新东方在线4+1 网络课堂电子版教材

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新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材
4+1 语音语调
UNIT ONE : 美语发音概述
An Overview of American Enhlish Pronunciation
请参考 Lesson 1),如音素 [:]在发音时舌前端抬起是为前元音,音素 []发音时舌后部抬起是为后元音;根据
等(具体细节请参考 Lesson 1)。如音 素 []和[]在发音时声带没有震动,称之为清辅音。而音素[]和[]在发
比练习,如:单词 are,英式发音为[:],在发音时不卷舌;美式发音为[],发音时要卷舌。再如:单词 hot,
Be Prepared
1. 音素分类,包括元音及辅音分类。
2. 英式发音与美式发音的区别,包括元音及辅音发音的区别。
1. 掌握简单的英语音素的分类知识。
2. 了解英式发音与美式发音的区别。
1. 本章大部分属常识性内容,阅读即可。
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LESSON 1 发音类别
● Warm Up 语音课堂
All the phonetic sounds are divided into vowel and consonant.
元 音
Vowel:vowel is a voiced sound. The vocal cords vibrate, while the oral cavity is sampled by the tongue and lips. At
the same time, the air is passing from the larynx to the mouth without obstruction.
辅 音
Consonant:All the other sounds except vowels are consonants. For some consonants, when they are pronounced, the
air doesn’t pass the mouth as /m/. for others , when it is passing through the oral cavity, the air will receive this or that
kind of obstruction. Or it is affricated at a certain point.
The characteristics of the Vowels and Consonants
Consonants:Vowels are sounds produced without obstruction of the air
stream in the mouth. In producing them there is vibration of the vocal cords. So all vowels are voiced. Consonants are
sounds produced by some form of obstruction of the air passage and maybe eithe r voiced or voiceless.
元 音 分 类 精 讲
元音分类 A
根据发音时舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们把单素元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。(When we
pronounce a monophing ,the jaw, tongue and lips do not move at all.There are twelve monophthongs,and we divide them
into front vowel ,central vowels and back vowels,both in British English and American English based on the parts of the
tongue that count them.
● Part One 前元音听辨及跟读
前元音 (Front Vowels)主要有: [i],[],[],[] (Which are made by raising the front of the tongue towards the hard
A. Practice these four sounds in phrases.
eat the meat
a ja zz band
a plastic bag
w et with sweat
make a wish
three trees
the Chinese people
a happy marriage
very well
best friend
a bit chilly
a friend in need
a mad man
a black bag
Teddy Bear
fit as a fiddle
keep the seat
Peter’s secret
hand in hand
best seller
sit down
a small fish
a piece of cheese
on behalf of our class
get ready
ten men
bit by bit
B. Now practice the sound in sentences.
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⑴ Please speak English.
Dick gives Lily a big kiss.
The book sells well, I guess.
Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
⑵ Seeing is believing.
They stayed together through thick and thin.
Let’s get everything ready.
They ran hand in hand.
⑶ Steve lives on 333 Peterson Street.
Can you give me a lift?
Remember to get me ten eggs.
He who laughs last laughs best.
⑷ Don’t speak Chinese in an English class.
Is it spring or still winter?
All is well that ends well.
Pat sat on the grass with a glass in his hand.
⑸ Please keep this seat for me.
Mary is fifty now, but she’s still fit as a fiddle.
Better late than never.
Sally married a handsome young man named Jerry.
● Part Two 中元音听辨练习
中元音(Central Vowels)主要有:[ ],[],[ ] (which are made by raising the middle of the tongue towards the
dividing line between the hard and soft palates.)
Practice these three sounds in phrases.
the first term
once in a month
a long term
a nervous nurse
some money
a sheet of paper
learn the words
a tough son
among the workers
an early bird
some honey
a drop of water
a firm girl
a funny couple
never forget
a dirty shirt
Now practice the sound in sentences.
⑴ The early bird catches the worm.
My younger brother’s a doctor.
Enough is enough.
⑵ First come, first served.
Peter can use the computer pretty well.
I wonder who’s coming to lunch.
⑶ The girls have to learn World History first.
Peter’s father is a professor.
My brother lives in the countryside.
⑷ Earl has worked in that firm for thirty years.
the teachers of China
a sudden jump
the third world
the doctor’s daughter
just for fun
an active learner
at the counter
blood for blood
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You’d better do it faster.
He was running to catch the bus.
⑸ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
My younger sister is also a computer expert.
Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you.
⑹ He seems to get worse and worse.
Let’s have a get-together after supper.
How much is too much?
⑺ Birds of a feather flock together.
Give me some butter and sugar.
Love me , love my dog.
● Part Three 后元音听辨练习
后元音( Back Vowels)主要有:[],[],[],[] (which are made by raising the back of the tongue towards the soft
Practice these four sounds in phrases.
pop music
the butcher and the crook
law and order
a new suit
push and pull
clocks and watches
pop concert
talk and walk
good looks
you full
a group of students
by hook or by crook
socks and stocking
whose tools
a small waterfall
a stopwatch
good footwork
according to law
drop by drop
Now practice the sound in sentences.
Waste not, want not.
My daughter-in-law is a lawyer.
Who took away my book?
How do you do?
Honesty is the best policy.
Paul is forty-four.
Don’t let the butcher bully the cook.
You look cool!
A pick-pocket picks pocket.
Norman has lost his wallet.
Crook will do it by hook or by crook.
Soon my dream will come true.
Lots and lots of dollars are locked in the box.
We won because we fought hard.
We tried to book a room, but the hotel was full.
No news is good news.
Tom started at the bottom and worked his way to the top.
Learn to crawl before you can walk.
along corridor
book a room
the Blue Danube
common knowledge
a long story
took some sugar
a water bottle
a quarter to four
too few too soon to be true
wooden plates
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Look before you leap.
As a rule, the skies are blue in June.
元音分类 B
根据构成元音的音素的不同,我们把元音分为 12 个单素元音(monophthongs)和 8 个复合元音(diphthongs)。
A diphthong is a glide from one monophthong to another and the whole glide acts like a long, pure vowel. There are
eight diphthongs in English. Diphthongs can be divided into two groups, the closing diphthongs and the centering
Monophthongs [i:] [i] [e] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
In American English, we simply use five of these diphthongs :[ei],[],[i],[],[].
● 听 辨 练 习
Practice these five sounds in phrases.
play safe
boiling point
go home
make way
by and by
hope so
a loud sound
quite right
voice and noise
no soap
save face
nine times
don’t know
without power
silent night
a joyful voyage
Practice these five sounds in phrases.
⑴ Better take your raincoat.
Go and open the window.
Out of sight, out of mind.
I found a mouse in the house.
Roy toiled on the soil.
⑵ Let’s play safe.
Oh, he’s so slow.
Like father like son.
He’s out of town.
Jack’s an employee in a joint venture.
⑶ Her name is Rachel.
Show me the photo, Joe.
Once bitten, twice shy.
How about going down town?
The spoiled boy wants more new toys.
⑷ No way, go away.
It’s only a joke.
A stitch in time saves nine.
No doubt, he’s drowned.
The noise came from the toilet.
⑸ Rain, rain, go away. Little Johnny wants to play.
I love potatoes and tomatoes.
face to face
a mouse in the house
spoil the boy
plain sailing
low-interest loan
point by point
out of town
old folks at hom
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Great minds think a like.
How many hours do we have to wait?
Soybean oil is my choice.
⑹ The cake is on the plate and the plate is on the table.
Give me my soap and comb.
A cat has nine lives.
He’s without power now.
Let’s join the boys.
⑺ When the cat is away , the mice will play.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Howard is going to have a cold shower now.
Spare the rod, spoil the child.
元音分类 C
According to the shape of the lips
合口元音 Rounded Vowels :[] [] [] [] (which are made by bringing the lips together in different degrees,
close-rounded or open-rounded.)
敞口元音 Unrounded Vowels:[] [](which are made by drawing the lips a little back at the corners.)
自然口型 Neutral Vowels:[i ] [] [] [] [] (which are made by holding the lips naturally or normally.)
元音分类 D
According to the length of the vowels.
长元音 The Long Vowels:[] [][][][]
短元音 The Short Vowels:[][][][][][][]
辅 音 分 类 精 讲 ·☆
辅音分类 A
按照声带震动情况给辅音分类,发音时声带完全敞开,气流通过声带没有引起震动的辅 音称为清辅音,发
The voiceless consonants are usually aspirated, strong and long, and the vocal cords do not vibrate when they are
pronounced. The voiced consonants are usually unaspirated, weak and short and the vocal cords vibrate when they are
清辅音 Voiceless Consonants :[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ ] [t ]
浊辅音 Voic ed Consonants:: [ ] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [d]
浊辅音:[m] [n] [] [] []
浊辅音:[w] []
辅音分类 B
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根据气流通过口腔时产生的不同效果给辅音分类,可将辅音分为爆破音、摩擦音、塞擦 音、鼻音和舌边音。
● Part One 爆破音听辨练习
爆破音 plosive :在相当时间内,气流通道完全阻塞,气流(一般由于肺部的动作)受压,然后突然放开阻
(In the production of a plosive, the air-stream is obstructed completely both in the oral and nasal tracts, so that when
the closure in the oral tract is suddenly released, the compressed air rushed in the oral tract is suddenly released, the
compressed air rushes out and produces an explosive sound. According to the place of the oral closure, plosive may be
bilabial [p,b] , alveolar [t,d], velar [k,g].)
英语中的爆破音有六个,它们是:[p] [b] [t] [d] [k] []
Read the dialogue, paying attention to the pronunciation of plosives.
⑴ A:How do you do? I’m Parker.
B:How do you do, Mr. Barker?
B:Oh, Parker with a P?
A:Yes, with a P.
B:Er… I’m Barker.
A:Barker? With a B. Of course.
B:Yes, with a B.
A:Won’t you come in, Mr. Barker?
B:Thank you, Mr. Parker.
⑵ A:I love you, Miss Brown.
B:But how can I believe you, Mr. Black.
A:I’ll jump over the balcony, Miss Brown.
B:Jump over the balcony, Mr. Black?
A:It’ll prove my love, Miss Brown.
B:It’ll break your back, Mr. Black.
A:Then save me and take me back!
⑶ A:What’s the date today?
B:December the fifteenth. The day after tomorrow is little Tom’s birthday.
A:Right. What present should we give him this time? By the w ay, how old is he?
B : He’s still thirteen today and tomorrow. He ’ll be fourteen the day after tomorrow. Let’s get him a remote
controlled toy truck.
A:How time flies! He ’s a big boy now.
B:And don’t forget Mary, Tom’s twin sister. It’s her birthday, too.
A:OK. Let’s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate.
⑷ A:Was it a good game?
B:It was a terrific game.
A:You had a good day for it.
B:A beautiful day.
A:Did Chris score?
B:He scored twice.
A:And you?
B:Now where did I put that bottle of milk?
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A:Did you score?
B:Ah, got it.
A:Maybe the next game?
B:Sure thing. I’ll score one goal at least.
● Part Two 摩擦音听辨练习
摩擦音 fricative:气流通道收窄,气流通过时发出可听擦音。
(In the production of a fricative two vocal organs are brought very close together (but not to the extent of touching
each other to form a closure) so that the air stream forcing its way through the resulting narrowing becomes turbulent, and
this turbulent is heard as a fricative noise. In English, the most frequently used fricatives are labiodental [f,v], dental [,
], alveolar [s,z], and palatal-alveolar [,].)
英语中摩擦音有十个,它们是:[f] [] [] [] [] [z] [r] [h]。
Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the pronunciation of fricatives.
⑴ A:Frank flatters me, Fred.
B:Frank flatters everybody.
A:He said I create a flame in his heart.
B:A flame in his heart?
A:A furious flame! He says I drive him frantic!
B:You drive me frantic, too, Fanny.
A:Oh, Fred! You old flatterer.
B:But don’t forget to fry the fish, Fanny.
⑵ A:Seven days old! She’s a lovely baby!
B:She’s a beautiful baby!
A:And she’s a clever baby.
B:And her voice, her voice is so…so clear!
A:She’s got a very clear voice, indeed.
B:And she’s big for a baby of her age!
⑶ A:Date of birth?
B:The third of March, nineteen thirty-three.
A:The third of March, nineteen thirty-three?
B:I think…
A:You think what?
B:I think it was the third, but maybe it was the fourth.
A:You think it was either the third or the fourth? You’re not sure of your own date of birth?
B:No, I’m sorry.
A:Anyway, the position has been taken already. So it doesn’t matter you’re not sure of your date of birth.
⑷ A:Maybe you’ll let me play in the mud, Mother?
B:Don’t you dare play there.
A:Father doesn’t mind if we play in the mud.
B:Father doesn’t wash the dirty clothes, dear.
⑸ A:I’ll sing you a song.
B:Yes , sing a song. But don’t sing a sad song.
A:Most of my songs are sad, sorry.
B:Well, please sing one that’s not within the definition of too sad.
A:OK , I’ll sing San Francisco, then.
⑹ A:A shirt, sir? Yes, s ir. This one will suit you. It’s in a very fashionable shade.
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B:Mm. I want something simpler.
A:A silver one, maybe? It’s got something special on the sleeve.
B:Can’t you show me a simple shirt in a simple shade? Maybe I should try the next shop.
⑺ A:Who’s that over there?
B:Oh, that’s John. He’s the Club Treasurer.
A:What’s he doing there?
B:Watching television.
A:And does he always sleep when the television ’s on?
B:Usually he does.
B:And occasionally he snores.
A:Rather noisily.
B:As even the man onthe moon must have noticed!
⑻ You and your friend are looking at some things in a shop window but you can’t see very well.
A:Is that a radio?
B:It looks like a radio.
A:Is that a pretty dress?
B:It looks like a pretty dress.
A:Is that a rugby ball?
B:It looks like a rugby ball.
A:Is that a record?
B:It looks like a record.
A:Is that a record player?
B:It looks like a record player.
A:Is that a refrigerator?
B:It looks like a refrigerator.
⑼ A:How handsome Henry is!
B:Henry is handsome, isn’t he?
A:And how hardworking Henry is!
B:Henry does work hard.
A:And how honest Henry is!
B:Oh? Is Henry honest?
● Part Three 塞擦音听辨练习
塞擦音 affricate:其形成如爆破音,但发音器官放开阻塞较慢,因而在放开阻塞时可以听得出相应的摩擦。
(Affricates are each a combination of a plosive and a fricative. In their production the tongue tip or blade touches the
alveolar ridge and forms a closure , for example, for //. And at the same time, the front of the tongue is raised towards the
hard palate, then the tongue leaves the alveolar ridge slowly, instead of suddenly, so that a fricative [t] is made
immediately after the plosive.)
英语中塞擦音有六个,它们是:[t] [d] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]
Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the affricate.
(1) A:We need some cheese.
B:I’ve just bought some cheese.
A:And we need some chocolate.
B:I’ve just bought some chocolate.
A:And what about chicken soup?
B:I’ve just bought some chicken soup.
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A:Good, But we still haven’t got enough chairs.
B:Don’t w orry. I’ve just bought some cheap chairs.
A:That’s everything then. Oh no! China plates.
(2) A:You can’t do that!
B:Ofcourse I can. It’s my bridge.
A:But you can’t chop it down!
B:It’s my bridge, and I’m chopping it down.
A:Don’t chop it down! How shall we cross? We can’t manage without it.
B:Well, you’ve got to learn how to jump really far! Jump! Jump!
● Part Four 鼻音听辨练习
鼻音 nasal:口腔通道完全阻塞,但软颚下垂,气流自由通过鼻腔发出的音。
(In the production of a nasal, the air-stream is completely obstructed in the oral tract but not in the nasal tract ( the
soft palate is lowered), so that the air passes through the nose freely. Closure at different places of the oral tract brings
different resonances to the sounds, so nasals are also classified according to the place of the oral closure, e.g. bilabial [m],
alveolar [n], velar [], etc. )
英语中鼻音有三个,它们是:[m], [n] ,[].
Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the nasals.
⑴ A:Don’t be alarmed if Mum stamps.
B:And don’t be alarmed if Mum screams.
A:It’s not what it seems.
B:Don’t be alarmed. You won’t really be harmed.
⑵ A:Norman went. And he never returned.
B:He went? When?
A:Oh, about the end of June.
B:Did he send the rent?
A:Yes, and I’ve found a new tenant, Nancy Noble.
B:I hope there won’t be any problems.
A:You don’t know Nancy, do you?
B:Well, I once lent her some cash and she never returned it.
⑶ A friend is helping you to do a crossword puzzle.
A:I think it’s “singing”.
B:No, “singing ”is wrong.
A:What about “ ringing”?
B:No, “ringing ”is wrong.
A:Well, can it be “bringing”?
B:No, “bringing ”is wrong.
A:What about “ thinking”?
B:No, “thinking ”is wrong.
A:Well, is it “hanging”?
B:No, “hanging ”is wrong.
A:What about “drinking”?
B:No,“drinking”is wrong.
A:Oh, dear, is anything going to be right?
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● Part Five 舌边音听辨练习
舌边音 lateral:气流通道中央阻塞,在阻塞处的两边或一边留下通道让气流自由通过时发出的音。
(In the production of a lateral the air-stream is obstructed along the center of the oral tract, but one or both sides of
the tongue are away from the roof of the mouth, so that the air can go through the mouth laterally. This manner of
articulation is peculiar in that there are manners of articulation with it. That is when the air goes through the sides of the
mouth, it may or may not produce audible friction depending on the space between the tongue and the side teeth.)
Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the lateral.
A:If you look on the library shelves, you’ll find A History of the Lakes. The Lakes were a large, rich, but unlucky
family. They had thirteen children. The first eleven were killed in mysterious fatal accidents. And the twelfth,
Lance…. Poor Lance was eaten by wolves.
B:And the remaining child? The last of the Lakes?
A:I was lucky. I inherited everything. Now sign the contract or I may start calling you brother!
● Part Six 半元音听辨练习
半元音 semi-vowel:即有声滑音。发这个音时,发音器官开始时轻微地发出一个本身响度较弱的音,然后
(In the production of the semi-vowel the space between two approximating vocal organs is a little wider than that for
a fricative, just wide enough to avoid causing friction when the air-stream passes through them. In fact, the air-stream is
not obstructed, which is a characteristic of vowels.)
英语中半元音有两个,它们是:[w],[j] 。
Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the semi-vowel.
⑴ A:How much do we have to give?
B:We don’t have to give.
A:I’ll give whatever Mrs. Whitney gave.
B:She gives five.
A:Very well, I’ll give five dollars, too.
B:She gives five hundred dollars.
A:Oh, my! She always gives too much.
Read the two poems.
⑴ We waddle away from the water.
And now we will waddle back.
Then swish, swish, we are swimming again.
Quack! Quack! Quack!
Table of English Consonants
Bilabial Labio-dental
⑵ When the orchard yield will be gathered soon.
And the fields beyond are yellow with corn,
The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn,
And yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.
 
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LESSON 2 美式发音与英式发音的区别
● Warm Up 语音课堂
GA:General American RP:Received Pronunciation
RP&GA:RP (Received Pronunciation) 公认的发音,指的是 Daniel Jones 博士在 1917 年版 English Pronouncing
Dictionary 序言中描述的:Public School Pronunciation,这是一种被接受过的英国公学教育的人所操持的南部口音
(P.S.P. —Public School Pronunciation is a pronunciation mostly heard in everyday speech in the families of Southern
English persons whose men-folk have been educated at the great public boarding-schools.), 1926 年改称为 RP。
This pronunciation is based on the Southern accent in British, which is also used among people well educated in
“preparatory” schools or “public schools”. The pronunciation of these schools are not only rather unified, but also not
influenced by regional dialect. The advantage of this pronunciation is that people from any regions of Englis h speaking
countries can understand it, which is more generally accepted than other varieties of English.
GA (General American) is the commonly called American English, which is the general accent of most American
regions except several states in East and South of the USA. It is also extensively used in American broadcasting,
television and movies.
GA (General American)美语普通话,是为除东部及南部的一部分州以外绝大部分美国地区通用的口音。也是
1. 听力中分辨不出英音与美音。
2. 听力中分辨不出美音//与//。
3. American T 读法对于很多中国同学来讲还很陌生。
4. 字母 L 的发音比较复杂,多数同学没有掌握 dark l 的发音方法。
☆· 元音区别精讲 ·☆
元音区别 A
当字母 r 出现在单词的元音字母组合中时,北美英语会出现独特的卷舌音。
(When the letter r appears in the spelling of a word, the North American English will have special retroflex.)
are /r/
bird /r/
here //
hair //
tour //
door //
The main features in pronouncing the sound / r /:
1. The obstruction of the air stream is caused by the underside of the tongue tip and the back of the alveolar ridge.
2. The tip of the tongue curled up and back.
● 听辨及跟读练习
Read the
// //
words, while paying to the
pronunciation of the /
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元音区别 B
英语中的元音//在用于/,,/或鼻音前时,美语发为//,但在字母组合 lm 前发音不变 仍为//。
(When it is used before/,,/ or nasalities, the vowel // is pronounced as //. But it is not changed before letter
combination lm.)
1. half
2. bath
3. pass
4. sample
5. dance
6. calm
/  /
7. palm
/ /
/ /
● 听辨及跟读练习
After Charles had left the country, he started to farm in Derbyshire. This was different from marching past a sergeant.
“I can’t play cards now,” thought Charles.“ I can’t go to dances, nor laugh with my comrades-in-arms. But I shan’t
break my heart,” he laughed. “ I have a car, and life is sweet and calm. ”
B. Dialogue
At a Party
Margaret:Where’s your glass, Barbara?
Barbara: It’s on the bar.
Martin: Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing on the grass!
Margaret:In the garden? What a laugh!
Barbara: So they are!
Margaret:They are dancing under the stars!
Martin: And Arnold’s playing his guitar.
Barbara: Doesn’t Martha look smart?
Margaret:Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!
Barbara: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles.
Martin: We can’t. It’s too dark.
元音区别 C
(British // is changing to // in American English.)
1. bought
2. talk
3. ball
4. caught
5. saw
6. applaud
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● 听辨及跟读练习
Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of //.
B. Passage
One morning in August, at dawn, he rode his horse past the lawn, along the wall to the orchard. “How awful not
to have been born,” he called to his daughter. “You fought a war for this,” she thought. Then they walked in the
cornfields, and thanked the Lord for their good fortune.
C. Dialogue
A Football Game Sports Report on Channel 4
Announcer:This morning the Horses returned from their game in Boston. Paul Short, our sports reporter, was at
the airport to meet them.
Paul Short: Good morning. I’m Paul Short. All the football players are walking toward me. Here’s George
Small, the halfback. Good morning, George.
George Small:Good morning. Are you a reporter?
Paul Short:Yes. I’m from Channel 4. Please tell our audience what you thought about the game in Boston.
George Small:Well, it was just awful. We lost. The score was 4 to 44. But it wasn’t my fault.
Paul Short:Whose fault was it?
George Small:The forwards.
Paul Short:The forwards?
George Small:Yes, the forwards. They were always falling down or dropping the ball! I think the other team
bought them some beer before the match!
D. Little poem
Good morning to all.
Good morning to all who walk,
Good morning to all who crawl,
Good morning to all who soar,
Or swim, good morning I call.
To broad and to small, to short and to tall,
Good morning, good morning to all.
元音区别 D
(British// is changing to// in American English.)
1. cot
2. clock
3. shop
4. box
5. not
6. hot
● 听辨及跟读练习
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A. Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of
“I want an Orange Squash. I’m hot. And tell me the time, because my watch has stopped,” John said while
wiggling his wrist.
“It’s one o’clock,” replied Tom. “And there’s noOrange Squash. All we have in the cupboard is a cough drop.”
“I suppose they’re quality cough drops, then?”
“What a lot of rot you talk!”
Voice A:What’s the matter, Mr. Block?
Mr. Block:What’s the matter? I want a break from this horrible job of washing socks!
Voice B:Buy a bottle of Starwash, Mr. Block.
Voice C:Starwash does the job.
Voice D:But it’s not a hard job with Starwash.
Voice A:You don’t need lots of hot water with Starwash.
Voice B:Star washing the modern way―with Starwash.
Voice C:Starwash is marvelous for all your washable clothes.
Everybody:Starwash is so popular!
Voice C:Next time you shop, pick up a bottle of Starwash.
D. Little poem
Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.
Froggy-boggy had a great shock.
Froggy-boggy fell off the top.
Into the pond he fell with a plop.
元音区别 E
(British//、// are not distinguished in American English.)
The main features in pronouncing the sound of // are:
1. Hold the front part of your tongue low in your mouth.
2. Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of your tongue.
3. Lower your jaw and open your lips slightly.
4. Raise the center part of your tongue toward the roof (hard palate)of your mouth (but not touch it).
5. Native speakers often use this sound when they are hesitating. It is usually written “uh”.
1. but
2. touch
3. love
4. blood
● 听辨及跟读练习
Now practice the sound in words. Listen and repeat each word twice.
1. up
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元音区别 F
(The mouth opens louder than British English when // is pronounced in American English//)
1. many
2. bet
3. guest
4. bread
5. said
6. friend
The main features in pronouncing the sound //:
1. Hold your tongue in the same position as for /ei/, but a little lower in your mouth.
2. Place the sides of your tongue against the upper back teeth, but do not press. The muscles of your tongue should be
3. Open your lips slightly more than for /ei/.
4. Your jaw and tongue do not move as you make this short vowel sound.
5. Place your thumb underneath your chin. You should feel no tense muscles; the muscles are relaxed.
● 听辨及跟读练习
Now practice
1. egg
2. guess
3. neck
4. red
5. let
Now practice
1. edge
2. Ed
3. less
4. bet
5. debt
6. pest
7. test
8. sell
9. pen
10. pepper
the sound in words.
the sound in sentences . Listen and repeat .
Is it theedge of the chair?
Can you findEd in the office?
Do you want less in the shirt?
Who’s taking thebet tomorrow?
We’re talking about mydebt.
Thepest is all over me.
Thetest is pretty good.
I would like tosell my boat.
His pen is awful, isn’t it?
Thepepper was passed around to all of us.
☆· 辅音区别精讲 ·☆
辅音区别 A
American T
字母 T 可出现在单词的词首、词中和词尾三个部位。其中在词首与词尾时的发音技巧与英式英语相同,而
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(The letter T can appear at initial, medial and final of words. When it appears at intial or final, the way of
pronunciation is the same to British English. But when it appears at medial, the British pronunciation is consistency ,
while American English has two kinds of pronunciations.)
● Part One Flap [t] 听辨及跟读练习
Flap //.
由舌尖弹动发出的弹舌音, 听起来像一个非常轻的[d]。
(It sounds like a slight //).
如:better noted city little citizen patio putting
A. Read the words, while paying attention to the pronunciation of // (= //).
B. Tongue twisters
Betty bought a bit of butter, “But ” said she “this butter is bitter.If I put it in my batter,it will make my batter
bitter” So, She bought some better butter, better than the bitter butter, and it made her bitter batter better.
C. Dialogue
A:I’m taking a course at a technical college.
B:Who’s your teacher?
A:Mr. Tom Atkings.
B:But I thought, Mr. Tom Atkings taught at Harvard.
A:He taught there last term.
B:I see. A:I’m the daughter. And I have two brothers.
B:I’ll write it down.
A:And then there’s Dennis, Doctor.
A:Dennis is the dog.
B:Oh, the dog.
A:That’s D-E-N-N-I-S, Dennis, Doctor.
B:Dennis —Yes. I got it.
● Part Two 鼻腔爆破听辨及跟读练习
鼻腔爆破 Nasal Plosive
如:button written
eaten important Latin
The main features in pronouncing the sound of // are
1. Place the tip of your tongue firmly against the alveolar ridge.
2. Keep your tongue rather wide to prevent air from coming out your mouth. Air will then go up through your nasal
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice .
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1. mutton
2. written
3. curtain
4. certain
5. eaten
6. button
Practice the sound in sentences.
1. bitten
I was bitten by the dog.
2. mitten
Where’s mymittens?
3. Latin
It’s a Latin word.
4. gotten
I havegotten it yesterday.
5. lighten
The flowers will lighten the room.
6. rotten
Throw therotten fish away.
7. cotton
The cloth is made ofcotton.
辅音区别 B
clear L 与 dark
● Part One Clear L 听辨及跟读练习
Clear L:舌尖抵在上齿根部,再自然落下,发出类似汉语“了”的音。
如:light let lip local lake lamp
The main features in pronouncing the sound of clear /l/
1. Place the tip of your tongue against your upper gum ridge.
2. As you make the sound, air flows out over the sides of your tongue. Your vocal cords vibrate.
A. Phrases and single sentences
a lovely girl
All is well.
Let her alone.
to tell a lie
late at night
Did he leave?
little by little
to live well
to talk loud
Is Della telling us a lie?
Laura left a little after eleven.
All love letters belong to loose Louise.
Would you like to look at the lake where Larry Lotter was eaten for lunch?
Where shall we meet for lunch?
A little boy just fell into the lake.
B. Sound drill
W:Please listen and repeat:
He called the milkman.
Now listen. Don’t speak.
You quite like your food and drink cold but nobody else does.
W:Do you want this coffee? It’s cold.
M:Yes, I’ll have cold coffee.
W:Now you do the same:Yes, I’ll have cold coffee. Ready?
W:Do you want this coffee? It’s cold.
M:Yes, I’ll have cold coffee.
W:And does anybody want some cold tea?
M:Yes, I’ll have cold tea.
W:And I’ve got some cold soup. Cold soup, anybody?
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M:Yes, I’ll have cold soup.
W:And would you like some cold milk?
M:Yes, I’ll have cold milk.
W:And I’ve got some cold meat here too. Anybody?
M:Yes, I’ll have cold meat.
W:And does anybody want some cold potatoes?
M:Yes, I’ll have cold potatoes.
A:Oh, Lucy, you’re so lucky, you are the only one who got rise in pay!
B:Well, it’s not lucky, it’s my ability.
A:I like the way you’re talking, I hope the people who work for me are all like you.
● Part Two Dark L 听辨及跟读练习
Dark L:
舌尖抵在上齿根部,但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带震 动发//,舌位如图所示。
Dark L is the hard factor for Chinese English speakers all the time.
The crucial point is the function of the tongue. As is shown in the illustration, the tip of the tongue is against alveolar.
The main features in pronouncing Dark L are
1. Place the tip of your tongue against your upper gum ridge.
2. As you make the sound, air flows out over the sides of your tongue. Your vocal cords vibrate.
⑴ all
⑵ bill
⑶ Carl ⑷ doll
⑸ else
⑹ feel ⑺ Gail
⑻ hell
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice .
1. kill
/ kill/
4. pail
2. school /skul/
5. boil
3. soul
6. tool
B. Tongue twisters
Bill had a billboard.
Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill.
So Bill sold the billboard to pay his board bill.
And the board bill no longer bored Bill.
● Part Three 单词中不同位置 L 的听辨及跟读练习
字母 L 出现在单词的词首、词中、词尾时的发音:
⑴ 字母 L 单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词的词首时,发 clear L。如:fly play blame climb。
⑵ 字母 L 单独或以双写形式出现在单词的词中时,英国人只发一个 clear L。而美国人则先发一个 dark L,
再发一个 clear L。如:feeling alive million dollar。
⑶ 字母 L 出现在单词的词尾或辅音前面时,英美人都发 dark L。如:feel bell felt belt。
A. Practice the sound // as in “like
like”” in several different positions. Listen and repeat
these words.
/l/ in initial position
1. look
4. lunch
7. laugh
10. loud
2. labor
5. legal
8. lecture
11. lover
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3. license
6. lawyer
/l/ in medial position
1. alive
4. alarm
2. college
5. family
3. realize
6. island
/l/ in final position
1. all
4. pool
2. heel
5. dial
3. annual
6. install
9. leader
12. literature
7. believe
8. polite
9. popular
10. dollar
11. toilet
12. intelligent
7. small
8. female
9. control
10. well
11. April
12. schedule
辅音区别 C
辅音连缀 wh, 英国人读/w/,美国人读/hw/。但在字母 o 前,都读/h/。
The main features in pronouncing the sound of /
Make the motions for the unvoiced /h/. Then follow immediately with the motions for the voiced/w/.
Purse your lips forward, making an opening small enough for only a straw. Blow air through your lips, and voice the
second part of the combination:/hw/.
1. what
2. where
3. which
4. who /hU:/ /hU/
Medial:somewhere, bobwhite, meanwhile, overwhelm, wholewheat
Now practice the sound of /hw/ in sentences .
The bobwhite whistled somewhere in the wheat.
He only heard a wheel creak and whine.
The man with the whip whistled through his whiskers.
