Traffic and Parking Regulation

Traffic and Parking Regulation
The aim of this by-law is to set forth rules governing the use of CSSSM parking lots and traffic on
CSSSM access routes, with a view to enhancing safety and sound financial management.
It stipulates, inter alia, the access conditions, formalities involved in obtaining parking permits,
and sanctions for failing to obey the rules in question.
This by-law applies to all CSSSM parking lots.
Anyone entering one of these lots, in whatever capacity for authorized purposes, is subject to this
by-law, which shall be accepted without reservation.
Accordingly, any driver travelling on CSSSM access routes and parking lots shall comply with all
permanent and temporary road signs, as well as the instructions of security staff.
Provincial legislation and municipal by-laws governing vehicular traffic apply to right-of-way
in the respective parking lots.
Unless otherwise posted, maximum speed is 15 km/hour.
Pedestrians and cyclists always have priority over vehicles.
With the exception of bicycles, ambulances, fire trucks, police vehicles, and identified
delivery and service vehicles, any vehicle parked on CSSSM property shall have a valid
parking permit issued by the CSSSM. However, bicycles shall be parked in the spaces
provided and not obstruct those reserved for drivers.
Vehicles shall be parked within the lines separating the spaces, and shall not encroach on
adjacent spaces or common areas.
It is forbidden to park vehicles that are broken-down or to store vehicles in the parking lots.
Should a space be required for more than three consecutive days, the owner shall inform
the parking-lot manager.
Traffic and parking, as well as all related or consequential operations, shall be the
responsibility of users, both as regards third parties and the CSSSM parking lots, together
with the related facilities. Users shall be liable for any intentional or accidental damage to
the latter.
The CSSSM is not liable for damage to vehicles in its parking lots, nor for thefts of those
vehicles and their contents. Vehicle owners shall indemnify and hold the CSSSM (as well
as its towing firms, contractors and agents) harmless against any such damage.
With a view to reducing crime on its premises, the CSSSM is a partner in the INFO-CRIME
The CSSSM does not guarantee the availability of a parking space at any time to card and
sticker holders. However, a refund of the unused portion of the permit may be made; that
refund will be prorated in accordance with the number of unused months. Employees may
request their parking privileges be suspended by contacting technical services and capital
The CSSSM may restrict access to parking, as well as the number of spaces, for the
purposes of snow removal, repairs, maintenance, construction, or any other important
It is strictly forbidden to park along traffic lanes, at the entrances and exits, on the grass, in
fire zones, in areas reserved for the handicapped (unless the user has a sticker issued by
the competent authorities), and anywhere else so warranted.
It is prohibited to use a parking space other than that for which the permit has been
The use of horns is prohibited.
Parking lots are equipped with a real-time video-surveillance system that transmits images
to the security monitoring station. Those images may be recorded and retained in
accordance with the relevant legal provisions.
The video-surveillance system and its operation are modelled after the French
government’s Law 95-73 of January 21, 1995 and Decree 96-926 of October 17, 1996.
All users with a parking sticker must and shall be responsible for displaying it daily on their
rearview mirror. In the absence of a sticker, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s
expense, or a ticket may be issued. Where users do not have their sticker, they shall ask
the security guard for a temporary (one-day) permit, providing appropriate identification as
well as their sticker number.
Only the CSSSM can issue parking permits for use on its grounds; it may also refuse to
issue permits, especially if there is an insufficient number of parking spaces. Permits may
not be photocopied.
Permits may take the shape of a sticker, key card, or parking pass.
Where required, for CJE/CRE/Partners/Physicians/Visitors participating in patient care, a
key card valid for the period of the permit will be issued upon payment of the related rate
and a $20 deposit. This deposit will be refunded when the key card is remitted in good
condition. No deposit is needed for CSSSM staff.
Upon expiry, cards will be renewed for the next period; annual permits are valid from April
1 to March 31 of each year.
Holders with a permit or key card are responsible for their use, and may not transfer them
to any other party.
Permits are either annual or short-term.
Annual permits are valid from April 1 to March 31 of each year.
Permits are renewed automatically on April 1 of every year, in accordance with new
conditions and fee schedules.
Only one sticker is issued per permit holder. If more than one vehicle is used, the sticker
shall be transferred and displayed on the vehicle in the parking lot.
Holders are responsible for their stickers and key cards. If the latter are lost, users shall
pay $20 for a replacement sticker or card; they shall also complete a written statement
describing the circumstances surrounding the loss. The valid period remaining on the old
permit will be transferred to the new card. Should a sticker or key card be stolen, a new
one will be provided free of charge, upon presentation of the related police or securityservice file number. Damaged or defective stickers and key cards will be exchanged free of
When changing their permit type, users shall remit their old permit before receiving the
new one.
Permit holders are responsible for keeping their permit information (name, address,
vehicle, and registration) up to date.
The parking-lot manager has assigned security personnel to enforce the by-law and
determine any action required.
The Memphremagog police force and the CSSSM security department enforce the
municipal by-law on parking in zones reserved for emergency vehicles, in spaces reserved
for the handicapped, and in prohibited areas. Tickets will be issued for any violation of this
by-law and towing will be at the expense of the owner of the vehicle, without any liability to
the CSSSM, its agent, or the towing company.
The CSSSM may, at any time, verify parking cards or stickers on all its grounds.
Anyone violating this by-law risks sanctions ranging from a ticket to towing, at his or her
own expense. In the event of a repeat or serious offence, the technical services and
capital-development manager may prohibit access to all CSSSM parking lots.
The rules contained in CSSSM employee collective agreements apply to parking.
The use of cards and stickers by anyone other than official holders is prohibited, and may
result in disciplinary measures for employees or legal measures for illicit holders.
As regards certain traffic and parking signs on CSSSM parking lots subject to municipal
regulation, tickets may be issued by the Memphremagog police force, the CSSSM security
department, and other individuals authorized to do so. In such an event, the driver of the
vehicle is solely responsible for paying the related amounts to the municipality.
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