Surely We Must Learn to Read before We Learn to Write!

Surely We Must Learn to Read before We Learn to Write!
Mike Lopez
University of Newcastle, Australia
Manukau Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Ken Sutton
Tony Clear
Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand
AUT University, New Zealand
While analysing students’ marks in some comparable
code-reading and code-writing questions on a beginners’
programming exam, we observed that the weaker students
appeared to be able to write code with markedly more
success than they could read it. Examination of a second
data set from a different institution failed to confirm the
observation, and appropriate statistical analysis failed to
find any evidence for the conclusion. We speculate on the
reasons for the lack of a firm finding, and consider what
we might need to do next in order to more thoroughly
explore the possibility of a relationship between the codereading and code-writing abilities of novice programming
Keywords: reading programs, writing programs, novice
BRACElet, reading, and writing
For many good writers
my heart has been bleeding
when beginners would try
to learn English by reading.
Forgive me, good readers
whom I may be slighting
in my selfish attempt
to learn English by writing.
(Piet Hein, Danish scientist, mathematician, and poet)
It is intuitively obvious that one cannot learn to write
until one has learnt to read. However, many things that
are intuitively obvious are in fact wrong. While we
generally accept that this obvious rule applies to reading
and writing natural languages such as English, we have
chosen to explore whether it applies equally to reading
and writing a programming language. We explore this
question because, while it seems obvious to us that one
cannot learn to write without first learning to read, many
of our students appear not to agree.
BRACElet (Whalley et al., 2006, Clear, Edwards et
al., 2008) is a multinational multi-institutional empirical
study of students in introductory programming courses,
Copyright © 2009, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This
paper appeared at the Eleventh Australasian Computing
Education Conference (ACE2009), Wellington, New Zealand,
January 2009. Conferences in Research and Practice in
Information Technology, Vol. 95. Margaret Hamilton and Tony
Clear, Eds. Reproduction for academic, not-for-profit purposes
permitted provided this text is included.
whose overall purpose is to better understand how
novices learn to read and write computer programs. A
recent BRACElet initiative has been to ensure that
programming exams include comparable reading and
writing questions, with a view to analysing the nature of
students’ answers to these questions. In this paper,
though, we concentrate on a purely quantitative analysis
of the students’ marks on these questions.
Expressed formally, the question that we hope to
answer is this: does a novice programmer need to be able
to read program code in order to be able to write program
The questions
The data analysed in this paper come from two different
examinations at two different institutions: a final exam at
a polytechnic in New Zealand and a final exam at a
university in Australia. Nevertheless, both instruments
included program reading questions and program writing
questions that their creators felt were of similar difficulty,
and both therefore provide useful data for this study.
If the courses were identical, we would have a single
set of data and little confidence in its generality. But at
the very least these two courses differ in the nature of the
institutions at which they are taught, in the programming
language used to teach them, and in the nature of their
exams. Therefore any interesting results arising from
them have a greater chance of being generalisable.
The university final exam
The university course, an introductory programming
course for students in an IT degree, uses Visual Basic as
its language of instruction. The selected questions from
this exam can be summarised as follows.
Q23 (reading, 5 marks): explain the purpose of a loop,
which counts the number of non-zero values in an array
of integers.
Q25f (reading, 3 marks): explain the purpose of a loop
that adds a predefined number of integer inputs and then
divides by that number.
Q22 (writing, 5 marks): display the squares of
successive integers, each on its own line, starting with the
square of 1, until it has displayed all of the positive
squares that are less than 1000.
Q24a (writing, 5 marks): append a family name,
comma, space, and other names, unless both family name
and other names are blank, in which case an error
message is displayed.
The polytechnic exam
The polytechnic course, also an introductory
programming course for computing students, uses Java as
its language of instruction. The selected questions from
this exam can be summarised as follows.
Q4 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop involving an array and string concatenation.
Q5 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop involving an array and an if statement with &&.