The wheel came off somewhere with a whirling sound.
Why does he whine and whimper everywhere?
Who’s whipping the white horse? Chasing the white whale?
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Be Aware
1. 中国学生的语音难点。
2. 几种通用国际音标及韦伯词典音标标注体系。
1. 认识中国学生在发音中存在的几个普遍性的难点问题。
2. 当今世界上有数种流行的国际音标,这给很多中国学生的英语学习,尤其是一些工具书的使用带来
要求大家要熟练掌握 K.K. 音标。
1. 本章列举了一些中国学生在发音上存在的普遍性的难点,以期引起学习者注意。
2. 掌握这些难点的关键在于下工夫去练,后面关于单音的章节中含有更丰富的练习,希望大家在后面
LESSON 3 中国学生的语音难点
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● Part One th 字母组合
“th”is always pronounced as // and //.
Their common pronouncing features are
1. Lightly place your tongue tip between your upper and lower front teeth (not between your lips).
2. Your upper teeth rest on your tongue, lightly.
3. Produce the sound by forcing air out through the narrow opening between your teeth and tongue.
4. Your vocal cords do not vibrate.
5. Hold your hand in front of your lips to feel the flow of air as you hear it.
通过熟练练习绕口令来改变发音习惯,培养对字母组合 th 的发音敏感。不要小看这一句话,真正把它练熟,
To change the pronouncing habit by practicing tongue twisters.
1. There are 3,333 features on that thrush’s throat.
2. They think that these things are better than those as the thicker things are better than thin things.
Now practice these sounds in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and
repeat each word twice.
1. thumb
2. author
3. path
4. math
5. another
6. smooth
7. bathe
8. clothe
/ as in “thin’’ with / / as in “ten”.
B. Practice the contr ast:/
Some students confuse // as in “thin”with // as in “ten”. When you pronounce // , air flows out without
stopping. When you pronounce //, the air stops, then escapes with a puff.
⑴ Practice these contrasting sounds. Listen and repeat each word pair.
1. taught
5. tent
2. team
6. debt
3. tin
7. boot
4. tank
8. mat
⑵ Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first sentence of each pair has the sound / t /, and
the second has the sound //. Listen and repeat.
1. a. taught
Hetaught a lot last night.
b. thought
Hethought a lot last night.
2. a. team
I need a team for my school.
b. theme
I need a theme for my school.
3. a. tin
Do you like it when it’s tin?
b. thin
Do you like it when it’s thin?
4. a. tank
She said “tank”.
b. thank
She said “thank”.
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5. a. tent
It’s mytent.
b. tenth
It’s mytenth.
6. a. debt
It’s his debt I’m worried about.
b. death
It’s his death I’m worried about.
7. a. boot
She has myboot.
b. booth
She has mybooth.
8. a. mat
He said his mat is hard.
b. math
He said his math is hard.
 / as in “the” with // as in “day” .
C. Practice the contr ast:/
Some students confuse // as in “the” with /d/ as in “day”. When you pronounce //, the air flows out
without stopping. When you pronounce/d/, the air stops, then escapes with a puff.
⑴ Practice these contrasting sounds. Listen and repeat each word pair.
1. day
5. ladder
2. doze
6. loading
3. dough
7. word
4. dare
8. sued
⑵ Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first sentence of each pair has the sound /d/, and
the second has the sound //. Listen and repeat.
1. a. day
Will day ever come?
b. they
Will they ever come?
2. a. doze
It’s not fair todoze in class.
b. those
It’s not fair tothose in class.
3. a. dough
Can you spell “dough”?
b. though
Can you spell “though”?
4. a. ladder
Look at theladder.
b. lather
Look at thelather.
5. a. loading
He was loading it.
b. loathing
He was loathing it.
6. a. word
Who said “word”?
b. worth
Who said “worth”?
7. a. sued
Wesued him.
b. soothe
Wesoothe him.
● Part Two w、v 的区分
汉语中,尤其是北方话中,[w]与[v]经常混在一起,中国人很少注意这两个音的区别问题(注:标准普通话中 ,
(In Chinese, especially in Northern Dialect, /w/ and/v/ are often mixed up. Few people pay attention to the
distinction of these two sounds. But in English, these two sounds are completely different. /w/ is a semi-vowel ; however,
/v/ is a fricative.)
The pronouncing features of/w/ are
1. This sound is always followed by a vowel sound. As you say /w/, your tongue and lips shape the vowel sound that
2. Raise the back of your tongue up toward the roof of your mouth (soft palate), but do not touch it.
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3. Round your lips, push them out, and relax them as you let air flow out through your lips.
4. Your vocal cords should vibrate.
The pronouncing features of /v/ are
1. Press the lower lip against the upper teeth allowing the air to force its way out between them.
2. When saying /v /, we feel the lower lips vibrate.
发这两个音的字母分别为 w 和 v,在朗读时留意一下即可。
⑴ w et ⑵ wary ⑶ Wow
Tongue twisters
1. Wyvel worried the West would get a wave of Stonewalling.
2. Will Wall Street’s rewards waneif workers wield power?
A. Now practice
each word twice.
1. wife
2. wait
3. week
4. when
5. vest
6. vine
7. view
8. van
the sound in words. Note the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
Practice the contr ast:/w/ as in “walk” with / v/ as in “voice” .
Some students confuse /w/ as in “walk” with /v/ as in “voice”. When you pronounce /v/, touch your upper
teeth with the inner part of your lower lip. Do not touch your teeth with your lip when you say/w/.
⑴ Listen and repeat each word pair.
1. west
5. we
2. wine
6. w et
3. worse
7. wheel
4. wail
8. while
⑵ The first sentence of each pair has the sound /w/. The second sentence has the sound /v/. Listen and repeat.
1. a. west
I like theWest, don’t you?
b. vest
I like thevest, don’t you?
2. a. wine
She thinks it’s a nice wine.
b. vine
She thinks it’s a nicevine.
3. a. worse
Is it worse?
b. verse
Is it verse?
4. a. wail
It was a long wail.
b. veil
It was a longveil.
5. a. we
He said “we”, didn’t he?
b. “v”
He said “v”, didn’t he?
6. a. w et
I’m sure she said “wet”.
b. vet
I’m sure she said “vet”.
7. a. wheel
Take the wheel before you go.
b. veal
Take theveal before you go.
8. a. while
Who said it was “while”?
b. vile
Who said it was “vile”?
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● Part three 字母 r 在词首时的正确发音
发在词首的字母 r 也是中国人发音的一大难点。主要也是因为发音习惯的不同。中国人在很多情况下把它发
为类似汉语的“日”。而在英语中字母 r 是不会这样发音的。(附口形舌位图)
(The letter r at the beginning of a word is also very difficult for Chinese English speakers. The principal reason lies in
the difference of pronunciation habits. In most cases, the Chinese like to pronounce it as“日”in Chinese. However the
letter r is never pronounced like this.)
The general features in pronouncing / r/ are
⑴ Raise the tip of your tongue towards the upper gum ridge, but do not touch it. The tip of your tongue should not
touch anything.
⑵ Press the sides of your tongue against your upper back teeth. (Your tongue should be tense.)
⑶ Lips are slightly open. (They may be slightly rounded or pushed out.)
⑷ As you make the sound, air should flow out over the tip of your tongue.
⑸ Your vocal cords vibrate.
ran red write around tomorrow are
Tongue twisters
Robert Rally rolled a round roll around the round road.
Reading bells ring rapidly and reeds rustle around rivers.
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice .
1. red
2. write
3. arrive
4. borrow
5. car
6. far
/ as in “red” with /
/ as in “like” .
B. Practice the contr ast :/
Some students confuse / r / with / l /. Remember that / l / is made by placing your tongue tip on the upper gum
ridge. You make / r / with the tongue tip pointing toward the gum ridge but not touching it.
⑴ Practice these contrasting sounds. Listen and repeat each word pair.
/ /
/ l/
1. rock
6. wrong
2. race
7. correct
3. red
8. pirate
4. road
9. fry
5. right
10. crown
tence of each pair has the sound
⑵ Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first sen
//, and the second has the sound //. Listen and repeat.
1. a. rock
He has a rock on his desk.
b. lock
He has a lock on his desk.
2. a. race
Did you see therace?
b. lace Did you see thelace?
3. a. red
Is that a red pencil?
b. lead Is that a lead pencil?
4. a. road
Whichroad should I take?
b. load Whichload should I take?
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5. a. right
Give me theright one now.
b. light Give me thelight one now.
6. a. wrong
She said it was the wrong one.
b. long She said it was thelong one.
7. a. correct
Can youcorrect them?
b. collect Can youcollect them?
8. a. pirate
The story’s about a pirate.
b. pilot The story’s about a pilot.
9. a. fry
He wanted tofry them.
b. fly He wanted tofly them.
10. a. crown
Where did you find thecrown?
b clown Where did you find theclown?
● Part Four [au] 的发音困难
这个音发起来挺难的,很多学生会把这个音同元音//相混,或者用汉语 ao 取代。
It’s very difficult for some people to pronounce the sound //. Many students may confuse it with //,or replace it
by Chinese ao(奥).
The main features in pronouncing /au/ are
⑴ Thefirst part of this sound is similar to // as in“not”.
⑵ Hold your tongue low in your mouth.
⑶ Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of the tongue.
⑷ As you begin to say this long sound, open your lips and lower your jaw.
⑸ To complete the sound, move the back part of your tongue toward the roof (soft palate) of your mouth (but do not
touch it). Raise your jaw and round your lips.
Example:owl now loud
out sound
flower mouse towel
Ronald Reynolds rolled a round roll around a round room.
Tongue twisters:Ronald
A round roll Ronald Reynolds rolled around a round room.
If Ronald Reynolds rolled a round roll around a round room,
Where’s the round roll Ronald Reynolds rolled around the round room?
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice.
1. out
5. dot
2. pound /pd/
6. far
3. doubt
7. how
4. pond
8. brown
 /.
B. Contrast /au/ and /
Students do not usually have a problem pronouncing the sound /au/ as in “now”. However, they may confuse it with
// as in “not”.
⑴ Practice these contrasting words. Listen and repeat each word pair.
/ au/
/ au/
1. ow
6. spout
2. pound pond
7. down
3. town
8. found
4. doubt
9. browns
5. shout
10. scouts
⑵ Now practice the contrasting sounds in sentence pairs. The first sentence of each pair has the sound / 
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and the second has the sound //. Listen and repeat.
1. a. ow
Did she say “ow”?
b. ah
Did she say “ah”?
2. a. shout
Ashout came from the back.
b. shot
Ashot came from the back.
3. a. scouts
All scouts know this song.
b. Scots
All Scots know this song.
4. a. doubt
Idoubt it every time.
b. dot
Idot it every time.
5. a. spout
Did you see thespout on the sink?
b. spot
Did yousee thespot on the sink?
6. a. pound
The dog is in thepound.
b. pond
The dog is in thepond.
7. a. down
Did you call down from upstairs?
b. Don
Did you call Don from upstairs?
8. a. found
He said the word is “found”.
b. fond
He said the word is “fond”.
9. a. town
I went totown last night.
b. Tom
I went toTom last night.
10. a. browns I’d like them inbrowns.
b. bronze
I’d like them inbronze.
● Part Five [h] 的发音困难
同汉语拼音的 h 相比较,/h/是清辅音。有的同学经常会把/h/音发成类似汉语“喝”的音。
The sound of/h/ is voiceless consonant, which is contrasting to Chinese Pinyin /h/. Some students are likely to
pronounce it like“喝”as in Chinese.
The main features in pronouncing /h/ are
1. This sound is always followed by a vowel sound. As you say /h/, you breathe out, and your tongue and lips shape
the vowel sound that follows.
2. Lower your jaw slightly, and let your tongue rest in a relaxed position.
3. Force air out of your throat, through open lips. (It sounds like a whisper of air).
4. Your vocal cords do not vibrate.
Example:he how who ahead perhaps
Tongue twisters
twisters:Hundreds of horses’ hard hoofs hit the hard high road.
Hal bade Hans eat his own hot ham, so his own hot ham Hans ate.
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice.
1. whom
4. have
2. home
5. inhale
3. hole
6. rehearse /rehrs/
B. Practice the Contrast : Words with initial /h/ as in “house” and words without /h/.
Some students leave out the sound /h/ when it appear s at the beginning of a word.
⑴ Listen and repeat each word pair.
without with without with
1. art
5. I
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2. eat
6. arm
3. air
7. it
4. ate
8. owl
⑵ The second sentence of each pair has the sound /h/. Listen and repeat.
1. a. art
It’s myart I’m worried about.
b. heart It’s myheart I’m worried about.
2. a. eat
Did youeat it right away?
b. heat
Did youheat it right away?
3. a. air
I can tell it’s in theair.
b. hair
I can tell it’s in thehair.
4. a.
I Who said it was I?
b. high Who said it was high?
5. a. arm
Did youarm the man?
b. harm Did youharm the man?
6. a. it
We didn’t think it was it.
b. hit
We didn’t think it was hit.
] 的发音困难
● Part Six [
[]的问题:英语中鼻音[ ]不会出现在单词词首,而像我国山西、四川等地的方言中, [ ]是可以在词首发
音的。同时在中国学生发[]音时,经常使用汉语拼音的 eng。
The main features in pronouncing // are
1. Note that in English, this sound does not occur at the beginning of words.
2. Raise the back of your tongue so that it touches and presses against the roof of your mouth (soft palate). This stops
the air from flowing out of the mouth.
3. Produce the sound by letting airflow out through your nose.
4. Your vocal cords should vibrate.
anger ink
singing sing ring
A. Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat
each word twice.
1. ink
2. thank
3. single
4. singer
/ /
5. sing
6. king
/ /
/ as in “king” /
 / as in “no”, and /
B. Practice the contr ast:/
/ as in “bank”.
Some students may confuse the sounds //, // and //, when they occur in the final position.
⑴ Listen and repeat each group of words.
/ /
1. ban
2. sin
3. Min
4. tan
5. win
6. ran
⑵ The first sentence of each group has a final // sound. The second sentence has a final //, and the third has
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a final/ N /. Listen and repeat.
1. a. ban
I heard about theban.
b. bank
I heard about thebank.
c. bang
I heard about thebang.
2. a. Min
We all thought it was Min.
b. mink
We all thought it was Mink.
c. Ming
We all thought it was Ming.
3. a. tan
He likes that tan.
b. tank
He likes that tank.
c. tang
He likes that tang.
4. a. win
She said it’s a win.
b. wink
She said it’s a wink.
c. wing
She said it’s a wing.
5. a. ran
Did you say weran?
b. rank
Did you say werank?
c. rang
Did you say werang?
● Part Seven /l/ and /n/ 的混淆问题
[l]是舌边音,气流从口腔而不是鼻腔流过。相反,发 [n]音时,气流走的是鼻腔。另外这两个音发音时舌头
/l/ is lateral, with the air to be passed through from oral cavity, but not the nasal cavity. On the contrary, when
pronouncing/n/ the air is forced through the nose. Secondly, even though the tongue would touch the alveolar when/l /
and/ n / are being pronounced, it’s different. It’s quick and slightly of/l/, but constantly of/n/.
The main features in pronouncing /l / are
1. Place the tip of your tongue against your upper gum ridge.
2. As you make the sound, air flows out over the sides of your tongue.
3. Your vocal cords vibrate.
The main features in pronouncing /n/ are
1. Place the tip of your tongue on your upper gum ridge, lightly but firmly. The back part of the tongue closes off the
passage of air through the mouth.
2. Produce the sound by letting air flow out through your nose.
3. Your vocal cords should vibrate.
A. Practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each
word twice.
1. no
2. not
3. dinner
4. funny
5. brain
Practice the contr ast:/ l / and / n/.
1. a. dinner
Where is thedinner?
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b. dealer
2. a. funny
b. fully
3. a. knock
b. lock
4. a. no
b. low
5. a. light
b. night
6. a. lay
b. nay
Where is thedealer?
Is that boy veryfunny?
Is that boy veryfully?
Did youknock the door?
Did youlock the door?
There is no tree on the street.
There is a lowtree on the street.
I can not see thelight.
I can not see thenight.
Did she say “lay”?
Did she say “nay”?
● Part Eight 语音音素表
k.k.音标是国际通行的用来标识英语的符号,常用于朗文及牛津字典,因此识记 k.k.音标对大家学习美语很
有帮助,k.k.音标主要在元音音素字体以及部分卷音的标法上同 Daniel Jones 的音标有些不同。
[i] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ ] [] [] [] [] [] []
[] []
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UNIT TWO : 元 音
An Overview of the Vowels
Vowel Sound
An Overiew of the Vowels
外,还把美语中元音加 r,既所谓卷舌音的几种情况一并列出。这些音素的具体读法及练习见下一章。
1. 美语元音概述。
2. 元音发音的长度。
1. 掌握美语中元音的分类。
2. 了解影响元音发音长度的因素。
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LESSON 4 元音概述
● Warm Up 语音课堂
Front vowels
Tongue high
Tongue mid
Tongue low
Back Vowels
元 音
加 [r]
Vowel letters(元音字母)
元音字母是构成音节的核心字母,常见于音节中的元音字母为 A、E、I、O、U 等五个元音。而字母 Y 既
1. A
3. I
5. U
2. E
4. O
6. Y
● 听 辨 练 习
Listen and repeat.
1. on top
2. in the middle
3. at the back
4. along the wall
5. under the bus
6. ahead of Ed
7. good cookies
8. thirty birds
9. One, two, buckle my shoe.
10. Hello, Joe, what did you know?
11. How now, Brown cow?
12. Jump for joy, a baby boy!
13. Way up high in the sky.
14. A cup oftea for you and me.
15. They sailed away for a year and a day.
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LESSON 5 元音的长度
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 元音的发音长度受音节末辅音的影响,浊辅音(相对于清辅音)使它前面的元音发音长一些。
2. 元音的发音长度还受重音的影响,重读音节(相对于非重读音节)中的元音发音长些。
● Part One 听辨练习
1. did
2. need
3. Bill
● Part Two 听辨练习
A. Listen to these words and phrases, then repeat.
1. see
see the sea
2. buy
buy a tie
3. enjoy
enjoy the toy
4. pay
pay your way
5. hold
hold the gold
6. lose
lose your shoes
Listen to and repeat the sentences.
1. The cat is black.
2. The rat is fat.
3. The shoe is blue.
4. The song is long.
5. The dayis gray.
6. The pig is big.
7. The wood is good.
8. The ice is nice.
Listen to and repeat the groups of words.
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Voewl Sounds
1. 单元音
2. 双元音
3. 美语卷舌音
4. 一些元音的非重读形式
1. 首先要进行听力分辨,仔细辨别每个音在美语中的发音,这对于听力较好的同学十分容易,而听力稍差
2. 在听力分辨的过程中,要同时注意汉语中近似的发音同英语发音的区别。例如元音 [I],汉语中这个音并
不单独存在,大家总是用类似汉语“伊”的音来进行取代。所以 if 听起来像“衣服”,is 听起来像“易子”。
3. 本书练习的编排符合科学的纠音程序,即先辨音,再发音。其好处是使大家不仅能迅速而正确的掌握发
音技巧,而且在听力上会有意想不到的收获。因为最基本的听力能力就是辨音能力。同时要记住,不论是听是说 ,
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LESSON 6 元音[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个元音往往被很多中国同学发成汉语“一”及其近似音,如单词 it 被读成 eat。
2. 个别同学由于听力上区分不出[]和[],还会把单词 it 发[]。
3. 还有一些听力极差的同学把[]听成[]或[]。
以上问题都是听力不过关所造成的。解决办法是应该首先从听力入手,熟悉 []的正确发音,然后通过使用
发[]音时,嘴唇微张,较[]稍大一些,同时向两侧分开,舌尖轻抵下齿背, 舌前部向上抬起,比[]稍低。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear [] in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _____ picture
5. _____ book
9. the _____ child
2. see a _____
6. _____ my finger
10. stand _____
3. _____ the middle
7. _____ English
4. _____ finger
8. have a good_____
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the [] sound in the sentences.
Will he swim?
I did the dishes.
He is on duty.
Does she knit?
I’ m used to it.
The pig is dirty.
You are kidding.
I think so.
I certainly did.
It smells good.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Where there is a will, there is a w ay. 有志者,事竟成。
绕口令:Celia ’s kittens kicked Celia ’s chickens.
Celia seizes the kicking kittens in the kitchen.
“Quit kicking these chickens, you naughty kicking kittens,”Celia shouted.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:is ,it,inch,ill,ink,initial,issue,illicit,impact,incident
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词尾:与词尾的[]音相对应的字母或字母组合有“y”,“ie”,“ee”等。如 c ity, coffee。
词尾的[]经常被某些美国人发成 [],在本练习中,我们读作 [],如 ability, any, casualty, monthly,
weekly, taxi, cookie, coffee, suddenly, happy, surely, slightly 。
B. Phrases
hit it
listen to the radio
live a sad life
go to the kitchen
climb the hill
index finger
fifty mirrors
give up smoking
think about the matter
C. Form Sentences
like this
Bill’’s sitting with his sister.
1. Bill/ his sister
2. Jim/ Chris
3. Dick/Kim
4. Mr. King/ Miss Fisher
5. The minister/ assistant
D. Dialogue
Jim:Hi, Bill.
Bill:Hi, Jim.
Jim:Where is that cool guy, Dick? I haven’t seen him for two weeks.
Bill:He’s been sick since he came back from Italy.
Jim:Bummer, I’m sorry to hear that, is he better now?
Bill:Yes, Doctor William said that he could come back to work ASAP.
There’s a holiday next week and I can’t decide what to do. I have a lot of work to do at home, and this would be
a good chance to catch up on work. But I’d rather not spend the holiday that w ay. I am not a workaholic! I can work
at home during workdays.
Last year, I went north to the mountains. Everything was beautiful, but it is too cold this time of year. And it’s
really too far to go for a short holiday. I have decided that this is not a good time to go to the mountains. But I do want
to go someplace exciting.
Perhaps this would be a good chance to hit the beach. I like to go for walks along the seashore in the warm
sunshine and watch the tide go out. It’s only about eighty miles and I could get there in about two hours. After
thinking it over, I’m sure that this is a better time of year for the seashore. I guess I’ll plan to go to the beach next
week. Thebeach is my best bet.
Oh, here is a letter for Jim. He says he is going to his house in the mountains for the holiday, and he wants me to
go with him. After giving it some more thought, I guess it wasn’t really too cold last year, and perhaps it might rain at
the seashore and then I wouldn’t enjoy it at all. The mountains are only 300 miles away. If I drive fast and don’t stop,
I’ll make it in five hours or so. I think I’ll write Jim right now and tell him I’ll go with him.
In truth, friends are your best bet!
Answer Key
A. 1. sit 2. meal 3. fill 4. kite 5. list 6. cake 7. still
8. ship 9. river 10. flight
B. 1. this 2. film
3. in
4. his 5. thin 6. with 7. little 8. trip
9. silly 10. still
C. 1. Bill’s sitting with his sister.
2. Jim’s sitting with Chris.
3. Dick is sitting with Kim.
4. Mr. King’s sitting with Miss Fisher.
5. The minister’s sitting with his assistant.
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LESSON 7 元音[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个音非常容易同汉语里的“一”相混,注意其发音时是直接以元音起始的,而不是半元音[]。
2. 有些同学发音时舌头用力太大,使舌前部贴到口腔顶部,以至无法将音发出。
3. 嘴唇向两侧分开很重要,上下张开幅度不宜过大。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen; circle the corresponding number if you hear/i/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. a tall _______
6. these_______
2. number _____
7. white_______
3. within the___
8 flying _______
4. at_____
9. ice _______pink
5. ______the truth
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the /i/ sound in the words.
Learn to read.
Repeat the dream.
It’ s time to eat.
They need clean some sheets.
He’ s leaving in the evening.
She likes tea.
He’s never seen this machine.
We meet in the street.
Seeing is believing.
The girl seems very weak.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。
绕口令:Should she sell her three sheer sheets or should she sell her teacher’s weak sheep. If she sells these
weak sheep, then how the teacher sees her mean deeds and buy her steamed cheese.
● Part Two 跟读练习
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词首:eat, each, evening, ego, equal, east, easy, even, eager, ease
词中:seat, deed, beat, lead, meat, geese, feel, please, receive, relieve
词尾:free, key, plea, tea, trustee, see, decree, degree, he, she
believeit or not
complete a task
come immediately
receive a message
call a police
deep into the sea
an ideal wife
an evening party
a small creature
agree with somebody
Form Sentences
We need some clean sheets.
like this
1. in, me, please, see, three, weeks
2. evening, he’s, in, leaving, the
3. cream, Eva, her, with, likes, tea
4. wheels, never, seen, he’s, these
5. a, eat, lot, of, pizza, teenagers
D. Dialogue
A:Is there any meat?
B:Yes, just tinned meat.
A:Is it chicken?
B:No, it’s beef.
A:Is it ready to eat?
B:Well, you’d better heat it before you eat it.
From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they
are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies. There are many different ways to
spend our spare time.
Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes.
Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money;
others are valuable only to their owners.
I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fiftycent piece worth $250! He was very happy about his purchase and thought the price was reasonable. On the other
hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they areworth any money.
However, to my brother they are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new match box for
his collection.
That’s what a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it. The
value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.
Answer Key
A. 1. beef
2. steam
3. lick
6. mouth
7. mean
8. stress
B. 1. tree
2. three
3. reach
6. peanuts
7. sheep
8. bee
C. 1. Please see me in three weeks.
2. He’s leaving in the evening.
3. Eva likes her tea with cream.
4. He’s never seen these wheels.
5. Teenagers eat a lot of pizza.
4. cheese
5. rabbit
9. aim
10. agreement
4. least
5. seek
9. cream
10. peach
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LESSON 8 比较[I] 和[i]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 在美语中,这两个音不是以长短元音来区分的。而是以发音时嘴唇和舌尖的紧张程度来进行区分的。前
2. 在听力中如何区分这两个元音,也是个难题。需要做一些有针对性的对比辨音练习。
3. 区分这两个音是非常重要的,因为口语表达中的自信感,很大程度来自于对音的准确把握。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear/
hear// // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ a bread
6. to _______ to a speech
2. _______ the peach
7. look at the _______
3. lose a _______
8. a bottle of _______
4. a falling_______
9. send a _______
5. _______ my thought
10. a _______ way
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // // in the sentences.
Did you heat the milk?
It’s a good film, isn’t it?
I want to buy the pink lipstick.
There is a key on the seat.
He is a teacher in this university.
My little sister cannot keep still for a minute.
The old man killed the shark at last.
Eat the meat, please.
The sheep is going to sleep.
The ship is filled with goods.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Speech is silver, silence is gold. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。
绕口令:Three gray-green greedy geese, feeding on a weedy piece.
The piece was weedy, and the geese were greedy.
Three gray-green greedy geese.
● Part Two 跟读练习
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词首:ignore, industry, impact, immigrate, inhale, interact, impossible, individual, indoor, indulge, even, emend,
eaves, ecosystem, either, Egypt, eastern, eve, evil, evolution.
词中 : bit, wish, disk, fish, kick, sink, zip, ship, which, people, between, beach, grief, release, mean, feet,
wreathe, wheel, needle.
词尾:body, healthy, sickly, twenty, rainy, sunny, cloudy, slippery, ic y, chemistry we, be, knee, agree, oversea,
three, ski, flee, party, tree.
a fish on a ship
a silly pig
feel weak
think highly of
anything else
a rich businessman
heal the heel
fix the date
a neat room heal the heel
C. Form sentences, using the words below.
1. he’s/his
2. fit/feet
3. beat/bit
4. did/deed
5. hill/heel
6. sleep/slip
D. Dialogue
A:Do you see the woman? Is she a teacher?
B:Yes, she is.
A:Does she teach Chinese?
B:No, she is an English teacher.
A:And who’s the man in the green beside her?
B:You mean the man wearing jeans? He’s her little brother.
E. Paragraph
I believe the first thing you ought to know about American customs is how introductions are made in the United
States. A great difference between American social customs and those of other countries lies in the way in which
names are used. Most Americans don’t like using Mr., Mrs. or Miss. They find these terms too formal. In the United
States, people of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names. For example, one may say, “My name is
Wilson—James Wilson. Call me James.” “ Glad to meet you. I’m Miller. But call me Paul. ” “ How do you do? ”
“ How do you do? ”Sometimes the ladies that you first meet will also say, “Don’t call me Mrs. Smith, just call me
So, as you can see, using only first names usually indicates friendliness. Very often, introductions are made
using both first and last names; for example “Mary Smith, this is John Jones.” In this situation, you are free to decide
whether to call the lady “Mary” or “Miss Smith”. Sometimes both of you will begin a conversation using family
names, that is, surnames:Mr. Smith, Miss White, and after a while one or both of you may begin using first names
instead. Of course, foreigners who come to the States may feel uncomfortable using only first names. For them it is
quite acceptable to be more formal. You just smile and say, “Excuse my being formal when meeting new friends. I
am accustomed to it. After a while I’ll use first names too.”
So, if your American friends do not use your last names or titles, that really doesn’t mean any lack of respect.
They are used to beinginformal.
Answer Key
A. 1. key 2. fish 3. book 4. glass
5. fill
6. table
7. sick
8. leaf
9. head 10. ship
B. 1. keep 2. eat
3. key
4. leaf
5. read 6. listen 7. window 8. ink
9. gift
10. simple
C.1.He ’s doing his homework now.
2.The shoes just fit her feet.
3.Follow the beats of the music,and faster a little bit.
4.Did you sign the deed?
5.Jerry hurt his heel when he climb the hill.
6.Marie sleeps in her new slip.
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LESSON 9 元音[
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个音以及[]和[]两个音,同汉语“哎”十分容易混淆。很多同学在听这几个音时上也分不清它们之间
2. 发音时嘴型的大小要严格控制,舌尖不要过于用力前顶。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. never _______
6. at all _______
2. take the _______
7. step by_______
3. a _______ answer
8. excellent _______
4. get _______for the wedding
9. attend a _______
5. your_______ friend
10. _______ the dress
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the // sound in the sentences.
Let Jenny go to the disco.
You should go to bed ASAP.
Can I use your pen?
Ted needs a rest.
Better late than never.
Fetch the eggs from the nest.
Mend the fence when the weather is better.
Whose pen is this?
Our hotel is the best in the c ity.
She fell in love with the fellow she met at a film festival.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:East or west, home is best. 金窝银窝不如自己的草窝。
绕口令:If the sun in red should set, the next day surely will be wet;
If the sun should set in a gray sky, the next day will be a rainy.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:else, end, excess, empty, anybody, entrance, energy, emphasis, edit, envy
词中:says, bread, friend, their, get, medical, many, directly, general, president
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B. Phrases
send a present get up at seven check your watch well done left hand make a bet tell a story win in the election a w et road C.
Form Sentences
It is a heavy desk.
like this
1. red / pencil
2. bad / belt
3. new / lesson
4. clever / cat
5. pleasant / day
D. Dialogue
Ned:Hi, Bella! Hi, Fred! Hi, Jenny!
Fred:Hi, Ned, Cigarette?
Bella:Help yourself to some drink.
Jenny:Just look at the shelf on your left.
Fred:How did you spend your holiday? Ned?
Ed:I went to Venice with one of my friend.
Everybody:Wow! Bella:We are a little jealous.
Fred:How about it? Was it expensive?
Ned:Well yes, very expensive. I spent almost everything I had.
Jenny:Did you have money left?
Ed:Yes, Jenny. Only ten cents!
E. Paragraph
There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house, whether you intend to buy or only rent.
After all, it is going to be your home, perhaps for quite a long time, and you want to be happy with it. You have to
decide exactly what kind of house you want, how much you can afford to pay, and the type of neighborhood you
wish to live in.
Last week my wife and I arranged to see a house that was for sale.
The agent said it might need a few repairs, but he thought we should look at it anyway. He told us it was a
bargain. Some bargain! The roof leaked and the plumbing didn’t work. The front steps were broken and the back door
had no lock on it. It needed to be painted both inside and outside. It was in terrible condition.
“What do you think?” the agent asked.
“It isn’t exactly what we want,”we told him.
“You are very difficult to please,”he said.“Perhaps you’d better have your house custom built.”
Answer Key
A. 1. letter 2. theatre 3. eleven 4. may 5. ever 6. often 7. wink 8. desk 9. floor 10. edge
B. 1. forget 2. medicine 3. correct 4. ready 5. best 6. levels 7. step 8. memory 9. lecture 10. mend
C. 1. It is a red pencil.
2. It is a bad belt.
3. It is a new lesson.
4. It is clever cat.
5. It is a pleasant day.
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LESSON 10 比较 [] 和 [
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 有人认为[]的发音介于[]与[]之间。这种说法不知有何依据。发音时不要去想后面两个音之间有何关联 ,
2. 这两个音在音质上还是很有区别的,对大多数中国学生来讲,并不困难。笔者教学过程中曾遇到过分不
3. 元音[]在发音时嘴唇向两侧分开的幅度较[]略大,而后者嘴唇上下张开的幅度要稍大于前者,同时后者
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, the fill in the blanks below.
