EBMS Main Documentation - Eagle Business Software

EBMS Main Documentation
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Technical Support .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
System Requirements .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Training Manual Syntax.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Initial Installation and Upgrades ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Initial Installation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Login Procedures ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Creating a New Company ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Installing EBMS on a Network ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Copying Registry Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
EBMS Server ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Server Installation and Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Starting the EBMS Server ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Installing on Additional Clients .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
System Options............................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Settings tab .............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Start Up Window .......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Navigator .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Start up Lists ............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Company Setup ........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Company Profiles ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38
General tab............................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Advanced tab ........................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Logo ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Changing Companies ............................................................................................................................................................... 45
Security ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating Users and Assigning Rights........................................................................................................................................ 46
Creating or Changing a Password ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Setting the Parent Security within a Window ............................................................................................................................. 53
Setting Security for a Tab, Entry Field, Button, or Process ........................................................................................................ 55
Setting Report Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
Advanced Security Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Features .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Keyboard Shortcuts...................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Right-Click Mouse Button ............................................................................................................................................................. 65
Search Lists ................................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Column Appearance .................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Folder Groups .............................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Date Selections ............................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Sorting Data ................................................................................................................................................................................. 78
Drill Down .................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Creating IDs ................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Changing IDs ............................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Merging Accounts vs. Deleting Accounts ...................................................................................................................................... 86
Change Defaults, Filter Down Data and Globally Change Data .................................................................................................... 88
Find Button within a list Dialog ..................................................................................................................................................... 92
Online Support Portals ................................................................................................................................................................. 94
Advanced Query Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Custom Messages ..................................................................................................................................................................... 100
A custom Message for All a Group of Accounts ...................................................................................................................... 101
A Custom Message for All Accounts ....................................................................................................................................... 102
Exporting Lists to CSV files for Mail Merges ............................................................................................................................... 104
Locating or Finding Items within Lengthy Documents ................................................................................................................. 109
Hyperlinks to EBMS documents ................................................................................................................................................. 110
Table of Contents
Utilities ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Maintenance Utility ................................................................................................................................................................. 120
Accountants Journal................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Accountant's Use of the Journal.............................................................................................................................................. 122
Importing Journals from Accountants ...................................................................................................................................... 125
Optional Features .......................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Optional EBMS Modules ............................................................................................................................................................ 127
Excel Formulas .......................................................................................................................................................................... 129
EBMS Excel Formula Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 129
Installing the EBMS Excel Add-in............................................................................................................................................ 130
EBMS Formula Syntax ........................................................................................................................................................... 133
EBMS Formula Data Types .................................................................................................................................................... 140
Automatically Send Documents .................................................................................................................................................. 142
Overview of the Auto Send Module ......................................................................................................................................... 142
Test Mode .............................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Auto Sending Sales Orders or Invoices .................................................................................................................................. 147
Auto Sending A/R Statements ................................................................................................................................................ 158
Auto Sending Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................................. 162
Auto Sending Proposals ......................................................................................................................................................... 168
Individually Sending Documents ............................................................................................................................................. 170
Broadcasting Documents ........................................................................................................................................................ 172
Contact Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 173
Reports .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 175
Reports Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 175
Report Menu .............................................................................................................................................................................. 176
Printing a Report ........................................................................................................................................................................ 179
Exporting Data ........................................................................................................................................................................... 182
Print Buttons and Menus ............................................................................................................................................................ 185
EBMS Main Documentation
Print Buttons ........................................................................................................................................................................... 185
Print Menus ............................................................................................................................................................................ 187
Periodic Reports ........................................................................................................................................................................ 188
Form Configuration .................................................................................................................................................................... 189
Report Customization ................................................................................................................................................................. 193
General Ledger.............................................................................................................................................................................. 197
General Ledger Overview .......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Fiscal Year Controls ................................................................................................................................................................... 199
Fiscal Years Controls.............................................................................................................................................................. 199
Closing a Month...................................................................................................................................................................... 201
Closing a Year ........................................................................................................................................................................ 203
Opening a New Year .............................................................................................................................................................. 205
Chart of Accounts....................................................................................................................................................................... 206
Chart of Account Folders ........................................................................................................................................................ 206
Adding General Ledger Accounts ........................................................................................................................................... 209
Changing Account Information ................................................................................................................................................ 215
Account History ...................................................................................................................................................................... 219
Account Classification............................................................................................................................................................. 221
Inventory................................................................................................................................................................................. 224
Investments ............................................................................................................................................................................ 224
Entering General Ledger Beginning Balances......................................................................................................................... 228
Making an Account Inactive .................................................................................................................................................... 229
Changing or Moving an Account to another Folder ................................................................................................................. 231
Departments and Profit Centers ................................................................................................................................................. 234
Departments and Profit Centers Overview .............................................................................................................................. 234
Creating Departments............................................................................................................................................................. 241
Creating New Profit Centers ................................................................................................................................................... 243
Using a Department as a Company Division or Location......................................................................................................... 246
Table of Contents
Utilities ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 249
Adding General Ledger Annual History Tabs .......................................................................................................................... 249
Verifying General Ledger Balances......................................................................................................................................... 250
Create Cash Accounting Adjustments ..................................................................................................................................... 253
Transactions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 256
Transactions Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 256
Displaying Transactions .......................................................................................................................................................... 257
Correcting a General Ledger Account Problem ....................................................................................................................... 257
Journals ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 258
Creating Journal Entries ......................................................................................................................................................... 258
Viewing or Copying Journals .................................................................................................................................................. 263
Reversing Journal Entries ....................................................................................................................................................... 264
Year End Adjustment Entries .................................................................................................................................................. 265
Account Reconciliation ............................................................................................................................................................... 266
Account Reconciliation Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 266
Correcting Differences in Reconciliation ................................................................................................................................. 270
1099 Forms ................................................................................................................................................................................ 272
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 272
Verifying Company Information ............................................................................................................................................... 274
Setting Vendor Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 275
Viewing 1099 Controls and Changing Threshold Amounts...................................................................................................... 276
Printing 1099 Forms ............................................................................................................................................................... 278
Fund Accounts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 279
Creating Fund Accounts ......................................................................................................................................................... 279
Reviewing Fund Balances ...................................................................................................................................................... 284
Fund Transfers ....................................................................................................................................................................... 287
Budget ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 290
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 290
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating a Simple Budget ....................................................................................................................................................... 291
Calculating a Budget Using a Formula .................................................................................................................................... 294
Change a Range of Budget Accounts ..................................................................................................................................... 301
Printing Budget Comparison Reports ...................................................................................................................................... 303
Advanced Features................................................................................................................................................................. 305
Expenses....................................................................................................................................................................................... 313
Accounts Payable Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 313
Vendors ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 314
Setting Vendor Defaults .......................................................................................................................................................... 316
Adding a New Vendor ............................................................................................................................................................. 319
Changing Vendor Information ................................................................................................................................................. 324
Vendor History ........................................................................................................................................................................ 328
Making a Vendor Inactive ....................................................................................................................................................... 331
Bank Accounts ........................................................................................................................................................................... 333
Bank Accounts Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 333
Adding a Bank Account .......................................................................................................................................................... 335
Changing Bank Account Information ....................................................................................................................................... 337
Reconciling a Bank Account ................................................................................................................................................... 341
Managing Credit Card Accounts ............................................................................................................................................. 344
Correcting Differences in Bank Account Reconciliation ........................................................................................................... 348
Purchase Orders ........................................................................................................................................................................ 350
Purchase Order Overview....................................................................................................................................................... 350
Entering a New Purchase Order ............................................................................................................................................. 351
View and Edit Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................................................. 354
Receive Items against a Purchase Order ................................................................................................................................ 355
Distribute Freight and Other Costs .......................................................................................................................................... 358
Invoices...................................................................................................................................................................................... 360
Entering a New Purchase Order ............................................................................................................................................. 360
Table of Contents
Processing an Invoice............................................................................................................................................................. 363
Viewing Vendor Invoices......................................................................................................................................................... 366
Changing or Voiding Vendor Invoices ..................................................................................................................................... 367
Vendor Payments....................................................................................................................................................................... 368
Selecting an Invoice to be Paid ............................................................................................................................................... 368
Printing Checks ...................................................................................................................................................................... 371
Manual Check Entry ............................................................................................................................................................... 373
Voiding a Check ..................................................................................................................................................................... 375
Processing Vendor Credits and Refunds ................................................................................................................................ 377
Quick Checks ......................................................................................................................................................................... 380
Printing Checks and Other Forms on Blank Security Paper .................................................................................................... 382
Invoice or Purchase Order Down Payment ............................................................................................................................. 384
Paid Outs................................................................................................................................................................................ 386
General Ledger Transactions ..................................................................................................................................................... 388
Expense Transaction Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 388
Displaying Unposted Expense Transactions ........................................................................................................................... 389
Posting Expense Transactions................................................................................................................................................ 391
Expense Journal Entry ............................................................................................................................................................ 392
Miscellaneous Vendors .............................................................................................................................................................. 393
Miscellaneous Vendor Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 393
Creating a Miscellaneous Vendor ........................................................................................................................................... 394
Entering an Invoice with a Miscellaneous Vendor ................................................................................................................... 396
Issuing a Check for a Miscellaneous Vendor .......................................................................................................................... 397
Depreciation .................................................................................................................................................................................. 399
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................................................... 399
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 399
Depreciation Methods ............................................................................................................................................................. 400
Adding and Deleting Asset Folders ......................................................................................................................................... 402
EBMS Main Documentation
Changing Asset Defaults ........................................................................................................................................................ 403
Entering Existing Depreciable Assets ..................................................................................................................................... 405
Managing and Processing Assets .............................................................................................................................................. 413
Viewing or Changing Asset Information .................................................................................................................................. 413
Reconciling General Ledger Reconciliation Accounts ............................................................................................................. 417
Depreciating Assets using a Monthly Process......................................................................................................................... 418
Changing Methods within an Asset ......................................................................................................................................... 420
Depreciation Reports .............................................................................................................................................................. 421
Purchasing Assets ..................................................................................................................................................................... 425
Adding Assets using an Expense Invoice................................................................................................................................ 425
Alternative Method of Adding Costs and Assets...................................................................................................................... 432
Disposing Assets........................................................................................................................................................................ 435
Selling Assets within a Sales Invoice ...................................................................................................................................... 435
Removing Disposed Assets .................................................................................................................................................... 439
Payroll ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 441
Payroll ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 441
Index ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 443
Technical Support
Welcome to the instructional manual for Eagle Business Management System (EBMS).
Eagle Solutions is pleased to provide you with instructions and tips regarding the
software and optional modules. This volume covers the main features within the EBMS
software. Additional volume contain the instructions for the inventory, payroll, point-ofsale, job costing, task, and other modules. The documentation will reference the
additional volume when they reference others manuals. Go to Optional Features >
Optional EBMS Modules section for more details.
In the following sections, explanations and examples of the available features in the
Eagle Business Management System will be explained for optimal use of the system. If
you need to reach our staff for further help, contact us using the information below:
Eagle Business Software
5351 Lincoln Highway, Gap PA 17527
p: (717) 442 3247 x2 | f: (717) 442 1096
e: Support@EagleBusinessSoftware.com
Manual Revision 7.8 September 2014
EBMS Main Documentation
Licensing Agreement and Limited Warranty
This License Agreement and Limited Warranty (herein referred to as "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (either an
individual or a single entity) and Eagle Solutions, Inc. for the software product Eagle Business Management Systems (herein
referred to as "EBMS"), which includes computer software and associated media, printed materials, and "on-line" or electronic
documentation (herein referred to as "Software Product"). By installing, copying or otherwise using the Software Product, you agree
to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, promptly return the Software
Product and accompanying items in resalable condition to the place from which you obtained them for a full refund.
1. LIMITED LICENSE. You are purchasing only the right to use the Software Product as described in the attached Exhibit 1, and
are acquiring no rights to the software itself, or the enclosed copy, except the Limited License granted herein.
2. COPYRIGHT. All title and copyrights in and to the Software Product (including but not limited to, any images, photographs,
animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the Software Product), the accompanying printed materials, and any
copies of the Software Product are owned by Eagle Solutions or its suppliers. Copyright laws and international treaty provisions
protect the Software Product.
Therefore, you may not copy the Software Product except that you may either (a) make one copy of the Software Product solely for
backup or archival purposes, or (b) install the Software Product on a group of workstations that are connected to the same data
source or server. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the Software Product. You may not alter, remove, or
destroy any copyright notice, proprietary marketing, or confidential legend placed on or with the Software Product.
3(a). Rental. You may not rent or lease the Software Product.
3(b). Software Transfer. Unless this is a "Not for Resale" or "Demo" product, you may permanently transfer all of your rights under
this Agreement, provided that you retain no copies. You must transfer the entire Software Product (including all component parts,
the media and printed materials, any upgrades, and this Agreement), and the recipient must agree to the terms of this Agreement. If
the Software Product is an upgrade, any transfer must include all prior versions of the Software Product. You may not transfer a
"Not for Resale" or "Demo" product license. The new owner must contact Eagle Solutions to be eligible for any support or upgrades.
3(c). Export. Any export of the Software Product or its technical data from the United States may be restricted by U.S. export control
laws, and accordingly you must comply with such laws before engaging in any such export.
3(d). Limitations on Modifications or Reverse Engineering. You shall not cause or permit the reverse engineering, alteration,
disassembly, de-compilation, translation or adaptation of the Software Product, or take any action inconsistent with Eagle Solutions'
or its suppliers' ownership of the Software Product.
3(e). No Separation of Components. The Software Product is licensed as a single product, and neither the software programs
comprising the Software Product or any update or upgrade may be separated for use by more than one user at a time.
3(f). Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Eagle Solutions may terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with the
terms and conditions of this Agreement. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software Product.
4. LIMITED WARRANTY. Unless this is a "Not for Resale" or "Demo" product, Eagle Solutions warrants the physical disk)s and
physical documentation to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 60 days from the purchase date. If Eagle
Solutions receives notification within this warranty period of any such defects and such notification is determined to be correct,
Eagle Solutions will replace the disk)s or documentation. Eagle Solutions' entire liability for any breach of this warranty is limited to
replacement of defective disk)s or documentation, and does not include or extend to claims for any other damages. EAGLE
"Not for Resale" products are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Eagle Solutions does not guarantee results or warrant
that these products will be error-free.
MISCELLANEOUS. This document constitutes the entire agreement of the parties regarding the subject matter herein. All rights not
expressly granted to you are retained by Eagle Solutions. The failure of Eagle Solutions to enforce any right or claim against you
shall not be deemed a waiver of such right or claim or any other right or claim hereunder. No modification to this Agreement shall
have effect unless in writing and signed by the authorized representative of the parties. If any provision of this Agreement is ruled
invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement.
Restricted Rights Legend
U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, reproduction, or transfer of this commercial product and
accompanying documentation is restricted in accordance with FAR 12.212 and DFARS 227.7202 and by this license agreement.
Exhibit 1
SINGLE USER. Eagle Solutions grants you a personal, non-exclusive Limited License to use one copy of the Software Product on a
single computer. You may access the Software Product from a hard disk, over a network, or by any other method, strictly in
accordance to the terms hereof. You may use each licensed copy of the Software Product only on a single computer.
MULTIPLE USERS. For additional users to use the Software Product on a network, you must acquire additional user licenses,
which allow additional designated users in numbers and on terms specified by the documentation accompanying the Software
Product. You may have as many copies of the Software Product in use on a network as is specifically authorized in the
documentation. Except as stated in section 1, Eagle Solutions grants you a non-exclusive Limited License to use one copy of the
Software Product for each of and up to the total number of licenses you are acquiring. You may access the Software Product from a
fixed disk, over a network, or by any other method, strictly in accordance to the terms hereof. Licenses for EBMS are concurrent
licenses and are named user licenses. That is, if you have EBMS installed on 3 computers and there are 2 concurrent users, you
will need to have 2 licenses. A Software Product cannot be used in multiple locations using the same license unless the locations
are connected via a wide area network and the software is accessing a common set of data. The data must reside within a single
server and common owners must own the data if the software is being operated under a single software license.
UPGRADE SOFTWARE. Eagle Solutions grants you a personal, non-exclusive Limited License to use one copy of the Software
Product on a single computer provided that you have a valid license to and are upgrading an earlier version of the Software Product.
DEMO SOFTWARE. Eagle Solutions grants you a personal, non-exclusive Limited License to use one copy of the Software Product
on a single computer for evaluation purposes only, for a period as specified on the Product packaging, not to exceed ninety (90)
days. You are acquiring only the limited right to use a single copy of the Software Product for evaluation purposes only and are
acquiring no rights to the software itself.
EBMS Main Documentation
System Requirements
Client Operating System Requirements
One of the following MS Windows Operating Systems is required:
MS Vista
MS Windows 7
MS Windows 8
EBMS is not supported on Windows XP, Windows 2000 Pro, ME, Windows 98, or Windows 95 .
Hardware Requirements
Be aware that the operating system requirements are the minimum necessary to run the Eagle Solutions program. Your system may
have sufficient resources to run EBMS, but not in an efficient manner. See your computer consultant or an Eagle Solutions
consultant for more details or recommendations.
An Intel Core 2 DUO CPU or greater.
2 GB of RAM or higher
Minimum of 5 gigabyte of free disk space initially - space needs requirements may increase with use.
Most recent printer driver (download updated drivers from manufacture's website).
Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1024x768 (Greater resolution is advantageous for lengthy documents and
A PC Based network is required to use this software on a network. The following networks have been tested with this product:
MS Windows 2012 Server
MS Windows 2008 Server or Windows 2008 R2 Server (32-Bit or 64-Bit)
MS Windows 2003 Server (not supported for EBMS 7.8 and later)
MS Windows 7 Peer Server (32-Bit or 64-Bit)(less than 8 users)
Printer Requirements
A graphics printer is required since reports are printed in graphics mode for clarity and style. It is recommended that an inkjet or
laser printer be used for reports rather than a dot matrix printer.
Recommended Printers:
A laser printer is recommended.
An inkjet printer is recommended if color is required or if speed is not a critical issue.
* Note that the general recommendations listed are based on a type of printer rather than a specific brand.
EBMS Main Documentation
Training Manual Syntax
Menu options and button or field labels are highlighted in bold within the documentation to assist the user to locate options within the
software. For example, the button Ok is highlighted in "Click the OK button" phrase to identify the button label. The "Enter the
Freight costs" instruction indicates that the field label is Freight since it is highlighted.
Go To Instructions
Throughout the manual instructions are given such as: Go to Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s. Each step is separated with
the greater than '>' character. To complete the step 'Go to Sales > Options > Invoices and S.O.s' instruction, complete the
1. Go to the Main EBMS window and click on the drop down menu labeled Sales.
2. Select the Options option from the menu.
3. Click on the tab labeled Invoices and S.O.s.
These steps can also be completed by using hot keys. For example, the same steps can be completed using a keyboard.
Press the alternate < Alt> and the 'S' key to open the Sales menu from the main EBMS menu.
Press the 'O' key to open the options dialog.
Press the <tab > key while holding down the <Ctrl> key to open the desired tab.
When following these instructions, assume that you are starting at the main window unless the instructions identify another menu
such as the Invoice Menu. When you see the instruction "Go to the Sales > Customer > Terms tab," or "Go to the Expenses >
Vendor > Advanced tab," keep in mind that a specific customer or vendor needs to be selected from the lookup list.
Review Instructions
Also found throughout the EBMS instruction manual are instructions such as: Review the Expenses > Vendors > Adding a New
Vendor section within the inventory manual for more details. These instructions identify other chapters and sections within the
Inventory volume of the software documentation. The Adding a New Vendor section is found within the Vendor section which is
contained in the Expenses chapter. The chapter and section is found within the same documentation volume if the instructions do
not explicably reference another manual. On-line help will allow the user to click on the section title to link directly to the related
Online Software Documentation
The most update-to-date documentation is available online. This documentation can accessed from the Features > Online Support
Portal section for details on the online support portal. You can also access this documentation from the Tutorials and Helps link on
the EBMS navigator.
Printed Software Instruction Manuals
The EBMS software documentation is compiled within multiple volumes. The section is normally contained within the same volume
when the documentation references a section without identifying a specific volume. The number of volumes can vary based on the
version of the software. The EBMS software documentation is normally compiled in one or more of the following volumes:
V1 - Volume 1 contains the Main Manual. This manual contains the general instructions such as installation, security, and
getting started instructions. This volume also includes an overview of the general features and report options within the
software. The main manual also contains the general accounting features such as general ledger, accounts payable, and
order entry instructions.
V2 - Volume 2 contains the Inventory Manual. This supplemental documentation volume contains the varied inventory
management functions within the software. Many of these inventory features are optional and are not included in every
version of EBMS. Review the Features > Optional EBMS Modules section for instructions on identifying optional modules.
V3 - Volume 3 contains the payroll and documentation for other modules. This manual contains a variety of modules.
Notice that the index is located at the beginning of each section rather than a master index. Additional documentation
sections can be added if optional modules contain individualized documentation.
Click Instructions
Throughout the manual the user is instructed to click a specific button such as "Click OK" or "Click the Next button." Whenever the
user is instructed to click a button, the mouse cursor should be positioned over the specified window button and the left mouse
button pressed. The left mouse button should always be used unless the documentation explicitly mentions pressing the right
mouse button.
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Initial Installation
The Eagle Business Management System will be delivered in the form of an installation CD. EBMS CDs contain the initial
installation utilities as well as upgrade or maintenance installations. To install EBMS on a single machine or on a network that is not
using the EBMS server version, follow these steps:
Please note that the same EBMS installation CD can be used to upgrade EBMS or data to a newer version, create new
companies, or install EBMS on additional workstations.
Complete the following steps to install the EBMS program onto your computer:
Exit all other programs on your computer.
EBMS uses some of the more advanced features of a printer. Download and install the most recent printer drivers from
the vendor's website if the printer was purchased over a year ago or if you have any printing irregularities within EBMS.
Install the EBMS software using the EBMS installation CD. Please note that the same EBMS installation CD can be
used to upgrade EBMS or data to a newer version, create new companies, or install EBMS on additional workstations.
Review the license agreement within this manual or on the startup screen before continuing with the installation of the
EBMS software. Accept the agreement and click the Next button if you agree to the license agreement or click Cancel
to abort the install.
A user information dialog will open prompting the user for a personal name and company name. Enter information and
click the Next button to continue.
Select the type of installation - Typical, Custom, or Complete. It is recommended that you select the Typical
Click the Install button to continue with the installation process.
The installation process will take a few minutes to copy the EBMS system onto your computer.
Complete the following steps (A & B) if the EBMS software is being setup on a peer network. Skip to step C if EBMS Server is
being installed.
Create a New Company. Review the Creating a New Company section for more details.
Install EBMS on Additional Workstations (Only needed if EBMS is installed on a network). Review the Installing EBMS
on a Network section for more details.
The following steps are to setup EBMS on a Client Server:
Install the EBMS Server software and data. Review the EBMS Server > Server Installation and Setup section for
Start the EBMS Server service within the MS Windows Sever. Review the EBMS Server > Starting the EBMS Server
section for instructions.
Install EBMS on Additional EBMS Server Clients. Review the EBMS Server > Installing on Additional Clients section for
more details.
EBMS Main Documentation
Login Procedures
Launch the EBMS software by selecting Eagle Business Management System from the windows menu. Click on the Start button
and select Programs > Eagle Business Management > EBMS. The menu selections may differ if the user did not use the default
prompts of the installation utility.
TIP: To create a short cut to EBMS on your desktop, right-click anywhere on your desktop and select New > Shortcut from the
context menu. Enter "C:\Program Files\EBMS\EBMS.exe" into the Command Line dialog. Make sure you include the double
quotes. Click Next and enter EBMS into the Select a name for the shortcut dialog. Click the Finish button and an icon will appear
on your desktop. Click on the icon to launch EBMS. Note that some operating systems require that you double-click on the icon.
The following Login window appears when the EBMS software is launched:
The user is required to enter a User Name and Password before the software is launched. The User Name and Password can vary
with different companies. To access the demo data, enter Administrator as the user name and let the password blank. Refer to the
Security and User Management section for details on setting up users and changing passwords.
Select a Company by clicking on the down arrow button to the right of the field. Note: EBMS ships with a test company
(Ex: Quality Hardware) that can be used to explore EBMS or practice data entry with fictitious information. Each
company's records are separate so that any information that is entered into a particular company will not affect any other
company's data.
If the company name is prefixed with Disconnected, the company information is not available because the data path is no
longer valid. This may be caused if the local area network is not functioning or if a removable drive is not in place. Contact a
technician if you cannot resolve the problem.
NOTE: Do not enter practice transactions into your new company records. Use the test company directory for all practice sessions.
Create a new company when you wish to start recording live data for your company.
Click OK after a company has been selected.
Select New Company from the Company list if you wish to create a new company.
The Specified user does not exist message will appear if an invalid user name was entered.
Continue with the Start Up Window section to start using the EBMS system.
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Creating a New Company
The EBMS software will be distributed with a demo company that is useful to practice. The Demo Company should NOT be used to
enter information that you wish to keep. A new company should be created before a user starts to enter company information such
as customers and vendors. Multiple companies can be created if the user has the proper license from Eagle Solutions.
To create a new company directory, go to the login window that appears when the software is launched. If you have already started
EBMS, exit and restart the software.
Enter the administrator's User Name. This user will have access to all the security functions and setup options.
Select and enter a Password for the administrator. It is important not to forget this password. If no security is needed the password
field can be kept blank. Asterisks will appear on the screen as you type your password rather than the actual password characters.
Select New Company from the Company drop-down option list. This option may not be available if the software has the maximum
amount of companies already created. Select About EBMS from the Help menu of the EBMS software and the maximum number
of companies available is listed on the window as well as the maximum number of users and a list of options. EBMS will not limit the
number of companies if the number of Companies is set to zero. Contact an EBMS sales person to increase the maximum number
of companies available.
Contact Eagle Solutions for information on additional company licenses if New Company is not included on the drop-down list. Click
the Ok button and the following dialog will appear:
If the following dialog does not match the user's screen, EBMS server has been installed. Go to the Server Installation and Setup
section for more details on the EBMS Server setup.
click the I want to create a new company option ON and click the Next button.
Enter the Data Path of the data directory that you wish to create. The Data Path entry should be installed on a shared network drive
if EBMS is going to be used with multiple users. Click Next. If you do not have your installation CD in the computer, the following
message will appear.
Continue with the next step to install EBMS on additional workstations. Go to the Login procedure step if EBMS is being used on a
single machine.
EBMS Main Documentation
Verify the password that was entered initially. It is important to remember this password. Click OK to continue. The
following dialogue will open:
Select your Company Type and click on the Next button.
The following General Information Window will appear:
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Enter the Company Name and Address. Click Next to continue.
A Company logo can be displayed on the main window. This logo will indicate which company is currently active. If you
provide your company logo in a camera-ready form to the Eagle Solutions staff, we will install your logo for you. This
logo will be printed or displayed on many of the reports contained in EBMS.
To locate and select the proper graphics file, click on the Choose Logo button. The familiar Windows <Open Dialog> will
appear, allowing you to select the proper BMP file on your drive. The graphics must be in the Windows bitmap format
(*.BMP) to be used as a logo graphics. This logo can be set up at a later time by going to File > Company Info > Logo
tab. Click Next to continue to company information.
Enter the Company Information:
EBMS Main Documentation
SS/Emp. ID# - Enter the company's Employer Identification Number into this entry field. If the company
does not have an EIN number, enter the owner's Social Security number.
The Payroll Payer Type should be set to identify the company's payroll tax classification. This value is
used when printing employees' W2 forms.
Enter the State in which the company is located in the first column with a Description or full name of the
state or country in which the company resides. Enter the company's State ID# in the right column. Enter
each state in which the company's employees reside. This State ID# is printed on tax forms including
employee W2 forms.
Click Next and the Fiscal Information page will open:
It is very important that the fiscal year is properly set before any information is entered. Set the First
month of current fiscal year option to January if the fiscal year is the same as the calendar year. DO
Initial Installation and Upgrades
proprietorship or partnership company should set the fiscal year option to January.
Enter the First year of current fiscal year. This setting will normally be the current year unless the company's fiscal year
started last year.
A dialog will appear if the payroll module is present in your software.
Enter the current year into the Current Payroll Year entry.
Click the Finish button to complete new company setup.
EBMS Main Documentation
Installing EBMS on a Network
It is recommended that the EBMS software be installed on each workstation for performance reasons. Each workstation installation
should be configured so the data path is directed toward a central data store. Complete the following steps to install EBMS on a
local area network.
Complete a standard installation on a single workstation or windows server by following the instructions within the Installation
Instructions section.
Before installing the software on additional workstations, complete the steps in the Creating a New Company section and enter a
Data Path that is shared to the entire network. The Report Path should be stored in a central location as well so that all
workstations have access to the same reports.
After the software has been installed and the new company data has been created, complete the following steps for each additional
Complete all the steps within Installation Instructions section.
Install the software on the local drive of each workstation.
Restart the computer and launch the EBMS software
Enter the administrator's name and password that was created at the initial installation. Set the Company option to
New Company and press the OK button and the following dialog will appear:
If the following dialog does not match the user's screen, EBMS server has been installed. Review the Using the
EBMS Server section for more details on the EBMS Server setup.
Switch the I want to connect to an existing company option ON and click the Next button.
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Click on the Browse button to select the Data Path of the data directory that was created on the initial install. This
entry should contain a networked directory. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Repeat the workstation installation step for each workstation.
EBMS Main Documentation
Copying Registry Settings
Only knowledgeable computer users should attempt the following instructions. The following steps are useful in copying user
preferences such as options and screen appearance settings quickly from another machine. These steps should only be used for
operating system upgrades or replacement computers. All registry settings and defaults can be set from within EBMS so caution
should be considered in using this shortcut for a new user.
EBMS stores many user settings within the Windows Registry such as the User Preferences within Sales > Options. Click on the
Invoices and S.O.s tab to view the following sample user settings:
Note that the User Preferences are stored in the Windows registry and will be lost if the MS Windows operating system is
reinstalled or a new profile is created. These user preferences including many within the other option dialogs will be reset or lost if
the registry key used by EBMS is deleted. Note that the Global System Settings located below the User Preferences are stored
within the data set and will not be lost if a registry is deleted or a new profile is created.
The registry contains the following user preference settings:
User settings and preferences as described in the example above.
Dialog window size - The registry also stores the user defined screen size
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Column appearance - The registry contains the user's preference on displayed or hidden columns. Column widths and
other appearance options are included in the registry. Review the Features > Column Appearance section for more
details on changing the column appearance.
Report Defaults - The report dialog contains a Save as Default button that allows the user to default report prompts.
Review the Reports section for more details on using report defaults.
Search List defaults - Search lists settings such as search all or by folder are defaulted in the registry. Other search
defaults such as the current column and search order are also part of the user preferences.
Launch Regedit. Do not proceed with this section if you are not familiar with this Windows utility. Defer this process to an
experienced MS Windows technician.
The registry that contains the settings described above is found within the registry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EshWare\Eagle Business Management.
Copy the registry key from user profile of the source computer.
Make sure that this key does not exist in the target computer before the EBMS registry is copied.
Insert the EBMS registry key into the new computer or profile.
Note: Copying the registry is only useful if the source registry is exported from a machine that has EBMS fully configured with the
user preferences set to the user's preferences.
The EBMS software will install using default user preferences during a standard installation.
EBMS Main Documentation
EBMS Server
Server Installation and Setup
The Server Installation and Setup is an optional module. Review the Optional Features > Optional EBMS Modules for details on
how identify or add optional modules.
The EBMS Server is optional software that is required for companies with 10 or more users and recommended for companies
with 5 or more constant users.
The EBMS Server is an application that runs as a service on a Windows- based server such as Windows 2010. All file access
functions are managed by the Server software running on the application server which allows the clients to request specific
information from the server rather than opening, sorting, and indexing the files individually.
EBMS client/server offers many advantages over the standard networked model of database access. Visit the EBMS Server
Module page for more details on this option.
The Windows server machine that is running EBMS Server should be dedicated to data sharing and not be used as a
The instructions in the section are only applicable to install the Server version of the system. Skip this section and go to the
previous installation section (Installing EBMS on a Network) if EBMS is setup in a peer environment (EBMS Server is not
Initial Installation and Upgrades
EBMS Main Documentation
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Run Start > Programs > Eagle Business Management > Company Administrator.
The following dialog will appear:
Enter a path where you want to store security and company settings. The path should then be secured with windows
network security to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing passwords and security information. Note that the
"System" account will need full access to this folder.
Press OK and create the folder and the following dialog will appear:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click the New button. You will need to select one of the following options:
Select Connect to an existing company to connect to a company that already exists. In the next step you
will be prompted to enter a data path and a report path. See below. Note that you should not use redirected
drive letters. Use the drive letter that represents the local drive ("My Computer" shows these drives as "Local
Select New Company if you want to create data for a new company. In the next step you will be prompted to
enter a data path and a report path. This is where your new company data will be stored. Be sure to include
these folders in your backup.
Company Id - Enter a 3 character ID.
Data Path - Enter the path for the company data.
Company Name - Enter your company name.
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Press OK. The server is now set up. You will need to install the EBMS program on all the workstation computers.
This optional EBMS module is not included on all versions of the EBMS software. Review the Features > Optional EBMS
modules within the main software manual for specific instructions used to identify or add optional modules.
EBMS Main Documentation
Starting the EBMS Server
To start the EBMS server go to Start > Programs > Eagle Business Management > Company Administrator. The following
screen will appear:
This is the path to the security files. Select OK.
The following screen will appear.
To start the server go to Server > Start. If the server shut down abnormally, you will need to go to Log Files > Remove. Then go
to Server > Start. Note: If the EBMS server shut down abnormally, it is important that the EBMS data files are reindexed by
going in EBMS to File > Utilities > Reindex.
Initial Installation and Upgrades
Installing on Additional Clients
The server must be installed and the company data created before proceeding with this section. Review the Server Installation and
Setup section for details in installing EBMS Server.
1. Start EBMS on the client computer to open the log in dialog.
If you are upgrading from the peer version of EBMS to the EBMS Server, you will need to select the "Disconnected"
company and press OK. Say yes to delete the company from your list.
2. Enter your user name and password and select New Company. Press OK.
3. You will be asked to enter your server name. This is the server's computer name. This name appears in "Network
4. After you enter the server name, select the company from the drop-down list.
EBMS Main Documentation
5. EBMS is now connected to the server.
This optional EBMS module is not included on all versions of the EBMS software. Review the Features > Optional EBMS
modules within the main software manual for specific instructions used to identify or add optional modules.
Getting Started
Implementation Plan of Action
EBMS Setup.
It is advised that the business accountant or accounting department manager is involved in the implementation
Please indicate which points are to be done by Customer Support before the software program is shipped, i.e. G/L
Accounts may be set up to specified custom accounts.
General Ledger
Step Complete __
Enter G/L Chart of accounts
Set up any Departments
Set up 1099 G/Ls
Set up Cash Accounts
Set up Bank Accounts and attach correct a/p and payroll check reports
Make sure you have all accounts (liabilities and expenses) for Payroll
Set up/verify G/L options
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Enter customer information – including terms, finance charges and any other defaults
Set up Sales Taxes
Verify sales order, packing lists, pick lists and invoice reports
Set up/verify Sales Options
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Enter Vendor Information
Set up 1099 Vendors
Verify purchase order report
Set up/verify Expense Options
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Enter Inventory Items
Set up Price Levels
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
EBMS Main Documentation
Set up unit of measures
Set up any warehouses
Set up/verify Inventory Options
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Set up Payroll taxes ( Employee and Company )
Set up Pay Types in Payroll Options (Reg, OT, Bonus, ETC)
Set up Work Codes
Set up Employees
General Info
Employee Taxes
Company Taxes
Pay Type and work codes
Advance G/Ls
Step Complete __
Set up/Verify Payroll Options
Create Test Company.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
When all of the above module data has been set up, you should now create a test company (set of books). The
reason for this is so you don’t enter test transactions into your good set of books.
Remember, if you make any setup changes in the test company, you need to make them in the good company
At times you may want to start over in the test company by copying the information from your good company
back into the test company.
During this testing time, you need to make sure you can do everything you are doing now when it comes to your
accounting procedures. Make sure you test invoicing, customer payments, entering a/p invoices, paying a/p
invoices, entering timecards, paying timecards.
Make sure you have all the reports that you need.
All employees should be able to do in EBMS what they do in your current accounting system.
Preparing to Go Live
You will need to enter all outstanding sales invoices into EBMS with the original date and terms of the
invoice. Enter all invoices individually, but instead of entering all the detail lines on each invoice you can
summarize the total on the first line. Do not enter finance charges, only invoices. EBMS will calculate the
finance charges correctly since you are entering the invoices with the original date and terms. Make sure your
sales aging report in EBMS matches your aging report in your current system.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Getting Started
You will need to enter all outstanding expense invoices into EBMS with the original date and terms. Enter all
invoices individually, but instead of entering all the detail lines on each invoice you can summarize the total on
the first line. Make sure your vendor aging report in EBMS matches your aging report in your current system.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
You will need to enter one timecard to get the payroll data set up for each employee. The good time to go live
for payroll is at the end of a quarter, the best time to go live is at the end of the year so you don’t have to enter
any previous wage information. When entering these setup timecards for the employees, make sure the
taxable wages and tax for each tax deduction matches exactly what you have recorded in your current
accounting system. If you are tracking any benefit time (vacation, holiday, etc.) for your employees, make sure
this information gets set up also.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
For the General Ledger, you need to get an ending trial balance from the current system and enter a journal
entry into EBMS to establish the G/L beginning balances. If these numbers are not available at the time of the
go live date, they can always be back entered. It would be good, though, to establish a beginning balance for
some of your critical accounts such as checking accounts.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
You need to decide what you want to do with your inventory counts and values. In some cases it would be wise
to set all your inventory items to no count and then when you have all your inventory procedures set up, change
the items from no count to track count. If you want the inventory counts from day one, go into each item under
the count tab, and enter the beginning numbers in through the adjustment screen.
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
GO Live! If you want to run dual systems for a while that’s fine. But everything now must be entered into EBMS. All
reports must be run from EBMS.
Targeted GO LIVE Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Implementation of Additional Management Tools, etc.
Inventory Components, etc.
Perpetual Inventory
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete
POS Equipment Setup
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Serialized Whole Goods
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Multiple Vendor Catalog
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
EBMS Main Documentation
UPS/FedEx Shipping Integration
Multiple Warehousing
Job Costing
Tasks & Work Orders
Salesperson Commissions
Special Pricing
Manufacturing Processes
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Batch Processing Queries
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Advanced Security Setup
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Auto Send Setup
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Projected Completion Date ___/___/___
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
Step Complete __
The Purpose of this Document
This document is provided to assist in the planning of the EBMS implementation. Both the customer support representative and the
business colleague implementing EBMS should review this document. All persons should be notified as each step is completed.
Getting Started
System Options
The EBMS Contains a variety of system options. The default options are sufficient for a standard installation.
Settings tab
Go to File > System Options > Settings tab to set universal settings as shown below:
Use Enter like the tab key allows you to tab through the fields in a window with the use of the enter key. The tab key still
functions normally. It is highly recommended that this option is disabled. The primary purpose is to accommodate users
who are accustomed to text based software such as Unix or MS DOS. The recommended setting is OFF unless the user
is accustomed to the Dos version of EBMS and requires this feature.
The Save desktop settings on exit option causes the system to save all the open lists within the main desktop. Review
the Features > Start Up Window section for more details on this feature.
The Refresh search lists every ____ minutes value determines the amount of time the system will wait to refresh since
the last list update or refresh. The option must be enabled for lists to be reloaded even when the system is busy.
The Refresh only after _____ minutes of inactivity will cause the system to refresh only after the system has been idle
for the determined amount of minutes. This option is useful if the refresh step slows down the computer system. Again this
option is required to be checked ON to be valid.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Theme setting will apply a specific MS Windows theme to EBMS. An MS Windows Theme will change the color and
style of the software. This setting is especially useful if EBMS is being used with multiple sets of company data on the
same computer. Color differences can be very useful in creating a visual difference between data sets.
These system options are set per company data set. Any system settings will need to be duplicated for each set of data if more than
one company is created.
Zip Codes
A zip code list is delivered with the EBMS software and contains the zip codes within the U.S. and postal codes within Canada. This
feature allows the user to enter a zip code within a customer, invoice, or vendor wizard and the system will populate the city and
state. The system will also populate the zip if the customer enters the correct city and state. This feature is used whereever a street
address is entered by the user. Review the Adding a New Customer section for an example of entering contact information.
Go to File > System Options > Zip Codes tab to view the zip code database as shown below:
City, State, and Zip combinations can be edited within the Zip Code tab but the changes will not be reflected on any existing
address records.
The country list used within the Country tab can be edited by the user. The user should NOT delete the United States or Canada
Country settings or the zip code feature will not function properly.
Review the Point-of-Sale documentation for details on the Scanner tab that is shown above.
Getting Started
Start Up Window
The Navigator is an optional means of launching common functions from the desktop. Most of the functions are on the
navigator are duplicated on the drop down menus. Online support, chat options, and online documentation are available
at the bottom of this dialog.
Click on the appropriate link to open an existing vendor or customer lists. Some links may be disabled if an optional module is not
installed. Review the Features > Optional EBMS Modules section for more details on module options.
Start up Lists
EBMS will save the more recent list window that was open at the time EBMS was shut down. For example, if the user is primarily
operating within the Inventory module of EBMS, the user can keep the inventory list open. Each time EBMS is started, the list will be
displayed. Select Sales > Customers from the main EBMS menu or select Customers from the navigator window. EBMS allows
you to have a number of lists open in the background for convenience as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the Window menu option from the main EBMS menu to view the entire list of open start up windows. Select Window >
Cascade to cascade all the lists as shown above.
The EBMS software can be loaded each time with the same user selected lists. Complete the following steps:
Open, position, and size the lists in the manner that you wish to see the lists each time EBMS is opened.
Go to File > System Options and click on the Settings tab as shown below.
Getting Started
Disable the Save Settings on exit option.
Click on the Save Now button to save the list configuration. The configuration of the lists at the time this button is
clicked will be used each time EBMS is launched.
EBMS Main Documentation
Company Setup
Company Profiles
The company profile identifies the location of the company and the logo used within reports. The company information, including
the address, should be entered before any sales are processed within EBMS. The sales tax rate for products sold from the company
location is determined using the company profile information. Review the Sales Tax section within the Sales documentation for
more details on sales tax calculation.
The EBMS software allows the user to configure a company in three ways. Not all options may be available because of System
Options. Select the General Ledger > Options from the main EBMS menu and click on the Settings tab to view the Company
Profiles settings as shown below:
The Company Sales Profiles affects the sales invoice and quote screen. The Company Expense Profiles affects the expense
invoice and purchasing screens. Both of these profiles settings are normally the same. One of the following three options can be
selected for either the Expense (AP) or Sales (AR) profile settings.
Select the Single Profile option if the company conducts business in one location and uses a common logo or company
identity. This option is the most common Company Profiles option.
Select the Based on Departments option if the department identifies a separate location or division. This option is often
used when multiple company divisions or locations are involved. The company profiles option adds a Default
Department option to a customer and also adds a Department selection on the invoice header. The Automatically
Create Profit Centers from Departments option is commonly enabled when the Based on Departments profile option
Getting Started
is selected. Review the General Ledger > Departments and Profit Centers > Using a Department as a Company Division
or Location for more details on this setup.
Select the Based on Warehouses option if the warehouse options define different sales locations. Review the
Manufacturing > Creating a Batch > Multiple Location section of the Inventory documentation for more details.
The profile settings affect the cash accounts settings related to payment methods. Review the Customer Payments > Cash
Accounts, Deposits, and Reconciling Cash section of the sales documentation for more details on the effects of the Company
Profiles setting with cash accounts.
If the Single Profile option is not selected for either sales or expense than a Company Divisions button will appear. Click the
Company Divisions button to open the following dialog:
Click the New button to enter the location and logo of the alternative location as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Review the Company Information section for more details on entering general information for the alternative location.
Review the Logo section for more details on entering a company logo for the alternative location.
Getting Started
Company Information
The EBMS software can accommodate multiple sets of company data. Multiple sets of company data must be located on a common
server to meet licensing requirements. Some versions of EBMS will restrict the number of companies that can be managed by
EBMS. Each set of company data needs standard information to function properly. Complete the company information settings
before using the EBMS software.
To enter company General information:
General tab
Go to File > Company Information > General tab:
Enter Company Name and Address information in the appropriate fields.
Enter the contact information for the company as desired. Click on the arrow button to the right of the contact entry field
and display the list of available contact labels to change the entry labels. Select the appropriate label and then enter the
information into the entry field. See an EBMS consultant to add additional labels and templates.
Utilize the Note area to record miscellaneous information. The amount of information that the note area allows is unlimited and will
scroll if the information does not show in the visible part of the note.
EBMS Main Documentation
Advanced tab
The settings within the Advanced tab of the Company Information tab contain important employer and company information.
Many of these settings are required before payroll can be properly processed.
Review the Payroll documentation for more details on the payroll settings.
The Data Path identifies the location of the data. Review the Initial Installation section for more details on data location options.
Getting Started
A company logo can be displayed on the main window. This logo will indicate which company is currently active. The logo will also
be printed or displayed on many of the reports contained in EBMS. If you provide your company logo in a camera-ready form to the
Eagle Solutions staff, your logo will be installed for you.
Go to File > Company Information > Logo tab.
To locate and select the proper graphics file, click on the Choose Logo button. The familiar MS Windows open dialog will appear
which allows you to select the proper graphics file on your drive. Use the following guidelines if you are creating your own company
PNG files are recommended for a quality lgo. JPG files can be used but the quality of a JPG files for logos may not be
The image should be in the following proportion to prevent the image from being stretched or skewed within EBMS:
168 pixels wide x 96 pixels high
1.75 inches wide x 1 inch high
EBMS Main Documentation
The image is normally printed or displayed in the size shown above. To increase the quality of the print, double the size
of the image (336 x 192).
The file size should be less than 50kb. Larger files will slow down the printing process.
Contact you EBMS support representative for assistance to create the logo file.
Getting Started
Changing Companies
The EBMS software allows multiple companies, with multiple data sets. A demo test company data set is created to allow the user
to practice without creating invalid transactions in the main data directory. The standard and lite versions of EBMS restrict the
number of companies. The Pro, Advanced, and Enterprise versions allow unlimited number of companies.
The number of available companies is shown by selecting Help > About EBMS from the main EBMS menu as shown.
The number of companies allowed within the system is unlimited if the count shows zero as shown above.
To switch companies, exit the program and log in again using a different company. It is possible to launch EBMS multiple times,
logging into different companies.
To exit, go to File > Exit on the main menu or press Alt-F4.
Re-enter the program and follow the Log-in instructions selecting the new company data set.
Review the Creating A New Company section for details if you wish to create a new company data set.
NOTE: The EBMS license agreement requires that the data set must reside on the same server. The data may not reside on a
different server or network when using the same EBMS software license. Review the Introduction > Licensing Agreement and
Limited Warranty section for more details on the software license.
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating Users and Assigning Rights
The EBMS software contains a very flexible security system. A user's access to historical or financial data can be restricted by using
the following security options:
Program Level: A user can not access EBMS unless they have access to a valid password.
Module Level: A user can be barred from accessing specific modules such as payroll or general ledger. Continue with
this section for more details on module security settings.
Window or File Level: A user can be restricted from accessing a specific file or window that access the contents of that
file. Review the Setting the Parent Security within a Window for more details on this security option.
Tabs and Fields: The contents of a tab or specific field can be restricted or hidden based on a security level. For
example, a secretary may enter payroll information but the rates and pay is hidden from the user.
Buttons and Processes: A button or process can be restricted by disabling a button or process. For example, the
deletion or process of a document can be restricted based on the security settings. Review the Setting Security for a Tab,
Entry Field, Button, or Process for more details.
Report Level: Access to individual reports is restricted by the report's security setting. Review the Setting Report Security
section for more details.
Eagle Solutions recommends that users be assigned individual login names even if security is not a concern of management. Some
additional advantages are as follows:
The user name is recorded on documents and general ledger transactions within EBMS to aid an auditor or manager in
reconciling specific transactions.
Assigning a user name with access other than Administrator is also an effective way to restrict users from advanced
functions that can be very dangerous for an inexperienced user.
Setting a specific data entry field to "no access" is an effective way to disable the field if management does not wish to use the
Security is maintained under File > User Management. The System Administrator is the person responsible for maintaining the
security of EBMS. Only a user with Administrator permissions can access the User Management window shown below:
Getting Started
Click on the New button to create a new user.
Enter the new user's name. This entry becomes the user's login name. The login can be the person's first name or complete name.
Review the Processing Commissions > Processing a Sales Invoice with Commissions section of the salesperson commission
manual for an example of using the login name within a document.
Enter the Full Name and Description information. The Permissions setting located on the Name tab will set the general security
permissions that affect access to general company information dialogs launched from the File menu.
Permission security settings for other EBMS modules are set within the Modules tab. The permission settings within the Modules
tab will be changed to match the permission setting in the Name tab if all the module settings match the permission setting on the
Name tab.