Q6 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop involving an array and an if statement, and infer
the purpose of the loop.
Q7 (reading, 3 marks): generate the output of part of a
sorting program, infer the purpose of the part, and
recognise the purpose of the whole.
Q8 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop that finds the maximum element in an array,
and infer its purpose.
Q9 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop that finds the index of the minimum element in
an array, and infer its purpose.
Q10 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a loop involving an array and a while statement with
Q11 (reading, 2 marks): generate the output produced
by a method involving a parameter, an array, and loop
and break statements, and infer its purpose.
Q14 (reading, 1 mark): select from a list a code
segment equivalent to the one provided, which includes
an if statement and boolean variables.
Q16 (reading, 1 mark): deduce the value of a variable
after completion of a loop that involves arrays and an if –
then – else if – then – else statement.
Q12 (writing, 3 marks): write a nested loop involving
print and println to produce a square of asterisks.
Q13 (writing, 4 marks – a Parsons problem): unjumble
the provided lines of code to write a segment that finds
the average of the numbers in an array.
Comparability of the questions and marks
Whether the reading and writing questions are really
comparable is a vexed question. Of course there are
elements of comparability: for example, on the university
exam Q23 asks students to read and understand a simple
loop, and Q22 asks them to write a simple loop. But there
are also necessarily differences, as it would (probably!)
not be reasonable to ask students in one question to read
and understand a given piece of code, and in another to
write the same piece of code. So while Q23 uses a for
loop and includes an if statement, Q22 involves a while
loop and the production of successive lines of output.
The lecturers of the two courses involved have
determined that these questions are in some sense
comparable – or, for this study, that the selected set of
reading questions is reasonably comparable to the
selected set of writing questions – but we have no
objective scale of difficulty with which to measure each
question and verify that determination.
In addition, reading questions and writing questions
will often be marked differently. One of the early
questions explored by BRACElet was whether successful
reading of a code segment could entail tracing the code
line by line, or whether it necessarily entailed
understanding the purpose of the code (Lister et al 2006,
Whalley et al 2006). With this distinction in mind, both of
the university reading questions and about half of the
polytechnic reading questions have marks allocated for
explaining the purpose of the code, a criterion that really
tends to be all or nothing.
On the other hand, it might be relatively easy to get
part marks for a code-writing question. Traynor et al.
(2006) quote a student as saying “Well, most of the
questions are looking for the same thing, and you usually
get the marks for making the answer look correct. Like if
it’s a searching problem, you put down a loop, and you
have an array and an if statement. That usually gets you
the marks ... Not all of them, but definitely a pass.”
Denny et al. (2008) also comment on the nature of
code-writing rubrics and their potential deficiencies. The
analysis that follows must be considered in the light of
these issues.
Reading as a precursor
arguments for and against
We remarked in the introduction that while we believe a
programming novice must learn to read before learning to
write, many of our students do not agree.
Students in the university course addressed in this
paper were given a weekly sheet of exercises. As has
always been the case in this course, most of the exercises
involved writing code. However, to help prepare the
students for the reading questions on the exam, this year
almost every sheet started with a single question that
asked the students to explain the purpose of a code
segment that was provided, or to answer other questions
that would show their understanding of the code. Almost
without fail, students would skip this question and go
straight to the first code-writing question. When asked
why, some of them explained that it was a lot easier to
write code, with compilation error messages to help point
the way, than to read it.