1. window and ______
6. _______show
2. _______ table
7. _______by little
3. too _______
8. in _______ case
4. in the _______
9. _______ weeks
5. go straight ______
10. post a _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // // in the sentences.
There is a pencil on the desk.
He has to pay a visit to his friend.
Would you like to tell them the news?
They have to send for a doctor.
This is a red-letter day.
He has no interest in literature.
Asia is the largest continent in the world.
They didn’t finish the task until seven o’clock in the morning.
The gem you ordered is available now.
His endeavors to go abroad succeeded.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:All that glitters is not gold.
We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
绕口令:Is a pleasant peasant’s pheasant present?
● Part Two 跟读练习
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词首:ignorance, illogical, illusion, illustrate, imagination, immature, imperfect, inaccurate, inadequate, inbred
else, ever, edge, end, elsewhere, anything, eggplant, enterprise, engineer, excess
词中:serious, wish, myth, hear, rhythm, carriage, homage, political, therapist prohibition head, bread, pet, dead,
westward, penny, clever, nest, tenth, cheque.
词尾:tidy, colloquy, commodity, warmly, lavatory, forty, poorly, scummy, utility, vacancy.
met an old friend
civil servant
a bad program
at a distance
the Privy Council
save money
C.Form Sentences, using the following words.
1. live/ village
3. send /film
2. lead/lid
4. fetch/egg
forget the examination
the western District
hit the men on the head
5. bend/wrist
6. lick/finger
7. lick/finger
A:Morning, Mum!
B:Morning, Meg. You look not well today? Are you ill?
B:No, I am not ill.
A:Then, What’s the matter with you my child. ?
A:Oh, come on, baby. Tell me what happened.
B:I…I failed to pass the examination. How I wish I had studied hard.
A:Oh. Take it easy. You can set your aim from today.
B:Ok, Mum. I will not fail the examination next time.
Henry W. Longfellow once wrote:“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. ” How nice it
would be if we all had a god who could help us finish what we begin. Unfortunately, we don’t. But what we do have
is a dynamic called discipline —which extracts a high price. Following one of Paderewski’s performances, a fan said
to him, “I’d give my life to play like that.” The brilliant pianist replied, “I did.”
Accomplishment is often deceptive because we don’t see the pain and perseverance that produced it. So we may
credit the achiever with brains, muscles or lucky break, and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all
three. Not that we could all be concert pianists just by exercising enough discipline. Rather, each of us has the
makings of success in some endeavor, but we will achieve this only if we apply our wills and work at it.
Answer Key
A. 1. mess 2. miss 3. bit 4.minute 5. favorite 6. question 7. tent 8. weather 9. bird 10. save
B. 1. bed 2. breakfast 3. big 4. end 5. ahead 6. quiz 7. little 8. any 9. eleven 10. letter
1. Jerry lives in a village.
2. Jerry will take the lead lid.
3. Jerry send the film to the cinema.
4. Jerry is coming here to fetch the eggs.
5. Jerry bends his wrist to touch the ball.
6. Jerry licks his finger to stop the pain.
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LESSON 11 元音[[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 发音时不要把嘴巴张得太大,应尽力向两侧舒展。
2. 注意其发音的饱满度,在单词、短语及句子中不要把它发得太轻。
3. 在我们熟悉的 Jones 音标中,这个音素的标识是[ei]。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. at the_______ of
6. _______ to be late
2. _______ for
7. _______a game
3. in the _______way
8. _______ the plate
4. to bake a _______
9. became _______
5. pen and_______
10. _______ at the gate
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // in the sentences.
I’ll be back later.
He stands by the lake.
This is the main plane to Beijing.
We made a mistake in the train station.
Great changes have taken place in April.
Daisy’s afraid of the waves.
Change the tape, please.
She does this for the sake of face saving.
He gained the silver chain at last.
There is a radio on the table.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:No pains, no gains.
Call a spade a spade.
绕口令:James the jailer changed the jail’s chairs and chained the chairs to the jail.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:able, ache, aid, aim, apron, alien, eighty, agent, Asia, aviation
词中:main, straight, vein, indicate, gauge, regulation, reign, potato, administrator, raise
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词尾:pay, stay, weigh, bouquet, array, tray, midday, hay, lay, pray
B. Phrases
raise a question
engage in haste
the Labor Day
get my pay
pale gray
take away
C.Form sentences, using the following words.
waste paper
a lazy waiter
make coffee
(Jane meets her classmate Jason while waiting at the train station.)
Jane:Hi, Jason, fancy meeting you here!
Jason:Hi, Jason, nice to meet you too! What are you doing here?
Jane:I’m waiting for the train. The train is late! I’ve been waiting here for ages.
Jason:Which train are you waiting for?
Jane:The 18:30 to Edinburgh.
Jason:I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.
Jane:A mistake? But I took the train just 8 days ago.
Jason:Oh, no. The Edinburgh train leaves at 18:13.
Jane:At 18:13?
Conductor:Yes. They changed the schedule at the end of May.
Jane:Changed it?
Jason:Yes, I took the same train yesterday at 18:13.
Jane:So the train is not late. I’m late.
“All work and no play makes Jerry a dull boy” is a popular saying in the United States. Other countries have
similar sayings. It is true that all of us need recreation. We cannot work all the time if we are going to maintain good
health and enjoy life.
Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are
individual sports, also, such as tennis and swimming. In addition, hiking, fishing, skiing, and mountain climbing hold
a great attraction to people who like to be outdoors.
Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators,
either by attending the games in person, watching them on television, or listening to them on the radio. When there is
an important baseball game or boxing match it is almost impossible to get tickets; everybody wants to attend.
Chess, card-playing, dungeons and dragons, dice, mind games, pool, bowling, and dancing are cool forms of
indoor recreation enjoyed by many people.
It doesn’t matter whether we play a fast game of ping-pong, concentrate over the bridge table, or go walking
through the woods on a brisk autumn afternoon. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy
some form of recreation.
Answer Key
A. 1. first 2. today 3. praise 4. heavy 5. decade 6. fresh 7. rich 8. grace 9. dark 10. shame
B. 1. age 2. pay 3. same 4. cake 5. paper 6. hate 7. play 8. shake 9. famous 10. wait
C. 1. How to make it?
2. There is a big snake in the garden.
3. He’s in good shape.
4. There are four shades of blue.
5. Tom and Jerry are close neighbors.
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LESSON 12 比较[[]和[[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
这两个音在发音的饱满度上相差甚远,一般不容易被混在一起。但在美国个别地区的方言中,元音 [e]听起
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /e/ / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ late than never
6. a gold _______
2. let nature _______its course
7. tell somebody to his _______
3. to some _______
8. _______dependence on
4. in _______
9. heavy_______
5. at any_______
10. _______the pace
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /e/ // in the sentences.
I will remember this red letter day.
They seldom stay at hotel during their journey.
The ship is sailing for New Delhi.
The men said he had made a model plane.
I have sent seven letter to my pen friend.
It takes him ten cents to get the painting.
He attended the examination finally.
Could you tell me the site of the West Lake?
Have you ever been to Sydney?
He has wasted seven eggs.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Necessity is the mother of invention.
The leopard can never change its spots. 本性难移。
绕口令:I try to do my best each day, in my work and in my play. And if I always do my best, I needn’t worry
about my test.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:acorn, ail, ailment, age, ate, eight, alienation, eighteen, aching, eighthlens, lemon, menu, petrol, remedy,
second, suspense, tremor, vegetation, whenever
词中 : baker, lane, name, nation, sage, sake, prevail, shaky, tailor, trace, peasant, head, pretence, record,
telegraph, impress, lessen, professional, sex, wrestle
词尾:prey, away, weigh, bray, mainstay, gay, spray, Malay, hideaway, parlay
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wrestle with a temptation
guess the meaning
dead creature
never late
came to an end
a bright prospect
C.Form Sentences
wait for/baby
like this
The fellow is waiting for the baby.
1. praise/test
3. guess/game
2. weigh/bread
4. fetch/paper
eleven games
hate the fellow
protect one’s right
5. pay for/dress
6. train/pet
A:Thank you for your letter.
B:Is your waist any better?
A:Yes, I’m feeling very well these days.
B:I’m glad you are getting better.
A:And I was glad to receive your letter.
B:Then when will you be back again?
A:I will be back again next Wednesday.
B:I hope to see you at that time again. Bye.
In the United States, during the meal, you’d better be careful not to leave a spoon in a soup bowl or a coffee cup
or any other dish. The coffee spoon ought to be on the saucer, the soup spoon ought to be on the plate under the bowl.
When you are having soup, make the least noises and use the side of your spoon inside out this w ay, not the tip. And
you mustn’t pick up your soup bowl so as to drink away the last drops of your soup from the bottom of the bowl.
Very often there is only one main course and salad, followed by your sweet. If you find the meal not square
enough, say “ Oh, it’s delicious!” and ask for some more of the chicken or steak or whatever you have just had. The
hostess will be very glad that you appreciate her cooking and will give you an extra portion. But if you observe the
Chinese way of being polite and say “ No, thank you” when the hostess offers you more, you will most probably
starved later. Because Americans will never press food on you. At the table, make the least noises when you are
eating. Yet it is not polite to keep silent and not to talk with the persons next to you. It would be considered good
manners if you handle your silverware with care so that they don’t clatter. Do not belch in the presence of the others
and do not hiccup more than you can help. When coffee comes, drink it from your cup. The coffee spoon should rest
on the saucer while you’re drinking. And smoking, of course, is rarely seen at a dinner table.
Answer Key
A. 1. able 2. bend 3. path 4. grove 5. grape 6. bathe 7. heaven 8. fame 9. strain 10. center
B. 1. better 2. necklace 3. take 4. face 5. extent 6. place 7. question 8. date 9. rate 10. set
C. 1. The fellow is praising the test.
2. The fellow is weighing the bread.
3. The fellow is guessing the game.
4. The fellow is fetching the paper.
5. The fellow is paying for the dress.
6. The fellow is training the pet.
LESSON 13 元音[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个音汉语中没有,因此中国学生发这个音时容易用“哎”的音来代替这个音。
2. 注意发音时嘴巴向两侧分开的幅度很大,舌身要尽量放平,虽然发音吃力,但不要图省力,而发不饱满。
3. 注意元素[]与元音[]及双元音[]的区别。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. as a_______ of fact
6. at a _______ price
2. on the other_______
7. a _______ gamble
3. _______production
8. climb the _______
4. follow the _______
9. hold the _______
5. look at a _______
10. _______a cold
C. 听句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /A/ in the sentences.
She comes from a very happy family.
That woman is said to have married with the left hand.
Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
She is sad to hear the fact.
Alice is in the bank.
Jack is from another land.
The man is in the black hat.
Did they carry the cash to the bank?
Pack the baggage in the back of the taxi.
The factory management reacted to union requests.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Handsome is as handsome does. 行为美才是真正的美。
绕口令:Mary and Amy ran back together to gather the black hat and the black bag.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:am, action, aunt, as, ash, at, airplane, absolute, ambulance, apple
词中:salary, bear, factory, clash, management, facile, contract, began, catch, rank
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a popular band
a positive attitude
a good appetite
a bad habit
military strategy
high rank
become angry
a fat cat
sign a contract
C. Form Sentences, using the following words.
1. Jack/happy
2. Madeline/ bag
3. black/cap
4. pass/ exam
5. taxi/fast
D. Dialogue
A:What’s the matter, Sally? You look so unhappy.
B:I had a bad day yesterday.
A:What happened?
B:I went to the library and lost my bag.
A:Your bag? Did you get it back?
B:I went back for it. But it was already gone.
A:That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.
E. Paragraph
It takes me a long time to make my mind about something. I don’t decide things quickly. Some people think it is
good and some people think it is bad. I don’t know. I know some people who make up their minds right away. It
doesn’t matter how complicated the problem is. In two minutes they say they have considered everything and that
they are sure they have made a good decision. I can understand that if the problem isn’t difficult or complicated. But
some issues are extremely hard to decide. Before I make a decision, I try to get all the facts I can, I read the
magazines, I talk to people, I read books, and I try to think of everything that might be important. Sometimes my
friends try to influence me. I listen to their advice, but I make my own decisions.
Sometimes it takes me a long time to make up my mind, but I don’t often have to change it. Other people I know
are changing their minds fast. They are likely to make a decision about everything.
Answer Key
A. 1. classes
2. accident
3. team
4. nature 5. accent
6. other 7. fat
8. such 9. nose 10. bank
B. 1. matter
2. hand 3. mass 4. fashion
5. map
6. fancy 7. national
8. ladder
9. banner 10. catch
C. 1. Jack is very happy.
2. Madeline bought a bag.
3. Jerry is wearing a black cap.
4. Tom hopes that he could pass the exam.
5. The taxi is fast.
LESSON 14 比较[[]和[[ ]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
对于中国学生来说,这两个音在汉语中的近似音都是“哎”,因此可能造成区分上的困难。 实际上这两个音
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. an _______genius
6. crucial_______
2. good_______
7. fill out the_______
3. English_______
8. better_______
4. _______ out
9. wood_______
5. _______me off
10. Jenny’s_______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // // in the sentences.
There is a red flag before the square.
Could you tell me the correct method?
This one is better than that one.
The lady seems very sad.
He met a black cat on his way back.
The lady is very gentle.
This is a map of Paris.
The girl is perfecting her English before going abroad.
She is far too sentimental about her leg.
Would you like to dance with the young man?
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:He who laughs last laughs best. 最后胜利才是真胜利。
绕口令:A cricket cracked his neck at a critical cricket match.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首: elephant, elevator, every, enemy, engineer, eminent, elementary,enterprise, eloquent,end, edge, elegant
access, accident, academic, acquisition, actor, actually, addle, adult, advent, adversary.
词中:pressure, respect, seven, bet, tell, then, election, fetch, head, test,cache, habit, slant, nasty, mat, chat, latch,
detached, collapse, passion.
词尾:在英语中[A][Z] 这两个发音不出现在词尾。
the digestive system
technical skills
natural selection
self defense
meddle with something
heaven sent
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a casual glance
postgraduate education
carry out a project
C.Form sentences, using the following words.
1. happy
2. matter
3. festival
4. potential
5. companion
6. task
A:What are you thinking?
B:I’m thinking where we shall spend our vocation.
A:It’s about 7 o’clock; let’s have our breakfast first.
B:Ok, dear. Or, We will be late.
A:What do you want?
B:A ham salad sandwich.
A:Sorry, I didn’t prepare this.
B:Then, I’d like some eggs and bread for breakfast instead.
A:Ok, I’ll have it sent to you immediately.
The mosquito is the most dangerous insect in the world, and can be shown to be man’s oldest and deadliest
insect enemy. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the type of mosquito which carries malaria and other
diseases is believed to be responsible, directly or indirectly, for half of all human deaths since the Stone Age, if you
exclude deaths from wars and accidents. Even today, mosquitoes kill up to two million people a year worldwide, and
an estimated 600 million more are said to be at risk or threatened by the diseases they carry.
Infection is carried only by the female mosquito, which usually has to feed on blood before laying eggs. The
insect injects the victim with a substance which thins the blood, before it is sucked up through a needle-like tube on
its head. The thinning agent contains the disease, which will then be passed on to the next person by this mosquito.
And so proceeds the vicious cycle of diseaseand death.
As quickly as we develop insecticides to kill them, mosquitoes seem to be able to develop resistance to our
inventions. The same is true of efforts to develop drugs to control the diseases spread by mosquitoes. In many cases,
it takes a much shorter time for mosquitoes to develop resistance to man’s invention of a new drug than it takes man
to develop the drug.
Answer Key
A. 1. fat
2. jacket 3. profession
4. sound
5. specimen
6. death 7. replace 8. react 9. tolerate 10. definite
B. 1. absolute
2. attitude
3. test 4. checks 5. drag
6. factor 7. application
8. less 9. fence 10. absent
C. 1. I feel happy about that!
2. It does matter.
3. Spring festival is a Chinese traditional holiday.
4. You got a lot of potential.
5. We are good companions.
6. We have to finish the task.
LESSON 15 元音[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 美语中,元音[]的口形和音位同[]一致,在很多单词的发音中两个音无法区分,因此我们认为这两个音
2. 发音过程中,下巴及嘴唇要尽量放松,不要张开过大,更不要向两侧分开,以致于发出类似汉语“呃”的
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. a long _______
6. the manager of the _______
2. committee _______
7. a _______ cost
3. _______ that day
8. the _______ government
4. my _______ workmate
9. _______ minister
5. _______ nine o’clock
10. feel very _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // in the sentences.
Another hotel will be built across the street.
Nina will arrive here about eight o’clock.
She is the manager’s daughter.
I will remember it forever.
He is a music teacher.
This is a supermarket.
Could you give me some advice?
She wants to be a professor.
This is an Indian dance.
He is a bus driver.
I’ll buy the cup.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Distant hills are greener. 这山望见那山高。
绕口令:If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister’s sister-assistant assist me?
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:annoy, arrive, alive, attach, assume, amaze, abroad, alleviate, approve, appreciation
词中:was, general, democrat, physician, telephone, communication, balloon, pictures, potato, correct
词尾:camera, data, banana, China, cinema, dogma, sofa, Russia, drama, zebra
B. Phrases
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wonderful weather
the day after tomorrow
go to the theatre
moments ago
modern facilities
Beijing Opera
productive capacity
an admirable singer
imaginative power
C. Form sentences, using the following words.
D. Dialogue
A:They are professors and government officials.
B:Where are they from?
A:Most of them are from America and Europe.
B:What are they doing in Beijing?
A:They are attending an international conference here.
B:Which hotel are they staying at?
A:They are staying at the Hilton Hotel.
E. Paragraph
When I answered the telephone this morning, I knew right away the lady had the wrong number. But it took her
a long time to find out. She said her name was Mrs. Mavis and asked if I was Dr. Cooper’s secretary. I told her that
she had an incorrect number, but I don’t think she listened to me. She told me she wanted to cancel her two o’clock
appointment because her child was sick and she had to take care of him. I told her I was very sorry to hear that, but
she still had the wrong number. Then she wanted to know if she could make anappointment next week. I told her I
couldn’t arrange it:I was not Dr. Cooper’s secretary. Finally she heard what I said. She wanted to know why I didn’t
tell her right away that she had the wrong number. Before I could answer her, she hung up.
At first I was a little upset about it, but later on in the morning I decided it was really funny. I wanted to call up
my sister and tell her about it. I guess I dialed the wrong number and I happened to get Mrs. Mavis. You can imagine
how astonished I was. I tried to explain that I had made a mistake, but she wouldn’t listen. She just wanted to know
how I got her telephone number. She said she couldn’t understand why I was bothering her. I tried to explain again,
but she talked so much and so fast that I couldn’t interrupt her to say that I was sorry. I finally hung up the receiver.
I still wanted to call my sister, but I was afraid I might get that lady’s number again. I didn’t use the telephone
for the rest of the day.
Answer Key
A. 1. breakfast
2. receive
3. polite 4. wear 5. counter
6. always 7. beach 8. hard 9. butter 10. bottom
B. 1. distance 2. committee
3. later
4. former 5. around
6. company 7. considerable
8. federal 9. former 10. embarrass
C. 1. Don’t be annoy, things will work out for you.
2. Jerry is very polite.
3. The counter is at the end of the hall.
4. We need a large amount of money.
5. I like to eat potato.
LESSON 16 元音[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. look for the _______
6. at the bus _______
2. four _______
7. on the _______ of
3. a famous _______
8. in the _______
4. at the _______ of the society
9. a fashion _______
5. have many _______
10. go _______
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /a/ in the sentences.
Will they talk about the policy of the Information Department?
Dishonesty blocks competition in the economy.
The artist mocked the popular marketing of books.
He occupies the opposite apartment.
The poster man is going on a holiday.
It has been so hot recently.
This bottle of milk is selling very well.
Someone is knocking at the door.
She is eating a hot dog outside the house.
She is doing a lofty job.
谚 语:Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。
绕口令:Pop bottles pop-bottles in pop shops.
The pop-bottles Pop bottles poor Pop drops.
When pop-bottles pop bottles topple Pop mops slop.
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:odd, arm, oxygen, opposite, olive, arbitrary, occident, optical, obsolete, honest
词中:bottle, economy, mob, modern, foreign, policy, problem, logic, college, possible
词尾:英语中这个发音不出现在词尾,除外 ma, pa, hurrah!Ah! 这几个美国通俗口语和 Patois, shah 两个
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drop in on somebody
Doctor of Philosophy
a matter of doctrine
fox and geese
God’s gift
cost a bomb
a lost child
a lot of
ten o’clock
C. Form sentences, using the words below .
1. baby/doll
2. clock/watch
3. rock/log
4. top/ bottom
5. bomb/rock
D. Dialogue
Tom:What’s wrong with you, Mr. Polly?
Mr. Polly:What’s wrong? I want a break from this horrible
job. Tom:Then, buy a bottle of soft drink.
Mr. Polly:Would you like to buy a bottle for me in the shop?
Tom:It’s a problem, because my boss is in that shop now.
Mr. Polly:Ok, I myself will go there.
Tom:Sorry, Mr. Polly.
Mr. Polly:It doesn’t matter. Oh, God, I have only four dollars in my wallet. Is that possible for me to buy one?
Tom:Have a try.
E. Paragraph
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and
dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil w ar, testing whether
that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure.
“We are met on a great battlefield of that war; we have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting
place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should
do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead,
who struggled here consecrate it far above our poor power to add or detract.
“The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is
for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so
nobly advanced.
“It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us— that from these honored dead we
take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly
resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and
that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Answer Key
A. 1.watchman
2. box
3. your
4. cop
5. toll
6. tooth
7. sorry
8. tongue
9. glove
10. lost
B. 1. wallet
2. dollars
3. scholar
4. bottom
5. hobbies
6. stop
7. top
8. teapot
9. model
10. shopping
C. 1. The baby is playing with a doll.
2. Thereis a clock and a watch on the table.
3. There is a rock and a log on the ground.
4. There is a top and a bottom of each mountain.
5. We need to bomb the rock.
LESSON 17 元音[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个音在英式英语中发为[]。美语中的发音同英语绝不相同。美语中这个音发起来有些像[].
2. 英式英语中的[],发音时口形小而圆,美语中这个音发音时口形很大,只是嘴唇略呈圆形。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill the blanks below.
1. obey the_______
6. a _______ river
2. _______ about reform
7. _______ troops
3. _______ the road
8. find _______ with
4. play_______
9. _______ a map
5. go for a _______
10. _______ terms
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // in the sentences.
Australia is a beautiful country.
This is an awkward situation.
She is a great authority on computer.
He fought bravely in the World War II.
Have you ever been to Broadway?
Although he worked hard, he failed the exam.
Autumn is a fruitful season.
She is the author of the novel.
Why do you always late?
I thought his talk was excellent.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Fire and water have no mercy. 水火无情.
You can’t make bricks without straw. 巧妇难为无米之炊。
绕口令:You cross a cross across a cross,
Or cross a stick across a stick,
Or cross a stick across a cross,
Or stick a stick across a stick,
Or stick a cross across a cross,
Or stick a cross across a stick,
Or stick a stick across a cross,
What a waste of time!
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● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:awl, audition, austerity, offset, autocratic, auxiliary, Austria, automatic, alternative, autobiography
词中:Boston, brawl, broth, caught, lawn, naughty, hawk, daub, sausage, cause
词尾:claw, thaw, seesaw, Utah, squaw, craw, gnaw, jaw, paw, guffaw
B. Phrases
Authorized Version
augment one’s income
because of
ought to
the dawn of civilization
an important meeting
keep the ball rolling
law court
not care a straw
raw material
C.Form sentences, using the words below to for m a short paragr aph.
A:Hey, don’t walk on the lawn.
B:Sorry, I’m looking for my wallet.
A:You lost your wallet? Anything important in it?
B:Yes. A lot of cash. Almost forty thousand pounds.
A:Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I think you’d better talk to the police officer walking there.
B:It seems that is a better w ay. Thank you.
A:You are welcome.
Good morning toall,
Good morning to all who walk,
Good morning to all who crawl,
Good morning to all who soar,
Or swim, good morning I call,
To broad and to small, to short and to tall,
Good morning; Good morning toall.
Answer Key
A. 1. lawyer
2. all
3. ahead 4. tall
5. some
6. ball
7. caught
8. know 9. jaw
10. caution
B. 1. law
2. talk 3. cross 4. football 5. walk
6. broad 7. withdraw 8. fault 9. draw 10. nautical
C. It’s always hot in New York in August. Our boss always coughs in summer.
He’s been coughing for the whole month of this August.
We are all very worried about his health.
LESSON 18 比较[[]和[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
在美语的一些方言中,这两个音并没有区别。但对于大部分以 GA 为标准的讲美语的人来讲,还是有区分的 。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. upper_______
6. my little _______
2. an _______signature
7. a _______ face
3. an _______handwriting
8. _______in a jewel
4. _______a help
9. find _______ with
5. _______ in all
10. a good _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // // in the sentences.
He hit the ball inside the yard.
He caught a fox yesterday.
May I call you at 8 this evening?
He has a lot of books in his bag.
The man walking over there is my boss.
There is a photo on the wall.
He is swimming in the pool.
My shoes are in the black box.
I saw a dog through the window.
It is impossible for him to come here this week.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Constant dripping wears away a stone. 只要工夫深,铁杵磨成针。
绕口令:Oh, look at the moon!
She is shining up there,
Oh, Mother, she looks
啊,妈妈, 她好像
Like a lamp in the air.
Pretty moon, pretty moon,
How you shine on the door,
And make it all bright
On the brown shiny floor.
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首: automobile, autonomous, awkward, although, alternative, autocratic, auditor, auditorium, altar, august
optical, occupation, honorable, ostrich, oxen, Oxford, octane, oxygen, olive, ostentation
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词中:brawl, brawl, broth, broadcast, loss, yawn, gnaw, volleyball, lawless, hawk, sociology, mockery, poverty,
population, methodology, biology, jockey, respond, improvisation, toddler
词尾:在英语中[B] 这个发音不出现在词尾。
claw, thaw, saw, guffaw, chaw, Shaw, Utah, taw, haw, caw.
B. Phrases
support from the boss
according to the doctor
the cost of
saw an opera
lock the door
modern literature
a hot topic
on the bench
shortage of resource
C. Form sentences, using the words below to form a short paragr aph .
cough collar
dawn lawyer
D. Dialogue
A:Robin, what are you going to do tomorrow?
B:Bob and I plan to play hockey in the morning.
A:And later?
B:Well, in the afternoon, after a long nap, we’ll go yachting with Nora.
A:It seems that you will have a nice day tomorrow.
B:How about you? What are you going to do tomorrow?
A:I have a lot of work in the office and a lot of chores in the house. How I envy you, Robin!
E. Paragraph
For 20 years now I’ve watched my best friend, Julie, go through one stressful event after another and hardly
break a sweat. As a teenager, while the rest of us obsessed over getting into the college of our choice, Julie barely
seemed to think about it after she popped her applications in the mail. After graduating from college, she moved eight
times in 16 years, beginning with switching law schools so she could live in the same city as her new husband. She
then had her first baby in a city thousands of miles from her beloved family, and two more babies in the next four
years. Somewhere in the middle of this, her father was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery that could have
killed him. It’s not that Julie never worried during this time, but she never seemed stressed out. Her motto:Whybe
anxious when you could be napping?
To say that I am jealous of Julie ’s laid-back attitude would be an understatement. I'm the type who gets up at 3
A.M. to feed the baby and can’t fall back to sleep for hours because I’m drowning in a waterfall of concerns that
begins with my guilt over having forgotten to send my sister-in-lawa birthday card. Although I have become
mellower in my 30s than I was in my 20s, like many women I find that the little stuff still gets to me sometimes.
Answer Key
A. 1. body 2. siege
3. back 4. follow
5. all-out
6. enroll 7. caught 8. call
9. plenty
10. odd
B. 1. jaw
2. authentic 3. awful 4. offer 5. all
6. daughter 7. haughty 8. flaws 9. fault
10. talker
C. It was dawn, the lawyer stood in the middle of the floor. It was cold, he lifted up his collar and started to cough
from time to time. He had just been through a phone call, and the caller told him that he had just lost $10,000.
LESSON 19 元音[[
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /
// in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ and seek
6. a high _______
2. _______ a letter
7. a wide _______
3. white _______
8. a _______ mind
4. a bright _______
9. have no _______
5. a nice _______
10. a _______ child
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the /
// sound in the sentences.
The gold is shinning in my eyes.
My grandmother lives in the countryside.
The kite was flying high in the sky.
The trip to Hawaii widens my horizon.
Carry the rice on your bike.
He didn’t like to swim with the tide.
The boy is telling a white lie.
Sign your name here.
He died in a quiet night.
Strike while the iron is hot.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Time and tide wait for no man.
Great minds think alike.
绕口令:There is pie in my eye,
Will I cry?
Will I die?
Though I am shy, I will not lie.
It might cause a sty, but I deny
that I will die or cry
from the pie in my eye.
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:eyes, aisle, item, island, identity, isolate, ideal, iceberg, ivy, identification
词中:dive, height, light, tire, kind, find, retire, satire, tribe, primary, sunrise
词尾:buy, occupy, identify, thigh, w hy, rely, sigh, deny, beautify, testify
B. Phrases
white wine
an eye for eye
smoke a pipe
at the sight of
the biting wind
fight tooth and nail
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lions and tigers
silent treatment
C. Form sentences
Like this:I like the bike. It’s quite light.
1. highway/wide
3. light/bright
2. knife/nice
4. rice/ white
keep it in the mind
5. site/ high
D. Dialogue
A:Did you go to see Michael last night?
B:Yes, He had just bought a new motorcycle.
A:Did he let you ride it?
B:Yes, I tried it and I quite liked it.
A:Weren’t you frightened?
B:Sure. But I still liked it.
A:Would you like to buy a motorcycle yourself?
B:No. Although motorcycle is nice, I’d like to buy a bicycle.
A:But why? Since you like it so much.
B:Because bicycles are safer.
E. Paragraph
There are no laws enforcing respect. Yet we cannot interact with others without some rules of behavior, rules
that are set by some form of social consensus. These guidelines represent what a majority of people consider
acceptable and what they consider unacceptable. Rude people are those whose behavior shows little respect for the
rules that the majority follow. For instance, because they talk at home while the television is on, many people think
they can talk at movies as well. They are not even aware that this habit will bother the other members of the audience.
Smoking in public is one of the rudest things you can do. Don’t be a rude dude! Don’t Smoke!
And also there are many children and adolescents whose behavior is generally unacceptable. They listen to their
Walkmans while the teacher is talking to them. Kids who have no idea what being polite means will pay the price
sooner or later. When they join the work force, their employers and associates alike will soon realize that the behavior
of these rude young people is closer to that of animals than civilized individuals. When they lose a few contracts
because they talk with their mouth full, or when they say “Bob” to someone who should be “Mr. Johnson,” these
grown-up kids, because of their ignorance, will never understand why others are getting ahead and they are not.
Every little bit of kindness helps. With manners, the best rule is the one that work. It is easier to look and sound
attractive when we are nice to other people. Being polite and showing respect can give us an edge. Why do we need
an edge? Success in life often starts with a job we like, and since getting a job is usually based on making the right
impression, it is always a good idea to be kind and polite.
Answer Key
A. 1. fright 2. raid 3. guide
4. similar
5. style
6. boy 7. back 8. tame 9. race 10. climb
B. 1. hide
2. write 3. line 4. sky
5. wife
6. price 7. tie 8. wise 9. time 10. shy
C. 1. I like the highway. It’s quite wide.
2. I like the knife. It’s quite nice.
3. I like the light. It’s quite bright.
4. I like the rice. It’s quite white.
5. I like the site. It’s quite high.
LESSON 20 元音 [ ]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 很多中国学生把这个音发成较短的“呜”,这是极不正确的。仔细体会听辨练习中这个音的特点,再发一
2. 有些同学能够听出这个音与汉语近似音的不同之处,但往往把它发成一个极轻的“噢”,实际上也不能发
3. 汉语中的“呜”在发音时嘴形虽小而圆,但较为紧张。而且舌尖并没有离开下齿,即使离开,后缩的程
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. have a _______
6. _______through
2. _______a room
7. walk through the _______
3. _______no distortion
8. a bit _______
4. _______in some sugar
9. _______the boat
5. a _______scholar
10. _______food
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /U/ in the sentences.
