SCIENTIFIC REPORT Peptide nucleic acids as probes to detect disease-specific point mutations using Biacore’s SPR technology Roberto Gambari Biotechnology Center, Ferrara University, Ferrara, Italy. We report the use of peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) to efficiently identify W1282X Cystic Fibrosis point mutations in PCR-generated targets using Biacore’s SPR technology. The results demonstrate the application of using PNAs in Biacore systems for the molecular diagnosis of human hereditary mutations. W Figure 1 Experimental strategy: in panel A, biotinylated target ODNs (either normal or carrying the CF W1282X mutation) were immobilized onto two different flow cells. In panel B, target DNA was produced by PCR using a biotinylated primer and DNA substrates from normal, heterozygous and homozygous W1282X samples. Biotinylated PCR products were injected onto three different flow cells and single stranded DNA was readily obtained with 5 µl pulses with 50 mM NaOH. The sequence of the N-W1282X probe was 5'TCCTCCACT-3' (DNA) and H-TCCTCCACTNH2 (PNA), the sequence of M-W1282X probe was 5'-TCCTTCACT-3' (DNA) and HTCCTTCACT-NH2 (PNA) (6). e have proposed real-time monitoring of DNA:DNA hybridization using Biacore’s SPR technology for the detection of HIV-1 infection (1), genetically-modified organisms (2) and mutations of the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, ∆F508 (3) and W1282X (4). Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) (5), in which the sugar-phosphate backbone is replaced by N-(2-aminoethyl) glycine units, are of interest in such applications. Hybridization of PNAs to complementary DNA is efficient, generates Watson-Crick double helices, and is largely independent of limitations imposed by structural artifacts on target DNA (5). PNAs are predicted to bind to single stranded PCR products more efficiently than oligodeoxyribonucleotides (ODN) (6), and to better enable point mutations to be detected. Using Biacore’s SPR technology, we found that ODN probes containing 15-20 nucleotides hybridize efficiently but do not discriminate between fully matched and mismatched target DNA (3, 4), while shorter A B DNA or PNA probes Target oligonucleotides (21-mer) Target PCR product EFFICIENT AND SPECIFIC BINDING OF PNA PROBES Sensor chip PAGE 14 DNA or PNA probes ODNs, while discriminating between targets containing point mutations, are less efficient in hybridization. By contrast, even short PNAs are predicted to efficiently hybridize to target DNA, the melting temperature of DNA:PNA hybrids being higher than that of DNA:DNA hybrids (5) due to the fact that PNAs are not negatively charged. We have recently described the use of PNA probes in Biacore® systems for the detection of the tryptophan 1282 -> TER mutation of the CFTR gene (6). The Biacore 1000 analytical system, Sensor Chip SA, precoated with streptavidin, and the running buffer HEPES buffered saline-EP (HBS-EP), all from Biacore AB, Uppsala, Sweden, were used. The experiments were conducted at 25°C at a flow rate of 5 µl/min. Here we review the results obtained in two different experimental strategies based on Biacore’s SPR technology. In the first strategy, biotinylated target DNAs were immobilized onto different flow cells (Figure 1A). Alternatively, biotinylated PCR products (obtained using normal (N-W1282X/NW1282X), heterozygous (N-W1282X/MW1282X) or homozygous (M-W1282X/MW1282X) samples) were immobilized on the sensor chip (Figure 1B). In both cases, PNA or DNA probes were then injected. Sensor chip The hybridization of 9-mer PNA probes (Figure 2A and 2B) was compared to that of 9mer DNA probes (Figure 2C and 2D). Interestingly, the N-W1282X and M-W1282X PNAs hybridize only to the full complementaBiacore Journal – Number 1 2002 ry target DNAs, the hybridization being much more efficient than that of the 9-mer DNA probes and the generated PNA:DNA hybrids being much more stable than DNA:DNA hybrids. No efficient hybridization occurs between mismatched PNA probes and target W1282X DNA. The hybridization between W1282X DNA or PNA probes and biotinylated PCR products immobilized on Sensor Chip SA is shown in Figure 3. The results obtained and described in detail elsewhere by Feriotto et al. (6) suggest that W1282X 9-mer PNA probes are able to generate hybrids, leading to an evident increase in RUfin and RUres values only in the case of hybridization between PNA probes and fully matched target PCR products. Taken together, these results clearly indicate that the W1282X 9-mer PNAs are efficient probes to generate hybrids with target PCR products, allowing real-time identification of the CF W1282X mutation. “CF INDEX” FOR SPR-BASED MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS We propose the “cystic fibrosis index” (CF index) as the value (RUfin – RUi)(N)/(RUfin – RUi)(M), where (RUfin – RUi)(N) are the values obtained with the N-W1282X PNA probe and the (RUfin – RUi)(M) are those obtained with the M-W1282X PNA probes (6). The CF index was found to be usually higher than 4 when PCR products from normal subjects were employed. The CF index approached 1 when PCR products from heterozygous W1282X subjects were employed and lower than 0.4 when PCR products from homozygous W1282X samples were immobilized on the SA sensor chip (6). The results reported by Feriotto et al. (6) suggest that Biacore’s SPR technology can be used to detect W1282X mutations in CF, allowing real-time molecular diagnosis of normal, heterozygous and homozygous W1282X samples. Discrimination between mismatched and full matched PNA: DNA hybrids is readily and reproducibly observed during the association phase conducted under standard Biacore assay conditions at 25°C in HBS-EP. 2. Feriotto, G., Borgatti, M., Mischiati, C., Bianchi, N. and Gambari, R. J Agr and Food Chemistry 50: 955-62 (2002). RU 500 400 RUfin 200 RUres RUi 100 500 1000 Time (s) B RU 500 3. Feriotto, G., Lucci, M., Bianchi, N., Mischiati, C. and Gambari, R. Hum Mutat 13: 390-400 (1999). 400 300 4. Feriotto, G., Ferlini, A., Ravani, A., Calzolari, E., Mischiati, C., Bianchi, N. and Gambari, R. Hum Mutat 18: 70-81 (2001). 5. Nielsen, P.E., Egholm, M., Berg, R. H. and Buchardt, O. Science 254: 1497-500 (1991). 200 100 500 C 1000 Time (s) RU 6. Feriotto, G., Corradini, R., Sforza, S., Bianchi, N., Mischiati, C., Marchelli, R. and Gambari, R. Lab Invest 81:1415-27 (2001). 200 100 500 Resonance units (RU) B RU res Resonance units (RU) A 300 References 1. Bianchi, N., Rutigliano, C., Tomassetti, M., Feriotto, G., Zorzato, F. and Gambari, R. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology 8: 199-208 (1997). A RU fin SCIENTIFIC REPORT 1000 Time (s) D RU 200 Time (s) 100 Resonance units (RU) C 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 2 Sensorgrams obtained after injection of 25 µl containing 0.5 µg of normal (dotted Time (s) lines) and mutated (solid lines) W1282X Time (s) PNA (A, B) and DNA (C, D) 9-mer probes Figure 3. Sensorgrams obtained after injection of 25 µl containing 0.5 µg of normal (dotted lines) and mutated (solid lines) W1282X 9-mer to flow cells carrying normal (A, C) or PNA probes onto flow cells carrying PCR products from normal (A), heterozygous (B) or homozygous (C) W1282X sample. a = injection of the mutated (B, D) W1282X target DNA (modi- probes (association); b = injection of HBS-EP (dissociation) (modified from ref. 6). fied from reference 6). Biacore Journal – Number 1 2002 PAGE 15