / URL?
Valid input:
Have you rented from another entity in the past for similar events. If yes, where?
I have reviewed the Rental Rates and Policies and Procedures found at:
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] Yes
If your event is a concert, how do you plan to advertise your event? Please send examples of any digital media to
Why are you considering Wingate University for your event?
Are you a producer/promoter?
Valid input:
- Select only one choice.
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
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If you have a technical staff team or technical director, please provide his/her name and contact information.
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