The cook took us into the room.
Don’t push the woman to do it.
I put on my glasses to look at the book.
Please put the wool back where it belongs.
I know you could but you wouldn’t.
She pushed the car but it refused to move.
He understood what the children wanted.
The cook took some sugar and put it in the soup.
A bullet hit Crook in the foot.
Would you bake cookies for the neighborhood?
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
绕口令:Cooper shook some cookies from sister Coolie ’s sooty shoes.
And also Coolie shook some soot from Cooper’s cooker.
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
good, book, woman, understood, neighborhood, look, should, hood, could, full
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look around
some good sugar
a wooden hook
cook food
shook hands
butcher’s foot
by crook
understood the woman
small bush
Form sentences :using the words below to form a short paragr aph .
D. Dialogue
Mr. Cook:Could you tell me where you put my book?
Mrs. Cook:Which book? Your cookbook?
Mr. Cook:No. A Walk in the Woods.
Mrs. Cook:Isn’t it on the bookshelf?
Mr. Cook:No. The bookshelf is full of fashion books.
Mrs. Cook:Then have you put it in the bedroom?
Mr. Cook:No. Now would you like to help me look for the book?
Mrs. Cook:Ok. Look! It’s just near your foot.
Mr. Cook:Oh, very good.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry I could not travel both
and be one traveler, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim,
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that, the passing there
had worn them really about the same,
I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.
Answer Key
A. 1. good 2. would
3. food 4. part 5. hook
6. cushion 7. watch 8. safe 9. foot 10. cook
B. 1. look
2. book 3. brook 4. put 5. bookish
6. pull
7. woods 8. crooked 9. push
10. good
C. There is a box full of good sugar, don’t just look at it, let’s eat.
LESSON 21 元音[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
这个音很多中国学生把它发成较长的 “呜”,实际上不正确。因为它的发音过程是以 [] 起始,然后嘴形收
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ moon
6. a foreign _______
2. a big living_______
7. slight _______
3. strong _______
8. go to _______
4. good _______
9. prove to be _______
5. gold _______
10. spread_______
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /u/ in the sentences.
He eats with forks and spoons.
They have moved to another place.
You should put on your shoes.
I have a toothache.
He lives a loose life.
He bought some fruit for the group.
He is a big fool.
Move to the left side!
I like school life.
Choose your shoes.
谚 语:Do as Romans do while in Rome.
To err is human.
绕口令:Sue sucks sugar and sherbet through a straw. 苏用吸管吸糖和果汁露。
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:ooze, oodles, oops,
词中:beauty, moon, newspaper, school, truth, cool, loose, noon, soon, whom.
词尾:view, pursue, bamboo, crew, undo, queue, avenue, hue, hew, brew,.
buy this kind of boot
moved to tears
a rude fellow
tell the truth
at noon
a swimming pool
on duty
not worth a hoot
use a ruler
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sooner or later
in the moonlight
picking fruit.
Form sentences :using the words below to form a short paragr aph .
Miss Luke:Good afternoon, girls.
Good afternoon, Miss Luke.
Miss Luke:This afternoon we’re going to learn how to cook soup. Open your book at unit 22.
Excuse me, Miss Luke.
Miss Luke:Yes, Sue?
Thereis some chewing gum on your shoes.
Miss Luke:Who threw the chewing gum on the floor?
It’s June Cook. June:It wasn’t me. You stupid fool!
Miss Luke:Excuse me?
There is no excuse for you!
Miss Luke:You are always a little rude in the class. You should learn to bepolite.
You should learn how not to be ugly!
From recorded history, man has been fascinated and delighted with music. Bone whistles, used as a type of flute,
have been found dating back to 3000 BC. Paintings from the Stone Age show early musical instruments.
In modern times, man has further developed his interest in music and in recorded sound with the many
advancements in audio production. American inventor Thomas Edison, who was considered the father of sound
recording, developed the phonograph in 1877, the first device to record music in the world. While Edison
concentrated at first mainly on the reproduction of the voice, it was not long before the musical uses of his invention
were recognized and marketed. The modern recording industry was born to satisfy an enormous market for all types
of music :folk, classical, hard rock, acid rock, grunge, rap, classic rock, country, as well as orchestral and popular
The widespread use of electricity in the post-World War Two period led to the invention of the modern,
probable record player. It was, however, “mono”. The real music enthusiast needs a realistic reproduction of music
with “ high fidelity” or “hi-fi” stereo.
The invention of transistors and the rise of the giant electronic companies in the developed world in the 1970’s
fed the growing demand for hi-fi stereo systems using compact cassettes containing magnetic tape. These tapes made
the long haired hippies very happy. Now they could dance half-naked outside while listening to their favorite bands
in the park.
The 1980’s saw an even greater series of developments in sound reproduction hardware. Some major examples
are the Sony Corporation’s invention and development of the tiny portable tape players known as the “Walkman”,
and the compact disc, or CD, system based on laser technology that stores and reproduces information digitally.
Answer Key
A. 1. blue
2. talk
3. beauty
4. ball
5. ruler
6. cook
7. earth
8. much
9. rude
10. pool
B. 1. blue
2. room
3. troop
4. mood
5. spoon
6. movie
7. move
8. school
9. true
10. rumors
C. Jerry just moved to a new c ity, he had just got enrolled to a new school. He will finally get used to the new place.
Shoot! He lost his favorite spoon yesterday.
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LESSON 22 比较[[ ]和[[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. a _______ school
6. change one’s _______
2. a _______ butcher
7. let somebody stew in his own ___
3. a group of _______
8. political _______
4. _______ a book
9. be on the_______
5. a hungry _______
10. on the _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /U/ // in the sentences.
prove to be wool
a group of cooks
go to school on foot
an angry look
no time for reading the book
examine the tooth
a truly doctor
move to
too good
Peru put the sugar on the table
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Stop, look and listen.
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
The cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies.
Did the cute cookie cutters cut cute cookies?
If the cute cookie cutters cut cuter cookies,
Where arethe cute cookies the cute cookie cutter cut? 可爱的饼干切工切出的可爱的饼干在哪里?
● Part Two 跟读练习
词首:oodles, oof, ooh, oomph, oops, ooze, oozy, ouzo.
词 中 :( [U]只位于词中) would, stood, bullet, brook, bush, foot, put, wool, pudding, jury, lunar, youth, cruise,
prelude, whose, revolution, nuclear, boom, boot, plume.
词尾:Hindu, Jew, tattoo, woo, hew, statute, through, two, who, you.
two books
place the hood in the room
dead wood
could do
a lunar year
once in a blue moon
shooting star
play football
let something loose
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C.Form sentences, using the words below.
like this:Don’t lose the shoe.
A:Whom do you choose to do the job?
B:I would choose Ruth.
A:Why don’t you choose Lucy? She would look through the job carefully.
B:But, I don’t think she can well do it. She is too young.
A:So that’s why you do not choose Lucy but choose Ruth.
B:Yes. Ruth is very good.
A:Mm, much too good to be true.
Many primitive peoples believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that
animal for themselves. They thought, for example, that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer. Some
savage tribes believed that eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave.
Among civilized people it was once thought that ginger root by some magical power could improve the memory.
Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty. Tomatoes also were believed to have magical powers. They were called
love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.
Even today there are a great many wrong ideas about food. Some of them are very widespread.
One such idea is that fish is the best brain food. Fish is good brain food just as it is good muscle food and skin
food and bone food. But no one has been able to prove that fish is any better for the brain than many other kinds of
Another such idea is that proteins and carbohydrates should never be eaten at the same meal. Many people think
of bread, for example, as a carbohydrate food, but it also contains proteins. In the same w ay, milk, probably the best
single food, contains both proteins and carbohydrates. It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and
potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.
Answer Key
A. 1. bull
2. cruise
3. call
6. foot
7. lose
8. linger
B. 1. new
2. stupid
3. students
6. tune
7. juice
8. suicide
C. Don’t loosen your braid.
Don’t shoot the bird.
Don’t move the computer.
Don’t use dirty words.
Don’t look at me.
Don’t push me.
4. cookie
9. sour
4. threw
9. hook
5. jewel
10. willow
5. wolf
10. crook
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LESSON 23 前元音和后元音小结
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear front vowels and back vowels in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. visit the _______
6. feed the_______
2. _______the restaurant
7. green with _______
3. a rude_______
8. _______ the cook
4. the _______weather
9. beer and _______
5. _______it already
10. _______ the question
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound of front vowels and back vowels in the sentences.
There is traffic congestion at this hour.
This is the best program I have ever seen.
He finally got a lot of help from the villagers.
At that time, the army was in great need of this medicine.
Hearing the news, the young man was very glad.
The keys couldn’t open the locks.
He always goes to school on foot.
He successfully gets support from the boss.
We will have a talk on population this Tuesday.
A group of doctors have looked at the case carefully.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Beauty is but skin deep. 不要以貌取人。
Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. 良药苦口。
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事, 今日毕。
绕口令:He said that he is an iron and steel man from Pittsburgh.
Yes, his wife irons and he steals.
Nott was shot and Shott was not,
So it is better to be Shoot than Nott.
Some say Nott was not shot, but Shott swears he shot Nott.
Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not, or the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot.
But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott himself,
Then Shott would be shot and Nott would not.
However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott but Nott.
It is not easy to say who was shot and who was not.
But we know who was Shott and who was Nott.
要么肖特的确瞄准诺特射击, 要么肖特朝诺瞄准但没有射击。
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● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:ignorant, illustration, image, each, east, easy, excellent, elephant, educate, act, airplane, apple, automatic,
ooze, oodles, already, often, auspicious, odd, occupy.
词中: serious, wish, myth, these, esteem, complete, chemical, direct, salary, collapse, back, stood, bullet, put,
school, cool, daughter, haughty, constitution, bureaucracy.
词尾: rainy, windy, free, degree, agree, colloquy, commodity, warmly, law, lavatory, forty, poorly, scummy,
utility, vacancy, chew, flew, shoe, thaw, withdraw.
B. Phrases
keep to limits
meal tickets
read a map the
restless mass
a mental hospital
get sacked
put the food on the table
move into the room
on top of the book
C. Form sentences, using the following words.
1. came in /ten
2. Ted /Greek
3. each/bed
4. Ann/ bread
5. blue / suit
6. cool/room
D. Dialogue
A:Lily, do you know Lizzy?
B:Lizzy who?
A:Lizzy smith.
B:Of course I do.
A:Then, Do you know her younger sister?
B:You mean Mary?
B:Sure. I know her elder sister Sue and younger sister Mary.
A:Oh, not bad. Then do you know her mother?
B:Yes, certainly. I know her mother and father, and brother and sisters, too.
A:That sounds terrific.
B:Why do you ask me these questions?
A:Ijust want to visit the family some day.
E. Paragraph
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), Queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603). She was the only child of Henry VIII and
Anne Boleyn. After her mother’s downfall she was temporarily illegitimized, then imprisoned under her half-sister
Mary I for suspected implication in Wyatt’s Rebellion. She was well educated in the humanities, and, succeeding to
the throne on Mary’s death, she proved an industrious and intelligent monarch. The regime she established with the
indispensable aid of William Cecil enjoyed a considerable degree of popular support:the nation achieved stability
and prosperity under her rule and enjoyed a ‘golden age’ of achievement in art, music, and literature.
She did not please everyone. Her Anglican Church settlement (1559-63) offended Catholics and Puritans alike
by its very moderation. Her refusal to marry and ensure the succession irritated certain Members of Parliament, as
did her financial demands and her lengthy procrastination over the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. Abroad,
meanwhile, her covert aid to the Dutch and French Protestants and her sponsorship of privateering against the
Spanish helped to incite Philip II of Spain to open warfare against England. Yet there was no religious warfare under
her rule; James I succeeded peacefully when she died; and the navy not only resisted the attempted invasion by the
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Spanish Armada (1588), but maintained England's advantage in the expensive Anglo-Spanish war which continued
until 1604. The problems presented by Puritans, Catholics, and Parliamentary opposition remained to be faced by
James I, but by force of character and clever temporizing Elizabeth dominated a remarkably talented array of
Answer Key
A. 1. sit
2. foot
3. egg
4. fat
5. goodness
6. sorrow
7. stop
8. bamboo
9. hat
10. ball
B. 1. office
2. leave
3. letter
4. bad
5. saw
6. dog
7. envy
8. flatter
9. food
10. remember
C. 1. John came in at ten.
2. Ted is a Greek.
3. Each bed has a pillow.
4. Ann is eating a bread.
5. Jerry is wearing a blue suit.
6. It’s a cool room.
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LESSON 24 元音[o]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 中国人尤其是北方人很容易将发音类似[o]和与之汉语“欧”的音搞混。发音时嘴形小而圆,舌前端放低,
2. 还有的同学知道在英式英语中,这个音是双元音,由音素[]和音素[]构成,而发音时没有掌握这两个音
3. 美语中,这个音发起来更像一个单素音。开始时口形较大,然后随着发音过程的变化迅速缩小、收圆。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /o/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. make a _______
6. beall _______
2. read a _______
7. hold a _______
3. on the _______
8. feel _______
4. the blue _______
9. _______ a song
5. heart and _______
10. follow one’s _____
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /o/ in the sentences.
Stop boasting about your glorious past.
He is a big fat nobody and holds no post in the office.
We rowed the boat along the coast.
Do as you are told and you won’t get hurt.
The necklace is made of pure gold.
They sell the house at a very low price.
My sister bought a fur coat a week ago from a guy who looked like a gang member.
The football team has no hope of winning the game.
I was only joking with the host.
Most students stay at home at that time.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:No fire without smoke.
The school would scold
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
绕口令:The old school scold
Sold the school coal boat;
If the old school scold sold
The school coal boat,
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and drove the old school scold.
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:over, open, only, obedience, omit, omen, omission, ovation, opium, ownership
词中:coat, alone, phone, folk, motive, ghost, frozen, moan, approach, stove
词尾:though, know, plateau, so, sow, below, video, undergo, row, mellow
B. Phrases
grow fast
a national hero
a yellow comb
give sb. a cold shoulder
throw away
sewing machine
a very old boat
open the window
give somebody
the Atlantic Ocean
C. Form sentences, using the following words.
1. sell /goat
2. steal/motorcar
3. wake/solider
4. write/poem
5. bowls/hot
D. Dialogue
A:Hello, Joseph. Where’re you going?
B:Hello, Joanna. I’m going to see the notice in the office.
A:Notice, what kind of notice?
B:A notice on smoking. It is said that smoking is prohibited in working place.
A:Oh, I know. But it has nothing to do with me. Now I’m going to buy some potatoes and tomatoes.
B:So you are on your way home?
A:Yes, I have to go now or the grocery store will be closed.
B:Ok. See you tomorrow. And remember not to smoke.
A:See you tomorrow. And yes I know, smoking kills.
E. Paragraph
An odd thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day that I decided to go for a leisurely drive in
the country.
On the way back home, my motor stopped. I was out of gasoline on a lonely road far from a town. I decided to
walk until I found someone who could sell me a gallon or two of gasoline.
I had walked almost a mile before I finally found a big house near the road. I was glad to see it because it was
starting to get dark.
I knocked on the door and a little old lady with a long white hair answered. She said, “I’ve been waiting for you
for a long time. Come in. Tea is almost ready.”
“But I only came for some gasoline, ” I answered. I couldn’t imagine what she was talking about.
“Oh, Alfred! Gasoline? You used to prefer tea.”
I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline, but she didn’t seem to hear me. She just kept calling me
Alfred and talking about how long it had been since she had seen me. She was behaving very strangely and I was
anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get the tea I ran out of the house as fast as I could.
Fortunately, there was another house down the road, and I was able to buy several gallons of gasoline. When I
told the man about my experience, he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s
peculiar, but she wouldn’t hurt anyone. She’s still waiting for the man she was supposed to marry thirty years ago.
The day before their wedding he went away and never came back.”
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Answer Key
A. 1. boat
2. laugh
3. clothes
4. find
5. dance
6. pass
7. local
8. note
9. those
10. cloud
B. 1. toast
2. poem
3. road
4. coast
5. soul
6. bones
7. post
8. cold
9. compose
10. nose
C. 1. Jerry is going to sell his goat.
2. Jerry wants to steal that motorcar.
3. The horn wakes the solders up every morning.
4. I want to write a poem about that beautiful lake.
5. Those bowls are pretty hot.
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LESSON 25 元音[[
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 这个音单独发时,并没有什么难度。只是在单词中容易被中国学生发为类似汉语“嗷”的音。
2. 在与鼻音[]组合时,绝大部分中国学生会省掉后面的音素[],表现在口形上则是只见到嘴巴张大而见不
3. 美国人在发这个音时,并不是像英国人那样从[]过渡到[] 实际上美国人在该因素起始是的口形与舌位
4. 注意口形的变化,尤其是与鼻音组合时口形的变化。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /aU/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. milk the_______
6. increase the _______
2. in the _______
7. read _______
3. from mouth to _______
8. an _______’s walk
4. _______ about
9. a simple _______
5. climb a _______
10. the final _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the /aU/ sound in the sentences.
What about going to the south for the winter holiday?
These teaching facilities are out of date.
Please speak your mind, and share your thoughts.
My mother is cleaning our house.
She has a powerful relative.
It is becoming darker and darker outside.
Farmer Brown is very proud of his cow.
The crowd gathered around the yard and shouted slogans.
They had no doubt about the final result.
Some sounds are pronounced like this.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
绕口令:Mister Brown Mister Brown,
Are you going down to town?
Could you stop and take me town?
Thank you astound Mister Brown.
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● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:ounce, outgoing, ourselves, outlandish, outrage, outlet, output, outset,outward, outskirts, outdoors
词中:found, round, power, down, downward, brown, town, drown, count, ground
词尾:allow, endow, how, now, plow, eyebrow, somehow, sow, bow, Moscow
B. Phrases
fall on the ground
an old tower
gun powder
show me around
get out now
how many hours
a cloudy night
under the counter
countable noun
C. Form sentences
like this:There is a cow outside the house.
D. Dialogue
Mrs. Brown:(shouting loudly) I’ve just found a mouse in the house!
Mr. Brown: Ow! Don’t shout so loud. Calm down. Please stop shouting and sit quietly down.
Mrs. Brown:(sitting down) I found a mouse in our house:a grown mouse running around the dinning room.
Mr. Brown: Where is it now?
Mrs. Brown:It’s under the couch.
Mr. Brown: Now, move the couch around and turn it upside down.
Mrs. Brown:Ok, I don’t want a mouse in our house. We have the tidiest house in the town.
Mr. Brown: Yes darling. You are quite right.
E. Paragraph
“What should a ‘good’ husband be like?” asked a young man about to be married. And here’s what Samuel told
A good husband makes his wife feel important in his scheme of things, and shows his affections by actions as
well as words.
He is sympathetic to his wife’s moods or setbacks, and lets her know he appreciates the work that goes into
running a home efficiently and raising the children wisely.
A good husband gives his wife some degree of financial independence through a joint checking account, an
allowance, or a checking account of her own. He is a companion to his wife, talking things over with her, and sharing
her interests.
He takes his wife out regularly for recreation, realizing that he is the only escort she can have, now that she’s
married. He cheerfully assumes his responsibility in the disciplining and raising of the children.
A good husband is considerate in the intimate side of married life. He is faithful to his wife, is on friendly terms
with his in-laws, and is honest with his mate.
He is attentive to his wife in public, avoids flirting with other women, and consults his wife before making any
important decisions.
A good husband places the interests of his wife and children ahead of his relatives, and avoids being overly
critical. He makes it possible for his wife to have some leisure time for outside interests. Lastly, a good husband often
compliments his wife, and does it with sincerity.
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Answer Key
A. 1. outside
2. cry
3. loud
6. wipe
7. dozen
8. lose
B. 1. cow
2. south
3. mouth
6. output
7. aloud
8. hour
C. There is a flower outside the house.
There is a mountain outside the house.
There is a hound outside the house.
There is a tower outside the house.
There is a mouse outside the house.
There is an owl outside the house.
4. young
9. flower
4. about
9. outline
5. how
10. allow
5. mountain
10. outcome
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LESSON 26 元音[[
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /
// in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. a new _______
6. share _______ and sorrows
2. _______ and bills
7. make an _______
3. make no_______
8. a _______venture
4. _______ and moil
9. _______oneself
5. a clever_______
10. _______ an oil field
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /
// in the sentences.
He is a spoiled boy.
She pointed out to the coins.
The unemployment rate in this country is very high.
The fire has destroyed many historical buildings.
He was quite annoyed by her casual remarks.
Tell the children not to make so much noise in the house.
They try to avoid making the same mistakes.
Many people live for enjoyment.
The boy was poisoned by the polluted soy.
He finally came back to his native soil.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:There is no royal road to learning. 学无坦途。
绕口令:A loyal boy is annoyed by the choice between ploy and toil.
While another joyful boy enjoys their joint coiled toy.
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● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:oil, oily, oyster, oilskin, oilcan, ointment, oiled, oilcloth, oil pan, oil painting
词中:loyal, broil, foible, voyage, boil, moist, join, void, foist, toilet
词尾:alloy, boy, coy, destroy, employ, soy, enjoy, deploy, ploy, toy
B. Phrases
don’t point
a toy plane
annoying weather
boiled water
noisy market
loud voice
moisture capacity
spoil the taste
a silver coin
C. Form sentences :using the words below to form a short paragr aph.
D. Dialogue
A:Boys! Stop making so much noise!
A:Lower your voices! You boys are making too much noise!
B:Why do you look so annoyed? We’ re just having fun.
A:But you are too noisy. Your horsing around is very annoying.
B:We’re little boys! Of course we’ll make noise.
A:You’re spoiled. You destroyed all the toys. I am sure I wasn’t so noisy when I was a little boy.
B:Maybe you shouldn ’t give us so many noisy toys.
A:It’s not the toys that are noisy—it’s you, boys.
E. Paragraph
Roy had felt annoyed all day long. No matter how much he tried to avoid thinking it, he couldn’t. The feeling of
being misunderstood is overwhelming.
But every once in a while he’d hear that small inner voice trying to reassure him, “Roy, Don’t worry about it.
You aren’t the first boy to destroy the toys your parents bought for you. You are quite right to make your own choice.
You should enjoying your life and do whatever you like, do not spoil yourself as before. Your teacher has pointed a
right way for you and you should join the team and do things according to your interest. So whatever is your choice,
believe yourself and try it. ”
But invariably the other voice would oppose.“ Your parents are right. They will not spoil you by these toys.
They just want to give you a happy life. You should take their advice and do not hurt their heart.”
“What should I do, to obey my parents or join the team?”Roy sighed.
Answer Key
A. 1. annoy
2. choice
3. normal
4. voice
5. house
6. entire
7. different
8. employ
9. avoid
10. stay
B. 1. toy
2. coins
3. noise
4. toil
5. boy
6. joys
7. appointment 8. joint
9. enjoy
10. exploit
C. We have to point out that too much oil exploration might destroy the balance of nature. At last, people will have no
other choice to enjoy their lives on the surface of the earth .
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LESSON 27 比较[[
]]、[[ 和
]& [
]] WITH [
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
], [
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear [
]] in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______a number
6. _______ at one’s studies
2. make the _______
7. to _______ one’s sorrow in wine
3. _______ and then
8. _______ art
4. down and _______
9. _______ boy
5. in a _______corner
10. _______ brown
C. 句辨音
], [
]in the sentences.
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound [
Turn on the light.It’s quite all right.
He camelike a man with a flower in his hand.
She doesn’t want to talk about him.
I like to sit down with a good chocolate and a
The boy is walking around the house.
I’ll show you how to do it.
He cut the bread with a sharp knife.
Perhaps you can call her tonight.
He seems annoyed by the girl’s choice.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Out of sight, out of mind. 日久情疏。
There is no royal road tosuccess. 成功无坦途。
绕口令: Bennie bought a bright brown blouse for Bonnie, but Bonnie believed Bennie bought a better bright
blue blouse for Betty.
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:oust, out, outback, outbalance, outcast, outgrow, outright, outside, I, outweigh, outstretched , eyebrow, ID
card, iron, Irish, Ireland, eyewitness, ideology, idle, isolation , oil-bearing, oilcake, oilcan, oilcloth,
oilfield, oil fired, oilman, oilrig, oily, oink
词中:cow, dowdy, boundary, mouse, crowd, now, tower, blouse, astound, endowment, private, shine, surprise,
rice, choir, guide, five, hide, fine, hire avoid, poison, hoist, anthropoid, Royce, voice, soil, loin, turquoise,
词尾: dye, pie, sly, try, my, sky, high, crucify, sanctify, exemplify,alloy, decoy, convoy, destroy, envoy, Troy,
Roy, joy, ahoy, cloy, boy, coybrow, chow, endow, Frau, plough, prow, Dow, thou, eyebrow, kowtow
B. Phrases
by ourselves
royal family
make an announcement
have a sigh of relief
on the sidelines
get home at nine
a pointed comment
have an idea
down the road
C. Form sentences
like this:It is raining outside.
1. a mouse, the boy, the house, in, found
2. flower, cried, died, I, the, for
3. Roy, the, round, tire, last night, destroyed
4. I, the coin, can, how, find, on the ground
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5. five parts, the pie, the child, divided into
6. a private, Ireland, the guide, club, joined, in
D. Dialogue
A:Hi, Mike, where are you going?
B:I’m going to down town.
A:At this time? Why don’t you go there tomorrow? It is almost dark.
B:My boy wants me to buy a toy, so I think I’d better satisfy him.
A:But I have seen many toys in your home.
B:There is none now because he likes to destroy toys.
A:But if he always destroys toys and asks you to buy new ones, what will you do?
B:Yes, I am annoyed by this, too.
A:And you still buy him new ones?
B:Yes, I think so.
A:Youwill spoil him.
E. Paragraph
Ninety-five percent of adult Americans average seven to eight hours of sleep a night. The rest seem to need
more than nine hours, or get along nicely on less than six. What distinguishes the long and short sleepers from the
Psychiatrist Hartmann’s testing showed significant psychological differences between long and short sleepers.
The shorts tended to be conformist and emotionally stable:“a successful and relatively healthy bunch with very little
overt psychopathology,” says Hartmann. “Their entire life-style involved keeping busy and avoiding psychological
problems rather than facing them.” They also seldom awakened during the night and arose in the morning refreshed
and ready to go.
Long sleepers, in contrast, were usually nonconformist, shy, somewhat withdrawn, and low-spirited. Reports
Hartmann:Almost all showed evidence of some inhibition in the spheres of sexual or aggressive functioning. ” Some
betrayed“mind anxiety neuroses(神经官能症)” and depression. Moreover, they slept irregularly, often waking in
the night and typically got up with a mild case of the morning blahs.
At first Hartmann was tempted to classify the restless long sleepers as “well-compensated insomniacs(患失眠
症的人)” who had to spend more hours in bed simply to get enough sleep. He changed his mind with the discovery
that long, short and average sleepers all spend about the same amount of time in what researchers call “slow-wave
sleep”, the deep and relatively dreamless state, totaling some 75 minutes a night, when people are supposed to get
their real recovery from the activities of the previous day. Additionally, Hartmann concluded that long sleepers spent
nearly twice as much as others in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep state in which the sleeper’s brain is as active as
in full consciousness.
Answer Key
A. 1. flour
2. moist
3. pride
4. quiet
6. hand
7. bound
8. fright
9. enjoy
B. 1. dial
2. choice
3. now
4. out
6. toil
7. drown
8. fine
9. cow
C. 1. The boy found a mouse outside the house.
2. I cried for the dead flower.
3. Roy destroyed the round light last night.
4. How can I find the coin on the ground?
5. The child divided the pie into five parts.
6. The guide joined a private club in Ireland.
5. gale
10. rack
5. tight
10. slight
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LESSON 28 元音[[
● Warm Up 语音课堂
语中的卷舌音在发音时,下巴微微前探,可看到下唇明显前伸。舌身向后收缩并抬起,边缘卷起,中部微微凹陷 。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /Er/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. a singing ______
6. good______
2. show no ______
7. ______in a company
3. at ______
8. act as ______
4. burn the ______
9. a ______skirt
5. happy ______
10. a personal ______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound/Er/in the sentences.
He doesn’t mean to hurt you.
He often cursed the merchant.
This is a Germany firm.
We get the terminal victory.
This magazine has a large circulation.
Thursday is the first day of the term.
I was thirsty at the time.
Let’s make a further research.
They murmur to each other.
We agree without reserve.
He is in search of the lost girl.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕。
The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。
绕口令:Pearl’s bird is perched on the broken birch. 珀尔的鸟栖息在断了枝的桦树上。
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:earn, early, earth, irk, irksome, urge, urban, earthquake, erg, urgent
词中:shirt, worst, worm, further, murder, world, birth, purpose, servant, return
词尾:her, stir, blur, s ir, spur, were, prefer, defer, incur, refer
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terms of payment
a versatile person
on familiar terms with
the first skirt in the world
serve the master
on earth
urgent patient
academic circles
burning with fever
Form sentences :using the words below to form a short paragr aph.
D. Dialogue
A:Something’s burning?
B:Oh, my bread!
A:Mm, I love burnt bread.
B:Curse this oven! Curse it!
A:But I prefer burnt bread.
B:Curse the worst oven in the world.
A:Wonderful! A perfect bread!
B:There are thirteen of them. Oh, have another. Have a third, if you like, have them all.
E. Paragraph
Japan’s post- world War II value system of diligence, cooperation, and hard work is changing. Recent surveys
show that Japanese youth have become a “Me Generation ” that rejects traditional values.
“Around 1980 many Japanese, especially young people, abandoned the value of economic success and began
searching for new sets of values to bring them happiness,’’ writes sociologist Yasuhiro Yoshizaki in Comparative
Civilizations Review. Japanese youth are placing more importance on the individual’s pursuit of happiness and less
on the values of work, family, and society.
Japanese students seem to losing patience with work, unlike their counterparts in the United States and Korea.
In a 1993 survey of college students in the three countries, only 10% of the Japanese regarded work as a primary
value, compared with 47% of their Korean counterparts and 27% of American students. A great proportion of
Japanese aged 18 to 24 also preferred easy jobs without heavy responsibility.
Concern for family values is wandering younger Japanese as they pursue an inner world of private satisfaction.
Data collected by the Japanese youth 1993 shows that only 23% of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting
their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans. It appears that many younger-generation Japanese are
losing both respect for their parents and a sense of responsibility to the family. Author Yoshizaki attributes the change
to Japanese parents’ over-indulgence of their children, material affluence, and growing concern for private matters.
Answer Key
A. 1. reverse
2. curtain
3. deal
4. fertile
5. firm
6. moral
7. living
8. thirty
9. earnest
10. trust
B. 1. bird
2. mercy
3. first
4. church
5. birthday
6. service
7. work
8. nurse
9. dirty
10. interview
C. After committed a so-called “perfect murder”, the murderer decided to escape to the West desert, with the purpose
of not just running free for a while, but having an anonymous life for the rest of his time. However the journey
seemed to be cursed.
LESSON 29 []前元音
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
语中的卷舌音在发音时,下巴微微前探,可看到下唇明显前伸。舌身向后收缩并抬起,边缘卷起,中部微微凹陷 。
● Part One 听辨练习
A. 词辨音
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear vowels before // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. 短语辨音
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ and there
6. a small _______
2. a fairy _______
7. give one’s _______approval
3. make _______
8. the _______industry
4. a red_______
9. _______ city
5. listen to a _______
10. name _______
C. 句辨音
Listen and repeat. Notice the vowels before // in the sentences.
Where is your car?
It is warm in the room.
The knife is very sharp.
Please cut my hair shorter.
Is he going to take part in the discussion?
He lives in a poor village.
He has published many articles on water pollution.
The workers were forced to work 10 hours a day.
The tragedy moved us to tears.
D. 附加辨音
谚 语:Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置。
绕口令:A poor deer’s ears hear clear cheers from the hairy hare. 可怜的鹿听到了清楚的野兔的欢呼声。
● Part Two 跟读练习
A. Words
词首:arm, are, army, ark, artisan, orbit, orchid, ordain, organic, organize, air, airmail, airline, aircraft, earmark,
earpiece, earphone, earring, our, ourselves
词中: farm, partition, dark, cart, harbor, lord, sword, porter, border, storm, serious, fierce, curious, various,
careful, scarce jewel, fuel, fury, jury
词尾:bar, far, more, door, appear, dear, fair, pear, pure, tour.
