dIN. CHEM. 2 1/4. 501-520(1975) Newer Aspects of the Roles of Zinc, Manganese, and Copper in Human Nutrition Robert E. Burch, Henry K. J. Hahn, and James F. Sullivan Advances in knowledge of the trace elements zinc, manganese, and copper are reviewed (151 references), particularly as related to human metabolism and disorders. The literature reviewed, with few exceptions, is that published by December 1973. Additional Keyphrases: absorption, distribution in the body, excretion, function, pathological manifestations of deficiency, and toxicology of trace elements #{149} normal values #{149} metalloenzymes #{149} hormone activity The primary purpose of this review is to discuss what is now known about three of the most-studied essential trace elements-zinc, manganese, and copper-as these elements relate to humans. Early workers used the adjective “trace” for those elements present in such small amounts in living tissues that they could not be measured with the methods available. Thus, the term “trace element” was born. As methodology improves, additional elements will be recognized. If we are, indeed, what we eat and breathe and drink, then it is not unreasonable to conclude that intake of almost any element will result in deposition of this element riod of time. Research Department in the body for a finite pe- Service, Veterans Administration of Medicine, Creighton University Hospital, School and the of Medi- cine, Omaha, Neb. Address reprint requests to Dr. Burch at the Veterans Administration Hospital, 4101 Woolworth Ave., Omaha, Neb. 68105. Received Oct. 18, 1974; accepted Nov. 8, 1974. Of the trace elements have been designated appearing “essential” in the body, 10 trace elements: zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, iron, cobalt, molybdenum, tin, selenium, and chromium. Iodine is intimately associated with thyroid physiology; cobalt is a component of vitamin B12; and iron is both a component of hemoglobin and closely related to the cytochrome system. Of the seven remaining essential trace elements, zinc, manganese, and copper have been studied most extensively. Because more infor- mation is available for these latter three elements, we have arbitrarily elected to limit our discussion to them. Deficiency of an essential trace element results in a characteristic deficiency syndrome in a manner analogous to a specific vitamin or hormone deficiency. The deficiency syndrome is associated with specific structural, functional, biochemical, or physiological abnormalities. These abnormalities, in turn, are prevented or reversed after administration of the deficient element. Similarly, toxicity may result from excesses of these essential trace elements. Just as in the case of vitamins A or D or the various hormones; it does not follow that if a little is good, then more should be better. The field of trace elements is held in ill repute by some clinicians because the term “trace elements” frequently elicits a picture of the lunatic fringe food faddists. Unsubstantiated and unscientific claims and counterclaims have contributed to this reputation. We think this reputation is ill-deserved because CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 21, No. 4, 1975 501 of the numerous conscientious scientists working in the field in the past, and because of the influx of new scientists who have been attracted into trace element research because of its exciting potential for new contributions to medicine. Zinc Zinc is ubiquitous in plants, microorganisms, and animals. In those animals that have been evaluated, zinc has been shown to be an essential trace element. In growing animals, deficiency of zinc results in a characteristic picture: loss of appetite, inability to gain weight, skeletal abnormalities, parakeratotic esophageal and skin lesions, hair abnormalities, and inhibition of sexual maturation. Although few studies have little been performed doubt animals. on adult that zinc deficiency Zinc was shown animals, there can be can also exist in adult to be an essential trace element for the rat in 1934 by Todd et al. (132). In 1940 Keilin and Mann (68) demonstrated that carbonic anhydrase (EC is a zinc metalloenzyme. In 1955 Tucker and Salmon (134) showed that swine para- keratosis was related to inadequate dietary zinc. In the late 1940’s and in the 1950’s Dr. Bert Vallee’s laboratory was engaged in elucidating numerous zinc metalloenzymes and myocardial opinion, as well as the effect infarction his scholarly of liver on zinc metabolism. review (139) disease In our on the physiology and biochemistry of zinc marked the real beginning of biomedical interest in zinc as it relates to humans. Numerous excellent reviews on various aspects of zinc have subsequently appeared (8, 16, 60, 89, 97, 104, 111, 135). One of the more comprehensive recent reviews is that of Mikac-Devi (87). Absorption. An adult 70 kg human body contains 1.4 to 2.3 grams of zinc. The average adult ingests 10 to 15 mg of zinc daily and absorbs about 5 mg, primarily from the small intestine. The amount of ingested zinc that is available for absorption is unknown. Similarly, the mechanism of absorption is unknown. However, absorption does not take place by simple diffusion, but seems to be ordered and regulated. For example, Cotzias et al. (26) have shown in mice given oral or parenteral zinc loads that there was an acceleration of fecal 65Zn excretion after parenteral administration of the isotope. Conversely, 65Zn absorption decreased if the body’s load of zinc was increased. There are at least two proteins in intestinal mucosa that bind zinc (140), but it is not clearly evident that these proteins are involved in zinc absorption. Evans et al. (37) showed that zinc absorption is inversely related to intestinal mucosal zinc content and they suggest that the latter may be regulated by the zinc content of plasma. The mechanism of this regulation is unknown. Erythrocyt.es contain 75-85% (primarily in the zinc metalloenzyme, carbonic anhydrase), plasma contains 12-22%, and leukocytes contain 3% of the zinc in whole blood of humans (139). The amount of zinc 502 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 in the ous investigators. zinc per deciliter. Parisi and Vallee transported zinc in serum blood has been studied by numerNormal serum contains 100 izg of Recent studies on human blood by (96) indicate that 30-40% of the is firmly bound to a2-macroglobulin. The remaining zinc is apparently loosely bound to albumin. Giroux and Henkin (43) have calculated that 1 ig zinc per deciliter of human serum is complexed with basis the amino acids cysteine and histidine on the of in vitro addition of these amino acids to albu- min. Isolation of zinc complexes from human serum or urine is needed to corroborate these findings. Distribution. Zinc is transferred from plasma to cells by an unknown mechanism. Cotzias and Papavasiliou (27) suggested that homeostatic mechanisms were involved in the distribution of 65Zn to the various organs and in the intracellular distribution of 65Zn to the various organelles within a given cell. When liver cells are fractionated by centrifugation, zinc is found in the supernate, nuclei, microsomes, and mitochondria, in that order of decreasing concentration. Spencer has summarized several of her studies on the distribution of 65Zn in humans (124). She showed that 65Zn could be recovered from the plasma within 15 mm after ingestion of the isotope. The maximal concentration in plasma was usually attained at 4 h. The concentration of isotope in plasma was higher than in whole blood at 4 h. The opposite results were obtained if 65Zn was given intravenously. After five days the concentration of Zn in whole blood was 2-5-fold that in the plasma after ingestion of the isotope. Liver, kidney, spleen, intestinal mucosa, lung, pancreas, thyroid, pituitary, testes, and adrenals show rapid uptake as well as turnover of Zn. The turnover rate of 65Zn is relatively slow in brain, muscle, and erythrocytes. Hair and bone have very slow 65Zn turnover rates. Excretion. The primary excretory pathway for zinc is the gastrointestinal tract. The mechanism of excretion is unknown. Small amounts of zinc may be lost in the urine (300-700 g/24 h) and as much as 1 mgI liter may be lost in sweat. The amount of zinc appearing in the stool is directly related to the amount of zinc in the diet (26). The contribution of pancreatic secretions to the zinc appearing in the stool is unknown. However, Sullivan et a!. (129) have shown that the zinc content of pancreatic secretions in normal adults is about 1 ug/ml. If we assume a maximum pailcreatic secretory volume of 1500 ml and no zinc reabsorption, then the maximum contribution of pancreatic-juice zinc to the zinc appearing in stool would be 1.5 mg. Thus, on a 15-mg zinc intake, 10 mg of zinc will be found in stool and a maximum of 1.5 mg could come from the zinc in pancreatic secretions. Functions of zinc. One of the most intriguing and perplexing problems in trace element metabolism has been to demonstrate the molecular lesion(s) involved in the deficiency state. Although much is known about the cellular and metabolic effects of zinc, the mechanism(s) involved in the production of the syndrome of zinc deficiency in animals is unknown at this time. Because zinc is an integral component of various metalloenzymes and, along with other metals, can activate a wide variety of enzymes, it would seem to follow logically that the syndrome of zinc deficiency is due to a decrease in the activity of essential zinc-containing enzymes. Indeed, this hypothesis may ultimately prove to be the correct one for explaining deficiency effects. A zinc metalloenzyme found in one organism need not be a zinc-containing metalloenzyme in another species-e.g., it does not logically follow from the identification of Bacillus subtilis neutral protease as a zinc metalloenzyme that neutral protease in rat or pig or man is a zinc metalloenzyme. A good example of this point is the work of Scrutton et al. (116, 117), 1961 when Prasad et al. (106) described a group of 18- to 20-year-old Iranian males with iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, geophagia, hypogonadism, and dwarfism. These authors suggested zinc deficiency as the cause of this syndrome. They theorized that the ingestion of clay resulted in chelation of both iron and zinc. Although not conclusive, it is of interest that Smith and Halsted (123) have shown recently in rats that treated Iranian clay was protective for zinc-deficient animals. Unfortunately, untreated clay could not be used in this study because it caused urolithiasis. Subsequently, Prasad et al. (107) described a group of 16- to 19-year-old Egyptian males with iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, dwarfism, and hypogonadism. These patients had who showed appeared from the blood at a faster rate and into a smaller pool in the dwarfs as compared to controls, and that it was also excreted more slowly by the dwarfs than by controls. Additionally, these dwarfs had decreased concentrations of zinc in plasma, hair, and sweat. These studies seem to indicate that these dwarfs were zinc deficient. In fact, the conclusion that they were zinc deficient would be indisputable if additional information about the age, size, and clinical status of the control or normal individuals had been provided. The data for these, as well as for numerous other papers from this group, have been summarized by Prasad (105). Finally, Sandstead et al. (112) have studied 11 of the hypogonadal dwarfs described by Prasad who were treated with various dietary regimens. A nutritous, high anithal-protein diet resulted in an average growth rate of 1.8 inches per year when the diet was supplemented with iron in four of these individuals. Nine patients receiving zinc supplementation of the diet grew at a rate of 5.0 inches per year. Two additional patients left the study early and returned to their village, and did not grow during the subsequent 395 and 300 days, respectively. In addition to growing, patients