While no BRACElet publication has yet addressed the
question as we are doing here, others have touched on it,
without providing definitive answers. For instance Denny
et al. (2008) found that a code writing task was easier
than a code tracing task, but that there was a correlation
between code tracing and code writing (Spearman’s r
squared .37). Similarly, Lopez et al. (2008) found that
the correlation between the ability to explain code and
writing was positive (Pearson correlation .5586 at the
0.01 significance level). The path diagram proposed in
Lopez et al. (2008) further suggested strong relationships
between code ‘reading’ and ‘writing’ (as defined in the
paper), but without necessarily implying a direction
between the relationships. So the causation remains to be
The analysis
What we have done for this analysis is compare students’
marks on the reading questions with their marks on the
supposedly comparable writing questions. Because there
are different numbers of marks available for the two sets
of questions, we first gave each student a single
First findings
We began by looking at the correlation between the
university students’ reading and writing marks. We found
a strong correlation (r(27)=0.6543; p<0.01; adjusted
R2=41%) between these which is consistent with the
studies mentioned above. Such a correlation, however,
tells us nothing about the direction of possible causal
relationships. To explore the causality, we carried out a
visual inspection of the relationship between the marks.
Our first finding, shown in figure 1, stunned us. The
figure shows a plot of the university students’ writing
marks against their reading marks. If students need to be
able to read before they can write, we would expect the
reading marks to be higher than the writing marks, and
the bulk of the points to lie below the diagonal. This is
indeed the case with the higher-scoring students, those to
the right side of the plot; and this indeed makes sense for
those students, many of whom scored full or nearly full
marks for the reading, while falling a little short of that
mark for the writing.
Overall mark in exam
Figure 2: writing-reading difference against overall
exam result, with trend line (university)
The data set is quite small, limited to those few
students in the course who gave their consent to have
their results analysed for this project; but an informal
glance at the other hundred or so students in the course
suggests that this pattern is reasonably representative of
the whole class.
This was a somewhat startling discovery, running
completely counter to our intuitive belief that students
who perform poorly overall, and indeed students who
perform poorly on code-reading tasks, will also perform
poorly on code-writing tasks. We appear to have
discovered that students can write before they learn to
Figure 1: writing mark vs reading mark in the
university course
The left side of the plot, though, tells a different story.
The weaker students are all close to the diagonal or above
it, some of them well above it, suggesting that they can
write code at least as well as, and in many cases far better
than, they can read it.
As a first attempt to confirm this trend, we took the
difference between each student’s reading and writing
marks and plotted it against the student’s overall course
result (figure 2). There is a clear trend to this plot: the
worst students (those on the left side of the plot) clearly
perform better on the writing tasks than on the reading
tasks. Dividing the class somewhat arbitrarily into
terciles (or thirds), the bottom tercile (the worst third of
the students) average 30% better on writing than on
reading; the middle tercile average just 12% better on
writing than on reading; and the top tercile average 7%
worse on writing than on reading.
A second data set
If the effect we observe here is real, we would expect it to
be evident across disparate data sets. Having access to a
second data set, that for the polytechnic course, we
proceeded to examine that data in the same way.
In this dataset we also found a strong correlation
(r(22)=0.9056; p<.01; adjusted R2 = 81%) between reading
and writing marks, This correlation was surprisingly high,
but it should be noted that the writing mark included a
Parsons-type question (Parsons & Haden, 2006) which
the literature suggests may be an intermediate level
between reading and writing.
The initial plot of reading scores against writing scores
(figure 3) is rather better clustered about the diagonal
than the plot of figure 1, with no suggestion that the
weaker students do better at writing than at reading.
The subsequent plot of the reading-writing difference
(figure 4) actually shows a slight trend in the opposite
direction to that shown in figure 2, suggesting that
Writing mark minus reading mark
percentage mark for the reading questions and a single
percentage mark for the writing questions. We then
compared these marks for each student.
Figure 3: writing mark vs reading mark in the
polytechnic course
Overall mark in exam
Writing z-score minus reading z-score
Figure 4: writing-reading difference against overall
exam result, with trend line (polytechnic)
students do in fact need to learn to read before they can
learn to write.
Statistical analysis and z-scores
The apparent finding from the university results is
counterintuitive, but appears quite strong. However,
similar examination of the polytechnic results fails to
confirm the finding. As both of these findings arise from
inspection, it is clear that some rather more rigorous
analysis is required.