B. Phrases
take care of
poor condition
cruel behavior
during the course of
mop the floor
be born in
open the door
sooner or later
a smart clerk
C. Form sentences, using the words below .
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1. car/ park
3. tear/ part
5. stare at/ star
2. hear/ story
4. order/guard
6. clear/ square
D. Dialogue
A:Dear, time is up, let’s go there now.
B:Just a minute. I’m wearing my clothes.
A:Have you taken the key to the door?
B:Yes. Oh, dear, I can’t find my hairbrushes. Can you help me?
A:Where have you put it?
B:I put it in the dressing room .
A:Are you sure?
B:Yes, quite sure.
A:Then, have you looked downstairs?
B:Yes, I’ve looked everywhere downstairs.
A:(looking around) Look, dear. It’s over there.
A:On the floor.
E. Paragraph
Although more men are overweight, women are 10 times more likely to dislike their shape and have a distorted
body image, researchers said on Thursday.
Whether its the fashion industry’s obsession with wafer-thin models or media images of slim women selling
everything from cars to ice cream, even average-sized women think theyare too fat and should lose weight.
“Women are likely to think they are too heavy for their height, even when they have a desirable weight,” said Dr.
Carol Emslie, a researcher at the University of Glasgow.
“The ideal female beauty is still being aligned with very thin bodies,”she added in a telephone interview.
Eating disorders among teenagers and young adults are well documented but Emslie and her team found that
problems with body imageare also evident in women in their 30s and 40s.
Answer Key
A. 1. car
2. row
3. there
4. eve
5. your
6. here
7. door
8. warm
9. hair
10. crazy
B. 1. here
2. story
3. sure
4. chair
5. report
6. park
7. hearty 8. garment
9. garden 10. card
C. 1. The car parks in front of the building.
2. Ilike to hear the story of your staying in USA.
3. If you don’t do exactly as I say, I’m going to tear you apart!
4. They give an order to that guard that no one could come in by now.
5. Please stare at this star; it’s so rare to find one like that.
6. Thecops clear the Big Square every night at ten o’clock.
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An Overiew of the Consonants
1. 不了解性内容,不需要什么方法。
2. 美式英语中辅音的分类同英式英语基本相同。一些不同的地方在前面已经讲过,这里不再赘述。至
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LESSON 30 辅音概述
● Part One 听辨跟读练习
A. Listen to and repeat these four words. They begin with consonant sounds that are
similar to consonants found in many other languages, but they may not be exactly the
bow []
On this facial diagram, the four consonants are placed in the position where the air is blocked. Say the four words
once more.
B. On this char t, all the English consonants are placed accor ding to wher e the air is
blocked or constricted in the mouth. Listen to and repeat all of the English consonants
in words.
Stopped Air
Fricative Air
[] pea
[] by
[] fee
[] vow
Resonant Air
[] my
[] we
Gum Ridge
[] tea
[] day
[] say
[] zoo
[] no
[] lie
[] thigh
[] they
Hard Palate
Soft Palate
[] chew
[] joy
[] she
[] Asia
[] key
[] go
[] ray
[] king
[] you
One consonant cannot be located on the chart:[h] how.
C. Say these phrases. Most of them are alliterative (both words begin with the same
consonant sound).
pen pal
two toes
can come
cheap cheese
by bus
dark day
go get
just John
fall fast
say something
thin thighs
she shows
very valuable
zig zag
then they
Asian treasure
my milk
know nothing
young king
lie low
right road
yes, you
one way
how high
Use the above phrases in sentences like the examples :dark day :What a dark day! I thought it would be sunny
today. thin thighs:She thinks that exercise will give her thin thighs. my milk :You’re drinking my milk!
On your own:
D. Read the paragr aph aloud. Draw a circle around one example of each of the twenty
four English consonants, including / /, /  /, and /  /.
Don’t you wish you could go to a place without crime, where people would help each other and follow the
Golden Rule? There is just one thing about that vision of utopia. There wouldn’t be anyone there.
● Part Two 听辨练习
Listen. Then repeat the pairs of words.
1. too
2. pie
3. came
4. chain
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5. fan
6. thigh (leg) 7. Sue
8. shock
thy (your)
Listen to one word of each pair. Circle the word you hear. Now listen to and write the words you hear.
Eachsentence has two or three of the above words
1. _______ ________ to the party late.
2. I’ll _______her a gold _________.
3. Some ________ spilled on her _________.
4. _____ you and ______ want to go to the _______?
5. _______ got a ______ from the toaster.
6. The team ________ to the ________ in a _______. Some _________ did _______.
B. Vowels are longer before voiced consonants than before unvoiced ones. Listen to
these pairs of words. Then listen to one word of each pair and circle the one you hear.
1. write
2. writer
3. match
4. matches
5. rich
6. riches
7. bus
8. busing
C. Stop consonants in final position are often unrelased. Listen to all of these words.
Then listen to one word of each pair and circle the one you hear.
1. back
2. rate
3. tap
4. hit
5. seat
D. Listen to the question. Then circle the correct answer, a or b.
1. cap/cab How much did he pay for his ______?
a. About $6.00
b. About $15,000.
2. cot/cod Where did you buy the _______?
a. At Marty’s Furniture Store.
b. At the fish market on 16th Street.
3. tack/tag What are you going to do with the _________?
a. I’m going to hang it on the tree.
b. I’m going to fasten this schedule to the wall with it.
E. Use one of the words of each pair in asking a question. Then let your par tner
answers the question with a full sentence.
life/live (adj)
E.g.:Do you ever bet on football games?
No, I never bet at all.
On your own:
F. Wher e do you hear the sound? Write B (for beginning of the word ) or E(for end of
the word).
E.g.:Beep, [p] is at the end of the word.
1. [p] ___E___
5. [t] _______
9. [f] _______
2. [b] _______
6. [d] _______
10. [dZ] _______
3. [k]_______
7. [s] _______
4. [g] _______
8. [z] _______
G. Fill in the blanks with words from the lists.
1. He _________ a hole and buried the dead _________. T
2. Billy. _______ 50 cents for the _______.
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3. The ________ driver wore a black ________.
Repeat the pairs of words. Then listen to the question and give a logical answer.
1. goat
Is this your pretty white ________?
2. cap
How much did the _________ cost you?
3. time
Do you have the _________?
4. writing
I didn’t understand. Did you say you spent your time ______?
5. rope
Where did you buy the red ______?
6. cheer
Why did the crowd _____ the basketball player?
7. joking
Were you _______?
8. fan
Where’s a good place to buy a _______?
Answer key Part two
1. Jane came
2. Buy chain
3. Pie thigh
4. Do Sue zoo
5. Jacques shock
6. came game van fans too
1. write
2. rider
3. Madge
4. matches
5. rich
6. ridges
1. bag
2. rate
3. tap
4. hid
5. seed
1. cab. b. 2. cot. a. 3. tag. a
1. beep. E
2. pub. E
3. kid. B
4. game. B
5. dot. E
6. dog. B
7. kiss. E
8. toes. E
9. Jeff. E
10. change. E
1. dug/duck
2. paid/bait
3. cab/cap
1. coat
2. cap
3. time
4. writing
5. robe
6. jeer
7. buzz
7. joking
8. busing
8. fan
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Consonant Sounds
将辅音运用到位,直接关系到发音的地道程度。而辅音连缀的各种形式,是拼写单词的重要依据。熟悉了它 ,
1 舌边音
2. 摩擦音
3. 爆破音
4. 破擦音
5. 鼻音
6. 半元音
7. 辅音连缀
1. 美式英语中 24 个主要的辅音音素同英式英语的发音是一样的,但其中大多数与汉语音素发音都有区
及了解美式英语中这些音发音时相关发音器官的使用特点。例如辅音 [g],发音时舌后部抬起同时软
2. 其次,进行发音巩固练习,使自己能在单词、短语和句子中正确并熟练的读出该音素。
3. 所谓辅音连缀,就是几个辅音连续出现,中间没有元音参与发音。这对于中国学生是有一定难度的,
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LESSON 31 辅音 []和[[]
● Warm Up 语音课堂
发出爆破的声音。 爆破音问题较少,主要是注意清辅音[] [t] [k]发音时声带不要震动,更不要发出汉语拼音的 p、
b、t、d、k 和 g。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /p/ or /b/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ sky
4. a _______of pants
7. an English _______
2. high _______
5. _______ and small
8. stand _______
3. _______ the door
6. _______ out
9. the _______
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /p/ and /b/ in the words .
1. I’m playing guitar.
2. Shall we play together?
3. I can play the piano.
4. There is a lamp on the desk.
5. Peter is picking plums and apples.
6. Pat and Paul met each other in a park.
7. Ping-pong is a popular sport and is played in many places.
8. Peter is eating a pie.
9. Peter is pouring some water into the pot.
10. Peter is playing his harp.
1. Bring me the basket.
2. Jack was born in America.
3. We go to bed at 9 o’clock.
4. Did you see the mob there?
5. The robber broke into the bank, but was caught by the police.
6. The blackbird brought back a beautiful big worm for his babies.
7. I see a doorbell on the door.
8. The taxicab is coming.
9. Bob bought a new bike yesterday.
10. Bob is camping beside a lake.
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Patience is a plaster of all sores. 忍耐是解决一切痛苦的药方。
Beauty is only skin deep. 美貌不过一张皮(不可以以貌取人)。
Tongue twisters
Peter Payntor the painter prefers painting pink pigs to picking pretty purple pansies. Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled pepper prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.
Bill bought boiled beef and broad beans. Bill’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two bigbrick
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the recor der.
Initial: pig pack pair park pie pause peace pork put pick big back bare bark buy bus
beg bark bid bag
Medial:appear compose compare sleeper spring whisper spend beeper Supper hopper obey
robber labor member timber jobber ribbon verbose verbal vibrate
Final: sharp rope tape cap sip step sip lip harp heap cab tribe job lab mob rob
herb robe tube bribe
G. Sentences exercises
Exercise 1:Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
There are (pears/bears) in the garden.
Could you tell me where the (pills / bills) are?
He’s got a yellow (robe/rope).
Didyou take a (path/bath) just now?
Exercise 2:Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. His parents gave him a nice birthday p_____ for his 18 th birthday.
2. They’re b_____ a new house.
3. I want to b___ some books for my younger sister.
4.Yesterday Mary and Tom went to a restaurant to cele____ their wedding anniversary.
Exercise 3:Form a sentence using the words given and other structural words.
Exercise 4:Complete these sentences by adding adverbs.
1. Sue is singing _______ (happy) on the grass.
2. The sun shines _______ (bright) in summer.
H. Passage: Under line the letters that sound /p/ and /b/.
⑴ Bob’s Polish friendPeter went to Sp ain andPortugal. In Op oro heb ought some baskets and paskets and prought
themback toBlackpool for Bob to see. “Pretty good,” saidBob. “Are these peppers pots?” “No, breadbaskets,” Peter
replied promptly, “By the w ay, where did you put my pills?” “Your bills?” “No, mypills.” “In the pocket of your both
robe.” ⑵ How to pack? Use a small, light bag. Someone in your family may already have one that you can borrow. If
you need tobuy a bag, remember to find a simple one, like a canvas shoulder bag or a small backp ack. Be sure to put your
things in your bag evenly. It makes carrying around a bag a lot easier. Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and
laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free. Pack
anybreakables in the middle of your bag. Cushion them with your clothing. Put nametags with your home address
on—and in—your bag. Write in waterp roof ink. Rememb er that it is you who have been invited somewhere, not your
things. You will have an easier time if you’re not weighed down, do it right—pack light.
Dialogue: Under line the letters that sound /p/ and /b/.
⑴ A:Looks like a goodp arty, I prob ab out half the peop
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B:Who’s that boy?
B:The one next to the telep hone.
A:I don’t know. Never saw him before. Why?
B:I think he’s the boy who just moved into my apartment building.
⑵ A:How do you do? I’m Parker.
B:How do you do? Mr. B arker.
B:Oh, Parker with a P?
A:Yes, with a P.
B:Er… I’m B arker.
A:B arker? Witj a B. Of course.
B:Yes, with a B.
A:Won’t you come in, Mr. B arker?
B:Thank you, Mr. Parker.
Jingles and rhymes(顺口溜与押韵句)
⑴ I passed by his garden, and marked with one eye
How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie:
The Panther took pie-crust and gravy, and meat,
While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.
When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,
Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon,
While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl.
And concluded the banquet…
⑵ Bill had a billboard, and Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill, so that Bill sold the Billboard to pay his board bill.
So after Bill sold his billboard to pay his board bill, the board bill no longer bored Bill.
Messages of greeting(赠言)
⑴ Warm thanks to someone special
What a bright and happy place
This worldwould be
If every one were just as nice as you have been to me.
There is no end to the thanks that I’m sending to you because there is no end to the kind things you do.
⑵ Good-bye and Good Luck
Wherever you go and whatever you do,
May the happiest things always happen to you.
May your future be bright with promise,
glad with hope,
blessed with peace and joy.
Answer Key
A. 1. pen
2. ten
3. rob
4. those
5. bad
6. have
7. soup
8. fire
9. baby
10. stop
B. 1. blue
2. pole
3. open
4. pair
5. big
6. blow
7. club
8. up
9. bear
G. Exercise 1: 1. pears
2. bills
3. rope
4. bath
Exercise 2:
1. present
2. building
3. buy
4. celebrate
Exercise 4:
1. happily
2. brightly
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⑴ Bob ’s Polish friendPeter went to Spain and Portugal. In Op oro heb ought some `b askets and pottery
andbrought themback toBlack pool for Bobto see.
“Pretty good,” said Bob .“ Are these peppers pots?”“No, bread baskets,” Peter rep lied promptly, “By the
w ay, where did you put my pills?” “Your bills?” “No, my pills.” “In the pocket of your both robe.”
(2) How to pack?
Use a small, light bag. Someone in your family may already have one that you can borrow. If you need to
buy a bag, remember to find a simple one, like a canvas shoulder bag or a small back pack.
Be sure to put your things in your bag evenly. It make carrying around a bag a lot easier.
Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other
things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.
Pack anybreakables in the middle of your bag. Cushion them with your clothing.
Put name tags with your home address on — and in — your bag. Write in waterproof ink. Remember that it
is you who have been invited somewhere, not your things. You will have an easier time if you’re not
weighed down, doit right — pack light.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Looks like a good party, I probably know about half the people.
B:Who’s that boy?
B:The one next to the telephone.
A:I don’t know. Never saw him before. Why?
B:I think he’s theboy who just moved into my apartment building.
⑵ A:How do you do? I’m Parker.
B:How do you do? Mr Barker.
A:Parker. B:Oh, Parker with a Parker with a P.
B:Er…I’m Barker.
A:Barker? With a B. Of course.
B:Yes, with a B.
A:Won’t you come in, Mr Barker?
B:Thank you, Mr Parker.
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LESSON 32 辅音 [] 和 []
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 发[]音时,嘴巴张开,软颚抬起,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流通道完全阻塞,空气从肺部压出,舌尖离开齿
龈,气流突然从口腔冲出,从而形成爆 破音,声带不振动。
2. 发[d]音时,主音同[]相同,只不过送气的力量较弱,声带振动。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /t/ or /d/ in the word .
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ it away
6. _______busy street
2. _______car
7. a _______ mess
3. Commerce and _______
8. _______on the floor
4. play _______ tennis
9. look _______
5. a lovely _______
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /t/ and /d/ in the words .
1. He lost his sight, didn’t he?
2. He didn’t lose his sight.
3. Didn’t he lose his sight?
4. He just lost his sight two days ago.
5. Don’t tickle Tessie, Tom.
6. The cart got stuck in the mud.
7. Too many teenagers tend to waste their time watching television.
8. This article means to explain that it is easy to prepare for traveling.
9. He pointed to the notice-board on the right.
10. He stopped, took out an envelope and wrote on it.
1. David used to be a good guide, didn’t he?
2. David didn’t use to be a good guide.
3. Did David use to be a good guide?
4. David had changed a lot.
5. Dick’s daughter Diana doesn’t like dancing.
6. Teddy hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor.
7. I’m ready to go anywhere.
8. He smiled at me so sadly that I knew that I could never tell him the truth.
9. Anthony had already proved himself the more skillful general.
10. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.
/t/ Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不饶人。
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Danger is next neighbor to security. 最危险的地方也是最安全的地方。
Tongue twisters
/t/ That master said that that “that” is the right “that” in that particular place.
A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to writeWright right.
He said:“it is not right to write Wright as ‘rite’—try to write Wright right!”
Daring Dan dashed dizzily down the dale doing damaging deeds as he went.
Why does David do these dare-devil deeds?
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the recor der .
Initial: tailor
tone tide
deep dip debt
date doubt
hotdog golden
leader minded
hindrance lady
Final: represent
used translate
w et
white gold
mind head
feed pod friend
Sentences exercises
Exercise 1:Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
1. I want to (try/dry) this shirt.
2. She (writes/rides) very well.
3. We (sent/send) all the packages airmail.
4. Do you have the (time/dime)?
Exercise 2:Make up four sentences with the given words.
1. tea
2. water
3. desk
4. cards
Exercise 3:Complete the sentences with the hints:
1. When there was a blackout, … (type)
2. If it’s fine tomorrow, … (go dancing)
3. Pal enjoys the holiday because … (play football)
4. Although Mrs. White likes reading, …(tired)
Passage: Under line the letters that sound // and //.
(1) Ted cooked beef stew yesterd ay, but he did n’t have enough of the ingredient s. He used less meat and fewer
tomat oes the recipe required. He also used less salt , less red wine, and fewer pot at oes than he was
supposed to. As a result, Ted’s beef stew didn’t taste very good.
I lost hope of cat ching my ship. I had
not enough money to buy a ticket for another ship, or to stay in a
hotel for several d ays. My bank was far away. But I did not need a hot el, I was going to the police-station.
⑵ It seemed a long time before the officer reached me, and when at last his face came roud the door, it was very
hot. Most of the things from the corrid or were now out side on the station, and a lot of very angry people
were out there too. I got read y to go with the officer.
Dialogue: Under line the letters that sound // and //.
⑴ A:Hello! B:Hello, Debbie. This is Donald.
A:Oh, hi, Donald.
B:What happened yesterd ay? You forgot our date, didn’t you?
A:Well, it rained hard all day and I had a bad cold, so I decided to stay home.
B:you did? But I tried to call you at least twenty times and nobody answered.
A:Oh, thet elephone lines wered amaged by the storm. They repaired them yest erday.
B:What did David do yest erday? Did he and Judy go dancing?
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A:No, they st ayed home and played cards with the children.
B:And what did you do? Did you play cards, too?
A:No. I listened to records and studied, what did you do yest erd ay, Donald.
B:I just told you, Debbie. I tried to call you twenty times!
⑵ A:What’s the date today?
B:December the fifteenth. The day after tomorrow is little Tom’s birthday.
A:Righr. What present should we give him this time? By the w ay, how oldis he?
B:Thirteen today and tomorrow. Fourteen theday after tomorrow.
A:How time flies! He ’s a big boy now.
B:And don’t forget Mary, Tom’s twin sister. It’s her birthday, too.
A:OK. Let’s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate.
⑴ Dad was furious about Sonny’s school report. “I’ve never read anything like it,” he roared. “It says here that
you’re nothing but a little terror! What does this mean?”
“It means, Dad,” said the object of the report, “that I’m the son of a big terror.
⑵ A city lad, visiting the sea side for the first time, found himself walking along the dock of a little fishing
“That’s the sea?” he asked an old fisherman.
“That’s right, my dear,” said the fisherman.
“I hear it’s very good for the feet. I’d like to try it.” said the innocent vacationer.
“I can help you there, my dear,” said the fisherman, and he let down a bucket into the sea, filled it, and drew
it up again. “You can bathe your old tootsies in there, my dear. Only a dime. ”
So that city lad paid his money, took off his socks and shoes, and had a paddle; then away he went, quite
A couple of hours later he passed the same fisherman, and by this time the tide had gone out quite a distance.
“My goodness!” he exclaimed, “Business must be good!”
⑴ Motto for Motorists
Pedestrians should be seen and not hurt.
Don’t kid about safety, You may be the goat.
Time saved at a crossing, May be lost in the emergency ward.
⑵ Pease pudding hot, Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old.
Some like it hot, Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.
Messages of greeting
⑴ Warm thanks to someone special
What a bright and happy place
This world of ours would be
If everyone
Were just as nice
As you have been to me.
There is no endto the thanks that I’m sending to you
Because there is no end
To the kind things you do.
⑵ To a wonderful teacher
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As years go by,
A dear teacher
Means more and more to us.
For all your hard work and dedication,
You deserve a day off.
Answer Key
A. 1. north 2. tape 3. driver 4. throat 5. suicide 6. flats 7. this 8. train 9. hundred 10. catch
B. 1. take 2. used 3. industry 4. table 5. dog 6. avoid 7. pretty 8. stand 9. after
G.. Exercise 1 1. dry 2. writes 3. sent 4. dime
H. Passage
(1) Ted cooked beef stew yest erd ay, but he didn’t have enough of the ingred ients. He used less meat and
fewer tomatoes that
the recipe required .He also used less salt, less red wine, and fewer potat oes than he
was supposed to. As a result, Ted’s beef stew didn’t taste very good.
(2) I lost hope of catching my ship. I had not enough money to buy a ticket for another ship, or to stay in a hotel
for several days. My bank was far away. But I did not need a hotel, I was going to the police-st at ion.
It seemed a long time before the officer reached me, and when at last his face came round the door, it was
very hot. Most of the things from the corrid or were now out side on the st at ion, and a lot of very angry
people were out there too. I got ready to go with the officer.
I. Dialogue
B:Hello, Debbie? This is Donald.
A:Oh, hi, Donald.
B:What happened yesterday? You forgot our date, didn’t you?
A:Well, it rained hard all day and I had a bad cold, so I decided to stay home.
B:You did? But I tried to call you at leas t twenty times and nobody answered.
A:Oh, the telephone lines lines were damaged by the storm. They repaired them yesterday.
B:What did David do yesterday? Did he and Judy go dancing?
A:No, they stayed home and played cards with the children.
B:And what did you do? Did you play cards, too?
A:No. I listened to records and studied, what did you do yesterday, Donald?
B:I jus t told you, Debbie. I tried to call you twenty times!
A:What’s the date today?
B:December the fifteenth. The day after tomorrow is little Tom’s birthday.
A:Right. What present should we give him this time? By the w ay, how old is he?
B:Thirteen today and tomorrow. Fourteen the day after tomorrow.
A:How time flies! He ’s a big boy now.
B:And don’t forget Mary, Tom’s twin sister. It’s her birthday, too.
A:OK. Let’s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate.
LESSON 33 辅音[[]和[[ ]
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
这两个音是爆破音,中国学生很容易将这两个音发成汉语拼音 k 和 g,发音时摩擦的感觉较重。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // or / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. have a _______
6. _______sb. up
2. _______ off drugs
7. as _______as a play
3. _______ up
8. write with the left _______
4. have a _______
9. _______ talk
5. _______a house
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /k/ and /g/ in the sentences.
1. A hot coal fell in the carpet.
2. Take off your coat!
3. It was a complete surprise to Mike.
4. Who is carrying the kettle?
5. Cut your coat according to your cloth. (量体裁衣)
6. Every country has its customs.
7. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.(小事留意,大事顺心)
8. Cats are covered with fur and dogs are covered with hair.
9. Let her have her cry out.
10. He has gained the character of miser.
1. Go ahead, please!
2. Grace serves as a guide for a company.
3. Don’t be pulling Meg’s leg.
4. What he has done is not legal.
5. All that glitters is not gold.
6. A good beginning makes a good ending.
7. I’m beginning to feel hungry. Give me some eggs and a big jug of beer.
8. You must be guided by your sense of what is right and just.
9. We’re expecting guests to dinner.
10. Potatoes are sold in grade, and Grade A potatoes are of the best quality.
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 信心是迈向成功的第一步。
The golden rule of life is “making a beginning. ” 生命的真谛在于开始。
Tongue twisters
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Can Christmas come twice?
If Christmas can come twice, when else can Christmas come?
Canners can can what they can can but can not can things can’t be canned.
The king cursed the courtiers and slapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor.
// Gracie’s great-grand-gran is greater than Gregory’s great-grand-gran is.
● Part Three 跟读练习
Read after the recor der .
Initial: cat kite
courage chemical
king kept
come came cost guest gust
groom goal
glad God gun guide
got get
Final: think magic neck lock sake bark lock look wake work vague
leg tag
egg flag league
jug dog pig bag
Sentences exercises
Exercise 1:Fill in the blank with the word you hear on the tape.
1. I caught my coat ona _____ in the kitchen.
2. Has she got a new _______?
3. How many _______ do you have?
4. Be careful, something is on your ______.
Exercise 2:Complete the sentences with adverbs.
1. Helen runs as ____ as Kelly. (quick)
2. You are______ right. (exact)
3. You should enter the room ______. (quiet)
4. He is ________ amused. (great)
Exercise 3:Complete these sentences using the words given in past tense.
1. The girl ____(greet) him eagerly.
2. He ___(pick) up the pack of cards and counted them.
3. He was _____ (catch) in the heavy rain.
4. He was _______ (accuse) of murder.
Exercise 4:Questions and Answers
1. Where’s my door key? In your pocket, I think.
2. Where’s my newlock? Right here on the desk.
3. Where’s Tom’s birthday cake? In the cupboard over there.
4. Where’s the little girl? She’s at the school gate.
5. What’s in her hands? Well, a jug of milk and a bag of bananas.
Passage:under line the letters that sound // or // .
Walking down Oxford Street at Christmas time, you can see all kinds of exciting decorations. It was animals last
year, a glass turkey wearing a ridiculous cap; a goat with a gap in its top teeth; a monkey wearing a gold coat; a duck
dressed as a railway guard; a pig holding a big card—the king of clubs. When we got to Piccadilly Circus, I put my
glasses back in my bag. Although it was cold, it was better than classes at school.
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound // and / /.
⑴ A:I just got a telegram from Margaret and Greg.
B:Are they coming to Chicago again?
A:Yes. They’re coming the beginning of August.
B:Oh, good! We can all get together again.
A: I’m glad they’re coming in August. MaybeGreg and I can play some golf or get tickets to a baseball
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B:And Margaret and I can take the dog and go jogging in the park.
A:Remember the garden party they gave when we were in England?
B:Oh, yes. We all sat on the grass, and Margaret played the guitar and sang Greek songs.
A:I had a great time. It’ll be good to see them again.
⑵ A:When the rain stops, you’ll see how beautiful the beach is.
B:But the rain has been pouring down for two days. We’ve both caught colds.
A:And this bedroom is too big and damp. But it’s better than a tent.(She sneezes)
B:How unlucky! (He sneezes, too) Let’s pack our bags and go home.
Jingles and nursery rhymes
⑴ There was a young man from Quebec
⑶ Buttercups and kingcups and cowslips too;
who wrapped both his legs round his neck.
I’m picking them all for a bouquet for you.
but then he forgot how to undo the knot, a
⑷ “Where are you going, big pig, big pig?”
nd now he is an absolute wreck!
“I’m going to dig in the garden.”
⑵ His horse went dead and his donkey went lame,
“In the garden to dig! Disgraceful pig!”
and he lost six cows in a poker game;
“Beg pardon, ma’am, beg pardon.”
then a hurricane came on a summer day,
and blew down his house when he was away!
and an earthquake came when that was gone,
and swallowed the land that the house stood on!
Answer Key
A. 1. forge 2. forgive 3. back 4. session 5. hit 6. catch 7. gee 8. gate 9. horse 10. lung
B. 1. success 2. keep 3. get 4. lecture 5. guard 6. call 7. good 8. hand 9. cross
G. Exercise 1 1. hook 2. goat 3. classes 4. back Exercise 2 1. quickly 2. exactly 3. quietly 4. greatly Exercise 3 1.
greeted 2. picked 3. caught 4. accused
H. Passage
Walking down Ox ford Street at Christmas time, you can see all kinds of ex citing dec orations. It was animals last
year, a glass turkey wearing a ridiculous cap; a goat with a gap in its top teeth; a monkey wearing a gold coat; a duck
dressed as a railway guard; a pig holding a big card— the king of clubs. When we got to Picc adilly Circ us, I put my
glasses back in my bag. Although it was cold, it was better than classed at school.
I. Dialogue.
(1) A:I just got a teleg ram from Marg aret and Greg.
B:Are they coming to Chicago again?
A:Yes. They’re coming the beginning of August.
B:Oh, good! We can all get together again.
A:I’m glad they’re coming in August. Maybe Greg and I can play some golf or get tickets to a baseball game.
B:And Marg aret and I can take the dog and go jogging in the park.
A:Remember the garden party they gave when we were in England?
B:Oh, yes. We all sat on the grass, and Margaret played he guitar and sang Greek songs.
A:I had a great time. It’ll be good to see them again.
⑵ A:When the rain stops, you’ll see how beautiful the beach is.
B:But the rain has been pouring down for two days. We’ve both caug ht colds.
A:And this bedroom is too big and damp. But it’s better than a tent. (She sneezes)
B:How unlucky! (He sneezes, too) let’s pack our bags and go home.
LESSON 34 辅音[[
]]和[[ ]
]] AND [ ]
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
这一组辅音的发音十分简单,与汉语拼音 c 和 z 很接近,但送气略有不同,注意发音方法描述。
● Part One 听辨练习
/ or / /
/ in the word.
Listen ,circle the corresponding number if you hear / /
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. They are ________.
6. flying ________
2. Are they _______?
7. _______ train
3. They are ________.
8. eight _________
4. _______ sing.
9. remarkable __________
5. in the_______
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /ts/ and /dz/ in the sentences.
1. He gets up at 7.
1. There are four periods.
2. Parrots can be trained to imitate human
2. These beds are for children.
3. It leads to a w ar.
3. It’s not easy being parents.
4. He reminds me of his brother.
4. The farm products from Heilongjiang are
5. Keats wants some cards and boards.
6. The guards have killed thousands and thousands of
5. There are sorts of things on the shelves.
birds and cats.
6. These shorts are in good style..
7. There are hundreds and hundreds of beds in the carts.
7. He gets up at 7o’clock every day.
8. Liz reads newspaper every morning.
8. These seats are not occupied.
9. There are many new words in the text.
9. I saw lots and lots of birds and kites.
10. The odds are in your favour.
10. He holds three cats in his hand.
D. Proverbs
Two Heads are better than one. 两人智慧胜过一人。
Like attracts like. 物以类聚
E. Tongue twister
A box ofbiscuits, a box of mixed biscuits and biscuits mixer.
/dz/ One of the kids guards a ball in the playgrounds.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Final: sits hits its bites fights heats feats lots coats pots words beads
prudes odds birds ends hides rides
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen and write down the right word on the tape.
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1. They are playing ________.
2. There are two ________.
3. All ________ lead to Rome.
4. Thereare 42 ________ in the hall
Exercise 2 :Form a sentence with the words given.
are there spring
the sky
lots of
Exercise 3 :Form sentences in present tense with the words given.
1. coats
2. hands
3. toes
4. roommates
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /ts/ and /dz/ .
Liz, whose legs are injured, never demands help so long as she can do it by herself. Every morning, she washed
her hands and face. And then makes the beds. She has two cats; she feeds them at 9 in the morning. After that, she
reads for a while.
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /ts/ and /dz/ .
A:What’s wrong with it?
B:It’s broken . I just bought it yesterday, you know, it costs me $556.
A:It sounds too bad. What will you do?
B:Mike suggests me to return it.
A:That’s what I want to say.
J. Rhymes
⑴ Gifts, gifts, gifts!
Rafts of gifts!
Gifts from you and me.
The wind shifts.
The tide lifts.
Rafts drift out to sea.
⑵ The winds, the winds, the winter winds,
have blown the sands to sea;
But friends, my friends, those loving friend,
are still kind friends to me.
Answer Key
1. right 2. scratches 3. cats 4. scoops 5. bees 6. goods 7. hands 8. cuts 9. coast 10. pens
1. students 2. roommates 3. classmates 4. Let’s 5. fields 6. birds 7. goods 8. grades 9.insig hts
Exercise 1 1. cards 2. cats 3. roads 4. seats
Liz , whose legs are injured, never demands help so long as she can do it by herself. Every morning, she washed
her hands and face. And then makes the beds. She has two cats, she feedsthem at 9 in the morning. After that, she
reads for a while.
A:What’s wrong with it?
B:It’s broken. I just bought it yesterday, you know, it costs me $556.
A:It sounds too bad. What will you do?
B:Mike suggests me to return it.
A:That’s what I want to say.