The Permissions drop-down shows the various levels available to users. They are as follows:
EBMS Main Documentation
Allows access to all data as well as user and password security changes set in File > User Management.
Allows global access in the same manner as the Administrator level but does not allow access to the user's
security settings set within File > User Management.
Advanced Entry
Allows access to all data including options.
Does not allow default data changes. Review the Change Defaults, Filter Down Data, and Globally Change
Data section for details on changing defaults.
Does not allow the user to globally filter down information.
Restricts access to manager reports.
Does not allow change to the Read Only setting option of the context menu within the history year tabs. Rightclick on any history total to view the Read Only option on the context menu.
Basic Entry
Bars access to all information restricted with the Advanced Entry security setting.
Does not allow changes to global system settings.
Does not allow access to history tabs.
Restricts access to sensitive information such as payroll rates, etc.
Does not allow access to the advanced tabs that contain general ledger settings.
Bars viewer access to all information restricted with the Basic Entry and Advanced Entry security setting.
Does not allow the user to change any information.
Restricts the user to viewing only general information such as contact information and notes.
No Access
Does not allow access to any information or functions.
Additional levels can be added to the option list. Contact an EBMS consultant for details.
The Inactive switch (hidden in the graphic by the permissions drop-down menu) can be used to remove access from a terminated
employee without deleting him from the database. This effectively disables the user's account.
Getting Started
The OK, Cancel, Delete, and New buttons allow the Administrator to make the necessary changes as personnel are hired,
terminated and promoted or given greater responsibility and access to EBMS.
The Password tab is where the administrator can change the employee's password if it was forgotten. Review the Creating or
Changing a Password section for more details on passwords.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Modules tab is where the specific Module security levels are set. Joe Worker is a counter clerk and needs access to the Sales
and Inventory Modules. The Company does not want him to be in the General Ledger, Expense, or Payroll modules. The permission
levels under each module are the same as given in the Permissions field under Name as shown in the first window of this section.
Results of Violating Security
If an employee tried to get into Payroll > Employees, this is what he would see:
Getting Started
The information he tried to access is shaded out and invisible.
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating or Changing a Password
A user's account within EBMS is kept more secure by using a password. Unlike the user name, the password is case sensitive. A
password containing upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and a symbol or two is more secure than a word or other comment text
containing only letters.
The user's original password is set within the File > User Management option within EBMS. This option is available only to a user
with administrative rights. Review the Creating Users and Assigning Rights section for more details on creating users.
A user's password should be changed periodically by completing the following steps:
Select the Change Password option from the File menu within EBMS to open the following dialog:
The user must enter the Old Password before a new password is created. Contact the user that created the
account if the password is not known.
Enter the New Password.
Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password entry and click on the Ok button.
Getting Started
Setting the Parent Security within a Window
A user can be barred from a window or the contents of a file within EBMS by setting the parent security accordingly. Complete the
following steps to change the window's parent security:
Open a window such as the employee window as shown below:
Click the icon located on the upper left corner of the window to open the window's context menu as shown above.
Click on the Set Security option to open the following dialog:
EBMS Main Documentation
The security dialog is the parent security setting for the employee file (PYEMP.DBF). Notice the file name on the title bar of the
dialog. The parent security settings do not include any Check Parent options found on other tab, field, and button security dialogs
because the other dialogs refer to the settings within the parent. The parent security setting affects all the information within the file
(Employee file - PYEMP.DBF in the example shown above) and affects the user's access to this data no matter how the user
accesses the data. The security settings set within the window security dialog may affect the data within other windows. The most
effective method to bar a user from all the data within a file is to change the root folder settings. Review the module's tab instructions
within the Creating Users and Assigning Rights section of this manual for details on baring users from an entire module.
Set the Access security level for each User Level. This restricts the user within the current screen to the Access
level that is set for his user level defined in File > User Management.
The three User Level options are:
No Access
Prohibits the user from opening the selected window.
Read only
Allows the user to open the window but restricts them from changing any information.
Full Access
Gives user full access to information within the window. Note that the user may be restricted from
some data entry fields or tabs based on other security settings or program restrictions.
The security setting will also be used within the field, button, or tab setting whenever the Check Parent setting is used. Review the
Setting Security for an Entry Field, Button, or Process section for more information on the Check Parent setting.
Getting Started
Setting Security for a Tab, Entry Field, Button, or Process
Setting the Security within a Tab
A tab within a window can be restricted based on security settings. Complete the following steps to set security:
Right-click on the desired tab as shown below:
Click on the Set Security option to open the following dialog:
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the desired security settings. The Access level of each User Level can be set to four different options:
No Access
This access option does not allow the user to view or change the information found within the current field.
Read Only Access
This level allows the user to view but does not allow any changes to the information.
Full Access
This setting will give the user maximum access to the information.
Check Parent
The setting refers to the security level to the setting within the parent. Click on the View Parent button to view the parent's security
settings. Review the Setting the Parent Security within a Window section for detailed instructions on the parent settings.
Click the OK button to save the settings. Note that the new security settings will not affect the users until the next time they log into
Setting Entry Field Level Security
EBMS allows an administrator to change security settings within a data entry field within any window. This can be useful to
determine if a specific user or users may change and/or view specific information. This feature can also be useful if specific fields
are not to be used for the current implementation.
Open an employee record for an example of setting security settings. Go to Payroll > Employees and select an employee. Click
on the Pay tab to view the example below.
Right-click on any entry field and select the Set Security option from the context menu as shown below.
Getting Started
The following window will appear:
The Access level setting controls the permissions for each user level for the selected database file data. If the security Access level
is set within a window and the same file information is displayed on another window, the same security level applies. Review the
Access level descriptions above.
Some field level restrictions can also affect processes if the processes are related to the entry field.
All data entry security settings will not take effect until the program is restarted.
EBMS Main Documentation
Setting Button or Process Security
Disabling a button based on the user's security rights can restrict a process or access. A button is disabled by holding the <Ctrl>
and <Shift> keys down simultaneously while left-clicking on the process button with the mouse. The following security menu should
Disabling buttons can be useful to restrict processes such as creating a new account, deleting an account, or opening advanced
Several buttons such as OK or Cancel cannot be restricted.
Button security settings will not take effect until the program is restarted.
Getting Started
Setting Report Security
Database data field security settings explained in the previous section does not affect reports. For example, a secure field within a
report will not be hidden because the user is barred from the field. The entire report must be secure to protect data within the report.
Report security is set within individual reports.
Go to File > Reports and select a report. Click on the Properties button to open the following dialog:
All users with permission levels that are included in the list on the left side of the dialog will be able to print the current report. All
others listed on the right side of the list will not have access to the report. Use the Disallow and Allow buttons to move user
permission levels to/from the Users allowed to print this report list and the Users NOT allowed to print this report list.
The user's security level for the specific report is determined by the first two initials of a the report path. For example, the Report
Path shown above is prefixed with the IN initials which links the report security to the Inventory security settings. Some other
prefixes used by report security is as follows:
GL - General Ledger
AP - Expenses (Accounts Payable)
AR - Sales (Accounts Receivable)
PY - Payroll
TA - Tasks
EBMS Main Documentation
Advanced Security Settings
The Advanced Security Settings is an optional module. Review the Optional Features > Optional EBMS Modules for details on
how identify or add optional modules.
The standard EBMS software contains many security options that restrict the user to access only pertinent information. These
standard options restrict a user's ability to access a file, field, button, or report. Review the Creating Users and Assigning Rights
section for more details on the standard security settings. One limitation of the standard security feature is that all records are
restricted if the user's security settings restrict the field or file. For example, the history or details of all the vendors are restricted if
the user's security settings restrict access to the vendor information.
The Advanced Security option allows the administrator to limit a user's access to one or a group of vendors, employees, or other
accounts. For example, the manager may want to limit a user's ability to access specific vendors but give the security rights to
other vendors. This allows a secretary to manage the main vendor accounts but restrict access to a few more sensitive accounts.
A manager could also restrict some sensitive general ledger accounts such as equity or asset accounts without restricting the
user's access to the revenue or expense accounts.
NOTE: EBMS reports are not affected by any advanced security settings. Report restrictions are only managed using standard
security settings. Review the Setting Report Security section for more details.
Complete the following steps to create advanced security settings for specific vendors:
The user must have administrator security rights to set any security settings including the advanced settings.
To restrict access to a vendor, open the vendor record and click on the Advanced Security tab as shown below:
Enable the Activate Advanced Security for this Vendor option to secure the selected vender. The level of
access is determined by the security settings.
Complete the following steps to block all vendor information for users that do not have manager or
administrator rights.
Getting Started
Open any vendor and left click in the upper left hand corner to open the context menu as shown below:
Click on Set Security as shown below:
The Expression setting in the example above for the Advanced Entry User Level contains a script expression
as explained below:
If (iif) SECURE setting on the vendor tab (explained in step 3) is true (.t.) then No Access (3) otherwise Full
Access (0). Notice that the Expression setting for the Viewer User Level is slightly different. if (iff) Secure
setting on the vendor tab is true (.t.) then No Access (3) otherwise Read Only Access (1).
The previous step only secures the vendor record. Complete the following steps to secure invoice information.
Open any expense invoice.
Left click on the upper left hand corner to open the following menu:
EBMS Main Documentation
Select Set Security from the menu and set the identical steps as the vendor record security as explained
above. This completes the security for the invoice header but does not secure the detail lines.
Complete the following steps to secure invoice detail records.
Right click on any detail record field.
Select Set Security from the context menu.
Click View Parent button to open the following dialog:
Verify that the setting on the file code on the title bar is APINVDET as shown above.
Set identical settings as the vendor and invoice header records as explained above.
Log in to EBMS using an account with restricted security access. Test to verify that all sensitive information is blocked
for restricted users. The advanced security Expression is not evaluated when the commands are entered into the Set
Security dialog. Error messages may occur when opening the vendor or invoice window if an invalid expression was
Verify that all data in the vendor, invoice, and invoice detail records are hidden. Check the security setting of each
individual field if a field or column is visible. All individual field security can be overridden with the Evaluate Expression
Access setting by clicking on the Filter Down button on the parent security dialog as shown above.
Fields, columns, and processes can all be restricted using the Expression option. Review the Setting Security for a Tab, Entry
Field, button, or process section for more details.
Customer and sales invoice information can be hidden in a similar manner as the vendor and invoice information. Complete the
steps listed above but open the customer record rather than the Vendor record and the sales invoice screen rather than the
expense invoice.
Contact an EBMS representative if additional security fields are required. The Advanced security system within EBMS can be
customized to meet specific security needs.
This optional EBMS module is not included on all versions of the EBMS software. Review the Features > Optional EBMS
modules within the main software manual for specific instructions used to identify or add optional modules.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are two-stroke functions that help to speed up the work that is being performed. The EBMS software utilizes
many of the standard MS Windows shortcuts such as the Alt + standard letter keys, Ctrl short cuts, or function keys. For
example, in the Sales > Invoices and S.O.s window shown below, the invoice can be processed by using the Ctrl + P key
combination, or by using the Alt + P + P combination, as well as using the standard mouse clicks to initiate the process.
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used whenever an ID code is used such as Inventory Items, Customer ID, Ship To, or
G/L Account):
F4 to open the lookup list.
Ctrl + F4 to do lookup on the current Id.
For example, place the keyboard cursor on the Inventory Items column. When the users hits the F4 key on the keyboard, the
entire inventory lookup list appears. When the users holds the Ctrl key down while pressing the F4 key, the inventory record for
the Item within the field will open.
The following shortcuts may be used in any multiple line tables such as the detail lines of an invoice, body of a journal, or lines of
a timecard:
Ctrl + Enter will move the keyboard focus to the beginning of the next line.
Ctrl + Insert will insert a new line.
Ctrl + Delete will delete the current line but not the newly inserted line.
Ctrl + Home moves cursor to the first line of the list.
Ctrl + End will move cursor to the last line.
Other common shortcuts:
Ctrl + F opens the Find function within a list or within an invoice.
Ctrl + P will process the document such as an invoice or journal.
Ctrl + S to save the document.
EBMS Main Documentation
F1 will open EBMS help documentation.
F2 will move to items to a materials list.
F3 goes to next when searching within a document.
F5 opens Cash Payment dialog.
F6 opens Check Payment dialog.
F7 Process and Print.
F8 opens scanner dialog.
F9 opens signature capture dialog.
F10 closes scanner dialog
Right-Click Mouse Button
The Context menu is a commonly used feature found in most Windows applications that allows the user to perform several very
useful functions. The Context menu can be activated two different ways on most computers:
By placing your mouse cursor over a field to edit and pressing the right button on your mouse.
By hitting the menu key of most Windows keyboards. This key is located between the Windows key and the Ctrl key to
the right of the space bar. Some older keyboards may not have this key.
The Context menu consists of a number of different edit or lookup options and this menu will change depending on which entry field
it is activated from. The example shown above lists a number of common context menu functions.
Undo - This feature allows the user to undo a change to an entry field. For example: if you are in the midst of changing
information and you prefer to restore the value of the current field to its original value, use the Undo feature to
accomplish it. Note that the Undo can only be used while you are manipulating the data in the current entry field and
may not be useful after you have moved to another area of the window.
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Select All - These are standard Windows features that allow you to move data to and
from the windows clipboard.
Set Security - Review the Setting Security within a Window or Tab section for more information on this feature.
EBMS Main Documentation
What's This? - Will display a brief description of the feature or use of the current entry.
The right-click context menu for a detail line within a sales invoice may appear as follows:
This menu was shown by right-clicking on the beginning of the sales invoice line. Notice the options to insert or delete invoice
detail lines as well as specialty functions such as materials list options and inventory features.
Additional Context Menu features not displayed above:
Change ID - Review the Creating and Changing IDs section for details on this feature.
Lookup - Will immediately display the detail window for this ID.
EXAMPLE: If this feature is used on an entry that contains the customer's ID code, the system will automatically display the
customer's information. This feature is available wherever an ID code is used including general ledger codes, inventory codes,
vendor codes, etc.
Filter Down - Review the Editing Defaults, Filtering Down data and Globally Editing data section.
Search Lists
Search lists are a convenient way to search or manage a list of records such as your customers, vendors, inventory items,
employees, etc. A number of search lists can be opened within the main EBMS desktop. Each list can be moved and re-sized within
the desktop. All lists launched from the main menu will be minimized when the EBMS desktop is minimized. Open lists will be
maintained when exiting based on the Save settings on exit option found by going to the File > System Options > Settings tab.
Review the System Options section of this documentation for more details.
These lists can become very lengthy since EBMS does not restrict you to the number of items that can be entered making it very
important that you have access to this information in a number of ways. Following is an example of the Sales > Customers lookup:
The search list box consists of:
Title Bar
All & Use Folder options
Search entry
Folder pane
Information pane, which includes
Information titles
EBMS Main Documentation
Information list that highlights a specific record using a selection bar that identifies the current selection.
The Title Bar identifies the list being viewed such as Customers in our example. If the title bar is not visible, click
on the restore button in the upper right corner (the middle of the three buttons). To move the list within the
program pane, left-click on this title bar and drag it. See the Windows manual for more information on moving
The information in this list can be displayed in:
A simple list format with all customers in a single list. This is accomplished by selecting ALL.
A hierarchical list by selecting Use Folder. This feature allows you to view your information in a group
method. See Folder lists in this section for more information.
The Search entry is used to conveniently position the list to the desired record. The search entry is labeled as
Search For ID in our example and note that the information is sorted by the ID. The search topic can be changed
by clicking on the column heading. To search for the last name, simply click on the Last Name heading.
As you type in text, your strokes will be displayed with a background of white while the system attempts to complete
your code with the first matching ID code available. Note that the information bar moves to attempt to identify the
specific information that you are searching. If you enter text that does not match any of the list information, it will be
underlined in red.
If the All & Use Folder List option is set to All, this folder pane has no effect on the information listed. If the option
is set to Use Folder, the system will only list the information contained within this folder. You can also change the
folder selection by clicking the desired folder with your mouse or by using the up and down arrows on your
keyboard. Note that a record (in our example a customer) cannot be located in more than one folder. For
additional information see the section on folder lists.
The Information Pane is where the actual information is listed. This list can be resized by adjusting the size of the
folder pane and the information pane by dragging and holding on the center bar with the mouse. You can also
enlarge the entire list box. See Windows manual for more information on resizing windows.
The information titles identify the contents of each column and are also used to resize and hide
columns, or to sort information.
Columns can be resized by holding the mouse cursor between two column titles. When the cursor
changes into a move cursor, depress the left mouse button and move to the left or right to readjust
column widths.
To hide or show specific columns in a lookup list, position the mouse cursor anywhere on the column
titles and right-click your mouse.
Hide a specific column by selecting any that are prefixed with a check mark or show any columns that
are not prefixed with a check. This feature allows the user to show only the information that is relevant
to the current user. These settings are stored by each user. Therefore, you could hide a specific column
but another user on another computer could show the same column.
To change the sort order of a list, click on the column title with your mouse. For example, if you want to
sort by the Last Name, click on the Last Name title and the entire list will be resorted by the last name in
ascending order. If you prefer to list the information in descending order, click on the title a second time.
Note that when you click on a specific column, the search entry label changes to reflect the current sort
EBMS Main Documentation
The information list includes a selection bar that can be moved by clicking on a specific line with the mouse
or using the arrow keys to move the list bar up and down. The page up and page down keys on the keyboard
will move the entire list an entire page. A scroll bar will appear on the bottom of the list if the column widths
are greater than the width of the pane. Note that you can also move the list information up and down by using
the scroll bar on the right of the information pane.
The Find button is useful to find information within a list. The button label will change to Find Again to
search for other information. An additional Stop Find button will appear to clear the find search and list all the
records. Review the Find Button within a list Dialog section for more details.
When you have the selection bar placed on the desired selection, press the enter key or click on the Select
button with your mouse.
Press the Cancel button to exit the list without making a selection. Note that many lists can continue on the
window for convenience while you select another list or window using menu or hot keys.
The tab key will tab between fields and buttons on the list box window, similar to the way it operates on dialog
Lookup List Boxes are a very useful tool in locating information quickly or sorting in a variety of ways.
Go to the Getting Started > System Options > Settings tab for more details on configuring the lookup list windows each time
EBMS is launched.
PRACTICE EXERCISE: Open the Customer List Box by selecting Sales > Customers. Select a desired customer by clicking the
Last Name title to sort by last name or company name. When the selection bar has highlighted the desired customer, select Sales
> Invoices and S.O.'s on the program menu. Notice that the invoice/Sales Order window opened with the selected customer's ID
code already entered. If you prefer to change the desired customer, you can do it two ways:
Exit the invoice window by pressing Cancel and moving the list to a different customer.
Click on the lookup button and an additional customer list will open.
You can select another customer and continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
Column Appearance
Throughout EBMS, you are given lists of information in a column format. The headings of those columns have flexibility in whether
they appear in a window and the width of the column. Note the column headings on the bottom of the invoice below:
Columns can be adjusted by placing the mouse pointer on the lines between columns, holding down the left mouse button, and
increasing or decreasing the column width by dragging left or right.
Columns that do not need to be viewed can be removed by placing the mouse pointer over the column headings and right-clicking to
display a list of available headings. Check or uncheck to choose which headings you need or do not need.
Folder Groups
Information is organized within folder groups within the software. These groups are valuable when organizing data such as
inventory items, customers, or vendors. Some common grouping within the software is as follows:
Inventory can be grouped as a catalog containing product groups and subgroups as shown below:
Go to Inventory > Options > Inventory Folders to view the inventory folder group. Review the Inventory Items > Adding
and Deleting Inventory Folders section of the Inventory Manual for more details on creating a catalog of inventory items.
Customers may be grouped for marketing purposes or mailing lists as shown below.
EBMS Main Documentation
Go to Sales > Options > Customer Folders to view the customer folder settings. Review the Sales > Customers >
Adding and Deleting Customer Folders section for more details.
The General Ledger chart of accounts are organized by folder groups. Go to General Ledger > Options > General
Ledger Folders to organize the G/L chart of accounts by folder.
Vendors are organized by folders in a similar way as customers. Go to Expenses > Options > Vendor Folders to
configure the vendor groups.
The payroll system contains many folder groups such as employees and work codes. Review the payroll manual for
more details.
Some modules use the folder grouping within multiple levels. For example, within the job costing module, the jobs can
be organized in folder groups, and the stages within individual jobs are organized using folder groups. Review the job
costing manual for more details.
Folder Pane
The root folder in our customer example is labeled Customers with sub-folders named Inactive, Retail, and Wholesale. You can
insert folders within folders. In our example, we have three folders named General Contractors, Masons, and Roofers within the
folder named Wholesale. It is recommended that you do not nest folders more than 5 levels because of report restrictions.
Sub-folders within the inventory system are especially powerful since the user can organize thousands of items in an orderly way so
items can be found even if the user does not know the inventory item ID.
The Add Folder button is used to add an additional folder to the folder list.
Select the folder that will house the new folder and press the New Folder button.
A folder Properties dialog will open, allowing you to enter the new folder name.
The Allow only subfolders switch should be switched ON if you do not want to insert any information into the
folder itself but only allow subfolders. This is useful when planning your folders and requiring the user to place all
data in subfolders rather than parent folders. In the example above, the user will not be able to place customers in
the Distributor folder. The Distributor folder will only be useful to insert subfolders.
The Tree ID is used to within records to identify the folder group. The Tree ID number can be used to query the items
within a folder group. Review the Advanced Query Options section for more details on query settings.
This dialog may include some other information that is related only to the specific list. For example, the General Ledger
Folders include a pair of Allowable Range entries.
Review the Creating and Changing ID's section for more details on the Naming tab. Other tabs may appear such as
Special Pricing. Refer to The Special Pricing manual for details on advanced modules.
Save folder information by clicking OK.
If you press the Delete Folder button, the folder that is highlighted will be removed. A folder must be empty before it can be deleted.
Note that the root folder (the top of the list) and the folder named inactive cannot be deleted. These are system folders and should
not be removed.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Properties button allows the user to edit the folder properties.
The Edit Defaults button activates the defaults window that can be used for two different powerful features-to edit defaults and to
globally change information. Review the Setting Customer Defaults section for more information on customer defaults. For details
on additional sections for other module folders, review the Setting Vendor Defaults section or the Setting Employee Defaults section
within the payroll manual.
The Move Folder option allows the user the to change the location of a folder. Select a folder and press the Move Folder button.
Choose the folder you wish to place the selected folder inside of.
Date Selections
Date Fields
Any entry that requires a date can be set in a number of different ways.
Enter month and day of desired date divided by a forward slash ‘/’ or a dash ‘-‘. Note that if you do not enter a year value
the system will automatically enter the current year. Notice that no month or day values need to be prefixed with a zero
since the system automatically formats all date fields. The delimitating characters (‘/’ or ‘-‘) are optional.
To the right of most date entry fields, a down arrow button will be positioned. Click on the down arrow button with the
mouse or hit the F4 with the keyboard and a calendar will appear:
Select a desired date on the calendar and the date will appear in the entry field. To change months on the calendar,
click on the small left and right arrow buttons or press Page up or Page down keys on the keyboard.
Auto Date - Instead of typing numbers for a date or time, a description can be typed of the date in words. EBMS then
converts the description to a number format for you.
Next Friday
Last Friday
February 11
July 5, 1998
If a date is invalid, the system will blank the entry.
EBMS Main Documentation
Sorting Data
Information within a list window such as a Search List can often be sorted by contents of different columns. This information can be
sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column heading. For an example:
Go to Sales > Customers to open the Customer list window.
Click on the ID column heading and notice that the entire list is sorted by the ID. The arrow on the column heading indicates if the
information is sorted in ascending ( V ) or descending ( ^ ) order.
Click on ID again, and the list will reverse the sort:
Data sorting can be done on selected columns. A column cannot be sorted if neither sort arrow appears when the user clicks on the
column label.
EBMS Main Documentation
Drill Down
The Drill Down function is a valuable tool to view historical data. EBMS allows the user to view the detailed transactions that total
any summarized value within the system. This function is very useful for Accountants and Auditors to trace transactions. The
following window can be seen by opening a customer's account year tab (Sales >Customers > [Year]).
To Drill Down, right-click on any of the Invoice or Payment totals and select Drill Down to display a detailed list of transaction. The
April invoice is as follows:
Highlight any transaction and click the Source button to display the document that created the transaction.
EBMS allows the user to track any summary total back to the source document by using these steps.
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating IDs
IDs are used throughout the system to identify a specific person, item, or account. These codes must be unique since they are used
to relate one transaction record to another. By recording the ID throughout the system, it allows the user to do extensive drill downs
on totals throughout the system.
IDs can be numeric or alphanumeric but are always in capital letters. It is important to create IDs that are easy to remember and that
are formed in a predetermined manner.
Numeric IDs are not right justified. In a list of IDs, 2 would follow the ID 10 and 40 would follow 123. To solve this problem in a
numeric ID, prefix the number with zeros so that all IDs in a specific group have the same number of digits. Example 2 would be
entered as 0002 if the agreed number of digits was four.
General Ledger Account IDs are required to be numeric in the EBMS system because of standard accounting practices. All other
IDs can contain letters as well as numbers.
Customer Entry
John Doe could be identified as DOEJOH, using the first three letters of the last name and the first three letters of
the first name.
Employee Entry
Jack L Smith could be identified as SMIJAC or SMIJACL.
Inventory Entry
20 lb. black claw hammer could be identified as THAM20B.
T - Tools
HAM - Hammer
20 - 20 LB weight
B - Color black
Customer IDs can be automatically created by completing the following steps:
Open Sales > Options > Customer Folders and click on the root Customers folder if all customer IDs are created using
the same format.
Click on the Properties button and click on the Naming tab.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the "First __ letters of last name and first __ letters of first name" option by clicking on the right arrow button. Enter
the number of letters you wish to use from the last name and the first name by entering them within the template. Note
that the system will use the first two names within the last name field (company name) if the first name is blank.
Since we highlighted the root folder when we clicked on the properties button, we can now click on the Filter Down button
to set all customer folders to format the ID in the same way. Select individual folders and set ID formatting accordingly if
IDs are not created in the same manner.
Contact an EBMS customer service representative to add additional ID template options to the system.
Changing IDs
Editing or Changing ID Codes
Changing an ID can be a lengthy process so it is wise to plan the code format before entering information. An ID can be changed by
going to the main window of the item that needs to be changed and right-clicking with the mouse on the ID field to display the edit
Select Change ID and a dialog box will prompt you for a new ID code. When the OK button is pressed, the system will go through
all the related files, changing the original ID code to the new value. The time required for this process depends on the size of the
data files and the type of ID code used. It is important to realize that all reports listing IDs will now be obsolete since the code has
EXAMPLE If you would like to edit a customer code, go to the customer entry window (Sales > Customers), select the customer to
change and display the main customer window. Right-click with the mouse on the entry field labeled Customer on the top left corner
of the window. Select Change ID on the edit menu and then enter the new customer code in the dialog window. Click OK and wait
until the process is completed to continue with sales entries.
EBMS Main Documentation
Merging Accounts vs. Deleting Accounts
EBMS does not allow a user to delete an account that contains transactions. It is recommended that accounts be merged rather
than deleted where possible. Merging accounts will minimize the number of inactive records.
Accounts should be merged when a duplicate account was mistakenly created. EBMS allows accounts such as customers,
venders, inventory items, general ledger, task types, inventory warehouses, and sales tax rates can be merged. Documents such
as invoices, journal entries, inventory transfers, and other transaction documents cannot be merged.
Complete the following steps to merge an account:
Open the target account that will receive the history from the merged account.
Right click on the account ID and select Merge...Accounts to open the following dialog:
Select an account to delete. Note that the history will be copied to the account receiving history, but the account details
on the account to delete will be permanently deleted.
Click the Merge button to complete the merge. Please not that this merge cannot be deleted or reversed.
EBMS Main Documentation
Change Defaults, Filter Down Data and Globally Change Data
All of these features are done in the Folders tab of the Options window. These folder tabs are available in option dialog in the
General Ledger module as well as Expenses, Sales, Inventory, Payroll and others. For example, open the Sales > Options >
Customer Folders and click on the Edit Defaults button.
Notice that a window opens that is very similar to the customer entry window. This is NOT the proper window to enter a new
customer but rather to enter default values for new customers entered into the selected folder.
Editing Defaults
If a majority of your customers reside in the USA, it would be an advantage to have the country entry already filled in with USA each
time a new customer is entered. You may want to enter a default type for the customer for a particular folder. It can be very useful to
set the contact entry labels to the ones most often used in your application. See the Customer entry section for detailed descriptions
of each entry field. Note that you can set defaults for each folder. It is recommended that you highlight the root folder and set the
most common defaults and then copy these defaults to all the other folders in your list. See the next paragraph for details on
copying the defaults from the root folder to all the subfolders. After you have copied from the root folder to all the others, you may
want to highlight another subfolder and change values that are folder specific.
Filtering Down Defaults to Subfolders
Click the Edit Defaults button. A window will open as shown below:
Position the cursor on the entry that you wish to copy down to subfolders. Right-click on the field or hit the list key on the keyboard
and a menu will appear on the window. If it is possible to copy the value of this entry to subfolders, a Filter Down selection will
appear on the menu. Click on Filter Down or press F with the keyboard and a dialog window will open.
Keep the top switch off and make sure the bottom switch is turned on. By pressing OK, the contents of this entry will be copied to all
subfolders. If the root folder is highlighted, it will copy to all the folders and if a subfolder is highlighted, it will copy only to the folders
under the highlighted folder. This procedure must be done for each entry that you want to Filter Down. Note that you can filter down
on entries located in any one of the tabs on your window.
Globally Editing Data
It is important that this feature is used with caution because a large amount of data can be changed very quickly.
EBMS Main Documentation
Follow the same steps that are listed in the Filtering Down Defaults To Subfolders section above. Rather than keeping the top switch
off to copy only to subfolders, turn the switch on. If you click OK, the system will copy the contents of the current entry not only to
the default windows of subfolders, but will change the data in the specific entry for all the records in the folder.
EXAMPLE To change or set the Type for all the customers already entered in the system, follow these steps: These 6 steps can be
used to change the Type field for thousands of customer records.
Highlight the root folder in the customer folders list. Selecting the root folder affects ALL customers.
Click on Edit Defaults button.
Highlight the Type entry.
Enter the information that you want to copy to all the customer records.
Right click on the Type field.
Toggle both option buttons ON.
Press OK.
The list of items that are globally changed using the filter down feature can be restricted to a subset using the Advanced button.
When the first check box - Check this box to change existing... option is enabled an Advanced button appears as shown below:
This advanced feature allows the user to query the set of records that are globally changed to a specific subset based on the query
settings. For example, to only change the customer records that are within the state of Ohio, set the following query. Click on the
Advanced button to open the query dialog as shown below:
Set the Database Field = STATE, Operator = is exactly, and the Value = OH.
Review the Features > Advanced Query Options section for more details on query options.
This filter down feature is powerful when changing pricing within inventory, terms for a group of customers, or other data that is
common between items or accounts within a folder group. This feature is very useful to globally change codes set in the advanced
tabs of vendor, customer, inventory, and employee windows.
WARNING: The data will be changed as soon as OK is clicked on the filter down dialog. There is no way to undo this process. This
feature can be disabled using security settings. Review the Creating Users and Assigning Rights section for more details on
restricting this function.
EBMS Main Documentation
Find Button within a list Dialog
The Find and Query buttons within EBMS are used to limit the selections in a list or report based on a specific criteria. The Find
button is found on most lookup lists. This feature allows the user to query the list to only the records that contain the word or words
entered in the Find dialog. The Find dialog allows the user to click on the Advanced button to create a more extensive query.
List Example
Select Sales > Customers. A customer lookup list appears on the window as shown below:
Click on the Find button on the bottom left side of the list.
Type in one or more words or names into the Find words entry to search for any record that contains both words anywhere in
the last name (L_NAME), first name (F_NAME), or any of the CONTACT_? entries. If the user surrounds the words with double
quotes (example:"John Miller"), the search will look for the exact phrase rather than individual words. All the fields that are
searched within EBMS are listed below the Find words entry. The text within a find process is not case sensitive.
To query from the entire list, select the All option on the lookup list dialog or select the folder of customers you want to display.
Review the next section, Advanced Query Options, for details on query based user defined fields.
Click on the Stop Find button to list all records on the list or click the Find Again button to open a new search. The Find
Again will not search within the current query but rather search within the entire list. Continue with the next section, Advanced
Query Options, for details on using the Advanced query.
EBMS Main Documentation
Online Support Portals
The www.EagleBusinessSoftware.com web site contains a support portal that contains many support tools for existing EBMS users.
The portal contains support options, online documentation, download options, and many other helpful EBMS tips. The portal
located at http://www.eaglebusinesssoftware.com/static/controls/support/.
Many of the tools located require the user to Sign In. Click on the Sign In link in the upper right corner of the portal to enter a Serial
Number and possibly a Password. The Password may be optional.
You can login to the support portal directly by launching the portal from the lower left corner of the EBMS navigator as shown below:
The portal can also be launched directly by selecting Help > About EBMS from the main EBMS menu and clicking on the Web
Page link as shown below
EBMS Main Documentation
The staff at Eagle Business Software recommend you utilize the tools available at the support portal http://www.eaglebusinesssoftware.com/static/controls/support/default.aspx.
Advanced Query Options
The advanced query function allows the user to filter a list based on database fields, operators, and values. This option gives
the user more flexibility than the find button found on each list. The advanced query can also be launched within a report
Select the Find function within any list, click on the Advanced option within the Find window, and the following Set Query
dialog will appear:
The query dialog consists of the following four columns:
Database Field
This column is used to set the name of the field in the database that needs to be compared with the value. You can review all
the database field names available by clicking the down arrow to the right of the database field entry.
Complete the following steps to identify the database name of any field within a window:
Go to the window that displays the specific information such as a customer window.
Right-click on the desired field within the window and press the <Shift> and <Ctrl> buttons while selecting the
What's This? option on the context menu.
EBMS Main Documentation
The What's This dialog will show the database File and Field names.
Select the desired Operator. For example, to compare the City field with a value of Lancaster you would select the operator "is
exactly" or "contains." Click on the down arrow to list all available operators.
The Value is the comparison data. If the database information compares to the Value according to the operator, the record will be
listed; otherwise, it is filtered.
NOTE: The information inserted within the Value field is case sensitive. The query will only list information that is in the exact same
case (upper-case or lower-case).
This column does not need to be set if the query consists of only one line. If the query consists of multiple lines and you require the
record to match every value, set the And/Or entry to And. If the field is required to only match any of the list of values,set the And/Or
entry to Or. Note that if you are using a combination of Ands and Ors in a particular query, the advanced formula option is required.
Database field - STATE
Operator - is exactly
Value - PA
And/or - Ignore this column for this query
Will list only the customers within the state of Pennsylvania.
Database field - TYPE
Operator - contains
Value - RT
And/Or - And (go to next line)
Database field - L. Name
Operator - Starts with
Value - D
All customers in which the type field contains "RT" and the Last name starts with the letter D will be listed. By using the
operator "contains," the type field can be used to query a number of different groups of customers. If John Doe's type contains
"RT," "WH2," and "WH3," then John is listed in the query.
The Use Advanced Formula option is used to do advanced queries. Enter a query using the steps listed above and then click the
Use Advanced Formula button. Notice that the query becomes an expression. Insert parentheses, multiple fields, or equations into
the expression area. When completed, click on the Check Formula button to verify the expression.
Review the dBase Expressions section for dBase expression syntax and functions.
EBMS Main Documentation
Custom Messages
Custom messages can be attached to a customer, vendor, inventory item, or employee. The custom message will only show for
a specific account or group of accounts. This feature is used to prompt the user when a document is created, saved, or process.
For example a custom customer message may be added to prompt the user that only specific types of payments can be
received from this specific customer or a variety of other custom messages. This custom message feature can be used to abort
a process if the manager wishes to restrict a customer or vendor. Custom messages can be configured to only show based on a
specific criteria or expression.
Open a custom record and click on the Messages tab as shown below:
A custom message has 4 parts:
When a message is to appear.
The When options depend on which type of record for the custom message. For example the following When options are
available for a customer record:
Upon Invoice Process
Upon Invoice Save
Upon New Invoice
Upon Processing Payment
Additional When options may appear depending on the available modules within EBMS. Review the Optional EBMS Modules
section for more details.
Upon New Job
Upon New Proposal
Upon New Task
The When options may vary based on options or account types
The Response to the message.
This option determines the result of the message. These options will also determine the message response buttons as well s
the default button.
Abort the Process - This option will only display the OK button and will not allow the user to proceed with the selected
process (Identified by the When option).
Default to Abort Question - This option adds the "Do you wish to continue?" question and adds both Yes and No
buttons. The No button is set as the default button so the process will abort if the user presses the enter key.
Default to Proceed Question - This option also adds the "Do you wish to continue?" question and adds both Yes
and No buttons. The Yes button is set as the default button so the process will proceed if the user presses the enter
Warning Message - This option will only display the OK button and will proceed when the button is clicked by the
The Expression or criteria that must be true for the message to show.
The message will always show if the Expression option is blank. The Expression is used to create a condition for the custom
message dialog to appear. Review the dBase Expressions section for dBase expression syntax and functions.
The Message text is the message that is displayed within the custom message dialog. dBase expression functions
can be used to create dynamic text.
A custom Message for All a Group of Accounts
A custom message can be set for a group of accounts such as all customers within a specific folder. These custom messages
are set within the same dialog as folder defaults. Select Sales > Options and click on the Customers Folders tab. Select a
specific customer folder group as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on the Edit Defaults button and click on the Messages tab.
Note that the messages within the Messages tab are not filtered down like other messages but are active for all customers within
the selected folder.
Go to Expenses > Options - Vendor Folders tab and select Edit Defaults > Messages tab to set custom messages for a group
of vendors.
Go to Payroll > Options - Employee Folders tab and select Edit Defaults > Messages tab to set custom messages for a
group of employees.
A Custom Message for All Accounts
A custom message can be created for all accounts. For example by entering a custom message within the Messages tab of
sales > Options, the custom message will appear for ALL customers. Select Sales > Options from the main EBMS Menu and
click on the Messages tab to view the following dialog:
Use the same custom message settings as individual customers.
Go to Expenses > Options and click on the Messages tab for custom vendor messages.
Go to Payroll > Options and click on the Messages tab for custom employee messages.
EBMS Main Documentation
Exporting Lists to CSV files for Mail Merges
There are 2 ways to export lists for a mail merge: A) Export from a report or B) Export from a lookup list. Both methods will be
explained below:
A) Export from a Report
Customer information within EBMS can be exported to MS Excel using the Customer Addresses for Mail Merge report. The
advantage of this method is that the first and second addresses can be combined and customers can be easily filtered by the
Mailing List switch.
This report can be found in the Reports list by clicking on File > Reports from the main EBMS menu. Select Reports > Sales >
Customers > Customer Address for Mail Merge > Print.
Click on the Export button and select the following settings:
Click OK to export customer list to a CSV file. Place the customer address CSV file into a document directory. It is recommended
that the user does not place exported lists within the EBMS data directory (CO1). Continue with the following Using Word to
Process Mail Merge section to complete mail merge.
B) Export from a Lookup List
EBMS allows the user to export data directly from the many search lists within EBMS. The advantage of this method is that the user
can export from any lookup list and can choose the columns (fields) that are to be exported. The following example is a mail merge.
Open the customer list to export customer information from the Sales menu of EBMS.
Select the columns or information that you wish to export. Right-click on the column title labels and enable the desired columns by
clicking on the column labels that are not checked. The system will only export columns that are checked on the visible column list.
Query the customers that you wish to export. The following settings will affect the data that is displayed within the list:
Choose the All option in the upper left corner if you wish to list the customers within all the folders.
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Click on a specific folder within the left pane if you wish to list only the customers within a folder.
Click on the Find button to query the list based on keywords or select the Advanced button within the find dialog to do
a more advanced query. Review the Find Button within a list Dialog section for more details on using the find button.
Review the Features > Advanced Query Options section for more details on the query options.
The data listed within the list is the only data that will be exported. Review the Search Lists for more details on displaying
information within a search list.
Right-click on the list pane as shown below:
Select the Export List option from the context menu.
The customers will be exported to a CSV file. Place the customer address CSV file into a document directory. It is recommended
that the user does not place exported lists within the EBMS data directory (CO1). Click on the Save button to create the customer
address file.
Using Word to Process Mail Merge
Exit EBMS and load MS Word or some other word processing software.
Select Start Mail Merge from the Mailings tab. This option should also be used to print labels and envelopes from the exported
EBMS list.
The Word wizard includes the following steps. Review the online Word documentation for more details.
Select Document Type: Select Letter, envelope, or label and click the Next option on the bottom of the wizard.
Select starting document: Select Use the current document unless you wish to use an existing mail merge document
or a template. Click Next.
Select recipients: Select Use an existing list and click on the browse button. Select the customer CSV file that was
created when the customer list was exported.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click OK to use the entire list. Review the Word document for more details on querying the data using Word's dialog as
shown. Click the next option.
Write your letter: This option will appear for mail merges. The wizard step will differ if the user selected Envelopes or
labels on step 1. Click on the more items option to open a field list dialog when the user wishes to insert database
information instead of typed text. Click next to continue
The user can review the letters, envelopes, or labels created before printing them. Review the last few steps to review,
edit, and print the merged forms.
Reports within EBMS can also be exported to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, or other file types and applications. Review the
Reports > Exporting Data section for more details on exporting reports.
Locating or Finding Items within Lengthy Documents
It may be difficult to find a line item within a lengthy purchase order, sales order, or timecard. A Find feature is useful to locate a
specific inventory item, description, or other note within the details of an invoice.
Open a lengthy purchase order and select View > Find from the purchase order menu or press Ctrl + F on the keyboard.
The Find function will search for the desired text throughout the invoice detail lines only. It will not locate any
occurrences within the invoice heading or memo. The search can consist of all or only a portion of the text found within a
The Match Case option should be turned ON if the Find utility should only find the instances that match the upper or
lower case found in the Find What entry. The Direction is used to determine the direction the search is conducted
within the list.
Click Cancel to terminate the search.
Click the Find Next button or press F3 to search for the next occurrence.
EBMS Main Documentation
Hyperlinks to EBMS documents
EBMS documents such as invoices, customers, journals, or vendors can be opened using hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a
convenient way to attach a document to an e-mail, outlook calendar, or short cut.
The user that opens an EBMS document using a hyperlink must have access to the EBMS data. A hyperlink is only a shortcut and
does not distribute the document. A user must log into EBMS each time a hyperlink is selected unless EBMS is already running on
the user's computer.
The format of an EBMS hyperlink is:
EBMS:filename?document key
All EBMS hyperlinks are prefixed with EBMS:. The filename indicates the data file name that contains the information. Note that the
suffix of the file may not be included. The document key is the unique identifier for the document. The document key for a sales
invoice is the invoice number. The document key for a customer is the customer ID.
Example: The hyperlink for a sales invoice is EBMS:ARINV?9018
ARINV is the file name for a sales invoice. The file name does not need to be capital letters.
The file name is separated from the invoice number by the ? character.
9018 is the invoice number.
The user can click Start > Run from the main Windows menu and enter EBMS:ARINV?9018 and the sales invoice 9018 will open.
Some documents have multiple keys such as an expense invoice. The expense invoice combines the vendor and the invoice
number to make the document unique. The hyperlink for an expense invoice is EBMS:APINV?ABC|20415.
Prefix is EBMS:
Expense file name of APINV.
The file name is suffixed by the ? character.
The vendor ID ABC and the invoice number 20415 is separated by the filter character | . The filter character is
on the right side of the keyboard with the \ key.
The following list describes the file names and keys for a number of common documents.
Document Name
File Name
Document Key (note the filter character)
Sales Invoice
Invoice number
Expense Invoice
Vendor ID | invoice number
General Ledger Journal
Journal ID
General Ledger Account
General ledger account
Customer ID
Vendor ID
The payroll module of the EBMS system does not facilitate hyperlinks. Future versions of EBMS may accommodate this feature.
Contact your EBMS consultant for any additional file names or keys for documents that are not listed.
EBMS Main Documentation
DBase Expressions
In CodeBase, a dBASE expression is represented as a character string and is evaluated using the expression evaluation functions.
dBASE expressions are used to define the keys and filters of an index file. They can be useful for other purposes such as interactive
General dBASE
All dBASE expressions return a value of a specific type. This
type can be Numeric, Character, Date or Logical. A common
form of a dBASE expression is the name of a field. In this case,
the type of the dBASE expression is the type of the field. Field
names, constants, and functions can all be used as parts of a
dBASE expression. These parts can be combined with other
functions or with operators.
Example dBASE Expression: "FIELD_NAME"
Memo fields evaluate to a maximum length as determined by the
setting of Code4::memSizeMemoExpr.
In this documentation all dBASE expressions are contained in double
quotes (" "). The quotes are not considered part of the dBASE
expression. Any double quotes that are contained within the
dBASE expression will be denoted as ' \" '. This method is used
to remain consistent with the format of C++ string constants.
Field Name
It is possible to qualify a field name in a dBASE expression by
specifying the data file.
Example dBASE Expression: "DBALIAS->FLD_NAME"
Observe that the first part the qualifier specifies a data file alias (see Data4::.alias). This is usually just the name of the data file.
Then there is the "->" followed by the field name.
dBASE Expressions can consist of a Numeric, Character or
Logical constant. However, dBASE expressions that are
constants are usually not very useful. Constants are usually used within a more complicated dBASE expression.
A Numeric constant is a number. For example, "5", "7.3", and "18" are all dBASE expressions containing Numeric constants.
Character constants are letters with quote marks around them. " 'This is data' ", " 'John Smith' ", and " \"John Smith\" " are all
examples of dBASE expressions containing Character constants. If you wish to specify a character constant with a single quote or a
double quote contained inside it, use the other type of quote to mark the Character constant. For example," \"Man's\" " and " ' \"Ok\" '
" are both legitimate Character constants. Unless otherwise specified, all dBASE Character constants in this manual are denoted by
single quote characters.
Constants .TRUE. and .FALSE. are the only legitimate Logical constants. Constants .T. and .F. are legitimate abbreviations.
Operators like '+' , ' * ', or '<' are used to manipulate constants
and fields. For example, "3+8" is an example of a dBASE
expression in which the Add operator acts on two Numeric constants to return the Numeric value "11". The values an
operator acts on must have a type appropriate for the operator.
For example, the divide '/' operator acts on two Numeric values.
Precedence Operators have a precedence that specifies operator evaluation order. The precedence of each operator is
specified in the following tables that describe the various operators. The higher the
precedence, the earlier the operation will be performed. For example, 'divide' has a precedence of 6 and 'plus' has a precedence of
5 which means 'divide' is evaluated before 'plus'. Consequently, "1+4/2" is "3". Evaluation order can be made explicit by using
brackets. For example, "1+2 * 3" returns "7" and "(1+2) * 3" returns "9".
Numeric Operators The Numeric operators all operate on Numeric values.
Operator Name
** or ^
Character Operators There are two Character operators, named "Concatenate I" and "Concatenate II", which combine two
Character values into one. They are distinguished from the Add and Subtract operators by the types of the values they operate on.
Examples: " 'John ' + 'Smith' " becomes " 'John Smith' "
" 'ABC' + 'DEF' " becomes " 'ABCDEF' "
Concatenate II is slightly different in that any spaces at the end of the first Character value are moved to the end of the result.
" 'John'-'Smith ' " becomes " 'JohnSmith ' "
" 'ABC' - 'DEF' " becomes " 'ABCDEF' "
" 'A ' - 'D ' " becomes " 'AD ' "
Relational Operators Relational Operators are operators that return a Logical result (which is either true or false). All operators,
except Contain, operate on Numeric, Character or Date values. Contain operates on two character values and returns true if the first
is contained in the second.
Operator Name
Equal To
EBMS Main Documentation
Not Equal To
Less Than
Greater Than
Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than or Equal
Examples: " 'CD' $ 'ABCD' " returns ".T."
" 8<7 " returns ".F."
Logical Operators Logical Operators return a Logical Result and operate on two Logical values.
Operator Name
Examples " .NOT. .T. " returns ".F."
" .T. .AND. .F." returns ".F."
A function can be used as a dBASE expression or as part of an
dBASE expression. Like operators, constants, and fields, dBase
functions return a value. Functions always have a function name
and are followed by a left and right parentheses. Some functions
take parameters within the parentheses.
This function trims all of the blanks from both the beginning and the
end of the expression.
This function is not supported by dBASE, FoxPro or Clipper.
ASCEND() accepts all types of parameters, except complex Numeric
expressions. ASCEND() converts all types into a Character type in
ascending order. In the case of Numeric types, the conversion is done
so that the sorting will work correctly even if negative values are
CHR( Integer_Value )
This function returns the character whose numeric ASCII code is identical to the given integer. The integer must be between 0 and
Example: CHR(65) returns A.
CTOD( Char_Value )
The function converts a Character value into a Date value.
e.g. " CTOD( "11/30/88" ) "
EBMS Main Documentation
The character representation is always in the format specified by the
Code4::dateFormat member variable which is by default
The system date is returned.