Our next step was to standardise the values that we are
On the university test, the reading questions are
marked out of 8 and the writing questions out of 10. The
difference between a student’s writing and reading marks
is therefore a higher proportion of the reading mark than
of the writing mark. We try to compensate for this by
considering the student’s marks in each section as
percentages of the possible mark, but this introduces a
new problem: the item discrimination of questions may
vary, resulting in a wider spread of marks for some
questions than others. What we need is a way of using the
same measuring scale for both sets of marks.
The solution to these problems is to standardise the
data, which can be done in various ways, and which we
have done in this instance by calculating z-scores for the
marks. The z-score of a data point indicates how far it is
from the mean of the data set, measured in units of
standard deviations. A z-score of 1 indicates a point that
is one standard deviation from the mean, and –1.5
indicates a point that is one and a half standard deviations
away in the opposite direction. The z-score for a point
mark is therefore simply (mark – mean)/StDev.
Figure 5 shows the same data as figure 2, but with the
percentage differences replaced with the corresponding zscores. The scatter of the points is now a fine example of
random noise, and the trend line (which is included in the
figure) is almost exactly horizontal and virtually
indistinguishable from the z-score axis. Standardising the
data has removed any suggestion of a meaningful
relationship between writing-reading difference and exam
Figure 6 shows the same data as figure 4, but again
with the percentage marks replaced by z-scores. Again
the marks display a random scatter, and again the
trendline is virtually indistinguishable from the horizontal
Our first look at figure 1 suggested that poor students
Overall mark in exam
Figure 5: writing-reading z-score difference against
overall exam result, with trend line (university)
do better at code writing than at code reading, while
better students do better at code reading than at code
writing. We appeared to have discovered some evidence
that students do in fact learn to write before they learn to
read. Our first look at a second data set failed to support
the conclusion, and a proper statistical consideration of
the results removed the suggestion entirely.
Discussion and threats to validity
Although in the end we have found nothing, we need to
consider why this is so, and what we might need to do in
the future if we are to discover any causal relationship
between code-reading and code-writing skills.
Why is a causal relationship of interest? Because it can
have a major impact on the way programming is taught to
While we cannot find published references on the
topic, we believe that the ‘typical’ programming course
entails teaching people to write programs, in the
assumption that learning to read programs will
necessarily keep pace. But now and then an instructor
receives a shock with the realisation that many students
cannot even read programs, let alone write them (Lister et
al., 2004). A likely consequence of this realisation is a
shift in teaching approach to one that emphasises reading
and understanding of code before going on to writing it.
On the other hand, if we had indeed found that people can
write programs well without being able to read them,
there would be no need to devote any effort to teaching
Writing z-score minus reading z-score
Writing mark minus reading mark
Overall mark in exam
Figure 6: writing-reading z-score difference against
overall exam result, with trend line (polytechnic)
the latter skill – and we would be arguing that it was
inappropriate to examine program-reading skills in a
course designed to teach program writing.
Comparability of reading and writing
Are the reading and writing questions in these exams
really comparable? BRACElet has devoted some time to
exploring the SOLO taxonomy (Lister et al., 2006, Clear,
Whalley et al., 2008, Sheard et al., 2008) as one
consideration in assessing the difficulty level of codereading questions (Whalley et al., 2006), but we are not
aware of any work that has been done to assign
difficulties at the micro level. Is an assignment statement
easier or harder to read and understand than a print
statement? Is a nested loop easier or harder than an ifthen-else? Is the difficulty of a piece of code simply the
linear sum of the difficulties of its constituent parts? Does
the difficulty depend on how familiar the student is with
the construct? Without answers to these questions, the
comparability of two code-reading questions is ultimately
subjective and intuitive.
Further, while BRACElet has begun to explore the
extension of SOLO to code-writing questions, or possibly
the design of a different taxonomy for code-writing
questions (Clear, Philpott et al., 2008), that exploration is
far from complete, we have no reliable measure of the
difficulty of code-writing questions even at the macro
level, and so we are clearly not in a position to make any
confident assertions about the comparability of particular
code-reading and code-writing questions.