receiving zinc developed sexually as manifested by growth of genitalia and development of secondary sex characteristics. Quite logically, Sandstead et al. (112) have suggested that the endocrine abnormalities in these individuals are those of hypopituitarism on the basis of poor growth, hypogonadism, decreased pituitary corticotropin reserve, abnormal glucose-tolerance curves (flattening and delayed absorption were common), and increased sensitivity to intravenous insulin. Recently Coble et al. (17) studied the endocrinological status of 18 rural Egyptian boys who were prepubertal, ages 15-20 years, and who were below the third percentile in height and weight for U. S. children and were short compared to other rural Egyptian boys. Additionally, they studied eight pubertal boys, ages 14-18 years, whose mean height and weight were comparable to, or greater than that for rural Egyp- that pyruvate carboxylase purified from chicken liver was a manganese metalloenzyme whereas pyruvate carboxylase purified from baker’s yeast was a zinc metalloenzyme. In no way are we deprecating the numerous studies of enzyme activity in relation to zinc deficiency; however, we are suggesting that these results be viewed cautiously because extrapolations across species lines cannot be readily made. A review of a number of investigations indicates that zinc may be intimately involved in protein, RNA, and DNA synthesis (4). More recent studies by Slater et al. (122) showed that zinc is tightly bound to DNA polymerase (EC from E. coli and from nuclei of the sea urchin. Scrutton et al. (118) demonstrated that DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (EC from E. coli is a zinc metalloenzyme. The general applicability of these observations must await purification of these enzymes and zinc analysis in mammalian systems. Other areas where zinc might function have received little attention. A very perplexing problem in our minds is the rapidity of onset of symptoms after an experimental animal is put on a zinc-deficient dietary regimen (89). Just as perplexing is the disappearance of symptoms after zinc supplementation. The rapidity of the process could be explained by diminished activity of a key enzyme. However, it seems just as likely that other processes may be involved. Such a process might be control of the transport of metabolites across membranes. Studies of this sort have not been done, to our knowledge. Another area that has been ignored is the effect of zinc deficiency on other trace elements. Burch et al. (in press) have shown that zinc deficiency is associated with changes in tissue copper, magnesium, manganese, and selenium in pigs. Both of these possibilities require further comprehensive studies. Zinc Deficiency Zinc zinc that in man. The seed of interest in Vallee sowed in 1959 bore its first fruit in deficiency parasitic infestation with hookworm and schistosomiasis. However, they were not geophagics. Intravenous administration of 65Zn indicated that the isotope dis- CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 503 tian males. Themean tions in prepubertal boys. Administration produced plasma testosterone concentraboys were less than in pubertal of human choriogonadotropin an appropriate response (doubling plasma of both groups. the human zinc. the depend Wound healing. healing process on adequate, The available beneficial effect dietary of zinc on in human surgical wounds was et al. (101, 102). These authors testosterone values) in three-fourths Prepubertal boys had lower plasma lutropin (luteinizing hormone) concentration than did pubertal boys. Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axes were normal in both groups, in contrast to the findings of Sandstead eta!. (112). Increased sensitivity to insulin was confirmed in both groups of boys, who also showed an impaired somatotropin (growth hormone) suggested by Pories studied the healing rate of marsupialized pilonidal sinuses in 10 young airmen receiving 150 mg of elemental zinc daily (220 mg of ZnSO4 7H20, USP, three times daily). Ten airmen undergoing the same procedure without zinc supplementation served as controls. In both groups the healing rate was identical for the first 15 days, at which time wounds were 83% response healed. to hypoglycemia. Ronaghy et al. (108) confirmed the effect of zinc in accelerating the rate of sexual maturation in sixty 12to 14-year-old Iranian boys who were below the third percentile for growth. However, they could not confirm an effect of zinc on growth. Carter et al. (12) were unable to show any effect of zinc or iron on growth or sexual maturation in a double-blind study on 279 Arab boys. However, they used two-thirds the dose of zinc and one-third the dose of iron used in the earlier studies. Additionally, diets of these boys were limited in calories, vitamin A, riboflavin, and possibly in calcium and ascorbic acid. Although their work seems to have received little attention, the studies of Coble et al. (18, 19) have cast some doubt on Prasad’s original findings. Coble et al. returned to the Kharga oasis in outhwest Egypt three-and-one-half years after the original study (described in references 105, 107) had been carried out. They found that the original subjects had sexually matured and had attained a stature comparable to adult Egyptian villagers. However, their plasma zinc concentrations were zinc values were found with retarded sad’s criteria unchanged. Further, in a new group maturation (these of “hypogonadal low plasma of subjects individuals dwarfs”); fit Prahowever, randomly selected subjects with normal growth and development had low plasma zinc concentrations, comparable to those for the children with retarded development. It seems likely that other limiting nutritional factors were involved in these studies. A recent study (47) seems to lend support to the original observations relating zinc deficiency to poor growth in humans. Hambridge et al. (47) demonstrated low concentrations of zinc in the hair of children from middle- and children upper-income had poor growth families in Denver. These and some had diminished taste acuity. Zinc supplementation resulted in improved appetite, growth, and taste. Evaluation of the available information leads us to the conclusion that insufficient data are available to form absolutely valid conclusions. A carefully controlled study under metabolic ward conditions along with data and sufficient information on control sUbjects is clearly needed before final conclusions can be drawn about zinc deficiency and hypogonadal dwarfism. However, preliminary evidence indicates that sexual maturation, growth, and development in 504 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 21. No.4, 1975 . Healing was complete in the zinc-supple- mented group by 45.8 days vs. 80.1 days in the control group. Thus, zinc therapy seemed to enhance wound healing at the stage of epithelialization. Unfortunately, serum zinc was not measured in these patients. The above observation sequently become quite was exciting, controversial. but it has subA number of studies in humans and animals support or refute the original observations on the beneficial effects of zinc on wound healing. These studies have been reviewed by Chvapil et al. (16). Perhaps the controversy is best exemplified by the study of Barcia (6), who repeated the original study carried out by Pories et al. (101, 102) and could not demonstrate a beneficial effect of zinc on healing rate in marsupialized pilonida! sinuses. studies It must that the status be concluded from the of zinc supplementation various in the healing process of normal individuals is not known. The studies of Sandstead and Shepard (113) and of Oberleas et a!. (91) clearly indicate that zinc defi- ciency in the rat is associated with decreased tensile strength in surgical wounds. Similarly, several studies by Hsu et al. (57, 58, 125) have shown decreased protein synthesis and collagen synthesis in skin from zinc-deficient animals as well as decreased DNA synthesis in skin of surgically wounded animals. (Ed. note: see one such paper in this issue.) Thus, although zinc supplementation to improve wound healing in zinc-repleted individuals is of dubious value, the experimental evidence supports the value of zinc supplementation in zinc deficiency. Improved wound healing in zinc-deficient patients after zinc therapy has been demonstrated in the case of chronic skin ulcers, burns, and in debilitated patients. These studies have been reviewed by Chvapil et al. (16). Again, carefully controlled studies are needed. Most of these human studies require better experimental protocols and better measurements. As frequently happens in any field, relevant studies may go unnoticed. Before leaving the subject of wound healing we would like to call attention to some very elegant recent studies and theories of Chvapil, which he has succinctly summarized (16). He suggests that zinc functions to stabilize membranes, perhaps structures. by decreasing He further lysyl oxidase lipid peroxidation of these suggests that zinc inhibits in vitro. This copper-dependent enzyme is involved in the formation of aldehyde groups that are necessary for the covalent cross-links in collagen polypeptides. Such studies seem to offer important new insights for future trace-metal studies on wound healing. They suggest that the salutary effect of zinc in wound healing may be related to this membranestabilizing effect. Thus, cell damage would be decreased. Sensory abnormalities. Henkin et al. (48, 53) described a syndrome characterized by decreased taste acuity (hypogeusia) and decreased olfactory acuity (hyposmia), which may also be associated with perverted taste (dysgeusia) and perverted smell (dysomia). Of the 35 patients described initially, all had hypogeusia but the presence of dysgeusia, hyposmia, and dysomia was not universal. Because of the above symptoms, these patients often developed anorexia, weight loss, and psychological difficulties, which occasionally were severe enough to result in marked depression with suicidal tendencies. Earlier work done in Henkin’s laboratory had indicated that abnormalities of taste and smell were associated with hepatitis. Similar disorders found in women during the first trimester of pregnancy were related to zinc abnormalities. Therefore, zinc supple. mentation of patients with idiopathic hypogeusia was tried empirically and was quite successful in relieving or markedly improving the symptoms. Henkin (52) had previously demonstrated that treatment with copper, zinc, or nickel resulted in improvement in patients with several taste defects. Thus, the mechanism of development of the syndrome of idiopathic hypogeusia is not known, but trace elements seem to be involved. Of special interest along these lines is the observation (47) that young children with poor growth, low zinc in their hair, and decreased taste acuity responded by all three criteria to zinc supplementation. Also of great interest is the fact that 51% of the 35 patients with idiopathic hypogeusia had had a recent respiratory infection. Numerous infectious processes are associated with decreased serum zinc concentrations (8) via release of leukocyte endogenous mediator (vide infra). Infection, or any other stress, results in liberation of adrenal steroids, which also seem to be involved in regulating serum zinc and copper concentrations. That adrenal steroids are somehow involved in regulation of serum levels of zinc and copper is an inductive conclusion based on several experimental observations. Some control mechanism has to be involved, because concentrations of zinc and copper in the sera of fasting persons normally remain in a relatively narrow range under a wide variety of dietary and environmental conditions. Recently, Flynn et al. (41) reported poor wound healing and low serum zinc values in 10 patients who underwent bilateral adrenalectomies and who were maintained on 40 to 50 mg of hydrocortisone daily (about twice the normal adrenal output per day). Lifschitz and Henkin (78) have shown in carefully controlled human studies that both serum zinc and copper undergo circadian variation. There seems to be an inverse relationship between serum zinc and copper concentrations and adrenal steroid production. Thus, at times when the adrenals would be producing large amounts of hormone, the plasma zinc and, copper are at their lowest values. This relationship is not absolute, however, because serum zinc and copper reach their zenith at 10 a.m., when adrenal steroid production is still relatively high. Further, suppression of the adrenal and of corticotropin (ACTH) production with prednisone did not diminish circadian variation in serum copper and zinc. In fact the variation seemed to be accentuated. Although these studies were brief and involved only small numbers of patients, they seem to indicate that the circadian variation is accentuated in the presence of cortisone and is not due to corticotropin. Earlier studies by Henkin (49, 50, 51) indicated that patients with adrenal insufficiency have increased taste, smell, and auditory acuity, which reverted to normal with cortisone replacement therapy. These findings are consistent with the above hypothesis. Thus, it appears that adrenal steroids enhance the homeostatic control of serum copper and zinc and are secondarily involved in sensory perception. Obviously much work is needed in this whole area. The entire subject of how trace elements affect sensory perception has not been approached experimentally. Teratogenicity. Blamberg et al. (10) reported that feeding a zinc-deficient diet to breeding hens resulted in diminished hatchability and gross embryonic anomalies manifested by impaired skeletal development. Subsequently, Hurley and Swenerton (61) found that extremely zinc-deficient female rats could not reproduce. There were marked effects on the estrous cycle and in most instances mating did not take place. These adult rats apparently did not show any other signs of zinc deficiency. Therefore, female rats were first maintained on a marginally zinc-deficient diet and after mating were placed on a severely zinc- deficient diet. On day 21 of gestation (22 days is the normal gestation time in the rat) the pups were delivered by caesarean section and the uterus was examined for resorption of fetuses. Remarkably, of the 280 implantation sites in 38 zinc deficient rats, 54% of the fetuses had been resorbed and 45% of the fetuses had congenital anomalies. Thus, 99% of the fetuses had been affected! Hurley et al. have extended these observations with numerous excellent studies, which have recently been summarized (61). When the zincdeficient diet was given continuously from day 0 to 21 of pregnancy, all fetal organ systems were affected and 90% of fetuses obtained on day 21 had gross congenital anomalies. Even transitory periods of feeding the zinc-deficient diet were teratogenic. For example, when the zinc-deficient diet was given from days 4 to 12, 29% of full-term fetuses had anomalies; and if the zinc-deficient diet was given from days 6 to 14, almost half of term fetuses were abnormal. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 505 The most frequent congenital malformations found in fetuses obtained by caesarean section, in decreasing order of frequency, were: tail anomalies, clubbed feet, fused or missing digits (syndactyly), hy- particularly fascinating because low serum and liver zinc values as well as hyperzincuria occur with cirrhosis (139). Some noncirrhotic alcoholics also have low drocephalus revert to normal after abstinence from alcohol (128) in contradistinction to the cirrhotic. Thus, it seems likely that these alcoholic women, with the added stress of pregnancy and poor diet, may have been zinc deficient. Unfortunately, zinc concentrations were not measured in either the mothers or the children (K. L. Jones, personal communication). All of the circumstantial evidence mentioned above strongly suggests that zinc deficiency in pregnant humans may result in congenital anomalies in the children. A careful study to demonstrate or to refute such a relationship is sorely needed and long overdue. Diagnosis of zinc deficiency. Up to this point we have carefully avoided discussing how a diagnosis of zinc deficiency can be made, because we wanted first and hydranencephaly, urogenital abnor- malities, scoliosis or kyphosis, lung abnormalities, cleft palate, small or missing eyes, short or missing mandible, hernias, and heart anomalies (61). Transitory deficiency may result in changes in the proportion of different anomalies seen. For example, feeding the zinc-deficient diet from days 6 to 14 gives the following anomalies in decreasing order of occurrence: tail anomalies, lung anomalies, syndactyly, urogenital anomalies, and cleft palate. Although there have been no reports in the literature on human congenital anomalies and zinc deficiency in the mother, we believe that several studies give strong circumstantial support to such a relationship. Sever and Emanuel (119) have also suggested that there may be a relationship between maternal zinc deficiency and congenital malformations of the central nervous system in man. The prevalence of congenital malformations of the central nervous sys- tem in a recent World Health Organization (127) survey of 24 centers in 16 countries showed the highest rates to be in Belfast, Northern Ireland; Alexandria, Egypt; and Bombay, India. The prevalence of anencephaly in Shiraz, Iran, is also quite high (29). Thus, two of the four areas in the world with the highest incidence of congenital anomalies of the central nervous system are in the countries where Prasad et al. (105) described zinc deficiency in humans. This, coupled with the very high incidence of central nervous system anomalies found by Hurley in the offspring delivered from zinc-deficient rats, is highly suggestive of a relationship between zinc deficiency and congenital anomalies in humans. Further, Halsted (46) recently reported that an individual was excluded from the original study on zinc deficiency in Iran (107) because he had had extreme bony malformations since birth. Additionally, the report of Hambridge et al. (47) and the review by Sandstead (110) clearly indicate that zinc nutriture may be poorer and zinc deficiency more common than previously believed. Finally, Jones et al. (63) recently reported on eight children born of chronic alcoholic mothers. Each child had multiple congenital anomalies. Mean birth weight was 2.04 kg (4.5 lbs.) and mean birth length was 44 cm (17.2 in.). Microcephaly was present in seven of eight children, and all eight children were judged to have had prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency. Short palpebral fissures, present in all the children, were interpreted as being secondary to deficient growth of the eyes. Bone and joint anomalies were present in five of the children. The exact status of the mothers is unknown, although two of the women experienced delirium tremens during pregnancy. Four of the women lost weight during pregnancy, two gained weight, and no information was available for the other two. We find this study 506 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 serum zinc and to present certain hyperzincuria, facets both of which and concepts about readily zinc de- ficiency. How can one make the diagnosis? It seems that serum or plasma zinc concentrations or zinc concentrations in hair are the only real tools that we have. Great care must constantly be exercised in obtaining and processing the sample, to avoid contamination. Even with these precautions, difficulties arise. Hair can readily absorb contaminants from the atmosphere or from hair dyes. How close to the scalp do you obtain the hair and what length of the hair do you use? Do the zinc values you obtain represent the zinc status of the patient here and now or do they represent that status weeks ago? Obviously there is no clear answer to these questions. Serum zinc concentrations can be decreased within a day after a zinc-deficient diet is administered to experimental animals. Thus, analysis of serum appears to be a far more sensitive tool than hair analysis. But does a low serum zinc always signify deficiency? Infections, pregnancy, surgical procedures, and stressful situations such as myocardial infarction or bacterial endotoxin administration may also lower serum zinc. Does this lowering of serum zinc represent deficiency? This question cannot be answered from the information available in the literature. However, we think that an extremely useful adjunct in making a diagnosis of zinc deficiency may prove to be the application of Henkin’s (46, 51, 53) tests for taste and smell when there is any doubt about the significance of low zinc values. Serum zinc values states. The literature in physiologic and pathologic is voluminous on serum zinc values in a wide variety of entities and has been reviewed by several authors (8, 16, 87, 105, 139). Patients with cirrhosis frequently have low serum zinc and paradoxically may excrete several milligrams of zinc in their urine each day. Since these patients have low hepatic zinc (139) it seems reasonable to assume that they are zinc deficient. However, the mechanism of development of zinc deficiency and its role in relation to cirrhosis are unknown. It is quite conceivable that zinc deficiency results in decreased membrane stability (16), which renders the liver cells more susceptible to injury. Becking and Morrison (7) have recently shown that the metabolism of several drugs is reduced in zinc-deficient rats and that there is a concomitant reduction of cytochrome P-450 content of hepatic microsomes. All biochemical lesions ameliorated after zinc repletion. This observation could explain why chronic alcoholics with advanced cirrhosis are so sensitive to sedatives and narcotics, which may readily precipitate he- patic coma. Finally, Burch et al. (in press) have shown in zinc-deficient pig liver that there is decreased activity of the enzyme, ornithine transcarbamylase (EC, which catalyzes the conversion of ornithine to citrulline in the urea cycle. Thus, decreased cirrhotic activity of this enzyme in the individual could contribute zinc-deficient to the well- known phenomenon of low serum urea nitrogen and increased blood ammonia. Thus it seems likely that zinc deficiency may play bolic features of cirrhosis. Serum merous zinc is also diminished infectious dotoxins, a role in some processes, after exposure of the meta- surgery, nu- to bacterial en- or acute myocardial infarction. Kampschmidt et a!. (65, 66) and Pekarek and coworkers (98, 99, 103) have studied a factor in polymorphonuclear leukocytes that is released in response to infection, administration of bacterial endotoxin, or tissue damage. This substance has been designated as “leukocyte endogenous mediator” or LEM. Some of the more recent studies in animals have been reported have rein man after experimen- (65, 66, 98, 99, 103) and Beisel and Pekarek cently reviewed the findings tal infections in volunteers (8). After certain infections, administration of bacterial endotoxin, or tissue damage, leukocyte endogenous mediator (LEM) is liberated from polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and within an hour there is a net flow of amino acids to the liver. This is followed shortly by a decrease in serum zinc with a concomitant uptake of zinc by the liver. Over the next few hours there is synthesis of acute phase reactants by the liver. This synthetic process seems to require insulin and cortisone (62). These acute phase reactants include fibrinogen, a1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid), a2-acute phase globulins, and haptoglobin. Increased concentrations of ceruloplasmin (an a2-acute phase globulin) result in increased concentrations of copper in the serum. LEM also results in early depression of serum iron and seems to be involved in the production of fever. Determining whether LEM and socalled endogenous pyrogen of polymorphonuclear leukocytes are the same substance must