DATETIME( Year, Month, Day [, Hour [, Minute [, Second ] ] ] )
The given date and time is returned as a DateTime.
e.g. "STOPTIME = DATETIME( 2003,03,21,13,30,00 )"
This expression would evaluate to .TRUE. if the DateTime field
STOPTIME is set to March 21, 2003 at 1:30 pm.
DAY( Date_Value )
Returns the day of the Date parameter as a Numeric value from "1" to
e.g. "DAY(DATE())"
Returns "30" if it is the thirtieth of the month.
This function is not supported by dBASE or FoxPro. DESCEND() is
compatible with Clipper, only if the parameter is a Character type.
DESCEND() accepts any type of parameter, except complex numeric
expressions. DESCEND() converts all types into a character type in
descending order.
For example, the following expression would produce a reverse order
sort on the field ORD_DATE followed by normal sub-sort on
See also ASCEND().
Returns .TRUE. if the current record is marked for deletion.
DTOC( Date_Value )
DTOC( Date_Value, 1 )
The function converts a Date value into a Character value. The format of the resulting Character value is specified by the
Code4::dateFormat member variable which is by default
e.g. " DTOC( DATE() ) "
Returns the Character value "05/30/87" if the date is May 30, 1987.
If the optional second argument is used, the result will be identical to the dBASE expression function DTOS.
For example, DTOC( DATE(), 1 ) will return "19940731" if the date
is July 31, 1994.
DTOS( Date_Value )
The function converts a Date value into a Character value. The format of the resulting Character value is "CCYYMMDD".
e.g. " DTOS( DATE() ) "
Returns the Character value "19870530" if the date is May 30, 1987.
IIF( Log_Value, True_Result, False_Result )
If Log_Value is .TRUE. then IIF returns the True_Result value.
Otherwise, IIF returns the False_Result value. Both True_Result and False_Result must be the same length and type. Otherwise,
an error
e.g. "IIF( VALUE < 0, "Less than zero ", "Greater than zero" )" e.g. "IIF( NAME = "John", "The name is John", "Not John " )"
LEFT( Char_Value, Num_Chars )
This function returns a specified number of characters from a
Character expression, beginning at the first character on the left. The parameter NUM_CHARS must be constant.
e.g. "LEFT( 'SEQUITER', 3)" returns "SEQ".
The same result could be achieved with "SUBSTR
('SEQUITER', 1, 3)".
LTRIM( Char_Value )
This function trims any blanks from the beginning of the expression.
MONTH( Date_Value )
Returns the month of the Date parameter as a Numeric.
e.g. " MONTH( DT_FIELD ) "
Returns 12 if the Date field's month is December.
When using the report module or CodeReporter, this function returns
the current report page number.
The record count function returns the total number of records in the
e.g. " RECCOUNT() "
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Appendix C: dBASE Expressions
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Returns 10 if there are ten records in the database.
The record number function returns the record number of the current
RIGHT( Char_Value, Num_Chars )
This function returns a specified number of characters from the end of
a character expression. The parameter 'NUM_CHARS' must be
e.g. "RIGHT( 'SEQUITER', 3)" returns "TER".
STOD( Char_Value )
The function converts a Character value into a Date value:
e.g. " STOD( '19881130' ) "
The character representation is in the format "CCYYMMDD".
STR( Number, Length, Decimals )
The function converts a Numeric value into a Character value. Length
is the number of characters in the new string, including the decimal
point. Decimals is the number of decimal places desired. The
parameters LENGTH and DECIMALS must be constant. If the
number is too big for the allotted space, *'s will be returned.
e.g. " STR( 5.7, 4, 2) " returns " '5.70' "
The number 5.7 is converted to a string of length 4. In addition, there
will be 2 decimal places.
e.g. " STR( 5.7, 3, 2) " returns " '***' "
The number 5.7 cannot fit into a string of length 3 if it is to have 2
decimal places. Consequently, *'s are filled in.
SUBSTR( Char_Value, Start_Position, Num_Chars)
A substring of the Character value is returned. The substring will be
NUM_CHARS long, and will start at the START_POSITION character
of CHAR_VALUE. The parameters START_POSITION and
NUM_CHARS must be constant.
e.g. " SUBSTR( "ABCDE", 2, 3 )" returns " 'BCD' "
e.g. "SUBSTR( "Mr. Smith", 5, 1 )" returns " 'S' "
The function returns the system time as a character representation. It
uses the following format: HH:MM:SS.
e.g. " TIME() " returns " 12:00:00 " if it is noon.
e.g. " TIME() " returns " 13:30:00 " if it is one thirty PM.
This function trims any blanks off the end of the expression.
Appendix C: dBASE Expressions
Page 7 of 7
UPPER( Char_Value )
A Character string is converted to uppercase and the result is
VAL( Char_Value )
The function converts a Character value to a Numeric value.
e.g. VAL( '10' ) returns "10".
e.g. VAL( '-8.7' ) returns "-8.7".
YEAR( Date_Value )
Returns the year of the date parameter as a Numeric:
e.g. "YEAR( STOD( '19920830' ) ) " returns " 1992"
EBMS Main Documentation
Maintenance Utility
The maintenance Utility wizard is used to verify the integrity of the accounting data files. These processes include the following:
Verifies database integrity such as valid indexes and files.
Compares summary numbers with the detailed transactions.
Compares general ledger account balances with vendor, customer, inventory, and other history summaries.
Compares invoices, timecards, and other documents with customer, vendor, and employee history information.
Verifies advanced inventory information such as serialized item, special order, and other records with the inventory
summary information.
Verifies a balanced ledger.
Verifies employee benefit balances with supporting transaction detail.
Verifies that history information between general ledger and other modules are consistent.
Many other important verification comparisons.
Review the descriptions on individual utilities for more details.
These utilities should be activated at least once a month especially if any utility shows a data discrepancy. Go to File > Utilities >
Maintenance Utilities to start Maintenance Utility wizard. You will also find this utility as part of the Close Month and Close Year
wizards found in General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls.
Eagle Solutions recommends that this maintenance utility is run at the end of each month or each fiscal quarter.
Click on the Global Settings button to set the date range.
Enter the current fiscal year range to review all data within the fiscal year. Click OK to save Global settings.
The Settings button on the bottom left of the list can be used to set parameters to specific utilities. Most utilities do not contain
additional options.
Right-click on any individual utility and select the What's This option to identify the function of each utility.
Click the Next button to start utilities. You can press the cancel button to abort most utilities.
EBMS Main Documentation
Accountants Journal
Accountant's Use of the Journal
Eagle Business Software offers a copy of the EBMS software for the accountant to review EBMS data from clients. This software
is offered to the accountant at no cost for the software although a subscription fee may apply to update the software and provide
support. The accountant's version of the software can read data supplied from multiple clients using different versions or
configurations of the software. Note that the accountant's version of the software must be as new as any of their clients software
version. The accountant version of the EBMS software will adapt based on the version of the client's data sent.
Refer to the Exporting Information to Accountants section for details on exporting data to send to the accountant.
Complete the following steps to import client data:
When the login of EBMS is shown, enter the customer-established user name and password. Select New Company.
Select OK. The option will be given to import company data. Select yes.
Enter the directory path of the data and it will be imported.
The accountant has the ability to make journal entries in the General Ledger Module only.
The accountant's version of the software must be as recent as the newest client data. An EBMS upgrade can be downloaded
from the www.EagleBusinessSoftware.com website. Complete the following steps to upgrade EBMS:
Select Help > About EBMS from the main EBMS menu.
Click on the website address within the About EBMS dialog.
The link will open a browser session to the support page of the www.EagleBusinessSoftware.com site.
Click on the login button. Note that normally a password is not required.
Click on the EBMS updates option within the support page and follow directions.
Contact an EBMS customer service representative for more details on EBMS software upgrade options.
Exporting Information to Accountants
This feature allows the user to export his data so he can send it to an accountant or consultant. The export process creates a zipped
file that is secured with a password. The accountant is required to install the EBMS software on his network in order to read the
zipped data file. Review the Accountants Use of the Journal section for instructions for the accountant.
To export data to the accountant, go to Files > Utilities > Export Data for Accountant (ALT + F + U + E). A wizard will begin:
Enter the name of the directory path where the information is to be copied to, i.e. either a floppy or a CD-Rom drive. A
file name must also be included. Click Next to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
A user name and a password must be set up for the accountant to access the information that was exported. Press the
Next button.
The files will be compressed to the directory path that was given. The last page of the wizard will inform you whether the
files were exported successfully or not. Click Finish after files are updated successfully.
NOTE: Communicate the user name and password to the accountant since he must enter this information to access the data.
Importing Journals from Accountants
The EBMS software includes the ability for both the user and the accountant to create general ledger journals in their respective
locations. The accountant can create general ledger journals within his office and then communicate them back to the main EBMS
data set. Note that no other transactions, invoices, payments, or journals can be exported from the accountant's copy back to the
main data. The benefit of importing data from the accountant is that it allows the accountant to create journals, post transactions,
and run reports to review data before the journals are communicated back to the main company.
To import journals from an accountant location to the company location, go to Files > Utilities > Import Accountants Journals
(ALT + F + U + I).
Enter the directory path where the journals from the accountants are located. The system will then search the accounting system
and display any notes the accountant may have given as suggestions on things that should be done, such as setting up a new
General Ledger account. This will be completed before the journals are imported.
This utility can be run at any time. It is possible to exit out of the utility while it is running, if the need arises. If the utility is exited run
it again at a convenient time. At the end of the utility the system will:
Import the accountant's journal.
Process the journal.
Post the journal to the General Ledger.
Optional Features
Optional EBMS Modules
The EBMS software offers the user a variety of optional modules. The optional modules allow the software to be implemented within
a small and growing company but gives a user who demands more features and tools the option to add optional modules to meet
specific needs. Many modules are packaged in standard versions that allows the software to be implemented effectively for specific
vertical markets.
The complete list of modules installed for a given EBMS software can be listed within the About EBMS dialog within the software.
Select Help > About EBMS from the main EBMS menu to open the following dialog:
The Installed Modules list contains all the software modules including standard modules such as General Ledger, Accounts
Payable (Expenses), Accounts Receivable (Sales), and Inventory modules.
EBMS Main Documentation
A complete list of available EBMS modules can be accessed at http://www.eaglebusinesssoftware.com/ebms/options/.
Contact an EBMS representative to install additional optional EBMS modules.
Optional Features
Excel Formulas
EBMS Excel Formula Overview
This optional Excel formula kit is used to access EBMS data directly from MS Excel. This option adds various EBMS formulas to
MS Excel allowing the user to calculate values directly from EBMS. EBMS Information, values, and totals such as general ledger
financial information, sales, expense, and other transactions can be used to generate graphs or create projections using the
powerful tools of a spreadsheet. These flexible formula tools allow the user to access most information including text, values,
and settings within the EBMS data set.
The EBMS Excel formula option can be used to generate summary reports, graphs and charts, and other dashboard controls.
This optional feature requires that a 32 bit version of Microsoft Excel is installed on the local computer. Note that any 64 bit
version of MS Excel are not compatible with EBMS functions.
This feature must be installed from the EBMS installation CD after MS Excel is installed on the local computer. Review the
Installing the EBMS Excel Add-in section for more details on installing this option.
Some of the common functions used to access EBMS are listed below: Review the EBMS Formula Syntax section for a
complete list of functions and formula syntax,
Use the following functions for general records such as customers, inventory items, or invoice headers:
EBMSLookup( data type, primary query) is used to access information on a primary record such as a customer, vendor,
or inventory item.
Examples: = EBMSLookup( Customer.L_name, "DOEJOH") will return the Last Name (main name) of
customer with an ID of DOEJOH. Note that the user can enter the file name ARCUST.L_name or use the data
type alias of Customer. Review the data type alias details at EBMS Formula Data Types section.
EBMSLookup( ARINV.inv_date, "123456" ) to look up invoice 123456 and return the invoice date. The file
name ARINV and the field name Inv_date are separated by a period and can both be identified by right-clicking
on the desired field and press the <Shift> and <Ctrl> buttons on the keyboard while selecting the What's This?
option on the context menu.
EBMSSumIf( data type, primary query ) is used to access the sum total of the field identified. Use the query function to
identify a range of records instead of a single field.
Use the following functions for detail records such as invoice detail, timecard detail, inventory price records, and other detail
Use the following functions to access total tabs on records such as customers, inventory, and other history tabs.
EBMS Main Documentation
Installing the EBMS Excel Add-in
The EBMS Excel formula option requires that MS 2007 or 2012 be installed on the local computer. The MS Excel 32 bit version
is compatible with the EBMS formula option. The MS Excel 64 bit version is not compatible. Please uninstall MS Excel 64 bit
version and reinstall MS Excel 32 bit version to use this option.
Complete the following steps to install the EBMS Excel formula add-in.
Verify that the optional EBMS Excel formula add-in is included in the license copy of EBMS. Review the Optional
EBMS Modules section for more details or contact an EBMS consultant to determine if this option is included.
Verify that MS Excel is installed on each computer that will use the EBMS Excel formulas.
Insert the EBMS upgrade CD and run the EBMS setup as shown below:
Accept the terms and click the Next button.
Optional Features
Enter User Name, Organization, and Serial Number and click Next. Review the Initial Installation and Upgrades for
more details.
Launch MS Excel to verify that the EBMS Add-On has been installed into your Excel program.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on the ADD-INS menu of MS Excel 2010 or MS Excel 2013 as shown below to verify that the EBMS add-ins are
Optional Features
EBMS Formula Syntax
The following EBMS functions are available within the Excel if the EBMS Excel ADD-IN is installed. This section describes the
syntax for the Excel formulas that are available when the EBMS Add-in is installed into MS Excel.
EbmsCountIF(dataTypeStr, query) - Find the number of records within a table
Data type to count. See Data Types section.
Query to filter by. See EbmsQuery, EbmsRange,
The number of records found in the specified data type.
The dataTypeStr parameter will ignore the field name, if it is included. Detail records are supported.
The query parameter will not accept an ID.
EbmsCountIF("Customer", EbmsQuery("state='PA'"))
EbmsDetailLookup EbmsDetailSumIF
Data type to read. See Data Types section.
EBMS Main Documentation
ID or query to filter by. See EbmsQuery, EbmsRange,
ID or query to filter detail records by. See EbmsQuery,
EbmsRange, EbmsStartsWith.
The value of the field, or total in the case of a numeric field.
The dataTypeStr parameter requires a detail table to be specified.
This function is similar to EbmsField, but it allows you to query detail records. See EbmsField for more information.
EbmsDetail("arinv.detail[arinvdet].quan", EbmsQuery("id='DOEJOH'"), EbmsQuery("inven='DUCTAP'"))
Data type to read. See Data Types section.
ID or query to filter by. See EbmsQuery, EbmsRange,
The value of the field, or total in the case of a numeric field.
Optional Features
If more than one record is found that matches the filter criteria, EbmsField returns the first record's value, unless the field is a
numeric field, in which case it returns the total of all the values.
EbmsField("Customer.f_name", "DOEJOH")
The year in which the fiscal year begins.
A fiscal year that can be passed to any year parameter.
You can pass a relative year up to 5 years in the future. 0 is this year, 1 is next year, and -1 is last year.
Data type to read. See Data Types section.
ID or query to filter by. See EbmsQuery, EbmsRange,
The year to find. Defaults to the current year.
EBMS Main Documentation
The month to find. Defaults to the last month of the year.
The balance for the specified year and month.
If the data type is one that uses a 'month 13', the month parameter defaults to 13, otherwise 12.
The year parameter will accept a calendar year or a fiscal year. A relative calendar year can be specified in the same way as for
the EbmsFiscalYear function. See EbmsFiscalYear for information on fiscal years.
EbmsHistoryBalance("GL.Debit", "01000-000", EbmsFiscalYear(-1))
Data type to read. See Data Types section.
ID or query to filter by. See EbmsQuery, EbmsRange,
The first year to find.
The first month to find. Defaults to 1.
The last year to find. Defaults to the current year.
The last month to find. Defaults to the last month of the year.
Optional Features
The total for the specified years and months.
If the data type is one that uses a 'month 13', the endMonth parameter defaults to 13, otherwise 12.
See EbmsHistoryBalance for an explanation of the year parameters.
EbmsHistoryTotal("GL.Debit", "01000-000", EbmsFiscalYear(-1), , EbmsFiscalYear(-1))
A dBase query.
A query that can be passed to any query parameter.
If the query parameter is not a valid dBase query, EbmsQuery will generate an invalid query which will cause problems in other
EBMS Main Documentation
The first item in the range.
The last item in the range.
A range query that can be passed to any query parameter.
If the item in the from parameter comes after the item in the to parameter, from and to will be switched.
Range queries are a special form of query that can be used as a regular query. They search the ID's and get only the items
between the two, inclusive.
EbmsRange("00000-000", "19999-999")
A dBase query.
A range query that can be passed to any query parameter.
Optional Features
This creates a range query that gets all the items that start with a specified string. See EbmsRange for more information on range
EBMS Main Documentation
EBMS Formula Data Types
Several of the functions require a 'data type' parameter. A data type tells the function where to look for its data. The data type
consists of 3 parts: the table name, the detail table name, and the field name. The detail table and field names are optional, though
some functions will not work correctly without them.
The most common way of specifying a data type is using the aliased form. Aliases are a simple way to specify the three parts of a
data type. Aliases can be used to specify just the table name, or the whole data type. Aliases with a dot ('.') are a complete data
type, and single word aliases are just the table. Aliases with a dot should only be passed to EbmsHistory functions, as they specify
history fields. Here is a list of available aliases:
Customer - ARINV
Customer.Invoices - ARINVDET.
Employee - PYEMP
Inventory - INVENTRY
Optional Features
Workcode - PYWORK
You can also specify parts of a data type. You can use an alias for part of your data type, or you can make it all manually. A table is
specified like this: "arcust" (without the quotes). A field is specified (along with a table) like this: "arcust.f_name". A detail table is
specified like this: "arcust.detail[arinv]". And you can add a field like this: "arcust.detail[arinv].total". This example means, "Use
'arcust' for my main table, use 'arinv' for my detail table, and in the detail table use the field 'total'". Another example using aliases:
EBMS Main Documentation
Automatically Send Documents
Overview of the Auto Send Module
The Auto Send module is designed to allow fast, automatic sending of a variety of EBMS documents via E-mail. To fax
documents using this module, an additional E-mail to Fax solution such as eFax is required. Complete the following steps to use
the Auto Send module:
The module contains a number of setup settings that must be configured before the module is used. Complete the
instructions within the General Setup Instructions section before using the Auto Send feature. The batch process of
sending documents requires that Auto Send modes be created.
Create a Auto Send mode to send a Batch of documents - EBMS will automatically send a document(s) to customers
or vendors based on a specific criteria. This option can be launched from the EBMS menu or can be automated using
a command line option and MS Windows scheduler.
Refer to the following configuration instructions based on the Send Mode settings.
Accounts Receivable: Automatically sending a copy of the sales order or invoice to a customer's
office whenever a document is created or processed. This method is useful in sending a copy of
the document to the correct person within the office rather than relying on the invoice copy being
hand delivered or mailed. Review the Auto Sending Sales Orders or Invoices section for
instructions in configuring this auto send mode.
Statements: Using e-mail or fax to send customer statements rather than the traditional method
of mailing statements. This method may reduce both postage costs and handling labor. Review
Auto Sending A/R Statements section for instructions in configuring this auto send mode.
Accounts Payable: Sending purchase orders directly to a vendor via e-mail. Review the Auto
Sending Purchase Orders section for instructions in configuring this auto send mode.
Proposals: Sending proposals and other documents directly from EBMS using the e-mail or fax
information within the customer's account. Review the Auto Sending Proposals section for
instructions in configuring this auto send mode.
Customers: This mode allows a user to Automatically send customers an e-mail based on
changes or information on the customer account. The settings are similar to the examples listed
Vendors: This mode allows a user to Automatically send vendors an e-mail based on changes or
information on the vendor account. The settings are similar to the examples listed above.
Rentals: Automatically sending a copy of the rental contract to a customer's office whenever a
document is created or processed. This method is useful in sending a copy of the document to
the correct person within the office rather than relying on the invoice copy being hand delivered or
Test the Auto Send mode using the test feature to facilitate creating and preparing the documents without
actually sending them to the customer or vendor. Review the Test Mode section for more details.
Individually send documents using EBMS contact data - Sales orders or invoices can be sent individually from the invoice menu
using hot keys. EBMS will use the customer contact information data to generate E-mails, faxes, and/or printouts from Sales
Orders, Purchase Orders, and Proposals using a convenient hot key. Review the Individually Sending Documents section for
more details.
Broadcasting price lists or other documents to a group of customers - Note that this module is not intended to be used to send
documents to a large mailing list. An e-mail service should be used to protect against anti-spam filtering. Review the
Broadcasting Documents section for more details on broadcasting documents.
Command Line - A sales order or invoice can be set using an advanced command line function. This option is normally used by
IT personnel or EBMS consultants to automate a process.
Optional Features
General Setup Instructions
Auto Send e-mail and system settings must be configured before using the module. Contact an EBMS consultant with additional
Select File > Auto Send Options > General to open the following options. These options should be set before using the Auto
Send module, These options allow the user to customize the content of the documents. Options to receive summaries or copies or
to prompt the system to generate log files are configured within this dialog.
Complete the following E-mail Settings:
The Export Folder must be mapped to a valid computer path. Storing the data in a shared directory would be ideal.
Verify that the directory exists for each computer if the network does not allow for a shared directory. This directory will
contain document copies and log files. Review the Test Mode section for more details on the log files.
The Mail Server setting must reflect the network address or server name of the network E-mail server. Use the SMTP
address when using the Microsoft Exchange Server.
The From Address should contain a valid e-mail address that will receive responses from the Auto Send e-mail
message. This setting is used only when e-mail is using the SMTP protocol. Note that any E-mails that fail to deliver will
EBMS Main Documentation
be returned to the From Address. The From Address is required for SMTP e-mail send processes. Using an e-mail
alias is recommended rather than using a specific person's e-mail address.
Enter an optional BCC Address to receive copies of all e-mails that go out through any Auto Send function (except for the
Broadcast). The e-mails that are sent via the OSSMTP will not be recorded in a sent folder of a users e-mail account.
The BCC Address can be used for tracking purposes.
The Summary Recipient Identifies the recipient of the summary e-mail when sales orders and purchase orders are sent
using the module. This setting must be populated if any of the summary options are enabled under the Auto Send
Options > Sales Order and Auto Send Options > Purchase Orders settings.
The SMTP Port should be set per e-mail service providers specifications.
The Use Authentication for sending E-mails through SMTP setting is only used with the SMTP protocol. Enable this
option and enter credentials into the User Name and Password fields. The e-mail address and password is normally
provided by your ISP or Network Administrator when the e-mail is sent through a mail server that requires authentication.
The Use SSL /TLS encryption option should be enabled if the mail server requires it.
Complete the following System Settings:
Enter the Local Area Code. This value will be prefixed to seven digit fax numbers.
Enable the Document will be printed if customer/vendor has no Auto e-mail/fax entry option to ensure that all
invoices are delivered to the customer. Printed invoices will be mailed since they cannot be sent electronically.
Enable the Use an E-mail to Fax system option only if an e-mail to fax system is available.
An E-mail to Fax Domain setting must be entered if the Use an E-mail to Fax system option is enabled.
Continue with the following Auto Send configuration sections for setting details for each process as shown below:
Review the Auto Sending Sales Orders or Invoices section for details on sales orders.
Review the Auto Sending A/R Statements section for details on A/R statements.
Review the Auto Sending Purchase Orders section for details on purchase orders.
Review the Auto Sending Proposals section for details on proposals.
Optional Features
Test Mode
The test mode is an option to test the service without sending documents. Go to File > Auto Send Options from the main EBMS
menu to set this mode. Click on the Diagnostic Settings tab as shown below:
Enable the Activate test mode to put the Auto Send module into test module. During an Auto Send module test, no documents
will be e-mailed or faxed to the customer. Instead all the documents will be sent from the Auto Send Module to the contact
information provided. The Testing Type determines if the documents are sent to the set e-mail or fax number. A maximum
number of tests during each run can be set. A value of blank or zero will indicate no limit for the test. Note that you can only test
one mode at a time. The mode is determined by the Testing Type.
The Logging Settings are optional ways of recording a log of the documents that were sent including the status of the send..
Enable the Create a general log for Auto Send processes option to create a log that will record each module function. This is
useful in identifying a problem with the process. This option should be temporarily enabled while testing the process and should not
be enabled under normal circumstances.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enable the Create a CSV log file each time Auto Statements are run to create a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file when the
Auto Statements process is run. This log will contain all the send information. A new file will be created for each run. This file can
be used for diagnostic purposes.
The log files are found in the Export Folder set within the general tab.
The Recovery Options repopulate the contact information from the General tab, within a customer or vendor record, to the
Primary field within the Contacts tab. All previous Primary contact information will be removed.
Optional Features
Auto Sending Sales Orders or Invoices
Sales orders or invoices can be automatically sent as a batch to the customer at the end of the day or sent individually from the
sales invoice window.
Batch - EBMS will automatically send a copy of the sales order or invoice to a customer's office whenever a
document is created or processed. This method is useful in sending a copy of the document to the correct person
within the office rather than relying on the printed invoice being hand delivered or mailed. E-mailing a document also
saves postage and handling labor.
Individually - Sales orders or invoices can be sent individually from the invoice menu using hot keys.
Command Line - A sales order or invoice can be sent using an advanced command line function. This function is
usually used by IT personnel or an EBMS consultants to automate a process.
Creating or Changing an Auto Send Mode
Complete the following steps to setup a send mail mode. Refer to step 6 to view or change existing Auto Send Sales Invoices mode
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes from the main EBMS menu to open the following list:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click the New button to create a new Auto Send Mode and open the following dialog or select an Accounts Receivable
Auto Send Mode and click the Properties button. Continue with step 6 if the mode has already been created:
Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key Id. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not include
spaces or symbols.
Select the Accounts Receivable Send Mode option as shown above.
Optional Features
Enter a short Description of the auto send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process. Note
that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.
Configure the Send Mode Properties as shown below:
Enable the Show on Menu option to display the Accounts Receivable Auto Send mode on the EBMS > Sales
menu as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on the Edit Query button to select the group of sales orders or invoices to be sent as shown below:
The query example shown above will send all sales invoices with a Status of 'O' (outstanding invoices)..
Review the Features > Advanced Query Options section for more details on creating query expressions. The
Query setting can be kept blank if all sales orders are sent to the customer. Click the OK button to save.
Optional Features
Click the View Queried List to view all sales invoices that will be sent based on the current query setting as
shown below:
The Current Queried List lists all sales orders or invoices that match the query that have not been
previously sent. The Send Date within the sales invoice must be blank and the Status must be set
to O to be included in the query.
Click the Purge button to populate the Send Date for all invoices listed, removing them from the
query. Use the Purge button to remove past invoices from the query. A purge is often required when
a new query is created. Click the Close button.
Maintain the default values within the Fields to Assign settings since they are advanced settings.
Enable the Reset fields when back order is created to send a copy of each back order document. All back order
documents will be ignored by the auto send process if this option is disabled.
Enable the For multiple sends to one contact, send one E-mail with multiple attachments option to group
attachments (sales orders or invoices) for an individual customer into one E-mail. A separate E-mail will be generated for each
document if this option is disabled.
Enable the Use Summary (after multiple sends, a summary E-mail is sent) option to send a summary to the specified
Summary Recipient after a group of E-mails have been sent to a single customer. Review the E-mail Settings details within the
General Setup Instructions section for more information about the Summary Recipient setting.
Disable the Always Send Summary (summary is sent even to single E-mails) option if a summary is not required if the
customer only received one e-mail. This setting has no effect if the previous Use Summary option is disabled.
Enter the desired sales order or invoice Report. This Report should be a sales order or invoice form. Contact your
EBMS consultant for information on custom reports needed for this process.
The Minimum Report File Size setting: This feature allows you to stop any sends on export files that are below a certain
file size. This value should be set at about 10K less than the average exported pdf file size to prohibit blank reports to be sent as an
attachment. Please contact EBMS support for suggested values on this advanced setting.
Complete one of the following methods to launch the process to auto send a batch of sales orders or invoice:
By selecting Sales > Auto Send Sales Invoices from the main EBMS menu if the Show on menu is enabled
Automatically sent using Windows Scheduler - Use the URL text located at the bottom of this dialog to configure
the Windows Scheduler as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Contact an EBMS consultant for more details on configuring Windows Scheduler.
Click on the Contract Priorities tab as shown below:
Optional Features
The Auto Send option within EBMS gives the user multiple options to send a document. The Contact Priorities are used to
prioritize the send options. The priority order is top-down. In the above dialog, E-mail will be preferred, with Fax being used when
there is no Auto E-mail entry in the customer's contact list. Complete the following steps to create and order the send options:
Select a send type option as listed below:
E-mail - This is the most common send type.
CC E-mail - This option will send a carbon copy of the e-mail. This send type can be listed anywhere
in the priority list in order to be utilized. The CC E-mail will always be sent if the E-mail send type is
Fax - This refers both to faxes (through a modem or fax printer) and e-mail-to-fax sends.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select a Contact Type for each send type. The Contact Type is set within the Contacts tab of the customer record.
Sales > Customers > Setting Customer Defaults section for more details on changing customer contact labels.
Enable the For ’E-mail’ type, give priority to the E-mail address on the Sales Order/Invoice switch to give priority to
the E-mail address that is stored on the Sales Order or Invoice. Go to View > Advanced Options to view or set the E-mail setting
within the sales order. When this option is disabled, Auto Send will only use the Sales Document E-mail address when there is no
valid Auto Send contact information on the Customer record. In all situations, Auto Send will use the Sales Order E-mail address if
there is no other contact information available. Note: this option is only valid if an E-mail or Auto E-mail is included within the
Contact Priorities list.
Click on the E-mail Settings tab as shown below:
The E-mail Settings determine the details of the e-mail document that will be automatically sent.
The From Address should contain a valid e-mail address. This address can be a noreply address if no response is
desired from the Auto Send e-mails.
Enter an appropriate Subject line for the e-mail broadcast.
Optional Features
Enter the appropriate Body Text using HTML or plain text syntax. The keywords list located at the bottom of the dialog
can be used within the e-mail body. Note that line break tags (<br>) may cause extra lines in the E-mail.
The Test E-mail settings is a simple feature that can send a single test e-mail to a specified e-mail address as shown
Review the Test Mode section for details on testing the e-mail creating and reviewing the e-mail result..
Customer Configuration
Contact information must be set up for all the customers before documents are sent. Go to Sales > Customers from the main
EBMS menu and open a customer record. Click on the Contacts tab to view the contact list as show below. Enter a contact
Title that matches the setting within the Contact Priorities dialog. Additional contacts can be added to this tab that are not
related to any Auto Send modes.
The Auto Send module will only use e-mail and fax contact information.
Review the Test Mode section for a way to put the system in test mode to determine if your setting options are setup properly.
Auto Send a Batch of Sales Orders or Invoices
Launch the Auto Send feature by selecting Sales > Auto Send Sales Orders from the main EBMS menu. When the process is
launched, it will cycle through the orders that are to be sent based the settings described in the previous section. A progress
bar showing the status of the send process will appear and can run unattended, as no user input should be necessary.
As the system handles each order, it will export a report in PDF format to the Export Folder. This PDF file will then be attached
to an e-mail or fax and sent to the customer. The PDF attachment can be disabled (not recommended) if the content of the
sales order is inserted directly into the main e-mail body. Go to the E-mail Settings tab of the Auto Send Mode dialog to
review these options. Go to File > Auto Send Options > Document Settings > Accounts Receivable to confirm that the
Attach a copy of the document when auto sending E-mails option is enabled as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
If the customer record does not contain any Contact Types which match the entries in the Contact Priorities list, the system
will either ignore the order or print it, depending on your setup in General Settings.
Auto Send Status
Select View > Advanced Options from the sales order or invoice menu and click on the Auto Send Status tab to view the
status of the Auto Send:
Optional Features
The system will mark the item with the date, time, and a message with the results after the Auto Send process is completed.
This useful information gives the user details about the handling of a document by the Auto Send system. Simply eliminate the
Send Date value from the document to send it again.
EBMS Main Documentation
Auto Sending A/R Statements
The Auto Send module is a convenient tool to e-mail or fax accounts receivable statements for customers. The user can choose
between sending statements to all customers who have a balance due or only send statements to customers with overdue
invoices. Continue with the following steps for details on configuring or sending a batch of statements to customers.
Statement Options
Complete the following steps to setup a Auto Send Mode.
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes from the main EBMS menu to open the following list:
Click the New button to create a new Auto Send Mode and open the following dialog or select an Statements Auto
Send Mode and click the Properties button. Continue with step 6 if the mode has already been created:
Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key Id. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not
include spaces or symbols.
Select the Statements Send Mode option as shown above.
Enter a short Description of the auto send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process.
Note that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes > Auto Send Statements > Properties from the main EBMS
menu as show below:
Optional Features
Select the Show on Menu option to make this option appear on the main EBMS Sales menu.
Select one of the following options to determine which customers receive statements:
Select the Create Statements for all customer who have unpaid invoices option to send statements to
all customers with outstanding invoices. A statement will not be send if the balance due is equal or below
Select the Create Statements for only customers who have past due invoices option to send
statements to customers with overdue invoices. This method uses the system’s finance charges to
determine overdue charges. If the overdue amount on an invoice is greater than $0.00, it generates and
sends a statement to this customer.
Enter the appropriate Crystal report form into the Report Settings. This setting should reflect a standard Customer
Statement report or an approved custom statement report. Many other reports may not execute properly within Auto
Send. Contact your Eagle Business Software representative for more assistance.
10. Minimum Report File Size: This feature is used to stop any sends on export files that are below a certain file size.
Click on the E-mail Settings tabs to configure the e-mail that will be sent to customers as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Set an appropriate From Address. This setting will be reflected on the Statement E-mail's from value. Customer replies will be
sent to this e-mail setting.
Subject: Enter a brief subject for the E-mail such as the example shown above.
Enter the e-mail’s Body Text (HTML) as shown above. Either use plain text or HTML for the body of the e-mail. Note that line
break tags (<br>) may cause extra lines in the E-mail. Review the Test Mode section for details on testing the appearance of the
Click OK to save settings.
Auto Send Statements to Customers
Accounts Receivable statements can be sent to customers a frequently as desired. Complete the follow steps to send
Select Sales > Update Finance Charges from the main EBMS menu to update the finance charges for overdue
invoices. Review the Sales > Customer Finance Charges section for more details on this step.
Launch the Auto Send process by selecting Sales > Auto Send Statements from the main EBMS menu.
Set the Auto Send Statement Date as shown below. This date will be used as the statement date.
Optional Features
Customers with balances due before or on this date will be handled. Statements will be created based on the option set in File >
Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes > AutoStatements > Properties dialog. The statement will be either E-mailed,
faxed, or printed depending on the settings within the customer record.
Click on the OK button to continue process and click Cancel. Review the Test Mode section for details on testing the
The process will create a CSV log file if the logging option within the Auto Send Options > Diagnostic Settings is enabled as
shown below:
The log file is found in the export folder set in General tab of File > Auto Send Options > General Options. The log file will be
labeled Auto Statement Log and appended with the date of the statement process.
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Auto Sending Purchase Orders
Purchase orders can be automatically sent as a batch to the vendor at the end of the day or sent individually from the purchase
order window.
Batch - EBMS will automatically send a copy of the purchase order to a vendor's office whenever a document is
created or processed. This method is useful in sending a copy of the document to the correct person within the office
rather than relying on the printed invoice being hand delivered or mailed. E-mailing a document also saves postage
and handling labor.
Individually - Purchase orders can be sent individually from the invoice menu using hot keys.
Command Line - A purchase order sent using an advanced command line function. This option is normally used by IT
personnel or EBMS consultants to automate a process.
General E-mail Settings
Complete the following steps to setup a Auto Send Mode:
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes from the main EBMS menu to open the following list:
Click the New button to create a new Auto Send Mode and open the following dialog or select the Accounts Payable
Auto Send Mode and click the Properties button. Continue with step 6 if the mode has already been created:
Optional Features
Each Auto Send Mode requires a unique Key Id. This Key ID should be a simple descriptive code that does not
include spaces or symbols.
Select the Accounts Payable Send Mode option as shown above.
Enter a short Description of the auto send mode type. This description should clearly describe the mode process.
Note that this text is used as the EBMS menu label. Click OK to continue.
Select File > Auto Send Options > Auto Send Modes > AutoPurchaseOrders > Properties from the main EBMS
menu as show below:
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Select the Show on Menu option to make this feature appear on the main EBMS Expenses menu.
Click on the Edit Query button to select the group of purchase orders or invoices to be sent. Status <> "U" - This
option would not send a purchase order until the invoice is processed. Note that the Status field of an invoice is set to
'U" until it is processed. Review the Features > dBase Expressions section for more details on creating Query
expressions. Contact your EBMS consultant for more details on this advanced setting.
The Query setting can be kept blank if all purchase orders are sent to the vendor. Review the Features > Advanced
Query Options section for more details on creating query expressions.
10. Click the View Queried List to view all purchase orders that will be sent based on the current query setting as shown
Optional Features
The Current Queried List lists all sales orders or invoices that match the query that have not been
previously sent. The Send Date within the sales invoice must be blank to show on this list.
Click the Purge button to populate the Send Date for all invoices listed, removing them from the query. Use
the Purge button to remove past invoices from the query. A purge is often required when a new query is
created. Click the Close button.
11. Determine the following E-mail Settings:
Select the For Multiple sends to one contact, send one E-mail with multiple attachments to include
multiple purchase orders to the same contact in a singular e-mail. Individual PO's will be e-mailed as
separate attachments within the e-mail.
Select the Show 'E-mail this Invoice Now' option in Expense Invoice Process menu setting to display
the E-mail this Invoice Now option on the Process menu within an expense invoice.
12. Determine the following Summary E-mails settings:
Enable the Use Summary (after multiple sends, a summary E-mail is sent) option to send a summary to
the specified Summary Recipient after a group of E-mails have been sent to a single vendor. Review the Email Settings details within the General Setup Instructions section for more information about the Summary
Recipient setting.
Disable the Always Send Summary (summaries will be sent even if there is only one E-mail to a
vendor) option if a summary is not required if the customer only received one e-mail. This setting has no
effect if the previous Use Summary option is disabled.
13. Enter the desired purchase order or invoice Report: This Report should be a purchase order or invoice form.
Contact your EBMS consultant for information on custom reports needed for this process.
14. The Minimum Report File Size setting: This feature is used to stop any sends on export files that are below a certain
file size.
Click OK to save the settings.
By default, all Purchase Orders that were not yet sent (that have no value in the Sent Date field under Advanced Options) and
are unprocessed will be sent.
Vendor Configuration
Contact information must be set up for all the vendors before documents are sent. Complete the following steps
Go to Expenses > Vendor from the main EBMS menu and open a vendor record. Click on the Contacts tab to view
the Contact Information as show below:
Select the Auto E-mail or Auto Fax entry label by clicking on the right arrow. The Auto Send module will ignore any
other contact information. Copy the fax number before changing the heading if you are changing the label for a Fax
EBMS Main Documentation
entry to Auto Fax. The change will erase the fax number. Then paste the original number into the Auto Fax field.
When using an E-mail to Fax system (a setting in General Settings), note that this Fax number will be translated into
an E-mail address and processed as an E-mail.For more information on Contact Information see the Expenses >
Vendors > Changing Vendor Information section of the documentation.
Review the Test Mode section for a way to put the system in test mode to determine if the setting options are setup properly.
Auto Send a Batch of Purchase Orders
Launch the Auto Send feature by selecting Expenses > Auto Send Purchase Orders from the main EBMS menu. When the
process is started, it will cycle through the orders that are to be sent based on the setting described in the Test Mode section. A
progress bar showing the status of the send process will appear and can run unattended, as no user input should be necessary.
As the system handles each order, it will export a report in PDF format to the Export Folder. This PDF file with then be attached
to an e-mail or fax and sent to the vendor. If the customer does not have any Auto E-mail or Auto Fax entries in their contact
information, the system will either ignore the order, or it will print it depending on your setup in General Settings, described in the
Test Mode section.
Auto Send Status
Select View > Advanced Options from the purchase order menu of an expense invoice and click on the Auto Send Status tab
to view the status of the Auto Send:
The system will mark the item with the date, time, and a message with the results after the Auto Send process is completed.
This useful information gives the user details about the handling of a document by the Auto Send system. Simply eliminate the
Send Date value from the document to send the document again.
Continue with the following section to send purchase orders individually rather than a batch
Optional Features
Auto Send Individual Purchase Orders
Review the Individually Sending Documents section for more details.
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Auto Sending Proposals
The Proposal Settings are very basic. Proposals are currently not set up to send in groups. To send a proposal, open the proposal
screen and either select the report from the File menu (“E-mail [Report Name]”) or hold Ctrl and press the number of the report you
wish to send (1 for the first report, 2 for the second, etc.). An E-mail will appear with the report attached (in PDF format). Edit as
desired and send. Note: this feature only works with Microsoft Outlook (Outlook Express and other E-mail clients are not
Proposal Options
Go to File > Auto Send Options > Document Settings to open the following dialog: > Proposals to edit the
Proposal Menu Options as shown below:
Select the ARQT to edit the Proposal Menu Options as shown below:
Optional Features
Select the reports to use the menu “quick send” options. The reports selected here can be sent from a Proposal by
simply pressing Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, or Ctrl + 3 (depending on which report you would like to send). An E-mail will be
generated in Microsoft Outlook and displayed for the user. Click Send when you are done editing and want to send it.
Note: This feature currently only works with Microsoft Outlook (Outlook Express and other E-mail clients are not
Enter an appropriate E-mail Subject line.
Enter the appropriate E-mail Body text using HTML or plain text syntax. Note that line break tags (<br>) may cause
extra lines in the E-mail. Review the Test Mode section for details on testing the e-mail creating and reviewing the email result.
Open a proposal and select the appropriate form from the File menu within the proposal as shown below:
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Individually Sending Documents
The Auto Send module enhances the ability to quickly e-mail a document directly from the sale order or purchase order windows.
The benefit of this feature over the traditional Crystal Reports export is that the system uses the settings within the account
record to e-mail or fax the document.
Select the File > Auto Send Options > Document Settings from the main EBMS menu to open the follow dialog:
Select the Sales Order Options option to attach documents to a sales order or invoice. The following Module Menu
Settings dialog will open:
Choose a document for one or more hot key options. For example, select the Invoice (PLAIN PAPER) option by
clicking on the Browse button and selecting the invoice document from the reports menu. Review the Reports >
Reports Menu for more details on locating forms and reports.
Optional Features
Open the sales order and invoice window by selected Sales > Invoices and S.O.s.... from the main EBMS menu;
Notice that 2 hot keys are added to the sales order's file menu. The user can click Ctrl+1 as a short cut key to e-mail a copy of
the sales order or invoice using the customer's contact information.
Edit the e-mail and send it using the e-mail editor that is configured on the local computer. Note that an e-mail service
must be setup on the local machine before Auto Send can e-mail a document directly from EBMS.
These short cut hot keys can be configured on the following documents:
Sales orders and invoices as described above.
Purchase order and expense invoices - Go to File > Auto Send Options > Document Settings > Purchase Order
from the main EBMS menu
Sales proposals - Go to File > Auto Send Options > Document Settings > Proposal from the main EBMS menu.
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Broadcasting Documents
The Broadcast Send is designed to allow creation and attachment of mass E-mails (newsletters, periodic notifications, etc.). It
operates by cycling through all of the customers in the query (not including inactive customers) and sending the E-mail or fax to
Contact an EBMS representative to use the Broadcast option.
Optional Features
Contact Information
Sales > Options > Contact Titles - Merging Titles, Add Titles
Sales > Customers > Contacts Tab - right click e-mail.
Reports Overview
EBMS includes many reports and report folder groups. Additional reports and folders may be added according to the user's
preferences. Custom reports can be purchased from Eagle Solutions or created by the user using Seagate Crystal Reports. See the
Report Customization section for more details.
A graphics printer is required since reports are printed in a graphics mode for clarity and style. It is recommended that an inkjet or
laser printer be used for reports rather than a dot matrix printer.
Recommended Printers
The recommendations listed below are based on the type of printer, not specific brands.
A laser printer is recommended for businesses with a high volume of printing. A laser printer will normally print
faster and have better paper handling capabilities.
An inkjet printer is recommended if color is required and speed is not a critical factor. EBMS will facilitate color
logos on reports but otherwise does not use color extensively.
Often a combination of the printers listed above is required to meet the needs of a company.
Note: All printer drivers should be updated to the latest version. Log onto the printer vendor's website and update printer drivers if
you are experiencing printing issues.
Reports are organized within EBMS in groups and sub-groups. The report groups are accessed by going to File > Reports from
the main EBMS menu. Review the Report Menu section for more details on the report menu and organization.
Review the Printing a Report section for details on report prompts, saving report defaults, and report options.
A report can be exported to a file or sent via e-mail rather than printing the report to a standard printer. Review the Exporting Data
section for more details on exporting or e-mailing a file.
Commonly used reports can be grouped within dialog windows or menus. Review the Print Buttons and Menus section for details
on associating reports to a dialog or menu. Reports can also be attached to monthly or annual processes. Review the Periodic
Reports section for more details.
Invoice, purchase order, bank checks, and other forms are created or changed within the report system of EBMS. Review the Form
Configuration section for more details.
Reports can be customized to generate the information that the user or management wants to compile. This customized report can
be created using basic EBMS options such as default prompt settings or user defined queries. The user can duplicate a report
within the Report Menu if multiple sets of defaults and queries are needed for the same report. Review the Report Customization
section for more details on duplicating reports, altering reports, or customizing reports.
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Report Menu
All the reports available within EBMS can be accessed within the Reports menu. Select File > Reports from the main EBMS menu
to open the following reports menu window:
Reports are organized by the description of the module. For example, customer reports are listed under the Reports > Sales folder.
Click on the [+] symbol to expand any sub folder group of reports.
Right-click on any report and select What's This from the context menu to view a brief description of the report.
User defined reports can be organized within specific print button menus found on individual screens throughout EBMS. Review the
Print Button section for more details on adding commonly used reports to specific windows.
Adding Reports or Report Folders
EBMS includes many reports and report folder groups; additional reports and folders can be added according to the user's
preferences. Custom reports can be purchased from Eagle Business Software or created by the user using Seagate Crystal
Reports. Review the Report Customization section for more details.
User defined report folders can be added by clicking on the New Folder button. Type the name of the new folder to identify the new
group. Click on the Rename Folder or Remove Folder buttons to rename or remove report folders. Original report folder groups
cannot be renamed or removed by the user.
All EBMS reports are contained within a reports database and the New Report step is required to place the new or changed reports
within the file.
Highlight the appropriate folder within the print dialog and click on the New Report button to insert a new report into the selected
folder. The following window will open:
Select a report and click on the Open button to insert the report into the EBMS system. The report file identified with a RPT
extension will remain in the custom directory and can be deleted if necessary but may be useful as a system copy of the report. If
this file is altered, the report must again be added to the menu in order to update the EBMS report system. The following option
window will open to complete the report addition step:
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The Report Path identifies the file name of the report. The file name must be unique to add a report to EBMS and must be identical
to the original file if an existing report is to be updated or replaced.
The Displayed Report Name is the description that is displayed within the report menu. The user can change this entry in order to
specifically describe the report. This name should be changed to reflect a changed or altered report so the name is not identical to
the original.
The user lists are used to set the security options for the report. See the Getting Started > Security and User Management >
Report Security section for more details on report security.
Click the OK button to insert the report.
Click on the Properties buttons to view or change the properties of a report.
Click on the Remove Report button to remove a report from the reports menu.
Printing a Report
There are multiple ways to view a report: print to a printer or fax machine, preview on a computer screen, e-mail, or save to a file.
Review this section for details on the specific options. Select the appropriate report by highlighting the report and clicking the Print
The options on the print dialogue will vary depending which report is selected. The following options are based on the sample dialog
shown above.
Highlight a folder to print inventory from a specific folder. The Include subfolders option must be turned ON to
include inventory within the subfolders. The remaining options will be based on the folder that is selected. If all
inventory items are to be selected, click on the root Inventory folder and check the Include Subfolders switch
(Note: This will NOT include the Inactive folder. The only way to print the inactive folder is to select the Include
Inactive Folder).
Select All Inventory Items or a Range of inventory items. Keep in mind that if a sub folder, for example the
Garden Supplies folder, is selected, and All Inventory Items is turned on, only the items in the Garden Supplies
folder will print.
The following options are standard with any EBMS report:
Choose Printer options. The Windows Default Printer will be listed as the default printer. Select the Specific Printer option if an
alternative printer is preferred. Install the printer driver within Windows by selecting Settings from the Start menu if the printer is not
EBMS Main Documentation
listed as an available printer. Reports can be printed on a fax machine by selecting the fax driver from the Specific Printer options
list. See your computer dealer or network administrator if you do not have a fax option.
If you are ready to print the report, select the Print button.
Select Print Preview to view the report on the screen.
