Revised Jan

Revised Nov., 2008
Revised Dec., 2008
Revised Nov., 2009
Revised Oct., 2010
Revised Jan., 2011
Revised, Jan. 2012
Revised Jan. 2013
The TARA Ladies Interclub shall be limited to twelve member clubs. There shall be two
representatives from each of the twelve member clubs, and each club shall have one vote.
Representatives are appointed by the President of their Association and shall attend all meetings.
Revised, October 2010
There shall be a General Chairman. She shall coordinate schedules and preside over meetings.
This position rotates alphabetically among member clubs each year.
Each Club shall host one event every other year. The month assigned to clubs will be
determined on a rotating schedule. The General Chairman should be advised if there are special
requests for a change, and she will make the change if possible. (ie. If a club hosts in May one
year, they will host their next event in June)
Revised, Dec. 2008
MEETINGS: On the same day as the final TARA event (after lunch and prizes), representatives
will meet and review the past year. Recommendations for changes or new ideas will be passed
to the next year’s representatives and the General Chairman. A meeting of all the Club
Representatives is usually held in January to establish the dates for the coming year. If your club
will host an event in the coming year, the date should be reserved as soon as possible for
scheduling at the January meeting. In the event a date must be changed, please notify the
General Chairman.
ELIGIBILITY: USGA handicap index maximum is 43.0; maximum handicap for play is 40. 9 Hole
Players can play TARA as long as they meet the eligibility requirements and play 18 holes.
ENTRY FEE: The entry fee shall be $48.00 and includes cart, prizes and lunch. Payment must
be made at Registration by club charge only. So that clubs remain on an equal operating basis,
money cannot be added to enhance prize money, lunches, or tips. In 2013, payment can be
made to Horseshoe Bend by check, cash, or credit card. (Tips for bag boys will be handled by
host club either out of the $48.00 entry fee or by providing a tip jar on the registration table).
(No continental breakfasts will be served at any event. Coffee served at registration is at the
discretion of the hosting club.)
Revised, Nov. 2008
(Entry fee increase from $45.00 to $48.00)
Revised, Jan. 2012
Revised, Jan. 2013
INVITATION: Host Club should send a letter of invitation to other Clubs four (4) weeks prior to
the event. Invitations should include time and date, location of play, cost (lunch is mandatory),
deadline (which is set by the Host Club), 48-hour cancellation policy, and space for names with
their current USGA Indexes, and phone numbers. Club representatives should be advised that
they will email their lists to the Host Pro Shop and to the Host Representative.
Revised, Nov. 2008
Revised, Jan. 2013
FIELD: Maximum field is 120 players with a limit of 10 players from each club. An alternate list
will be kept, and if there is not a full field, the Host Club shall use their alternate list first, then
contact other Club representatives. Do not assume that alternates will still be available for play.
Alternates will be contacted in the order in which they signed up.
DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ENTRIES: Lists of players’ names (with their names typed),
phone numbers, and current indexes, (indexes on the date the Invitation is to be emailed to the
Host Club and Host Rep), must be emailed and be in the Host Representative's and Host Pro
TARA Policies and Procedures – Revised January 2013
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Shop’s hands five days prior to the event. Deadline for receipt of entries by the Host
Representative and Host Pro Shop will be stated in the Host Club’s invitation letter.
Revised, Jan 2013
A player wishing to enter after the deadline shall call her representative for acceptance or denial.
If unable to contact her representative player may call the Host Club.
Revised, Nov. 2008
Revised, Jan. 2011
CANCELLATION: Players have the responsibility to cancel 48 hours before the starting time or
they will be charged the entire entry fee. In the event of a late cancellation, players will be
charged if their spot cannot be filled. The Host Representative may be able to fill cancelled spots
with alternates. Alternates will be contacted in the order in which they signed up.
All cancellations must be made by calling the Host Pro Shop and by contacting your TARA
Revised, Jan. 2013
An event will be cancelled only if the Host Course is officially closed. Anyone choosing not to
play when an event has not been officially cancelled will be charged the full amount.
If an event is cancelled due to weather, lunch will be served. Cart fees and prize money will not
be charged but the remaining amount will be charged to all who were expected to attend.
Revised, Nov. 2009
FORMAT: The format for all TARA events is a Points Quota with scoring as follows: Players’
handicaps will be subtracted from 54, and the balance is the number of points needed to equal
par. If the player does not get as many as this difference, she is minus. If she gets more, she is
plus. Points are given on GROSS SCORE ONLY as follows:
Double Bogey
If a player has more than a gross double bogey on any hole, she MUST PICK UP.
LOCAL RULES: The Host Club will prepare a “Notice to Competitors” including Local Rules.
All TARA Ladies’ Events will play with the following local rules:
1. Preferred Lies: Players may lift, clean and place their ball, within 6 inches, no
nearer the hole, in their own fairway only. Players MUST mark their ball
before lifting.