await further purification and characterization of these products. LEM has been characterized as a low-molecular-weight protein that is heat labile. LEM isolated from an infected animal will produce a response in a normal animal. We suggest that LEM is, in all likelihood; the fac- tor responsible for the heretofore unexplained febrile response, effects on serum iron, zinc and copper, and acute phase phenomena such as increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and increased haptoglobin seen in myocardial infarction, after surgery and in a variety of seemingly unrelated entities such as acute rheumatic fever or rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, one would anticipate low serum zinc and iron values and increased serum copper values in most situations associated with inflammation or cellular damage. At the present time we can offer no explanation for the low serum zinc values also found in uremia, leukemia, kwashiorkor, pernicious anemia, or after use of oral contraceptives. Zinc Toxicity Zinc sulfate is a relatively nontoxic compound but, by no means, can we say that it is innocuous. To our knowledge, long-term toxicity studies are not avail- able. In contrast, ZnC12 causes tissue necrosis, and inhalation of zinc oxide fumes results in a chemical pneumonitis that may be fatal. Ingestion of excess zinc has usually resulted from storage of food or beverages in galvanized containers and results in fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Long-term ingestion of large amounts of zinc by animals results in poor growth and anemia (8, 87, 135). Summary The importance of zinc in human nutrition has only recently become apparent. At the present time zinc deficiency in humans seems to be associated with poor growth and development, impaired wound healing, and impairment of sensory perception. The association of congenital anomalies with zinc deficiency in the mother remains to be evaluated. However, it appears likely that this association will be demonstrated. One of the primary goals of zinc research has to be elucidation of the mechanisms in- volved in development sociated of the various syndromes as- with zinc deficiency. Manganese The first report of manganese deficiency in man appeared in 1972 (31). Until that time it was doubted that manganese deficiency .could occur in humans. The abnormalities observed in that study have made possible certain biochemical hypotheses about manganese deficiency that were previously inconceivable. We noted the scarcity of research on the nutritional role of manganese in nucleic acid synthesis, glucose utilization and gluconeogenesis, intermediary metabolism, and endrocrine gland function. Absorption. The manganese concentration of the earth’s crust and most plants is relatively higher than that of other trace metals, but the animal body is greatly selective as to what minerals it retains, and contains much less manganese than other elements that are present in lesser concentration in the environment (88). Therefore, there must be an efficient CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 507 and specific regulatory mechanism for controlling body manganese concentration. A 70-kg adult human body contains 12 to 20 mg of manganese. It is diffi- concentrations cult to assess the average daily manganese intake of normal adults because it depends on locality and on the nature of the diet. On the basis of average food ble changes in blood manganese concentrations associated with specific disorders have been hindered by lack of sophisticated techniques for accurate measurement of serum manganese. Existing methods lack simplicity, sensitivity, and specificity. It seems consumption, it is estimated that human intake of manganese mg per day (81). ranges the normal from adult 0.7 to 22.0 Manganese content of foods varies greatly. Peterson and Skinner (100) and Schroeder et al. (115) found the highest concentrations in nuts, grains, and cereals; the lowest in dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, and seafood. Relatively high concentrations of manganese were found in soluble (“instant”) coffee and tea and account for 10% of the total daily intake (81, 115). Metabolic balance studies of manganese show that about 20 ig of manganese per day would be retained under conditions of minimum intake. Apparently this is more than adequate to prevent a manganese deficiency in humans. Manganese in natural food is in the form of specific complexes and the changes effected by cooking animal purified are unknown. experiments diets Practically have been conducted containing inorganic salt all of the by use of mixtures. This type of diet could alter certain effects on absorption, digestion, transport, binding to receptors, and nutritional value, because the manganese is present as an inorganic salt and not as an organic manga- nese complex. Human milk is relatively deficient in manganese (82, 137). During the first week of life, the infant’s manganese intake is low (7 gig/day) (114), producing a negative manganese balance (149). This is followed by a progressively increasing intake of manganese from infancy to two years of age (82, 114). In spite of this apparently diminished intake during early childhood, a relatively constant concentration of manganese is maintained in the liver throughout life (137, 150). It is unknown how the infant obtains enough manganese for its needs and storage sites. The precise loci and mechanism of absorption of manganese from the gastrointestinal tract are unknown. Absorbed manganese is transported as a complex by the globulin, transmanganin, which is a spe- cific manganese-carrying plasma protein. One manganese atom apparently binds to more than one globulin molecule (21). Distribution. The distribution and amounts of trace elements in human tissues in the United States and other countries were well documented by Tipton et al. (130, 131). Manganese is widely distributed in body tissues and fluids. In the human, the brain, kidney, pancreas, and liver-in that descending order- show relatively higher manganese concentrations than do other organs. In animals, the liver, kidney, and especially the pituitary gland are richer in manganese. Generally, higher manganese concentrations are seen in mitochondria-rich tissues. Manganese 508 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 in blood and serum vary greatly. Even the same investigators have reported different values in two separate studies (137). Investigation of possi- likely that this obstacle may have been overcome with the advent of a simplified method for assessing manganese content of solid tissues and serum by neutron activation analysis (45). Excretion. Absorbed manganese rapidly appears in the bile and is excreted almost exclusively in the feces, almost none appearing in the urine. Excretion also occurs via pancreatic juice, and reabsorption into the lumen of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The excretion rate through gastrointestinal routes is increased if an animal is given loading doses of manganese or if there is biliary obstruction. These extra-biliary gastrointestinal routes are considered to be auxiliary pathways for manganese excretion. The combination of a principal excretory pathway via bile and auxiliary gastrointestinal excretory routes offers an efficient homeostatic regulatory mechanism for maintaining balanced manganese tissue concentrations (88, 92, 137). Overall homeostatic regulation of tissue manganese concentrations is thought to occur by selective excretion rather than selective absorption. In conjunction with regulatory excretory mechanisms, Cotzias and Greenough (22) have presented evidence that highly specific manganese pathways exist within the body, but the nature of these pathways has not been elucidated. In conclusion, it is believed that adequate intake plus efficient homeostatic control mechanisms effectively combine to prevent human manganese deficiency under most conditions. In conditions where manganese requirements may be increased, such as pregnancy, growth or diabetes, it has been suggested (115, 149) that a manganese deficiency may develop in humans. Function of manganese. Even though manganous ion is known to be an activator of many enzymes, it is not possible at present to correlate effects on manganese-dependent enzymes and the deficiency state. However, a pertinent investigation of such a relationship is that of two enzymes involved in chondroitin sulfate synthesis (75). The activity of both of these enzymes is decreased with manganese deficiency. Both enzymes are found in microsomal fractions of epiphyseal cartilage homogenate. These enzymes are polysaccharide polymerase and galactotransferase, and they catalyze the following reactions: (a) polysaccharide synthesis from UDP-N- acetyl-galactosamine and UDP-glucuronic acid, and (b) incorporation of galactose from UDP-galactose into the galactose-galactose-xylose trisaccharide that serves to link the mucopolysaccharide and protein. Other enzyme activities-bone phosphatase, serum alkaline phosphatase, and liver arginase-have been studied but have not always correlated with manganese deficiency (137). Many other enzymes are also known to be activated by manganese, as recently reviewed (92). The only now-proven manganese metalloenzyme is pyruvate carboxylase (EC (116). Various metal ions are exchanged at the active site of enzymes, and because manganese may function as an enzyme activator it is probable that it, too, interchanges with other divalent elements, and consequently a manganese deficiency may be associated with other trace-element effects. These effects include increased or decreased concentrations of an element or actual exchange of the element with manganese in an enzyme. This possibility has not been thoroughly investigated. Manganese seems to be intimately involved in synthesis of protein, DNA, and RNA. The DNA-manganese complex was first reported by Wiberg and Newman (147). They concluded from its dissociation constant that manganese binds to DNA more strongly than do other metals. Since minute quantities of manganese were detected during the isolation of RNA and DNA, it was suggested that manganese may bear a functional relationship to protein synthesis and the transmission of genetic information. However, direct evidence of the in vivo role of manganese in mammalian protein biosynthesis is still limited, although in vitro evidence indicates that manganese is involved in protein synthesis (vide in Ira). Mammalian cells exhibit two types of RNA polymerase activity, one of which requires manganese (148). Manganese also affects the DNA polymerase system. The RNA-dependent DNA polymerase activities in human placenta and rat liver nuclei are stimulated predominantly by manganese. Manganese and other cations stabilize the secondary structure of DNA by their electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged phosphate group. Extensive studies relating conformation and reactivity to DNA interaction with manganese ion have recently been reported (79). The results of these investigations indicate that manganese has an important role in initiating protein synthesis by stimulating RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase activities in the mammalian system. A study comparing the effect of manganese to that of other ions showed a slight but significant increase in protein biosynthesis, attributable to manganese, in isolated rat liver nuclei (146). In kwashiorkor, there was a definite correlation between decreased hepatic manganese content and decreased hepatic protein content in the protein-calorie malnutrition (72). Studies on normal human adults, and some animal species have shown that relatively higher concentrations of manganese are to be found in the adrenals, pituitary, and pancreas than in other tissues. Manga- nous ion stimulates the enzymatic coupling of monoiodotyrosine to form diiodothyronine in vitro but the existence of this coupling in the intact thyroid is questionable. Rats given manganese showed a