There are several options and features that are launched from the preview window. They are as follows:
The arrows located at the top left of the page are to scroll through the report.
The left arrow with a line in front of it will go to the beginning of the report.
The left arrow will page up one at a time.
The right arrow will page down one at a time.
The right arrow with a line after it will go to the end of the report.
Click on the printer icon to print the report from the preview window.
Click on the small export icon to send report via e-mail or export it to a file. Review the Exporting Data
section for more information.
Select the binoculars to search for specific information contained within the report.
The preview image can be minimized or maximized. 100% is the normal selection, which displays the
report at actual size. Select another percentage by clicking on the arrow beside the icon and selecting the
appropriate percentage. To continue, close the previous window.
The Printer Setup button will open the properties for the selected printer. Make any changes as needed. The
Orientation will default according to the report design but can be modified by the user. Note that changing this option
does not change the layout of the report, only whether the page will be printed in landscape or portrait layout. For
example, if the report is designed for portrait layout and the user then sets the layout to landscape, the report will still
only print the width of the portrait layout.
The Page Setup button will open properties for the page paper and margins.
Click on Set Query to define a query for the report. This powerful feature can be used to set user defined queries. For example, the
user may want to print only invoices with a specific ship date or other criteria not listed within the Report Options. Review the
Features > Advanced Query Options section for details on configuring a query for your report. Click on the Save as Default
button at the bottom of the print dialog to save the query for future printings. Note that the query can be saved but not used by
clicking the Use Query setting OFF.
Turn the Collate option ON to collate a multiple page report.
Enter the desired number of Copies to print.
To save these values for future printing, click on Save as Default before printing the report. The configuration will be saved within
the report and will default the next time the report is opened; this includes all options, such as Specific Printer, number of Copies,
and the Use Query settings.
Click on the Restore Defaults button to restore all defaults on this report to the original settings at the time EBMS was installed.
Review the Exporting Data section for details on the Export button.
EBMS Main Documentation
Exporting Data
Data from any EBMS report can be exported to a variety of data files: e-mail or imported directly into an application.
Click on the Export button within any print dialog or click on the small icon on the print preview dialog to export data.
Selecting either button will open the following dialog:
E-mailing a Report
Set the Format setting to Excel or Word for Windows Document depending on the application that the e-mail recipient
owns on his computer. Use the Rich Text option if you are unsure of the word processing application used by the
recipient. Use the Acrobat Format (PDF) if the recipient does not need to modify the received data, or you want a report
that must closely resemble the printed copy.
The Destination setting should be set as Microsoft Mail (MAPI).
Click the OK button and the Send Mail dialog will appear. Enter the E-mail address, Subject line, and any other notes
that you wish to send to the recipient.
The e-mail recipient will receive e-mail with a document icon depending on the Format setting. The recipient should click on
the icon to launch the appropriate application containing the report.
Exporting Report to a File
Set the Format setting to the desired file format.
EBMS Main Documentation
Choose the MS Excel (Data only) option to export a list for mail merges or other database purposes.
Choose the Acrobat Format (PDF) option to maintain printing quality when the document is printed by the recipient.
Select Disk File from the Destination option and click the OK button.
Select the file destination from the file save dialog and click the Save button.
Review the Exporting Lists to CSV files for Mail Merges section for detailed instructions on a customer mail merge process.
Print Buttons and Menus
The purpose of the print buttons and menus is to allow the user to organize commonly used reports in a common location. For
example, there may be 2 of the customer reports out of the dozens of reports available that the user regularly uses. A convenient
way to group these 2 reports in a common location is to attach them to the print button within the customer dialog as shown below.
Another example of grouping reports is to attach the common forms or reports to the print menu within the sales invoice. Review
the following steps to add reports or forms to print buttons or menus.
The selected reports and forms that are attached to print buttons and menus are common to all users. Set the security within the
report to restrict users to specific reports or forms. Review the Getting Started > Security > Setting Report Security section for more
details on report security.
Print Buttons
Throughout EBMS, you will notice Print buttons, as seen at the bottom right of the window below.
The print buttons allow the user to attach any reports to them. This feature is useful when organizing frequently accessed reports
from a specific window. Click on the Print button to open the print menu as shown below:
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The user can launch any report listed on the print menu. Select the Add Report option to add or remove reports from this menu
and the following report menu will open:
Select the desired report from the report menu and click the Select button. Do not select reports under the System Folders folder or
Complete the following steps to remove a report from a print button menu:
Select Add Report from the print button menu. Notice that the print menu defaults to the appropriate system folder
containing the reports listed on the print button menu.
Highlight the report you wish to remove.
Click the Remove Report button to remove the report from the system folder and print button menu.
Click Yes on the verification message and the report will be removed.
Click on the Close button to close the reports menu window.
Print Menus
The print menus within a dialog window are configured using similar steps as the print buttons. In the example shown below, the
sales invoice contains a print menu with user selected forms or reports. Select File > Print from the sales invoice as shown below:
All the forms listed on the Print sub-menu are user defined. Click on the Add Report option on the bottom of the report and follow
the steps listed in the previous Print Button section. The forms and reports listed on the sales print menu should be the commonly
used reports within the company.
Note: The report window will open at the Report > System Folders > Sales > Invoices/S.O.s folder. This folder determines which
reports are on the print menu. Do not select a new report from this folder. Go to the Report > Sales > Forms > Plain Paper folder.
Select a report such as the Sales Order (Plain Paper) report and this report will be added to the print menu.
Repeat the above steps for each report that should be added to the File > Print menu of the invoice.
EBMS Main Documentation
Periodic Reports
EBMS contains many different reports to meet the needs of varying businesses. The user may want to group the desired monthly
and annual reports into a group for convenience. Reports that need to be printed monthly can be inserted into the Close Month
wizard process launched from General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls. The user may group reports that need to be printed
annually within the Close Year and New Year wizards. Complete the following steps to insert reports into the periodic wizards
launched from the Fiscal Year Controls window. Review the Fiscal Year Controls section for details on the wizard processes.
Select File > Reports from the main menu. Go to System Folders > Month End Reports or Year End Reports from
the reports menu.
Drag files from any of the non-system folders and drop them into the Month End Reports folder. It is recommended
that you hold down the CTRL key when a file is dragged so the reports are copied to the system folder rather than
moved. By copying files, the non-system folders will contain all the EBMS reports.
Repeat the steps above to place reports into the Year End Reports folder. Both the Close Year and the New Year wizards will list
the reports within this folder.
Form Configuration
EBMS contains a variety of standard forms that are created using Crystal reports. These forms can be altered or customized using
Crystal reports if the standard options do not meet the needs of the company. Review the Report Customization section for more
details on report customization. Many of the form options are listed in the report menu - File > Reports. Note that the Expenses,
Sales, Payroll, and other report groups contain a forms sub-folder with form options.
Often report margins need to be adjusted to fit a preprinted form. Open the report's print dialog and click on the Page Setup button
as shown below:
Adjust the Margin inches to move the margin to fit the preprinted form. Click OK to save the margin. Click on the Save as
Default button to save the margin for future times the form is printed. Note that the margin adjustments are saved on the local
computer and will need to be adjusted for each computer or profile used to print the form.
Configuring the Expense and Payroll Check Form.
The appropriate check form must be set up before checks are printed for the first time. Go to the Expenses > Bank
Accounts window and select the Reports tab.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Accounts Payable Check Report and Payroll Check Report settings must be set for each applicable bank
account. These settings can be left blank for accounts without bank checks.
Click on Select Report buttons to define the proper check that you wish to use for this checking
account.. The check report must match the check stock paper for the specific bank account. You can
ignore the Payroll Check Report setting if this account is not used to general payroll checks or receipts.
Select either the Check on Top or Check in the Middle check position settings. This is an important
setting to make sure the check position is correct.
Enable the Preprinted option if the checks are preprinted. Review the Printing Checks on Plain Security
Paper for details on how to setup information for Plain Paper Forms. Review the Changing Bank Account
Information section for details on how to change bank account settings.
Click OK to save the bank information.
Complete the following step to prompt the user to verify that the first check printed properly. Go to the Expense >
Options menu. Select the Reports tab
Click the "Verify printing after the first check" on to have a message box appear after a check is printed to verify
the check is correct. Click OK to save settings.
Configuring Bank Deposit Slips and Direct Deposit Payroll Receipts.
Go to the Expense > Bank Accounts menu.
Select a bank account that has the Type "Checking."
Click on Reports tab.
Select the check form for the Bank Deposit Slip or Payroll Direct Deposit Receipt from by clicking Select
Report. The report window will appear.
Open the Report > Expenses > Forms > Preprinted folder from the bank deposit receipt or the Report > Payroll
> Forms folder for the direct deposit receipt form.
Select the check form for the Payroll Check and Direct Deposit report by repeating the steps above. Open the
Report > Payroll > Forms folder and select the proper size check or direct deposit form.
EBMS contains the ability to print these forms on plain paper. Review the Vendor Payments > Printing Checks and
Other Forms using Blank Security Paper section for additional instructions.
EBMS Main Documentation
Configuring Sales Invoices and Payment Receipts
EBMS offers a variety of available invoice style options. Both preprinted forms and plain paper layouts are available. The Preprinted
forms are useful if a dot matrix printer is being used, and duplicate copies are required. The plain paper invoices are convenient to
print on laser or inkjet printers. Invoice forms can be customized using crystal reports to allow for a unique invoice layout. Contact
your Eagle Solutions consultant for details.
A sales invoice form should be added to the sales invoice print menu before it is selected within the Reports tab of Sales >
Options. Review the Sales > Invoices > Printing a Sales Invoice or Payment Receipt section of the sales documentation for details
on configuring the standard invoice or payment receipt reports.
Configuring Sales Orders or Sales Invoice forms
Review the steps within the Print Buttons and Menus section for details on adding forms or reports to the sales invoice print
Configuring Purchase Orders Forms
Purchase order forms and reports should be added to the expense invoice. Select File > Print from the Expense invoice
to view the forms attached to the expense invoice dialog.
Review the Print Buttons and Menus section for more details on adding or changing reports on the Print menu.
Report Customization
EBMS allows the user to customize a report using the following methods:
Simple - Duplicating a standard report on the menu and then saving a query or prompt using the Save as Default option
on the print dialog.
Advanced - use Crystal Reports Editor to alter an existing report or create a completely new report. All EBMS reports are
created using the Business Objects Crystal Reports software. This popular third-party report writer can be used to
manipulate existing reports or to create new reports and can be purchased from Eagle Solutions. Crystal Reports
requires programming knowledge to create new or complicated reports butmay be useful to change appearance such as
font style, additional data, or other basic changes to an existing report. Go to the Crystal Reports Module page for more
information on Crystal Reports and EBMS.
Eagle Solutions offers a service to alter or change existing reports according to the needs and specifications of individual
clients. Contact Eagle Business Software for information on needed reports that are not included within EBMS.
All customization methods require the user to export the report file (*.rpt) from EBMS, edit the report, and re-import it. Complete the
following steps for any type of report customization:
Select File > Reports from the main EBMS menu to open the following reports window:
Identify the report that you wish to alter and click on the Save as File button. This step will export the report from within
EBMS into an RPT file, which will be used by the Crystal Reports software.
Skip the next 2 steps if you are using the simple customization method using report queries and defaults.
Make changes to RPT file using Crystal Reports and save a copy of the custom report in a directory or drive in case
EBMS must be reinstalled because of data loss or corruption. See Crystal Reports manual for details on editing or
EBMS Main Documentation
changing report parameters. Eagle Solutions offers training classes for Crystal Reports training but can not offer free
phone support for reports that were customized by the user or other third party services.
RENAME FILE It is very important to rename this edited file if the original was a standard EBMS file. If a custom report
is identified with the same file name as a standard EBMS file, the report will be overwritten the next time EBMS reports
are updated.
Click on the Add Report button from within the Reports menu window and open the RPT file that was edited or
Click on the Open dialog to add the report and the following message will appear if the report file is not unique:
Click on the No button if the new report is not a replacement for an original custom report and cancel the wizard.
Rename the Displayed Report Name in order to identify the custom report from the original standard EBMS report.
10. Set the appropriate security settings.
Click the OK button to complete the process.
Click on Set Query to define a query for the report. This powerful feature can be used to set user defined queries. For example, the
user may want to print only invoices with a specific ship date or other criteria not listed within the Report Options. Review the
Features > Advanced Query Options section from the Main EBMS documentation for details on configuring a query for your report.
Click on the Save as Default button at the bottom of the print dialog to save the query for future printings. Review the Printing a
Report section for more details on defaults and other print dialog options.
General Ledger
General Ledger Overview
The General Ledger is the main module of the accounting system; it has a similar relation to a hub in a wheel. Transactions from
accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and journal entries all come together to give a complete picture of the company. The
General Ledger is where management and interested outside parties find the information that can be compiled into reports that give
a complete picture of the company's financial status.
EBMS includes a number of valuable features to assist the manager in managing the financial records of the company, such as a
flexible Chart of Accounts numbering, structure, and grouping. The software contains an extensive audit trail to verify each total
within the General Ledger. This important feature facilitates the ability to quickly and accurately verify totals and identify the source
of all transactions. EBMS includes the capability to manage the company with multiple departments, profit centers, or divisions
without dividing the company into completely separate entities. The unique overhead distribution to the different profit centers is
powerful in summarizing a product line, department, or division. The system allows the user to enter an unlimited number of
transactions without dramatically affecting the performance of the software, which also allows the user to maintain detailed records
for many years. A total of twenty-six monthly periods can be open at a given time (2 years * 13 monthly periods per year) and these
periods can be closed, reopened, or altered to give the user maximum flexibility without compromising the information.
EBMS creates all transactions on an accrual basis to enhance the management capabilities of the system, but allows the user to
print year-end statements on a cash basis. Review the Create Cash Accounting Adjustments section for more details in generating
cash financial statements. Account reconciliation, budgeting, 1099 tracking, fund accounting tools, and flexible reporting are all
valuable capabilities of the general ledger module.
The general ledger is made up of a Chart of Accounts. Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.
Each account is similar to the columns in a manual ledger book. In a more complete manner, a chart of accounts is a way of
arranging assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, cost of sales, and other expenses into a logical order. Each expense account should be
set up as a separate ledger account. The different accounts will have account numbers as a reference. EBMS has included a default
chart of accounts. Changes can be made to this as necessary by the user. The company's chart of accounts should be reflective of
the type of business or service you operate.
The first accounts listed in a chart of accounts are Assets, Liabilities and Equity, in that order.
EBMS Main Documentation
Cash, accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, and buildings are classified as assets. There are also contra-asset accounts for
accumulated depreciation on equipment and buildings. These contra-asset accounts are used to reduce the value of assets for
depreciation and other similar types of expenses.
Things such as accounts payable, payroll taxes payable, equipment loans, and mortgages.
Monies contributed by owners, accumulated earnings or losses, and payment for stock if the business is a corporation.
The last accounts listed in a chart of accounts are the income statement or profit/loss accounts. They consist of the revenue, or
income accounts, the cost of goods sold accounts, and other expense accounts.
Monies received for the services or goods provided by the company.
Cost of Goods Sold
Direct costs to provide the goods or services.
Include building expenses and utilities. These are the cost of doing business and cannot be attributed directly to any specific goods
or services.
Miscellaneous income and expenses include revenue and expenses that are not incurred during the regular course of business. An
example of miscellaneous income would be the sale of an asset or interest revenue.
General Ledger Adjustment accounts are used when needing to adjust an account to reconcile it with the other data.
EXAMPLE: If your cash account balance does not match the actual cash on hand, an adjustment is required to reconcile the
amount of cash on hand with the number that is recorded in the General Ledger Cash Account. Rather than posting this discrepant
number to a revenue account or a miscellaneous expense account, it is better to post to an adjustment account. This approach
allows the user to view the number of adjustments and the sum of the total throughout the year. Many automatic adjustments made
by the software are posted to an adjustment account. Go to General Ledger > Options > Settings > Default Adjustment G/L
Account to set the adjustment account that you prefer to use for system adjustments.
A chart of accounts can be as detailed or as limited as required by management, with some accounts being needed to keep
accurate records for tax and financial statement purposes. A cash-basis taxpayer's chart of accounts will most likely be considerably
smaller than an accrual-basis taxpayer. The decision to be cash-basis or accrual-basis should be discussed with your tax preparer.
EBMS processes all Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable transactions in an accrual-basis to enhance the management
reporting of the system. The system will process and print cash financial statements to assist with tax preparation when using the
cash method. Go to General Ledger > Options > Settings > Statements options to set the desired accounting method.
In EBMS, go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts list to open an account. Folders will be discussed in the next section. There
are also tabs that can be clicked on to see different information about the selected account. Review the General Ledger Chart of
Accounts section for more information on General Ledger accounts.
General Ledger
Fiscal Year Controls
Fiscal Years Controls
The Fiscal Year is set when the program is initially installed. It is important that the year is set properly before any transactions are
made since it is difficult to change. If the fiscal year needs to be changed after the system has been used, it is recommended that
you contact an EBMS representative for assistance. Most businesses' fiscal year, with the exception of those who are incorporated,
is the same as the calendar year where the first month of the year is January. If your fiscal year starts in any other month, be certain
that this window reflects the proper month order of your year.
This window contains a pair of check boxes for each fiscal month with a year heading above each column. The check mark in the
switch box indicates that the month has been closed and that no additional transactions can be posted with a date in that given
To open the following window, go to General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls:
The Close Month utility should be run before final month-end reports are generated for management or accountants.
This process is normally done a month or two after the last day of the given month. Review the Closing a Month section
for more details and instructions.
All months should be closed before reports are generated and submitted for end-of-year tax preparation and filing.
Review the Maintenance Utility section for more details on the Utilities button.
The Close Year utility should be run after the final adjustments are made to general ledger, which is normally
accomplished at the time the tax return is completed. Review the Closing a Year section for more details and
The New Year utility should be activated during the last month of the current year to prepare EBMS to process
transactions with dates within the New Year. Review the Opening a New Year section for more details and instructions.
EBMS Main Documentation
NOTE: If the recommendations listed above are properly scheduled, the user is not required to initiate any specific processes or
utilities that must be completed between the last day of the fiscal year and the first day of the new year.
General Ledger
Closing a Month
EBMS maintains monthly financial periods. Transactions cannot be posted to a period or month after a month is closed. This
process is a safeguard to ensure that printed reports remain accurate and general ledger balances do not change after a user
defined deadline. The close month process will allow the user to run EBMS maintenance utilities and print month end reports. A
closed month is indicated by a check located by the fiscal month in the Fiscal Year Controls window. After a month is closed, the
user can reopen the month by disabling the close check mark. If the month is reopened, be sure to run close month wizard to close
it again. The close month does not close ending adjustments. To close ending adjustments, you must run the Close Year
The month is normally closed around the middle of the following month. For example, February would normally be closed around
March 15. The month should be closed only after the following items are completed:
All the bank accounts have been reconciled to their bank statements for the month including any petty cash accounts.
All accounts payable invoices have been received for the month.
All accounts receivable invoices have been billed for the month.
All payroll timecards have been paid for the month.
To Close the Month
Go to General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls.
Click on the Close Month button to open the following dialog:
Select the month to be closed. It is recommended that all other users be logged out of EBMS before you continue.
Click Next.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on the Run Maintenance Utilities button to run general utilities. Review the Maintenance Utility section for
more details on the utilities.
Click on the Verify Account Balances option to compare general ledger balances with customer, vendor,
employee, inventory, and other history balances. Review the Verifying General Ledger Balances section for more
details. Click Next to continue.
A list of reports will be displayed. Print the appropriate reports by highlighting the report and clicking Print. Review
the Periodic Reports section for more information on setting up these reports.
Click Finish to complete the month close process.
General Ledger
Closing a Year
The Close Year process does not allow any additional transactions to be posted to the General Ledger with a date within the fiscal
year. This bars any entries from being posted to information that has already been used to file taxes. It also allows another year to
be opened since the maximum number of open fiscal years is two. Select General Ledger > Year End Information option from the
main EBMS menu for additional up-to-date online instructions.
The year should be closed after:
All transactions have been posted for the year.
The accountant has processed tax returns and has made all necessary adjusting and closing entries
NOTE: All months for the fiscal year should be closed before printing year end reports for tax purposes.
To Close the Year
Go to the General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls menu.
Click on the Close Year button.
You will be asked to close any months that have not been closed within the last fiscal year. Months should be
closed on a regular basis. Review the Close a Month section for additional instructions. It is recommended that all
other users be logged out of EBMS before you continue. Click the Next button.
Click on the Run Maintenance Utilities button to run general utilities. Review the Maintenance Utility section for
more details on the utilities.
Click on the Verify Account Balances option to compare general ledger balances with customer, vendor,
employee, inventory, and other history balances. Review the Verifying General Ledger Balances section for more
details. Click Next to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
A list of reports will be displayed. Print the appropriate reports by highlighting the report and clicking the Print
button. Review the Periodic Reports section for more information on setting up these reports.
Click on the Finish button to complete the Close Year process.
NOTE: A closed year is indicated by a check beside the Ending Adjustments in the Fiscal Year Controls window. After a year is
closed, you can reopen it by clicking on the check mark that turns the year-closed indicator off. If the year is reopened, be sure to
run the Close Year wizard again to re-close the fiscal year.
General Ledger
Opening a New Year
The Open Year utility should be activated during the last month of the current year to prepare EBMS to process transactions with
dates within the New Year. A new year must be opened before any transactions can be processed containing a date within the New
Year. EBMS allows two years to be open simultaneously for transactions. Therefore, the past year (Example: 2001) must be closed
before a new year (Example: 2003) is opened. For more year end information, select General ledger > Year End Information from
the main EBMS menu.
NOTE: When you open a new year, the last year of the two available years will be totally closed from any more entries. You will not
be able to reopen it. It is not recommended that a year be opened more than one month in advance.
To Open a New Year
Go to the General Ledger > Fiscal Year Controls.
Click on the New Year button.
Make sure that the number of other users logged onto the system is zero. If this number is any other value, have all
computers that contain the EBMS software shut down and then restart and log into a single machine to complete
this process. Click Yes to continue.
The dialog shown above will show if Profit Centers are activated within EBMS. Click Yes to copy or No to wait to
copy the information to a future time. Review the Departments and Cost Centers section of this manual for more
details on Profit Centers.
The process time to open a new year will vary based on the amount of data within EBMS. Please contact your Eagle Solutions
support person if any error or warning messages appear during this process.
EBMS Main Documentation
Chart of Accounts
Chart of Account Folders
EBMS has folders for each different type of account. The default folders are Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue, Cost of Sales,
Expenses, and Miscellaneous. Some of these folders have subfolders under them. Assets and Liabilities have both Short term and
Long term subfolders. Cost of Sales has Purchases, Inventory Variance, and Other Cost of Sales. Expenses has numerous folders
under it for items such as maintenance, taxes, wages, etc. Miscellaneous has folders for both Miscellaneous Income and
Miscellaneous Expense. Folders can be added, changed, and deleted as needed by your company.
Editing or Viewing Folders
These folders and subfolders can be edited or viewed by going to the General Ledger > Options > General Ledger Folders tab.
The following window will appear:
The Properties button will open the following window:
General Ledger
Click the Properties Button to edit the General Ledger Folder properties.
The Folder Name can be edited using the first entry field. Note that this folder name is used in the financial statements,
making it important that it be labeled in a way that your accountant will understand its contents.
Allowable range for general ledger accounts within this folder. This beginning and ending account range places a
limit to the account codes that can be used within this folder. This feature assists the administrator in organizing the
ledger accounts in a proper manner.
Type of accounts going into this folder field cannot be changed after it is initially created. To change this setting, the
folder needs to be deleted and recreated.
Subfolders Only switch restricts accounts within certain folders. For example, since all assets are short term or long
term, all assets accounts should be placed within either subfolder and should not be placed in the assets folder. To
accomplish this, the parent asset folders Subfolders Only switch should be checked ON and the short and long term
subfolder's switch should be not be checked.
Click OK to save or Cancel to abort changes.
The Add Folder and Delete Folder buttons and folder management is discussed in detail in the Folder Lists section.
It is recommended that you set up the defaults in the chart of accounts window by clicking on the Edit Defaults button. Most of the
fields in the General tab cannot be changed but it is recommended that you review the following defaults in the Advanced tab.
Retained Earnings Account - This is a very important setting that is only applicable in Revenue or Expense folders.
This field will be disabled if any other folder is chosen, and can be ignored. If this field can be edited, make sure that
the proper Retained Earnings Account is entered. If your company has only one retained earnings account, which is
very common, then all Revenue and Expense folders should be set to that single account. Review General Ledger
Account Classifications section for more information on Retained Earnings Classification.
Enter the Classification associated with the Advanced tab -- the classification associated with the accounts in that
folder. If most of the accounts will be of the same classification, choose that classification for the folder. The normal
case will be that classifications will change on an account basis and should be assigned at an account level rather
than by folders. This is discussed in the Account Classification section.
Properly creating folders is an excellent method to create safeguards within the general ledger system. The user is prompted
numerous places throughout the different modules in EBMS to specify a certain class of general ledger account. When the general
ledger is configured correctly, only accounts of the proper type will be accepted. If a liability account has been specified, a liability
EBMS Main Documentation
account must be used in that setting. A user cannot put an equity account in place of a liability account or vice versa. Please note
that you must have passwords properly established to allow or disallow people into the area where these changes can be made.
General Ledger
Adding General Ledger Accounts
The general ledger account within EBMS uses a 5 digit - 3 digit number identification. General ledger is the only module that
requires a numeric ID. The 5 digit number normally identifies the specific account and the 3 digit number specifies the department
code. Recommended numbering schemes are reviewed later in this section.
It is important that the numeric General Ledger Chart of Accounts is coded and grouped in a proper accounting method. It is
recommended that you review this entire section before creating a new GL account. Proceed by printing the Chart of Accounts
(Reports > General Ledger > Lists > Chart of Accounts) report and reviewing the way the current list is arranged.
It is recommended that users contact a consultant or your accountant if they are inexperienced with adding or creating general
ledger chart of accounts. If you wish to have some direction from your EBMS consultant, please send an entire list of your chart of
accounts and a description of the new account that you wish to create.
Creating a New Account
To create a new account to add to the chart of accounts, take the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts and the following window will appear:
Select the Edit pull-down menu and select New.
Select the appropriate General Ledger Folder. For example, if you are creating a new expense account, you need
to identify the proper expense folder. You may need to expand or show subfolders by clicking on the (+) box to the
EBMS Main Documentation
left of the expense folder. If the box contains a (-) character, the subfolders are already expanded. The new
account is placed in the General Ledger > Expenses > General Expenses folder in the example shown below:
For details on the Add Folder, Delete Folder, Properties, and Edit Defaults buttons, review the Chart of Account
Folders section.
Click Next to continue.
The next step is to create the New account number.
General Ledger
The numeric ID of the new account must be within the Allowable Range shown. This allowable
range is set within the general ledger folders.
The numeric codes within the standard EBMS chart of accounts are coded in a systematic way.
This can be altered to match a specific company's needs. All short-term assets start with the zero
(0), while the first number in each long-term asset account is 1. Short-term liabilities start with 2
while long-term liabilities are 3. Equity accounts start with 4, revenue - 5, Cost of Sales - 6, and
expenses - 7, You will notice that the first digit of the allowable range in our example starts with 7
telling us this is an expense account.
As you review your chart of accounts report, notice that the second digit in all accounts that are
within the expense folder identify what group of general expenses they represent. For example,
70??? codes represent general expenses while 71??? codes identify supplies, 73??? maintenance,
and 75??? Utilities.
In the example above, the code starts with the 70 digits. Notice that no other number would be
allowed because our allowable range is between 70000 and 70999. The chart of accounts may be
structured considerably differently from the example or the set that was distributed with the
software. EBMS does not require that the user follow the rules explained above, but there are many
benefits if the general ledger structure is properly planned.
In the example above, the newspaper expenses were kept separate from other advertising. Since
the advertising account is 70400, create a new account for newspaper advertising coded 70410.
Notice that the first three digits of the code identify the account as an advertising expense.
Notice that if the code that was entered is not five digits long the system added zeros to the right side of the
account code. All general ledger codes must be 5 digits long.
Enter a description of the new account and click Next.
EBMS Main Documentation
The next entry required is a Department Code. Enter a three-digit department code. If this account identifies an
overhead expense or departments are not being used, enter three zeros into this entry field. Review the Creating
Departments section for more details about departments. Click Next to continue.
The following page will only appear if the profit center option is enabled. Review the Departments and Profitt
Centers Overview for more details on the profit center option.
General Ledger
Complete the following steps to properly configure the profit center percentages:
Click Insert to create a new line.
Insert a Profit Center ID in Profit Center column within the new line.
Enter a percentage that you wish to distribute to this Profit Center, which will be copied to each
monthly column.
Change monthly percentage column for the monthly percentages that are not identical.
Repeat for each Profit Center involved. For more information on Profit Centers or details involving
monthly distributing percentages, see the Profit Centers section of this manual.
Any percentage balance is allocated as overhead.
Click Next to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
14. Set the proper Classification for the new account. It is important that the proper classification is set before this
new general ledger account is used. Review the Classification section of this manual for more details. When the
proper classification is entered, click Finish to create the new account.
15. The General Ledger Account window will open displaying the new account. For complete details of fields found on
this window, see the next section on Chart of Account Folders.
General Ledger
Changing Account Information
Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts and a Chart of Accounts list will open. Open the account you wish to view or edit as
shown below:
On the upper part of the window the following information will appear:
The title part of the window displays the folder and subfolders in which this account appears followed by the account
The G/L Account code is the code used throughout the system to identify this account. Review the Adding General
Ledger Accounts section for more details about creating this code. Review the Changing or Moving an Account to
Another Folder section for instructions on how to change the G/L Account entry.
Select a new account by using the lookup button located to the right of the G/L Account entry.
Use the Page Up and Page Down buttons to position to the first account, previous account, next account, or last account.
To change the Folder in which this account resides, click on the down arrow and select new folder. Note that the account code
needs to be within the range allowed in the selected folder. Review the Changing or Moving an Account to Another Folder section
for instructions on how to move to another folder at the same time the G/L Account entry is changed.
General Tab
Go to the General Ledger > Account > General tab, and the following window will appear:
EBMS Main Documentation
The Type setting cannot be changed after an account is created. The possible types are Asset, Liability, Capital,
Revenue, or Expense.
Inactive is a check box for accounts that are no longer being used. If an account is inactive, a warning message will be
displayed each time the account code is entered. For more information, review the section on Making an Account
The Description should be the name of the account. For example: Checking Account, Retail Sales, or Advertising. The
description can be changed without any adverse effects on the system.
The Department field describes the department identified in this account. If the department code is zero (?????-000),
this entry can be used to further describe the account. See the Departments and Profit Centers section for more details.
Use the Note to record any information about this account. This entry is used only for miscellaneous information and is
not printed on most general ledger financial reports.
Reconcile This Account is a check box to enable the accounting system to include accounts in the reconciliation
function. Checking this box will highlight the Reconcile button and add some additional entry fields in the advanced tab.
For more information, review the section on Account Reconciliation.
The Bank Account button will be active only on accounts that are classified as bank accounts. See the section on
Account classification for more on how to classify accounts as bank accounts.
Click Budget to display budget totals for account. See section on Budgets for more information.
General Ledger
The Profit Centers button will be active if the Use Profit Center switch is enabled in the General Ledger > Options >
Settings tab. Review the section on Departments and Profit Centers for more information on using Profit Centers.
The New button brings up the wizard to add a new General Ledger account. Review the Adding General Ledger
Accounts section for further instructions.
Review the Print Button section for details on setting up reports in this window and using the Print option.
Advanced Tab
Go to the General Ledger > Account > Advanced tab, and the following window will appear:
If the current account is a Revenue or Expense type, the Retained Earnings Account entry must be set; otherwise this
entry field is disabled and can be ignored. If this entry field is enabled, it must contain a general ledger account that is
classified as a retained earnings account. All the available accounts can be listed by clicking on the down arrow to the
right of this entry field. Review the Account Classification section for more information on the use of Retained Earnings
accounts. Since our example above is an expense type account, we set the retained earnings to reflect the account
entered in the Equity folder.
The 1099 Form setting is important when printing year-end 1099 forms. Review the Printing 1099 Forms section for
more details on this setting.
The Printed Register Balance entry (shown below) is only shown when the Reconcile this Account box in the
General tab is checked. All accounts classified as a Bank Account should be reconciled, as well as Cash accounts and
accrued tax accounts. The Printed Register Balance reflects the ending balance of the last printed register. For
EBMS Main Documentation
example, in the account shown below, this field would allow the user to record the ending balance of the previous check
register in order to use it as the beginning balance of the next report.
The Last Reconcile information is updated with user login name, date and time when the Account Reconciliation
Process is completed. Review the Account Reconciliation section for more details.
OK will save changes and return to the main window.
Cancel will not save changes before returning to the main window.
New will bring up the window to start entering a new G/L account. Review the Adding General Ledger Accounts
section for details on the new wizard.
Delete will delete the selected G/L account. Note that a G/L account cannot be deleted if transactions exist in any
year tabs. Instead of deleting a G/L account, they should either be merged with another account or moved to an
inactive status. For further information on merging an account or making a G/L account inactive, review the Making
an Account Inactive section.
Print has a drop-down list of reports linked to this window. A report can be added by selecting Add a Report at
This Time.
General Ledger
Account History
The chart of accounts window contains a history tab for each fiscal year that contains activity summaries. The year tabs show the
debits and credits for each month, the difference between the two, and the year to date balance. Beginning balances will be listed
for all accounts but only Balance Sheet accounts (Assets, Liabilities, and Capital) should have a dollar value in them. Income
Statement accounts (Revenue and Expense accounts) should always have a zero beginning balance. Notice there is a line for
ending adjustments. This is because EBMS will allow 13 months a year so that the last month can be closed and it is still possible to
post your ending adjustments to that year. You must use a Journal window within the 13th month. Review the Creating Journal
Entries section for more details on creating journals.
Viewing Detailed Transactions
To view the detailed transactions that add up to the monthly debit or credit totals take the following steps:
Right click on the desired debit or credit total to view.
Select Drill Down on the edit menu and the following window will appear:
The detailed drill down lists every transaction that contributed to the debit or credit total that you clicked on.
Highlight the transaction to review.
Click on Source to access the source of the transaction such as an invoice, payment, or journal.
Select Close from the source window to return to the detailed transaction list.
Review another detail or click Close to exit the detail window and return to history totals tab.
Validating Totals
The ability to validate a total, or review the detailed transactions associated with any summary field is a powerful feature used
throughout the system.
EBMS Main Documentation
It is possible to verify a debit or credit total by right-clicking on the total to display the context menu, and then selecting Verify Total.
It may take a few seconds to total each detail line and match with the totals on the window. The detail values should always match
the totals unless the totals have been manipulated manually but this feature can be a valuable utility to double-check the total. The
following window results:
It is possible to have an unlimited amount of year tabs for a given account. This information needs to be purged using the purge
utility. Review the Purge History Utility section for more details in purging transactions.
General Ledger
Account Classification
Most General Ledger accounts have a classification; all Assets, Liability, and Equity accounts MUST have a classification. The
classification is used for a number of purposes:
The system requires a certain class of accounts to be entered in specific entry fields. For example, the Retained
Earnings account entry requires an account classified as Retained Earnings and it would not allow a bank account.
By requiring the user to identify these specific accounts, it can be extremely helpful in making sure the wrong
account is not used. For other examples, see the advanced tabs in the vendor and customer windows.
The system stores additional information based on some classifications. For example, any account classified as a
bank account will store additional information such as check numbers, type of account, and balances. See Expenses
> Bank Accounts for bank account settings.
The system restricts accounts to be used in specific processes. For example, only accounts classified as a cash
account or a checking account can be used to pay bills. It would create havoc to enter an expense account as the
payment account.
Utilities used throughout the system to verify balances must be able to identify accounts with certain classifications.
The utility that compares the total of all accounts receivable accounts with the total outstanding balances of all
customers must be able to identify the proper accounts.
Many financial statements need to identify specific classifications to properly format and calculate the report.
Editing a Classification
To edit the Classification for an account open the general ledger account and click on the advanced tab.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click the Change button and the following window will appear:
Different types of accounts allow different classifications. Liabilities have accounts payable but not accounts receivable. Capital has
capital withdrawal but not accounts payable or accounts receivable.
Take the following steps to see the available classifications that are available for the different types of accounts:
Open any account in the Assets folder.
Go to the Advanced tab and press the Change button.
View the list of available classifications by clicking on the down arrow button.
Press Cancel to ignore the change.
Try the same steps using accounts from the Liability, Equity, Revenue, or Expense folders.
To see all available classifications, click the Show All Classifications check box and you can view all the classifications available.
This feature allows a user to classify a Liability account using an Asset classification. This option must be used with extreme
Sample List of Account Classifications
A sample list of account classifications is shown below with their associated account types.
NOTE: This is not a complete list.
Accounts Payable
This classification is used to record the entire list of outstanding bills owed to vendors. This classification is used in
General Ledger
Expenses > Vendors > Advanced tab.
Accounts Receivable
This classification is used to record the entire list of all customer's outstanding invoices. This classification is used in
Sales > Customers > Advanced tab.
Accumulated Depreciation
This account records the year to date accumulated depreciation and is a contra account to the Depreciable Asset
account. See Depreciation Module.
Bank Account
Any bank account such as Savings, Checking or Payroll accounts should be set with this classification. All accounts with
this classification will be listed in the Expenses > Bank Account window. To be able to use an account to pay expense
invoices or to generate checks, it must be classified as a bank account or a Cash account (see next classification). See
Expenses > Vendor Payments.
Cash accounts are used similarly to bank accounts except that the monies are not in a bank but are kept in the office or a
safe. All payments received from customers are placed into a cash account set in Sales > Customer Payments. You
must process a deposit to transfer the monies from the cash account and place into a bank account. In summary, the
cash account reflects the monies (cash, checks, or credit card payments) that have been received, but have not yet been
deposited into a bank account. It is best to reconcile these accounts on a regular weekly or daily basis. Use Sales >
Deposits and Sales > Reconcile Cash Accounts windows to reconcile cash accounts.
Depreciable Asset
This account records the total value of assets that are being depreciated and is used within the depreciation process.
Depreciation Expense
Depreciation expense is posted from the depreciation process or is posted manually on a monthly or annual basis. As
depreciation is accumulated in the depreciation asset contra account, the expense amount is posted to an account with
this classification.
Credit Card Account
EBMS Main Documentation
This classification is processed similarly to the Bank Account classification but is attached to a liability account rather
than an asset account. See Bank Account Classification list above.
General Overhead Expense
This classification is widely used for overhead costs such as utility costs, supplies, maintenance, etc. This classification
should not be used for overhead labor such as clerical labor or general maintenance labor (See Overhead Labor
classification) or for payroll overhead expenses such as payroll benefits or company taxes (See Payroll Overhead
This classification should be used to record the value of items whose count is tracked within the inventory item entry
window. This class is used within Inventory > Inventory Item > Advanced tab. All inventory values that are not listed
within the inventory system should be classed as Other Inventory rather than Inventory.
Inventory Variance
The variance classification is used within the inventory system when the system is tracking the count and value of
specific inventory items. This classification is not used if inventory counts are not being tracked. See Inventory >
Inventory Items > Advanced tab.
This classification includes any company investments purchased such as stocks, metals, futures, etc.
Loans Payable
This classification Identifies any monies owed to a financial institution or individual.
Loans Receivable
Any private monies loaned to someone should be classified as Loans Receivable.
Miscellaneous Income
General Ledger
Misc. income is revenue gained that is not generated during the regular course of business such as interest income etc.
Other Inventory
See Inventory classification for details.
Overhead Labor
This classification identifies overhead labor such as clerical labor or general overhead labor. This classification should
not be used for other payroll costs such as payroll taxes, company payroll deductions, insurance etc. See also Payroll
Overhead Expense classification.
Payroll Overhead Costs
Use this classification for payroll overhead expenses such as payroll taxes, company payroll deductions, insurance, and
employee benefits (such as vacation or holiday pay).
Payroll Payable
An account with this classification must be set for every employee within payroll. See Payroll > Employee > Advanced
Payroll Tax / Deduction
This classification identifies an accrued tax or deduction account. This account reflects the amount of tax or other
deductions that has been deducted from an employee's paycheck but has not been paid to the proper vendor. The
Payroll Tax / Deduction classification should not be used for company tax expense accounts since they are not accrued
accounts. See Payroll > Taxes / Deductions > General tab.
Prepaid Expenses
This classification identifies any down payments made to vendors for products not yet delivered or any payment made
toward a purchase order that has not been invoiced. This classification is used in Expenses > Vendors > Advanced
EBMS Main Documentation
The Purchase classification should be used for accounts recording purchased items or services that are resold. The
purchase accounts are often in the cost of sales folder.
Retained Earnings
The total current earnings (Revenue - Expenses) for a specific year is posted to the retained earnings account that is set
in each Revenue or Expense account. The year end balances for all assets, liabilities and capital accounts are carried
forward to the next year but all year end totals for revenue and expenses accounts are posted to the set retained
earnings account. For example if the total income for last year was $1,000,000 and the expenses totaled to $800,000, a
total of $200,000 would be added to the beginning balance of the retained earnings account.
This classification should identify all sales or revenue gained during the regular course of business and should not be
confused with miscellaneous income.
Sales Tax
This classification identifies the accrued sales tax account and is similar to the Payroll Tax / Deduction Classification
listed above. See Sales > Sales Tax Rates > General tab.
Sale of Assets
When a depreciable asset is sold, the total sale price should be posted to this class of account.
Subcontract Service Labor
This classification should be used in payroll for labor that is being rendered for a fee and should not include general
maintenance labor costs. The accounts associated with this classification are normally part of the cost of sales folder
since this service labor is being "sold" to customers.
Since this list of classifications is not complete, please contact your accountant or EBMS consultant if you have additional questions
about classifying an account. Additional classifications can be added by an EBMS consultant.
Classifications can also be helpful when the user is generating reports. Reports can be based on certain account classifications.
This can also be very useful when running different G/L reports. The cash flow report is very dependent on the classifications to get
the amount changes to the correct line of the report for different inflows and outflows of cash.
Top of Form
General Ledger
Bottom of Form
EBMS Main Documentation
Entering General Ledger Beginning Balances
Complete the following steps to verify the beginning balances within EBMS.
These values are necessary at the time that the General Ledger module is being used to generate financial statements.
Establish a General Ledger month-end period that will be used to verify General Ledger beginning balances within
EBMS. It is advantageous to target the beginning of a quarter or year, but this period may be the beginning of any
calendar month. For example, the EBMS beginning period date may be April 1st, 20xx.
The ending account balances from the former bookkeeping system as of the EBMS beginning period date are required
to establish beginning balances within EBMS. These balances are available on a current balance sheet.
All outstanding expense invoices must be entered into EBMS before reconciling General Ledger balances. Print the
Expenses > Vendors > Schedule of Accounts Payable report found under File > Reports. Enter any missing
outstanding vendor invoices using the original invoice date. Use any date prior to the EBMS Beginning Period Date if
the original invoice date is not within an open period
All outstanding sales invoices must be entered into EBMS in a similar way as expense invoices. Print the Sales >
Customers > Schedule of Accounts Receivable report found under File > Reports. Enter any missing outstanding
sales invoices using the original invoice date. Use any date prior to the EBMS Beginning Period Date if the original
invoice date is not within an open period.
Enter inventory counts and values if inventory is being recorded in a perpetual manner. Review Tracking Inventory
Counts Overview section for more details on perpetual vs. periodic inventory tracking methods. Review Adjusting
Inventory Count and Value section for instructions on entering inventory counts and values.
Verify balances using the General Ledger > Utilities > Verify Balances utility. Review the Verifying General Ledger
Balances section of this documentation for instruction details.
Print a balance sheet by selecting the File > Reports > General Ledger > Balance Statements > Balance Sheet
report from the main EBMS menu. Print the File > Reports > General Ledger > Profit & Loss > Detailed Profit &
Loss Statement report if the EBMS beginning period date is not the beginning of the company's fiscal year.
View the printed EBMS statements and compare the values on the balance sheet and income statement from the
original system. Enter and post a journal entry to make adjustments to the existing EBMS balances to match the
correct balances. Review the Creating Journal Entries section for more journal entry instructions.
Repeat steps 7 and 8 until all account balances match.
If further assistance is needed in performing this task, contact your accountant or EBMS consultant.
Review the Account Reconciliation section for details on how to maintain General Ledger account balances.
General Ledger
Making an Account Inactive
There are several reasons to make an account inactive:
A loan payment account is paid in full.
Accounts relating to areas of service have been discontinued.
An account is no longer used for any other reason.
Use the Change ID feature to make changes to G/L accounts, rather than making a new account and deleting the original. Review
Features > Changing IDs section for more details.
Use the Merge Account option to remove redundant accounts or when accounts are being combined, rather than making the
duplicate account inactive. Review the Features > Merge Accounts vs. Deleting Accounts for more details.
Making an account inactive is decidedly preferable to deleting an account. A G/L account cannot be deleted unless the account has
no transactions. This restriction maintains the audit trail within the software.
Whatever the reason for wanting to make a certain account inactive, it is accomplished the same way. Take the following steps to
make the account inactive:
Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.
Select the account to be made inactive.
In the General tab, enable the inactive switch as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click OK to save the information.
NOTE: All inactive (accounts, vendors etc.) will be grayed on the search lists when all (accounts, vendors,etc.) are listed.
General Ledger
Changing or Moving an Account to another Folder
The General Ledger account number code can be changed, which may also require the account to be moved to another folder. The
Change ID option allows the user to move an account to another folder as well as to change the account number.
NOTE: It is not recommended that a General Ledger code be changed without proper consultation with an accountant or financial
Open the general ledger account by selecting Chart of Accounts from the General Ledger menu and selecting
the account that must be changed. Right-click on the G/L Account with the mouse to open the context menu.
Select Change ID from the context menu.
Enter the new General Ledger account number and click the OK button.
Go to the General Ledger > Options > General Ledger Folders tab and click the Properties button to view the
allowable range for any general ledger folder. Review the General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Chart of Account
Folders section for more details on the allowable range of an account.
EBMS Main Documentation
The following dialog will appear if the new account code is not within the allowable range contained in the general
ledger folder. Review the Chart of Accounts Folders section for more details.
Click the Yes button to move the account and the following Choose Folder dialog will appear:
Select the folder that you wish to place the changed account into. Note that the new account code must be within
the Allowable Range of the selected folder. Click the Properties button to view the allowable range of any
available folder. Click the OK button to continue and the following message will appear unless the account cannot
be placed within the selected folder:
Click Yes to continue. This process could require five or ten minutes to complete the change, depending on the
amount of data within EBMS. No user should be posting any transactions during this process. This process will
scan all history files and change the General Ledger code from the original account to the new account including
journals, invoices, advanced tab settings, etc. THIS PROCESS MAY NOT BE ABORTED.
General Ledger
The Change ID function cannot be used to merge General Ledger accounts. See an EBMS consultant for details on merging an
EBMS Main Documentation
Departments and Profit Centers
Departments and Profit Centers Overview
Departments are used to help management be able to print profit reports and other necessary information in a logical format,
focusing on a specific department of the business. Departments are an extension to the general ledger account numbers. They are
three digit codes used to designate different departments, divisions, locations, or product lines of a company. Departments can be a
powerful way to analyze the profitability of a specific segment of the company. The system facilitates separate Profit & Loss
statements for individual departments or Profit Centers as well as other financial statements.
Although departments and Profit Centers can be synonymous, the following distinction will be used throughout the EBMS software.
A Department is a separate activity or product line within a company. A department is coded within the general
ledger chart of accounts by the 3-digit extension to the main 5-digit account code.
A Profit Center can consist of a group of one or more departments that are grouped together for financial
summaries such as profit & loss and balance statements.
Overhead costs can be posted to a single general ledger account and then allocated to individual profit centers based on a monthly
or annual percentage. The dynamic percentage can be entered on a monthly or annual basis. For example, multiple profit centers
may share a common building and the building costs such as maintenance, utilities, and insurances. These costs are then
distributed to the individual profit centers based on the percent of space used within the building.
It is recommended that you plan your departments and Profit Centers prior to using the system. Creating these groups after
transactions have been processed may create some possible complications.
Department and Profit Center Examples
Following are some examples of how departments and Profit Centers may be used:
A hardware store may divide the store in the following departments:
Sporting equipment
Lawn & Garden
Building supplies, etc
The manager may identify each department as a separate profit center or he may combine a few of the
departments together into a common profit center that is managed by the same person. A possible advantage
of creating departments for this store owner would be to determine which departments are the most profitable
within his operation.
A farm equipment dealer may want to create the following departments:
Farm tractor sales
Farm tractor service
Harvesting & cultivating equipment sales
General Ledger
Harvesting & cultivating equipment service
Lawn and garden equipment sales
Lawn and garden equipment service
With the following Profit Centers:
Sales Profit Center which includes all the sales departments
Service Profit Center which includes all the service departments
Another possible use for Profit Centers would be to identify locations for companies with multiple locations as well as multiple
departments within each location. A hardware store owner may own more than one store with the departments listed in our first
Company profit centers would include:
Location A
Location B
Mobile service truck
Each of the locations would contain one or more of the following:
Sporting equipment
Lawn & Garden
Building supplies
Profit Centers can also identify entire divisions within companies, such as:
Manufacturing division
Service division
Sales division
Should our Company Create Departments or Profit Centers?
