Deliverables Committee Terms of Reference

Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization
Deliverables Committee – Terms of Reference Approved by: SEAMO Governing Committee Approved: 2011-­‐11-­‐11 Reviewed by: SEAMO N&GD Committee Revised: 2012-­‐10-­‐02 2013-­‐07-­‐02 Reviewed: Annually Page: 1 of 3 1. Role: The Deliverables Committee advises the Governing Committee with respect to departmental accountability for the resources received and recommends core deliverables for patient care, education, and research and scholarship. 2. Responsibilities: • Establish core deliverables o Receive and review program requirements of the Hospitals and University o Seek clarification where there are inconsistencies and, when necessary, request revised information from the Hospitals and University o Consider contractual, regulatory, and accreditation requirements imposed on the Hospitals, the University, SEAMO and the departments o Take into account that core deliverables should be a representative set of the activities of an academic clinical department and will not represent all activity o Understand there will be asymmetric distribution of departmental contributions to patient care, education, and research o Seek a balance of departmental deliverables that take into consideration the needs of learners, patients, and the broader community o Consult with department heads, the medical school and the Hospitals in the identification of core deliverables o Establish deliverables based on program requirements o Recommend core deliverables for final approval by the SEAMO Governing Committee • Review core deliverables o Re-­‐evaluate deliverable expectations as the internal and external environment changes or at the request of the Hospitals or University o Adjudicate departmental requests for exceptions from expectations o Make recommendations to the SEAMO Governing Committee regarding exception requests •
Monitor performance o Receive regular updates from SEAMO Management regarding departmental performance against and compliance with assigned deliverables. o Assess shortfalls in performance against defined deliverables and recommend to SEAMO Management corrective action. Deliverables Committee – Terms of Reference Approved by: SEAMO Governing Committee Approved: 2011-­‐11-­‐11 Reviewed by: SEAMO N&GD Committee Revised: 2012-­‐10-­‐02 2013-­‐07-­‐02 Reviewed: Annually Page: 2 of 3 •
Report to Governing Committee o Report to the SEAMO Governing Committee as required, no less than quarterly Other o Take into account the Accountability Framework established by the Governing Committee in its adoption of the final Report of the Task Group on Allocation System Review, 2010 February 17, attached to and forming part of these Terms of Reference. o Complete periodic self-­‐assessment of the effectiveness of the Committee against its mandate and report the results to the Board 3. Membership: • Shall be comprised of: 1) Eight (8) voting members including: • The Chair of the committee • Five (5) members shall be physicians in receipt of SEAMO funding and none of whom shall be serving heads of a department • One (1) member shall represent and be selected by the Hospitals o May be selected from amongst ex-­‐officio members, although this is not a requirement • One (1) member shall represent and be selected by the University 2) Four (4) non-­‐voting (ex-­‐officio) members: • Chief of Staff – Kingston General Hospital • Chief of Staff – Hotel Dieu Hospital • Vice President Medical and Academic Programs – Providence Care • Chief Executive Officer, SEAMO •
The composition of the Deliverables Committee must respect the need to take into account the perspectives of the Hospitals, the University and the Clinical Teachers. •
Selection of members of the Deliverables Committee should take into account the Committee’s need to have members who are knowledgeable about the full range of issues related to the provision of patient care, medical education and the conduct of research. Members must be fair and balanced and have demonstrated knowledge of the deliverables of an Academic Health Sciences Centre. •
With the exception of the Chair of the Deliverables Committee, members of the Deliverables Committee shall not hold concurrent membership on the Resources Committee Deliverables Committee – Terms of Reference Approved by: SEAMO Governing Committee Approved: 2011-­‐11-­‐11 Reviewed by: SEAMO N&GD Committee Revised: 2012-­‐10-­‐02 2013-­‐07-­‐02 Reviewed: Annually Page: 3 of 3 •
Members of the Nominating and Governance Development Committee shall not hold concurrent membership on the Deliverables Committee Recognizing the potential for conflict of interest or self-­‐interest, members of the committee are expected to discharge their responsibilities in good faith and in the best interests of SEAMO. In conducting the affairs of this committee, members must deal with information received in a manner that respects the confidentiality of the content when that is necessary. 4. Term: One (1) three-­‐year term, renewable once 5. Chair: • Shall be appointed by the Governing Committee • Must have knowledge of the objectives and operations of SEAMO and be able to exercise leadership in defining academic and clinical deliverables of clinical departments • May be drawn from within or outside the organization • May not be: o The serving head of a department o In a leadership position at any of the Hospitals o In a leadership position within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University • Shall be appointed to the Resources Committee as a voting member • Shall be appointed to the Executive Committee as a voting member • Shall be appointed to the Governing Committee as a non-­‐voting member and shall attend Governing Committee meetings regularly • Shall vote only in the event of a tie on a recorded vote 6. Quorum: 50% plus one of the voting members 7. Meetings: At least four (4) times per year at the call of the Committee Chair 8. Resources • Executive Director, SEAMO • Medical Director, SEAMO 9. Reporting to: SEAMO Governing Committee 