Advertising Solutions byppi ppiMedia Media by Multimedia Ad Workflow Multimedia ad solutions by ppi Media Integrated ad solutions: ppi Media offers a new perspective on ads with its multimedia solutions signed for this media-neutral workflow and help media companies streamline their workflow and increase efficiency, transparency and customer service in print and digital (online, mobile and tablet). All processes under one roof ppi Media’s ad solutions combine all areas in the ad department into one logical unit. This creates a highly automated, end-to-end workflow from booking through reservation and production to pagination for print ads, publication via the ad server and verification. The integration of commercial aspects is a matter of course. However, ppi can do more than just integrate. The secret is how you look at things. Central and local newspaper production, print and digital advertising or liner and display ads – for each task, ppi offers an individual solution that is efficient, compatible with other system solutions Print was the beginning and always offers the highest possible degree of automation. New media channels need innovative solutions. Mobile and tablet – as different as these media are, ads are the essential Unlimited workflow component in the value chain for all of them. ppi Media’s in- To achieve maximum transparency, flexibility and security in tegrated ad solutions open up future-proof perspectives for the workflow, ppi’s ad solutions also take production data ad management – from individual print ads to multimedia from the planning, web publishing, prepress and press sys- advertising campaigns. And with the right software this step tems into account. Produced ads and ad pages for the print is both easy and secure. For more than 25 years the name ppi workflow can be forwarded directly to the page assembly sys- has stood for all-round high-tech competence and top quality tem, where they are automatically and accurately assembled for more than one hundred newspaper groups worldwide. into digital pages together with the editorial elements. This workflow is not restricted to individual sites, but can be per- Modular, open, integrative formed at any offices and production sites irrespective of geo- For today’s media companies, an innovative and active ap- graphical boundaries. proach to both new and classic media is a prerequisite for being successful on the market. Publishers must face today’s new challenges and provide answers to multimedia customer requests. The prerequisites for this are not only an optimized workflow, but above all an open approach to the new media. ppi Media’s ad solutions have been specially de- Using all the advantages of print and online Digital advertising Reviving business models with creative ideas ppi Media’s combined ad solutions set practically no techni- In addition to this, ppi Media’s ad solutions support innova- cal limits, allowing entrepreneurial spirit to unfold. This ap- tive sales models in a digital environment and pave the plies in particular to the growing sector of digital advertis- way for more customer service. Customers’ placement re- ing. ppi’s ad solutions help publishers to place themselves quests, for instance, can be quickly determined for print on the local online ad market and enable them to expand and online media, while customer ad reviews can be per- their advertising products with campaigns for print, online formed online in a simple, time-saving process. In the clas- and mobile. sic field of print ads, too, ppi’s Advertising Solutions set no limits on creativity. Innovative advertising with inserts, double-truck ads, creative title pages and unconventional advertising formats is, therefore, available to all ad customers. ppi Media Advertising Workflow AdServer Ad booking system Customer portal WebLink CI AdCept mediaPreflight Sales support Advertising media production AdX Mobile Tablet Web AdMan AdDispo Print DTP integration Classifieds Payment Advertising media design WebLink LI Planning Classified ad pagination Page assembly PlanPag AdPag ProPag ppi Media's ad solutions combine all areas of the ad workflow into one integrated process, making it easy to book, reserve, produce and publish ads for both print and the digital media. AdX: multimedia reservation of ad formats One face to the customer Booking ads with AdX Many publishers wish for just one main contact who is re- In the AdX Order module, orders can also be created inde- sponsible for all ad requests, and also for a multimedia ad pendently of the ad booking system and the production management system that can be operated intuitively. Pub- systems supplied with order data. Campaigns and results lishers must be able to respond flexibly to their customers' are made available via a standard Excel export function and increasingly challenging and demanding requests. The reach forwarded to the accounts department for invoicing. of ads should be as large as possible. In order for digital advertising to be accepted by customers, editorial content and Integrated processes click rates for ads must be just right. Modern software helps AdX can be integrated on the basis of webservices into any ad to further optimize the ad department. Customer require- booking system for a smooth front-to-back workflow. AdX lets ments can then be implemented reliably and efficiently. you place print ads on a page dummy as well as book digital ad materials by directly querying the ad server to check for availability. AdX – ppi Media’s answer ppi's multimedia ad solution has been designed not only for reserving print and digital advertising formats, but in particular for the lucrative business of selling multimedia ad combinations. State-of-the-art web technology and a clearly structured GUI make it easy for users to become accustomed to the program. Bookings for print are visualized in a page dummy, whereas online bookings are visualized on a