Student Parking Registration Form

Permit Application Process:
Beginning mid JULY SENIORS and JUNIORS ONLY will be allowed to drop off or mail in the following items. Packets will NOT be
processed until complete, it is the students’ responsibility to make sure that all items are included. Permits will be sold while supplies last
and will then be available for pick up on August 15 for seniors and then juniors.
Due to limited parking availability on campus sophomore parking permits are not available at this time.
If a student chooses to take advantage of the presale period completed registration items MUST be turned in and fully complete before a
parking permit will be issued at registration if available.
Parking permits are available for the cost of $75.00, this fee is the same even if the student will be carpooling or driving as a single
occupancy vehicle.
Parking permits will be distributed at registration for those individuals who have dropped off or mailed in their registration materials prior
to August 15 based upon availability. For Girls Division: After August 15 permits will only be sold from the Dean’s Office if available.
For Boys Division: If a student has not dropped off or mailed in their registration materials they can bring hard copies the day of
registration and a permit can be purchased if available
Permit Expectations for Students:
Parking permits are required for any student parking on campus, this includes each of the various parking lots that are located on the RJHS
Driving and parking on the Regis Jesuit campus is a privilege and all students driving and parking on campus must follow all regulations.
Students are NOT allowed to park in fire lanes, or faculty/staff reserved parking spots, and are NOT allowed to park in non-designated
parking areas. Drivers will observe a 10 mph speed limit on campus and littering is prohibited anywhere on campus.
All students driving a car to school must display a current parking permit and must register with the Dean’s Office. Vehicles will be
checked daily for valid permits as cars come on campus.
Students that drive a vehicle to school other than the vehicles listed on the student application must report the vehicle information to the
Dean’s office immediately upon arrival to school.
The location of your parking space and/or traffic is not an excuse for arriving late to school. Plan ahead for these issues, parking is a
privilege and can be revoked at any time by RJHS.
Drivers are required to park in their respective lot and carpoolers can walk to their respective buildings.
RJHS is not responsible or liable for damages or loss to any vehicle or the contents while on campus. RJHS assumes no liability for
damages or persons or property while on campus.
The parking lot is not accessible to students during the school day without permission from the Dean’s Office.
Parking permits are nontransferable. Failure to adhere to Regis Jesuit regulations will result in loss of driving privileges on campus, and
repeat offenders and/or illegally parked cars are subject to immediate tow at the owner’s expense. The school (RJHS) is not responsible for
damage to vehicles. The following fines may be assessed for violations:
No Parking Sticker Displayed
Unregistered Vehicle
Parking In Fire Lane
Parking In Reserved Spaces
Straddling the Line.
Parking In No Parking Areas
Speeding, Reckless or Unsafe Driving
Off Road Driving/Parking
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign
Insurance & Liability for Property Damage & Injury: Students are required to comply with the insurance and liability laws governing motor vehicles in
the State of Colorado. Regis Jesuit High School is not responsible in the case of accidents involving a student or students using their own vehicles for
transportation, or for students traveling with other students, to and from school.
Procedure for Submitting the Student Application:
The student parking application form MUST be filled out completely and a hard copy must be turned in. A permit will NOT be sold if the form is
incomplete in any way.
A copy of the Vehicle Registration form MUST accompany the application
A copy of the students’ Driver’s License MUST accompany the application. Students MUST possess a valid Driver’s License in order to purchase
a permit. Permits will NOT be sold to students without a valid Driver’s License (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Payment in the form of a check payable to RJHS, or cash in the amount of $75.00. (Credit cards cannot be processed and this fee cannot be added
to your student bill)
Regis Jesuit High School
Student Parking Permit Application
Student Information (please print)
Driver’s License #
Date of Birth
Home Telephone #
Vehicle Information (Primary Vehicle)
Make of Vehicle
Year of Vehicle
Model of Vehicle
License Plate #
Vehicle Owner’s Name________________________________
Insurance Company_______________________________
Vehicle Information (Secondary Vehicle)
Make of Vehicle
Year of Vehicle
Model of Vehicle
License Plate #
Vehicle Owner’s Name________________________________
Insurance Company___________________________
As parent/guardian I give permission for ___________________________________________________ to drive to and from school
And park at an on-campus designated parking location approved by Regis Jesuit High School. , I hereby release Regis Jesuit High
School, and its officers, agents, and employees, from any claim or demand or liability which may arise as a result of or incidental to
any action concerning driving, riding, or parking as outlined by the above policy. I attest that all laws and regulations concerning
insurance and liability governing motor vehicles in the State of Colorado are in compliance. I acknowledge that Regis Jesuit High
School is not an insurer of the motor vehicle or its contents and that all actions are taken at the risk of the parent/guardian(s) and
Parent or Guardian Signature
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
I understand that failure to follow school rules could result in JUG, fines, and/or suspension or revocation of the student’s right to
drive and/or park at RJHS. Vehicles which do not have a parking permit visible, or are illegally parked, are subject to being towed at
the owner’s expense.
Student Signature
Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
To be completed by RJHS:
Date Received____________________________ Time Received______________________________________
Amount Paid:____________________________ Check #_____________________ Cash__________________
Permit #_________________________________ Replacement Permit #________________________________