Following are some questions to ask to determine if departments or Profit Centers would be beneficial to your company. Note that
these are only general recommendations and you may wish to consult your accountant or an EBMS consultant.
Question 1:
EBMS Main Documentation
Question 2A:
General Ledger
Question 2B:
EBMS Main Documentation
Please contact an EBMS consultant for assistance in planning the department structure.
Setting Controls for Using Departments and Profit Centers
Set the basic controls to use Departments and Profit Centers in the General Ledger > Options > Settings Tab.
General Ledger
Departments Options
Company Profiles
This switch determines if a department is set or determined on the expense or sales invoice. If the Based on Departments option is
selected, the system allows a default department set for each customer. This option also adds an option on the sales invoice to
identify the department for the invoice. Review the Getting Started > Company Setup > Company Profiles section for more details
on this option.
YTD Department balances brought forward from previous years.
This switch determines if the running balance in the department history page is brought forward from the previous year to maintain a
running balance from year to year.
Turn this switch on ONLY if you plan to use the department as fund groups such as a ministry or a nonprofit organization.
Normal setting.
Review the Creating Departments section for more details on departments.
Profit Centers Options
Use Profit Centers
EBMS Main Documentation
This switch will enable Profit Center buttons and processes.
If you plan to use Profit Centers.
If you are not using the Profit Center feature of this system.
Automatically Create Profit Centers from Departments
If all Profit Centers consist of only one department.
If this switch is ON, all Profit Center IDs are identical to the department ID code and the Profit Center
window is accessed within the department window. See Profit Center button in General Ledger >
Departments > General tab.
If any Profit Center consists of more than one department.
Profit Centers will be identified with a unique Profit Center ID enter in General Ledger > Profit Centers dialog. Review section on
Creating New Profit Centers.
General Ledger
Creating Departments
Set up the Department and Profit Center options in General Ledger > Options > Settings if they have not been set or reviewed.
Review the Departments and Profit Centers Overview section for details.
To create new departments, take the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Departments. If you have not previously created any departments, the new department wizard
will automatically start with a dialog as seen below. If some departments already exist, the main department window will
open with the General tab.
Press the New button at the bottom on the window to start the new department wizard. The following window will
Enter a 3-digit numeric Department Code. Note that this code must be 3 digits long and will be appended with zeros. If
you wish to create department 30, enter the code as 030. This code must be numeric since it is appended to the 5-digit
general ledger account to create the complete 8-digit code.
Enter the new Department's description. This should explain what the department is in a short word or two. Notes may
be entered to further assist the user in deciding when the department is used. Any notes that the user finds helpful may
be entered.
Click the Next button and the following window will appear:
EBMS Main Documentation
This page is used to easily create a number of G/L accounts with the new department code extension. If this is the first department
that was created, the Department entry will show zeros listing all the G/L accounts in the chart of accounts list. Please select only
the accounts that you wish to create with the new department extension. If you do not wish to create any new general ledger
accounts, press Select None button and click Finish.
If you previously created a department and you wish to create the same set of general ledger accounts for the new department, set
the department code to the previously created department, and a list of general ledger accounts will appear in the select box. All the
accounts with a check mark in the select column will be created when you continue. To switch the account off or on, click the check
mark with your mouse.
EXAMPLE: If you have previously created the department 010 and you wish to create the same set of general ledger accounts, set
the Department code to 010 and the wizard will list all the general ledger accounts with an extension of 010. If you wish to duplicate
all these accounts, continue by pressing Finish. Press Finish to create department or Cancel to abort.
General Ledger
Creating New Profit Centers
Profit centers must be created so that profit center reports can be generated. Complete the following steps to create profit centers:
Go to General Ledger > Options > Settings tab as shown below:
Enable Use Profit Centers option.
If departments have been created and the Profit Centers are to be the same as departments, enable the Automatically Create
Profit Centers from Departments option and click OK.
Go to General Ledger > Profit Center menu option if the Automatically Create Profit Centers from Departments
option is disabled. Go to General Ledger > Departments, open a department and click on the Profit Center tab if the
option is enabled.
Skip to step 7 if the Automatically Create Profit Centers from Departments option is enabled. Otherwise click the
New button at the bottom of the window. The following window will appear:
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the ID of the new Profit Center.
Enter the Description of the new Profit Center.
Click OK.
The main profit-center window will reappear with the new Profit Center selected.
Add the overhead you want applied to this Profit Center by taking the following steps:
In the G/L account column, put in the G/L account number that the overhead comes from.
In the yearly percent column, put in the percentage of that account to be applied to this Profit Center.
General Ledger
The month columns will have the same percentage in each month as the yearly percent column does.
They can be changed to different percentages manually.
The year-end adjustment column will have the same percent as the yearly percent column as well.
The Add by G/L Code or Copy from Another Profit Center wizards found on the Wizards button are
useful time savers if a group of accounts are set with the same values.
The buttons at the bottom of the window perform the following functions:
OK will save changes and returns to the main EBMS window.
Cancel will not save changes before returning to the main EBMS window.
New will bring up the wizard to enter new Profit Centers.
Delete will delete the Profit Center selected. Profit Centers with transactions posted to them cannot be deleted.
Wizards has a drop-down list of wizards to choose from to add or change G/L accounts within a profit center.
EBMS Main Documentation
Using a Department as a Company Division or Location
The department feature of EBMS can be used to differentiate a company division or location. This feature is useful for companies
that wish to use the same customers, vendors, and inventory item file lists between different divisions or locations or if common
assets such as bank accounts are required. Continue with this section to create multiple divisions within a single company.
If a division or location wishes to use separate files and maintains separate balance sheets, the division should be set up within
EBMS as a separate company (review the Creating a New Company section for details on creating a separate company).
It is highly recommended that you review all options before implementing EBMS on any of the options available.
Go to the General Ledger > Options > Settings tab to open the following options:
Select the Based on Departments option as shown above. This option will allow the user to set the company division or
department within the sales and expense invoice.
Enable both the Use Profit Centers and Automatically Create Profit Centers From Departments options. These options allow
the user to print profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and other general ledger reports for each division or location.
Click OK to save settings.
Expense Invoices and Purchase Orders
Go to Expenses > Invoices & P.O.s and open the expense invoice window as shown below:
General Ledger
The Department selection field appears on the invoice window since the Based on Departments Company Profiles was selected.
The department setting will change the general ledger account extension for all accounts listed on the detail lines of the invoice. If
the general ledger account with the changed extension is not a valid account (i.e. already entered within General Ledger > Chart of
Accounts), the extension will not be changed to reflect the Department entry. This feature is useful if each division contains its own
Accounts Payable account or other balance sheet general ledger account.
Sales Invoices and Sales Orders
The settings and functions within the Sales > Invoices and S.O.s window are similar to the Expense Invoice window.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Department entry has the same effect within the sales invoice as the expense invoice. If the Department setting is changed, the
general ledger extensions are changed to reflect the new Department entry.
Separate sets of work codes should be entered for each company division or location. Enter the appropriate general ledger account
for each work code (review the Work Codes section in the payroll manual for more details).
General Ledger
Adding General Ledger Annual History Tabs
Warning: Do not use this utility to create new fiscal year pages. Use the New Year button found within the General Ledger >
Fiscal Year Controls window to create additional annual history tabs.
If past year General Ledger account annual history tabs are required for a year that does not appear, they can be added on a yearby-year basis. To create new annual history tabs complete the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Utilities > Add G/L Year Pages. The following window will appear:
Select the year that pages are needed for.
Click OK.
When the year is closed, the system will automatically create new annual history tabs for all accounts. This utility is not required in
the normal course of business.
EBMS Main Documentation
Verifying General Ledger Balances
This utility will check to see that the balance for accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll payable, and inventory according to
the G/L agrees with the corresponding balance of the vendors, customers, employees and inventory items. To run this utility,
perform these steps:
Go to General Ledger > Utilities > Verify Balances. The following window will appear:
In the Month block, choose the month that is to be verified. Since this utility is verifying month end balances, a quick
way to check all months is to set the Month field to the last month of the fiscal year.
Check that the Fiscal Year is correct. If not, choose the correct one.
Click on the Calculate button. The system will check the balances and show the numbers for each area and the
difference if any.
General Ledger
If there is a difference in any of the accounts, a journal entry will be necessary to make sure that the G/L balance equals the balance
of the corresponding module. This should only be done if the cause of the difference cannot be located and changed at the source
document. If unsure of the steps to take, contact an EBMS consultant.
If the general ledger balance is correct and the vendor, customer, employee or inventory history year tab is incorrect, take the
following steps:
Adjust the general ledger account to match history totals since history pages cannot be adjusted without also posting
to the general ledger.
Create a second journal entry to adjust the history page as well as adjusting the general ledger account to its original
If the history year tab amounts are correct and the general ledger balance is wrong, enter a journal entry using the steps listed
above, but let the ID column blank as well as reference 2, Track 1, and track 2 columns.
Review the Creating Journal Entries section for more details on using journal entries to adjust general ledger accounts and history
EBMS Main Documentation
General Ledger
Create Cash Accounting Adjustments
EBMS maintains general ledger transactions using the accrual method. Annual cash statements can be printed for income tax
purposes. The following utility will create Accrual to Cash Adj. values that can be seen on the history year tab of any general
ledger account.
Annual cash financial statements can be generated by completing the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Options > Settings tab.
Select the Cash Statements (Converted from Accrual) option. Click OK to save changes.
Go to General Ledger > Utilities > Create Cash Accounting Adjustments to open the wizard.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click Next to continue.
The cash accounting list includes all the balance sheet accounts that are classified as accrual only. Note that the system will attempt
to reverse all the accounts payable invoices, accounts receivable invoices, and payroll payable transactions. Only the balance of
unresolved transactions will show on the list. For example, if the entire balance of accounts receivable is reversed using the current
invoices, the accounts receivable account will not show on the list. The accounts receivable account in the example above shows a
balance of $3291.98. The actual balance of the accounts receivable account may be much higher, but only the balance of $3291.98
need to be reversed manually.
General Ledger
The system will add any transaction balances from the prior year (2000 in the example above) and subtract any transactions from
the current year. This process will allow the user to run cash statements for either 2000 or 2001.
Enter the G/L Account to offset your accrual account. NOTE: No adjustments will be created if the G/L Account field
is kept blank.
Note that the user can run the utility multiple times. This utility must be run before a cash financial statement is printed for a period if
transactions have been posted since the last time the utility was launched.
Click on the Finish button to complete the process.
The accounts are classified as accrual only based on the logical setting in the field ACCRU_ONLY with the GLClass.dbf file.
EBMS Main Documentation
Transactions Overview
Transactions are created each time an invoice is processed, payment is made, or any other document is processed within EBMS.
These transactions are placed into an un-posted transaction file in the module in which the process occurred. For example, if an
expense invoice from a vendor is processed, the transactions are placed into the expenses un-posted transactions file. The vendor's
history year tab information, the bank account balance, and the general ledger history information are not affected by the
transactions created by the expense invoice until the transactions are posted. The post procedure can be activated by selecting
Post Transactions from the Expense menu or by clicking on the Post button within any Display Un-posted Transactions
window. In a number of situations, the system will prompt the user to post transactions. For example, if the bank account
reconciliation window is opened and transactions exist in an un-posted transaction file, the system will recommend that you post to
make sure that all bank account transactions have been posted.
Processing invoices, payments, etc., create transactions that are stored in the un-posted transaction files for each module. For
example, all the transactions created in the sales module are stored in the sales un-posted transaction file.
When transactions are posted, they update general ledger totals and history tab totals. The post includes a number of steps to
guarantee accurate posting.
The system checks the un-posted transactions to make sure all dates are within valid open periods and that the
transactions balance. If any errors occur, the user is prompted to correct them before any transactions are posted.
The transactions are copied from the un-posted transaction file to the general ledger detail file. The general ledger
transaction within the detail file can be viewed by drilling down (right clicking) on any general ledger total or history tab
The general ledger and history totals are updated from the transaction amounts. The history totals can be viewed on
the year tabs of a customer, vendor, inventory items, employee, etc. Note that the history totals are updated during this
post process and not at the time the invoice or timecard is processed.
The transactions within the general ledger un-posted transaction file are deleted as soon as they are posted.
Note: Bank accounts, cash accounts, etc. balances are not affected until transactions are posted.
Go to General Ledger > Post All Transactions to post all un-posted transactions within all the modules of EBMS. This step
combines all the post processes within the individual modules.
General Ledger
Displaying Transactions
Transactions cannot be posted if the verification step of the post fails. The problems could be caused by an incorrect date, a date
within a closed period, an invalid general ledger account, or imbalance totals.
Correcting a General Ledger Account Problem
Go to General Ledger > Display Un-posted Transactions > By G/L Account from any EBMS module menu and a
window listing the un-posted transactions will appear.
Select the By Date list if the post problem involves the transaction date.
To display a detailed list of transactions, click the Details button. Highlight the transaction that is creating the problem
and click Source to identify the source of the transaction.
Click the Change Account button to change the general ledger account. This is the best way to correct a bad general
ledger account problem as shown in the example above.
Click the Query button to list a subgroup of transactions based on specific criteria. Review the Advanced Query
Options section for details on querying information.
When the problem is fixed, click the Post button and post the transactions. When the transactions have posted, you
will be returned to the main window.
The display By Date will be in the same type of window but only lists the date, debit, and credit amounts as opposed
to the above window that also lists the GL account, description, and department if applicable.
The user should contact an EBMS consultant for further details before posting if the problem cannot be resolved.
EBMS Main Documentation
Creating Journal Entries
There are times when general journal entries may need to be made. A journal entry window is available in most modules. For
example, if you wish to enter a sales journal, use the Journal Entry window within the Sales menu. Some possible reasons for
creating a journal are listed below.
An expense or income transaction may have been posted to the wrong account and rather than going back and
changing the invoice it is easier to make a general journal entry.
To enter any Ending Adjustment "Month 13" transactions.
When adjustments are necessary to make loan balances equal the correct ending balance.
To adjust any payroll tax amounts or employee balances.
When inventory history totals do not match the detailed inventory amounts.
To adjust accounts receivable or accounts payable balances including adjustments to the customer or vendor's history
To enter beginning balances when starting to use the system.
To distribute Retained Earnings totals to different equity accounts.
To enter year-end adjustments needed to correct any balance sheet account.
This list is not complete since the journal can be used to create any transaction. Each module contains its own journal window which
will post to different transaction files.
The General Ledger Journal's transactions are posted directly into general ledger and history files. No additional
posting step is needed.
The Expenses, Sales, Inventory, and Payroll (as well as any other module) journals will be posted into the
corresponding module's unposted transaction file. For example, the Expense Journal will be posted in the Expense
Unposted Transaction file.
Creating a General Journal Entry
To make a general journal entry, take the following steps:
Go to General Ledger> Journal Entry and the following window will appear:
General Ledger
Enter a Journal ID. A Journal ID can be a date, word, initials, or anything that helps identify the journal. A
recommended journal ID format is to use YYYYMMDD (using the journal date). The date journal ID can be suffixed or
prefixed with a sort code such as YE for Year End, ADJ for adjustment journal, or BB for a Beginning Balance journal.
For example, a month end adjustment for the month of October could be coded as 19981031ADJ.
Enter the transaction Date, which will determine the month and year in which the transaction will be posted. To post
Ending Adjustment "Month 13" transactions, select Ending Adjustment Year and set the appropriate year.
Enter the G/L account to be debited. Use the drill down button to view all accounts if unsure of the account number. A
journal line may contain only a Credit Account with the Debit Account blank or vice versa. A Debit G/L account must
be entered if the Debit amount contains a value.
Enter the Debit Amount.
Enter the G/L account to be credited. Use the drill down button to view all accounts if unsure of the account number.
A Credit G/L account must be entered if the Debit amount contains a value.
Enter the Credit Amount.
Enter a Description of the journal entry. Note that this description will be the primary explanation of this transaction to
an accountant or auditor at a later date.
The ID, Reference 2, Track 1, and Track 2 are advanced fields that affect a variety of historical data within the system
and should be used with caution. These columns should not be used with a "13th month" journal entry since the
customer, vendor, inventory, and other history tabs do not contain a 13th month.
Listed below are some of the more common uses for these fields. The G/L Class column is to identify the class of general ledger
account required for this adjustment. It is very important that the general ledger account is set with the proper classification. Go to
General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Advanced tab to view a general ledger account's classification. The account must also be
listed in the proper debit or credit column as described in the Debit/Credit column. Negative credits or debits must be used at times
to decrease history. Multiple adjustments within the same date period may be listed on the same journal. N/A indicates that the
column is not applicable and can be left blank.
EBMS Main Documentation
Vendor ID
Vendor ID
Check No.
Bank G/L Account
Adjusting Vendor Invoice History
Accounts Payable
Adjusting Vendor'’s Down Payment History
Prepaid Expense
Adjusting Vendor Payment History
Accounts Payable
Vendor ID
Sales Tax Adjustments
Sales Tax
Customer ID*
Sales Tax ID
Taxable Gross
Total Gross
* The ID entry is optional since the customer history contains no sales tax history. List the customer if the adjustment is a
result of an invoice involving a specific customer; otherwise ignore the ID column.
Adjusting Customer Invoice History
Accounts Receivable
Customer ID
Customer ID
Check No.
Cash G/L Account
Adjusting Customer Down Payment History
Deferred Income
Adjusting Customer Payment History
General Ledger
Accounts Receivable
Customer ID
Inventory ID
N/A Adjustment
Adjusting Inventory Purchase Totals (Increase)
Vendor ID*
*Optional: List the vendor's ID if the adjustment is a result of an invoice involving a specific vendor; otherwise ignore the ID
Adjusting Inventory Sales Totals (Decrease)
Customer ID*
Inventory ID
Count Adjustment
Extended Sale
*Optional: List the customer’s ID if the adjustment is a result of an invoice involving a specific customer; otherwise ignore
the ID column.
GL Class
Employee ID
Payment Flag
Check No.
Work Weeks
Bank GL
Adjusting an Employee's Gross Pay or Work Weeks
Payroll Payable
Employee ID
Note that adjusting the gross pay within a journal will not add gross pay-by-pay-type in Employee Pay tab > View Years.
The gross pay totals by pay type cannot be adjusted since these totals are determined based on the pay date rather than
the timecard detail date.
Adjusting an Employee’s Tax Amount or Taxable Gross Pay
Payroll Tax
Employee ID
Tax ID
E (Employee)
Taxable Gross
Gross Pay
Adjusting Company Tax Amounts
EBMS Main Documentation
Payroll Tax
Employee ID
Tax ID
C (Company)
Taxable Gross
Gross Pay
Employee ID
Work Code
Hours Pay
Adjusting Work Code History
Payroll Payable
Repeat the steps above for each line of the journal. Not all journals must have the same number of debits and credits.
The Balanced switch makes sure the journal is balanced (Debit total = Credit total). EBMS is a double entry
accounting system requiring all transactions to be balanced. If a lopsided journal entry is needed, turn the Balanced
switch off.
The User name will default to the login name. This entry identifies the user responsible for the journal entry.
Select Process>Post from the journal menu to process the journal or press Ctrl + ‘P’ on the keyboard.
To create a new journal, select File > New from the journal menu.
General Ledger
Viewing or Copying Journals
Go to General Ledger > Journal Entry and select File > Open Journal to load an existing journal. This will bring up
the following window:
The journal lookup window has the option of listing all by selecting All or to list only the journals that have not been posted,
by selecting Not Processed. For more details on searching, sorting, and querying within a lookup window, review the Search
List section.
Click Select to load journal or Cancel to return to Journal Entry window. Review the Find Button within a list Dialog for
more information regarding the Find button.
To copy an existing journal, open the journal you wish to copy and select File>Copy Journal. You will be prompted to
enter an identification number for the new journal.
File>Save will save the journal without processing it.
Click File>Delete to delete the current journal.
Click on File>Print to print a journal. Review the Reports section to add more reports to this
Select File>Close to close the journal window.
EBMS Main Documentation
Reversing Journal Entries
If an entry has been posted that should not have been or that needs to be changed, take the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Journal Entry
Go to File > Open.
Check the switch in front of All.
Select the journal entry to undo. The journal date must be within a valid fiscal year.
Go to Process > Undo. The following message will appear:
Select Yes to un-process the journal.
This is how month and year-end journal entries are reversed as well. Another way to reverse entries is to enter new entries that
would post the same amounts to the same account numbers, using opposite debit/credit fields.
Example: You have an entry posted for $15.00 debit to account 12000 and $15.00 credit to account 73100. You do not want this
entry. You can either undo it as outlined in the above steps or make a new entry and post a $15.00 debit to account 73100 and a
$15.00 credit to account 12000. Either option will have the same effect on the General Ledger.
To see the effect on the detail information, go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Year tab for that year and drill down.
Notice that the posting occurs when entries are posted and undone. Posting will enter the number as a positive and undoing will
enter the number as a negative.
General Ledger
Year End Adjustment Entries
If year-end adjusting entries need to be made, they can be made several different ways. They can be posted to the last month of the
year, or the last month can be closed and the entries can be posted to the 13th month that EBMS allows in a year. Using the 13th
month will help to keep the last month of the year from looking extremely different in the case of large year-end adjustments. To post
a journal entry to the 13th month, follow the steps in making general journal entries but make certain to check the switch in front of
Ending Adjustment Year and select the correct year.
Year-end adjustments can consist of many things including depreciation, loan balance adjustments, etc. The year-end adjustments
that need to be made will depend on how many adjustments are made on a regular monthly basis and how many are left until the
year end. They can also depend on the type of taxpayer. Some adjustments need to be made for tax purposes. If using outside tax
advisors or financial statement preparers, they will give you year-end adjustments to make sure you have proper beginning
balances for the New Year.
EBMS Main Documentation
Account Reconciliation
Account Reconciliation Overview
Any General Ledger account can be configured to be listed on the Account Reconciliation list within EBMS. The most common
accounts that companies will want to reconcile are balance sheet accounts and liability accounts such as cash, bank accounts, and
loans. Some companies may also elect to reconcile other accrued accounts such as sales tax, payroll tax or deduction accounts. Go
to General Ledger > Account Reconciliation from the main EBMS menu to open the following Account Reconciliation list.
This list is a convenient way to review account balances. Click on the Post All Transactions button in the lower left hand corner to
update balances. Since transactions do not show on the reconciliation tabs until they have been posted to the general ledger.
Review the General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Changing Account Information section for more details on the G/L Account
This section gives an overview of reconciling accounts. It is recommended that you refer to specific reconciliation sections listed
below if you have not previously reconciled any accounts.
Review the Reconciling a Bank Account section for specific details on reconciling a bank account.
Review the Recording Deposits and Reconciling Cash section for specific details on reconciling a cash account.
Steps for Reconciling an Account
General Ledger
Select an account and click on the Properties button in the lower right hand corner to open the following dialog.
The Reconcile this account option must be enabled to include an account on the Account Reconciliation list.
Click on the Reconcile button to open the Account Reconciliation dialog from the Account Reconciliation list, as
shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
NOTE: The last two tab labels will change depending on what type of account is being reconciled. The naming of the two tabs is
based on the account classification.
See the following for a breakdown of how the tabs are named based on account classification.
Bank Accounts will call the tabs Deposits and Checks.
Cash Accounts will call the tabs Cash In and Cash Out.
Sales Tax Accounts will call the tabs Payments and Collected.
Payroll Taxes Payable Accounts will call the tabs Payments and Withheld.
Accounts with no classification will call the tabs Debit and Credit.
Statement settings
Set the Account Ending Date to reflect the date that you wish to reconcile.
For example, if you are reconciling a bank account, enter the bank statement date in the Statement Ending
Date field. All transactions with a date more recent than the Account Ending Date will be hidden and not be
displayed in either tab. If you wish to display all transactions, set the date to the last date of the fiscal year.
The Account Balance total reflects the general ledger balance as of the reconciliation date.
Enter the Account Ending Balance as of the ending date entered above.
For example, if you are reconciling a cash account, enter the total monies that you have collected but not
deposited including cash, personal checks and credit card payments. To reconcile a payroll tax withheld
general ledger account, enter zero into the statement entry field.
The Account Ending Balance in most situations will not match the Statement Ending Balance since some
transactions may be outstanding. The main purpose of this window is to reconcile the general ledger balance
with the statement balance by identifying all outstanding transactions.
Go to the second tab (Cash In, in the example above) and notice the list of debit transactions. To sort the list of
transactions by date, first drag the scroll bar to the top and click on the Date column heading. Click on the heading a
second time if the dates are listed in descending order.
General Ledger
The first column on the list is labeled Status. This is a check-mark column that identifies the transactions
that are NOT outstanding with a check mark.
The total on the bottom right side of the tab is the sum of all the outstanding transactions. As the
transactions are checked on, the Outstanding Total decreases.
Use the Unselect All and the Select All buttons to mark the entire list.
Go to the third tab (Cash Out in the example above) and notice the list of checks. Transactions need to be switched in
the Status column the same way as the previous tab. As transactions are checked, the totals on the bottom of the
window will be changed.
Explanation of Figures
Adjusted Statement Balance =
Ledger total + second tab outstanding total = third tab total
Difference =
Ledger - Adjusted Statement Balance.
This amount must be zero indicating that the account reconciles before processing can be completed. The
Process button will be disabled until the account is reconciled.
A transaction can be voided with the Void button. Not all transactions can be voided from this window. Typically, only checks and
deposits can be voided.
The Process button will remove all the marked transactions. The process performs the following items:
Removes all transactions turned ON, leaving only the outstanding transactions.
The User, Date, and Time information in the Last Reconcile area of the Controls tab is updated.
Click the Source button to view the source of a transaction. The system will display the source of the transaction by opening the
invoice, journal, payment, or other appropriate window.
Click the Adjustments button to insert adjustment transactions directly into the tab. See next section for more details.
The Print button works like other print buttons and can have reports linked to it to select or reports can be added by selecting Add
The Wizard button will list the available wizards for this window and account. See the Reconciling Checking Account section for
more details.
EBMS Main Documentation
Correcting Differences in Reconciliation
If there is a difference when reconciling the bank account and it can be traced to a specific deposit or check payment, go back and
edit the deposit or check payment. By making the correction to the source document, all totals and posting will be updated properly.
If the correction to the source document is not made, there is a possibility that corresponding vendor or customer totals will be
wrong. Make sure transactions of the corrected document have been posted to update the reconciliation list.
If you cannot locate the cause of a difference between the account balance and the bank statement, an adjustment is necessary.
Please note that this will not correct the incorrect transaction but will only adjust your account balance so that it agrees with the
bank statement.
Making Adjustments
To make adjustments, take the following steps:
Open the tab where the adjustment is to be inserted (Cash In or Cash Out). Click the Adjustments button to insert new
transactions directly into the tab. This function is useful to enter bank account adjustments, fees, or miscellaneous
debits when reconciling a bank account. Reconciling a cash account may require a miscellaneous adjustment to the
general ledger balance so it matches your current cash balance. This feature should only be used for adjustments and
should not be used to replace the invoice or deposit processes.
The adjustment window allows three types of adjustments:
Expense adjustments are credits to the account and will display in the third tab.
Income adjustments are debits to the account and will be displayed in the second tab.
Transfers are used to transfer monies from one account to the other. The system will credit the current
account and debit the selected Transferred To: bank account. The Transferred From account is always
the account being reconciled and cannot be changed. To transfer into this account go into the account
you are transferring from.
Enter the transaction Date. This date will default to today's date.
Enter a brief Description of the adjustment.
General Ledger
Set the G/L Account that you wish to use to offset this transaction. This would normally be an expense general ledger
account for an expense transaction, a revenue account for an income transaction, or a bank account for a transfer
Enter the dollar Amount of the transaction.
Press OK to create new transaction or Cancel to abort.
EBMS Main Documentation
1099 Forms
Contact an accountant to determine the following information before attempting to print the 1099 forms. More information can be
found from an IRS tax form instruction document or on Wikipedia.
The following information and settings must be verified before printing 1099 forms:
Specific types of expenses must be identified by associating general ledger accounts to specific types of expenses listed
within the 1099 form. Note that threshold amounts may change. Review the Viewing 1099 Controls and Changing
Threshold Amounts section to verify settings.
Review the instructions within the Verifying Company information section to setup company tax information
Vendors that require 1099 forms must be identified. Review the Setting Vendor Information section for instructions.
Per 1099-K regulations 1099 forms should only include those transactions that have been paid via check or cash. If an
expense invoice has been paid via a “Bank Account” with a Bank Account Type of “Credit Card” or “Electronic Funds”
the payment will not be included on the 1099 forms.
Review the Printing 1099 Forms section for printing instructions.
The following information and settings should be verified before printing 1099 forms.
Company information
Vendor information
General Ledger
1099 Threshold amounts & General Ledger expense accounts
Contact an accountant or EBMS consultant for the most recent tax details that affect these settings.
EBMS Main Documentation
Verifying Company Information
Complete the following steps to enter or verify company information prior to printing 1099 forms:
Go to File > Company Information dialog to enter or verify company information and tax numbers.
Verify the company address information within the General tab.
Go to the Advanced tab of the Company Information dialog and verify the following information:
The SS/Emp. ID# setting must reflect the social security number of the owner or the company's employee identification
The Company's State ID, state name (Description), and State Identification number should be completed.
Review the Getting Started > Company Setup > Company Information section for more details.
General Ledger
Setting Vendor Information
Vendors that require 1099 forms must be specifically identified. Only selected non-incorporated vendors require a 1099 form.
Complete the following steps to enable a 1099 vendor.
Go to Expenses > Vendors > Terms tab to set the 1099 vendor options.
Enable the Vendor receives 1099 option if this vendor is eligible to receive a 1099.
Contact an accountant or an EBMS consultant for criteria that determine if the vendor is eligible. A vendor does not
always receive a 1099 form when the Vendor receives 1099 is enabled since the payments made to the vendor must
equal or exceed threshold amounts for specific General Ledger accounts.
Enter the vendor supplied Tax Identification number for every vendor that is selected to receive a 1099.
EBMS Main Documentation
Viewing 1099 Controls and Changing Threshold Amounts
Only selected expense payments such as Interest, Services, and Royalties are to be reported on a 1099 form. Go to the General
Ledger > Options > 1099 window to view all the 1099 expense categories distributed with EBMS.
Records cannot be added or deleted from this dialog since this information must match the 1099 form report files.
The Form identifies the 1099 form where the expense will be reported. The Box number identifies the location of the expense
amount within the form. Use the Description to identify the expenses that are to be reported on the different 1099 forms. Note
that the Form, Box, and Description settings cannot be changed from this dialog.
The Threshold value controls the amount of expense that is to be paid to a specific vendor before it must be reported. Any
expenses below the Threshold amount will be ignored on the 1099 form. The user can change these values but use caution
since the law dictates these values. 1099 thresholds are updated when 1099 forms and payroll tax updates are issued from
Eagle Solutions annually. Updates are distributed free to users that have subscribed for the annual support plan. Contact an
EBMS consultant if you wish to verify your 1099 Threshold values and 1099 forms.
Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts and select an expense account. Click on the Advanced tab to set
the 1099 Form setting.
General Ledger
Select the appropriate 1099 Form setting for each general ledger expense account. The 1099 Form setting for all
revenue, asset, liability, and equity accounts should be set to (None).
EBMS facilitates the printing of either continuous or laser 1099forms. The following forms are standard EBMS Reports:
Form 1099 Interest (1099 Int (preprinted))
Form 1099 Miscellaneous (1099 Misc (preprinted))
EBMS Main Documentation
Printing 1099 Forms
Complete the following steps to generate end of the year 1099 forms:
Go to File > Reports and select Reports > General Ledger > 1099 Reports as shown below:
Print the 1099 payments report on plain report paper.
This report is useful to verify all 1099 data. This report will also indicate how many 1099 forms are needed. See previous sections
of this manual for instructions on changing 1099 history data.
One must print all 1099 preprinted reports that are listed on the 1099 Payments report.
A 1096 form must be printed for each type of 1099 form. For example, one 1096 Misc. Form is required as a summary of all 1099
Misc forms and must be submitted to the tax agency along with the 1099 forms.
Contact an accountant or EBMS consultant with any questions regarding 1099 forms.
General Ledger
Fund Accounts
Creating Fund Accounts
EBMS gives the user the ability to group revenue and expense accounting into multiple funds. Fund accounting is used within many
non-profit organizations to track multiple expense/revenue funds. For example, an organization may set up multiple funds such as a
general fund, fund for a specific function, or special fund. These funds allow those who manage the finances to match donations
(revenue) with specific expense groups such as a scholarship or a specific mission or event.
Most corporations and other businesses do not use fund accounts. You may wish to ignore the following Fund Accounting sections
unless your organization is interested in fund accounting.
The first step in creating a fund is to create a new fund account with a type of Capital. This account records the fund balance within
the general ledger. A non-profit organization often renames the Equity or Capital group of general ledger accounts as Funds as
shown below:
These fund accounts should not be confused with the revenue or expense accounts that will record the donations or expenses for a
specific account. These accounts will be described later in this section. Create an account for the fund balance with a Type of
Capital as shown below. Review the Adding General Ledger Accounts section for more details on adding new general ledger
EBMS Main Documentation
A fund account must be classified as Retained Earnings as shown below. The Retained Earnings label is a corporate term (rather
than the correct term of fund) that functions within EBMS as a fund. An account must be created for each fund and all accounts
must be classified as Retained Earnings. The normal corporate chart of accounts contains only a single retained earnings account.
There are multiple accounts classified as Retained Earnings within a fund accounting system.
General Ledger
Click on the Income / Expense tab of the fund account.
EBMS Main Documentation
This tab will only show on accounts that are classified as Retained Earnings. This list will be empty if the fund account is new.
Complete the following steps to attach revenue and expense accounts to the fund account:
Create a new revenue account if the account does not already exist. Review the Adding General Ledger Accounts
section for more details on creating new accounts. The user must open the new account after it is created since the
Retained Earnings Account option does not appear on the new account wizard.
Open the revenue general ledger account that is to be attached to the specific fund (Example: General fund in example
shown above).
Click on the Advanced tab of the account as shown below:
General Ledger
Select the appropriate fund from the Retained Earnings Account drop-down options. A fund account has not been
classified as Retained earnings if the fund is not listed in the list of options.
Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for each revenue, income, or donation account.
Complete steps 2 through 5 to attach each expense account to a fund.
The revenue and expense transactions do not post directly to the fund account classified as Retained Earnings. The total current
earnings (Revenue Expenses) for a specific year are posted to the fund account. The year end balances for all assets, liabilities
and capital accounts are carried forward to the next year but all year-end totals for revenue and expenses accounts are posted to
the specified fund account. For example, if the total contributions for last year was $1,000,000 and the expenses totaled to
$800,000, a total of $200,000 would be added to the beginning balance of the fund (retained earnings) account.
EBMS Main Documentation
Reviewing Fund Balances
The fund balance is affected each time the revenue account is credited or the expense account is debited. The fund balance can be
viewed within the Income / Expense tab of the fund account. Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts and open a fund
account (Classified as retained earnings). Click on the Income / Expense tab as shown below:
The Beginning Balance shown on this tab is the beginning balance of the current fiscal year (year 2000 in the example shown
The Transfers value reflects debits and credits within the fund account itself. Review the next section for details on fund transfers.
The Net Profit / Loss value is calculated by the sum of all the revenue and expense accounts associated with the specific fund and
listed within the Income / Expense tab.
The Ending Balance equals the Beginning Balance + Transfers + Net Profit / Loss.
The Transfers, Net Profit / Loss, and Ending Balance values can be limited to the values on or before the monthly setting set
located on the top of the Income / Expense tab. For example, Set the Show YTD balances as of option to the month of April to
view the values at the end of the month of April as shown below:
General Ledger
A number of financial statement fund reports can be printed based on a fund. Go to File > Reports to view the following reports.
Select the Fund Balance Summary report from General Ledger > Balance Statements for fund account balances as shown
Print the Fund Balance Detail report from General Ledger > Balance Statements for detailed general ledger account balances as
shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Print the Monthly Profit & Loss by Fund report from General Ledger > Balance Statements > P&L by Fund for a profit and loss
statement for a specific fund as shown below:
Contact an EBMS support representative to require a specific report or function related to fund accounting.
General Ledger
Fund Transfers
Funds are normally received into a fund through the revenue accounts using the sales invoice and dispersed through the expense
accounts using the expense invoice. The fund transfer should only be used when funds are being transferred from one fund to
another. For example, the board of directors may approve a transfer from the general fund into the special fund. Complete the
following steps to transfer monies between funds:
Open a new general ledger journal by going to General Ledger > Journal Entry as shown below:
Create a new journal ID and set the Date for the balance transfer.
Record any information about the transfer within the Note field of the journal.
Enter the fund account that is to be debited into the G/L Account (debit) column. The monies are transferred out of
the G/L Account (Debit).
Enter the amount that is to be transferred into the Debit Amount and Credit Amount columns.
Enter the fund account that is to be credited or increased into the G/L Account (credit) column.
Select Process > Post from the journal menu to process the journal and post transfers to the general ledger accounts.
Open the fund account and click on the Income / Expense tab to view the transfer amounts.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on the year tab of the account and you will see the debit based on the journal entry date. See example below:
General Ledger
Journal entry and transfers should be limited to funds transferred between fund accounts rather than posting income and
expenses. Use the standard accounting features such as invoicing, timecards, etc. to record revenue and expenses.
EBMS Main Documentation
This optional EBMS module is not included on all versions of the EBMS software. Review the Features > Optional EBMS modules
for specific instructions used to identify or add optional modules.
Budgeting is an important and necessary part of small business ownership. To begin with, lenders and investors are going to require
a budget before they agree to partner with a company. More importantly, a budget can be a valuable tool to help the business owner
meet goals and stay abreast of the financial condition of a business.
A budget is really just a financial plan. It can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be, although a certain level of detail is
necessary if it is going to be effective. With that in mind, here are some tips to help you get started.
The EBMS Budget module is an important management tool used to project a plan for the New Year or additional future years. This
projection becomes a guide to compare actual expenses and income to the projection or budget. The budget system can be used to
project income and profits and create a comparison picture to measure the progress of the company.
The budget module within the EBMS system contains tools to set budget values in a variety of methods:
Manually created budget by month or year - Review the Creating a Simple Budget section for details.
Formulas based on percent of sales or percent of another expense - Review the Calculating a Budget Using a
Formula section for details.
Budgets or based on previous years
Set formulas for a range of accounts - Review the Change a Range of Budget Accounts section for details.
Ability to create formulas and variables to calculate a budget value based on a combination of factors - Review the
Advanced Features > Using Variables section for details.
Can import information from an Excel spreadsheet - Review the Advanced Features > Connecting the Budget to a
Spreadsheet section for details.
Set budgets based on monthly values rather than annual totals - Review the Advanced Features > Monthly Budgets
section for details.
Start with a simple budget and add complexity by using formulas and variables as needed. Continue with the following steps for
details on the budget module of EBMS.
General Ledger
Creating a Simple Budget
The EBMS budget module can calculate a budget using formulas and variables but it is easy to make the budget more complex than
necessary. We recommend that you start with a simple budget and then add complexity as needed. This section explains the steps
of creating a simple budget.
Complete the following steps to get started.
Select General Ledger > Budget from the main EBMS menu. The budget list will be blank if the budget module has
not been used before. You can skip the next few steps if budget records already appear.
Click on the Wizards button and select Add By G/L Code option as shown below:
This step is not necessary if the dialog opens automatically
Enter the following information into the Add G/L Codes wizard dialog as shown above:
Maintain a folder setting of General Ledger so all general ledger accounts are included.
Enable the Include Subfolders option.
Enter the first revenue account into the From general ledger account entry to exclude all the asset
and liability accounts.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the last account that is included in the budget process into the To entry.
Keep the Filter setting as ?????-??? so the budget for all the accounts are created. Review the
Change a Range of Budget Accounts section for more details on the Filter option.
Set the Total Calculation option to Manual which will allow the user to enter the budget amount
for each account manually. Review the Calculating a Budget Using a Formula section for more
details on calculating a budget using a formula.
Set the Distribution to Equal so that the annual calculation is evenly distributed between the
individual months. Review the Variable Monthly Distribution for details on creating budgets with
variable values each month.
Set the calculation option to Yearly Basis since the budget is entered annually and then
distributed monthly. Review the Variable Monthly Distribution section for details on the Monthly
Basis option.
Click the OK button and the system will create a record for every account within the From and To range and within
the Filter option.
Since this example is setup to enter a budget for the year, we can hide the monthly budget columns as shown below:
General Ledger
Right click on any column label and remove the check mark for each month. Review the Features > Column Appearance
within the main EBMS documentation for more details.
Enter the projected income for each income account within the Yearly Total column as shown below:
All budget values are entered as whole dollars. Right click on the account and select Lookup to view the account detail
include actual values from past years. Review the following Calculating a Budget Using a Formula section for details on
calculation the budget amount from other accounts.
EBMS Main Documentation
Calculating a Budget Using a Formula
Budget amounts can be calculated using a formula instead of manually setting the value of each general ledger account. Open the
budget list by selecting General Ledger > Budget from the mail EBMS menu.
It is easier to manage and test formulas within the general ledger budget dialog. Double click on any account budget record to view
the budget settings for each general ledger account as shown below:
General Ledger
Change the Total Calculation setting from Manual to a formula by clicking on the template option button. Select one of the
following Total Calculation formula options from the template list:
EBMS Main Documentation
The most common budget formula is the __% of budget for account(s):________ as highlighted above.
Enter a percentage and the source general ledger accounts into the formula template as shown below:
In the example shown above, the budget for the purchase (cost of sale) account of 60000-010 will be calculated based on 60% of
the projected sales within the 51000-010 revenue account. If the sales account budget is changed, the budget for the purchase
account will be recalculated using the percentage calculation.
You can also add multiple accounts by placing a comma between the accounts as shown below.
The account setting can have a partial account code. The following settings will calculate 60% of the budget for all accounts starting
with 51:
General Ledger
Multiple partial account codes can be separated with a comma. The following settings would include all 51000 and 52000 accounts
no matter what extension.
A range of accounts can be used by using the to conjunction. The following setting would include all accounts in the range of 51000010 through 51000-030
A combination of account settings can be used as shown below:
Another common formula used to create expense budgets is basing the budget on the percent of sales, percent of all income (Sales
& Server), or percent of the payroll expense budget. These formula options total general ledger accounts based on the classification
of the GL account. For example the following formula will total the budget for all revenue general ledger accounts that are classified
as Sales or Service but excludes accounts that are classified as Other Income, Sale of Assets, or other miscellaneous income.
The Classification setting is found within the Advanced tab of the general ledger account. Review the General Ledger > Chart of
Accounts > Account Classification section within the main documentation for more details on setting the classification of the
The % of sales & service income budget formula is often used to calculate overhead expense budgets by percent of sales. The
following example sets the advertising budget to equal 3.5% of total income and service income. Miscellaneous income would not
be included.
Calculate payroll overhead costs such as company payroll taxes using the following formula:
The following formula is similar to the previous formulas but limits the accounts to those within the department or profit center.
The __% of sales & service income budget for department __. Formula is useful of the purchase amount is a percentage of all
revenue accounts for a specific department. This is a common way to calculate cost of sales within a department.
EBMS Main Documentation
Some other common formulas:
Or calculate payroll overhead costs for a specific department by using the following formula:
Notice that the general ledger accounts, department, or profit center settings are not validated. It is important that the user tests the
Total Calculate entry before proceeding. Click on the Calculate button to update the budget values in the Year Total and monthly
budget calculation.
A complete list of formula options including technical details are listed below:
Allows you to set each month manually.
Is $___.
Will set either the Yearly Total (calculated on a Yearly Basis) or each
monthly value (Monthly Basis) to the value entered within the formula.
Variable formula.
Review the Using Variables section for more details on this formula
___% of last year.
Tries to find a record in glleddet.dbf for this account and the previous
year. Copies each field such that BAL_i in gleddet.dbf becomes
BUDGET_i in glbgt.dbf. Copies BAL_13 in gleddet.dbf to the yearend
General Ledger
adjustment in glbgt.dbf. Multiplies all of them by the percentage.
___ % of last year account(s):
Looks up each record in gleddet.dbf for the previous year and certain
accounts that depend on what is passed in. Sums the values of BAL_i in
gleddet.dbf to BUDGET_i in glbgt.dbf. Sums the values of BAL_13 in
gleddet.dbf to the yearend adjustment in glbgt.dbf. See below for accounts
___% of this year.
Tries to find a record in glleddet.dbf for this account and the current year.
Copies each field such that BAL_i in gleddet.dbf becomes BUDGET_i in
glbgt.dbf. Copies BAL_13 in gleddet.dbf to the yearend adjustment in
glbgt.dbf. Multiplies all of them by the percentage.
___ % of this year account(s):
Looks up each record in gleddet.dbf for the current year and certain
accounts that depend on what is passed in. Sums the values of BAL_i in
gleddet.dbf to BUDGET_i in glbgt.dbf. Sums the values of BAL_13 in
gleddet.dbf to the yearend adjustment in glbgt.dbf. See below for accounts
___% of budget for account(s):
Looks up records in glbgt.dbf for this year and certain accounts that
depend on what is passed in. There are three possible formats for the range
of accounts. First, you can pass a single account. In this case, the months
and yearend adjustment are copied from it. Second, you can pass a range
of accounts in the form '00000-000to9999-000' with no spaces. In this
case, the values are summed from each account within the range
inclusively. Third, you can pass several accounts separated by commas in
the form '01000-000,02000-000,03000-000' with no spaces. The end result
is multiplied by the percentage.
___% of budget for accounts _____ to
_____ with the same department.
Sums the values of the months for every budget within the range
inclusively that has the same department as the account you are
calculating for and the same year. Multiplies by the percentage.
___% of sales & service income budget. Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
who's classification begins with 'ARS'. Multiplies by the percentage.
___% of total payroll budget.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'PYL' or is 'PYBE'. Multiplies by the
___% of cost of sales budget.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'APP' or is 'APCS'. Multiplies by the
___% of sales && service income
budget for department ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'ARS' and which is in the given
department. Multiplies by the percentage.
___% of total payroll budget for
department ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'PYL' or is 'PYBE' and which is in the
given department. Multiplies by the percentage.
___% of cost of sales budget for
department ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'APP' or is 'APCS' and which is in the
given department. Multiplies by the percentage.
EBMS Main Documentation
___% of sales && service income
budget for cost center ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
whose classification begins with 'ARS' and which has a glccdet record for
the given cost center in the current year. Multiplies by the percentage.
___% of total payroll budget for cost
center ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
who's classification begins with 'PYL' or is 'PYBE' and which has a
glccdet record for the given cost center in the current year. Multiplies by
the percentage.
___% of cost of sales budget for cost
center ___.
Sums the values of the months for every budget in this year for an account
who's classification begins with 'APP' or is 'APCS' and which has a
glccdet record for the given cost center in the current year. Multiplies by
the percentage.
Excel sheet:______ column:___
row:____ file:__________
Opens the given file and looks up the value on the sheet with the given
name in the given row and column numbers. Sets each month equal to that
value. Sets the yearend adjustment to 0. Review the Connecting the
Budget to a Spreadsheet section for more details.
The budget values are not updated without clicking the Calculate button on the budget dialog or clicking on the Recalculate button
on the budget list.
Budgets values are not recalculated when a formula is changed from a calculation to the Manual option.
The budget for all the accounts can be updated by clicking on the Recalculate button within the General Ledger > Budget dialog
as shown below:
Review the Using Variables section for more complicated formulas to calculate a budget.
Continue with the following section - Change a Range of Budget Accounts to set the same formula for a range of accounts.
General Ledger
Change a Range of Budget Accounts
The budget settings for a range of accounts can be changed simultaneously using the Change By G/L Code wizard. This wizard
can save a considerable amount of time if the settings are similar for a range of accounts.
Open the budget list by selecting General Ledger > Budget from the main EBMS menu.
Click on the Wizard button and select the Change By G/L Code option. The following dialog will open:
The range or general ledger codes affected by the wizard are set using the following G/L Codes options:
Select a general ledger Folder to limit the changes to a specific general ledger folder.
EBMS Main Documentation
Disable the Include Subfolders option to only affect the accounts within the selected Folder.
Enter the range within the From and To entries.
If the Filter setting is set to ?????-??? all accounts are included. The Filter can be used to only include some of the
accounts. For example a Filter setting of ?????-000 will only include accounts with a 000 extension. A 5????-???
will only include accounts that start with a number 5.
Set the Total Calculation, Distribution, or type (Yearly Basis, Monthly Basis) that need to be changed for all accounts included
in the G/L Codes options. Click OK to complete change.
This wizard is useful to change the Distribution or calculation basis (Yearly Basis or Monthly Basis) for a large range of accounts.
Review the Calculating a Budget Using a Formula section for more details on the settings within the Change by G/L wizard.