planning board with campaign bookings on page placements and page groups. A combined overview that is currently unique on the market. Modern online advertising The online planning area consists of a ppi Media’s ad reservation solution AdX optimally supports ad sales for print and the digital media. large planning board that also boasts a calendar function and website list. For each website and its specific advertising formats, all placements are displayed by Campaign Manager colored bars on a continuous timeline (monthly, weekly, daily views). Different color codes and bar dimensions enable you to recognize at a glance as to whether these are premium position Online View bookings (roadblocks) or multiple placements based on booked page impressions. If required, additional information such as partial bookings and rotations on ad spaces can be filtered and viewed via pop-up menus. Print View Optimum sales support for ad reservation Enhanced reservation of print ads with AdX Print Dispo In the same way that SAP IS-M/AM is available to specialists as a background application for more complex processes and special tasks, more powerful solutions have also been provided for other processes to work in the background. Reserving print ads is done in AdX Print Reservation via a web client running on HTML5 for tablets and desktop internet. While more complex reservations are done by AdDispo in the back-office, the ad can first be planned at the customer‘s office in AdX Print. Special rights can be set up in AdX for a user so that he can access specially designed page groups to make reservations for special editions. This means that the sales team has the option of checking for availability in the customer‘s office as well as making an advanced placement. If the planning is more complex, AdDispo continues to be available. The AP IS-M/AM integration enables you to create orders for various media from AdX. Prices continue to be calculated and ad booking customization is still done in SAP IS-M/AM. Sales-oriented ad reservation viewed by the ad sales staff in AdX Print. Waiting lists can In times of new opportunities in advertising, in particular contain one or several ads, which are displayed in a certain in digital advertising, ad customers expect more from clas- order based on priority. If the ad that was originally planned sic print publications: More service! More quality! More op- is cancelled or repositioned, the ad with the next highest pri- tions! Today, customers expect shorter deadlines, flexible ority is then moved from the waiting list to the required po- offers with customized, combinable ad spaces and compe- sition. This not only ensures optimum use of premium posi- tent advice. With AdX Print, media companies are optimally tions, but also increases the long-term attractivity of a prepared for these challenges AdX Print Dispo lets the sales newspaper for ad customers. Before pages or editions are re- staff use a wide range of functions to book and place ads leased for production, the system checks whether any ads in on the page dummy. For more complex reservations, AdDis- the waiting lists are still unplaced and, if so, generates a po continues to be available. warning message. Greater transparency in ad reservation AdX Print Dispo, like the back office solution AdDispo, is an ap¬plication that can easily be combined with ad booking systems and with ppi’s production planning system. The planned page dummy for any edition can therefore be accessed directly from the ad booking system at any remote office. While AdX checks essential aspects such as color, pub-date, geometry and double-truck pages, AdDispo integrates additional plausibility checks which include the web press’s production catalogs for all placements. The distinction between a reservation and a fixed booking remains in force and only the fixed booking is binding from the point of view of production. This distinction creates room for maneuver that can be exploited by the sales team to reschedule right up to the very last minute. Ads automatically move up waiting lists Placement requests from ad customers that cannot currently be fulfilled can be “parked” in waiting lists, which can be AdDispo provides an overview of display ads on premium positions AdMan: ad production for print and digital Ad production with AdMan is easy with state-of-the-art, clearly structured GUIs. AdMan – the control center for ad production Enhanced ad production AdMan has been designed as a master system for the ad AdMan enables highly automated production of all print and building department and ensures reliable and, above all, ef- digital ads. Depending on the ad type, the respective compo- ficient production of advertising material for different me- nents are automatically started for editing according to an dia. All standard ad booking systems, Self Service solutions, individually defined workflow. A number of options are avail- ad editors and DTP systems are seamlessly integrated via able for preparing the layout of display ads (assigning scrib- open interfaces to create an efficient, automated ad produc- ble, images and logos, creating raw texts etc.). The integrat- tion workflow. AdMan in particular has been optimized for ed management of templates, standing matter, logos, use with SAP IS-M/AM. graphic elements and scribble optimally supports working with digital job folders. Manuscripts and images can be Digital ad input saved to the job folder in digital form via the Scanner inter- AdMan has an efficient digital data input function for in- face. coming ads that are sent by e-mail, FTP, ISDN or the internet. Ads that are delivered digitally are easily – and if possi- Efficient production of ads for the digital media ble – automatically assigned to the respective order. In an To meet the demands of the growing internet market, Ad- integrated preflight check, any conflicts regarding colors, Man supports all standard online