Session Outcomes - Western Australian Association for Mental Health


Session Outcomes


This conference is an unparalleled gathering of WA’s Mental Health Sector and the wider community and therefor presents a unique opportunity to capture emerging issues, collective priorities and points of consensus.

To maximise the long term benefits of the conference, all presenters are asked to ensure that their session is outcomes focused .

Outcomes are about what is different for the world, mental health sector or individual participants as a result of your session occurring ?

With the support of Session Managers, presenters are asked to attempt to clarify and articulate some or all of the following, at the end of each session:

Conference Proclamations

It is intended that key points from each session be distilled into up to three concise statements , which will subsequently be collated, combined and organised into a

“Conference Proclamations” document.

This document will be:

Tabled in Western Australian Parliament

 Published as a summary document and made available to delegates and the wider community as part of conference proceedings

Utilised by WAAMH and provided to other key Mental Health bodies to guide future policy, discussions, services and priorities

 Referred to in the development of future conferences and events

It is understood that it is not practical to achieve full consensus of every proposed proclamation for a session. Those submitted will be viewed as broadly representative of the views of attending participants, but not assumed to be the perspective of any individual.

Where possible, presenters are asked to engage with participants to seek ideas and input about suitable proclamations for each session. This can be achieved:

 as a discussion/ brainstorm in the last five minutes of each session

 by referring to the proclamations at the start of the session and collecting them throughout – perhaps via a scribe or on a whiteboard

 by pre-preparing possible proclamations and seeking participant feedback about which ones best represent the feelings of those present

Western Australian Mental Health Conference Outcomes Guidelines 1


Achievements are specific outcomes which have occurred as a result of each session.

It is valuable to record these to assist the conference to measure and quantify the value of the event.

Examples of achievements might be:

 raised awareness among participants regarding …

 developed participant skills in …

 allowed for collaboration between …

 generated ideas about …

 developed solutions to address …

 provided resources to …

Whereas proclamations will be integrated into a single collective “big picture” document, achievements will be recorded as the outcomes linked to each specific session.

Future Actions

Actions are future plans to maximise benefit from the session and encourage follow up.

Actions might include:

 plans for participants to meet or otherwise collaborate in the future

 offers by the Presenter or participants to distribute specific resources or information after the event

 offers by the Presenter or participants to follow up or research specific questions which arose during the session

 plans to develop sessions for future conferences or events

 intentions of participants to utilise specific information / resources / methodologies into their future practice

Western Australian Mental Health Conference Outcomes Guidelines 2

Outcome Examples

Example session

The benefit of fitness training for young people with early onset psychosis:

Presentation and discussion led by a youth mental health service

Electroconvulsive Therapy

2.0: the potential of ultra brief stimulation for depression

An information + Q & A session, presented by a psychiatrist, alongside a consumer who has experienced UBP RUL

Writing Our Way Back

A panel session exploring the role of blogs, journals and creative writing in Recovery.

Sample Proclamations

Social support and lifestyle approaches have a valuable place in the treating of mental illness

Further research into the role of exercise in treating mental illness is needed

Young people are often best served by youth-specific treatment and support

UBP RUL has the potential to be a useful treatment for depression

More work is needed to combat stigma associated with certain treatments

Sample Achievements

Shared the outcomes of the XYZ Inc. experience of the ABC fitness training program

Raised awareness of the impact of exercise on hormone production and links to mental health

Exposed participants to specific exercise tools and resources

Provided participants with current global research information

Addressed a range of myths related to UBP RUL and ECT

Writing has value as a tool for self discovery and Recovery

Writing by consumers should be valued for its expertise, alongside writing from clinicians

Creative and informal writing has the potential to engage diverse audiences and address stigma

Engaged participants in discussion about the value of writing for mental health

Shared a range of tools and resources to assist organisations and individuals to develop their own writing programs

Engaged participants in a reflective writing exercise to demonstrate the value of particular techniques

Sample Actions

XYZ Inc will allow selected participants to observe future fitness programs

Presenter will make specific program resource sheets available as part of the conference proceedings

[name] and [name] will meet next month to further explore pilot funding

The video screened during the session will be added to the conference proceedings

An FAQ document for WA consumers will be developed and distributed

The reflective writing exercise from consenting participants will be compiled into an e-book and distributed via [channel]

The presenter and interested participants will explore the potential of hosting a similar session as part of

 the next Perth Writers’ Festival

New collaborative Carer Blog to be developed.

Western Australian Mental Health Conference Outcomes Guidelines 3

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