Click OK to change accounts.
General Ledger
Printing Budget Comparison Reports
Printing reports to compare the monthly or year to date expenses to the budget is a powerful business management tool. View the
budget report options by selecting File > Reports from the main EBMS menu.
Select Reports > General Ledger > Budget from the report groups.
Use the 12 Month Budget Detail to view the budget if variable monthly budget values are set.
Use the Budget View option to compare the budget numbers from one year to the next.
Use the Monthly Budget Status report to compare the budget to actual expenses as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
General Ledger
Advanced Features
Using Variables
Variables can be used within the EBMS budget system to calculate more complex budget formulas. For example, a budget may be
calculated using a formula of multiple accounts. The variables are setup and assigned within the Variables tab of the main budget
dialog. Select General Ledger > Budget from the main EBMS menu and click on the variables tab.
The first column of the Variables list is the Variable label. The Variable label is case sensitive and may not contain spaces. The
calculation options are the same as the formulas used within the Total Calculation setting of the Budgets tab. Review the
Calculating a Budget Using a Formula section for more details on formula options.
The Calculation column can also consist of an equation using static values and other variables separated by standard math
operators. In the example shown above, the COSPayroll variable equals the TotalPayroll less the OHPayroll (COSPayroll =
TotalPayroll - OHPayroll).
The COSPayroll variable can now be used within the Budget calculation within the general ledger account as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the Variable Formula option by clicking on the right arrow by the Total Calculation entry. Then type in the formula using the
COSPayroll variable. In the example above, only 25% of the cost of sales payroll labor is to be added as a budget. This calculation
can be created by entering the equation as shown above.
Another example of using a variable is by creating a total sales value within the Variables tab as shown below:
General Ledger
A value of 5 million dollars is entered into the TotalSales variable. Now enter a variable formula into the Calculation column of the
Budgets tab as shown below:
This method allows the user to adjust the total sales number in one location, with the Variables tab without recalculating the each
revenue account manually.
The EBMS system will display an error message if the variable formulas are not valid. Using variables within the budget module
gives the use a lot of flexibility to setup the budget properly and efficiently.
Review the Connecting the Budget to a Spreadsheet section to use a spreadsheet to calculate complex formulas within a
EBMS Main Documentation
Connecting the Budget to a Spreadsheet
Budget values within EBMS can be copied directly from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by completing the following steps:
Create budget values within a spreadsheet as shown below:
It is recommended to create a sheet (labeled Totals in the example shown above) that contains the totals that will be
passed to the budget within EBMS. Since EBMS addresses the spreadsheet cells by row and column numbers, this step
will assist in maintaining the exact location. Notice that the budget calculations are done within the Budget tab of the
spreadsheet example shown above.
Close the spreadsheet and open the budget list by going to General Ledger > Budget from the main EBMS menu.
Open a specific account by double clicking on the account line. The dialog is shown below:
Select the Excel Sheet formula from the Total Calculation option list as shown below. Review the Using Variables
section for more details on these options.
General Ledger
The Excel formula template requires the following 4 references within the Excel spreadsheet:
The sheet label which is found at the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet. The first sheet in the
sample spreadsheet shown above is labeled Totals.
Enter the Cell reference code. This code must be a simple column letter + row number such as
A1, B5, etc
Enter the file name. Note that the full path of the file must be entered including the file path and
extension. Only Excel .XLS files are currently supported.
Click on the Calculate button to test the connection. The Total Calculation template entries will not check for file and
sheet entry errors or invalid row or column values.
Repeat these steps for each value that you wish to copy from the spreadsheet to the EBMS budget list. Use the Change by
GL Code wizard from the budget list dialog to set the Excel formula for a range of accounts. Enter the sheet and file settings
for the entire range and then change the individual row and column values for each account. Review the Change a Range of
Budget Accounts section for details in setting a range of accounts to Excel.
EBMS Main Documentation
Monthly Budgets
The EBMS budget system allows the user to manage budgets on an annual basis or monthly basis. An annual budget distributed
evenly to the twelve months is the easiest budget management method since only a single budget value is required per account
instead of 12. A user may wish to create a monthly budget to be more accurate throughout the year. Complete the following steps to
set the budget values per month.
Open an account budget dialog by clicking on the Budget button within any general ledger account. Go to General Ledger > Chart
of Accounts to open a general ledger account. The budget dialog can also be used by opening the budget list (General Ledger >
Budget) and double clicking on any detail line.
The monthly and annual budget values can be changed individually if both the Total Calculation and the Distribution options are
set to Manual. Notice that the Year Total equals the combined total of all the monthly values. If the user changes the Year Total,
the monthly totals are adjusted by prorating the values. Clear the Year Total and the monthly totals are cleared as well.
Set the Distribution to Equal to always distribute the Year Total evenly between the 12 months. Click on the Calculate button after
the Distribution is changed to recalculate monthly values. The Ending Adjustments (13th month) value must always be entered
manually. The value in the 12th month may vary if the Year Total can not be evenly divided by 12 months.
The Automatic Calculations setting should be set to Monthly Basis if each month is calculated separately by the matching month
represented within the Total Calculation setting. For example, if the setting is _60% of budget for account(s): 51000-010 then
each month within the account will equal 60% of the budget value of each individual month of the 51000-010 account. Notice that
the Distribution setting is invalid if the budget is calculated on a Monthly Basis. Use the Yearly Basis to calculate the budget
based on the year. The Distribution setting is required if the Yearly Basis is used.
General Ledger
The calculation settings can be changed within a range of accounts at the same time by using the Change By G/L wizard. Review
the Change a Range of Budget Accounts section for more details on the Change By G/L wizard.
Accounts Payable Overview
Accounts payable, referred to as Expenses within EBMS, is the module used to record purchase orders, expense invoices, and
vendor information. Vendors are defined as any company or person that is paid monies for product or services. Vendor information
such as account information, contact details, terms, and purchase history is conveniently recorded for review or use. EBMS allows
you to create purchase orders and invoices, make payments, and handle the bank accounts related to Accounts Payable. All bank
account functions such as statement reconciliation, bank account adjustments, and bank register reports are found in this module.
Purchase orders can be conveniently entered and processed (turned into an expense invoice) using the same entry window as a
normal prepaid or charge invoice. The purchase order entry window contains convenient purchasing tools such as showing the last
item cost and distributing freight costs. Manual check entry and issuing a quick check are a few of the features found within the
invoice entry window. Complete vendor history and inventory purchasing information is maintained for an unlimited number of years.
Vendor payments can be generated as down payments, partial payments, or standard payments based on due dates and other
EBMS also includes flexible terms and discount processing, 1099 information, user defined vendor contact information, and
purchasing and receiving tools. The software allows voiding of checks and invoices or adjustments and maintains a complete audit
trail of the changes.
The Expense module collects and records a variety of purchasing information, expense invoices, and payment information that can
be printed. Purchase orders, check registers, vendor reports, and bank account history are a few of the available reports.
See the following sections in this manual to find out more about how to use the different features in the Expense module.
EBMS Main Documentation
Adding and Deleting Vendor Folders
This feature helps with the organization of vendors. Vendors can be grouped in folder groups as shown below. Common settings
can be configured for all vendors within a folder group. Review the Setting Vendor defaults section for more details.
Vendor folders are created by selecting Expenses > Options from the main EBMS menu and then clicking on the Vendor Folders
tab. For further explanation of how to create folders for vendors, review the Folder Groups section for more details in creating
Change the folder name or edit the button of the highlighted folder as necessary.
Click on the Naming tab to configure EBMS to automatically create a vendor ID when a new vendor record is created. Review the
Features > Creating IDs section for more details on these settings.
EBMS comes with two standard folders - Vendors and Inactive. Additional active folders can be added as needed. Folders will be
most helpful if designed in a manner that will facilitate ease of selection for a specific group of vendors.
EXAMPLE: A hardware store may create vendor folders for Suppliers, Subcontractors, Service, and Other. Additional
subfolders within the Suppliers folder named Tools, Farm Supplies, Sports Equipment, and General hardware would
further group his vendors in convenient folders. See the Folder Lists section for more details on adding and changing
folder lists.
All vendors that you no longer deal with should be placed in the inactive folder rather than deleting them. Doing this preserves
vendor history while removing the vendor from being included in any vendor-related reports.
Changing the Name of a Vendor Folder
To change the name of a vendor folder, click the Properties button and the following window will appear:
Vendor folders can also be added in the New Vendor wizard.
EBMS Main Documentation
Setting Vendor Defaults
It is wise to set your vendor folder defaults before entering new vendors. If you are not familiar with editing defaults, review the
Changing Defaults, Filter Down data and Globally Editing Data section. Select Expenses > Options > Vendor Folders and click on
the root folder named Vendors and click the Edit Defaults button. The following window will appear:
The Vendor window appears very similar to the vendor entry window but is used only to enter default values. Any data entered into
any of the entry fields will default the next time a new vendor is entered in the main vendor entry window.
EXAMPLE: If you set the country entry field default to "USA," you will not need to enter this data when entering a new vendor.
Suggested Vendor Default Settings
General Tab
Set the Contact Information field labels to reflect the most common contact information obtained from
vendors. Click on the right arrow button to the right of each of the five entry fields, and select a variety of
Terms Tab
Advanced Tab
The default values of the Terms tab can be ignored since most values will be set for each individual
Enable the Update this expense account when processing an invoice option to record the last
general ledger expense account for each vendor each time an expense invoice is processed. Review the
Vendor History section for more details on this setting.
Set the Freight general ledger code to an expense account used to record shipping expenses.
The Finance charges general ledger account should be set to an expense account used to record any
finance charges paid to a vendor.
The Vendor Discounts general ledger account can be an income account or an offsetting cost of sales
account that accumulates any discount earned on an expense invoice. Review the Discounts and
Finance Charges section for more details.
Enter an expense general ledger account into the Sales Tax Paid entry field. Do not get this entry
confused with the sales tax liability code. The Sales Tax Paid account is used to record sales tax paid to
vendors and does not include sales tax paid to the state that has been collected from customers.
Set the Accounts Payable liability account that will be affected when vendor invoices are processed.
Most companies use only one accounts payable trade account. Only the general ledger accounts
classified as Accounts Payable will be available.
The Vendor Down Payment account records any down payments or deposits paid to a vendor. This
should be an asset general ledger account. Only the general ledger accounts classified as Vendor
Down Payments will be available.
Messages Tab
If you wish to enter messages that appear on all vendors, enter them into the Messages tab. See the
Messages section for more details.
Copying Default Values
EBMS Main Documentation
To copy the default values from the root folder into the subfolders, filter down each default value for each
entry field within each tab. Review the Change Defaults, Filter Down Data, and Globally Edit Data section
for detailed instructions on this copy process.
Click the OK button to return to the options window.
Repeat the steps above if you wish to set different default settings for subfolders than the ones set for the root vendor folder.
For more details on individual fields go to Vendors.
Adding a New Vendor
To add new vendors take the following steps:
Open the vendor list by selecting Vendors in the Expense menu (Expenses > Vendors).
To create a new vendor, click the Edit menu and select New. A new vendor wizard will begin with the following steps.
Highlight the folder in which to place the new vendor. Enable the Copy existing option ON to copy information from
another vendor. Review the Adding and Deleting Vendor Folders section for more details on creating new folders. Click
Next to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the vendor's name and address information in the appropriate fields. Enter a company name in the Last Name
entry field and let the First Name blank. EBMS creates a zip code database when the user enters a city, state, and zip
code. The zip code list can be viewed or changed by going to File > System Options > Zip Codes tab. If a zip code for
a particular city and state has already been entered, the zip code can be entered and the system will display the
corresponding city and state. Click Next to continue to the next wizard page.
Enter the Contact Information as requested. Clicking on the arrow key to the right of the field and selecting the
appropriate field name will change the field label. Click Next.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the Finances information.
Account number: the numbers or letters entered in this field are the account number assigned to your
company by the vendor.
Minimum order: if the vendor requires a minimum order amount, enter it in this field. Note: When a
purchase order is processed and the dollar amount is less than the amount specified in this field, a
message will be displayed stating that the invoice is below the minimum order.
1099: Indicates if this vendor gets a 1099 form by checking the box provided.
Tax ID: If this vendor gets a 1099, they must supply their tax ID number. This will be either a social
security number or an Employer Identification Number.
Discount: Use this field to list the discount, if any, that the vendor allows to be taken on their invoices.
To set the discount requires two steps:
If the discount template is set, you will need to enter the discount detail information. For example if you set the option to
"__ % paid in __ days" you must enter the discount percentage and the number of days in which the vendor allows the
discount to be taken. Review the Discounts and Finance Charges section for more details.
Set the proper discount template by clicking on the right arrow button to the right of the
discount field. A drop-down list will display all the discount options. If this vendor does not
offer term discounts, set the entry field to (none) and ignore the second step.
Due: Use this field to set the due date terms. Similar to the discount field, the due date requires two
Select the template by clicking on the right arrow and selecting one of the options. If this
field is set to (none), the system will not prompt the user that the invoice is due. If the due
date of the vendor that is being edited is unknown, enter "Net __ days" which is the most
common type of terms. Complete this entry by setting the days to 30 as shown in next
step. Options: Cash, Collect on Delivery, and Due on receipt are all processed as due
Template may require term details such as a date or number of days. For example if Net
__ days template is selected the exact number of days must be set to complete due date
Click the Next button to continue to next page of wizard.
Enter the Vendor ID. This ID is required to be unique to a specific vendor. This ID is used throughout the entire
accounting system for all transactions associated with this vendor (changing the vendor ID is a lengthy process plan, so
use an ID that is satisfactory). Review the Creating IDs section for details on automatically creating the ID code.
Click Finish to create a new vendor or Cancel to ignore new entries.
When the above entry is completed for a vendor, there will still be various vendor information that may not be completed. To view all
vendor information, review the Changing Vendor Information section.
EBMS Main Documentation
Changing Vendor Information
General vendor information may be changed at any time after the new vendor has been entered. Additional information may be
entered into this window such as miscellaneous notes, etc. The vendor window is also very useful in viewing history such as
invoices and purchase orders as well as payments made to the vendor. Review Vendor History section for more details.
Open the vendor information window by going to Expenses > Vendors. If you wish to create a new vendor, follow steps listed in
Adding a New Vendor section. Select the vendor you wish to edit to open the following window:
Right-click on the vendor field with the mouse to open the edit menu and change the vendor's ID. Select Change ID, which will start
a lengthy process of changing this vendor's ID throughout the system. It is possible to load a different vendor by clicking on the
lookup button to the right of the vendor entry field and selecting a new vendor.
The vendor's folder can be changed by clicking on the down arrow button to the right of the current folder name and selecting a new
folder. If you place the vendor in the inactive folder, this vendor will not be listed on a number of reports.
General Tab
The Name, Address, and Contact Information may be changed at any time and all future transactions with this vendor will be
affected. Changes will not be reflected on existing invoices and purchase orders. To create a miscellaneous vendor, blank all the
name and address entry fields. An ID must still be entered. Examples: MISC or MISCVEN. When entering the miscellaneous ID in a
purchase order or invoice, the system will prompt for the vendor's name and address. Review Miscellaneous Vendor Overview
section for more details.
You can enter an optional vendor Type for each vendor to enable a printout or query of vendors in specified groups. Example: If you
want to keep track of all your vendors who have a local warehouse, enter a type "Local" and then query by this entry. The Type field
is very useful when vendors are part of more than one group. If you wish to group a specific vendor within two or more different
groups, the type field will allow you to do this. Grouping vendors only by folders is limited since each vendor can only appear in one
folder. By entering a group of keywords or group names within the type field separated by a comma or space, the user can then
query the vendor by any type or combination of types.
EXAMPLE: Miller's Service Center's type field may contain "Supplier, Maintenance, Local," which allows the user to include Miller's
Service Center on the Supplier Vendor list as well as the Maintenance Vendor list and the Local Vendor list. This is accomplished by
using the query option on the vendor.
The Note field may be used to enter miscellaneous comments pertaining to a specific vendor. The length of this entry field is not
limited but will scroll if more information is entered than what can be displayed on a single page.
Vendor Terms Tab
Go to Expenses > Vendors (choose a Vendor) > Terms tab:
This page allows editing the vendor ordering, tax, and terms information. The only field not appearing at the time of initial entry is the
Payment Vendor field. For more information on other fields, review the Adding a New Vendor section.
The Payment Vendor field is used to enter the ID for the vendor that will be receiving the payment for items bought. This field will
normally be the same ID as the vendor ID unless the vendor requires the payment be sent to a third party. For example, if Parts
America requires that payments be sent to John's Check Services, then the main vendor ID would identify parts America and the
payment vendor would identify John's Check Services.
Advanced Vendor Information Tab
Go to the Expenses > Vendors > Advanced tab.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Purchase / Expense account can be used in two different ways and is directly affected by the Update this expense account
when processing an invoice switch.
If you wish to have the general ledger account within an expense invoice default to a specific account, enter the account
in the Purchase / Expense entry field and turn the Update this expense account when processing an invoice switch
If it is more convenient to have the system automatically store the most recent general ledger account used on the first
line of the expense invoice, turn Update this expense account when processing an invoice switch ON. This is
normally the most common method used for this field.
The remainder of the fields in this tab consists of general ledger accounts used to process vendor invoices and is normally set within
the Edit Defaults process in the Vendor Folder window. Review the Adding and Deleting Vendor Folders section for more details.
The information in the Invoice tab and each of the year tabs is updated as expense invoices are processed. Proceed with next
section, Vendor History, for more details on these tabs.
Messages Tab
This tab inserts and edits messages. For details on inserting and editing messages, review the Features > Custom Messages
The function buttons at the bottom of the vendor information window perform in the following manner:
OK will save changes and return to the main window.
Cancel will not save changes before returning to the main window.
New will bring up the window to start entering a new vendor. Review the Adding a New Vendor section for details
on the new wizard.
Delete will delete the selected vendor. Note that a vendor cannot be deleted if transactions exist in any year tabs.
Instead of deleting a vendor, they should either be merged with another account or moved to an inactive status. For
further information on merging an account or making a vendor inactive, review the Making a Vendor Inactive
Print has a drop-down list of reports linked to this window. A report can be added by selecting Add a Report at This
EBMS Main Documentation
Vendor History
EBMS retains a large amount of vendor history information in two different methods within the vendor window.
Invoices tab
Year History tab
Accessing Vendor History via the Invoices Tab
To access the vendor information window, go to Expenses > Vendors and select the appropriate
Click on the Invoices tab
3. To view all of the vendor's past invoices, set Status option to All. To view only Purchase Orders,
Outstanding invoices, or Paid Invoices, set the appropriate Status option. To view or edit an invoice or
purchase order, open the document by double-clicking on the document.
4. Date or invoice number can sort the list by clicking on either column heading. Move to the beginning
of the list by clicking the top button on the scroll bar or pressing Ctrl + Home on the keyboard. To move
to the end of the list, press Ctrl + End keys.
Accessing Vendor History Via the Year Tab
Year tabs are the second way of viewing Vendor History. A tab will appear on the vendor window for each year that an invoice or
payment was processed. EBMS does not restrict the number of years or tabs that may exist. Each history year page lists monthly
invoice totals, monthly payments, and end of month accounts payable balances for the vendor.
Go to Expenses > Vendor > Year tab.
To drill down and view the detailed invoice or payment transactions, take the following steps:
Place the cursor on the summary total that you wish to view by clicking on the summary total with your
mouse or tabbing to it using the keyboard.
Right click to display the context menu and select drill down. The transaction Detail window will open:
To view a specific transaction, double-click on a monthly invoice or payment total and the source of the
transaction will be displayed (as above). It is not possible to drill down on the balance amounts (3 rd
column). Note that all transactions must be posted to the general ledger before they will appear on the
vendor history year tabs.
The Down Payment field is a total that reflects the balance of any prepayments or deposits made on a purchase
EBMS Main Documentation
For example, if you made a deposit on a purchase order of $200, the Down Payment balance would equal $200 plus any other
outstanding down payments that exist for this vendor.
When an invoice is created from the purchase order, the down payment amount will return to zero since the payment is no longer a
down payment but a full or partial payment on an invoice. This Balance field only reflects the outstanding down payments and does
not total all the down payments made during the year. To see all the down payment transactions made to a vendor, drill down on the
Down Payment balance by double-clicking on the Down Payments total with your mouse.
NOTE: All purchase order down payments are listed as positive numbers along with negative numbers identifying all down
payments that were converted into invoice payments. This list is a valuable tool when trying to identify the details of past down
payments. Review the Down Payments section for more details.
The Balance amount on the lower right side of the window reflects the outstanding balance including all the down payments.
All history transactions are retained until the user decides to remove them using the purge utilities. The year-end close procedure
does not remove history transactions or invoices.
Making a Vendor Inactive
A vendor should never be deleted even when the vendor no longer exists unless there have never been any transactions with the
vendor. It is permissible to delete a vendor when no new transactions have occurred within the years maintained by the system. For
example, if all transactions that occurred four years ago or before have been removed from the system using the purge utility, and
there have been no transactions with a vendor named Quality Auto Body in the past four years, then the Quality Auto Body's vendor
account could be deleted.
The following alternatives to deleting the vendor are recommended:
Merge a vender into another account. This option is the preferred option if accounts were duplicated or two accounts need
to be merged into one. Review the Features > Merging Accounts vs. Deleting Accounts section for more details.
Change a vendor to inactive status. Once a vendor is made inactive, it will be removed from a number of reports. Inactive
vendors will be kept in the inactive folder to separate them from the active vendors.
Take the following steps to make a vendor inactive:
Open the vendor window by selecting Expenses > Vendors.
Select the vendor to be made inactive.
Open the folder list by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the Folder field located on the top on the main
vendor window.
From the Folder drop box, select the Inactive folder.
Save vendor information by clicking the OK button.
To make a vendor active again, repeat the steps listed above with the exception of the fourth step. Instead, change the vendor
folder from Inactive to any other folder listed in the folder list.
EBMS Main Documentation
NOTE: All inactive (accounts, vendors, etc.) will be grayed on the search lists when all (accounts, vendors, etc.) are listed.
Bank Accounts
Bank Accounts Overview
Bank accounts are defined within this manual as "any established financial account that is controlled by a financial institution." A
number of different types of bank accounts can be managed using the bank account utilities, such as:
Checking Accounts
Savings Accounts
Payroll Accounts
Credit Card Accounts
An account must be classified as a Bank Account or Cash Account before you can make vendor payments from the account
using the Vendor Payments window or deposit monies into the account using the Deposit window. Only accounts with a bank
account classification will be listed in the Bank Account list as shown below:
Click Post All Transactions button to post all transactions and update the bank balances.
Select a Bank Account record and click Properties to record miscellaneous bank information, configure bank communication
settings, and identify the check report settings.
Click on the Reconcile button to reconcile the software balances with the bank account statement. Review the Reconciling a Bank
Account section for more details on this tool.
Bank accounts are asset or liability accounts created within the general ledger with a classification of Bank Account or Credit Card
Account. Review the Adding General Ledger Accounts section for details on creating new general ledger accounts.
Bank accounts can also be created directly from the Bank Account window by selecting Expenses > Bank accounts from the
main EBMS menu and the selecting Edit > New from the EBMS menu. Review the Adding a Bank Account section for detailed
instructions on creating bank accounts.
The Bank Account information such as bank account details and form setup should be entered before the bank account is used
within the software. Review to the Changing Bank Account Information section for detailed instructions on this step.
EBMS Main Documentation
EBMS includes the features required to print checks (including plain paper checks), Deposit slips, and direct deposit receipts for
payroll. Review the Vendor Payments > Printing Checks and Other Forms using Blank Security Paper section for form
configuration details.
Managing a credit card account or other credit based bank account is slightly different than a standard checking account. Review
the Managing Credit Account Accounts section for additional instructions.
Review the Correcting Differences in Bank Account Reconciliation section for reconciliation tips.
Adding a Bank Account
Select Bank Accounts from the Expense menu and select Edit > New. The General Ledger Account wizard will be
activated. This same wizard is activated with the New button in General Ledger Chart of Accounts window. For more
details on this wizard, review the Adding General Ledger Accounts section.
Select the proper account type by clicking on the appropriate folder. If you are creating a checking or savings account,
select the short-term asset folder in which the other bank accounts reside. If it is a credit card account, select the shortterm liability folder. Click Next.
Enter in a new general ledger account number. It is wise to organize your bank accounts so that similar accounts are
prefixed with the same numbers.
Enter an account Description such as the bank name and click Next to continue.
Department codes are normally 000 or null for bank accounts. Click Next until you reach the classification page.
The account Classification must be set to Bank Account. Click Next to enter account information as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the following Bank Account information:
Enter the Account Number that is used to identify the account at the bank.
Enter the bank account Type.
Enter the Starting Check Number that should be used when generating checks from the computer. If
this account does not issue checks, or if all checks are manually written, leave this field blank.
Enable the Set as default bank account option if this is the main checking account used to pay vendor
invoices. This option should be disabled for all other bank accounts. To set the default payroll account,
go to Payroll > Options > Settings.
Click Finish to create the new bank account.
Changing Bank Account Information
The Bank Accounts window is an extension of the general ledger information for accounts with a bank account classification.
Select Bank Accounts from the Expense menu to open the following list
This window can be used as a convenient way to view current bank balances. Select the appropriate bank account and click on
the Reconcile button.
EBMS Main Documentation
The Bank Account ID is the general ledger account number and description. This cannot be edited within the bank
account window but must be changed in the General Ledger Chart of Accounts window. Review the Chart of
Account Folders section. To select a different bank account, click on the down arrow to the right of the Bank Account
field and select from any of the accounts listed.
Bank account Type can be changed without any adverse effects on any transactions processed. This setting is for
reference purposes only.
The Account Number should reference the account number given by the issuing bank. This account is used when
printing plain paper forms.
The Next Check Number is automatically increased when the computer generates a check. This number can also be
changed when the check process dialog displays the beginning check number.
Vendor ID field is an optional field identifying the bank information. A bank should be entered as a vendor along with
all the appropriate contact information. Right click on Vendor ID field and select Lookup on the context menu. After the
Vendor window opens, click on the New button to create a new vendor.
The Current Balance reflects the ending balance recorded in the general ledger account. This balance cannot be
changed within this window but must be adjusted with a journal entry or within the Bank Account Reconciliation
window. Review the Correcting Differences in Reconciliation section for details on adjusting the current balance. Note
that this balance does not reflect any temporary transactions that have not been posted to general ledger.
Bank Statement Balance amount reflects the last bank statement ending balance. This total is automatically copied
from the Account Reconciliation window. See Reconciling a Checking Account section for more details.
Review the Direct Deposits > Bank Account Settings section in the payroll manual for details on the Payroll Direct
Deposit Information entries.
Click on the Reports tab to view or change form settings as shown below
The Reports tab is used to setup payroll and accounts payable forms. Note that these settings need to be entered before the
forms can be printed from the selected bank accounts. The settings can be left blank if they do not apply.
Review the Vendor Payments > Printing Checks and Other Forms using Blank Security Paper section for more details on the
settings within this tab.
Review the Reports > Form Configuration section for details on selecting the correct preprinted check form.
EBMS Main Documentation
Review the Vendor Payments > Printing Checks on Plain Security Paper for details on how to setup the Information for Plain
Paper Forms.
Click on the Reconcile button to access the Account Reconciliation window. Review the Reconciling a Bank Account for
details on this window.
For more details on the Print button, review the Reports section of this manual.
The Delete button does not delete the bank account's associated general ledger account but makes the account inactive. This
bars it from being used as a bank account in invoice and payment windows.
The New button is used to create a new bank account. Review the Adding a Bank Account section for details on creating a new
bank account.
Click on OK to save changes made to the bank account or click on the Cancel button to ignore changes.
Reconciling a Bank Account
To reconcile a bank account, you will need a current statement. You will also need to have posted Expenses, Sales, Payroll and
General Journal entries. This will make sure that you are working with the most current information and nothing is missing. When
these items are ready, take the following steps to reconcile a bank account:
Select Expenses > Bank Accounts and select an account. Click on the Reconcile button.
The Bank Account list will display the bank accounts classified within the general ledger account.
Click on the Post All Transactions button to post all transactions to General Ledger. Review the General Ledger >
Transactions > Transactions Overview section for more details.
4. Select an account and click on one of the following buttons:
Click on the Properties button to open the main Bank Account dialog. Review the Expenses > Bank
Accounts > Changing Bank Account Information section for more details on the Bank Account dialog
Click on the Reconcile button to open the account reconciliation dialog window as shown below
EBMS Main Documentation
Use the reconciliation dialog as shown bellow to reconcile the bank account.
The Statement entry group is used to reconcile the bank account. Enter the bank statement date in the
Ending Date entry. If the Show All Transactions option is enabled, the system will hide transactions created since the
statement date.
Enter the bank statement Ending Balance. Click on the deposits tab with the mouse or hit Ctrl + tab keys on
your keyboard to move to the Deposit tab.
Select all Deposits that are listed on the bank statement by clicking on the Status column. If it is the first time
that you have reconciled your bank account with the EBMS software, check all deposits that were listed on the current
or prior statements. Only outstanding deposits should be listed without check marks. Notice that the Outstanding
Deposits total on the left side of the dialog reflects the total outstanding deposits. If deposits that are listed on your bank
account are not found on the deposits tab, it is important to make sure the deposit was properly entered in the system.
See the Deposits section for information.
To view more information on a specific deposit, click the Source button and the following window will appear:
To view details of the specific payment listed, click the Source button to list all the customer's invoices
paid with the selected payment. Click Close to return to the Account Reconciliation window.
Move to the Checks tab and follow the same steps as the Deposit tab. Mark all the checks that are on your statement or
that are not outstanding. Click Source to view the source of the highlighted check. The Outstanding Checks will equal the total
outstanding checks (unselected checks).
To void a check or deposit, highlight it and click Void. This will bring you into a wizard with instructions
on how to complete that function.
If there are any miscellaneous debits or credits on your statement such as bank charges or interest
received, press the Adjustments button. Review the section on Correcting Differences in Bank Account
Reconciliation for more on Adjustments. Make sure all adjustments are checked if they appear on the
bank statement.
If the Adjusted Statement Balance equals the Account Ending Balance, the Difference field will show zero;
congratulations, your account balances! If the Difference total is not equal to zero, review the section on Correcting Differences in
Bank Account Reconciliation for more on voiding checks, correcting differences or making adjustments.
The difference field MUST equal zero before you can process or complete the account reconciliation.
If you or your accountant prefers to have a bank account reconciliation report, press the Print button and select the
appropriate report. If the bank account reconciliation report is not listed, see the section on Reports for more details. This report is
recommended when reconciling the bank statement at the end of the fiscal year.
It is recommended that you process the check register report if you have not done so since the last reconciliation. The
check register process will print a check register report and reset the Printed Register Balance. You will be prompted before the
check register is reset. See General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > General tab to view printed register balance value.
Click Process to complete account reconciliation. This step removes all checked Deposits and Checks, leaving only the
outstanding transactions.
Click OK to exit window.
EBMS Main Documentation
Managing Credit Card Accounts
Managing and reconciling a business credit card account is an important management procedure. Credit card statements are often
entered into a bookkeeping system as an expense invoice which is not the recommended procedure. Creating a separate credit
card bank account within EBMS is a much better management method and is recommended whenever a business credit card is
being used. Complete the following steps to set up and manage a business credit card account:
Creating bank account. A general ledger account classified as a Bank Account should be created within the current
liabilities section of the chart of accounts. Review the Adding a Bank Account section for detailed instructions on adding
a credit card bank account.
Entering credit card purchases. Enter an expense invoice for the vendor that was paid using the credit card. Go to
Expenses > Invoices and POs to open the invoice window as shown below:
Enter the Vendor ID that was paid via credit card. This expense invoice should be entered at the time of
the purchase rather than at the time the credit card statement is received.
Enter the purchase Invoice number.
Enter the Date of the credit card purchase.
Set the Payment option to Manual and select the credit card Bank Account. Review the Adding a Bank
Account section for instructions if the credit card account does not show within the bank account drop
down list. Enter a date or other transaction ID within the Check # entry field.
Enter expense invoice purchase detail. Review the Expenses > Invoices > Entering a New Vendor
Invoice section for more details on expense invoice details.
Process the expense invoice. Review Expenses > Invoices > Processing an Invoice section for details on
processing an expense invoice.
Repeat these steps for any additional expense invoices paid with a credit card. The credit card account balance will
increase each time an expense invoice is processed.
Create a credit card payment by entering an expense invoice for the credit card bank vendor as shown below:
Enter the credit card bank vendor into the Vendor Id field.
Enter a date as a fictitious invoice number.
The invoice Date should be dated on the day the credit card is to be paid rather than the credit card
statement date. A credit card statement payment should not show within general ledger as a receivable.
Set the Payment option and select the Bank Account checking account that is used to make the credit
card payment.
Enter the detail and payment amount as shown above. Review the Expenses > Invoices > Entering a
New Vendor Invoice section for invoice entry details.
The G/L Account on the detail line must equal the credit card general ledger bank account. Go to
Expenses > Bank Account and select the credit card account. Use the account numbers that prefix the
credit card account description. This account should be classified as a bank account and recorded in the
liability section of the general ledger.
EBMS Main Documentation
Process the credit card payment invoice. Review Expenses > Invoices > Processing an Invoice section
for details on processing an expense invoice.
Reconcile the credit card account. Step #3, processing the credit card payment, should be completed before
proceeding with this step. This step should be completed when the credit card statement is paid in full. Go to Expenses
> Bank Account Reconciliation and open the credit card account as shown below:
The Statement value should be blank rather than entering the bank account statement balance. The
balance of the statement after the payment is posted can be entered if the credit card account was not
paid in full.
Click on the Deposits tab and select all the credit card payments. This tab lists all the credit card
payments made to the bank vendor.
Click on the Checks tab to view all the credit card purchases as shown below:
Select all the purchases listed on the credit card statement. All purchases that are listed on any credit
card statement should be toggled ON with all the more recent purchases disabled.
Review the Difference value. This amount should be zero. If this value is non-zero, the payment or
purchases are not properly selected or the statement balance is not set properly. Note that all payments
in the Deposits tab including the current payment should be selected. The purchases within the Checks
tab should be selected if they show on the current or previous credit card statement. The Statement
balance value on the Controls tab should be zero if the statement is paid in full or reflect the balance
after the current payment is posted. Review the General Ledger > Account Reconciliation > Account
Reconciliation Overview section for more details on reconciling bank accounts.
Click the Reconcile button to complete the reconciliation.
EBMS Main Documentation
Correcting Differences in Bank Account Reconciliation
This section is an extension of the Reconciling a Bank Account section and attempts to guide the user when a bank account does
not balance correctly. Evaluate each reason listed below and if the condition is true follow the steps recommended.
Are all the deposits and checks outstanding that are NOT checked?
Make sure that all deposits and checks that are checked are listed on the bank statement.
Are any returned deposits or checks missing?
Make sure all deposits and checks that are listed on the bank statement are switched ON and not missing from the list. Note
that any missing outstanding deposits or checks will not affect reconciliation until they are listed on the bank statement.
Do all deposit amounts match the amount listed on the bank statement?
Verify that all deposit amounts that have been switched ON match the bank statement. Note that any entry errors will not affect
the bank reconciliation until they are listed on the bank statement.
Have any manual check amounts been entered incorrectly?
It is important that the amount that was hand written on a manual check matches the amount that was entered in the computer.
This possible error will not happen with computer-generated checks since the same software prints the checks and updates the
outstanding list of checks
Was the beginning balance for the bank account entered before?
The statement will not balance if the bank account is being reconciled for the first time and the beginning balance was never
entered properly. To adjust the bank account balance, click on the Adjustments button to open the following dialog:
If the Difference amount is a negative number, set the Type to Income; otherwise set the Type to Expense.
The Date should be kept as today's date and the Description should properly describe the adjustment.
Enter a general ledger account with a type of Equity such as a retained earnings or owners equity account. Only
use the equity account when entering beginning balances, otherwise use the adjustment account as found in the
General Ledger > Options > Settings tab.
Enter the Difference amount as a positive number even when the amount shows negative on the reconciliation
window. Note that the bank account will be properly adjusted based on the Type setting.
Click the OK button to return to the reconciliation window. Make sure the adjustment transaction status is turned
ON since it is not outstanding.
I tried everything but the account does not balance, so what should I do next?
Complete the following steps as a last resort to reconcile the bank account. Contact an EBMS consultant if the bank account
does not balance on multiple occasions using different monthly bank statements. To adjust the bank account balance, click on
the Adjustments button to open the following dialog:
If the Difference amount is a negative number, set the Type to Income; otherwise set the Type to Expense.
The Date should be the last day of the reconciliation period and the Description should properly describe the
Enter the Default Adjustment G/L Account as found in the General Ledger > Options > Settings tab or another
appropriate account.
Enter the Difference amount as a positive number even when the amount shows negative on the reconciliation
window. Note that the bank account will be properly adjusted based on the Type setting.
Click the OK button to return to the reconciliation window. Note that the adjustment transaction status is turned ON
Contact your accountant or EBMS consultant if the bank account does not reconcile on a regular basis or if the difference is a
sizable amount.
EBMS Main Documentation
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Overview
A Purchase Order is very similar to an invoice within the EBMS software, except that it is not yet processed and does not contain
an invoice number. The Purchase Order window is a good tool for a purchasing agent while keeping track of inventory.
When purchase orders are done on the computer, it is easier to keep track of inventory items. If inventory is utilized, a detailed
purchase order should be easily entered at the time of the order by filling in the quantity purchased and the inventory item ID. There
are a number of advantages in using a purchase order, such as:
The quantity ordered is recorded in inventory so that the purchasing agent does not reorder items that have not been
Access to a number of purchasing features.
Convenient display of the last cost of an item.
Automatic retrieval of an item by vendor part number or inventory.
Using a purchase order saves time entering the invoice when it is received from the vendor since most of the information
is already in the system.
Assistance in accuracy when placing an order by being able to print the order on hard copy and faxing or giving to the
vendor's salesman.
It is a systematic way of authorizing a purchase. If the purchasing agent enters the price of the product in the P.O. at the
time of the order, this price can easily be verified when the vendor's invoice arrives. It can also be used to verify the
exact quantity that has been ordered.
Assistance in tracking back orders and delayed shipments.
A convenient place to record shipping information.
Purchase orders do not become invoices until the invoices are received from the vendor and processed. By entering purchase
orders, you will know how many items you have scheduled to come in. This allows you to know if you need to order more to fill
orders or meet inventory requirements. By checking Inventory > Inventory Items (select an Inventory Item) > Count tab, you will
be able to tell how many items you have on hand, ordered from vendors, received from vendors, ordered by customers, and shipped
to customers. There are different options you can set in Expenses > Options that will allow for back orders to be placed
automatically, the number of items currently on hand, and others. You can gain more information on these items by reading the
following sections on purchase orders.
By using the purchase orders, you can have a better control over what expense account purchases are charged to because the
person placing the order knows what the item is and what its function is. If you enter the invoices directly, without using purchase
orders, the person entering the invoice may not know how the item is used or what it is for, and therefore it may go into an account
that is not correct. By using purchase orders, a lot of time can be saved when entering invoices. The detail information is already in
the system and all the invoice entry operator will need to do is change the P.O. to an invoice and receive the items to which the
invoice relates. Many companies already give detailed information for what they are purchasing to the vendor. Entering P.O.s in the
system is not an extra step; it will just be done on the computer rather than by hand.
If you use both purchase orders and sales orders, you will have a very good verification on how many items you currently have in
stock, how many are due in, and how many are sold as soon as you have them. Using both purchase orders and sales orders will
give you a complete circle of item needs.
Entering a New Purchase Order
To enter a purchase order, take the following steps:
Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.'s, the following window will appear. Note that purchase orders are entered in the
same window as vendor invoices.
Type the vendor ID in the Vendor ID field or select from the selection window if the entry is blank. This field will default
to the vendor that is currently selected on the vendor list. You must use a miscellaneous vendor if you wish to manually
enter the name and address onto the invoice. Review the Miscellaneous Vendor Overview section for details.
Press Ctrl + tab on keyboard or click with your mouse to move to Ship To tab or Pay To tab. The Ship To ID
field is used to identify a customer when product is being shipped directly to a customer; otherwise, this
information is blank. The Pay To ID is used to identify the vendor that is printed on the check. The Pay To
vendor is copied from the vendor Terms tab and is normally the same ID as the Vendor ID.
Go to the Invoice field. When entering a purchase order, the purchase order number is auto-generated within
the Invoice field (it will allow entering of a manual P.O.#). A message will appear if the number entered is a
duplicate purchase order number. The next P.O. number is recorded in Expenses > Options > Invoice and
P.O.s tab.
The Date field automatically defaults to today's date when entering a purchase order. This date represents the
actual transaction date. All of the general ledger transactions are dated with this entry.
EBMS Main Documentation
Bank Account - If paying a vendor via manual payment, be sure to select the general ledger account that the
monies are being drawn from. For cash payments, use a cash account. For credit card payments, use the
credit card account. For a check payment, use the default. This field defaults to the default bank account
specified in Expense > Options > General tab.
Check # - defaults to cash. If paying by credit card, enter a transaction number such as the current date. This
field can only be edited if the Payment type is set to Manual.
Invoice Terms default to the settings entered in the vendor window. They can be changed in the purchase
order entry window from the default setting to an alternative selection. This will change the invoices affecting
this purchase order only. To permanently change the terms for a vendor, see Editing Vendor Information >
Terms tab.
PO# field: this will default to the PO number created in the Invoice field.
The Ship via field records the shipping method used for this purchase order.
Description field: this is for information purposes only. This description should identify the contents of the
P.O. The information is printed on the payment check stub.
The Total field can be ignored when entering a purchase order.
Enter the invoice detail using as many lines as are needed. When tracking inventory, it is required that you enter the
quantity of each inventory item purchased. When entering an invoice without inventory, it is recommended that you
document the items listed on the invoice, but you are not required to enter each item individually.
Entry Date - defaults to the current date (a different date can be manually entered). This date is used to
record the date on which the purchase order was entered.
Click on the Payment method being used. Manual is selected if the purchase order will be paid with cash,
credit card, or direct debit. Charge is selected when the vendor has sent the items and is allowing payment on
credit. Urgent should be selected when you wish to pay this purchase order immediately upon receiving the
Enter the quantity Ordered. The Ordered quantity is recorded in the Count tab of the inventory item if an
inventory item is entered. This quantity field is also used to calculate the P.O. total. This quantity can be
restricted for specific inventory items by enabling the Require Integer Quantities option within the Count tab.
Review the Tracking Counts > Integer or Fractional Quantities section of the inventory documentation for
more details.
The Received field should be blank when entering a purchase order.
In the Inventory column, enter the Inventory ID for the item being purchased. The Manufacturer Part
Number, Description, Cost and G/L Account will automatically be written in from the information entered in
Inventory > Inventory Items. If you wish to retrieve the specific item using the Vendor's Part Number, keep
the inventory ID blank and enter the Vendor part number.
The Unit of Measure field is an optional field that identifies the unit of measure being used for this inventory
item. Review the Unit of Measure Overview section for more details. If you never use multiple units of
measure for any inventory items, this field can be removed from the invoice by right-clicking on any of the
column titles and switching the Measure field off. To show the unit of measure column again, switch the field
back on.
If the Inventory ID is blank, the system will attempt to retrieve the inventory item using the Vendor's Part
Number. If the inventory ID is not blank, the system will automatically store the vendor's part within the
inventory window.
If the item does not have an inventory ID, leave the Inventory field blank and manually type a description of the
Enter the Unit Cost of the item. Note that when you enter an inventory item, the last cost is copied into the
Unit Cost field. This amount is used to calculate the Amount that may be hidden, Amount (Invoice), P.O.
Total, and the invoice Total.
The Amount (P.O.) is calculated by the Ordered amount multiplied by the Unit Cost, and the Amount
(Invoice) is calculated by the Ordered amount multiplied by the Unit Cost. The P.O. Total and the invoice
Total are a sum of the Amount (P.O.) and the Amount (Invoice) respectively.
Enter the correct G/L Account. This field automatically defaults to the general ledger account that has been
set for the specified inventory item (Inventory > Advanced tab). This account can be changed manually for
this specific invoice. If the Vendor > Advanced tab > Update this expense account when processing an
invoice switch is ON, the G/L Account on the first line will be copied to the vendor window.
Enter the expected arrival date of the merchandise ordered into the Received Date column. The entry is
optional and is used for reporting purposes only.
It is recommended that you adjust the widths of the invoice detail columns to your specifications. Review the Column
Appearance section for more details. Repeat the steps listed above for each invoice detail line.
The Tax, Freight, Discount, and Overdue fields are normally entered when the invoice is received. Review the
Entering a New Vendor Invoice for more details on these fields.
To print a purchase order, select File > Print and select the appropriate document.
Review the Purchasing > Special Orders and Drop Shipped Items section of the inventory documentation to create purchase
orders from a sales order.
To save a purchase order without creating an invoice, go to File > Save.
To create another purchase order, select File > New and the system will prompt you to save the invoice.
To exit the purchase order, click Cancel.
EBMS Main Documentation
View and Edit Purchase Orders
Purchase orders can be viewed several different ways:
Go to Expenses > Vendors list. Select the vendor of the purchase order you wish to view. Select Expenses >
Invoices and P.O.s. tab off the vendor ID field, and a dialog listing of all the purchased orders will be displayed.
Open the invoice window by selecting Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s. Select File > Open Invoices and P.O.s
from the menu on the invoice window, and the following dialog will appear:
To display purchase orders for a specific vendor, set Vendor option button and set Status field to Purchase orders.
To view all purchase orders, set Vendor option button to All instead of Vendor. Use the Query feature to find a
specific PO based on other purchase order criteria.
Go to Expenses > Vendors and select a vendor. Click on Invoice tab and set Status to Purchase Orders. To view
or edit a purchase order, highlight the one you wish to edit and click Invoice button. You can also double-click on a
purchase order with your mouse to open it.
To locate a purchase order by an inventory item that is listed on the P.O., go to Inventory > Inventory Items and
choose an item. Click on the Count tab. Right-click on P.O. Ordered field with a mouse and drill down to a list of
purchase orders. Double-click the desired purchase order or highlight with the keyboard and click the Invoice button.
To print or preview a complete listing of purchase orders, go to File > Reports > Expenses > Invoices/Purchase
Orders > Purchase Orders by Vendor.
Any information on a purchase order can be changed when viewing the purchase order.
Receive Items against a Purchase Order
A purchase order is used to identify the quantity and cost of the products that are ordered. If the received column within
the purchase order is zero, the inventory items are recorded in inventory as ordered, but do not affect the total on hand
count. See values on the Inventory > Inventory Items > Count tab.
If the invoice accompanies the product when it arrives, the steps within this section are not necessary. Proceed to
Entering a New Vendor Invoice section step 4.
NOTE: Some basic versions of EBMS do not include the Receiving option. Complete the following steps to receive items
without using the Receiving window:
Go to Expenses > Receiving option on the EBMS menu.
a. Open purchase order from Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s.
b. Change the received quantity to equal the quantity that was received.
c. Continue with step 6.
Enter the vendor ID and select a purchase order from the Choose Purchase Order list. The system will load all
back orders and invoices that contain the specified P.O.
Enter the amounts that are being received into the Receiving column. Click the Receive All button to populate
the Receiving column with the balance.
All products that are needed to fill Unfulfilled Sales Orders will show green. Right-click on any purchase order
line and select Unfulfilled Sales Orders from the context menu to view the sales order.
EBMS Main Documentation
Click the Process button to process. Now, the Total on Hand count within the Inventory > Inventory Count
tab of each item is affected by the amount on the purchase order. A back order is created if not all items have
been received. The back order document will be labeled as ####.1 etc.
The Receiving values will be copied to the Received column. Double click on any purchase order line to view
received purchase orders or invoices.
Complete the following two steps to update the inventory information in the inventory pricing tab. This step is necessary to
print inventory price labels from the Purchase order with updated pricing.
Go to Process > Update Inventory Costs from PO from the main purchase order menu to update the last
Cost value within Inventory > Count tab. This is necessary only if the pricing is derived from the last cost using
a formula. Review the Inventory Pricing section for more details. The last Cost value is updated when the
invoice is processed, so this step is not necessary if the purchase order has been processed into an expense
Run either of the following price label reports found in File > Reports > Expenses > Labels:
Inventory Bar Code Labels from Invoice (Avery 5160).
Inventory Price Labels from Invoice (1.125x2in).
These steps can be very useful to verify that all items have been received since the number of labels will match
the quantity on the P.O.
Additional reports or customer labels are available by contacting your EBMS representative.
NOTE Processing the purchase order into an invoice will add the item(s) to the inventory Count and remove them from the P.O.
Ordered and Received values of the inventory count tab. Purchase orders will not post any information to the General Ledger. To
post any information to the G/L, an invoice must be processed. Review the Processing an Invoice section for details.
EBMS Main Documentation
Distribute Freight and Other Costs
This feature is used to distribute costs such as freight to the individual line items of the purchase order. The function will
prorate the unit cost of each item that is being received to include the amount of the freight or other cost. This is useful when
the cost of the freight or shipping is to be included in the purchase cost of the inventory item. The function will ignore all the
items with no Received quantity.
