CEYLON TEA BROKERS PLC PB 1280 PQ INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30TH JUNE 2016 CEYLON TEA BROKERS PLC Statement of Comprehensive Income for Period Ended 30th June For the Quarter Ended 30.06.2016 30.06.2015 Rs. Rs. Revenue Variance % 81,441,404 89,624,079 -9% (15,819,014) (14,896,749) 6% Gross Profit 65,622,390 74,727,330 -12% Marketing Expenses (7,057,064) (9,240,143) -24% Administration Expenses (38,068,978) (39,774,282) -4% Finance Expenses (16,055,875) (16,874,455) -5% 4,440,473 8,838,450 -50% (2,076,512) (3,191,931) -35% 2,363,961 5,646,519 -58% 0.02 0.05 Operating Expenses Profit Before Taxation Taxation Profit After Taxation Earnings Per Share figures in brackets indicate deductions. 1 CEYLON TEA BROKERS PLC Statement of Financial Position as at 30th June 30.06.2016 Rs. ASSETS Non-Current Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Intangible Assets Loans to Tea Suppliers Deferred Tax Asset 30.06.2015 Rs. 31.03.2016 Rs. 28,774,445 4,559,774 166,385,041 774,608 200,493,868 14,534,639 5,766,895 76,123,481 911,628 97,336,643 30,193,304 5,215,632 43,674,142 774,608 79,857,686 636,476,840 67,883,671 60,453,497 764,814,008 646,648,243 146,197,880 75,769,757 868,615,880 647,146,635 55,253,236 90,539,496 792,939,367 Total Assets 965,307,876 965,952,523 872,797,053 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Capital and Reserves Stated Capital Reserves Share Based Payment Total Equity 128,000,000 69,803,230 (994,082) 196,809,148 128,000,000 89,808,553 208,219 218,016,772 128,000,000 81,689,269 (994,082) 208,695,187 894,165 12,072,903 12,967,068 3,277,669 12,115,498 15,393,167 1,415,811 11,983,168 13,398,979 146,371,187 261,897,664 3,089,439 344,173,371 755,531,661 139,550,396 276,190,179 4,541,208 312,260,801 732,542,584 157,785,347 101,861,858 3,013 1,176,038 389,876,631 650,702,887 Total Liabilities 768,498,729 747,935,751 664,101,866 Total Equity and Liabilities 965,307,876 965,952,523 872,797,053 1.73 1.91 1.83 Current Assets Trade and Other Receivables Loans to Tea Suppliers Cash and Cash Equivalents Non-Current Liabilities Interest Bearing Borrowings Retirement Benefit Obligation Current Liabilities Trade and Other Payables Interest Bearing Borrowings Amount due to Related Party Tax Payable Bank Overdrafts Net Asset Value Per Share I certify that the above financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of Companies Act No 7 of 2007. …………....……… Manager Finance The Board of Directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of these Financial Statements. Signed for and on behalf of the board by: ………..…...……………… Director ………..……………… Director 10th August 2016 Colombo 2 CEYLON TEA BROKERS PLC Statement of Changes in Equity For the Period Ended 30th June 2016 Stated Capital Rs. Retained Earnings Rs. Share Based Payment Transaction Rs. Rs. Balance as at 01.04.2015 Profit for the period ended 31.03.2016 Other Comprehensive Income Share based payment transaction Dividend Paid Balance as at 31.03.2016 128,000,000 128,000,000 84,162,035 25,942,399 84,835 (28,500,000) 81,689,269 Balance as at 01.04.2016 128,000,000 81,689,269 (994,082) 208,695,187 Profit for the period ended 30.06.2016 Dividend Paid Balance as at 30.06.2016 128,000,000 2,363,961 (14,250,000) 69,803,230 (994,082) 2,363,961 (14,250,000) 196,809,148 figures in brackets indicate deductions. 3 208,219 (1,202,301) (994,082) Total 212,370,254 25,942,399 84,835 (1,202,301) (28,500,000) 208,695,187 CEYLON TEA BROKERS PLC Statement of Cash Flows For the Period Ended 30th June 2016 30.06.2016 Rs. Cash Flow From Operating Activities Profit Before Taxation Adjustments for ; Depreciation/Amortisation Interest Income Interest Expense Provision for Retirement Benefit Obligation Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debt Proceeds from sale of Assets Share Based Payment Cash Generated from/(Used In)Operating Activities Before Working Capital Changes 30.06.2015 Rs. 4,440,473 8,838,450 2,568,822 (26,300,440) 16,055,875 710,235 3,000,000 (12,000) - 2,166,561 (31,905,040) 16,874,455 710,235 3,600,000 462,965 - 284,661 Increase/Decrease in Working Capital Increase in Trade and Other Receivables Loans (Disburstments)/Recoveries From (To) Tea Suppliers Increase in Trade and Other Payables Cash Generated from/(Used In) Operating Activities 10,669,795 (138,341,334) (11,414,160) (138,622,734) 278,337,158 (67,104,694) (165,741,927) 45,775,198 Tax Paid Gratuity Paid Net Generated from/(Used In) Operating Activities (163,112) (620,500) (139,406,346) (5,082,934) (202,500) 40,489,764 Cash Flow From Investing Activities Interest Received Proceeds from sale of Assets Acquisition of Intangible Assets Purchase of