LESSON 35 辅音[[
]] AND [
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
有些中国同学分不清这组音同[][]的区别。注意发音时要圆唇,同时舌头闭气的部位较[]和[]略 前 。
在刚离开时有爆破,在离开的过程 中能听见[r]音,发音时声带没有振动。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /
// or /
// in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, fill in the blanks below .
1. an _________ book
4. __________friendship
7. __________ tears
2. to _______ a pint of milk
5. have a _________
8. introduce a __________
3. _________ addict
6. fish in _________ waters
9. a beautiful __________
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /
// and /
// in the words.
1. Have a try!
1. How were they dressed?
2. A dog is trenched for irrigation.
2. Beijing has taken dramatic changes.
3. Does your dog know any trick?
3. He often dreams
4. They are planting trees.
4. It drizzled all day.
5. Trudy’s dream has come true at last.
5. I had a strange dream in the train.
6. The boy drew a train running along the trees.
6. The ship ’s anchor dragged during the night.
7. Mr. Trench treated me to some strong drinks.
7. Military expenditure has been a great drain on the country’s
8. There’s a shortage of trained nurse.
9. There’s a tramp at the door begging for food.
8. Land must be well drained for some crops.
10. The wounded soldiers trailed past us.
9. When does the draw take place?
10. Are you interested in amateur dramatics?
D. Proverbs
// A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. 强者能与命运抗争。
// Constant dripping wears away a stone. 水滴石穿。
E. Tongue twisters
The drain in the train dripped again and again until the drain in the train dropped dry.
The children tried to trim the tree.
The driver drove the dray.
I always find travel by train very trying.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape.
Initial: trial trip treasure translate troy tree treat tread track true drive dry drag
drove drink dream drive dreary drown
Medial:interest extra struggle stress strange streak straw strength strike industry
Final: (no such word)
G. Sentence exercises
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Exercise 1 :Listen and write down the right words on the tape.
1. These are ____________.
2. Did you have a ______?
3. Have a ______.
4. His ________ has come true.
Exercise 2 :Complete the sentences with the words given.
1. The film is very thrilling and dr_____ large audience.
2. The person who drives is a dr_________.
3. Shoemaking is a useful tr______.
4. It’s a tr_________ inChina to spend the Spring Festival.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given.
the children
tree tried
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in future tense with the words given.
1. travel
2. translate
3. transport
4. trouble
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /
// and /
I’m looking for a pair of trousers in a department store, the clerk told me the trousers counter is past the
women’s dress. I found it and another clerk introduced me their new style and told me the material is easy to dry. I
chose one and it matches my dress very much.
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /
// and /
A:Would you drink some coffee?
B:No, thanks. I have some trouble with my heart, my doctor suggests me to drink less.
A:Would you try some watermelon juice? It tastes good.
B:All right.
J. A Jingle
At noon in June when the flowers droop
and the roofing sky is blue;
when the doves croon through
the gloom of the trees,
what do we choose to do?
w hy, to troop to the pool
where the water cool,
seems far too good to be true!
Answer Key
1. trousers 2. dive 3. extra 4. throne 5. throat 6. drive 7. drama 8. door 9. droll 10. dream
1. interesting 2.drink 3.drug 4. true 5. try 6. troubled 7. draw 8. topic 9. drum
Exercise 1 1. trees 2. trip 3. try 4. dream
Exercise 2 1. draws 2. driver 3. trade 4. tradition
Passage I’m looking for a pair of trousers in a department store, the clerk told me the trousers counter is past the
women’s dress. I found it and another clerk introduced me their new style and told me the material is easy to dry.
I chose one and it matches my dress very much.
Dialogue A:Would you drink some coffee?
B:No, thanks. I have some trouble with my heart, my doctor suggests me to drink less.
A:Would you try some watermelon juice? It tastes good.
B:All right.
LESSON 36 辅音[[
]] AND [
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
北方同学注意不要同汉语拼音 chi 和 zhi 相混,南方同学注意不要同 q 和 j 相混。
口腔冲出,当舌移开时,必须在 后面的任何一个音发出之前能够听到同部位的摩擦音[],声带不振动。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /
// or /
// in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. ___________ a doctor
6. ___________ strength
2. Give us a ___________.
7. ___________sth. up
3. a___________stone
8. the ___________ of time
4. Take your ___________.
9. in the ___________
5. ___________up
● Part Two 综合练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /
// or /
// in the sentences.
1. Won’t you take a chair and sit down?
2. There is a box of chocolate on the chair.
3. Is he a chain smoker?
4. The children arechasing on the beach.
5. Jane had chicken and French fries for lunch.
6. The chief charge against John is that he cheated the judge.
7. John urged Judy to buy a digital watch.
8. George is choosing a chair.
9. He bought a cheap watch.
10. They are marching to the beach.
1. He had a tooth drawn.
2. He is at the age of 75.
3. George is drinking a glass of orange juice.
4. I’m much obliged to you.
5. The chief charge against John is that he cheated the judge.
6. John urged Judy to buy a digital watch.
7. Just for a joke, we mixed gin and ginger with some jam.
8. They are walking along the edge of the bridge.
9. This watch has 15 jewels.
10. It’s a hard job for a poor man to keep his wife and children clothed and fed.
D. Proverbs
Misfortunes always come at night. 不幸总是在夜晚来临。
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 只工作无娱乐使人愚钝。
E. Tongue twisters
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Charles chose cheap cheese and cherries.
Watch the children playing catch on the beach.
Charles chartered a launch to Greenwich Reach where he purchased a lunch of chops and cheese
// Joseph Johnson jeered a jesting juggler. A jesting juggler Joseph Johnson jeered.
When Joseph Johnson jeered a jesting juggler, how did Joseph Johnson jeer the jesting juggler?
George follows the edge of the hedge until he reaches the bridge.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the recor der.
Initial:chance chalk chief chest choice cheap chip chest chat chop Jack jacket jeep
gymnastic geography germ Jane join joke judge
Medial:discharge entrenchment richer picture torture biology gadget rejoin major margin
Final:which sandwich hatch rich inch reach hatch torch march itch hedge age sewage
beverage charge forge urge lodge badge large
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
1. She’s (choking/joking).
2. Both David and Robert don’t like (ships/chips).
3. Are these (Madge’s/matches)?
4. I’ll (watch/wash) the bag for you.
Exercise 2 :Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. Which kind of cheese do you ch___se?
2. Fetch the ch__en from the butcher’s.
3. The giant had a h___ jaw.
4. Jame was obliged to ch__ge the arrangement.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence in present tense using the words given and other structural words.
Exercise 4 :Questions and Answers
1. Who’s sitting in that armchair?
Jane is. She’s sitting there and knitting.
2. Where’s her child? In the garden.
He’s playing with his toys.
3. Look at this picture of the church. What are the people doing?
They are having a church service.
4. What’s the man doing in this picture?
He’s striking a match to light his cigarette.
5. What’s in the jar in this picture?
Well, jam. It’s a jar of strawberry jam.
6. The jeep in this picture looks nice.
Is it yours?
7. No, it’s John’s. Yes, it’s a nice jeep.
It’s the latest model made in Beijing.
8. Who’s walking on this bridge?
Thejudge is. He enjoys a walk on this bridge after work.
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /
// or /
// .
My uncle George is really quite a charming gentleman. But he simply has no judgement when it comes to
choosing topic of conversation. He embarrassed us recently when he gave us a long lecture. He chose the subject of
Anglo-German cultural relations. A wretched man who had come to move some furniture had to listen.
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Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /
// or /
// .
⑴ A:Good morning, Ms Chan. What can I get you today?
B:Good morning, Mr. Church. I’d like some lamb chops for the children’s lunch.
A:Shoulder chops, Ms Chan?
B:Yes. I’ll take four shoulder chops and I’d like a small chicken.
A:Would you like to choose a chicken?
B:Which one is cheaper?
A:This one is cheapest.
B:How much is all that? I don’t have much cash. Can I give you a check?
A:Yes, of course, Ms Chan.
⑵ A:How are the children doing in your class, Jane?
B:They’re all doing fine. Let me show you some of their pictures.
A:Which child is this? B:That’s Charles.
A:What a large child!
B:All my children are large.
A:And which child is this?
B:That’s James.
A:What an agile child!
B:All my children are agile.
A:Now which child is this?
B:That’s Joanna. Joanna hopes to go to college.
A:Mm. “All my children hope to go to college. ” Right?
⑶ Childishness (童心)
A:“I wonder if I can see your mother, little boy. Is she engaged?”
B:“Engaged? She’s married”.
A:“Johnny, I wish you’d stop reaching for things. Haven’t you a tongue?”
B:“ Yes, Mother, but my arm is longer.”
Nursery rhymes
⑴ Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.
⑵ Chuck! Chuck! Chuck?
I’ve hatched a little duck, and such a batch of cheeping chicks.
Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!
⑶ Jump, jump, over the hedge, And jingle-jangle all the w ay,
And joggety-jog across the bridge, Gee-up! The jolly old gentlemen say!
1. knock 2. nurse 3. child
Answer Key
4. forge 5. shine 6. catch 7. Jill
8. together
9. garage 10.gem
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B. 1. fetch 2. gesture 3. huge 4. choice 5. chop 6. giant 7. hitch 8. passage 9. church
G. Exercise 1
1. joking 2. chips
3. Madge’s
4. watch
Exercise 2
1. choose 2. chicken 3. huge
4. change
H. Passage
My uncle George is really quite a charming gentleman. But he simply has no judgment when it comes to choosing
topic of conversation. He embarrassed us recently when he gave us a long lecture. He chose the suberman cultural
relations. A wretchjed man who had come to move some furniture had to listen.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Good morning, Ms Chan. What can I get you today?
B:Good morning, Mr Church. I’d like some lamb chops for the children’s lunch.
A:Shoulder chops, Ms Chan?
B:Yes. I’ll take four shoulder chops and I’d like a small chicken.
A:Would you like to choose a chicken?
B:Which one is cheaper?
A:This one is cheapest.
B:How much is all that? I don’t have much cash. Can I give you a check?
A:Yes, of course, Ms Chan.
⑵ A:How are thech ildren doing in your class, Jane?
B:They’re all doing fine. Let me show you some of their pictures.
A:Which child is this?
B:That’s Charles.
A:What a largech ild!
B:All my children are large.
A:And which child is this?
B:That’s James.
A:What an agile child!
B:All my children are agile.
A:Now which child is this?
B:That’s Joanna. Joanna hopes to go to college.
A:Mm. “All my children hope to go to college.” Right?
LESSON 37 辅音[[ ]和[[]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear / / or // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______and husband
6. near a _______
2. a beautiful _______
7. in _______
3. ten_______
8. speak_______
4. sit on a _______
9. _______ one’s instructions
5. _______a lesson
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // and // in the words.
1. He lives far away from his hometown.
2. Would you like a cup of coffee?
3. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
4. Which knife do you prefer?
5. Feel whether there are any bones broken.
6. Few people live to be 100 and fewer still live to be 110.
7. Shall I fetch your coat for you?
8. We are going away for a few days.
9. When dogs fight, they use their teeth.
10. What a fine field of wheat!
1. He gave her a vase for her birthday.
2. Have you ever been to America?
3. The driver arrived late.
4. I’m starving.
5. He knows our very thoughts.
6. Subsequent events verified mysuspicions.
7. He could not veil his distrust.
8. There’s a large variety of patterns to choose.
9. Art may be used as vehicle for propaganda.
10. Nothing venture, nothing gain. (不入虎穴,焉得虎子)
D. Proverbs
Industry is fortune’s right hand, and frugality her left. 勤奋是财富的右手,节俭是其左手。
Virtue is fairer than beauty. 美德胜于美貌。
E. Tongue twisters
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// ⑴ This fish has a thin fin, that fish has a fat fin; This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.
⑵ A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big
fissure in his fishing-net.
⑶ The four flour factories furnished Mr. Ford with a terrific fortune.
⑷ Famine and failure faced the frenzied farmer.
// Eve’s elevating eleven elephants.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the recor der.
fetch fan ferry few feet fat
form farm firm
voice vain
victory very
vest vary volley
vote vow
Medial: afford
eleven novel avoid
involve invoice
enough knife loaf
safe life
tough laugh
above live love
have wave have
seven leave
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to these sentences and write down the right words you hear on the tape.
1. Could you _______this sweater?
3. Is his the _______?
2. I bought a new _______.
4. This room has _______.
Exercise 2 :Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. I like reading short no_______.
2. She’s le_______ for Shanghai tomorrow.
3. I once li_______ in the south of China.
4. Could you give me a cup of co_______?
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence by using the words given.
the forms
Exercise 4 :Form sentences with the words given.
1. father
2. friend
3. victory
4. love
Exercise 5 :Questions and Answers
1. What do you see on the table?
Food. Lots of food.
Enough food for an army.
2. What do you see in this picture?
A flower.
A red, red rose.
3. What’s the man in this picture doing?
He’s laughing.
He’s just heard a funny story.
4. What’s the girl doing?
She’s coughing.
She has a cold, I’m afraid.
5. What does the vendor sell?
She sells all kinds of vegetables.
6. What’s the girl doing?
She’s divingfrom a high platform.
Oh, what a beautiful dive!
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound // and // .
Only a few friends were ever invited to the famous violinist’s villa. Many had seen photographs of it—the view
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over the river, the valuable violins, the family leaving for Venice, the family feeding the elephants. So I felt brave as I
ventured up the driver that November afternoon.
After all I had been a fan ofhis for years. After returning to England in 1929, Sir Francis Chichester made a solo
flight to Australia in a biplane. Two years later, in 1931, he piloted the first east-west flight over the Tasman Sea
between New Zealand and Australia. He then planned to fly round the world, but the plane was severely damaged in
an accident in Japan.
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound // and // .
⑴ A:Has your family lived here for long?
B:Five and a half years. We moved here on the first of November.
A:You have a fantastic view.
B:Yes. I love living here.
A:Look! You can see the village way down in the valley.
B:Yes. It’s a lovely view.
⑵ A:Hello, Vicki.
B:Hi, David. What a beautiful necklace! Dude, I’ve never seen anything like it.
A:Well, you can have it for eleven hundred—as a friend.
B:I think seven hundred is enough.
A:What? Seven hundred?
B:Well, eight hundred, then?
A:No, one thousand at least.
B:Eight hundred and fifty. Come on. I have 4 kids, 3 dogs, and 2 husbands to feed!
A:You’re a thief, Vicki. But I guess, eight hundred and fifty is all right.
B:Here you are, sucker! Victory for me, I bought it for 30 bucks just yesterday!
⑶ A:What are you doing, Victor?
B:I’m making a list of food and drinks.
A:What for?
B:What for? For the party, of course.
A:Party? What party?
B:We’re having a Valentine’s Day Party.
A:Oh, I forget. Who’s invited?
B:We’ve invited all our sophomore friends from school.
A:Can I help you get ready?
B:That’ll be a big help. Well, here’s a list of some of the food you could buy.
A:Ok, just leave it to me. I’ll take care of it.
B:Thanks. See you at five. Don’t forget to bring your valentine.
J. Jingles and rhymes
⑴ Puff, puff
⑶ He that would thrive,
Puff the fluff,
Must rise at five.
And fly, feather, fly;
He that has thriven,
Puff, puff,
May lie till seven.
That’s enough—
And he that by the plough would thrive,
It’s far, far off in the sky.
Himself must either hold or drive.
⑵ Come visit the lovely violets
⑷ The fair breeze blew,
That live in the valley here;
The white foam flew;
The loveliest violets you ever have seen
The furrow followed free,
Over the hills or near.
We were the first to burst — Into that silent sea.
Answer Key
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A. 1. fold
2. hold
3. pan 4. van 5. hall
6. fall
7. best 8. vest 9. few 10. view
B. 1. wife 2. valley
3. calves
4. sofa 5. review
6. river
7. fashion
8. French 9. follow
F. Exercise 1 1. fold
2. fan 3. vest 4. view
Exercise 2 1. novels
2. leaving 3. lived 4. coffee
H. Passage
Only a few friend were ever invited to the famous violinist’s villa. Many had seen photographs of it – the view
over the river, the valuable violins, the family leaving for Venic e, the family feeding the elephants. So I felt brave as I
ventured up the driver that November afternoon. After all I had been a fan of his for years.
After returning to England in 1929, Sir Francis Chichester made a solo flight to Australia in a biplane. Two years
later, in 1931, he piloted the first east-west flight over the Tasman Sea between New Zealand and Australia. He then
planned to fly round the world, but the plane was severely damaged in an accident in Japan.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Has your family lived here for long?
B:Five and a half years. We moved here on the first of November.
A:You have a fantastic view.
B:Yes. I love living here.
A:Look! You can see the village way down in the valley.
B:Yes. It’s a lovely view.
(2) A:Hello, Vicki.
B:Hi, David. What a beautiful necklace! Gosh, I’ve never seen anything like it.
A:Well, you can have it for eleven hundred—as a friend.
B:I think seven hundred is enough.
A:What? Seven hundred?
B:Well, eight hundred, then?
A:No, one thousand at least.
B:Eight hundred and fifty.
A:You’re a thief, vicki. Ok, eight hundred and fifty.
⑶ A:What are you doing, Victor?
B:I’m making a list offood and drinks.
A:What for?
B:What for? For the party, of course.
A:Party? What party?
B:We’re having a Valentine ’s Day Party.
A:Oh, Iforget. Who’s invited?
B:We’ve invited all our friends from the sophomore.
A:Can I help you get ready?
B:That’ll be a big help. Well, here’s a list of some of the food you could buy.
A:Ok, just leave it to me. I’ll take care of it.
B:Thanks. See you at five.
LESSON 38 辅音[[]和[[ ]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // or / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the word you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. the _________ chapter
6. in the ________
2. _________ a lot
7. fine ________
3. ________and sister
8. ________ shoes
4. life and ________
9. _________ you
5. I don’t like ________.
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // and / / in the words .
1. Both this one and that one are good.
2. Do you want three books or thirteen books?
3. I don’t know anything about math.
4. You’d better thinkit over.
5. Something is better than nothing.
6. He was on the threshold of his career.
7. A bone has stuck in my throat.
8. His wound throbbed with pain.
9. The race was threatened with extinction.
10. This train goes through to Paris, there is no need to change train.
1. He runs faster than his brother.
2. There’s a house near the lake.
3. There’s something wrong with the television.
4. They don’t like these clothes.
5. They have a house of their own.
6. Those dogs that attacked your sheep ought to be shot.
7. Bring it nearer so that I may see it better.
8. I like her no better than he does.
9. Are these your children?
10. He will be here on Thursday.
D. Proverbs
It’s a thousand times easier to contract a new habit than to get rid of an old one. 习惯易养不易除。
Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标好比航行的船只没有指南针。
E. Tongue twister
There are 3333 feathers on that thrush’s throat.
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I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought. If the thought I thought had been the
thought I thought, I wouldn’t have thought so much .
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Initial: third think thunder theme thought theft thing theme thank thrift then those
though there this their that these they thus
Medial:truthful fifthly athlete author something without mother either weather whether
Final: oath bath both mouth month wrath moth tooth youth birth breathe bathe clothe
smooth with lathe soothe clothe wreathe soothe
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen and write down the right words on the tape.
1. It’s very ________.
3. _______ finally came.
2. She _______ for a long time.
4. Is it _______?
Exercise 2 :Complete the sentences with the words given.
1. This book is thin, and that one is th_______.
2. Tom and Mary live in the same neighborhood, th___ go to school together.
3. Linda didn’t go shopping today, and I didn’t e_________.
4. It’s not difficult. It’s so ea___.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given.
the path took Ruth the theatre
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in future tense with the words given.
1. thin
2. thirsty
3. this
4. smooth
Exercise 5 :Questions and Answers
1. Look at picture 1, what’s it?
It’s a thumb, the biggest finger on my hand.
2. What’s that in Picture 2?
It’s a thread. We use a needle and a thread when we sew.
3. What do you see in picture 3?
The birth of a baby.
4. What do you see in picture 4?
The death of an old man. His wife is crying.
5. What do you see in this picture?
A dog and a cat. They are fighting each other.
6. Who’s the woman in picture7?
She’s Arthur’s mother. She’s the mother of Arthur.
7. Who’s the man in picture 8?
He’s Martha’s father. He ’s the father of Martha.
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound // and / / .
Edith Roth is thirty-three, she just had her 33 rd birthday last Thursday. She looks like more than 33, she works
very hard. Perhaps that’s why she looks older. She has bought a house with 33,333 dollars.
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound // and / / .
⑴ A:I went to Roths’, you know, Edith Roth is the author of a book about moths.
B:Is she? I thought she was a mathematician.
A:I’m so thirsty.
B:Are you? I thought you had something to drink at her home.
A:No. Edith didn’t give anythingto drink.
B:I’ll buy you a drink. A:Oh! Thank you.
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⑵ A:And …while you’re up there, could you pass me that cup, too, Martha?
B:Oh, you mean this one, Father?
A:No, not that one, the other one. Yes, that’s it.
B:There you are, Father. Is that all?
A:Yes, that’s all for the moment. Thank you, Martha.
J. Poems
⑴ There was an old woman,
And nothing she had.
And so this old woman,
Was said to be mad.
She’d nothing to eat,
She’d nothing towear,
She’d nothing to lose,
She’d nothing to fear,
She’d nothing to ask,
And nothing to leave,
And when she did die,
Nobody grieved.
⑵ “This” is used for something near,
“That” means something over there,
“These” and “those” mean two or more,
“Those” are far and “these” are near.
K. Jingles
⑴ When the wind is in the East, It’s good for neither man nor beast;
When the wind is in the North, The skilful fisher goes not forth;
When the wind is in the South, It blows the bait in the fisher’s mouth;
When the wind is in the West, Then it is at its very best.
⑵ He that would thrive, Must rise at five.
He that has thriven, May lie till seven.
And he that by the plough would thrive, Himself must either hold or drive.
Answer Key
A. 1. this
2. safe 3. thief
4. breeze
5. breathe 6. press
7. there 8. air
9. air
10. weeds
B. 1. third
2. worth 3. brother 4. death 5. this
6. north
7. clothes 8. leather
9. thank
F. Exercise 1 1. thin
2. thought 3. They 4. thick
Exercise 2 1. thick 2. they 3. either
4. easy
H. Passage
Edith Roth is thirty - three, she just had her 33rd birth day last Thursday. She looks like more than 33, she
works very hard. perhaps that’s why she looks older. She has bought a house with 33,333 dollars.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:I went to Roths’, you know, Edith Roth is the author of a book about moths.
B:Is she? I thought she was a math ematician.
A:I’m sothirsty.
B:Are you? I thought you had something to drink at her home.
A:No. Edith didn’t give anything to drink.
B:I’ll buy you a drink.
A:Oh! Thank you.
⑵ A:And… while you’re up there, could you pass me that cup, too, Martha?
B:Oh, you meanth is one, Father?
A:No, not that one, the other one. Yes, that’s it.
B:There you are, Father. Is that all?
A:Yes, that’s all for the moment. Thank you, Martha.
LESSON 39 辅音[[ ]和[[ ]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
注意同汉语拼音中的 s 和 z 的区别。按照发音方法中描述的舌位,气流通过口腔时应摩擦上齿龈。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear / / or / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. ten_______
4. large _______
7. _______ room
2. sit _______
5. _______ book
8. the war_______
3. a _______ man
6. go to the _______
9. the latest _______
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // and / / in the words.
1. Three cups of tea, please.
2. “I don’t like this shirt”, she said to her sister.
3. Do you like sports?
4. Her little sister is missing.
5. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
6. Sister Suzy will sing us some sweet songs.
7. Cindy collects all sorts of stamps.
8. Sam collects horse-grasses and all sorts of glasses.
9. He said in a soft voice.
10. My sister lost her purse yesterday.
1. Put your bags back, please.
2. On Sundays, we often go to the zoo.
3. He sends Liz a vase.
4. How do you think of these handbags?
5. Sally always suffers fromsea-sickness when she is at sea.
6. The sun rises everyday.
7. His brothers go to school together every day.
8. He lost the keys to the houses.
9. There are zebras in the zoo.
10. Boys and girls, please come in.
D. Proverbs
Speech is the picture of the mind. 语言是思想的表述。
Zeal should not outrun discretion. 热情应顾及谨慎。
E. Tongue twisters
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Mrs. Snelling’s selling six sick six-shilling sheep.
A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.
What an ass that stranger seemed sitting there in the sunshine sucking cider through a straw.
The soldiers’ shoulders shudder when shrill shells shriek.
I am amazed it is a craze these days to dance to music of jazz.
● Part Two 跟读练习
Read after the recor der.
Initial: sit scene city sorry something set sat soft sour soil zone zebra zoo zig zag zer o
zone zip zinc ze al zest
Medial : listen message receive sincere essay cost casement cask cloister clasp exact
scissors freezer puzzle reason residence resign resin resist resolve
Final: loss box ice ships Jack’s this course ass rice gas ages hers pause goes chosen
cease gaze buzz lose as
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to these sentences and circle the right word you hear on the tape.
1. Do you hear a ( bus/buzz)?
3. What’s the (price/prize)?
2. He (races/raises) horses.
4. Do you spell that with a (C/Z)?
Exercise 2 :Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. There are many b___s on the bookshelf.
2. That’s the r_____ why I came late.
3. Could you hand me book pl____?
4. This is h____, Mary’s.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence using the words given and other structural words.
the doors
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in past tense with the words given.
Exercise 5 :Questions and Answers
1. Is she standing?
No, she’s not standing. She’s sitting on a chair.
2. Is he sitting or standing?
He’s standing and singing.
3. Is this a bowlof rice or a glass of orange juice?
It’s orange juice. I drink a lot of orange juice every day.
4. What animal is this? It’s a zebra.
I like the black and white stripes on its body.
5. Where is the zebra?
It’s in the zoo.
6. What’s the boy doing?
He’s dozing off in class. He’s a lazy boy.
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound // and / /.
⑴ She speaks slowly and smokes special, expensive cigarettes. As she steps upstairs, her long skirt sweeps
over her silver slippers. She is small and smart and sweet — looking. Her skin is like snow.
⑵ A school-teacher had found her class of boys reluctant in their writing of English compositions. At last she
conceived a great idea to stimulate their interest — to write an account of a ball game. It seemed that she was
successful. With one exception, the boys threw themselves at the task. The one in the back row chewed
reluctantly at his pen and was then struck by a burst of genius. When the teacher opened his paper, it read:
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“Rain, no game.”
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound / / and / /.
⑴ A:Let’s go to the seashore on Saturday.
B:Yes! Let’s go sailing and water skiing. That’s so exciting.
A:It’s expensive, too. Let’s just sit in the sun and go swimming instead.
B:Yes. Let’s sleep on the sand. That’s most exciting!
⑵ A:He has lots of hobbies.
B:And he’s always busy with his pictures and roses.
A:He’s won a dozen prizes for his pictures and roses.
B:But as for his business in the city…
A:He lets his cousins look after his business.
B:He sounds more like an artist than a businessman.
⑶ A:I’ll sing you a song.
B:Yes, sing a song. But don’t sing a sad song.
A:Most of my songs are sad, sorry.
B:Well, please sing one that’s not sad.
A:OK, I’ll sing San Francisico then.
Jingles and rhymes
⑴ The man who misses all the fun
Is he who says “It can’t be done.”
In solemn pride he stands aloof,
And greets each venture with reproof.
Had he the power, he would efface
The civilizations of the human race.
We’d have no steam or trolley cars,
No streets lit by electric stars;
Notelegraph or telephone,
We’d linger in the age of stone!
The world would sleep if things were run
By men who say “It can be done!”
⑵ We drowse and doze under the trees
In a mazy haze on days like these,
Dizzied with sounds of sheep that browse,
And lazy sounds of grazing cows,
And buzz of busy bees, whose sound
Makes lazier laziness around.
K. A message of greeting
A birthday wishto my wife
From the Guy who seldom shows it
But who knows his wife is a whiz—
Who doesn’t often say she’s sweet
But always thinks she is !
Who may not always mention
That he just can’t live without her—
But hopes she knows that all the time
He is simply wild about her.
Answer Key
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A. 1. silk 2. third
3. that 4. this
5. zoo
6. books 7. pens 8. thank 9. with
10. beds
B. 1. pencils
2. sit 3. wise 4. zebras
5. exercise 6. university 7. stuffy 8. zones
9. style
G. Exercise 1 1. buzz
2. raises
3. price 4. C
Exercise 2 1. books 2. reason 3. please 4. hers
H. Passage
⑴ She speaks slowly and smokes Special, expensive cigarettes. As She stepsups tairs her long skirt sweeps
over her silver slippers. She is Small and smart and sweet – looking. Her skin is like snow.
(2) A school-teacher had found her class of boys reluctant in their writing of English compos itions. At last she
conceived a great idea to stimulate their interes t – to write an account o a ball game.
It seemed that she was Success ful. With one exception, the boys threw themselves at the task. The backward
on chewed reluctantly at hispen and was then struck a burst of genius. When the teacher opened his paper, it
read:“Rain, no game.”
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Let’s go to theseas hore on Saturday.
B:Yes! Let’s go sailing and water skiing. That’s so exciting.
A:It’s expensive, too. Let’s just sit in the sun and go swimming instead.
B:Yes. Let’s sleep on the sand. That’s most exciting!
(2) A:He haslots of hobbies.
B:And ha’s always busy with his pictures and roses.
A:He’s won a dozen prizes for his pictures and roses.
B:But as for his bus iness in the city...
A:He lets his cousins look after his bus iness.
B:He sounds more like an artist than a bus iness man.
(3) A:I’ll sing you a song.
B:Yes, Sing a song. But don’t sing a sad song.
A:Most of my songs are sad, sorry.
B:Well, please sing one that’s not sad.
A:OK, I’ll sing San Francisico then.
LESSON 40 辅音[[]和[[]
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
北方同学注意不要同汉语拼音 shi 和 ri 相混,南方同学注意不要同 xi 和 yi 相混。
发[]音时,舌尖和舌面抬向齿龈后部,舌身弓起,上下齿合拢或 相当靠近,口不要张太大,发音时舌面与
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear / / or // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks.
1. ______ one’s height
4. in the ______
7. white ______
2. give me a ______
5. in ______
8. watch ______
3. go______
6. I’m______
9. ______ up
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // and // in the sentences.
1. Shirley went to shop with her sister.
2. Have you had some fish for lunch?
3. The day is getting longer and longer.
4. This shop sells the latest fashion of shorts and shirts.
5. She showed me some machine-made horse-shoes.
6. Mr. Mash sells fish and shellfish fresh from the ocean.
7. The shepherd and his sheep shuddered in a shed near the station.
8. He shares the office with his two other persons.
9. Show me the washing machine.
1. What’s on the television?
2. He treasures the watch his father gave him.
3. As usual, he is late.
4. What do you usually do on Sundays?
5. Don’t make a decision in such a hurry.
6. I have met Mr. White on several occasions.
7. He remained calm in the confusion of battle.
8. Have you ever had visions of great wealth and success?
9. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
10. The tailor measured me for a suit.
D. Proverbs
Marry in haste, repent at leisure. 仓促结婚,闲时后悔。
Every misfortune is to be subdued by patience. 忍耐是不幸的淡化剂。
E. Tongue twisters
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There was a young fellow named Fisher, who was fishing for fish in a fissure.
“Shall I show you the shop for shoes and shirts?” Shirley said to Shelley.
The genre of the writer was a measure of his vision.
They treasure their leisure with measureless pleasure.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the recor der.
Initial: share shed ship shore shoe shine show sheet shake shower genre
Jacque (French pronunciation)
Medial:fissure mention voracious vicious usher vision azure pleasure visual usual treasure
measure mirage seizure
Final: lavish fish dish stash Spanish rush harsh wash wish fresh garage mirage massage
collage beige prestige
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to these sentences and write down the right words you hear on the tape.
1. Are those ______?
2. Shelley is going to buy some new ______.
3. Could you ______this, please?
4. Did you ______ all the nuts?
Exercise 2 :Complete the following sentences based on the letters given.
1. I’m looking for leather sh______, could you tell me where the footwear is?
2. You’d better m______ your weight.
3. In America, the last d______ is usually the dessert.
4. We can fill up the tank in the ga______e station.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence by using the words given.
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in future tense with the words given.
1. share
2. show
3. shop
4. wash
Exercise 5 :Questions and Answers
1. What’s the English for “羊”?
It’s “sheep”. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep.
2. What’s the English for “船”?
It’s “ship ”. A big ship, a small ship.
3. How do you say “一盘鱼” in English?
A dish of fish. By the w ay, fish is my favorite dish, you know.
4. What do you say to someone who thanks you?
One of the things you can say is “My pleasure.”
5. Now what’s the English for “车库”?
Garage. A garage is the place where you keep your car.