Complete the following steps to distribute the freight costs:
Go to Expenses>Expense Invoices and POs and open an existing purchase order.
Select the Process > Distribute freight or other costs option within the purchase order menu and the following
dialogue will appear:
Enter the cost of the shipping into the dialogue instead of the Freight field at the bottom of the Purchase Order. Click
the OK button to distribute the cost to the products that have been received. The Unit Cost will reflect the original unit
cost and the shipping cost.
EBMS Main Documentation
Entering a New Purchase Order
To enter a purchase order, take the following steps:
Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.'s, the following window will appear. Note that purchase orders are entered in
the same window as vendor invoices.
Type the vendor ID in the Vendor ID field or select from the selection window if the entry is blank. This field will default
to the vendor that is currently selected on the vendor list. You must use a miscellaneous vendor if you wish to manually
enter the name and address onto the invoice. Review the Miscellaneous Vendor Overview section for details.
Press Ctrl + tab on keyboard or click with your mouse to move to Ship To tab or Pay To tab. The Ship To ID field is
used to identify a customer when product is being shipped directly to a customer; otherwise, this information is blank.
The Pay To ID is used to identify the vendor that is printed on the check. The Pay To vendor is copied from the vendor
Terms tab and is normally the same ID as the Vendor ID.
Go to the Invoice field. When entering a purchase order, the purchase order number is auto-generated within the
Invoice field (it will allow entering of a manual P.O.#). A message will appear if the number entered is a duplicate
purchase order number. The next P.O. number is recorded in Expenses > Options > Invoice and P.O.s tab.
The Date field automatically defaults to today's date when entering a purchase order. This date represents the actual
transaction date. All of the general ledger transactions are dated with this entry.
Click on the Payment method being used. Manual is selected if the purchase order will be paid with cash, credit card,
or direct debit. Charge is selected when the vendor has sent the items and is allowing payment on credit. Urgent
should be selected when you wish to pay this purchase order immediately upon receiving the invoice.
Entry Date - defaults to the current date (a different date can be manually entered). This date is used to record the
date on which the purchase order was entered.
Bank Account - If paying a vendor via manual payment, be sure to select the general ledger account that the monies
are being drawn from. For cash payments, use a cash account. For credit card payments, use the credit card account.
For a check payment, use the default. This field defaults to the default bank account specified in Expense > Options >
General tab.
Check # - defaults to cash. If paying by credit card, enter a transaction number such as the current date. This field can
only be edited if the Payment type is set to Manual.
Invoice Terms default to the settings entered in the vendor window. They can be changed in the purchase order entry
window from the default setting to an alternative selection. This will change the invoices affecting this purchase order
only. To permanently change the terms for a vendor, see Editing Vendor Information > Terms tab.
PO# field: this will default to the PO number created in the Invoice field.
The Ship via field records the shipping method used for this purchase order.
Description field: this is for information purposes only. This description should identify the contents of the P.O. The
information is printed on the payment check stub.
The Total field can be ignored when entering a purchase order.
Enter the invoice detail using as many lines as are needed. When tracking inventory, it is required that you enter the
quantity of each inventory item purchased. When entering an invoice without inventory, it is recommended that you
document the items listed on the invoice, but you are not required to enter each item individually.
Enter the quantity Ordered. The Ordered quantity is recorded in the Count tab of the inventory item if an inventory
item is entered. This quantity field is also used to calculate the P.O. total. This quantity can be restricted for specific
inventory items by enabling the Require Integer Quantities option within the Count tab. Review the Tracking Counts
> Integer or Fractional Quantities section of the Inventory documentation for more details.
The Received field should be blank when entering a purchase order.
In the Inventory column, enter the Inventory ID for the item being purchased. The Manufacturer Part Number,
Description, Cost and G/L Account will automatically be written in from the information entered in Inventory >
Inventory Items. If you wish to retrieve the specific item using the Vendor's Part Number, keep the inventory ID blank
and enter the Vendor part number.
The Unit of Measure field is an optional field that identifies the unit of measure being used for this inventory item.
Review the Unit of Measure Overview section for more details. If you never use multiple units of measure for any
inventory items, this field can be removed from the invoice by right-clicking on any of the column titles and switching
the Measure field off. To show the unit of measure column again, switch the field back on.
If the Inventory ID is blank, the system will attempt to retrieve the inventory item using the Vendor's Part Number. If
the inventory ID is not blank, the system will automatically store the vendor's part within the inventory window.
If the item does not have an inventory ID, leave the Inventory field blank and manually type a description of the transaction.
Enter the Unit Cost of the item. Note that when you enter an inventory item, the last cost is copied into the Unit Cost
field. This amount is used to calculate the Amount that may be hidden, Amount (Invoice), P.O. Total, and the invoice
The Amount (P.O.) is calculated by the Ordered amount multiplied by the Unit Cost, and the Amount (Invoice) is
calculated by the Ordered amount multiplied by the Unit Cost. The P.O. Total and the invoice Total are a sum of the
Amount (P.O.) and the Amount (Invoice) respectively.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the correct G/L Account. This field automatically defaults to the general ledger account that has been set for the
specified inventory item (Inventory > Advanced tab). This account can be changed manually for this specific invoice.
If the Vendor > Advanced tab > Update this expense account when processing an invoice switch is ON, the G/L
Account on the first line will be copied to the vendor window.
Enter the expected arrival date of the merchandise ordered into the Received Date column. The entry is optional and
is used for reporting purposes only.
It is recommended that you adjust the widths of the invoice detail columns to your specifications. Review the Column Appearance
section for more details. Repeat the steps listed above for each invoice detail line.
The Tax, Freight, Discount, and Overdue fields are normally entered when the invoice is received. Review the
Entering a New Vendor Invoice for more details on these fields.
To print a purchase order, select File > Print and select the appropriate document.
Review the Purchasing > Special Orders and Drop Shipped Items section of the inventory documentation to create purchase
orders from a sales order.
To save a purchase order without creating an invoice, go to File > Save.
To create another purchase order, select File > New and the system will prompt you to save the invoice.
To exit the purchase order, click Cancel.
Processing an Invoice
A purchase order is an unprocessed expense invoice. The purchase order can be processed into an expense invoice rather than
reentering the vendor invoice detail. If the vendor invoice contains only a portion of the purchase order, the quantity Received
should reflect the amount on the vendor invoice and the quantity Ordered should reflect the amount that was ordered from the
vendor. When the expense invoice is processed, a new purchase order will be created using the same purchase order number and
containing the balance of the purchase order that has not been processed. An optional receiving screen can be added to EBMS to
view the total quantities ordered on the original purchase order.
To process an invoice from a purchase order, complete the following steps:
Open the purchase order that is associated with the invoice you wish to process. For details on how to open a
purchase order, review the View and Edit Purchase Orders section.
Enter the invoice number in the Invoice field, overwriting the purchase order number (PO#00000). Note that the
purchase order number has been copied to the P.O.# field.
Enter the vendor's invoice date in the Date field.
Verify the Payment type and Terms information.
Enter the total of the invoice in the Total field. If the invoice contains all the items within the purchase order and all
the prices are identical, the purchase order total will match the invoice total.
Enter the amount being received in the Received column for detailed each line of the invoice. If all items on
purchase order have been received, select Process > Received all Items from the invoice menu.
Verify that all costs match the costs listed on the purchase order. A quick way to verify the entire invoice is to match
the P.O. total and the Invoice subtotal.
Enter any Freight costs. EBMS is designed to allow freight costs for an invoice to be distributed proportionally over
all invoice lines and general ledger accounts. To do this, go to Process > Distribute Freight Costs. This feature is
useful if you wish to add the shipping charges to the cost of each inventory item.
To complete the invoice, process it by selecting Process > Process from the invoice menu, which converts a P.O. into an invoice. A
shortcut can be used as well by pressing the Ctrl and P keys on the keyboard simultaneously.
Vendor History
The total invoice amount will be updated on the appropriate vendor year history tab.
If the expense invoice was processed with the payment option set as Manual, the payment amount will also be updated within the
history tab.
If the purchase order included any down payments, the down payment amount on the history tab will be decreased as well since the
payment will now be processed as a payment and only the balance will show as payable.
NOTE: The vendor history will not be updated until the expense transactions have been posted.
General Ledger Transactions
The accounts payable account listed on the invoice in View > Advanced Options > Accounts Payable will always be credited.
Each general ledger purchase account list on the expense invoice detail will be debited.
Inventory transactions are created for each inventory item listed on the invoice if the Inventory Method is set to perpetual. The
Inventory Method can be viewed or set within Inventory > Options > General tab. The Inventory Asset account is debited and
the Inventory Variance account is credited. The Inventory Variance account is suffixed with the same department extension as the
sales account found on the invoice detail line.
EBMS Main Documentation
Both the sales Tax paid amount and the Freight total will be debited using the general ledger accounts listed in View > Advanced
If a down payment was made on the purchase order, the down payment account listed in View > Advanced Options will be
credited and the accounts receivable account will be debited.
The following transactions will only occur if the invoice is processed with a Payment type of Manual.
The general ledger cash account listed within the expense invoice as the Bank Account will be credited the total
amount of the invoice less any down payments that were received.
The Discount amount will be credited and the Finance Charge amount will be debited only if the invoice is
processed with a payment type of Manual. Otherwise the Discount and Finance Charge transactions will not be
created until the invoice is paid in full. The Discount and Finance Charge general ledger accounts are recorded in
View > Advanced Options. Review the Discounts and Finance Charges section for more details.
The accounts payable account will be debited. Note that the accounts payable account will be credited and debited if
the invoice has been paid in full. The causes the vendor history to be updated but the accounts payable balance is
not changed.
NOTE: The general ledger history will not be updated until the expense transactions have been posted.
Inventory Values
Inventory values will be updated for each inventory item that is listed on the expense invoice. None of the following transactions will
be processed if the expense invoice does not contain any inventory items.
The inventory purchase history Counts and Costs values located in the inventory history year tabs will be updated for
each inventory item. See the Inventory > Inventory Items > History year tabs to review history values. Note that
inventory history will not be updated until the expense transactions have been posted.
The P.O. Ordered and Received amounts located within the Inventory > Inventory Items > Count tab will be
decreased since the purchase orders have been processed into expense invoices.
The following values will only be affected if the inventory items are classified as Track Count, Registered Whole Goods, Special
Orders, or other perpetual inventory item.
The inventory Count amount located in the Inventory Items > Count tab will be increased by the amount Received
quantity listed on the sales invoice.
Job costing and other special information may be updated depending on the additional modules added to the EBMS system.
Back Orders
A back order will be created when the invoice is processed if the Received quantity is greater than the Ordered quantity and the
Create back orders automatically when processing a purchase order option is enabled as shown below:
Most of the invoice information cannot be changed after an invoice is processed. Review the Unprocessing or Voiding Vendor
Invoices section for details on how to unprocess an invoice and change its information. The following history and totals are updated
when an expense invoice is processed.
EBMS Main Documentation
Viewing Vendor Invoices
Vendor invoices can be viewed several ways:
Go to Expenses > Vendors and select a vendor. Click on the Invoices tab and set Status to All, Outstanding, or
Paid. To view or edit an invoice, highlight the appropriate one and click the Invoice button. You can also double-click on
an invoice with the mouse to open it. Review the Vendor History section for more details.
To locate an invoice by an inventory item that is listed on the invoice, go to Inventory > Inventory Items > year tab that
contains history. Right-click on the Count or Cost total fields within Increase column with a mouse and Drill Down to list
the invoices that add up to the total amount purchased in the selected month. Double-click the desired purchase order
or highlight with the keyboard and click the Invoice button. Review the Inventory History section for more details.
Open the invoice window by selecting Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s. Select File > Open Invoices and POs from the
menu on the invoice window. To display invoices for a specific vendor, set the Vendor option button and set the Status
field to Outstanding to list outstanding invoices or Paid to list the invoices that have been paid. To view all invoices and
orders, set Vendor option button to All instead of Vendor and set Status to Outstanding. Use the query feature to find a
specific invoice based on other invoice criteria.
If you want to open the invoice based on any general ledger account used within the invoice, take the following steps:
Go to General Ledger > Chart of Accounts to open the chart of accounts list.
Choose the expense or cost of sales G/L account used within the invoice, and open General Ledger Account
Open the year history tab based on the invoice date. For example, if the invoice date was in the fiscal year
1998, click on the 1998 tab.
Drill down on the month contained in the invoice date by right-clicking on the monthly total and the following
list will open:
NOTE: The ID field contains the vendor ID, Reference 2 contains the invoice number, Date is the invoice date, and the Trans.
Amount equals the invoice amount for the detail line that contains the G/L Account that was selected. The Source will equal 'API’ if
an expense invoice created the transaction.
To print or preview a variety of invoice reports, go to File > Reports > Expenses > Invoices.
Only a limited amount of fields (one is the description column) can be changed after the invoice has been processed. To change or
edit other information, a processed invoice must be voided and reprocessed. Review the Unprocessing or Voiding Vendor Invoices
section for more details. If an invoice has not been processed, it is considered a purchase order and can be freely edited.
Changing or Voiding Vendor Invoices
Most invoice information such as quantities, pricing, and IDs cannot be changed after the invoice is processed unless the invoice is
un-processed. An invoice may need to be voided for the following reasons:
Invoice information was entered wrong and data needs to be changed such as a wrong G/L account, wrong invoice
date, invalid pricing, wrong inventory item, etc. This can only be accomplished by un-processing the original invoice,
changing the incorrect data and reprocessing it. After an invoice is processed, most of the information cannot be
changed since the transactions were used to update history information.
The purchase order was accidentally processed into an invoice.
A processed invoice cannot be deleted directly but must be voided and then the unprocessed invoice (purchase order)
can be deleted.
To undo an invoice, take the following steps:
View the invoice to be voided. Review the Viewing Vendor Invoices for further details.
Select Process > Unprocess from the invoice menu or press Ctrl + U on the keyboard.
When an expense invoice is voided or unprocessed, negative transactions are posted to the general ledger to reverse the previous
transactions when the invoice was processed.
The following dialog will open if the invoice was originally processed as manual. The payment should be void if the invoice is being
unprocessed and deleted. Do not void the payment if the invoice is to be altered and reprocessed.
Click Yes to void the payment or No to keep the payment associated to the purchase order. Review the Voiding a Check section
for details in voiding payments.
Note: You will not be able to void an invoice that was processed within a fiscal year or month that has already been closed. If it is
not possible to void the invoice, enter a credit to offset the transactions that were created by the original invoice.
EBMS Main Documentation
Vendor Payments
Selecting an Invoice to be Paid
It is recommended that vendor invoices be entered into the computer as they are received rather than waiting until you wish to pay
them. When invoices are entered as a Charge or an Urgent invoice, they are saved as an outstanding (unpaid) invoice. The Vendor
Payments window conveniently displays invoices that are not paid. This window is used to mark the invoices that need to be paid
and then print the computer-generated checks.
To select invoices to be paid, perform the following steps:
Select Vendor Payments from the Expense menu and the following window will open:
Select the Bank Account from which the invoices should be paid. Click on the down arrow to show the list of available
accounts. To add a bank account, review the Adding a Bank Account.
Enable the Only show invoices assigned to this bank account option to hide any invoices that have the bank
account set to another Bank Account. Any invoice with a bank account setting that differs from the Bank Account
option within this screen will be displayed in a Red color. Review step #3 within the Entering a New Vendor Invoice
section for more details on setting the bank account within the invoice.
The payment Date field will default to today's date. This date is used as the check date when checks are printed.
Change the date to the desired payment date if you want use a different date.
The next step is to list the invoices in the window. This can be done a variety of ways, using both the vendor option (All
or Vendor) and the list option (View All, Selected, Due within, or Discount within).
To list all outstanding invoices, set the vendor option to ALL and set the list option to View All. By doing
this, all the outstanding invoices are listed.
To list all the invoices for a specific vendor, set the vendor option to Vendor and enter the desired
vendor ID. The Vendor ID will default to the ID on the invoice that is highlighted. Set the list option to
View All and only the invoices for the selected vendor will be listed on the window.
To list all invoices due within a time period, set the vendor option to ALL and the list option to Query. Set
the "Due within ___ days" value to list all invoices that are due within the specified number of days. For
example, to list all invoices that are due within the next 5 days, enter the number 5. Enter the "Discount
within ___ days" setting to list any invoices that need to be paid to receive the vendor's discount within
the number of days entered. To pay all invoices that are due in the next week or need to be paid in the
next week to receive the vendor's discount, enter the number 7 in both the Due within and the Discount
within fields.
Columns within this window can be resized or hidden to conveniently view the information in a user-defined format.
Review the Column Appearance section for instructions on resizing columns or hiding columns. The invoice lists can also
be sorted by invoice number, invoice date, vendor, discount date, due date, or invoice amount. To sort the list by any of
these columns, click on the column title. If the list is sorted in descending order, click on the column title the second time
and the list will sort in ascending order.
The next step is to select the invoices that are to be paid. Select an invoice by clicking on the PAY column with a
mouse. If a check mark appears in the Pay column (first column), the invoice line is selected to be paid. If the Pay field
is blank, the invoice will not be paid until it is selected at a later time. An invoice can be selected with the keyboard by
pressing the tab key until the first Pay field is highlighted and then pressing the space bar to switch the check mark on
or off. All the invoices can be turned on by clicking the Select All button, or can be turned off by clicking the Unselect
All button.
NOTE: When an invoice is checked to be paid, it will be selected until it is paid or unselected. Selections are not lost when the
invoice is hidden. For example, if you check all the invoices and then selected a vendor to view a smaller list of invoices, all other
invoices continue to be selected even when they are hidden.
The Amount column displays the total of the invoice and does not include discounts or overdue charges.
If you wish to pay the entire invoice, continue to the next step without making any other changes to the invoice. To change the
discount amount, overdue amount, or make a partial payment, edit the appropriate columns as described below.
The vendor Discount amount will automatically be calculated and displayed in the Discount column when an
invoice is selected. The user can edit this amount before generating a check, but be aware that if the discount is
manually entered or changed, the original discount terms within the invoice are zeroed. Review the Discounts and
Finance Charges section for more details on vendor and customer discounts and finance charges.
Vendor overdue charges can be entered in the Overdue column at any time.
The Paid column records partial payments that have already been made on this invoice.
The Payment column displays the amount of the invoice that will be paid. When an invoice is selected,
the invoice Balance amount will be copied into the Payment column indicating that the entire invoice will
be paid. If you wish to only pay part of an invoice, change the Payment amount to the total that you wish
to pay.
The Balance column = Invoice total Amount + Discount + Overdue charges - amount Paid. The
column displays the balance due on the vendor invoice.
If you wish to make down payments on purchase orders, click the Show POs switch ON. If this option is
on, the purchase orders (unprocessed invoices) will appear with the list of outstanding invoices. If a
purchase order is selected the payment will be applied as a down payment to that P.O. Review the
Invoice or Purchase Order Down Payment section for more details on down payments.
Set the vendor option to All and the list option to Selected to list all invoices that are to be paid. The Balance
total on the bottom right of the window will reflect the total cash requirements to pay all the selected invoices. To add or
remove invoices from this list, repeat the steps listed above.
EBMS Main Documentation
The button on the lower right corner of the Vendor Payments window will be labeled Process Checks if the
Bank Account is set to an account set with a type of Checking. If the Bank Account is set to a cash account, savings
account, or credit card account, the button will be labeled Process. Go to Expenses > Bank Accounts window to set
the type of a bank account.
Click the Process Checks button to pay invoices and print checks using a checking account. Continue with the
next section Printing Checks for more details on printing checks or vouchers if you prefer to hand write the checks.
Click Process to pay selected invoices using a cash or credit card account. The system will not generate any checks or
vouchers for a bank account that has a type other than Checking.
Printing Checks
The check form must be configured before expense checks can be printed. Review the Reports > Form Configuration
section to setup the expense check form.
If you have not selected the invoices to be paid, refer to the previous section, Selecting Invoices to be Paid, before you continue.
When all the invoices to be paid are listed in the Vendor Payments window, click on the Process Checks button to print checks.
Note that only the invoices listed will be processed and paid. If more than one invoice is selected for a specific vendor, the invoices
will be combined into one check with the invoices listed on the stub with the exception of miscellaneous vendors. Each invoice
entered under a miscellaneous vendor ID will be issued individual checks. Review the Miscellaneous Vendor section for more
information on entering and processing miscellaneous vendors.
Printing Checks
When the Process Checks button is clicked, the following dialog will appear:
Verify that the First Check No matches the first preprinted check document. Change the check number if necessary.
Verify that the proper printer is selected and click Print to print checks.
The following dialog will appear after the first check has printed:
EBMS Main Documentation
Click on Yes if the check has printed properly or No if it needs to be reprinted. Do not respond to this dialog before the
check is printed completely. The invoice will not be marked as paid until the user verifies that the check printed properly.
If you are printing more than one check, another dialog will appear asking if the all the checks printed properly. If you click
Yes, all the invoices will be marked paid and the general ledger transactions will be created. If the checks did not print
properly, click No and the Check Confirmation list will appear:
Remove check marks in Printed column for all checks that did NOT print properly by double clicking on
the appropriate check(s). All checks that have a check mark in the printed column will be processed as
paid. By removing the check mark, the invoice will not be marked paid and transactions will not be made.
To reprint checks, return to Vendor Payment window and start over with step one.
Click OK when only the checks that printed properly are checked. Click the Cancel button to cancel
entire check batch.
If you wish to print only a single check from an invoice, review the Quick Check feature discussed in the Quick Checks section.
Manual Check Entry
A manual check is identified as a check that is hand written rather than computer generated. EBMS will accommodate the ability to
manually hand write a check and then enter the check information in the computer. Because of greater potential for user error, it is
recommended that most checks be printed from the computer rather than hand written. If the invoice paid with the manual check
has already been processed, it is recommended that the invoice be unprocessed and the following steps be taken:
To enter a manual check, complete the following steps:
Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s and the following invoice window will open:
Enter or select the desired Vendor ID.
Enter the Invoice number of the vendor bill that you wish to pay.
Enter the invoice Date.
Select Manual Payment method rather than Charge or Urgent.
Select Bank Account from which check was written.
Enter the check number of the hand written check in the Check # field. Enter DEBIT or EFT text if the payment does not
involve a numeric check number.
Terms fields can be ignored.
Enter other optional invoice fields such as PO #, Ship Via, and Description.
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10. Enter the amount of the hand written check in Total field.
11. Enter the invoice detail the same way a standard invoice would be entered. Review the Entering a New Vendor Invoice
section for more details.
Select Process from the invoice Process menu. This invoice will not be listed in the Vendor Payments window since it already has
been paid. No additional steps are needed to process or close this invoice.
Voiding a Check
A check may need to be voided for various reasons.
The check amount was wrong.
Check was written to the wrong vendor.
The payment was processed in error.
The check was returned by the bank and cannot be deposited again.
It is not necessary to void a check to change an invoice if the total payment remains the same. For whatever cause, the steps to
void a payment are the same. There are two different ways to void a check. If the vendor and invoice that was paid with that check
is known, use option 1. If you wish to void the payment using a check number, use option 2.
Option 1
Locate the invoice that was paid with the check you wish to void. Review the Viewing Vendor Invoices section for details in locating
an invoice.
Select Payments from the invoice View menu and the following list will appear:
Click on the check that you wish to void and click the Void button.
A wizard message will confirm the check number that is being voided. Click Next to continue.
The original process date will default as the Process Date. Continue with the default date unless the transaction month
has already been closed. Click on the Finish button to complete void process. If more than one invoice was paid with
the check that is being voided, a message will display the number of different invoices paid.
Option 2
Open Expenses > Bank Account Reconciliation.
Select the desired bank account to open the Bank Account Reconciliation window.
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Click on the Checks tab as shown below:
Highlight the check that you wish to void. Scroll through the list using the scroll bar or down arrow button
on the keyboard. You can sort the checks by check number by clicking on the Check Number column
Click on the Void button and a wizard message will confirm the check number that is being voided. Click
Next to continue.
The original process date will default as the Process Date. Continue with the default date unless the
transaction month has already been closed. Click on Finish button to complete the void process. If more
than one invoice was paid with the check that is being voided, a message will display the number of
different invoices paid.
Voiding a check will not void the invoice but only list it as outstanding. Review the Unprocessing or Voiding Vendor Invoices section
to void or delete an invoice.
Processing Vendor Credits and Refunds
Vendor credits should be entered in the same manner as a vendor invoice, but the total will be a negative value. Go to Expenses >
Invoices and P.O.s to enter a credit memo.
Enter the vendor information the same way as a vendor invoice and enter the credit memo number in the Invoice field. The
Payment method should be set to Charge to process the refund later or to apply the credit toward a vendor invoice. The Payment
type can be set to the Urgent option if the user wishes to apply the credit immediately. The credit memo will be selected to be paid
in the vendor payments window and a check will be generated as soon as the total of the selected vendor invoices exceeds the
credit amount.
Enter negative Ordered and Received quantities if the credit memo lists inventory items that have been returned to the vendor. The
negative Received value will increase the count of the inventory Item that is classified as Track Count.
Process the credit memo using the same steps as processing a vendor invoice. For more information on entering or processing
vendor invoices, review the Invoices section.
Go to Expenses > Vendor Payments to apply a credit toward an existing invoice or to process a vendor refund:
Select the invoices as well as the credit memo. If you wish to apply the credit toward existing invoices, change the
payment amount of the invoice to match the amount of the credit. A check will not be generated and the invoices
and credits will not be processed if the total amount for the vendor is less than zero.
Complete the following steps to process a cash refund that has been received from the vendor.
Enter a credit memo by entering a credit vendor invoice if it has not already been entered and processed. Make sure
that the Payment type is set to Charge when processing the credit invoice.
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Set the Bank Account within the vendor payments window to a general ledger cash account. This will apply the refund
to the cash account in a similar way as a payment that has been received from a customer.
Enter the date that the refund was received in the Date field.
Set the All, Vendor option to Vendor.
Note: When the Process button is clicked and the option is set to All, the system will ignore any outstanding vendor total that is
less than zero.
Enter the vendor's ID code. All the outstanding invoices and credit memos will be listed on the window including the
credit that the vendor has refunded. Be certain that the credit was processed properly if the refunded credit does not
All outstanding invoices and credits that are not affected by the refund should be switched OFF. The Payment total
should equal the negative amount of the refund.
Click the Process button and the following message will appear:
Click the Yes button and the credit memo will be processed and removed from the outstanding list. The refund will appear
in the deposit screen (Sales > Deposits) in the same manner as a customer payment.
See the other sections within the Expenses > Vendor Payments section for more details.
EBMS Main Documentation
Quick Checks
Checks can be generated directly from an invoice. The user must enter a vendor invoice before a check can be printed, but the
Quick Check feature is a convenient way of quickly processing the invoice and generating a check immediately.
Perform the following steps to print a check:
Open a purchase order or unprocessed invoice to be paid, or create a new vendor invoice. Enter the vendor's invoice
number and other invoice information before continuing. Review the Entering a New Vendor Invoice section for more
details on entering a new invoice.
Select Process > Process and Print Check option from the expense invoice menu as shown below: To print a quick
check before finishing entering the details in the invoice, generate a down payment. Review Down Payment on an
Invoice or Sales Order for instructions on printing a check but not processing the invoice.
Complete the Quick Check settings shown below:
a. Enter the total down payment in the Amount to pay field.
b. Verify the payment Date and Checking Account and click OK and the following dialog will open:
Verify that the First Check No matches the first preprinted check document. Change check number if necessary.
Verify that the proper printer is selected and select Print to print the check.
A dialog will appear to verify that the check was printed properly. Click Yes if the check was printed properly and the
down payment will be processed, or click No if the check did not print properly. If No is clicked, the Quick Check
process will be aborted, as well as the invoice process.
EBMS Main Documentation
Printing Checks and Other Forms on Blank Security Paper
The EBMS software includes the ability to print accounts payable and payroll checks on blank security paper. EBMS also allows the
user to print deposit slips and payroll direct deposit slips on plain paper stock. The benefits of this feature is that check numbers do
not need to be matched to preprinted check forms since the check number is printed on the check paper stock by EBMS. The
same paper stock can also be used for multiple bank accounts since the bank information is printed by the software.
Complete the following steps to enter check details for each bank account:
Open a bank account configuration record by selecting Expenses > Bank Accounts from the main EBMS menu.
Click on the Reports tab as shown below:
Select the appropriate Accounts Payable check form created with Crystal Reports as shown above.
Repeat the same step to select a plain paper form for the Payroll Check.
Set the proper check location setting of either Check on Top or Check in the Middle. This setting must match the format
of the check stock. See the reverse side of the security paper to determine the proper setting if the checks are not
Disable the Preprinted form option to print logo, lines, check number, and bank information on the plain security paper.
Select the appropriate Bank Deposit Slip as shown above. The bank deposit slip can be printed on plain perforated
paper. This perforated white paper can be purchased from Eagle Business Software.
Enable the Preprinted form option to print on preprinted deposit slips or Disable this option to print on plain paper.
Select the desired Payroll Direct Deposit Receipt from option. This receipt form is always printed on plain paper stock.
10. Set the following Information for Plain Paper Forms. These settings can be kept blank if all forms are preprinted.
Right click on the Logo field and select Insert Image. Select the logo image file to be used on blank security
checks or the bank deposit slip.
NOTE: File requirements are identical to those of the Company logo as specified in File > Company
Enter the company name and company address in the Name and Address fields exactly as it is to be printed
on the Plain Paper Check.
Enter the name and address of the financial institute in the Bank Name and Address fields exactly as it is to be
displayed on the Plain Paper Check. The Bank Name is also used on the Direct Deposit ACH file.
The Deposit Routing # should be the same as the Payment Routing Number unless your bank uses a
different routing number for deposit transactions.
The Fraction number is a series of numbers printed on Plain Paper checks. It is determined by your financial
institution. It is generally printed below the Bank address.
The Payment Routing Number is the routing number printed on checks and is used on the plain Direct Deposit
ACH file.
The Account Number is the bank account number printed on plain security check paper, deposit slip, or direct
deposit file and receipt.
11. The bank account and routing number should appear at the bottom of the dialog using the proper MICRO font. This
specialty font must be installed on the computer if this fond does not appear properly.
12. Save the information for the selected bank account by clicking the OK button. Repeat these steps for each bank
checking account that will be printed on plain security paper.
EBMS Main Documentation
Invoice or Purchase Order Down Payment
EBMS allows the user to apply a down payment toward a purchase order or unprocessed invoice. Down payments are recorded
within a G/L account classified as a prepaid expense until the expense invoice is processed. This feature can be useful if a check
needs to be generated quickly and the invoice detail has not been fully entered. Since a purchase order (unprocessed invoice) can
be edited, a check can be printed before the invoice detail is entered. Follow the steps listed below to process a down payment
made to a vendor:
Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s and open the purchase order. Review the Viewing and Editing Sales Orders
section for more details in locating and viewing a purchase order.
Select Down Payment on the invoice File menu, and the following window will appear:
Enter the total down payment Amount to pay.
Verify the payment Date and Checking Account and click OK. The following dialog will open:
Verify that the First Check No matches the first preprinted check document. Change the check number if necessary.
Verify that the proper printer is selected and click Print to print checks.
A dialog will appear to verify that the check was printed properly. Click Yes if the check was printed properly and the down payment
will be processed, or click No if the check did not print properly. The down payment process will be aborted if you selected No,
which will allow the user to start again.
If a down payment has processed properly, the Paid field on the bottom of the invoice will reflect the total amount paid.
If you have made a down payment by hand writing a check, go through the same steps listed above. Change the First Check No to
equal the hand written check number; print the check on scrap paper or Print Preview to process the payment.
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Paid Outs
Some companies create a petty cash account to pay for miscellaneous expenses using cash. This documentation identifies cash
payments as paid outs. Complete the following steps to enter and process a paid out:
Go to Expenses > Invoices and P.O.s from the main EBMS menu to open the following dialog. Review the Expenses >
Invoices > Entering a New Vendor Invoice for more details on creating a vendor invoice.
Enter the appropriate Vendor Id. Review the Expenses > Miscellaneous Vendors section for details on entering an
invoice without creating a separate vendor account.
Enter the invoice and date information as usual. Enter the date into the Invoice entry if no invoice was given when the
paid out was made.
Select the Manual Payment method.
Select the appropriate cash account. This setting is important since the payment will be deducted from this cash account.
The Check # should be set as CASH since no bank check was generated for the paid out.
Enter the purchase details and process the invoice. Review the Expenses > Invoices > Processing an Invoice for more
Viewing Paid Outs
The paid outs can be viewed for each cash account using the deposit window. Select Sales > Deposits from the main EBMS
menu. Click on the Paid Out tab as shown below:
The Paid Outs will be listed in this tab until the next deposit is processed. Review the Sales > Customer Payments > Cash
Accounts, Deposits, and Reconciling Cash section of the sales documentation for details on processing deposits and paid outs.
EBMS Main Documentation
General Ledger Transactions
Expense Transaction Overview
Expense General Ledger transactions are created each time an expense invoice is processed, a vendor payment is entered, or an
expense journal is posted. These general ledger transactions are stored in a temporary expense transaction file until they are
Vendor history, inventory history, and general ledger values are updated when the transactions are posted. History totals are only
altered by transactions being created and posted. These transactions can be viewed by right-clicking on vendor, inventory, or
general ledger history totals. Note that vendor, inventory, and general ledger history reports will not reflect transactions that have not
been posted. Review the Transactions section for more details on general ledger transactions.
Displaying Unposted Expense Transactions
To see what transactions have not been posted in accounts payable, take the following steps:
Go to Expenses > Display Unposted Transactions. Select to display By G/L Account or By Date. Following is the
resulting window when By G/L Account is chosen.
The Details button will bring up more line detail on the highlighted item. Dates and account numbers can be
changed at this window if correction is needed.
The Post button will post the transactions right from this window, skipping the need to go to Post Transactions
under the expense menu as discussed in the previous section.
The Change Account button will allow the account of the selected item to be changed.
The Query button will allow a search for certain dates or amounts in a transaction to narrow down the list.
The Close button will return you to the main window.
The Print button will drop down a list of linked reports that can be printed from this window. Included on the dropdown list is an option to add other reports. Review the Print Button section for more details on this button.
If display By Date is selected, the window would be seen as following:
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The buttons at the bottom of the window have the same functions as described above.
Posting Expense Transactions
When transactions have been entered such as invoices, vendor payments, journal entries, etc, they will need to be posted to the
General Ledger. Posting to the General Ledger should be done at least on a daily basis, as this will also post information to the
vendor and inventory history. To see what transactions have not been posted, go to Expenses > Display Unposted Transactions.
To post sales transactions, go to Expenses > Post Transactions and the following message will appear.
Click Yes to post or click No if you do not want to post.
Expense transactions have been posted to the general ledger and all Vendor and Inventory history has been updated.
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Expense Journal Entry
Journals are used to create specific transactions within the Expense Unposted Transactions file. The Journal Entry window should
not be used unless the user has an understanding of the general ledger. Most transactions should be created within the invoice and
payment windows.
The Expenses > Journal Entry window is the same as all the other journal entry windows, except that it posts to the Expenses
Unposted Transaction file. An advantage to using the journal entry option through expenses is that you can enter all the expense
adjustment journals in this window. This can ease frustration in trying to find an entry that relates to expenses as opposed to looking
through hundreds of other journals that have nothing to do with expenses.
Review the General Ledger > Journals section for details on creating, viewing, and voiding journals.
Miscellaneous Vendors
Miscellaneous Vendor Overview
A Miscellaneous Vendor is defined in this chapter as a common vendor ID used to identify a group of vendors.
EBMS requires that whenever an expense invoice is processed, or whenever a payment is made, a vendor account must be used to
identify the source of the invoice or the recipient of the payment. A need may arise to process an invoice or issue a check to a
vendor that you never expect to do business with again on which you do not wish to maintain detailed information.
For the following situations, it is recommended that you do NOT use a miscellaneous vendor:
If vendor address, telephone numbers or other contact information needs to be recorded.
If a possibility exists of purchasing from this vendor again.
If a purchase order has been issued.
If the product purchased is of value or includes a warranty.
If the vendor allows discounts.
If any down payments or deposits are paid.
If 1099 documentation is required at the end of the year.
If vendor history is desired.
If you wish to combine multiple invoices on a single check.
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Creating a Miscellaneous Vendor
The steps to create a Miscellaneous Vendor are similar to creating any other new vendor. Use the following steps:
Open the vendor list by selecting Vendors in the Expense menu (Expenses > Vendors).
Click the Edit menu and select New.
You may wish to create a new folder named Miscellaneous by highlighting the main vendor folder and clicking the New
Folder button. Enter folder name (Ex. Miscellaneous) and check the Allow only subfolders switch OFF. Click the OK
button to return to the folder list. Highlight the new folder and click next.
Instead of entering a vendor's name and address on the name page of the wizard, leave all fields blank with the
exception of country and click next.
Click Next on Contact and Finance pages without editing any fields.
On the last page of the wizard, the vendor information box will be blank. Enter an easy-to-remember ID for your
miscellaneous vendor such as MISC. Click Finish to create Miscellaneous Vendor.
Click Cancel to return to the vendor list.
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Entering an Invoice with a Miscellaneous Vendor
Test the new miscellaneous vendor by opening a new purchase order (Expenses > Invoices and Pos). Select the vendor named
Since the miscellaneous vendor does not have name and address information entered in the vendor window, the Invoice window
allows the user to enter a name and address for that particular invoice. The vendor information will then be copied to the Pay To
tab, which will be printed on the Vendor Payment check.
Proceed with the remainder of the invoice in the same manner you enter a standard invoice. Review the Entering a New Vendor
Invoice section for more details on invoice entry.
Issuing a Check for a Miscellaneous Vendor
If you wish to generate checks for invoice(s) entered using a miscellaneous vendor, follow the same steps listed in the Vendor
payments section when generating payments for a standard vendor. The vendor payment window identifies the vendor as a
miscellaneous vendor since no name is recorded in the main vendor window. If you select multiple invoices and process them at the
same time, a check will be issued for each invoice. The vendor information found on each invoice will then be printed on the check.
Because of this feature, it is impossible to pay multiple invoices with a single check when a miscellaneous vendor is used. It is
possible to generate a quick check directly from an invoice for a Miscellaneous Vendor. Review the Quick Check section for more
Getting Started
Fixed company assets such as vehicles, buildings, and equipment must be depreciated over a period of time. The EBMS
Depreciation module allows the user to easily post the depreciation expense to general ledger on a regular basis. Applying asset
depreciation costs on a monthly basis is an important management tool to properly manage the profitability of a company
especially if the business owns a sizeable amount of fixed assets. The EBMS Depreciation module gives the user flexibility and
ease of use when planning the depreciable schedules. A variety of depreciation methods are distributed with the software,
although additional user-defined methods can be created as well.
Fixed asset information such as the vendor invoice, purchase information, and to-date depreciation details are recorded for each
of the assets. A simple to use process creates monthly expense transactions and posts them to general ledger in literally
seconds. The system will allow the user to properly manage a wide variety of depreciable assets such as rental items, company
equipment, or intangible assets.
User-friendly wizards make purchasing, as well as selling or disposing assets, a simple process. Enter a general ledger account
that is classified as a depreciable asset within the expense invoice and the system will lead you though the process to record
and properly depreciate the new asset.
The following section, Depreciation Methods, should be discussed with a financial consultant, accountant, or EBMS consultant
for the best available options for your business.
EBMS Main Documentation
Depreciation Methods
A depreciation method is a table of percentages that is applied to a depreciable asset. Go to Depreciation > Depreciation
Methods to change or view an existing method.
Select an existing method to view the depreciation schedule details.
The method consists of the Number of Years, which determines the number of rows within the percentage table. Enter the
Percentage that needs to be depreciated for each Year. A miscellaneous information Note can be entered for each method.
Click the New button to start the new method wizard:
Enter a Method Id and Description and click the Finish button to create a new method.
Enter the Number of Years needs a value for this method to create a list of years.
Enter the percentage that is to be depreciated each year. Note that the total percentage must equal 100 percent.
Click OK to save.
EBMS Main Documentation
Adding and Deleting Asset Folders
The asset folder feature assists in organizing assets into depreciation groups with similar general ledger accounts.
EXAMPLE The user may wish to group Buildings, Equipment, and Vehicle assets into different folders to match the asset
accounts found within the General Ledger. A subfolder under Equipment may be useful to group equipment from different
departments or costs centers.
This will ease a new asset entry when assets with similar Asset, Liability, and Expense General Ledger Accounts are grouped
Setting Up Asset Folders
Go to the Deprecation > Options > Asset Folders tab, shown in the following window:
The EBMS program is equipped with two standard folders: Assets and a sub-folder entitled Inactive. Assets that are disposed
may be placed within the Inactive folder rather than deleting the asset. By doing this, the asset history is preserved, but not
printed on many of the reports.
Adding a Folder
To add a folder, highlight the folder in which the new folder is to appear and click the New Folder button. Enter the Folder
Name of the new folder and toggle the Allow only subfolders switch ON to allow assets to be entered within the folder or OFF
to restrict the new folder and allow only subfolders. Press OK to create the new folder.
Deleting a Folder
Click the Delete Folder button to remove a folder. A folder cannot be deleted if there are assets within the folder.
See Features > Folder Groups section in the main manual for more details on adding and changing folder lists.
Changing Asset Defaults
It is wise to properly configure the asset folder defaults before entering new assets. If you are not familiar with editing defaults
see Features > Editing Defaults, Filtering Down Data and Globally Editing Data section in the main manual. It is recommended
that each folder is highlighted and the following steps are performed for each folder.
Setting Defaults
To set asset defaults, go to Depreciation > Options > Asset Folders tab as shown below:
Select a sub-folder, click the Edit Defaults button and the following window will appear:
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The only default values to set within Deprecation are the General Ledger accounts located in the Advanced tab as shown
above. Set the appropriate accounts for each setting. All depreciation accounts must be properly classified to be set within this
window. See the General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Account Classification section of the EBMS manual for more details on
Click on the Change Department button to change the default department. This function will change the existing G/L account
extension to a new department for each general ledger account that contains the new department as its extension.
Click OK to save defaults.
Entering Existing Depreciable Assets
All existing depreciable assets should be entered into the EBMS deprecation module before continuing with any processes.
This includes all assets that are new, partially or fully depreciated. This section describes the steps required to enter existing
assets. Refer to the section, Purchasing Assets, to enter any assets acquired in the current fiscal year.
Open the depreciation list by selecting Depreciation > Depreciable Assets from the main menu.
Select Edit > New (Alt + E + N) from the main menu to start the new asset wizard as shown below:
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Highlight the folder in which to place the new asset and click Next. See the Getting Started > Adding and
Deleting Asset Folders section for more details on creating new folders.
Enter a Description to identify the specific depreciable asset.
Enter the Asset general ledger account that should contain the purchase value of the depreciable asset item.
Enter the Accumulated Depreciation general ledger account. This account must be an asset account that is classified
as Accumulated Depreciation.
The Depreciation Expense account must be an expense account that is classified as Depreciation Expense within
general ledger. See the General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Account Classification section for more details on
Click the Next button to continue.
Enter a Depreciation Method by clicking on the lookup button and selecting a method. This method can be changed
at a later time if a method has not yet been determined. See the Getting Started > Depreciation Methods section for
more details on adding or changing methods. See the Managing and Processing Assets > Changing Methods within
an Asset section for details on changing the depreciation method.
Enter the Depreciation Start Date of the asset. This date must fall within the fiscal year in which the first depreciable asset is
processed and may not be the same year as the purchase date. The process date may not be the same year as the purchase
date if the asset is not to be depreciated immediately. The depreciation schedule will use this date to determine in which fiscal
years the depreciation is scheduled.
Enter the purchase Cost of the asset. This should include the total value of the asset at the time of purchase.
Enter the 179 Expense. This is the additional Section 179 depreciation that will be expensed the first year. This field can be
kept blank to depreciate the asset completely using the selected method. Contact your accountant to determine the amount of
this entry.
Enter the estimated Salvage Value of asset at time of disposal. This amount will be deducted from the Cost to calculate the
Depreciable Amount. Depreciable Amount = Cost – Salvage Value.
The depreciation schedule will be determined using the Depreciable Amount.
Click the Next button to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the Ignore Transactions only if all the depreciation values have already been entered into the balance sheet
of the general ledger; otherwise select the Create a transaction for the cost of this asset using the accounts
entered below option to create a general ledger transaction for this asset.
The first option is recommended if the depreciation module of EBMS has recently been installed and the depreciable asset
values are already reflected within the general ledger. Complete the following steps if the Create a transaction for the cost of
this asset using the accounts entered below option is selected:
Enter a Transaction Date within the last fiscal year to post past asset values to the prior year. The adjustments
posted to last year will create the correct beginning balance for the asset general ledger account for the current fiscal
Select the offsetting general ledger account that will be credited. Enter an expense account that was used when
the depreciable asset was expensed if the item was purchased within existing open general ledger fiscal periods.
Otherwise use an equity type or other general ledger account.
Click the Next button to open the following page:
Select one of the following status options for the asset:
Hold this new asset. Do not start depreciating now. This option is the only available option if no depreciating method has
been entered for this asset. The Hold option will record the asset but will not process any accumulating depreciation and is
useful if the user wishes to obtain advice on the appropriate depreciation method. The asset status can be changed to a
depreciating status at anytime. See the Managing and Processing Assets > Changing Methods within an Asset section.
Start depreciating this asset now option will cause the asset to start depreciating at the time of the next Monthly Process.
See the Managing and Processing Assets > Depreciating Assets Using the Monthly Process section for more details on
processing depreciation.
This asset is partially depreciated - This option should be used for any asset that has already been partially depreciated. This
option should only be selected when the EBMS Depreciation module is initially installed and setup.
This Asset is fully depreciated option should only be used for asset items that are currently listed on the financial statements
and are fully depreciated. This option is also used when entering the initial asset list. All assets that are reflected on the
company’s balance statement should be entered into the EBMS depreciation system. See the Disposing Assets > Removing
Disposed Assets section for instructions on how to remove disposed assets from the list.
Click the Next button to continue.
NOTE: The following two wizard pages will not appear if the depreciation method has not been entered in the wizard, page 3.
EBMS Main Documentation
10. A table will be displayed listing the Scheduled depreciation on the right and the Accumulated depreciation on the
left as well as the Year.
The Year column will be sequentially incremented based on the Depreciation Start Date of the asset and cannot be changed
without changing the Depreciation Start Date. The wizard must be canceled and restarted if the Depreciation Start Date or
the Method is incorrect. The wizard cannot be paged backwards at this point.
Enter the Accumulated depreciation if the asset has been partially depreciated. Change the accumulated depreciation for each
year if the asset is fully depreciated and the Scheduled depreciation does not match the annual amount depreciated.
The Scheduled depreciation is calculated using the depreciation Method entered earlier in the wizard. This amount can be
changed to match a user’s schedule without having any ill effects on the accuracy of the system. Any changes to the
Scheduled amount must equal the total Depreciable Amount for the asset.
The following page will appear only if the Accumulated depreciation column of the previous page contains any value.
11. Select the Ignore Transactions only if all the accumulated depreciation values have already been entered into the
balance sheet of the general ledger. Otherwise select the Create a transaction of ??? for the accumulated
depreciation option to create general ledger transactions for accumulated depreciation. Complete the following steps
if the Create a transaction… option is selected:
12. Enter a Transaction Date within the last fiscal year to post past accumulated depreciation values to the prior year.
The adjustments posted to last year will create the correct beginning balance for the asset general ledger account for
the current year.
13. Enter a depreciation expense general ledger account as the Offsetting general ledger account that will be credited.
Click the Next button.
EBMS Main Documentation
14. Enter the Asset ID code. The Display asset information upon wizard completion will open the Depreciable Asset
information window.
Click Finish to add the new depreciable item.
Continue with the next section to view or change depreciable asset information.
Managing and Processing Assets
Viewing or Changing Asset Information
Depreciable asset information such as methods, status, scheduled amounts, or miscellaneous notes can be viewed or changed
during the process of the depreciation. Some values will be protected based on the status or progress of depreciation. To view
or change asset information, go to Depreciation > Depreciable Assets and select an existing asset.
The asset Description, Folder, and Notes can be changed at anytime.
EBMS Main Documentation
Highlight an invoice within the Costs box and click on the View Invoice button to view the expense invoice for the depreciable
asset. If the Vendor Id contains "($)DEPR" the cost was manually entered using the new asset wizard rather than generated
from an expense invoice and cannot be viewed. See the Purchasing Assets > Adding Assets Using an Expense Invoice section
for more details creating new asset records from an invoice. Additional costs can be added to an asset if the status is set to
Hold. See the Purchasing Assets > An Alternative Method of Adding Costs and Assets for details on how to add costs to
An asset can be assigned multiple methods. The primary method (identified by the check mark) is the method used during the
monthly process. See the Depreciating Assets using the Monthly Process section of this manual. All other methods are
used to create adjustments within the general ledger for report purposes. See the Alternative Depreciation Methods for
Reporting Purposes section for details on how to add or use alternate methods.