ad formats (flash, jpeg, fonts, sizes or file formats are detected. Users can correct gif). All digital ads are automatically checked as to whether conflicts automatically, otherwise manually, according to they are ready for publishing. The production files are trans- the publisher's rules. ferred to the ad server via standard interfaces. Efficient ad production management from the start Perfect integration of AdX and AdMan tiple ad production sites can integrate processes that have been dis- Due to its integration with AdX and the ad booking system, tributed to multiple sites. AdMan efficiently manages digital advertising formats such as banners, complex motifs (e.g. for wallpaper and custom crea- Tracking/reporting tives) as well as multimedia campaigns under the order The entire ad production workflow can be monitored step by number assigned by the ad booking system. In AdMan, complex step. Progress in production of each individual ad can be motifs are managed as an overall campaign in the folder and viewed on any monitor. Errors can be detected and rectified then transferred to AdX following a release. The released pro- very early on. AdMan provides production data for a job and duction files are transferred to the ad server by AdX according billing overview that enables comprehensive evaluations in to their motif structure and the predefined custom creative jobreport. codes. Integrated archive system Maximum production security and in-time management Jobs which do not have to be accessed very frequently can be AdMan ensures that the ad orders are processed correctly exported to the archive. Costs can be reduced by decreasing and efficiently. In the AdMan workflow, previews are gener- the number of active jobs and by using cheaper storage me- ated by the production RIP; this ensures error-free produc- dia (e.g. Amazon S3). tion of ads in the prepress workflow. An integrated time tracking system guarantees on-time production of ads for Customer portal each publication. In a customer portal, ad customers can upload productionready ads and partial assignments for their booked ads via State-of-the-art reviewing on the internet the internet. This does away with the time-consuming task AdMan uses a web-based ad review function to reduce the of assigning files to a job at the publishing house. Custo- amount of work in the publishing workflow and mers also receive an acknowledgement on the uploaded files to avoid make-goods as far as possible. Ad cus- and production status of his jobs. tomers are therefore able to release their produced ads directly on the internet. If changes are required, corrections can either be entered as a text comment or graphically directly in the preview of the ad. Outsourcing made easy Along with ad production in the in-house production department, AdMan also supports an interface to outsourced ad production companies. Assigned tasks are accessed directly via the internet. Finished ads are then automatically checked for errors at the publishing house. If errors are found, they are automatically returned to the outsourced production office for correction. Distributed ad production With ppi's ad solution, newspaper publishers with mul- The automatic web-based function optimizes ad reviews for publishers and their customers. Fully automated pagination of classified ads Saving time and reducing costs Easy handling and maximum transparency AdPag is an efficient pagination system that is used to gener- ppi’s ad pagination system is extremely simple to operate. ate classified pages automatically, reliably and fast. Class Users do not even need to think about what material to se- headers, follow-on references and column rules are automat- lect or how to group it for pagination, since this has already ically set. On average, pagination times, including proofing, been done during the planning stage. Ads can definitely not are reduced to under two minutes per page. Pagination is not be placed twice or forgotten. Produced ads can be displayed based on produced ad files but on key data from the ad book- in the dummy as a preview. Pagination times are significant- ing system. This not only saves costs and time, but also gen- ly reduced. erates exact pagination results before the ads and other page elements are produced. Ad deadlines can be extended Automatic ad placement verification until shortly before printing is about to begin. All published ads, whether classified, semi-display or display, are automatically verified with ppi Media’s ad solution. Optimized pagination results These actual values are then used for precise invoicing and AdPag offers various pagination processes for different ad statistics in the ad booking system. The number of make- markets. This guarantees optimum results, even for ads with goods can be significantly reduced. different column widths. An integrated filler management feature ensures that empty spaces are automatically filled to fit the other page elements. In AdPag, classes can be combined to form square-offs and are given a banner. Success stories "ppi Media's workflow concept has optimized our overall workflow significantly!" Edward Capaldi, IT director at Al Nisr Publishing LLC ppi Media incorporated SAP Advertising Sales for Media without any problems. Cross-site online booking of ads possible from all offices. Tracking of ad orders and production control for ads. ppi successfully integrated the current editorial system in the publishing workflow. "We have been able to increase the efficiency of the ad design workflow significantly with ppi's Advertising Solutions." Dan Barth, CIO, and Bart Williams, production director at OPUBCO ppi Media's ad solution is a complete solution. From the ground up, these single-source solutions have been designed to meet the requirements of the newspaper industry. Differentiation of advertising material according to specific edi- ting criteria with AdMan and a reliable workflow