2. Players are permitted to use distance measuring devices, provided they measure
distance only.
Revised, Jan. 2011
PACE OF PLAY: The host club will designate a captain in each foursome to moderate the pace
of play.
Added, Nov, 2009
FLIGHTS: The field shall be divided by handicap index into flights of no more than 12 players (if
possible). Handicap indexes shall be converted into course handicaps for scoring purposes.
TIES: All ties shall be decided by a scorecard play-off beginning on the #1 handicap hole.
CELL PHONES: Cell phones will be placed on silent.
Added, Jan. 2013
Flight Awards and Proximity Prizes: All prizes are to be Host Pro Shop gift
$3.50 of each entry fee shall go toward prizes.
$3.15 shall go toward 1 , 2 and 3 in each flight
$ .35 shall go toward 2 over-the-field proximity prizes
Extra Money: Andy “extra” money after paying for prizes, lunch, golf, and tips (if no tip
jar is used) will go toward prizes.
Added, Jan. 2013
Hole-in-One Prize: Winners of the Hole-in-One Fund may choose to accept their
winnings in cash or a gift certificate at a merchant of their choice
Added, Jan. 2011
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Host Rotation Schedule: December 2008: Revised to create a rotation schedule. (For
example, if a club hosts in May one year, they will host their next event in June.)
Deadline for Recepit of Entries: November 2008: Revised for clarity.
Invitation: November 2008: Revised for clarity.
Entry Fee: November 2008: TARA Reps voted to eliminate Continental Breakfasts rather than
raise the entry fees for TARA events and to ensure that all events will be the same or
Pace of Play: November 2009: Added: The host club will designate a captain in each group to
moderate the pace of play.
Cancellations: November 2009: Revised to state that cart fees and prize monies will not be
charged to players signed up to play in an event that is cancelled by the host club due
to weather.
Hole-in-One Pay-Outs: October 2010: TARA Reps voted to amend the Policies and
Procedures to allow cash as a prize for a hole-in-one rather than gift certificates.
Addition of a Member Club: Early October 2010: Alpharetta Athletic Club-East was invited to
Join TARA bringing the total of Member Clubs to 13. It was decided there would be 6
TARA events in odd years and 7 events in even years. The number of guaranteed
spots for an event would be reduced from 10 to 9 per club.
Resignation of a Member Club: Late October 2010: Ansley-Settindown Creek submitted their
resignation from TARA due to low member participation, returning the total of member
clubs to 12. The number of guaranteed spots was restored to 10 per club for each
Local Rules: January 2011: Reworded for clarity.
Deadline for receipt of Entries: January 2011: Revised to remove requirement to send in
player’s index and club number. Only players’ names and phone numbers are
required on the entry. A suggestion that Club Reps copy the Host Club Rep when
responding to the Host Club was added.
Hole-in-One Pay-Outs: January 2011: TARA Reps voted to add this section to the Policies and
Procedures under the heading of Prizes, and to reword it to give the winner a choice
of a cash prize or a gift certificate.
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Entry Fee: January 2012: Increase entry fee from $45.00 to $48.00
Resignation of Member Club: January 2012: Dunwoody Country Club submitted their
resignation from TARA due to low member participation
Addition of a Member Club: January 2012: Indian Hills Country Club was invited to join TARA
and will take Dunwoody’s rotation place of hosting.
Entry Fee: January, 2013: Due to the new owner’s policy, TARA Reps agreed that Horseshoe
Bend will be allowed to accept payment for the $48 entry fee by cash, check, or credit card for
2013. Revised in Policies and Procedures.
Clarification: Coffee served at registration is at the discretion of the hosting club.
Clarification: So that all clubs remain on an equal operation basis, additional money cannot be
added to the $48 entry fee to enhance golf, lunch, prizes, or tips.
Invitation and Deadline for Receipt of Entries: January, 2013: TARA Reps voted to revise the
method of sending entries to the Host Club and to include indexes on the invitation (Clarification:
In 2011, indexes were dropped from the Invitation. However, indexes were listed in the 2012
Policies and Procedures under Invitation but not under Deadline for Receipt of Entries.) Club
Representatives will now type the names of all entrants and email all entrants along with their
current indexes, and phone numbers to the Host Club Pro Shop and to the Host Club
Representative. Revised in Policies and Procedures.
Cancellations; January, 2013 TARA Reps voted to revise the Cancellation Policy.
Cancellations will be made by calling the Host Pro Shop and by contacting your Club
Representative. Revised in Policies and Procedures.
Prizes: January, 2013 TARA Reps voted that any “extra” money after paying for prizes, lunch,
golf, and tips (if no tip jar was used), would go toward prizes. Revised in Policies and Procedures
Cell Phones: January, 2013 After a discussion, it was agreed that cell phones need to be
placed on silent. Placed in Policies and Procedures.
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