The general ledger account settings for an asset can be seen by clicking on the Advanced tab as shown below:
The Depreciation Accounts are general ledger accounts that must be classified with the following settings:
An asset account classified as Depreciable Asset
Accumulated Depreciation
Enter an asset account classified as Accumulated Depreciation. The monthly depreciation amounts will be credited to this
account during process. See Managing and Processing Assets > Depreciating Assets using the Monthly Process section for
details on the depreciation process.
Depreciation Expense
Enter an expense account classified as Depreciation Expense. The monthly depreciation amounts will be debited to this
account during process. See Managing and Processing Assets > Depreciating Assets using the Monthly Process section for
details on the depreciation process.
The Disposal Accounts are general ledger accounts that must be classified with the following settings:
Sale of Assets
Enter a revenue account classified as Sales of Assets
Accumulated Depreciation Disposal
Enter an expense account classified as Depreciation Disposal
Asset Disposal
Enter an expense account classified as Depreciation Asset Disposal
These accounts will be used when an item is disposed or sold. See the Disposing Assets section of this manual for more
Click on the Transfer Department button to move an asset from one department into another.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the new Department code. The system will change all general ledger codes to match the new department if they exist.
The general ledger account will not be changed if any of the Depreciation or Disposal Accounts do not contain the new
department. General ledger transactions will be created if the Asset or Accumulated Depreciation accounts are changed. The
new transactions will be created using the Process Date. Click OK to create the transactions.
Click on the OK button to save any changes to the asset.
Reconciling General Ledger Reconciliation Accounts
It is important to reconcile the General Ledger asset accounts with the list of depreciable accounts within the Depreciation
module. Go to General Ledger > Utilities > Verify Balances:
Click on the Calculate button to update all totals. Compare the Depreciable Assets total in the left column with the
Depreciable total on the right. The Depreciable Assets amount is the total of all general ledger accounts classified as
Depreciable Asset. The Depreciable value is the total of all the depreciable assets entered in the depreciation module with the
exception of those that are sold or disposed. General Ledger adjustments or depreciable asset changes will need to be made if
the Difference amount does not equal zero. Print the report found in File > Reports > Depreciation > Assets > Asset
Schedule List to verify the asset list.
The Accumulated General Ledger amount found in the left column should equal the Depreciable value totaled within the asset
list. Adjustments should be made before any depreciation is processed or additional assets are added or disposed.
EBMS Main Documentation
Depreciating Assets using a Monthly Process
Accumulated depreciation should be posted to the General Ledger on a monthly basis to apply depreciation expenses
throughout the year. The process is designed to be run monthly although the user can choose to run the process quarterly,
annually, or any other period greater than the monthly process.
Go to Depreciation > Monthly Process to open the following dialog. Depreciation transactions will need to be posted first.
The Process Date reflects the next fiscal month to process. This date should be set to the first fiscal month date if it is the initial
depreciation process. After the depreciation has been calculated and processed for the specified month the Process Date will
be incremented to the next month. The Next Monthly Process date can be viewed or changed in Depreciation > Options >
Options tab.
The accumulated monthly depreciation amount is calculated using the following equation:
Monthly Depreciation = SD / 12 * FM – PD
SD = Scheduled annual Depreciation on the primary method.
FM = Fiscal year Month number.
If the fiscal year is same as calendar year then January =1, February = 2, etc.
PD = Previous Depreciation for the year.
If the user wishes to post depreciation for the entire year, the Process Date should be set to equal the last date of the fiscal
year. Enter the last month of the fiscal year quarter to post the entire quarter’s depreciation. Note that the Process Date will
always default the next month.
Turn the View Assets to Depreciation option ON to list each asset and its scheduled depreciation before processing.
Click on the Next button and the following dialog will appear:
Click Finish to process and update the monthly depreciation totals. In order to finish, click Yes to post transactions to general
ledger. Click No if you prefer to view or print transactions before they are posted to general ledger. View transactions from the
Depreciation > Display Unposted Transactions selection of the menu if they have not been posted.
Asset accumulated depreciation totals will not be updated until the transactions are posted.
Go to Depreciation > Utilities > Void Depreciation Transactions to reverse any past depreciation transactions.
The Monthly Process is the only step needed on a monthly basis to calculate and post accumulated transactions.
EBMS Main Documentation
Changing Methods within an Asset
At times it may be necessary to change a method after the asset has been entered and accumulated depreciation has been
Set asset to status "Hold".
Add the new target method.
Change primary switch to the new method.
Remove the old method if desired.
Set status to depreciate.
This should verify the process to move accumulated assets.
Depreciation Reports
The following reports are excellent to print for an accountant or an agent that provides tax services:
Go to File > Reports > Depreciation > Assets > Accumulated Depreciation to print the accumulated
depreciation for all assets.
Select All Assets to print all Assets and set the appropriate dates to print the last fiscal year information. This will
list the accumulated depreciation for all assets.
EBMS Main Documentation
The File > Reports > Depreciation > Assets > Asset Schedule List will display pertinent asset status information.
EBMS Main Documentation
Purchasing Assets
Adding Assets using an Expense Invoice
To add new assets to the depreciation system is though an expense invoice at the time the item is purchased. Go to Expenses
> Invoices and P.O.s to open an expense invoice.
Enter a purchase order or expense invoice in the standard way with the exception of the General Ledger account. Click on the
G/L Account lookup button. The General Ledger account must be set to an asset account that records depreciable assets.
EBMS Main Documentation
The wizard to add depreciable assets will be activated each time an expense invoice contains a General Ledger account that is
classified as Depreciable Asset. Review the Getting Started > Adding and Deleting Asset Folders section for more details on
account classifications. The following wizard will be activated at the time the invoice is processed:
Select the first option – Create a new depreciable item for the cost of this item to create a new asset. Select the
second option to add costs to an existing depreciable item.
Click the Next button.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the appropriate folder. Adding items can be greatly simplified if the General Ledger accounts and other defaults are
properly set for each folder (group of assets). See the General Ledger > Chart of Accounts > Adding General Ledger Accounts
section of the main manual for more details on adding folders.
Click the Next button.
Enter an appropriate Description to identify the new asset.
Set the correct General Ledger Accounts. The Asset account will be set to the G/L Account entered within the invoice. The
Accumulated Depreciation account is an asset account used to record the accumulated depreciation. The Depreciation
Expense account is an expense account that records the annual depreciation.
Click the Next button.
Enter a Depreciation Method by clicking on the lookup button and selecting a method. This method can be
changed at a later time if a method has not been determined at this time. See the Getting Started > Methods section
for more details on adding or changing methods. See the following Managing and Processing Assets > Changing
Methods within an Asset section for details on changing the depreciation method.
The Depreciation Start Date will default to the date found on the expense invoice. The depreciation schedule will use this date
to determine in which fiscal years the depreciation is scheduled.
The purchase Cost of the asset will be copied from the invoice.
Enter the estimated Salvage Value of asset at time of disposal. This amount will be deducted from the Cost to calculate the
Depreciable Amount. Depreciable Amount = Cost – Salvage Value.
Click the Next button to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select one of the following status options for the asset:
Hold this new asset. Do not start depreciating now. This option is the only available option if no depreciating method has
been entered for this asset. The Hold option will record the asset but will not process any accumulating depreciation and is
useful if the user wishes to obtain advice on the appropriate depreciation method. The asset status can be changed to a
depreciating status at anytime. See the Managing and Processing Assets > Changing Methods within an Asset section below.
Start depreciating this asset now option will cause the asset to start depreciating at the time of the next Monthly Process.
See the Managing and Processing Assets > Depreciating Assets Using a Monthly Process section for more details on
processing depreciation.
This asset is partially depreciated and This Asset is fully depreciated. These options should not be used when adding new
assets from an expense invoice.
Click the Next button.
Enter the Asset ID. Display asset information upon wizard completion will open the Depreciable Asset window.
Click Finish to complete the wizard.
See the Managing and Processing Assets > Viewing or Changing Asset information section of this manual for more details on
viewing or changing new asset information.
EBMS Main Documentation
Alternative Method of Adding Costs and Assets
Costs can be manually added to a depreciable asset without using an expense invoice by completing the following steps:
Go to Depreciation > Depreciable Assets to open the asset.
Click on the New button in the costs section.
Enter a Description of the additional cost.
Enter the Purchase Date of the additional cost.
Enter the additional Cost amount and click Next.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the Ignore Transactions only if all the depreciation values have already been entered into the balance sheet of the
general ledger; otherwise select the Create a transaction for the cost of this asset using the accounts entered below
option to create a general ledger transaction for this asset.
Complete the following steps if the Create a transaction… option is selected:
Enter the Transaction Date or purchase date.
Select the offsetting general ledger account that will be credited. Enter an expense account that to post the cost
Click the Finish button complete.
The Remove button can be used to delete additional costs.
The Add and Remove buttons will be disabled if the asset is already being depreciated. Additional costs cannot be added after
an asset has already been partially or completely depreciated. Create an additional asset if costs cannot be added. See the
Getting Started > Entering Existing Depreciable Assets for more details in adding assets manually.
Disposing Assets
Selling Assets within a Sales Invoice
The value of an asset will be recorded within the general ledger until the asset is disposed (not being used or junked) or sold.
This section will explain the steps that should be used when an asset is sold. See the next section, Disposing Assets >
Removing Disposed Assets, for an alternative method to dispose assets.
The asset should be removed from the depreciable assets list at the time a sales invoice is entered. Go to Sales > Invoices and
S.O.s to open the sales invoice.
Enter a sales order in the same manner as any other sale with the following exceptions:
Do not enter an inventory item when selling a depreciable asset but enter a brief Description in the invoice detail line.
Enter the sale price of the asset that is being sold.
Enter a G/L Account that is classified as "Sale of Asset". This will activate the depreciation wizard at the time the sales invoice
is processed.
A separate sales invoice line should be entered for each depreciable asset. Process the sales invoice to activate the Selling a
Depreciable Asset wizard as shown below:
EBMS Main Documentation
Choose the Depreciable Asset that is being sold. Click on the lookup button to select an asset from the asset list.
The Select this option if you do not want to dispose an item at this time option should be turned OFF. No assets will be
disposed if this option is turned ON.
Click the Next button to continue.
This screen will only appear in the depreciable item is not fully depreciated.
Enter any Additional Depreciation that is to be expensed before the asset is disposed. This value would be in
addition to any depreciation that has been processed in the current year or prior year. Click on the View
Accumulated button to list the total amount of depreciation that has already been accumulated as well as the
scheduled annual amounts.
The Date and the Depreciation Expense Account are necessary only if Additional Depreciation is entered which creates
general ledger transactions. Otherwise ignore the values of these two fields.
Click Next to continue.
EBMS Main Documentation
Select the method of disposal and the date it is to be disposed. The contents of the invoice will be copied into the
fields on this page. These copied values should equal the correct disposal information. Click the Finish button to
complete the disposal process.
Standard sales General Ledger transactions will be created based on the information entered into the sales invoice. Additional
depreciation transactions will be created to dispose of the asset as listed below:
Accumulated Depreciation (Asset G/L)
Asset Value (Asset G/L)
Asset Disposal (Expense G/L)
Depreciation Disposal (Expense G/L)
Additional depreciation transactions will be created if Additional Depreciation was entered on page 2 of the wizard.
See the following section – Disposing Assets> Removing Disposed Assets to remove assets without using a sales invoice.
Removing Disposed Assets
An asset must be removed from the asset list if it is being disposed of and not being used. This process will mark the asset as
disposed and will remove any asset values and accumulated depreciation from the asset General Ledger accounts. See the
previous section, Disposing Assets > Selling Assets within a Sales Invoice, if the asset is being sold. Continue with this section if
the asset is being disposed or the sales invoice has been processed already.
Go to Depreciation > Depreciable Assets and select the asset that is to be disposed as shown below:
Click on the Disposal button located on the button of the asset window to start the disposal wizard.
The following page will not appear since it is irrelevant if the asset is completely depreciated.
EBMS Main Documentation
Enter the Date the asset was disposed. This date must be within an open fiscal period since the General Ledger
transactions use this date.
The screen options are to dispose the asset are: Disposed and Sold on a customer invoice.
Enter a Customer ID, Invoice number, and Sale Price if the asset has been sold. The fields should remain blank if the item has
been junked. The Sale Price value will be credited to the Sale of Asset general ledger account as shown below.
Accumulated Depreciation (Asset G/L)
Asset Value (Asset G/L)
Asset Disposal (Expense G/L)
Depreciation Disposal (Expense G/L)
The asset value and accumulated depreciation amounts will be adjusted as shown above.
Clicking on the Reverse Disposal button of a disposed asset will reverse the disposal transactions; this button will appear only
for disposed assets. All disposal transactions listed above will be reversed, allowing the user to make corrections and activate
the disposal wizard again.
See Payroll documentation.
Advanced Entry ........................................................... 46, 61
Account Balance207, 209, 234, 262, 272, 277, 291, 352, 360
Advanced Entry User Level ............................................... 61
Account Classification.......................221, 227, 272, 346, 437
Advanced Options ............................ 101, 151, 166, 252, 375
Account Description ......................................... 221, 263, 346
Advanced Query ................................................ 95, 101, 108
Account Folders....................................................... 212, 215
Advanced Security ............................................................ 61
Account History ............................................................... 225
Advanced Tab .... 6, 41, 46, 91, 212, 221, 227, 237, 264, 281,
283, 286, 302, 326, 334, 363, 372, 415, 425
Account ID ......................................................................... 89
Allow Only Subfolders ........................................ 76, 406, 414
Account Inactive .............................................. 221, 235, 348
Allowable Range ........................................ 76, 212, 215, 237
Account Number .............................................................. 394
Alternative Depreciation .................................................. 425
Account Reconciliation .....................203, 221, 272, 348, 352
See.............................................................................. 425
Accounts Payable ...... 60, 146, 166, 195, 203, 207, 227, 234,
252, 256, 259, 264, 323, 326, 338, 348, 375, 394, 401
Always Send Summary ........................................... 151, 166
Accounts Payable Check Report ..................................... 195
Asset classification .......................................................... 227
Accounts Payable Overview ............................................ 323
account using .............................................................. 227
Accounts Receivable . 60, 131, 146, 151, 162, 203, 207, 227,
234, 256, 259, 264, 375
Asset Disposal ................................................. 425, 447, 451
Asset Schedule List................................................. 429, 433
Accounts Receivable Auto Send Mode ............................ 151
Asset Value............................................................. 447, 451
Accounts Receivable Send Mode option .......................... 151
Accumulated Depreciation203, 227, 417, 425, 430, 432, 433,
437, 447, 451
Assets ...... 203, 212, 221, 227, 302, 414, 415, 417, 425, 429,
430, 432, 433, 437, 444, 447, 451
Adding ......................................................................... 437
Accumulated Depreciation Disposal................................. 425
Changing ..................................................................... 415
Activate Advanced Security ............................................... 61
Depreciating ................................................................ 430
Enable ........................................................................... 61
Enter............................................................................ 417
Additional Clients ............................................................... 27
Sale ..................................................................... 302, 447
Additional Context ............................................................. 67
Sales ........................................................................... 425
Additional Depreciation .................................................... 447
Selling ......................................................................... 447
Additional ID ...................................................................... 85
Assets folder .................................... 212, 227, 346, 414, 415
Additional Management Tools............................................ 29
Assigning Rights ............................................................... 46
Adjusted Statement Balance .................................... 272, 352
EBMS Main Documentation
Auto Date .......................................................................... 80
Auto Fax .......................................................................... 166
Auto Fax field .................................................................. 166
Auto Send Contact .......................................................... 151
view ............................................................................. 151
Auto Send Contact List .................................................... 151
Auto Send feature ............................................ 146, 151, 166
Auto Send Mode ...................................... 146, 151, 162, 166
Changing ..................................................................... 151
Auto Send Mode list......................................................... 151
Auto Send module .................... 146, 149, 151, 162, 166, 174
Auto Send Sales Invoices ................................................ 151
existing......................................................................... 151
Auto Send Settings .......................................................... 166
Auto Send Statement Date .............................................. 162
Auto Send Statements ..................................................... 162
Auto Send Status..................................................... 151, 166
Auto Send Tab................................................................. 162
Auto Sending Proposals .......................................... 146, 172
Bank Account ..... 29, 195, 207, 221, 227, 252, 262, 272, 277,
279, 323, 344, 346, 348, 352, 355, 360, 363, 372, 375,
380, 385, 387, 389, 394
Bank Account ID ............................................................. 348
Bank Account Information ............................................... 348
Bank account option........................................................ 380
Bank Account Reconciliation ... 195, 262, 348, 352, 355, 360,
Bank Account Type .......................................... 279, 346, 348
Bank Accounts menu ...................................................... 195
Bank Accounts Overview ................................................ 344
Bank Accounts window ............ 195, 227, 344, 348, 380, 383
Bank GL Account ............................................................ 264
Bank Name ............................................................. 346, 394
Based on Departments.............................................. 38, 252
Based on Warehouse ........................................................ 38
Basic Entry ........................................................................ 46
Blank Security Paper ....................................................... 394
Body Text ................................................................ 151, 162
Broadcast Send .............................................................. 176
Broadcasting Documents ........................................ 146, 176
Auto Sending Sales Orders ............................................. 151
Auto Statements .............................................................. 149
Automatic Calculations .................................................... 320
Automatically Create Profit Centers ........... 38, 240, 249, 252
AutoStatements ............................................................... 162
Review ........................................................................ 146
Budget Comparison Reports ........................................... 311
Budget Detail .................................................................. 311
Budget record ......................................................... 298, 302
Budget totals ................................................................... 221
Balance Sheet accounts .......................... 225, 259, 264, 272
Balance Sheet report ....................................................... 234
Balance Statements......................................... 234, 240, 417
account........................................................................ 221
Calculate button ....................................... 302, 318, 320, 429
test .............................................................................. 318
Cash accounts ..... 29, 38, 203, 207, 221, 227, 259, 262, 272,
277, 344, 363, 372, 375, 380, 389, 398
Company Create Departments ........................................ 240
Company Division ..................................................... 38, 252
Cash Method ................................................................... 203
Company General ........................................................... 41
Cash Out ................................................................. 272, 277
Company Id....................................................................... 20
Cash Payment dialog......................................................... 65
Company Info.................................................................... 11
Change Account button ........................................... 263, 401
Company Information ......... 10, 11, 41, 43, 46, 195, 281, 394
Change Defaults .......................................................... 46, 91
Company list ..................................................................... 10
Change Department button.............................................. 415
Company Logo....................................... 11, 35, 43, 195, 394
Change ID ...................................... 67, 85, 88, 235, 237, 334
Company Name ..................... 9, 10, 11, 20, 69, 85, 329, 394
Change Password ............................................................. 52
Company Profiles ............................................... 38, 240, 252
Select ............................................................................. 52
Company Setup .............................................................. 195
Changing Account Information ......................................... 221
Company Type.................................................................. 11
Changing Asset Information............................................. 425
Company's State ............................................................. 281
Changing ID Codes ........................................................... 88
Computer-generated checks ................................... 360, 380
Changing pricing................................................................ 91
Configure Send Modes.................................................... 151
Changing Threshold Amounts.......................................... 283
Copying Journals ............................................................ 269
Changing Vendor Information .................................. 166, 334
Cost Centers .................................................... 211, 302, 414
Check Number.......... 227, 348, 383, 385, 387, 392, 394, 396
Count Adjustment............................................................ 264
Check Parent setting ......................................................... 53
Count or Cost total fields ................................................. 378
Check Payment dialog ....................................................... 65
Creating Departments ............................................. 240, 247
Checking Account .................................................... 392, 396
Creating Fund Accounts .................................................. 286
Classification Identifies .................................................... 227
Creating Ids....................................................................... 85
Classification setting ........................................................ 302
Creating Journal Entries .................................................. 264
Collect On Delivery .......................................................... 329
Credit Account ................................................................ 264
Column Appearance .................................................... 18, 74
Credit Amount .......................................... 263, 264, 294, 389
Command Line .......................................... 10, 146, 151, 166
Credit Card Account ......... 227, 344, 346, 355, 363, 372, 380
Command Line dialog ........................................................ 10
Crystal Reports ......... 146, 162, 174, 179, 180, 195, 200, 394
Commissions ..................................................................... 46
Crystal Reports Editor ..................................................... 200
Company address ................................................... 281, 394
EBMS Main Documentation
Crystal Reports training ................................................... 200
Default Department ............................................ 38, 240, 415
Current Balance....................................................... 234, 348
Default Printer ................................................................. 184
Current Payroll Year .......................................................... 11
Default Settings............................................................... 326
Current Queried List ................................................ 151, 166
Defaults To Subfolders .............................................. 91, 326
Customer Configuration ................................................... 151
Defaults window .......................................................... 76, 91
Customer Entry................................................ 33, 85, 88, 91
Edit Defaults button activates ........................................ 76
Customer Finance Charges ............................................. 162
Deleting Asset Folders .................................................... 414
Customer History ............................................................. 264
Deleting Inventory Folders ................................................ 76
Customer ID ................................... 65, 67, 69, 115, 264, 451
Deleting Vendor Folders................................... 324, 329, 334
Customer Payment History .............................................. 264
Demo Company ................................................................ 11
Customer Payments .................................. 29, 227, 264, 389
Department Code ............................. 215, 221, 247, 346, 425
Customer Record ......................... 61, 91, 104, 151, 162, 166
Department ID................................................................. 240
Customer Statement report .............................................. 162
Departments ........................ 29, 38, 221, 240, 247, 249, 252
Customer Support ............................................................. 29
adds .............................................................................. 38
Customers Folders ........................................ 76, 85, 91, 104
Using ........................................................................... 252
Customizing Reports ............................................... 179, 180
Departments Options ......................................... 38, 240, 252
Deposit Routing .............................................................. 394
Data Entry Field ..................................................... 46, 53, 55
Deposit Slips .................................................... 195, 344, 394
Data Path .................................................. 10, 11, 16, 20, 41
Deposits ... 195, 227, 272, 277, 326, 338, 344, 352, 355, 360,
387, 389, 394, 398, 405
Data Setup .......................................................................... 9
Deprecation ............................................................ 414, 415
Database Field ............................................ 91, 95, 101, 334
Depreciable Amount................................................ 417, 437
Database File ............................................................ 55, 101
using............................................................................ 417
show ............................................................................ 101
Debit Account .................................................................. 264
Debit Amount ........................................................... 264, 294
Debit/Credit ............................................................. 264, 270
Deduction classification ................................................... 227
Default Adjustment .................................................. 203, 360
Depreciable Asset .... 227, 411, 412, 417, 425, 429, 437, 444,
447, 451
Depreciating Assets ........................................................ 425
See.............................................................................. 425
Depreciation Accounts .................................................... 425
Depreciation Asset Disposal............................................ 425
Depreciation Disposal ...................................... 425, 447, 451
Down Payments ....... 227, 264, 323, 326, 338, 375, 380, 392,
396, 405
Depreciation Expense .............................................. 417, 425
Drill Down ..... 83, 85, 225, 262, 264, 270, 326, 338, 366, 378
Depreciation Methods ...................................................... 412
Due on Receipt ............................................................... 329
Depreciation Overview..................................................... 411
Depreciation Reports ....................................................... 433
EBMS Formula Syntax .................................................... 137
Depreciation Start Date ........................................... 417, 437
EBMS Information ........................................................... 133
changing ...................................................................... 417
EBMS Registry Settings .................................................... 18
Enter ............................................................................ 417
EBMS server .......................................... 9, 11, 16, 20, 26, 27
Detailed Profit .................................................................. 234
EBMS ............................................................................ 27
Detailed Transactions ........................................ 83, 125, 225
Starting ............................................................................ 9
Diagnostic Settings .................................................. 149, 162
EBMS Server Clients .......................................................... 9
Direct Deposit .................................................................. 195
EBMS Setup ............................................................. 29, 134
Direct Deposit ACH file .................................................... 394
Edit Company Information ................................................. 35
Discount Terms ............................................................... 380
Edit Defaults..................76, 91, 104, 212, 215, 326, 334, 415
Discounts and Finance Charges .............. 326, 329, 375, 380
Edit Purchase Orders ...................................................... 366
Display Unposted Transactions ....................... 401, 403, 430
Edit Query ....................................................................... 151
Displayed Report Name ........................................... 180, 200
Editing Sales Orders ....................................................... 396
Displaying Transactions ................................................... 263
Editing Vendor Information ............................... 329, 363, 372
Disposal Accounts ........................................................... 425
Electronic Funds ............................................................. 279
Disposing Assets ............................................................. 425
E-mail Setup ................................................................... 172
See .............................................................................. 425
Employee Folders ........................................................... 104
Distribute Freight Costs ................................................... 375
Employee ID ................................................................... 264
Distribution options .......................................................... 320
Employee Pay ................................................................. 264
Distribution setting ........................................................... 320
Employer Identification Number ................................ 11, 329
Distributor folder ................................................................ 76
Enable Use Profit Centers ............................................... 249
Document Settings .......................................... 151, 172, 174
Ending Adjustment Year.......................................... 264, 271
Document Type ............................................................... 108
Ending Balance ................ 221, 256, 264, 272, 291, 348, 352
Down Payment History .................................................... 264
Ending Date ............................................................ 272, 352
EBMS Main Documentation
Entry Field Level Security .................................................. 55
Equity folder .................................................................... 221
Evaluate Expression Access setting .................................. 61
Excel Formula Overview .................................................. 133
Expense accounts ..... 61, 203, 215, 225, 227, 283, 286, 291,
294, 326, 334, 362, 363, 372, 417, 425, 437, 444, 447
Fiscal Year . 11, 125, 137, 194, 205, 207, 209, 211, 225, 234,
255, 256, 270, 272, 291, 352, 378, 379, 417, 430, 433,
Fiscal Year Controls ......... 125, 194, 205, 207, 209, 211, 255
Fiscal year quarter .......................................................... 430
Fiscal year range............................................................. 125
review .......................................................................... 125
Expense folders ............................................... 212, 215, 227
Folder Properties dialog .................................................... 76
Expense Invoice ....................... 115, 195, 252, 370, 425, 437
Form Configuration ................................................. 195, 344
Expense Invoice Process menu ....................................... 166
Fund Balance Detail report .............................................. 291
Expense Invoice window.................................................. 252
Fund Balance Summary .................................................. 291
Expense Journal .............................................................. 264
Fund Balances ........................................................ 286, 291
Expense menu.................. 262, 329, 346, 348, 380, 401, 406
Fund report ..................................................................... 291
Expense Unposted Transaction file.......................... 264, 404
Fund Transfers........................................................ 291, 294
Export button ................................................... 108, 184, 187
Export Folder ......................................... 147, 149, 151, 166
G/L Accounts .................................................................... 29
Export List ....................................................................... 108
General Expenses folder ................................................. 215
Select ........................................................................... 108
General Information .......................................................... 11
Export Range .................................................................... 18
following ........................................................................ 11
Exporting Data ......................................... 108, 127, 128, 187
General Journal Entry ..................................................... 264
Field records ............................................................ 363, 372
Filter Down Data ................................................................ 91
Filter option...................................................................... 298
Finance Charge ......................................... 29, 162, 326, 375
General Ledger .. 6, 29, 35, 38, 46, 60, 61, 67, 76, 85, 89, 91,
115, 125, 127, 130, 131, 133, 194, 203, 205, 207, 209,
211, 212, 215, 221, 227, 234, 235, 237, 240, 247, 249,
252, 255, 256, 259, 262, 263, 264, 269, 270, 272, 277,
279, 282, 283, 285, 286, 291, 294, 298, 302, 309, 311,
314, 318, 320, 326, 334, 344, 346, 348, 352, 355, 360,
363, 367, 372, 375, 378, 383, 389, 400, 403, 404, 411,
414, 415, 417, 425, 429, 430, 437, 444, 447, 451
Finding Items within Lengthy Documents ......................... 114
General Ledger Account ..6, 61, 85, 115, 125, 130, 131, 203,
212, 215, 221, 227, 234, 237, 240, 247, 252, 255, 256,
259, 263, 264, 272, 277, 279, 282, 283, 286, 291, 294,
298, 302, 314, 320, 326, 334, 344, 346, 348, 352, 355,
360, 363, 372, 375, 378, 411, 414, 415, 417, 425,
429,437, 444, 451
First Check No ................................................. 383, 392, 396
General Ledger Account Problem ................................... 263
Change ........................................................................ 396
General Ledger Annual History Tabs .............................. 255
Finance charges paid ...................................................... 326
Fiscal Information .............................................................. 11
General Ledger Beginning Balances................................ 234
Network ................................................................... 16, 20
General Ledger Chart 76, 203, 215, 221, 235, 240, 252, 264,
270, 272, 283, 291, 320, 346, 348, 352, 378
Installing EBMS Server ..................................................... 27
Inventory Asset ............................................................... 375
General Ledger Folders ......................76, 212, 215, 237, 309
Inventory Bar Code Labels .............................................. 367
General Ledger Journal ........................................... 115, 264
Inventory Classification ................................................... 227
General Ledger Module ............................. 91, 127, 203, 234
Inventory Components ...................................................... 29
General Ledger Overview ................................................ 203
Inventory Count .................................. 29, 227, 234, 367, 375
General Ledger Reconciliation Accounts ......................... 429
Inventory Documentation ................................... 38, 363, 372
General Ledger Transactions .... 46, 259, 262, 272, 363, 372,
375, 383, 400, 417, 425, 444, 447, 451
General Setup Instructions ................................... 147, 166
Global System Settings ..................................................... 18
Globally Change Data........................................................ 91
Globally Editing Data ......................................................... 91
Inventory Entry .................................................................. 85
Inventory Folders ...................................................... 76, 184
Inventory History .............................. 256, 264, 375, 400, 403
Inventory Item Count ............................................... 367, 375
Inventory item ID ............................................................. 362
History Counts ................................................................. 375
Inventory Items .... 29, 61, 65, 69, 76, 89, 104, 114, 133, 184,
227, 252, 256, 262, 362, 363, 366, 367, 370, 372, 375,
378, 379, 389, 447
History Tabs ....... 46, 133, 225, 255, 262, 264, 338, 375, 378
Inventory Method ............................................................ 375
History Year........................................46, 256, 259, 338, 375
Inventory Modules ................................................35, 46, 131
Inventory Options ...................................................... 76, 375
Ignore Transactions ................................................. 417, 444
Inventory Price Labels ..................................................... 367
Select ................................................................... 417, 444
Inventory Pricing ............................................................. 367
Implementation Plan .......................................................... 29
Inventory purchasing ....................................................... 323
Action............................................................................. 29
Inventory record ................................................................ 65
Individually Sending Documents .............................. 146, 174
Item ............................................................................... 65
Review ......................................................................... 146
Inventory tracking methods ............................................. 234
Install EBMS on Additional Clients ....................................... 9
Inventory Values ..................................................... 227, 375
Install EBMS on Additional Workstations ....................... 9, 11
Inventory Variance ........................................... 212, 227, 375
Installed Modules list ....................................................... 131
Inventory Window.................................................... 363, 372
Installing EBMS ....................................................... 9, 16, 20
Invoice Amount ................................................ 375, 378, 380
EBMS Main Documentation
Invoice balance................................................................ 380
Licenses.............................................................................. 2
Invoice Date ..... 133, 151, 234, 355, 375, 378, 379, 380, 385
EBMS .............................................................................. 2
Invoice Entry window ....................................................... 323
Loan balance adjustments .............................................. 271
Invoice forms ........................................... 151, 166, 172, 195
Loans Payable ................................................................ 227
Invoice History ................................................................. 264
Loans Receivable............................................................ 227
Invoice line ................................................ 67, 375, 380, 447
Logging Settings ............................................................. 149
Invoice Menu ........................ 6, 146, 151, 166, 375, 379, 392
Login dialog ...................................................................... 16
Invoice Payment ...................................... 130, 225, 262, 338
Login name ........................................................ 46, 221, 264
Invoice Process Report .................................................... 195
Login Procedures ........................................................ 10, 11
Invoice Terms .......................................................... 363, 372
Login window .............................................................. 10, 11
Invoice View menu .......................................................... 387
Loss Statement report ..................................................... 234
Invoice window ................................................................ 408
Loss value....................................................................... 291
Invoices And S.O.s ...........................6, 18, 65, 174, 252, 447
Invoices Tab ............................................ 334, 338, 366, 378
Mail Merges ............................................................ 108, 187
IRS tax ............................................................................ 279
Mail Server ..................................................................... 147
Mail service ...................................................... 146, 147, 174
Job Costing ................................................................... 1, 29
Mail to Fax Domain ....................................................... 147
Journal date............................................................. 264, 270
Mailing List ......................................................... 76, 108, 146
Journal Entry 29, 89, 127, 203, 234, 256, 264, 269, 270, 271,
294, 348, 403, 404
Mailing statements .......................................................... 146
Maintenance labor........................................................... 227
Journal ID ........................................................ 115, 264, 294
Maintenance Utility .................................................. 125, 240
Journal window ................................................ 225, 264, 269
Maintenance Vendor list .................................................. 334
Managing Credit Card Accounts ...................................... 355
Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................... 65
Manual Payment ...................................... 363, 372, 385, 398
Manufacturer ........................................................... 363, 372
Labeled Auto Broadcast Log ............................................ 176
Manufacturer Part Number ...................................... 363, 372
Labeled Auto Statement Log ........................................... 162
Match Case option .......................................................... 114
Launch MS Excel ............................................................. 134
Matching ID ....................................................................... 69
License Agreement .................................................... 2, 9, 45
Materials List ............................................................... 65, 67
New Folder ....................................................................... 76
Merge.Accounts................................................................. 89
press ............................................................................. 76
Merging Titles .................................................................. 177
New Folder button ............................................ 180, 406, 414
Messages Tab ................................................. 104, 326, 334
clicking ................................................................ 180, 406
Minimum Report .............................................. 151, 162, 166
New Job .......................................................................... 104
Miscellaneous Expense ................................... 203, 212, 398
New Profit Centers .......................................................... 249
Miscellaneous folder ........................................................ 184
New Purchase Order ................................ 363, 372, 375, 408
Miscellaneous ID ............................................................. 334
New Report ..................................................................... 180
Miscellaneous Income ............................. 203, 212, 227, 302
New Vendor ..................6, 324, 326, 329, 334, 348, 392, 406
Miscellaneous Vendor ..... 334, 363, 372, 383, 405, 406, 408,
New Year button ............................................................. 255
Use .............................................................................. 255
Modifications ....................................................................... 2
Next Check Number ........................................................ 348
Module Level Security ....................................................... 46
No Count........................................................................... 29
Month End Reports .......................................... 194, 205, 207
Numeric IDs ...................................................................... 85
Monthly Basis ................... 271, 298, 302, 309, 320, 411, 430
Numeric Operators The Numeric ..................................... 117
Monthly Budgets ...................................... 298, 302, 311, 320
Numeric value ................................................................. 117
Monthly Depreciation ....................................................... 430
Monthly Process ...................................... 417, 425, 430, 437
Online Support Portals ...................................................... 98
Monthly Profit .................................................................. 291
Optional BCC Address .................................................. 147
Mouse and Drill Down ...................................................... 378
receive ........................................................................ 147
list ................................................................................ 378
Optional EBMS module .......................... 20, 27, 61, 131, 297
Multiple Warehousing ........................................................ 29
Ordered quantity .............................................. 363, 372, 375
Outstanding Checks ........................................................ 352
Net Profit ......................................................................... 291
Outstanding Deposits ...................................................... 352
Network Administrator .......................................... 147, 184
Outstanding Invoice ......... 151, 162, 227, 338, 378, 380, 389
New Auto Send Mode ...................................... 151, 162, 166
Outstanding Total ............................................................ 272
New Bank Account .......................................... 346, 348, 380
Overhead Expenses ......................................... 215, 227, 302
New Company .......................... 9, 10, 11, 16, 20, 27, 45, 127
Overhead Labor .............................................................. 227
New Customer ....................................................... 33, 88, 91
EBMS Main Documentation
Payroll Payable ........................................ 227, 256, 259, 264
Page Setup.............................................................. 184, 195
Payroll Payer Type ............................................................ 11
Paid invoices ................................................................... 338
Payroll Settings ............................................................... 41
Paid Outs......................................................................... 398
Payroll Tax ....................11, 29, 203, 227, 264, 272, 283, 302
Parameters .......................................117, 125, 137, 144, 200
Payroll Taxes Payable Accounts ..................................... 272
Parent Security ...................................................... 53, 55, 61
Payroll timecards............................................................. 207
Part Number ............................................................ 363, 372
PayrollTax ....................................................................... 144
Partial Payments ............................................. 323, 338, 380
Periodic Reports ............................................................. 194
Pay To ID ................................................................ 363, 372
Perpetual Inventory ................................................... 29, 375
Pay Types ......................................................................... 29
Plain Paper Check .................................................. 344, 394
Payment Date .................................................. 380, 392, 396
Plain Paper folder............................................. 190, 195, 383
Payment Flag .................................................................. 264
Plain Paper Forms ........................................... 195, 348, 394
Payment Receipt ............................................................. 195
Post All Transactions ...................................................... 262
Payment Routing Number................................................ 394
Post Transactions .................... 130, 262, 263, 401, 403, 430
Payment total .................................................... 83, 338, 389
Posted Expenses .................................................... 352, 403
Payment type .......................................... 363, 372, 375, 389
Posting Expense Transactions ........................................ 403
Payment Vendor .............................................................. 334
Preprinted folders ............................................................ 195
Payroll accounts .............................................. 227, 344, 346
Previous Depreciation ..................................................... 430
Payroll benefits ................................................................ 227
Price Level .................................................................. 29, 91
Payroll Check .......................................................... 195, 394
Print Company Info ......................................................... 195
form ............................................................................. 195
Print Menus ............................................................. 190, 195
Payroll Check Form ......................................................... 195
sales invoice contains .................................................. 190
Payroll Check Report ....................................................... 195
Print Preview .................................................... 184, 187, 396
ignore ........................................................................... 195
Printed EBMS statements ............................................... 234
Payroll Direct Deposit Information .................................... 348
Printed Register Balance......................................... 221, 352
Payroll Direct Deposit Receipt ................................. 195, 394
Printer Requirements .......................................................... 4
Payroll Overhead classification ........................................ 227
Printing Checks ....................................................... 380, 392
Payroll Overhead Costs ........................................... 227, 302
Process Checks ...................................................... 380, 383
Process Date ....................................272, 387, 417, 425, 430
Process Security................................................................ 55
Recalculate button .......................................................... 302
Processing Vendor Credits .............................................. 389
clicking ........................................................................ 302
Profit Center Examples .................................................... 240
Receive All button ........................................................... 367
Profit Center id......................................................... 215, 240
Reconcile button ...................... 221, 272, 344, 348, 352, 355
Profit Centers ... 203, 211, 215, 221, 240, 247, 249, 252, 302
Reconcile Cash ....................................................... 227, 272
Profit Centers From Departments .................................... 252
Reconciliation.................................................................. 277
Profit Centers Options ..................................... 215, 240, 247
Reconciliation Ending Date ..................................... 272, 352
Profit/Loss accounts ........................................................ 203
Reconciling Bank Accounts ............................................. 355
Projected Completion Date ................................................ 29
Reconciling Cash Accounts ............................................. 227
Proposal Menu Options ................................................... 172
Reconciling Checking ...................................................... 272
Proposal Options ............................................................. 172
See.............................................................................. 272
Proposal Settings ............................................................ 172
Recording Deposits ......................................................... 272
Purchase classification .................................................... 227
Recovery Options............................................................ 149
Purchase Order . 29, 114, 146, 147, 166, 174, 179, 195, 227,
252, 323, 329, 334, 338, 362, 363, 366, 367, 370, 372,
375, 378, 379, 380, 392, 396, 405, 437
Register Report ................................................ 195, 323, 352
Purchase Order Down Payment .............................. 338, 396
Purchase Order Overview................................................ 362
Purchase Orders Forms................................................... 195
Purchase Totals............................................................... 264
Purchasing Agent ............................................................ 362
Purchasing Assets ........................................................... 417
Purge button ............................................................ 151, 166
Use ...................................................................... 151, 166
Purge Transactions.......................................................... 225
Query button........................................ 69, 95, 166, 263, 401
Registry Settings ............................................................... 18
Remove Report ....................................................... 180, 190
Removing Disposed Assets..................................... 417, 451
Report Customization.............................................. 195, 200
Report Menu .................... 174, 179, 180, 190, 194, 195, 200
Report Options ..................................... 6, 179, 184, 200, 311
Report Settings ............................................................... 162
Reporting Purposes ........................................................ 425
Report's security setting .................................................... 46
Require Integer Quantities ...................................... 363, 372
Restore Defaults ............................................................. 184
Restricted Rights Legend .................................................... 2
Retail Sales ..................................................................... 221
EBMS Main Documentation
Retained Earnings ............ 212, 221, 227, 264, 286, 291, 360
Salvage Value ......................................................... 417, 437
Reverse Disposal button .................................................. 451
Screen Level Security Settings .......................................... 55
Clicking ........................................................................ 451
Security Access level ........................................................ 55
Reversing Journal Entries ................................................ 270
Security Expression .......................................................... 61
Review Auto Sending ...................................................... 146
Security setting ......................................................46, 53, 61
Review Down Payment .................................................... 392
Security Setup................................................................... 29
Invoice ......................................................................... 392
Send Date ............................................................... 151, 166
eliminate .............................................................. 151, 166
Sales Invoice ......................................46, 115, 195, 252, 447
Send Invoice ................................................................... 166
Configuring .................................................................. 195
Send Mail ................................................................ 151, 187
Processing ..................................................................... 46
Send Mode Properties..................................................... 151
Sales Menu .................................. 6, 108, 151, 162, 176, 264
Separated Values............................................................ 149
Sales Order ...................... 146, 147, 151, 190, 195, 252, 392
Serial Number ........................................................... 98, 134
Configuring .................................................................. 195
Serialized Items .............................................................. 125
instructions ................................................................... 392
Server Installation ....................................................9, 11, 20
use ............................................................................... 151
Server name .................................................................. 147
Sales Order Options ................................................ 151, 174
Set Department ....................................................... 240, 252
Sales Order window........................................................... 69
Set Query......................................................... 101, 184, 200
Sales Person ..................................................................... 11
Set Security...................................................... 53, 55, 61, 67
Sales Prices ............................................ 227, 264, 447, 451
Settings Tab ..... 33, 35, 38, 69, 149, 151, 162, 166, 221, 240,
249, 252, 259, 360
Sales Tax ............................. 29, 89, 227, 264, 272, 326, 375
Ship Date ................................................................ 184, 200
Sales Tax Adjustments .................................................... 264
Ship To ................................................................... 363, 372
Sales Tax ID .................................................................... 264
move ................................................................... 363, 372
Sales Tax Paid ........................................................ 326, 375
Ship To ID ............................................................... 363, 372
Sales Tax Rates ........................................................ 89, 227
Ship Via ........................................................... 363, 372, 385
Sales Totals..................................................................... 264
Shipping charges ............................................................ 375
Sales Transactions .......................................................... 403
Shipping Information ....................................................... 362
Salesperson Commission ............................................ 29, 46
Shipping Method ..................................................... 363, 372
Show All Transactions ..................................................... 352
Testing Type ................................................................... 149
Social security number ...................................... 11, 281, 329
Threshold value .............................................................. 283
Standard EBMS ......................................... 61, 200, 215, 283
Time Auto Statements ..................................................... 149
Standard EBMS file ......................................................... 200
Time Broadcast ............................................................... 176
Standard EBMS Reports.......................................... 200, 283
Title Bar identifies.............................................................. 69
Starting Check Number ................................................... 346
list.................................................................................. 69
State Identification ........................................................... 281
Title labels....................................................................... 108
Statement Balance ...........................234, 252, 272, 348, 355
Total Calculation ...................... 298, 302, 309, 314, 318, 320
Statement Date........................................ 162, 272, 352, 355
Total Cash ...................................................................... 380
Statement Options ........................................................... 162
Total Gross ..................................................................... 264
Summary Recipient ....................................... 147, 151, 166
Total on Hand ................................................................. 367
System Options ................................33, 35, 46, 69, 147, 329
Total outstanding checks................................................. 352
System Requirements ......................................................... 4
Total outstanding deposits .............................................. 352
System Settings............................................................. 147
Total value .............................................................. 227, 417
Track Count ....................................................... 29, 375, 389
Tasks & Work Orders ........................................................ 29
Tracking Inventory Counts .............................................. 234
Tax amount ..................................................................... 264
Transaction date .............. 263, 264, 277, 363, 372, 417, 444
Tax ID.............................................................. 264, 282, 329
Transaction Detail ................................................... 125, 338
Tax Identification ............................................................. 282
Transaction ID................................................................. 355
Tax Paid .......................................................................... 326
Transaction Overview ..................................................... 400
Tax table............................................................................ 65
Transfer Department button ............................................ 425
Taxable Gross Pay .......................................................... 264
Tree ID number ................................................................. 76
Taxes Payable Accounts ................................................. 272
Terms ... 2, 6, 29, 91, 134, 212, 215, 282, 286, 323, 326, 329,
334, 346, 363, 372, 375, 380, 385
Unfulfilled Sales Orders................................................... 367
Unit Cost .......................................................... 363, 370, 372
Terms information.................................................... 334, 375
Unposted Transaction file................................................ 264
Terms Tab .................................... 6, 282, 326, 334, 363, 372
Update Finance Charges ................................................ 162
Test Mode ................................ 146, 149, 151, 162, 166, 172
Update Inventory Costs ................................................... 367
Review ................................................. 146, 162, 166, 172
EBMS Main Documentation
Upon Invoice Process ...................................................... 104
Vendor Payment .............................................. 380, 383, 389
Upon New Invoice ........................................................... 104
return ........................................................................... 383
Upon New Proposal ......................................................... 104
Vendor Payment check ................................................... 408
Upon New Task ............................................................... 104
Vendor Payment History ................................................. 264
Upon Processing Payment .............................................. 104
Adjusting ..................................................................... 264
UPS/FedEx Shipping Integration ....................................... 29
Vendor Payments window ........ 344, 380, 383, 385, 389, 409
Urgent invoice.................................................................. 380
Vendor s Check Number ................................................. 389
User Level options ....................................................... 53, 55
Vendors list .............................. 329, 334, 363, 366, 372, 406
User Level set.................................................................... 55
Verify Balances ........................................ 227, 234, 256, 429
Verify Expense Options ..................................................... 29
Variable label ................................................................... 314
Verify Inventory Options .................................................... 29
Variables .................................. 117, 297, 298, 302, 311, 314
Verify Payroll Options ........................................................ 29
Select ........................................................................... 314
Verify Sales Options.......................................................... 29
Variables list .................................................................... 314
Verify Total ...................................................................... 225
Vendor Catalog.................................................................. 29
selecting ...................................................................... 225
Vendor Configuration ....................................................... 166
Verifying General Ledger Balances ................................. 256
Vendor Down Payment .................................................... 326
View Accumulated button ................................................ 447
Vendor Finance information ............................................. 329
list................................................................................ 447
Vendor history . 262, 264, 323, 324, 334, 338, 375, 378, 400,
View Parent button ...................................................... 55, 61
View Queried List .................................................... 151, 166
Vendor ID .115, 264, 324, 329, 334, 348, 355, 363, 366, 367,
372, 378, 380, 385, 389, 398, 405, 425
Vendor Inactive........................................................ 334, 342
Vendor information ...... 29, 61, 282, 323, 326, 329, 334, 338,
342, 389, 406, 408, 409
Vendor Invoice History..................................................... 264
Adjusting ...................................................................... 264
Vendor Invoices ............................................................... 378
Viewing ........................................................................ 378
Vendor Part Number ........................................ 362, 363, 372
Viewer User Level ............................................................. 61
setting............................................................................ 61
Viewing Folders .............................................................. 212
Violating Security .............................................................. 46
Void button .............................................................. 272, 387
Void Depreciation Transactions ....................................... 430
Voiding ..................................................... 323, 352, 378, 387
Check .......................................................................... 387
Voiding Vendor Invoices .......................... 375, 378, 379, 387
Year End .. 194, 203, 209, 211, 221, 227, 249, 264, 270, 271,
286, 338
W2 forms ........................................................................... 11
Year End Adjustment Entries .......................................... 271
Warehouses option ............................................................ 38
Year end balances .................................................. 227, 286
Windows Registry .............................................................. 18
Year End Information .............................................. 209, 211
Windows Scheduler ......................................................... 151
Year End Reports.................................................... 194, 209
configure ...................................................................... 151
Year end totals ................................................................ 227
Wizards button......................................................... 298, 309
Work Code History........................................................... 264
Work Codes................................................. 29, 76, 252, 264
Adjusting ...................................................................... 264
review .......................................................................... 252
Work Orders ...................................................................... 29
Work Weeks .................................................................... 264
Workcode ........................................................................ 144
Year Tab .... 83, 221, 225, 256, 262, 270, 294, 334, 338, 375,
Year Total ............................................................... 302, 320
changes....................................................................... 320
Clear............................................................................ 320
distribute ...................................................................... 320
Year-end totals................................................................ 286
Yearly Total ............................................................. 298, 302
Workstations .................................................. 2, 9, 11, 16, 20