This problematic situation for assessing and
understanding code writing in turn reflects earlier
comments made concerning code reading.
“We have a limited theory base relating to the
comprehension of code … Our state of the art
seems akin to studying reading without the key
notions of comprehension level or reading age”.
(Clear, 2005)
Likewise, there appear to be no equivalent complexity
metrics for code writing. A formal code complexity
measure such as cyclomatic complexity (McCabe, 1976)
may make a possible contribution, but such metrics tend
to be designed to assess an already written large body of
code, rather than the normally small fragments of an
introductory programming course.
Comparability of the marking of reading
and writing questions
If we do manage to overcome the difficulty of assessing
the comparability of reading and writing questions, we
will then face the related but distinct question of the
comparability of their marking. It appears to us that the
student quoted at the end of section 2.3 has a valid point:
it might well be easier to get ‘enough’ marks on a writing
question than on a reading question.
Following earlier work by the Leeds group (Lister et
al., 2004) and BRACElet (Lister et al., 2006), we were
conscious in our exam questions of the distinction
between explaining a code segment line by line and
explaining its overall purpose. Both are evidence of an
ability to read the code, but the wording of many of our
reading questions, and consequently our marking
schemes for them, clearly emphasise the importance of
the latter view, the big-picture understanding of the code.
It is not clear to us that this distinction between lineby-line understanding and big-picture understanding has a
parallel in code-writing questions. If it had, it would
presumably be along the lines that the more abstract an
answer, so long as it was correct, the more marks it would
earn. A correct answer in precise and accurate code
would earn fewer marks than a higher-level pseudocode
answer; and, taken to its logical extreme, the highest
mark would go to the answer that merely rephrased the
question, this being the answer that best expresses the
overall purpose of the code in what SOLO calls a
‘relational’ manner.
Therefore the ideal that we have been setting for codereading questions, that of big-picture understanding of the
overall purpose of the code, is clearly one that we would
be reluctant to apply to code-writing questions. This
being the case, we are at present unclear as to how we
might actually go about determining any comparable
measures of student’s code-reading skills and of their
code-writing skills.
Future work
Where to from here?
We might be able to engage in a more detailed
marking analysis of these data sets, one that would
distinguish between the students’ ability to trace code and
their ability to perceive its overall purpose. This would be
possible for some of the questions in the second data set,
which asked for both tracing and overall-purpose
answers, but not for those in the first data set, which
asked only for the latter.
Particularly if that more detailed analysis is not
possible or not fruitful, we could consider setting further
exam questions that distinguish more clearly between the
different reading-related skills, for example by asking
students both to explain a piece of code line by line and to
explain its overall purpose.
If we are to have a reliable measure of students’
abilities at reading and writing code, we would need to
consider a minute analysis of the difficulty levels of codereading and code-writing questions at the micro level.
We would also need to continue our attempts to find a
difficulty measure for code-writing questions comparable
to the SOLO taxonomy for code-reading questions.
All of this should be done with an open mind and an
acknowledgement that perhaps our counterintuitive nonfinding is right. Many years ago, Sylvia Ashton-Warner
(1963) proposed that teaching children to write English
might be a better way of teaching them to read English
than the traditional approach. Her method, which proved
very successful with New Zealand Maori children, has
not taken the world by storm, but that doesn’t mean it is
entirely without merit. Perhaps Piet Hein was not joking
when he wrote the grook with which this paper began.
Until we have clear evidence one way or the other, we
should keep an open mind about whether our students
need to be able to read code in order to be able to write it.
We are grateful to Raymond Lister for his founding and
driving role in the BRACElet project, and for the specific
ideas that he contributed to the discussion of this work; to
Barbara Boucher Owens for reminding us of Sylvia
Ashton-Warner’s ideas about teaching children to read by
teaching them to write; and to Mats Daniels for alerting
us to the grooks of Piet Hein.
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