decline in protein-bound iodine, nated and an increase thyronines, reduced of iodi- percentage in iodinated tyro- sine (64). Cortisol regulates the manganese-activated RNA polymerase activity within mice lymphocyte nuclei (69). Corticotropin and glucocorticoids cause a decrease in hepatic uptake of manganese and shift manganese storage to extra-hepatic sites (137). Manganese also inhibits the activation of adenylate cyclase (EC by antidiuretic hormone, as nanifested by inhibition of both water flow and sodium transport. Current evidence suggests that manganese and other system ions are involved transmission it appears manganese nervous control. Thus that there is an intimate relation between and various hormones. The nature of this relationship is poorly sive investigation. Manganese in the central of neurohormone understood and requires inten- Deficiency Manganese deficiency in humans. The first recognized case of human manganese deficiency was reported by Doisy (31). While studying vitamin K deficiency in a volunteer under metabolic ward conditions, it was noted that the patient had weight loss, transient dermatitis, occasional nausea and vomiting, changes in hair and beard color, and slow growth of hair and beard. Protein synthesis seemed to be unaffected. The most striking finding was hypocholesterolemia. These findings were due to the inadvertent failure to add manganese to the purified diet mix- ture. Supporting evidence that this clinical picture resulted from manganese deficiency was obtained by duplicating the results in chicks fed a purified diet deficient in both vitamin K and in manganese. The study could not be repeated in humans because sterility seems to be a universal accompaniment of manganese deficiency. However, this investigation clearly demonstrated that manganese is an essential trace element in man. Experimentally been produced induced manganese in various domestic deficiency animals. has The pathogenesis of symptoms in this deficiency is unknown and all attempts to explain their etiology have been unsuccessful. Under conditions of limited dietary manganese, homeostatic mechanisms-especially those controlling excretion-functioned poorly and deficiency symptoms appeared. Teratogenicity. Studies confirming manganese as an essential nutrient were reported simultaneously by several investigators (70, 94, 143). Animals on manganese-deficient diets develop numerous biological and physical symptoms, such as decreased manganese concentrations in tissues and milk, suboptimal growth, decreased testicular and ovarian function, accumulation of fat, and diabetic-like glucosetolerance curves. These findings vary with the person’s age and the magnitude and duration of deficiency. Perhaps the most remarkable discovery was made by Erway et al. (33), who demonstrated that a CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4. 1975 509 manganese dietary supplement fed to pregnant mutant mice who develop congenital ataxia would result in ataxia-free offspring. This study demonstrated for the first time that supplementation with an essential nutrient, manganese, can prevent development of a genetically had predetermined not been phenotype. abolished, The mutation because offspring of the ataxia-free mice developed ataxia (vide in Ira). Ataxia in mice, whether attributable to the mutant gene “pallid” or to a maternal dietary manganese deficiency, is identical; however, a high manganese concentration (1 mg) in the diet of mutant mice during pregnancy completely prevented fect and altered the mutant changing the genetic constitution nese i a specific nutrient that the congenital deexpression without (59). Thus, mangaaffects expression the mutant gene without altering subsequent mission of the mutation to future generations of transof mice (32). Manganese is necessary for optimal growth in mice, rats, and other species. Swine, guinea pigs, and calves do not show impaired growth with manganese deficiency (5). The occurrence of anorexia in manganese deficiency is not well established (137). A plausible biochemical explanation for the impaired body growth is not apparent. Attempts to correlate poor growth with some definitive chemical parameter have contributed the following information (142): (a) Decreased food consumption is not an adequate criterion of deficiency. (b) Basal metabolic rate is unchanged. (c) Gross differences in nitrogen absorption or excretion were not observed. (d) Administration of pituitary or adrenal cortical extracts caused no weight gain. In a few cases, the injection of pituitary extract caused a slight initial weight increase, which leveled off or fell with continued injections. (e) Hepatic arginase activity was decreased, depending on the species being investigated. (I) Impaired growth and faulty bone formation may be correlated. Skeletal abnormalities have been studied extensively in manganese deficiency. In rats, mice, and rabbits the primary skeletal effects are shortening and bowing of the forelegs. In rats, these effects are seen only in the offspring of manganese-deficient mothers. These offspring exhibited shortening of the radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula from birth to maturity. In addition, poor development of the tibial epiphysis resulted in abnormalities of the knee joint. A high in- cidence of ataxia is also seen in the offspring manganese-deficient is irreversible and is loss of body-righting ataxia in manganese ment of the inner ear. otoliths is a result of polysaccharide The skeletal females. This congenital ataxia characterized by imbalance and reflexes. The primary cause of deficiency is abnormal developDefective morphogenesis of the diminished cartilaginous muco- synthesis. effects of manganese deficiency been studied extensively in the chicken. 510 CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21. No.4, CLINICAL of many 1975 have Chondrodys- trophy, in humans a congenital abnormality in development of long bones, has been demonstrated in chick embryos and seems to be identical to the human disorder. This chickens by shortened wings, globular contour dible (“parrot beak”), der is experimentally deficient diet and may plementing the diet syndrome is characterized in and thickened legs, short of the head, shortened manand high mortality. The disorinducible with a manganesebe prevented simply by supwith manganese. Perosis, or “slipped tendon,” may also occur in manganese-deficient chicks. It is characterized by enlargement of the hocks, short and twisted tibiae, and slipping of the gastrocnemius tendon from its condyles. For further discussion of the influence of manganese on the skeleton, the reader is referred to several reviews (5, 59, 93, 137). Early investigators believed that impairment of the calcification process was the primary factor in skeletal abnormalities, but subsequent experiments demonstrated that manganese deficiency retarded endochondral bone growth per se, not osteogenesis. The discovery that perosis is related to changes in the mucopolysaccharide content of the epiphyseal cartilage focused attention on the chemical composition of the organic matrix of cartilage and bone (74). The galactosamine-containing polysaccharides were drastically diminished by manganese deficiency in the chick. Similar observations were made in newborn guinea pigs and other species (73, 121, 133). In addition ides to epiphyseal of guinea chondroitin cartilage, pig rib cartilage sulfate. mucopolysacchardecreased, Hyaluronic acid especially and heparin were also decreased in cartilage of manganese-deficient animals. The changes in polysaccharides seem to be specific for manganese deficiency. No other known nutritional deficiency syndrome resembles the pathological produced by manganese defiin chondroitin sulfate in manganese deficiency is the result of impaired mucopolysaccharide synthesis, manganese being a necessary cofactor for the enzymes involved in chondroitin sulfate synthesis. The above studies have demonstrated that manganese affects the primary sites of chondroitin sulfate ciency. conditions The decrease synthesis. Because complex is necessary nective tissue, explanation these the chondroitin to maintain findings for the skeletal sulfate-protein the rigidity provide of con- a biochemical abnormalities observed in manganese deficiency. We find the association of manganese deficiency in experimental animals and the bony abnormalities resulting from the inhibition of mucopolysaccharide synthesis extremely fascinating in relation to the mucopolysaccharidoses occurring in humans. In humans, these diseases are characterized by bony abnormalities, mental retardation, and accumulation of tissue mucopolysaccharides. Wolff has reported deform ity and limitation of motion of the ossicles of the ear in gargoylism or an abnormality (151). Even if manganese deficiency of manganese metabolism is not subsequently shown to be involved in the human mucopolysaccharidoses, the manganese-deficient animal seems to be an ideal model for the elucidation of the biosynthetic pathways involved in mucopolysaccharide synthesis, pathways that are ill-defined and poorly understood at present. Reproduction. Manganese has been established as an essential element in reproduction as well as in body growth (70, 94, 137, 143). Male rats and rabbits on manganese-deficient diets lost their libido and fecundity, and exhibited testicular degeneration, absence of spermatogenesis, and sterility. In manganese-deficient females, there was a delay in the opening of the vaginal orifice. Estrus cycle changes were diverse. Some cycles were observed to be irregular or absent, while others were normal. Histological examination revealed no ovarian abnormality. Similar studies in many other species have shown impairment of reproduction, decrease in litter size, high infant mortality, and delayed estrus and conception (137). These investigations clearly established that manganese is necessary for normal fertility in the female and that deficiency results in impaired spermatogenesis with subsequent sterility in the male. Histological examination of manganese-deficient animals revealed atrophy of the testes and an accumulation of degenerating cells in the epididymis. The sterility accompanying manganese deficiency has been postulated to be due to lack of sex hormones as a result of decreased cholesterol synthesis (31). Earlier work showed that cholesterol synthesis was stimulated by manganese (28) and that manganese is a required cofactor for mevalonate kinase (EC (2). For evaluation of this hypothesis, synthesis of testicular cholesterol and testosterone needs to be investigated in manganese-deficient animals. An analogous irregular estrus explanation can be made concerning cycles and delayed vaginal opening caused by the lack of female hormones. Manganese is also known to enhance the binding of estradiol to nuclear particles; therefore, lack of either manganese or steroids may affect the female reproductive system. Direct evidence that lowered cholesterol concentrations affect estrogen synthesis has yet to be found. Abnormalities in glucose utilization. The hypoglycemic effect seen after administration of a manganese salt to a diabetic patient demonstrated a potential relationship between impaired glucose utilization and manganese (109). The patient’s hyperglycemia was corrected by injection of manganese chloride. This particular diabetic patient was resistant to insulin therapy. Another significant finding was the small dose of manganese (20 ,zg) used to produce the hypoglycemic effect. Because the therapeutic manganese dosage used seemed to be a physiological, rather than a pharmacological, amount, the hypoglycemic effect was attributed to the administered manganese. In a recent study the experimental animal was the sand rat (Psammomys obesus), whose natural diet is high in manganese. This animal becomes diabetic when fed the usual laboratory-animal commercially supplied diet and is refractory to administered insulin, but it regains a normal state of health when returned to its