Property, Plant & Equipment 26,300,440 12,000 (51,000) (443,105) 25,818,335 31,905,040 (16,055,875) (3,013) (14,250,000) (16,874,455) (521,646) 160,035,806 (240,357,450) 100,000,000 129,205,272 (157,231,905) Net Increase/( Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 15,617,261 (85,790,759) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Period (299,337,135) (150,700,285) Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period (283,719,874) (236,491,044) Cash Flow From Financing Activities Interest Paid Loan obtained/(repaid) from/to Related Party Dividend Paid Movement in Interest Bearing Borrowings Loan repayment made during the period Loan obtained during the period Net Proceeds Received/(Paid) for commercial papers issued figures in brackets indicate deductions. 4 (953,658) 30,951,382 - Notes to the Financial Statements: 1. Figures for the year ended and as at 30th June 2016 are unaudited. 2. The Company is required to prepare Interim Financial Statements in accordance with LKAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting. Following are the areas where the significant accounting policies have an impact on the financial st statements compared to SLAS existed immediately prior to 1 January 2012. -The same accounting policies and methods of computation are followed in the interim financial statements as compared with audited annual financial statements as at 31st March 2016. -Impairement of Loans & Advances granted have been assessed based on individually significant customers where there is an objective evidence of Impairement. -Staff loans granted have been recognised at fair value at the time of granting and resultant adjustments were accounted as prepaid staff cost and amortised over the tenure of the loan on a straight line basis. Interest income was recognised using effective interest rate method. -Loans granted to customers were recognised at fair value plus directly attributable transaction costs and fee income, initially. Subsequent measurement of loans were recognised at amortised cost using effective interest rate. -Storage & Storage Related Income were recognised on accrual basis for the period of service provided by the company instead of the date of auction. 3. The nature of related party transactions in the current period is similar to those reported in the Audited Financial Statements – 2015/2016. 4. There were no significant events that occurred subsequent to the end of the interim period which require disclosure or adjustments in the interim financial statements. 5. There were no contingent liabilities identified in the foreseeable future which require disclosure in the financial statements. 6. To facilitate comparison and where relevant, balances pertaining to the previous period have been reclassified. 7. Market prices recorded during the year ended 30th June 2016. 2016/17 -1st Quarter Highest Rs. 4.40 Lowest Rs.2.90 Closing Rs. 3.90 Date: Date: 25.04.2016 01.04.2016 5 Notes to the Financial Statements (Continued): 8. Directors' holding in shares as at 30th June 2016 Shareholding (No. of Shares) Director's Name Mr. C P R Perera (Chairman) Mr. W A T Fernando (Managing Director) Mr. K H S Deshapriya (Executive Director) Mr. M J C S Perera (Director/Chief Executive Officer) Mr. B R L Fernando Mr. W De Silva (Director/Chief Operating Office) Ms. N T M S Cooray Ms. H M S Perera Mr. Dhayan H Madawala 9. 1,928,800 2,000,210 260,000 56,795 7,900 100 - % 1.692% 1.755% 0.228% 0.050% 0.007% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 20 major shareholders as at 30th June 2016. As at 30th June 2016 No. of Shares % Shareholder's Name SEYLAN BANK PLC/CAPITAL ALLIANCE HOLDINGS LIMITED COLOMBO TRUST FINANCE PLC/ K. E. H. DE ALWIS ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CORPORATION LTD MR.W. A. T. FERNANDO MR.C. P. R. PERERA PAN ASIA BANKING CORPORATION PLC/MR.A.W.L.R SILVA & MRS. P. M. ABAYASEKARA MR D A EDUSSURIYA MR. K. H. S. DESHAPRIYA SINDBAD (PRIVATE) LIMITED MR E M R EGODAWATTE MR N A WITHANA MERCHANT BANK OF SRI LANKA LTD A/C NO 1 MR. R. P. K. N. DE SILVA MR Y L NANDASENA MR.R. A. RAJAPAKSE MISS C S WANIGASEKARA MR P G PIYASIRI MR P G W SIRISENA MR M DAYANANDA MR E J A G FERNANDO Others 92,747,000 5,782,958 2,830,166 2,000,210 1,928,800 81.357% 5.073% 2.483% 1.755% 1.692% 1,000,000 320,000 260,000 222,210 215,973 208,000 193,155 178,436 166,926 158,544 156,000 148,328 125,000 125,000 124,500 108,891,206 5,108,794 114,000,000 0.877% 0.281% 0.228% 0.195% 0.189% 0.182% 0.169% 0.157% 0.146% 0.139% 0.137% 0.130% 0.110% 0.110% 0.109% 95.519% 4.481% 100.000% 10. Percentage of public holding as at 30th June 2016 was 14.89% comprising of 1,594 shareholders. 6