WPI-Europe Workshop on Metallic Glasses and Related Materials (at the Maison du Tourisme- Grenoble) Program Tuesday 25 16:20 Bus departure for Mountain Visit (departure from Hotel d’Angleterre) 19:20 Return from Mountain Visit 19:30 Registration and Welcome dinner (departure from Hotel d’Angleterre) Wednesday 26 09:10 Registration Session Chairs: A.R. Yavari and M. Stoica 09:30 M. Pons: Opening remarks 09:35 D. Louzguine: Introduction to WPI 09:40 A.L. Greer (UK) 10:10 D. H. Kim (Korea) 10:40 Coffee break Session Chairs: D.H. Kim and D. Louzguine 10:55 K. Georgarakis (Japan/France) 11:15 M W. Chen (Japan) 11:35 K. Nakajima (Japan) 11:55 D. Dudina (Russia) 12:15 Lunch break Session Chairs: E. Blanquet and K. Nakajima 14:00 J.Z. Jiang (China) 14:30 Y. Yokoyama (Japan) 14:50 K. Hajlaoui (Tunisia) 15:10 T. Spassov (Bulgaria) 15:30 Coffee break Session Chairs: L. Battezzati and C. Lekka 15:45 J.J. Blandin (France) 16:05 Q. Zhang (Japan) 16 :20 C.L. Qin (Japan) 16:35 S. Vaucher (Switzerland) 16:50 H. Fujii (Japan ) 17:05 A. Caron (Germany) 17:20 T. Narumi (Japan) 17:35 Y. Terada (Japan) 17:50 Session Closure WPI-Europe Workshop on Metallic Glasses and Related Materials Thursday 27 Session Chairs: J. Löffler and T. Zhang 09:30 J. Perepezko (USA) 10:00 H. Fecht (Germany) 10:30 C. Lekka (Greece) 10:50 Coffee break Session Chairs: G. Evangelakis and A. Takeuchi 11:05 J. Löffler (Switzerland) 11:35 E. Blanquet (France) 11:55 M. Tokuyama (Japan) 12:15 N. Lupu (Romania) 12:35 Lunch break Session Chairs: W.J. Botta and Y. Yokoyama 14:10 M. Atzmon (USA) 14:40 G. Vaughan (France) 15:00 A. Takeuchi (Japan) 15:20 M. Brunelli (France) 15:35 L.Xu (Japan) 15:50 N. Chen (Japan) 16:05 Session Closure 16:15 22:20 Bus departure for lake excursion and banquet Return from lake excursion and banquet WPI-Europe Workshop on Metallic Glasses and Related Materials Friday 28 Session Chairs: A.L. Greer and M. Atzmon 09:30 A. Inoue (Japan) 10:00 W.J. Botta (Brazil) 10:30 M. Stoica (Germany) 10:45 Coffee break Session Chairs: A. Inoue and D. Miracle 11:00 11:30 11:50 12:10 G. Evangelakis (Greece) D. Rodney (USA) D. Louzguine (Japan) M. Calin (Germany) 12:30 Lunch Session Chairs: J. Perepezko and J. Z. Jiang 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 D. Miracle (USA) T. Zhang (China) L. Battezzati (Italy) J. Antonowicz (Poland) 15:50 Coffee break Session Chairs: H. Fecht and K. Georgarakis 16:05 16:25 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 18:00 K. Laws (Australia) D. J. Browne (Ireland) M. Aljerf (France) G. Goerigk (Germany) D. Pan (Japan) General discussion Workshop Closure WPI-Europe Workshop on Metallic Glasses and Related Materials Posters will be exposed in front of the Workshop conference hall in permanence during the Workshop, in the same area where we will hold coffee breaks. Poster presentations Punching surface patterns onto aluminum foils using BMG stamps surface-structured in the supercooled liquid temperature range M. Aljerf, A. LeMoulec, J. P. Gabathuler, P. Deneuville, A. R. Yavari Cu rich nanostructured alloys with enhanced mechanical properties K. Georgarakis, K. Ota, A. Le Moulec, F. Charlot, A.R. Yavari, G. Vaughan, A. Inoue Atomic structure of Zr-Cu based amorphous alloys and the effect of Al and Ti addition using synchrotron radiation in transmission K. Georgarakis, A.R. Yavari, D.V. Louzguine, A. Le Moulec, G. Vaughan and A. Inoue Chill-Zone Aluminum Alloys with GPa Strength and Good Plasticity Y. Li, K. Georgarakis, S. Pang, M. Aljerf, J. Antonowicz, A. LeMoulec, A.R. Yavari and T. Zhang Isothermal and continous heating study of nanocrystallization kinetics in Finemet-type alloys Hossein Asghari Shivaee, Alberto Castellero, Hamid Reza Madaah Hosseini,Marcello Baricco Multilayer Structures on ZrAlNiCu Bulk Glasses Induced by Pulsed Electron Beam Surface Treatments Jiang WU, Nathalie Allain-Bonasso, Shenzhi HAO, Thierry GROSDIDIER, Chuang Dong Simulation Study of Relation between Long-time Self Diffusion and Local Structure in CuZr Yuto Kimura, Michio Tokuyama Microwave Crystallization of Amorphous Fe85B15 Alloys: Time-Resolved Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Experiments Radu Nicula, Kotaro Ishizaki, Manuela Stir, and Sebastien Vaucher Surface and Metallic Glass: two aspects of the influence of a surface treatment on a metallic glass. J. Paillier, A. Gebert, P.F. Gostin, O. Gutfleisch, M. Uhlemann, L. Schultz Magnetic Behaviour and Crystallization Kinetics of FeBSi, A Metallic Glass A. Rosales–Rivera, O. Moscoso–Londoño, and D. Muraca Oxygen Embrittlement in a Cu-Hf-Al Bulk Metallic Glass Shantanu V. Madge, Takeshi Wada, Dmitri V. Louzguine-Luzgin, A. Lindsay Greer, A. Inoue Shear band melting and serrated flow in metallic glasses M. Aljerf, K. Georgarakis, Y. Li, A. LeMoulec, A.R. Yavari, G.A. Evangelakis, D.B. Miracle, A.L. Greer, T. Zhang Glass Formation in the Nb-Si binary system K. Georgarakis, Y. Li, M. Aljerf, D. Dudina, A. LeMoulec, A.R. Yavari, D.V. Louzguine-Luzgin, G. Vaughan, A. Inoue