natural, high-manganese diet (120). Decreased concentrations of manganese in blood and tissues of untreated humans with diabetes mellitus and in pancreatectomized dogs are consistent with an effect of manganese on blood sugar. A diabetic-like glucosetolerance test was observed in manganese-deficient guinea pigs (38). Dietary supplementation with manganese completely removed the abnormality. A potential relationship between insulin and manganese remains to be explored. Existing evidence is insufficient to permit speculation on the relation between the hypoglycemic effect of manganese and gluconeogenesis. Glucocorticoids exert a permissive action required for the activation of gluconeogenesis by physiological amounts of cate- cholamines or glucagon. Adrenal steroids also depress hepatic uptake of manganese (137). The effect of the various hormones on gluconeogenesis has not been studied in manganese-deficient animals. Serum manganese values in pathological states. Normal serum manganese values are not firmly established but reportedly range from 1 to 200 gig/liter. Serum manganese concentrations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, or infectious, degenerative, or neoplastic disease are normal, but are decreased in diabetes mellitus and are significantly higher in patients with myocardial infarction and massive pulmonary injury. Indeed, supranormal serum manganese concentrations have been proposed as an index of the extent and severity of cardiac damage (137). In view of the difficulties inherent in assaying serum manganese, such a suggestion is now impractical. Patients with atherosclerosis had increased concentrations of manganese in their plasma and decreased concentrations in liver, myocardium, adrenal glands, pancreas, and kidney (141). In contrast to atherosclerosis, the hepatic content of manganese was significantly increased in hemochromatosis (3). The mechanisms by which tissue manganese concentrations vary, as well as the significance of these variations, are unknown at present. No doubt the paucity of information on manganese ease is a function in manganese insensitivity of the inherent determinations of most concentrations difficulties in disinvolved as well as the relative methods. Manganese Toxicity In contrast to deficiency, chronic manganese toxicity in man has been extensively studied. Manganese is one of the least toxic of the trace metals (137) and toxicity occurs only after long, continuous inhalation of large quantities of the element. One reason why animals are able to tolerate large intakes of manganese may be due to the efficiency of their homeostatic control mechanisms. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 511 I Cotzias et al. (23, 85) reported observations on manganese toxicity in Chilean miners. Symptoms of chronic poisoning in manganese ore miners are seen after exposures ranging from seven months to 20 years and sometimes are not seen at all. The clinical manifestations of the disease are both psychiatric and neurologic. The severe psychiatric symptoms are often referred to as “locure manganica” by the local Chilean populace. The disease progresses to a permanent crippling neurological disorder of the extrapyramidal system and is, in some ways, clinically similar to Parkinson’s disease and Wilson’s disease. In general, clinical disorders of metal toxicity are caused mainly by the accumulation of particular metals, such as copper in Wilson’s disease and lead in lead encephalopathy. One striking difference seen in manganese toxicity is that the chronically poisoned patients had a lower tissue manganese concentration, as well as a slower turnover rate, of MMn than did healthy miners. Chronic poisoning does not necessarily result in elevated tissue manganese concentration; consequently, chelation therapy does not seem to be indicated as it is in the treatment of other metal poisonings. It is interesting to note that termination of exposure restored tissue manganese concentrations to normal but the neurological symptoms persisted. Levodopa 13-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alaninel is of known efficacy in the treatment of Parkinsonism and is sometimes successful in alleviating manifestations of manganese intoxication (20, 24). The rationale for dopa therapy was developed from postmortem studies on patients with Parkinsonism, which showed that dopamine was markedly depleted in the basal ganglia and substantia nigra. Because dopamine does not cross the blood-brain barrier, its precursor, dopa, is used, which does cross the bloodbrain barrier and is presumably converted to dopamine in the basal ganglia. Therefore, administration of dopa effectively reverses the dopamine deficiency in the Parkinsonian syndrome (24). The use of dopa represents one of the most outstanding therapeutic developments in the treatment of neurological diseases. Because the syndrome of manganese toxicity and Parkinsonism are clinically indistinguishable, the same therapy has been applied empirically to both illnesses. Disappearance of rigidity and improvement of postural reflexes, hypokinesia, and dystonia have been observed in patients with chronic manganese poisoning after therapy with dopa (84). As mentioned earlier, mice with the mutant gene “pallid” have congenital ataxia, which can be prevented with large oral doses of manganese. Cotzias et al. (25) studied these mice as a model of the fundamental relationship between manganese and biogenic amines in the brain. Mutant mice had a significantly slower loss of MMn from the body after intraperitoneal injection of the isotope. These data suggested that the animals were manganese deficient. Tissue manganese content was measured by neutron activation in mutant and control mice, and these analyses 512 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 indicated that mutant mice have a deficiency of manganese in the brain and in bone. The manganese content of their liver and kidney is normal. Additionally, L-dopa was administered orally or intraperitoneally to mutant and control mice. After oral administration, mutants showed no cerebral symptoms compared to the presence of cerebral symptoms in all control animals. After intraperitoneal adminstration of L-dopa, mutants had significantly fewer cerebral symptoms than did control mice. Direct analysis demonstrated that L-dopa had increased the concentrations of both dopa and dopamine in brain to a significantly lesser degree in mutant than in control mice. Conversion of intraperitoneally administered L-tryptophan to brain serotonin was also impaired in the mutant mice. These data clearly indicate a defect in this animal’s metabolic capability in handling manganese, L-dopa, and L-tryptophan at a specific site, the brain. Elucidation of this metabolic defect, whether it be related to the blood-brain barrier, a defect in manganese transport, or a decreased capacity to metabolize Ldopa and L-tryptophan, should provide exciting new insights into our understanding of manganese and its role in neurophysiology. Summary Even though manganese is a small integral part of total nutrition, the vital role it plays in metabolic processes cannot be overemphasized. Recent studies have shown that dietary manganese influences domestic animals and both environmental and dietary manganese can adversely affect humans. Although considerable attention has been paid to the role of’ manganese in many biological functions, its specific biochemical action in vivo remains to be explored. Knowledge of the intimate relationship between manganese and various hormones, nucleic acids, therapeutic applications, and biochemical hypotheses are just beginning to emerge. The most striking symptoms of manganese deficiency in animals have been observed in the offspring of manganese-deficient mothers. Studies on manganese deficiency have not been done in humans bearing children with congenital anomalies or with mucopolysaccharidoses. Copper A considerable amount of information on copper is available pertaining to its absorption, biochemical role within the cell, and excretion by various species. As with zinc and manganese, however, there are also great voids in our knowledge of the physiology and biochemistry of copper. Absorption. An adult 70-kg human body contains 80 to 120 mg of copper. The daily copper requirement for humans has been estimated to be 2.5 mg per day. The exact daily consumption varies greatly from one geographic area to another. The copper content of grains varies with that of the soil where they are grown. Copper content of grain determines the cop- per content of diets fed to cattle and sheep. Among foods, shellfish, oysters, organ meats, legumes, dried vegetables, and cocoa contain relatively large amounts of copper. The amount of copper in drinking water depends on its source, the containers used for storage, and the presence or absence of copper plumbing. Copper is absorbed from the stomach and upper gut by at least two mechanisms. One, an energy dependent process, is facilitated by amino acids and probably represents the absorption of copper complexes of amino acids. A larger portion of the absorbed copper is absorbed by the second mechanism and is bound to two protein fractions in the intestinal mucosa. One of these proteins is apparently the copper enzyme, superoxide dismutase (EC The second protein involved in copper absorption is rich in sulfhydryl groups and has the characteristics of metallothionein. This protein may act to provide binding sites for copper which is then slowly released into the plasma transport mechanisms (35). Various factors within the intestinal lumen or within the gut mucosal cell seem to play a significant role in influencing copper absorption. Transition elements such as cadmium, mercury, silver, and zinc compete for binding sites on the intestinal mucosa or on the metallothionein protein. Other dietary ingredients also influence copper absorption, particularly the presence of molybdenum and the sulfate radical, which alter or interfere with copper absorption. The mechanism of this antagonism is unknown. Co-ingested plant protein diminishes copper absorption, perhaps because nonabsorbable complexes are formed with phytic acid. Sulfide anions also react with copper in the gut to form cupric sulfide, which is insoluble. This reaction is used therapeutically in Wilson’s disease to diminish the absorption of dietary copper. The actual mechanisms for copper transport from the gut lumen to the blood are unknown. Copper in blood, and its hepatic distribution. Copper in the blood occurs in erythrocytes, bound to albumin, and complexed with ceruloplasmin and amino acids. The mean value for erythrocytes is 980 ag/liter, for plasma 1.09 mg/liter, about 90% of which is bound to ceruloplasmin. The total copper content of erythrocytes tends to remain constant despite deficiencies of dietary copper or increases in total plasma or hepatic copper. The major portion of copper in the erythrocyte occurs as the enzyme, superoxide dismutase. This enzyme, which also occurs in brain and liver, has the unique role of protecting cells from the injurious effects of the superoxide radical, which inhibits cytochrome c oxidase (EC (80) in the electron transport system. A second component of erythrocyte copper is complexed with amino acids and is freely dialyzable. Plasma albumin appears to be the first carrier to which absorbed or injected copper is bound. Copper complexed with albumin rapidly disappears from the blood with a concomitant increase in hepatic copper content. A small fraction of the total blood copper appears as amino acid complexes, which are in equilibrium with ionic copper and albumin bound copper. This amino acid-copper complex could be important in the entry of copper into cells and cellular components. Ceruloplasmin contains a major portion of the plasma copper in health. This protein is synthesized in the liver. Radioisotopic copper is first bound by albumin, then appears in the liver, and finally appears in ceruloplasmin. It is of significance that there is no