6. Do you have a car?
Yes, I have. But I don’t have a garage.
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound // and //.
The explosion, he thought, came from behind the shrubs, just near the garage. Had the chauffeur left the
machine inside? He dashed across the garden, knocked over the rubbish bins and shone his torch in the direction of
the garage. Sure enough—a hole measuring four by four.
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound // and //.
⑴ A:Do you sell washing machines?
B:Yes. We’re having a special sale on this machine here.
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A:Is that a Danish machine? The name looks Danish.
B:No. It’s Swedish. Would you like me to demonstrate it for you?
A:Sure. I’d like to see how it washes.
⑵ A:Sheila, what time should we meet tomorrow?
B:The usual time. Half past two in the afternoon.
A:What place?
B:The usual place. In front of the treasure house.
A:And what should I wear? B:Your usual shirt and shoes.
A:What are you going to wear?
B:Nothing unusual, I’m afraid.
A:Sheila, how about that fashionable blue dress?
B:Good. That’s something unusual.
⑴ A dish of mashed potatoes,
A bowl of mush I wish,
And all the hash that I can eat
And fish, and fish, and fish.
⑵ Our baby is a treasure,
A vision of delight.
Her eyes are deepest azure,
Her cheeks are cherry bright.
K. Messages of greeting
⑴ Distance can never weaken our relationship.
We are separated right now,
But distance can never weaken our relationship,
For what is in our minds and hearts
Is stronger than any outside force,
And when we are together again,
Our relationship will be that much more intense and beautiful.
⑵ For you, daughter, with our warmest wishes
Like lovely flowers,
Filled the world with happiness.
It’s impossible to measure
Just how dear
You’ve always been
Or how precious
Are the joys you’ve given
Time and time again—
It’s impossible to measure
Just how much
We’re wishing you
The very best things possible
Now and your whole life through.
Answer Key
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
1. shop
2. sick 3. beach 4. treasure 5. mobster
6. mixture 7. mention
8. fuss
9. fussion
10. gather
1. measure 2. shock 3. shopping
4. garage 5. Asian
6. sure 7. ships
8. television
9. dish
Exercise 1 1. shoes
2. sheets
3. sign 4. sell
Exercise 2 1. shoes
2. measure 3. dish 4. garage
The explosion, he thought, came from behind the shrubs, just near the garage. Had the chauffeur left the mach
ine inside? He dashed across the garden, knocked over the rubbish bins and shone his torch in the direction of
the garage e. Sure enough—a hole meas uring four by four.
⑴ A:Do you sell washing machines?
B:Yes. We’re having a special sale on this machine here.
A:Is that a Danish machine? The name looks Danish.
B:No. It’s Swedish. Would you like me to demonstrate it for you?
A:Sure. I’d like to see how it washes.
⑵ A:Sheila, what time should we meet tomorrow?
B:The usual time. Half past two in the afternoon.
A:What place?
B:The usual place. In front of the treasure house.
A:And what should I wear?
B:Your usual shirt and shoes.
A:What are you goingto wear?
B:Nothing unusual, I’m afraid.
A:Sheila, how about that fashionable blue dress?
B:Good. That’s something unusual.
LESSON 41 辅音[[]
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
汉语拼音中的 h 是个摩擦硬腭的音,英语中要摩擦声带。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear the /h/ sound in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks.
1. go_______
4. no _______
7. feel _______
2. ride _______
5. _______a try
8. in _______
3. _______ an hour
6. on _______ of
9. ______ food
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /h/ in the sentences.
1. Who opened the door?
2. Her hair becomes gray.
3. Each one has his or her own habit.
4. Tom won a prize for good behavior at school.
5. How horrible! Hugh has hurt his hand with a heavy hammer.
6. The hunter hid himself behind a high hedge.
7. He hailed me with a hearty hullo and a handshake.
8. Here’s your hand.
9. There is a hat in his hand.
10. I’m honored to have a speech here.
D. Proverbs
Honor and profit lie not in one sack. 名誉与利润不能共存。
Habit cures habit. 习惯总是接踵而至。
Tongue twisters
How high His Highness holds his haughty head!
Hundreds of horses’ hard hoofs hit the hard high road.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Initial: horse
house hale
hearty have whole hell
help hand
had hard hot
hook heard home horn hurry
secondhand inhuman
lighthouse grasshopper inhabit
household behind
behest beholden
behead behavior
behoove beholden
Final:(This sound doesn’t occur at the end of words in English)
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear .
1. He is (eating/heating) the soup.
3. The (air/hair) is nice and clean.
2. It was (I/high).
4. I (ate/hate) eggs for breakfast.
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
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1. When did you go h______?
2. He’s ill and is in h______.
3. He looks frustrated, what h_____ to him?
4. A:She’ll be all right soon. B:I hope so.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
honey historian
to the horse his
the gray
Exercise 4 :Form sentences with the words given.
1. whose 2. who 3. how long 4. how far
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /h/.
The Harrisons spent a very happy holiday in the Highlands. One half of the family took the Mercedes Benz, and
the other half hitchhiked. Mrs. Harrison had rented a very comfortable, furnished house. She had hired some servants
from a hotel her husband had heard of from a business friend in Edinburgh. When the family had assembled, they
hurried out to see how the local inhabitants behaved. Henry, who liked history, visited the historical sight.
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /h/.
⑴ A:Hello, Ellen.
B:Hello, Helen, have you heard the news? There’s been a horrible accident.
A:Oh, no! What happened?
B:Hilda Harris husband, Henry had an accident on his way home from work.
A:How awful! Was he hurt?
B:Yes. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
A:How did it happen?
B:His car was hit by an express train. It happened at the crossing just behind his house.
A:How horrible!
B:He ’s having an operation in the hospital now. Poor Hilda! You can imagine how unhappy she is.
A:I hope he’ll be all right.
B:I hope so, too.
⑵ A:How happy Henry is !
B:Yes, he’s always happy.
A:How handsome Henry is !
B:Henry is handsome, isn’t he!
A:And how hardworking Henry is !
B:Henry does work hard.
A:And how honest Henry is !
B:Oh? Is Henry honest?
J. Jingle and rhyme
⑴ His horse went dead and his donkey went lame,
And he lost six cows in a poker game;
Then a hurricane came on a summer day,
And blew down his house when he was away!
And an earthquake came when that was gone,
And swallowed the land that the house stood on!
⑵ He that would thrive, Must rise at five.
He that has thriven,
May lie till seven.
And he that by the plough would thrive,
Himself must either hold or drive.
Answer Key
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
A. 1. believe
2. behave
3. fee 4. he 5. air
6. hair
7. beehive
8. white 9. hay 10. ray
B. 1. home 2. horse 3. half
4. help 5. have 6. behalf
7. unhappy 8. hospital 9. hot
F. Exercise 1
1. heating 2. high 3. hair
4. hate
Exercise 2 1. home 2. hospital
3. happened
4. hope
H. Passage
The Harrisons spent a very happy holiday in the High lands. One half of the family went by car, and the other
half hitch – hiked. Mrs Harrison had rented a very comfortable, furnished house. She had hired some servants
from a hotel her husband had heard of from a business friend in Edinburg h. When the family had assembled,
they hurried out to see how the local inhabitants behaved. Henry, who liked history, visited the historical sight.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Hello, Ellen.
B:Hello, Helen, have you heard the news? There’s been a horrible accident.
A:Oh, no! What happened?
B:Hilda Harris husband, Henry had an accident on his way home from work.
A:How awful! Was he hurt?
B:Yes. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
A:How did it happen?
B:His car was hit by an express train. It happened at the crossing just behind his house.
A:How horrible!
B:He’s having an operation in the hospital now. Poor Hilda! You can imagine how unhappy she is.
A:I hope he’ll be all right.
B:I hope so, too.
⑵ A:How happy Henry is !
B:Yes, he’s always happy.
A:How handsome Henry is!
B:Henry is handsome, isn’t he!
A:And how hardworking Henry is!
B:Henry does work hard.
A:And how honest Henry is!
B:Oh? Is Henry honest?
LESSON 42 辅音[[]
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
汉语发音中没有这个辅音,很多中国同学按照汉语拼音 r 的读法来读这个音,实际上汉语的读法更接近英语
中的[],因此中国同学读出的 rose,听起来像“肉丝”;road,听起 来像“肉的”。而安徽,浙江,及江苏南部
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear // in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. be _______
4. _______good
7. make _______
2. get _______
5. _______and peace
8. _______film
3. listen to the ______
6. _______times
9. _______ about
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // in the sentences.
1. The war broke out in 1914.
2. He is a rash young man.
3. She would rather have the small one than the large one.
4. There is a dog under the chair.
5. Those red roses are really very pretty.
6. Harris rarely reads literary reviews.
7. She wore a dress made of a rough, rusty material.
8. The crops have been ruined by the hungry sparrows.
9. The railway bridge across the river is over a hundred feet high.
10. Let’s ride to the bride.
D. Proverbs
Rome wasn’t built in a day. 罗马非一日建成。
When in Rome , do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
Tongue twisters
Round and round in the stream they rowed.
The rusty rod was wrapped in a rag.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Initial: rare repair rent repay replace report republic round wrong respect read red rid rod
room rude right round wrote rain
Medial:Taurus merry merit literal hurry veteran factory (BE) quarrel ferry grass cream crack
craft crop crush crazy grain grind grown brass
Final: there(is) there(are) war(and peace) far(away) bar(of soap) wear and tear
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape .
1. He’s going to (collect/correct) the homework.
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2. Put these paper in the (file/fire).
3. Did you (pray/play) just now?
4. Are you carrying the (light/right) suitcase?
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. Please r_______ me to answer that letter, or I’ll forget.
2. Could you give me a r_____? I’ll go to the market.
3. I won’t buy it at that p_____.
4. His daughter is very capable, he is p_______ of her.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
rhymes reading were the children
Exercise 4 :Form sentences with the words given.
1. very
2. rare
3. really
4. roughly
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound //.
“Very sorry”, said Mr. Blake. “I pray you forgive me. It’s all my fault. I allowed William to play cricket against
the wall. I’ll pay for the glass he broke, if you like?” “Well, I’d really rather he helped me cut the grass.” Mrs. Lamb
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound //.
⑴ A:Are the children all grown up now, Rose?
B:Oh, yes. Laura’s the oldest. She’s a computer programmer.
A:Oh, very interesting. And what about Rita? She was such a bright child —always reading.
B:She’s a librarian at the public library.
A:Really? And Chris? She was a very pretty little girl.
B:Christy is working as a waitress at a restaurant in Paris. She’s married to a French photographer.
A:Oh, how interesting. And what about Larry and Rocky?
B:Larry drives a truck. He drives all over the country. We hardly ever seen him.
A:Really? Where does he live now?
A:And does Rocky drive a truck, too?
B:Oh, no. Rocky is a pilot.
A:Really? Where does he fly ? Does he fly to other countries?
B:Yes. Mostly to England and France.
⑵ A:Mary, it was wrong of you to be so late. Mother’s very worried.
B:I’m so sorry I’m late. But Henry’s car broke down.
A:I don’t really like Henry. I like my Rose.
B:I don’t like your Rose. And I do love Henry. And I’m going to marry him.
A:But my Rose is great.
B:Your Rose is a fool.
A:Really, Mary, you’re horrible.
B:Why don’t you marry Rose, then?
J. Jingle and rhyme
⑴ Don’t worry if your job is small,
And your rewards are few.
Remember that the mighty oak,
Was once a nut like you.
⑵ The man who misses all the fun
Is he who says “It can’t be done.”
In solemn pride he stands aloof,
And greets each venture with reproof.
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Had he the power, he would efface
The civilizations of the human race.
We’d have no steam or trolley cars,
No streets lit by electric stars;
No telegraph or telephone,
We’d linger in the age of stone!
The world would sleep if things were run
By men who say “It can’t be done!”
Answer Key
1. right 2. light
3.height 4. fly
5. fry 6. why 7. rye 8. wear 9. blight
10. crash
1. ready 2. married
3. radio 4. very
5. war
6. several 7. remarks 8. horrible
9. worry
Exercise 1 1. corret 2. fire
3. pray
4. right
Exercise 2 1. remind
2. ride 3. price 4. proud
“Very sorry”, said Mr. Blake. “I pray you for give me. It’s all my fault. I allowed William to play cricket against
the wall. I’ll pay for the glass he broke, if you like?” “Well, I’dreally rather he helped me cut thegrass.” Mrs.
Lamb replied.
⑴ A:Are the children all grown up now, Rose?
B:Oh, yes. Laura’s the oldest. She’s a computer programmer.
A:Oh, very interesting, And what about Rita? She was such a bright child – always reading.
B:She’s a librarian at the public library.
A:Really? And Chr is? She was a very pretty little girl.
B:Chris is working as a waitress at a restaurant in Paris. She’s married to a French photographer.
A:Oh, how inter esting, And what about Larry and Rocky?
B:Larry drives a truck. He drives all over the country. We hardly ever seen him.
A:Really? Where does he live now?
B:Colo rado.
A:And does Rocky drive a truck, too?
B:Oh, no. Rocky is a pilot.
A:Really? Where does he fly to? Does he fly to other countries?
B:yes. Mostly to England and France.
A:Mary, it was wrong of you to be so late. Mother’s very worried.
B:I’m sorry I’m late. But Henry’s carbroke down.
A:I don’t really like Henry. I like my Rose.
B:I don’t like your Rose. And I do love Henry. And I’m going to marry him.
A:But Rose is great.
B:Your Rose is a fool.
A:Really, Mary, you’re horrible.
B:Why don’t you marry Rose, then?
LESSON 43 辅音 []
新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com/ www.TOL24.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列
● Warm Up 语音课堂
发[]音时,双唇闭合,完全阻塞口腔气流通道,软颚放低,使由肺 部压出的气流从鼻腔泄出,舌头放松,
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /m/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. spread your ____
4. ______ and father
7. in the ____ schoo
2. _______ in
5. military ______
8. nursery ______
3. make ______
6. take some _____
9. Merry ____
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /m/ in the sentences .
1. The manager claimed he was a reformed hoodlum.
2. What an amazing memory Mary must have!
3. More and more of the motors were damaged.
4. Can you mention the new movie?
5. Why did the man and woman run so fast?
6. You are welcome.
7. Let me drive you home.
8. I can’t make it by myself.
9. The Olympic Games began in the 5th century B.C.
D. Proverbs
Man is the soul of the universe. 人类是宇宙的灵魂。
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. 不犯错误的人通常一事无成。
E. Tongue twisters
Mother met a monkey in the middle of the market and made a mailbox of money.
Might the medical commander deny the claim of recidivism?
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Initial: money music must motive mountain middle master mutual midnight measure meet
miss meat mist mouth mad male make month myself
Medial:sample simple normal hammer imagine comfort animal postman company camp
female handsome complete statement woman appointment example apartment small
Final: come room poem ham atom lamb arm calm claim shame norm game form
Mary home ham yam lamb same shame
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape.
1. Can you (make/bake) it?
4. Could you give me a (ham/hand)?
2. I’ll give you (mine/nine).
3. Be careful! Don’t step on the (gum/gun)!
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
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1. I usually get up at seven o’clock in the mo______.
3. How m______ did you pay?
2. I ______m looking for a blouse.
4. The bus is c______!
Exercise 3 :Form a yes or no question withthe words given below.
tomorrow homemade make some you muffins will
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in past tense with the following words.
1. come
2. climb
3. make
4. move
Passage:under line the letters that sound /m/.
⑴ I’m sixteen. My trouble is my spotty skin. I’ve used all the creams on the market, but none of them do any
good. And now I’ve met a marvelous girl.
But I’m afraid to ask her to go out with me.
⑵ Mr. and Mrs. Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Saturday Mrs. Jones said to her
husband.“There’s a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it?” They came out of the cinema at
11 o’clock, got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Then Mrs. Jones said, “Look, Bill. A
woman is running along the road very fast, and a man’s running after her. Can you see them?”
Mr. Jones said, “Yes, I can.” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her. “Can we help you?”
“No, thank you,” the woman said, but she did not stop running. “My husband and I always run home after
the cinema, and the slower one washes the dishes at home.”
Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /m/.
⑴ A:Mom?
A:Can my friend, Tom Mitchum, come home with me for lunch tomorrow?
B:Of course, Jim. Have I met Tom before?
A:Mm—hmm.You met him last summer. He is small and very smart.
B:Oh, yes. I remember Tom. His family comes from Maine, right?
⑵ A:Is this your umbrella, miss?
B:Oh, yes, it is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now.
A:You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before.
B:Have you?
A:May I ask where you live?
B:Just two blocks away, in that tall building.
A:That’s it. I live there, too. I live on the sixth floor.
B:My family move in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor.
A:It’s a small world! May I know your name, miss?
B:I’m Chen Ming.
A:How do you do, Miss Chen? I’m Song Mei.
B:I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Song.
A:Are you going to your office now, Miss Chen?
B:No, I’m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing.
A:See you later, Mr. Song.
B:Have a good time, Miss Chen.
A:You too.
⑴ Where are you going, my little kittens?
There is a time to sleep and a time to eat;
We’re going to town to fetch us some mittens.
There is a time to work and a time to play,
What? Mittens for kittens! Do kittens wear mittens!
Thereis a time to be silent and a time to say;
Whoever could think of a kitten in mittens?
There’s a time that’s glad and a time that’s
There is a time to part and a time to meet,
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There’s a time to plan and a time to do;
There’s a time to grin and show your grit,
But there never was a time to quit.
Answer Key
1. baker 2. make 3. mow 4. bow 5. be 6. merit
7. arm 8. bay 9. snake
1. arm 2. come 3. money 4. mother 5. museum 6. medicine 7. middle 8. rhyme 9. Christmas
Exercise 1 1. bake
2. nine
3. gum
4. hand
Exercise 2 1. morning
2. am
3. much
4. coming
⑴ I’m sixteen. My trouble is my spotty skin. I’ve used all the creams on the market, but none of them do any
good. And now I’ve met a marvelous girl. But I’m afraid to ask her to go out with me.
(2) Mr and Mrs Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Saturday Mrs Jones said to he husband.
“There’s a good film at the cinema a tonight. Can we go and see it?”
They came out of cinema at 11 o’clock, got into their car and beg an driving home. It was quite dark. Then
Mrs Jones said, “Look, Bill. A woman is running along the road very fast, and a man’s running after her. Can
you see them?”
Mr Jones said , “yes. I can.” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her. “Can we help you?”
“No, thank you,” the woman said, but she did not stop running. “My husband and I always run home after
the cinema, and the slower one washes the dishes at home.”
Dialogue ⑴ A:Mom?
A:Can my friend, Tom Mitchum, come home with me for lunch tom orrow?
B:Of course, Jim. Have I met Tom before?
A:Mm – hmm. You met him last summer. He is small and very smart.
B:Oh, yes. I remember Tom. His family comes from Maine, right?
(2) A:Is this your umbrella, miss?
B:Oh, yes, it is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now.
A:You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before.
B:Have you?
A:MayI ask where you live?
B:Just two blocks away, in that tall building.
A:That’s it. I live there, too. I live on the sixth floor.
B:My family move in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor.
A:It’s a small world! May I know your name, miss?
B:I’m Chen Ming.
A:How do you do, Miss Chen? I’m Song Mei.
B:I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Song.
A:Are you going to your office now, Miss Chen?
B:No, I’m going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing.
A:See you later, Mr Song.
B:Have a good time, Miss Chen.
A:you too.
LESSON 44 辅音 []
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
长江流域部分省份的同学需要特别注意,发音时嘴巴不要张大,否则舌头闭不住气,会和舌边音 []相 混 。
发[]音时,舌尖抬起,抵住上齿龈,完全阻塞口腔气流通道,软颚 放低,使由肺部压出的气流从鼻腔泄出 ,
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /n/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. _____ stand
4. _____the house
7. ____ English
2. short______
5. _____ the door
8. _____ cats and dogs
3. ______ room
6. a _____ present
9. _____ book
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /n/ in the sentences.
1. Ann needs another nice name.
2. Don’t spend more money than you earn.
3. Lend the men the designs that you’ve drawn.
4. Will the politician finance the nuclear plant now?
5. This expression is used when friends haven’t seen each other for long.
6. They have been neighbors for quite a few months.
7. The man and the woman live in a six-storied building.
8. I don’t think the ship will sink.
9. Helen’s new house is near the lake.
10. What’s going on?
D. Proverbs
Nature is the glass reflecting truth. 自然是反映真理的一面镜子。
If you confer a benefit, never remember it; if you receive one, remember it always. 施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。
Tongue twisters
Nancy’s number is neither ninety nor nineteen.
Nina needs nine knitting needles to knit naughty Nita’s knickers nicely.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape.
Initial: no know knowledge note noble nervous gnaw night navy name now nail naive
narrow nasty neck nasal nation native neglect
Medial:honor plenty land ground can’t government banner offense island business outnumber
distance ransack technique tenacious tendency technical transport unsettle vanity
Final: woman women contain eaten taken sudden kitchen season broken American sun
win sin tin tine train tradition vein wanton waxen
G. Sentence exercises
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Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and write down the right words you hear on the tape.
1. He likes _________.
2. I’ve _____ you more than once.
3. In my _______, you shouldn’t go there alone.
4. I felt ________, because the pipe in my bathroom is broken.
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. If you have questions, just put up your h_____.
2. It’s r____n hard.
3. The farmers work on the l____d.
4. The letter B comes be_______ A and C.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
Are ten kitchen in onions
there the
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in past tense with the following prepositions.
1. in 2. on 3. under 4. near
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /n/.
⑴ One day Mrs. Neat got on a bus, went up on top and sat down. When the conductor asked her for her fare,
she opened her handbag, took out the coins and then closed the handbag.
⑵ I’m Mrs. Nelson. My first name is Nancy. I’m a nurse and work in a hospital. I’m married to John Nelson.
He’s a professor of Education.
My husband and I live in New York State. We live in a house. Our house isn’t new and it isn’t large, but we
like it very much.
We have two children, a daughter and a son. My daughter’s name is Helen. Her room is upstairs. It isn’t big.
But it’s neat and sunny.
Our son is only one year old. His name is Han. We love our children very much.
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Good morning. I’m looking for a one-bedroom apartment downtown.
B:Certainly, s ir. How much rent did you want to pay?
A:Well, I didn’t want to pay more than $520 a month.
B:$520 a month? We don’t often have apartments as inexpensive as that.We have one apartment for $599 a
month, on Seventh Avenue. It’s near the station.
A:Is it furnished?
B:No. it’s unfurnished. It has a kitchen, but no oven.There’s a garden in the back, but the tenants can’t use
it.The landlord lives downstairs.Friends are forbidden in the apartment after midnight. No noise and no
television after 11:15. No… A:No, thank you! I want an apartment, not a prison.
⑵ A:Alan, open your presents. Here ’s one from Mr. Jones.
B:Ok. Wow!A brown baseball and a nice bat that was signed by all the playerson the New York Yankees.
Gee, thank you, Mr. Jones.
A:I’m glad you like it. Come on, Alan.
B:Here’s one from Mr. Han. He’s gone to Washington on business last night. He told me this would be a
great surprise to you. I wonder if it’s a big ice-cream sandwich.
A:Oh, boy!A nice CD player! I’ll go and buy a hundred CDs. I wish it were my birthday every day!
B:Me, too. Alan, this is mine. Hope you like it.
A:Definitely! My! What a nice skateboard!This is what I’ve been dreaming for since last Christmas. Oh,
thank you. Tom. You ‘re so kind to me.
B:I can teach you how to skate. A:What’s that?
B:It’s from Ben.
A:I know him. He’s good at baseball. Wow! A mitt!
B:Here’s a card. Too. Alan. I’ll read it to you.
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Jingles and rhymes
⑴ Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in the pan.
Fry the pancake,
Toss the pancake,
Catch it if you can.
When the wind is in the West,
⑵ When the wind is in the East,
It’s goodfor neither man nor beast;
When the wind is in the North,
The skillful fisher goes not forth;
When the wind is in the South,
It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth;
Then it is at its very best
Answer Key
1. day 2. nay 3. die 4. may 5. D
6. knee 7. me 8. lee
9. near 10. mere
1. newspaper 2. novels
3. neat 4. near 5. knock 6. nice 7. learn
8. rain 9. note
Exercise 1 1. bananas
2. warned
3. opinion
4. annoyed
Exercise 2 1. hand
2. raining
3. land
4. between
⑴ One day Mrs. Neat got on a bus, went up on top and sat down. When the con ductor asked her for her fare,
she opened her handbag, took out the coins and then closed the handbag.
(2) I’m Mrs Nelson. My first name is Nancy. I’m a nurse and work in a hospital. I’m married to John Nelson.
He’s a professor of education.
My husband and I live in New York State. We live in a house. Our house isn’t new and it isn’t large, but we
like it very much.
We have two children, a daughter and a soon. My daug hter’s name is Helen. Her room is upstairs. It isn’t
big. But it’s neat and sunny.
Our son is only one year old. His name is Han. We love our children very much.
(1) A:Good moming, I’m looking for a one-bcdroom apartment downtown.
B:Certainly, Sir. How much rent did you want to pay?
A:Well, I didn’t want to pay more than $520 a month.
B:$520 a month? We don’t often have apartments as inexpensive as that. We have one apartment for $599
a month, on Seventh Avenue, It’s near the station.
A:Is it furnished?
B:No. it’s unfurnished. It has a kitchen, but no oven. There’s a garden in the back, but the tenants can’t use
it. The landlord lives downstairs, Friends are forbidden in the apartment after midnight..No noise and
no televisio n after 11: 15. No…
A:No, thank you! I want an apartment, not a prison.
(2) A:Alan, open your presents.Here’s one from Mr. Jones.
B:Ok. Wow! A brown baseball and a nice bat that was signed by all the playerson the New York Yankees.
Gee, thank you, Mr. Jones.
A:Oh, boy!A nice CD player! I’ll go and buy a hundred CDs. I wish it were my birthday every day!
B:Me, too. Alan, this is mine. Hope you like it.
A:Definitely! My! What a nice skateboard! This is what I’ve been dreaming for since last Christmas. Oh,
thank you. Tom. You’re so kind to me.
B:I can teach you how to skate.
A:What’s that?
B:It’s from Be n.
A:I know him. He’s good at baseball. Wow! A mitt!
B:Here ’s a card. Too. Alan. I’ll read it to you.
LESSON 45 辅音 []
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear / / in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the word you hear on the tape, fill in the blanks below.
1. in the ________
4. ________ you
7. ________ angry
2. ________ up
5. go to the____
8. a ________
3. my ________
6. go ________
9. ________
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound // in the sentences.
1. How long is the River Nile?
2. He was singing a song.
3. Young remains single.
4. Would you bring me some ink?
5. Would you mind turning down the music a lot?
6. Some friends are having a party for me tonight.
7. If you’re not doing anything tonight, why not come to our party?
8. Are you doing anything Saturday?
9. Are you feeling very well?
10. She kept looking at Mary’s stocking.
D. Proverbs
Care brings on gray hair and age without years. 劳心催人老。
The golden rule of life is “making a beginning”. 生命的真谛在于开始。
Tongue twisters
Mr. Finger will linger longer because his hunger is stronger.
Strong was washing and sweeping for Frank’s lungs.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape.
Initial:Nguyen (Vietnamese name)
Medial:singer stronger English language ringer hunger sings wings handkerchief lingers
brings rink angry hungry thank Thanksgiving tingle hunger hunker sings
Final: long rang morning drawing driving cooking reading working walking painting eating
drinking running advocating advertising finding looking pounding dashing smashing
G. Sentence exercises .
Exercise 1:Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape.
1. Tony is (thinking/thin).
2. This is not the right place for (sinners/sinkers/singers).
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3. The little boy (banned/banged) on the door.
4. Don’t (hang/hand) the coat.
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. What is l_____? It’s a flash produced by natural electricity between clouds in the sky and ground, with
2. In summer the day is l______ than that in winter.
3. I’m so thirsty, and want to d_____ some eater.
4 These books b_____ to me.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
the wedding
in the morning
the ring
Exercise 4 :Form sentences in present continuous tense with the following words.
1. go
2. talk
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound //.
Thanksgiving is coming, and several of our relatives from out of town will be staying with us during the holiday.
Uncle Frank will be staying for a few days. He ’ll be sleeping on the coach in the living room.
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound //.
A:(angrily) Bang ! Bang! Bang! What are the Kings doing at seven o’clock on Sunday morning?
B:Well, Mr. King is singing.
A:Yes, but what’s the banging noise?
B:(looking out the window) He’s standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer.
Now he’s hanging some strong strings on the nails.
A:And what’s Mrs. King doing?
B:She’s bringing something pink for Mr. King to drink. Now she’s putting it … OK.
A:What’s happening?
B:The ladder’s falling?
A:What’s Mr. King doing?
B:He ’s hanging from the string. He ’s holding onto the string with his fingers and shouting to Mrs. King.
A:And is she helping him?
B:No, she’s running toward our house. That’s her ringing the bell.
A:Well, I’m not going to answer it. I’m sleeping.
J. Jingle and rhyme
⑴ Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding in the pot
Nine days old,
Some like it hot.
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old.
⑵ Spring is gay with flower and song,
Summer is hot and days are long.
Autumn is rich with fruit and grain,
Winter snows and brings New Year again.
Answer Key
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A. 1. ban 2. bang 3. can’t
4. fin
5. finer 6. English 7. income 8. thank 9. ink
10. incline
B. 1. spring
2. ring 3. uncle 4. thank 5. bank 6. bankrupt 7. angry
8. monkey 9. long
G. Exercise 1 1. thinking
2. singers
3.banged 4. hang
Exercise 2 1. lightning
2. longer 3. drink
4. belong
H. Passage
Thanksgiving is coming, and several of our relatives from out of town will be staying with us during the
holiday. Uncle Frank will be staying for few days. He’ll be sleeping on the coach in the living room.
I. Dialogue
A:(angrily) Bang! Bang! Bang! What are the Kings doing at seven o’clock on Sunday morning?
B:Well, Mr. King is singing.
A:Yes, but what’s the bangingnoise?
B:(lookingout the window) He’s standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer. Now
he’s hanging some strong strings on the nails.
A:And what’s Mrs. King doing?
B:She’s bringing something pink for Mr. King to drink. Now she’s putting it … OK.
A:What’s happening?
B:The ladder’s falling?
A:What’s Mr King doing?
B:He ’s hanging from the string. He ’s holding onto the string with his fingers and shouting to Mrs King.
A:And is she helping him?
B:No, she’s running toward our house. That’s her ringing the bell.
A:Well, I’m not going to answer it. I’m sleeping.
LESSON 46 辅音 []
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
同[n]混发。另外发 dark[l]时要注意舌尖有向上翘起的动作,汉语中基本没有这个动作,大家发音时要尽量养成
字母 L 有两种读法,clear L 只出现在元音和半元音[]前,dark L 则只出现在所有其他辅音前面和音节末尾。
发 clear [l]音时, 在下一个音即将发出时,舌头离开上齿龈,迅速落下。
发 dark [l]音时,后面没有紧跟的音节,舌头不需要落下。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, and circle the corresponding number if you hear /l/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the word you hear on the tape,then fill in the blanks below.
1. _______ a lie
4. by the_______
7. _______a house
2. _______ right
5. _______ food
8. a _______ of rice
3. go to the_______
6. a _______of
9. a _______ of milk
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /l/ in the sentences.
1. Shall we make up a dialogue?
2. I can handle it. 3. The room was flooded.
4. I’m glad to meet you.
5. Let me think for a minute.
6. I’m glad you wrote me a letter.
7. Linda has not been living in New York for a long time.
8. Listen to the passage carefully.
9. The letter mainly tells us Linda ’s aunt will come for a visit at Christmas.
10. The small man had a wonderful time at the party.
D. Proverbs
Love is neither bought nor sold. 爱情无价。
Many hands make for light work. 众人拾柴火焰高。
E. Tongue twisters
Lots of little London Lamplighters light London’s lots of little lamps.
Little Boy Blue a big blue bubble blew.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape .
Initial: liquor lead lunch local London look large love learn lobby Lyre lunatic lucid
lovely logic loose lookout loin lodge lobster
Medial: influence world shield float flow felt film glue child solve lowland Middleman
olive silly stimulate silt splashlid valley uphold
Final: people girl bottle trail medical apple middle pole school full ill pill bill
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novel nostril
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1:Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape
1. That’s the dog’s (bone/bowl).
2. Is it (night/light) already?
3. There were (no/low) tables in the room.
4. I dropped a (pin/pill).
Exercise 2:Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. Your argument doesn’t h___ water.