from ad layout to production release save 450 man days a year. “Performing the central booking processes with AdX has produced very positive results within a very short period of time.” Dirk Frädrich, Head of CRM at SÜDKURIER Media Company Now, it only takes 10 minutes to complete a booking (i.e. enter and test) for a banner in wallpaper format. The close integration with SAP IS-M/AM ensures efficient han dling of orders and provides data for reporting. Online orders can be processed much more easily with AdX. Com mercial and technical orders are created in AdX and distributed to the other systems via interfaces. The ideal solution portfolio for publishers All-round customer liaison and support Ad management with SAP IS-M/AM and other partners At ppi, one contact for all issues is not an empty promise or What do the Bild Zeitung, New York Times and Gulf News its ultimate goal. It is a consistent service strategy that ppi have in common? Advertisements are their most important pursues. Generally known as an 'integrator' in the printing source of income. Ad booking systems such as Advertising industry, ppi offers its customers comprehensive, all-round Sales for Media help publishers manage all processes relat- customer liaison and support – from consulting and instal- ed to the sale, booking, and invoicing of advertisements. Ad lation to maintenance. No matter which software solutions management with SAP covers: a media company decides on, ppi will integrate them in the existing workflow – including ad booking systems. Multimedia order management Offers and accounts Classified ad design Invoicing Revenue recognition Settlement Sales analysis Close interaction of print and online With order handling, advertisements for one or more titles can be booked in different media (print and online, for example in SAP). With the new function for entering combined orders in AdX, the workflow is reversed: booking and reservation in a simple condensed GUI in AdX, with the proven processes of the ad booking system running in the background. Contracts are assigned to orders automatically. This enables media companies to have an overview of a customer’s contracts at all times. Furthermore, contract settlement allows media companies to produce credit and debit memos according to the applicable discount conditions. SAP certified The interfaces between the ppi solutions and the ad order entry system SAP for Media were already certified by SAP in 2001. Since then, ppi products are in operation with SAP’s IS-M/AM in more than 30 installations worldwide. Ad booking systems such as SAP Advertising Sales for Media organize and assist fast and reliable ad order entry. AdX Order and CX planner: simple, affordable, efficient Ads and design files booked in AdX are ready for planning and production with CX planner. Low-cost solution for booking and planning ads CX planner - for simple planning The CX planner is a simple planning tool that is suitable for Ad bookings entered like this are transferred to the ppi Me- both small-sized dailies and magazines and for all areas of dia’s planning solution, the CX planner, for planning in the corporate publishing. AdX Order, the AdX ad booking mod- page planner, and, lastly, forwarded to InDesign to be ule, is used to create and manage ad bookings without hav- planned and placed. The booked ads are simply placed on ing to purchase a commercial ad booking system. Together, the planned pages by drag & drop, which facilitates the bill- they form a streamlined solution for the entire ad manage- ing process and brings transparency to the editorial depart- ment workflow. ment. The page dummy, by displaying different states, provides an overview of the overall production status to all AdX Order – better than Excel lists those involved in the production of a publication, without You can use AdX Order to enter ad bookings quickly and eas- them having to print out the pages. In addition, the CX plan- ily and, at the same time, automatically benefit from AdX’s ner also manages the InDesign documents, irrespective of sophisticated features. The order is managed from start to whether they are template pages or the production docu- finish under one number, with easy administration of all the ments themselves. An all-round, affordable solution from relevant data, such as customer data, contacts etc. magazine production to corporate publishing or newspaper Via defined filters, all the booked and placed ads can be ex- production. ported from AdX Order to the accounts department, where they are used for billing. Overlooked ad estimations, prob- Flexibe, modular design lems with accessing Excel files or misinterpretation of the Depending on your requirements, you can add modules to editorial/ad ratio are, therefore, a thing of the past. the system at anytime. ppi Media’s editorial solution Content-X can be seamlessly integrated in the combindes ad and planning solution consisting of AdX and CX planner, as is the management of online ads. Advertising_en_201509 Advertising Solutions by ppi Media for your multimedia ad workflow ppi Media‘s Advertising Solutions have been specially designed for a multimedia workflow and help newspaper publishers streamline their workflow and increase efficiency, transparency and customer service in print and digital. Detailed information on ppi’s individual ad solutions can be found in the following brochures: Medianeutral ad space reservation AdX Enhanced ad space reservation for print AdDispo Production management for ads AdMan Reviewing ads on the internet - AdCept Web-based ad design - WebLink LI Customer portal for uploading files - WebLink CI Automated classified pagination AdPag Automated ad checks AdProval Statistical evaluation jobreport ppi Media GmbH Hindenburgstraße 49 ­22297 Hamburg Deutschland ppi Media US, Inc. Chicago, IL Tel.: +49 40 227433-60 Fax: +49 40 227433-666 Phone: +1 855 828 0008 © 2015 by ppi Media GmbH. USA