exchange of ceruloplasmin copper with nonceruloplasmin copper in the serum. Ceruloplasmin does not act as a transport factor in carrying copper to the liver from the gut, although it does serve as a means of distributing copper to other tissues. The exact mechanism of this transfer is not known at present. Excretion. Very little copper is normally excreted in the urine, and the source of this urinary copper is unknown. Most copper excretion is via the biliary tract (1), by a process that is quite complex and also poorly understood. It is presumed that ionic copper and copper complexed to both albumin and amino acids all contribute to the entrance of copper into the hepatic cell. Once within the cell, copper is cornplexed with a specific metallothionein. This intracellular metallothionein complex is thought to serve as a temporary storage form for copper until it enters hepatic lysosomes, is synthesized into ceruloplasmin and copper enzymes, or is excreted into the bile. While adequate knowledge of all the above hepatic copper complexes is incomplete, the distribution of copper within the hepatic cell and its probable function has been extensively studied (34). Only 10% of hepatic cellular copper is found in the microsomal fraction. Ceruloplasmin and other copper proteins are derived from this fraction. The nuclear fraction contains about 20% of the cellular copper. There is evidence that in this fraction copper may react with, or bind to, polynucleotides. The significance of these observations is not clear. A third subcellular fraction, consisting of mitochondria and lysosomes, contains 20% of the intrahepatic copper. These lysosomes are responsible for much of the copper excreted in the biliary tract. The remaining hepatic fraction, cytosol, contains about 50% of the intrahepatic copper. Here the primary protein is the sulfhydryl-rich metallothionein, a protein that is multi-functional: it releases copper for enzyme synthesis, ceruloplasmin synthesis, or biliary excretion. Copper is excreted in the bile primarily bound to protein macromolecules. A limited amount of copper is excreted as copper-amino acid complexes. The enterohepatic circulation of copper is minimal and the macromolecular copper species undergoes essentially no reabsorption. Copper Anemia. ubiquity Deficiency Copper occurs in sufficient quantity and in foods so that the development of copper CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21. No.4, 1975 513 deficiency in humans consuming a usual varied diet and having normal absorption is unlikely. However, several instances of copper-dependent anemia have been described in children (44, 67). In one of these cases skeletal deformities occurred that were similar to those found in animals with copper deficiency (136). The similarity of these human illnesses to those occurring in other mammals suggests that copper is also an essential element for life, growth, and development in humans. Copper deficiency is manifested in various ways among animal species, and such differences presumably derive from differences in requirements for various forms of copper compounds and their resulting biological activities. Anemia of varying degree and type is found in most instances of copper deficiency (136) in most mammalian species. The earliest and most detailed description of the anemia was that of Lahey et a!. in swine (71). This anemia occurred in association with low concentrations of copper in the blood and was associated with iron deficiency. These authors also evaluated copper metabolism in humans during pregnancy and in various pathological states (72). An earlier study had demonstrated the presence of a dark-blue protein in plasma which contained copper and which was named ceruloplasmin (55). These authors also demonstrated that ceruloplasmin oxidizes aromatic amines. Although of value diagnostically, the physiologic significance of this reaction is still uncertain, although such metabolically important substances as epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and melatonin are oxidized in vitro by ceruloplasmin (95). The role of ceruloplasmin in hematopoiesis has been clarified. Catalysis of absorbed or mobilized iron from the ferrous to the ferric state by ceruloplasmin is necessary for transport of all iron used for hemoglobin synthesis (35). Although the mechanism is not clear, a neutropenia, which sometimes precedes the change in erythrocytes, has been noted in copper-deficiency anemia (67). Enzo#{244}ticneonatal ataxia. Incoordination of movement and gross ataxia are symptoms found in copper-deficient neonates of many species (136). The pathological condition seems to be one of demyelination, producing a widespread encephalopathy with cavitation and collapse of the cerebrum. Copper concentrations in the plasma are very subnormal and the afflicted animals are usually born of mothers grazing on herbage from copper-depleted soil. Various studies correlating symptoms and pathological findings with depleted activities of the copper enzyme, cytochrome oxidase, indicate strongly that decreased activity of this enzyme results in the clinical and pathological findings typical of enzo#{246}tic neonatal ataxia (56). The oxidation of reduced cytochrome marks the terminal event in the electron transport chain. This reaction requires molecular oxygen and the endproduct is H20. Cytochrome oxidase catalyzes this terminal reaction in the electron transport system. It 514 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.21, No.4, 1975 follows that cytochrome oxidase is necessary for all cellular metabolism. Cyanide is a lethal agent that acts with great rapidity because even low concentrations of it can inhibit cyto#{231}hrome oxidase at low concentrations. A second factor inherent in the activity of cytochrome oxidase is its ability to promote the formation of phospholipids within the central nervous system, which are then incorporated into myelin (42). Thus, decreased copper results in decreased cytochrome c oxidase activity, which results in decreased incorporation of phospholipid into myelin. The primary biochemical abnormality here may be in the failure of glycerolphosphate acyltransferase (EC and sn-glycerol-3-phosphate to condense, which results in an impairment of phospholipid synthesis. Studies in humans have shown only slight variations in serum copper concentrations in epilepsy (11) and multiple sclerosis (14). Because a.wide variety of diseases of the central nervous system are characterized by demyelination, studies of copper and copper enzyme activities would seem indicated in these diseases. To our knowledge, such studies have not been performed. Defects in connective tissue formation. A defect in connective tissue formation in copper deficiency has manifested itself in many ways. Copper-deficient chicks produce abnormal elastic tissue, resulting in aortic rupture and malformation of other vessels (93). A similar lesion has been described in copperdeficient swine (144). Hurley has described in detail the abnormalities in bone formation-including gross malformation, disorders of epiphyseal structure, and deformities of joints-associated with copper deficiency. In all of these abnormalities the organic matrix, rather than the mineral content, seems to be involved (5). In a series of elegantly structured research endeavors it has been shown that monoamine oxidase (EC, a copper-containing enzyme, is present in many animal tissues (54). Abnormalities in the solubility of elastic tissue have been shown to be associated with, and presumably due to, low monoamine oxidase activities. Monoamine oxidase catalyzes the oxidative deamination of lysine residues of elastin peptide chains to produce desmosine, the compound that forms the cross-links between elastin fibers in elastic tissue. The consequent failure to form normal elastic tissue results, in turn, in rupture of the aorta or other large vessels. It seems likely that similar defects in collagen tissue in the bone matrix result from this common defect. In cattle, copper deficiency results in progressive heart failure characterized by replacement of normal myocardium with fibrotic tissue (9). Sudden deaths, presumably from acute heart failure, may occur. Abnormalities of collagen and connective tissue related to copper deficiency have not been reported in humans. However, to our knowledge, copper studies have not been performed in such obvious diseases as (e.g.) Marfan’s syndrome, dissect- ing aneurysm, Legg-Calv#{233}-Perthes disease (osteochondritis of the capitular epiphysis of the femur), or idiopathic myocardial fibrosis. The role of copper in these diseases with connective tissue abnormalities deserves careful study. Achromotrichia and albinism. Lerner et al. (77) first demonstrated that tyrosinase plays an integral role in skin pigmentation. Tyrosinase (EC catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine to 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine (dopa). Dopa is subsequently converted to melanin. A complete lack of tyrosinase results in albinism in humans. Albinism is characterized by a complete lack of melanin pigment and consequent intolerance to sunlight. Most animals other than the pig will also show alteration in pigmentation of hair or wool when they are copper deficient. The alterations in color, texture, and quantity of the wool of sheep was of economic importance before the recognition of the adverse effects of copper deficiency. While the changes in pigmentation may be derived from the relative absence of tyrosinase, the failure to develop or maintain crimp in sheep’s wool appears to be a result of deficient disulfide groups, which form cross-linkages in keratin. This abnormality may be similar to the defect in the desmosine cross-linkages in aortic elastic tissue. Menkes’ kinky hair syndrome. originally described a progressive Menkes et al. (86) brain disease in in- fants. This encephalopathy clinically appeared to involve most of the central nervous system, was accompanied by pili torti, and showed X-linked recessive inheritance. Scattered case reports have added the additional findings of abnormalities of the metaphyses of long bone, abnormal elastic tissue in arteries, and tortuosity of cerebral vessels. Danks et al. (30) reported on seven cases and added hypothermia to the clinical picutre described above. He found serum copper and ceruloplasmin to be subnormal in his patients. French [quoted in Evans (35)] stated that brain tissue in this disease was practically devoid of the copper enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase. Danks has reported some transient clinical improvement in his patients when copper was given parenterally. Danks has also shown marked accumulation of copper in the intestinal mucosa of these patients despite low plasma copper concentrations. Thus, this copper-deficiency syndrome in humans demonstrated many of the abnormalities described in various animals with experimental copper deficiency. The absence of anemia in these infants is remarkable and is at variance with the findings in experimental copper deficiency. It is readily apparent that the bizarre clinical picture of copper deficiency in the experimental animal, long known to veterinarians and nutritionists, has a counterpart in humans. Copper Excess Wilson’s disease tion). Wilson’s entity characterized (hepato-lenticular disease is a well-recognized by a familial tendency, degenera- clinical incoordi- nation, ataxia, progressive mental deterioration, and a post-necrotic hepatic cirrhosis (145). Patients with Wilson’s disease show decreased plasma concentrations of copper and of ceruloplasmin. The relative amounts of copper bound by amino acids and albumin are increased. The rate at which blood is cleared of injected copper by all organs, including the liver, is depressed. Thus, hepatic uptake of copper is decreased and there is diminished hepatic synthesis of ceruloplasmin. Despite diminished copper uptake, tissue copper content is generally increased. The high concentrations of copper in liver and brain are of particular importance because they appear to bear a direct relationship to the pathologic dysfunction displayed by these organs. Urinary copper excretion is increased but excretion of copper via the biliary tract is markedly diminished; hence, fecal copper excretion is decreased. Extensive studies by Sternlieb et al. (126), Cartwright et al. (13), and numerous other investigators have produced considerable evidence that diminished excretion of copper through the biliary tract is the most significant physiological aberration involved in copper retention. Other hypotheses have been: (a) increased absorption, based on higher levels of radioactivity in blood after administration of ra- dioactive copper, (b) increased binding of copper to hepatic protein, and (c) failure to form ceruloplasmin. Although a diminished plasma ceruloplasmin concentration is a hallmark of the disease, it is not the only factor in the pathogenesis of Wilson’s disease. Patients have been described with symptoms of the disease who have normal or only slightly depressed concentrations of ceruloplasmin, and depressed concentrations of ceruloplasmin have been noted in asymptomatic persons. Sternlieb et al. (126) demonstrated uptake of radioactive copper by the cytosol of hepatic cells in patients with Wilson’s disease. The association of this copper with small copper-binding molecules was not significantly abnormal. Although the rate of transfer of radioactive copper to larger protein molecules of the cytosol and to the lysosomes was markedly diminished, the total lysosomal copper content nevertheless greatly exceeded normal values. Increased lysosomal copper content seemed to be related to the almost complete lack of radioactive copper within the biliary tract. One modification of this concept, in regard to the hepatic binding of copper, may be appropriately based on the work of Evans et al. (36). This investigator continued his valuable and numerous contributions to this field by comparing the binding constant for copper-binding protein (metallothionein) from patients with Wilson’s disease to that from normal subjects. The apoprotein was prepared in each group and copper metallothionein was prepared by equilibrium dialysis. The constant for the protein in Wilson’s disease was four times greater than in the normal, a finding that lends support to the previous suggestion by Uzman et al. (138) that the disturbed balance of copper storage in Wilson’s disease might be explained by the presCLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 515 ence of an abnormal protein with an increased affinity for binding copper. Walshe (145) has described the classical manifestations of Wilson’s disease and has stressed that accumulation of excess copper in the liver usually precedes that in the central nervous system. Hepatic accumulation of copper is more marked and occurs earlier than in the central nervous system. The mechanism of cellular damage with copper accumulation is unclear. However, the very interesting studies by Chvapil have recently been reviewed (16). These studies show that copper labilizes membranes and thereby makes cells and organelles more susceptible to injury. Cirrhosis has been produced by injecting copper into experimental animals. Biliary obstruction, particularly, that found in primary biliary cirrhosis, results in increased concentrations of copper and ceruloplasmin in plasma. The biochemical abnormality within the brain substance is also uncertain. However, membrane lability with excess copper would seem to be of importance in the brain as it is in the case of liver. Copper is deposited in those areas of the brain that are normally most pigmented, the subst.antia nigra and the locus caeruleus. There is no general agreement as to anatomical changes within the brain. Treatment of Wilson’s disease has broadly been directed toward removal of excess body stores of copper. Chelating agents, first BAL (2,3-dimercaptopropanol) and later penicillamine, have been helpful in increasing the urinary excretion of copper. Limitation of copper in the diet and addition of potassium sulfide, which will diminish copper absorption, have also proved helpful. Even with these measures, maintaining a negative copper balance may be difficult. Early diagnosis, and persistent vigorous therapy will usually be rewarded by amelioration of symptoms or cessation in the progression of the disease. Hormonal factors in copper metabolism. Although knowledge of the abnormalities to be found in the serum copper concentrations are of great value in detecting patients with Wilson’s disease, these can only be properly interpreted when knowledge of other factors affecting copper metabolism are appreciated. First consideration must be given to the factors producing physiological alteration in plasma copper. Important among these is the effect of hormones on copper metabolism. The pituitary, through elaboration of growth hormone and its anabolic effect on protein synthesis, seems to affect copper metabolism. Hypophysectomized rats, examined three weeks after operation, tend to have a greater hepatic copper content than controls. Administration of growth hormone to hypophysectomized rats resulted in diminished hepatic copper content. The action of corticotropin is unclear except when it causes alteration of adrenal cortical secretion. The relation between adrenal cortical function and copper metabolism is itself complex. Supranormal serum copper values are reportedly associated with decreased adrenal cortical activity. Repeated experiments have demonstrated 516 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 21, No.4, 1975 that adrenal steroids depress hepatic copper concentrations primarily by enhancing the biliary excretion of copper (83). In part, this corticosteroid effect results from the increased rate of bile secretion that cortisone induces. A circadian pattern of variation in serum copper and ceruloplasmin has been discerned. Lower concentrations of copper and ceruloplasmin occur at times when corticotropin and hydrocortisone concentrations are highest (78, 90). The mechanism whereby high serum copper occurs in adrenal insufficiency is extremely complex. This process is discussed further in the section on zinc. Injections of epinephrine tend to produce increases in plasma copper and ceruloplasmin in control and adrenalectomized rats, although the mechanism is not clear and may be more broadly related to stress situations. In particular, exhausting tended by increases plasmin. physical in plasma exercise copper has been atand cerulo- Experiments in various species of mammals have resulted in divergent observations regarding the effect of the thyroid gland on copper metabolism. The most striking effect on copper and ceruloplasmin in the plasma are the increases produced by estrogens. These hormones increase physiologically during pregnancy and their effects on copper are readily reproduced by the injection or ingestion of estrogens. The effect appears to be the result of estrogenic stimulation of ceruloplasmin synthesis. Serum ic states. copper values in physiologic and patholog- There are several clinical conditions in humans in which low concentrations of copper are found in the serum. Hypocupremia occurs with kwashiorkor, in which inadequate copper may be ingested and its absorption may be impaired secondary to the protein-calorie deficit. In sprue and celiac disease copper values are low for similar reasons. They also are low in nephrosis, and the urinary loss of copper and copper-binding protein seem to be responsible. Many acute and chronic diseases are accompanied by increased concentrations of copper and ceruloplasmin in the serum. Often these increases may be related to ceruloplasmin being an acute phase reac- tant. The effect of leukocyte endogenous mediator in increases in acute phase reactant has been discussed in the section on zinc. Increased concentrations of ceruloplasmin and serum copper occur in pregnancy and with estrogen therapy, as in the use of oral contraceptives. Extremely high concentrations of ceruloplasmin have been found in various lymphomas, particularly Hodgkin’s disease. Response to therapy, when successful, may be accompanied by a return of serum copper values to normal and re-activation of the disease may be anticipated when the serum copper and ceruloplasmin values begin to rise. Copper Toxicity Copper toxicity is relatively uncommon. The ingestion of more than 15 mg of elemental copper usually produces nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and intestinal cramps. In more severe cases, intravascular hemolysis is seen. This phenomenon has also been seen in renal dialysis units in which an excess of copper was transferred from the dialysis bath to the patient. Studies of this hemolytic anemia indicate that copper sulfate may inhibit glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC activity, inhibit erythrocyte glycolysis, denature hemoglobin, and oxidize glutathione (40). Any of these processes could result in hemolysis. In India, ingestion of copper sulfate is a relatively common way of committing suicide. Studies by Chuttani et al. (15) have shown that severe cases develop jaundice, dilatation of the central veins of the liver, and varying degrees of acute hepatic necrosis. Tubular swelling, glomerular congestion, and hemoglobin casts in the urine were frequently found. Summary The present knowledge of copper metabolism and the disease states resulting from copper deficiency and excess have been reviewed briefly. Even the wellrecognized pathological states relating to copper are not accompanied by a complete knowledge of the biochemical disturbances resulting from the copper abnormality. The precise mechanism resulting in Wilson’s disease is not established. Why species differences occur in response to copper deficiency is not known. The presence of normal erythrocytes in Menkes’ disease, when all copper stores should be depleted, is intriguing, and contrasts with the easily produced copper-deficiency anemia found in pigs. Rapid continuation in the growth of knowledge in this field is certain. It seems apparent to us that growth in this area depends on basic research in enzymology, trace-element interactions, and the effect of trace elements on membranes. Finally, dissemination of this information to the practicing physician is of equal importance if he is to recognize known disorders in human trace element metabolism and to discover presently unknown disorders. Concluding Remarks In preparing this review it was apparent to us that advances in the field of trace elements have been made rapidly in a wide variety of disciplines. We have tried to summarize these advances for zinc, manganese, and copper, particularly as these findings relate to humans. At the same time we have tried to designate areas where information is lacking or is incomplete. In a few instances we have attempted to speculate in order to integrate diverse information from various fields into a unified thesis. Of particular interest to us with regard to zinc, manganese, and copper was a recurring theme associated with the deficient state. Deficiency of each of these elements was associated with characteristic integumentary and skeletal abnormalities, congenital anomalies (most dramatic in the case of zinc deficiency), defects in growth and development, and abnor- malities in sensory perception. We believe that the whole field of trace-element metabolism, as it relates to man, is in the prepubertal stage of growth and development. A tremendous growth phase lies just ahead. Thus, we have tried to delineate where we stand today in our knowledge of these three elements and, perhaps to some extent, where we are going in the future. We wish to thank the thousands of investigators whose work we have reviewed; without them this manuscript would not have been possible. References S. J., and Vallee, B. L., Copper metabolism in man. 265,892 (1961). 2. Amdur, B. 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