2. We’ve enough food to l_____ 3 days.
3. I’d l___ you to come with me.
4. Don’t cry over the spilt m____.
Exercise 3:Form a sentence with the words given below.
the child
ride to
Exercise 4:Form sentences with the following words and give a reason.
1. lonely
2. low
3. ill
4. terrible
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /l/.
The Tailor family lives in a small village, they like the village very much. Before, they lived in Brownsville,
which is not an ideal place to live in. The streets in Brownsville are not clean, the bus system is bad and there are a lot
of thieves in the streets. So last year they moved to the small village they are living in now.
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /l/.
⑴ A:Hello, Lily.
B:Hello, Mr. Clark. You’re early for lunch. It’s only eleven o’clock.
A:When I come late, there’s usually nothing left.
B:What would you like today?
A:I’ll have the leg of lamb.
B:And would you like salad? The salad plate today is lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives.
⑵ A:Mother, Father, come in, please.
B:Yes, please come in. Welcome to our new home! Do youlike it?
A:It’s very nice. I think it’s beautiful.
B:Sit down, please. Coffee or tea?
A:I don’t like tea.
B:We like coffee.
A:This is the living room. Do you like it?
B:Yes. It’s lovely.
A:What do you think of that table?
B:I like it. Such a beautiful small table!
A:I’m sorry. I don’t like it. I don’t like small tables.
B:I like your music, I dig it.
A:I can’t stand that music. I don’t like pop music at all.
I prefer classical rock, or any music from the late 70’s.
A collection of messages and greetings
⑴ Mother For showing the way I should go,
And teaching me things that I should know…
For helping me through the ups and downs
And standing by me through smiles and frowns…
For being all that a mother could be,
Thanks —you mean the world to me.
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⑵ I hope your birthday wishes all come true.
Life’s a little sunnier,
A little sweeter, too.
A little more delightful
Just because of you!
May your birthday be a happy one
In all kinds of ways —
And may all your tomorrows
Be wonderful days.
I greet you with words and gifts and gifts of words!
Greetings and salutations!
Answer Key
1. no 2. low
3. row 4. room 5. wrong 6. wool
7. apple
8. could
9. hot 10. lot
1. tell
2. all
3. field
4. lake
5. delicious
6. lot
7. build 8. bowl 9. bottle
Exercise 1 1. bowl 2. lig
3. low
4. pill
Exercise 2 1. hold
2. last
3. like
4. milk
Dialogue ⑴ A:Hello,Lily.
B:He llo, Mr. Clark. You’re early for lunch. It’s only eleven o’clock.
A:Whem I come later, there’s usually nothing left.
B:What would you like today?
A:I’ll have the legoflambs.
B:And would you like salad? The salad plate today is lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives.
(2) A:Mother, Father, come in, please.
B:Yes, please come in. Welcome to our new home! Do youlike it?
A:It’s very nice. I think it’s beautiful.
B:Sit down, please. Coffee or tea?
LESSON 47 辅音 [ ]
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /j/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape, then fill in the blanks below.
1. New _______
4. in_______
7. three _______
2. _______ tongue
5. trade _______
8. one _______
3. _______ and old
6. in my _______
9. bathing _______
● Part Two 跟读练习
C. Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /j/ in the sentences.
1. Are you familiar?
2. The uniforms of the police are blue.
3. Both my grandpa and grandma are sitting in the yard.
4. I used to live in Shanghai.
5. Yesterday I heard a curious and beautiful tune.
6. Excuse me if I refuse, but this suit isn’t suitable.
7. Yale University is not in the State of New York.
8. Don’t argue, or you’ll make me furious.
9. When the orchard-yield will be gathered soon.
10. The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn.
D. Proverbs
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 观者眼中皆是美。
Love is the touchstone of virtue. 爱情是道德的试金石。
Tongue twisters
The yellow yacht from the Vineyard was owned by a young millionaire.
Did Yuppies yesterday yearn to see New York?
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape
Initial: you yours yard yesterday year yield unify yen use yawn yes yacht yoke yearn
ear young yet yellow
Medial:union coal-yard opinion million value few abuse accuse fuel humor hue huge
hula humiliate music mute mutual numeral nuance nucleus
Final:(this sound doesn’t occur at the end of words in English)
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and write down the right words you hear on the tape.
1. I want some ______.
2. The _____ were painful for him.
3. Their son went to _____.
4. Haven’t you finished it _____?
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Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. The meter is a u____ of length.
2. May I u___ your pencil? Mine is lost.
3. In the y_____1867, they came to China.
4. We’re l_____ to our country.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
the new students
about are union in
arguing their
Exercise 4 :Form sentences with the following words and give a reason.
1. you
2. your
3. yours
4. you
H. Passage
In the year of 1982, Ursular went to Yale University. After graduation, she started her own computer company.
At the beginning, she didn’t do very well , but she accumulated a lot ofexperience from failure and later she became a
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /j/.
A:Excuse me, you look familiar. Did you use to live in New York?
A:Did you use to work at NYU?
B:Oh, did you know Hugh Young? He was a music student.
A:Hugh Young? Didn’t he use to wear a funny yellow jacket all the time?
B:Yes. And he used to play the piano with a ja zz group at the university.
A:I remember Hugh. Most people thought he was a little…uh…peculiar. Do you know what he’s doing now?
B:Yes, he’s a millionaire in Houston now.
A:A millionaire? As a ja zz musician?
B:Oh, no. He’s an executive for a large computer company. I saw an interview with him on TV yesterday. They
were asking his opinion about future uses for computers.
A:Well! I guess people don’t find him so peculiar anymore.
⑴ We waddle away from the water,
And now we will waddle back;
Then swish, swish, we are swimming again.
Quack! Quack! Quack!
⑵ When the orchard yield will be gathered soon,
And the fields beyond are yellow with corn,
The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn,
And yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.
Answer Key
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A. 1. jaw 2. yaw 3. yacht 4. draw 5. your 6. usually 7. university 8. tribune 9. duty 10. June
B. 1. York 2. your 3. young 4. Europe 5. union 6. opinion 7. onions 8. billion 9. beauty
G. Exercise 1 1. jam
2. years
3. jail
4. yet
Exercise 2 1. unit
2. use 3. year
4. loyal
I. Dialogue
A:Excuse me, you look familiar. Did you use to live in New York?
A:Did you use to work at NYU?
B:Oh, did you know Hugh Young? He was a music student.
A:Hugh Young? Didn’t he use to wear a funny yellow jacket all the time?
B:Yes. And he used too play the piano with a ja zz group at the university.
A:I remember Hugh. Most people thoug ht he was a little…uh…peculiar. Do you know what he’s doing now?
B:Yes, he’s a millionaire in Houston now.
A:A millionaire? As a ja zz musician?
B:Oh, no. He’s an executive for a large computer company. I saw an interview with him on TM yesterday. They
were asking his opinion about future uses for computers.
A:Well! I guess people don’t find him so peculiar anymore.
LESSON 48 辅音 []
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● Warm Up 语音课堂
汉语中,尤其是北方话中,这个辅音经常同[]音混在一起,在英语 中注意将这两个音分开。
● Part One 听辨练习
A . Listen, circle the corresponding number if you hear /w/ in the word.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Write down the words you hear on the tape,then fill in the blanks below.
1. east and_______
4. go _______
7. a _______night
2. deal _______
5. _______ of
8. in _______
3. in his _______
6. be_______
9. on ______
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat. Notice the sound /w/ in the sentences.
1. We’ll go shopping.
2. I wish you a happy New Year.
3. There were very gook friends.
4. Would you go with us?
D. Proverbs
In water you can see your own face, in wine the heart of another. 水中知己面,酒中知人心。
The wise man is always a good listener. 智者往往是一名好的听众。
E. Tongue twisters
Wyvel worried the West would get a wave of Stonewalling.
Will Wall Street’s rewards wane if workers wield power.
● Part Three 综合练习
Read after the tape.
Initial: will would work wall word Washington wander wit whip wealthy Wheel wait went
while wear why wheel wound wane which
Medial:persuade vowel always square swim sweep swam swell power quiet quarrel quantity
question quick quack swear swan sweet sweat shower
Final:(no such words)
G. Sentence exercises
Exercise 1 :Listen to the sentences and choose the right words you hear on the tape
1. The (veils/whales)were gray.
2. There’s something wrong with this (veal/wheel).
3. Is this book (verse/worse)?
4. Look for it in the (vest/west).
Exercise 2 :Complete these sentences with the letters given.
1. The woman ruler is called qu______.
2. Everyday, we have to qu_______ for a bus.
3. The sun al_____ rises in the east.
4. We w______ home at 10 o’clock yesterday.
Exercise 3 :Form a sentence with the words given below.
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weeping quietly was Wendy
Exercise 4 :Form sentence with the following words and give a reason.
1. weather 2. wealth 3. reward 4. power
H. Passage:under line the letters that sound /w/.
“Well, well,” said Willy, “you are lucky, you’ve got a million pounds. What will you do with it. ” “What will I do
with it? Well, I’ll buy a boat, go away to a quiet place somewhere, or perhaps visit all the warm places in the world. I
don’t know.” “Anyway, you’ll be a very wealthy person. When did you hear the news?” “Yesterday, I woke up as
usual, shut the window, listened to some music on the radio, then went downstairs to wait for the postman. One
minute later it came:a copy of my aunt’s will.”
I. Dialogue:under line the letters that sound /w/.
⑴ A:Did you see Victor on Wednesday, Wendy?
B:Yes. We went for a walk in the woods near the highway.
A:Wasn’t it cold on Wednesday?
B:Yes. It was very cold and windy. We wore heavy wool sweaters and walked quickly to keep warm.
A:It’s so nice and quiet in the woods.
B: Yes. Farther away from the highway it was very quiet and there were birds and squirrels everywhere.
We counted over twenty squirrels.
A:It sounds wonderful. Did you take lunch with you?
B:Yes, we bought veal sandwiches. We stopped around twelve, and we ate and watched the squirrels, but it
was too windy to sit long. It was a very nice walk, anyway.
⑵ A:Where’s the wagon?
B:Where’s what wagon?
A:The water wagon.
B:What water wagon?
A:The wagon with the water, of course.
B:That’s my wagon. I need the water to water my eater my flowers in the yard.
A:No, you can’t do that. There isn’t much water in the wagon. And we need the eater for drinking.
Questions and answers
1. Come and eat this watermelon.
Sweet and juicy, isn’t? It makes my mouth water. What a big melon.
2. Who’s sitting in the wheel chair?
My aunt. She can’t walk. But she can go anywhere in her wheel-chair.
3. What’s this? Is it a refrigerator?
No, it isn’t. It’s a washing machine. We use it to wash our clothes.
4. Now look at this. What kind of furniture is it?
It’s a closet. It’s very useful. I keep all my clothes in it.
5. What’s this? Looks like a yacht.
Yes, it’s a yacht. A large, often motor driven boat used for pleasure.
6. What do you call this?
Oh, it’s a courtyard.
7. Now look at the egg in this picture.
What do you call the yellow part?
The yolk. I like to eat yolk.
8. What’s the youngster doing in this picture?
He’s helping his father cut down a tree.
Answer Key
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A. 1. vine 2. wine 3. way 4. may 5. where 6. me 7. we 8. west 9. vest 10. veal
B. 1. west 2. with
3. will
4. away 5. aware 6. quiet
7. wonderful 8. winter
G. Exercise 1 1. whales
2. wheel 3. worse
4. west
Exercise 2 1. queen 2. queue 3. always
4. went
I. Dialogue
⑴ A:Did you see Victor on Wednesday, Wendy?
B:Yes. We went for a walk in the woods near the highway.
A:Wasn’t it cold on Wednesday?
B:Yes. It was very cold and windy. We wore heavy wool sweaters and walked quickly to keep warm.
A:It’s so nice and quiet in the woods.
B:Yes. Farther away from the highway it was very quiet and there were birds and squirrels everywhere.
We counted over twenty squirrels.
A:It sounds wonderful. Did you take lunch with you?
B:Yes, we bought veal sandwiches. We stopped around twelve, and we ate and watched the squirrels, but it
was too windy to sit long, It was a very nice walk, anyway.
(2) A:Where’s the wag on?
B:Where’s what wag on?
A:The water wag on.
B:What water wag on?
A:The wag on with the water, of course.
B:That’s my wag on. I need the water to water my eater my flowers in the yard.
A:No, you can’t do that. There isn’t much water in the wag on. And we need the eater for drinking
LESSON 49 辅音连缀
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● Part One Initial consonants and consonant clusters
English words begin with no, one, two, or three consonants.
A. Listen and repeat. Read across the char t. The first word has no initial consonant.
No Initial
Initial []:you
Initial []:we
Initial []:row
Initial []:lie
[] go
[] key
[] sky
[] cute
[] skewer
[] Gwen
[] quiet
[] square
[] grow
[] cry
[] scratch
[] glad
[] climb
[] bee
[] pie
[ ] spoon
[] beauty
[] pure
[ ] spurious
[] brown
[] prove
[] spring
[] blue
[] play
[] splash
[] do
[] too
[st] stay
*[] due
*[] tune
*[] stew
[] vote
[] fine
[] thing
[] see
[] show
[ ] view
[] few
[] he
[] me
[] no
[] huge
[] music
*[] news
*[] suit
[] Duane
[] twenty
[] thwart
[] swim
[] draw
[] tree
[] strong
[] free
[] three
[] fly
[] slow
[] shrink
*[] white
Common words also begin with these sounds:
[] zoo
[] they
[] chew
[] job
[] snow
[] smile
[] sphere
*Many English speakers do not pronounce the [y] or [] in these words.
Some words have [j] after another consonant sound. Use a word from the [y]
column of the char t to answer each question.
1. What are we listening to? (We’re listening to some music.)
2. What word is the opposite of very small?
3. Why do people sometimes buy water at the store?
4. Do you want to make a lot of mistakes on a test?
5. What do you think of baby’s shoes?
6. Why do people stop their car there and look around?
C. Some words have /w/ after another consonant. Use a word from the /w/ column of
the char t to answer each question.
1. What is a boy’s name in the column?
2. How old do you think he might be?
3. What color is his hair?
4. Is he a noisy person?
5. What does he do every weekend?
6. What shape is his classroom?
D. Some words have /r/ after another consonant. Use a word from the [r] column of the
char t to answer each question.
1. What season is May Day in?
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2. Does everyone have to buy tomatoes?
3. How much did you pay for this sample?
4. What color are her eyes?
E. Some words have / l / after another consonant. Use a word from the /w/ column to
answer each question.
1. What color is the sky?
2. What do all children like to do?
3. Does everyone walk fast?
F. Repeat the words. Then fill in the blanks with words from the list.
1. The movie King Kong was filmed in _________and white.
2. The opposite of weak is _________.
3. I never take planes. I always _________ by _________.
4. Do you know how to _________a car?
5. John has a cold and a sore _________.
6. My address is 2126 24 th _________.
7. I _________eight hours every night but I never _________.
8. The young lawyer was wearing a very_________ __________________.
G. Repeat the words. Then fill in the blanks with words from the list.
1. I washed my new shirt. I hope it didn’t _________.
2. Let’s have orange juice this morning. Will you _________ a few oranges, please?
3. If you’re going to sew on buttons, you’ll need a needle and _________.
4. I’ve never met that man. He ’s a complete _________.
5. She was terrified, but was unable to __________.
6. My finger’s sore. I think I have a _________ in it.
H. Form noun phrases with the adjectives and nouns. Use them
E.g. beautiful view
They have a beautiful view from their window.
in sentences.
● Part Two Medical consonants and consonant clusters
Say each consonant sound in final position and medial position.
B. Say each pair of words. Then listen as one of the words is spoken again. Circle that
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1. riding/writing
4. mabel/maple
7. rival/rifle
2. logger/locker
5. fuzzy/fussy
8. edging/etching
3. ringer/rigor
6. aloe/arrow
9. glazier/glacier
C. Listen to and repeat words that have [t] or [d] between vowels. Then fill in the
blanks with words from the list and read the sentences aloud.
1. He spilled ________ on his shirt.
2. The _________ on my coat is loose. I hope I don’t lose it.
3. A __________ will come to you if you say, “Here, _________ ___________”
4. He was embarrassed, and his face got __________ and ____________.
5. Ican’t find Jimmy. Do you think he’s ____________?
D. Repeat the under lined words and sentences. These medial clusters have [r] and [l].
1. Ardis wasn’t at the party.
2. Archie was a sergeant in the army.
3. Martha Larson married MarvinMarshall.
4. This is the album of our Alpine trip.
5. The butler’s name was Dudley.
6. Wilga welcomed the guests warmly.
E. Answer with a full sentence. Add–ly to one of the adjectives in the list to form an
How does he sleep? (He sleeps soundly.)
How does the car run?
How did the soldiers fight?
How did the actor dress?
How did the president speak?
brave quick smooth clear rich soft fierce rough sound frank sharp strange
F. Repeat the pairs of words. The medial clusters have /m/, /n/ and //.
1. symbol/simple
6. Jenner/center
2. Dempsey/Ramsey
7. mentioned /danger
3. Denze l/pencil
8. window/winter
4. drinker/finger
9. Houghton/mountain
5. Ridgemont/Richmond
10. Disney/Passner
Now select three pairs of words from the list above and form three statements of questions using them.
E.g.:Jenner was the regular center on our basketball team.
G. Read the names of these football players and former players. Then compar e their
ages. Use older than, younger than, or the same age as.
E.g.:Pitman is older than Cushman.
1. Pitman,
6. Goodman,
2. Beckman,
7. Hagman,
3. Hoffman,
8. Cushman,
4. Crossman,
9. Wiseman,
5. Fineman,
10. Pullman,
H. Repeat these sets of words. The medial clusters have stops or /s/ or /z/.
1. Edsel/pretzel
3. whispered/husband
5. captain/napkin
7. Pitkin/Redken
2. Bugsie/taxi
4. risky/exit
6. Edgar/Rutgers
8. Clifton/doctor/Ogden
Now listen to the questions and answer them.
Who ate the pretze ls? (Edsel did.)
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Who took a taxi home?
Who did Jane whisper to?
What is risky to use?
What does the captain need?
Who’s going to Rutgers College?
Who sells Redken products?
What is the name of the doctor who practices in Ogden?
I. Read the names. Then complete the sentences, using any name from the list and
adding -ful to one of the nouns in parentheses to form an adjective.
1. Mr. Hudson is a careful worker. (care, skill)
2. Mrs. ________ got rid of the ________ insects. (dread, harm)
3. Mr. __________ is very ________ about his health. (doubt, thank)
4. Mrs. _________ spent a __________ night. (rest, wake)
5. Miss _________ had a ________operation. (help, pain)
6. Mr. _________ is a __________ person. (peace, truth)
● Part Three Final consonants and consonant clusters
English words end with no, one, two, or three consonants, not counting words that have a plural or past suffix.
A. Listen and repeat. Read across the char t. The first word has no final consonant.
No final
Consonant: go, see
[] milk
[] camp
[] match
[] edge
[] if
[] of
[] math
[] breathe
[] inch
[] change
[] triumph
[] horse
[] Mars
[] marsh
[] else
[] arm
[] corn
[] film
[] kiln
[] all
[] Carl
[] or
Common words also end with these sounds.
[] ant
[] and
[] dance
[] lens
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[] act
[] exitinct
[] adapt
[] tempt
[] ax
[] jinx
[ ] collapse
[ ] glimpse
[] desk
[ ] wasp
[] fast
[] against
[] blitz
[] quartz
[] waltz
[] lift
B. Some words end with /r/ and another consonant. Use a word from the /r/ column to
answer each question.
1. What vegetable is often served with a meal?
2. Is Chicago in the South?
3. Jane draws very well. What should she study?
4. How did Jim hurt himself?
5. What’s Mary wearing around her neck?
6. What does the teacher do with tests?
7. Is that a star in the sky?
8. What is the baby’s name?
C. Some words end with / l / and another consonant. Use a word from the /l / column to
answer each question.
1. Why doesn’t this light work?
2. What did Mrs. Fay buy at the grocery store?
3. What’s that ring made of ?
4. Where’s the sugar?
5. Why don’t you smoke any more?
6. What nationality is he?
D. Some words end with /m/, /n/, or // and another consonant. Use a word from the
nasal column to answer each question.
1. What shall we do on the weekend?
2. How long is it till spring?
3. Is this a good camera?
4. How long is this line?
5. Do you have a red pen?
6. Is that a fly?
E. Form sentences using these verbs and objects.
E.g.:I can’t lift this box.
change help
Answer Key
Part One
B 1. (music).
We are listening to some music.
2. (huge).
The opposite of very small is “huge”.
3. (pure).
Because the water is more pure.
4. (few).
No, I want to make very few.
5. (cute).
I think they are very cute.
6. (view).
They stopped to look at the view.
C. 1. There’s a name called Gwen.
2. He might
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3. It’s white.
4. No, he’s quiet.
5. He often swims.
6. It’s square
D. 1. It’s spring.
3. I paid three dollars.
2. Everyone’s free to buy anything.
4. Her eyes are brown.
E. 1. The sky is blue.
2. They all like to play.
3. No, a lot of people walk very slow.
F. 1. black 2. strong 3. travel train
4. drive
5. throat 6. street 7. sleep dream
8. pretty blue dress
G. 1. shrink
2. squeeze
3. thread
4. stranger
5. scream
6. splinter
Part Two
B. 1 riding
2. locker 3. rigor
4. mabel 5. fuzzy
6. arrow 7. rival
8. etching
9. glazier
C. 1. butter 2. button 3. kitten, kitty, kitty
4. redder, redder. 5. hiding.
E. 1. It runs quickly.
2. They fought bravely.
3. They dressed strangely
4. He spoke frankly.
H 1. 1. Rugsie did 2. Her husband
3. An exit
4. A napkin
5. Edgar is.
6. Pitkin does
7. It’s Clifton.
I. 1. 2. harmful 3. doubtful 4. wakeful 5. painful 6. truthful
Part Three
B. 1. Corn is often served.
5. She’s wearing a scarf.
2. No, it’s in the North.
6. Here she marks them.
3. She should study art.
7. No, that’s the planet mars.
4. He fell off the horse. He cut himself with a sharp knife.
8. The baby’s name is Carl.
C. 1. I guess the bulb’s out.
3. It’s made of gold.
5. Because it causes no good in health.
2. Some celery and milk.
4. On the second shelf.
6. He’s a Welsh.
D. 1. How about camping?
4. Less than an inch.
2. Less than two months
5. Yes, I have a pen that uses red ink.
3. Of course, it has a pretty good lens.
6. What a moron!It’s an ant!
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UNIT FOUR : 美语的节奏
1. 辅音对元音的连读
2. 叠合与失爆
3. 元音间的过渡
1. 掌握词与词之间各种音的变化规则。
2. 听力上习惯连读,使其不再成为听力中的难点。
3. 能够在口语表达中正确的运用连读的技巧,使朗读尽量流利。
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LESSON 50 辅音对元音的连读
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 多数同学不知道如何把辅音同元音连起来读,实际上这种连读是最简单的。大部分同学都能按音标把单
2. 当[]与后面的元音连读时,有些同学拿不准怎么读。其实像 sorry、very 这样的双音节单词读起来的时
面的辅音同后面的元音连在一起,像是构成一个音节一样的读出来,以使语言更具有流畅自然的特点 .而且连读
必须是发生在短语或句子的同一个意群中的,在意群(及短语或从句)之间有停顿时 ,两个短语或两个从句间相
1. 在同一意群中的两个词, 前者以辅音结尾,后者以元音开头, 这两个音就可以连 起来读,称为“连读”。
2. 相邻的两个词前一个以字母 r 结尾,后一个词以元音开始,辅音//可与后面的元音连读,这种连读叫“r
● Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen to the following phrases. Pay attention to the liaisons.
knock at
take air
get in
a line of cars
look into
look about
get away
a glass of milk
take up
look out of
get along with
a bottle of beer
take a chance
look over
get up
a row of desks
take a back
look up
find out
a bag of apples
seat take a nap
get out of
a cup of tea
a carton of cigarettes
take a message to
get off
a box of books
take advantage of
get into
a package of gum
Form noun phrases, use a lot of + plural noun, or many a+ plural noun.
actor artist
cook table
watch infant box team
bride bachelor
clock star
lawyer parent waiter
Form sentences with the phrases below.
travel around the world
commit a crime
a very old tree t
have a picnic
stage a drama
hink about it
cherish a hope
did a very good job
pay in cash
take on an important post
a man of high prestige
waste a lot of time
bring a lot of trouble
lost all his property
make a mistake
read it to me
draw a chart
work in the fields
make a sound judgement
have a sweet dream
net income
see it already
at the back of
a talk on environment
start in a hurry
a group of students
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have a look at the house
very cold outside
make a living by cheating
D. Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat.
It’s easy.
They’re in class.
I have lots of friends.
Our exam was long.
Let’s eat lunch.
You’re a nswer is right.
He’s angry.
She’s in trouble.
Where’s our car?
She can tell us.
Fill out this applition.
He’s as tall aa you are.
Am I too late?
Please come in.
What time is it?
It’s on top of the desk.
Keep up the good work.
I’ll have a cup of coffee.
Yoy can ask later.
Yhey get up late.
He’s an engineer.
Class starts at eight.
Turn off the TV.
Please put it a way.
E. Read the sentences for at least 2 times.
Cheer up!
I mean it.
May I have a cup of milk?
What do you think of it?
I’ve got a lot of work to do.
I’ve had it with this business.
Don’t give up your decision yet.
Do you think you can grab it?
Please wrap it in blue paper.
We’ll have to put it off until tomorrow.
Come in please. How long is the sale on?
Let’s put the rug over there.
We need some time out tonight.
When does the new supermarket open up?
You need to wipe up the milk.
What time do you get up every day?
I’m glad I could help you out tonight.
Let me have a look at the book.
How much money do you need to open a company?
F. Two of you students form a group to read the questions and the answers below.
1. How much is it?
5. I hope it’s clean.
2. Is it worth it?
6. I can’t sleep with the light on.
3. Give it to me, please.
7. Turn off the light, please.
4. Stop and think. Why?
It’s five dollars.
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It’s worth every penny.
Yes, it is.
Sorry, I can’t. I need it myself.
Get under the sheets.
There’s a mistake in it.
I need it on. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
G. Read the dialogue.
Mary:Just outside the district there’s a very dangerous bridge.
Smith:Yes. Paul told me that two trucks crashed there in last month. Did you know how it happened?
Mary:Well, George was driving the large truck. He was driving a little fast.
Smith:George? Who is the man? Do I know him?
Mary:He is the son of the dentist in our district. I think you know him. He is now the manager of the travel
agency in our district.
Smith:Yes. I remember him. He ’s always telling jokes. Well, was anybody injured?
Mary:Oh, yes. The other truck went over the edge of the bridge, and three children and another passenger were
badly injured.
Smith:Were both trucks damaged?
Smith:And what happened to George? Was he injured?
Mary:George? He is said to hurt his leg terribly and was still in hospital now.
H. Read the following paragr aph .
It was the last night of the year. It was snowing heavily and the ominous sky had grown dark. A poor little girl
was walking bare-foot through the streets trying to find people to buy her matches. She had had slippers on when she
left home. But they were too big. She had lost them when she crossed the wide and deep street. So then she continued
walking along without her slippers.
The sad girl looked as thin as the matches that she was selling. She had already been walking in the wind and
snow for a whole day. No one had bought anything from her; no one had given her even a copper penny. She was
shivering with cold, yet she did not dare to go home. If she did not bring money home, her father would beat her.
Besides, her home was as cold as the street.
As her legs could no longer carry her, she sat down at the corner of the street. How fine it would be if she had a
little fire before her! She drew a match from the box and struck it against the wall. Oh, how it burned! The girl struck
one match after another. It really seemed as if she was sitting by a great beautiful stove. When the little fire was
burning, in her imagination she saw a lot of fine things :a Christmas tree, a goose, and so on. It also seemed to her that
her long dead grandmother was standing by her. She was the only person who had been good to her.
The next day the New Year’s sun was shinning upon the little body that was lying there with the pile of burned
matches. The poor girl had gently frozen to death on the last day of the Old Year.
● Part Two 跟读练习
Listen and repeat.
up and down
a pair of shoes
keep it up
put it on
not at all
Put it off
stand up
good idea
Dad and Mom
take off
pick it up
in an hour
pen and paper
far away
clean and dirty
for instance
knock him out
stop it
far away
come on
internal affairs
good on you
seven o’clock
ten o’clock
an Australian boy
an old lady
in a hotel
on a sunny day
half a year
here and there
Read the following phrases.
at the drop of a hat
dangers of every
for a year
above all
first of all
take it easy
good evening
inan instant
loaf away
lack of nothing
a number of
sold out
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catch at shadow
pick and choose
put in the shade
fall on one’s feet
be left in the basket
still in the dark
the cost of beef
wide of the mark
boast about his achievement
make a noise
jump at the chance
all of a shake
achieve a lot
come into the market
put on a mask
stay over the night
trust everyone
in the world
go against the trend
sit on the seat
a house of his own
kick up the dust
turn the light off
Form sentences as the example.
students ate, in a → Students ate in a dinning-room.
1. was amazed, hear about it
6. put on, look at
2. plane arrives, this afternoon
7. some ice, glass of
3. told us, an interesting.
8. women are, some information
4. can open it, take all of
9. there’s an apartment, on a
5. stop at, for a
D. Read the dialogue.
Megan:Are the children all grown up now, Jane?
Jane:Oh, yes, Laura’s the oldest, She’s a manager assistant.
Megan:Oh, very good. And what about Rose? She was such a bright child— always studying.
Jane:She’s a teacher at a Middle School.
Megan:Really? And Rita? She was a very beautiful girl.
Jane : Rita is working as a librarian at the public library in London. She has married to an American
Megan:Oh, how interesting. And what about Bob and Michael?
Jane:Bob is a taxi driver. He drives all over the country. We seldom see him.
Megan:Oh! Then what does he live at present?
Jane:New York.
Megan:And what about Michael? Does he drive a taxi, too?
Jane:Oh, no. Michael is studying at a university. He has done a very good job.
Megan:How many years has he been a university student?
Jane:About 2 years. He said that he wanted to be a computer programmer in the future.
Appreciate the English song.
Don’’t Give up (Willie Nelson and Sinead O’Connor)
In this proud land we grew up strong
We were wanted all along.
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail
No fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I’ve changed my face, I’ve changed my name
But no one wants you when you lose
Don’t give up
‘cause you have friends
Don’t give up
You’re not beaten up
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I know you can make it good
Though I saw it all around
Never thought that I could be affected
Thought that we’d be the last to go
It is so strange the way things turn
Drove the night toward my home
The place that I was born, on the lakeside
As daylight broke, I saw the earth
The trees had burned down to the ground
Don’t give up
You still have us
Don’t give up
We don’t need much of anything
Don’t give up ‘Cause somewhere there’s a place
Where we belong
Rest your head
You worry too much
It’s going to be alright
When times get rough
You can fall back on us
Don’t give up
Please don’t give up
‘Got to walk out of there
I can’t take any more
Going to stand on that bridge
Keep my eyes down below
Whatever may come
And whatever may go
That river’s flowing
That river’s flowing
Moved on to another town
Tried hard to settle down
For every job, so many men
So many men on one needs
Don’t give up
‘Cause you have friends
Don’t give up
You’re not the only one
Don’t give up
No reason to be ashamed
Don’t give up
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You still have us
Don’t give up
We’re proud of who you are
Don’t give up
You know it’s never been easy
Don’t give up
‘Cause I believe there’s a place
There’s a place where we belong
F. This is the lecture made on the funer al of Diana, princess of Wales. Read it carefully.
Ther e may be some unfamiliar words as “profiteth”, which equals to “profited”. Never
mind, you just read it quickly.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a
tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though
I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods
to feed the poor. and though I give my body to be burned. And have not love, it profiteth me nothing. Love suffereth
long, and is kind; love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly. seeketh
not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all
things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Love never faileth:but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues. They shall cease;
whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part. And we prophesy in part. But when that
which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I
put away childish things. For now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face:now I know in part; but then
shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Answer key
Part Two :
C. 1. I was amazed to hear about it.
2. His plane arrives this afternoon.
3. She told us an interesting story.
4. You can open it and take all of them.
5. Please stop at the store for a newspaper.
6. I put on my glasses to look at this.
7. Here’s some ice for your glass of water.
8. These women are waiting for some information.
9. There’s an apartment for rent on a quiet street.
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LESSON 51 叠合与失爆
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 辅音对辅音的连读是有发生条件的。很多同学误以为所有辅音之间都会有音的变化发生,这给朗读或口
2. 叠合要领的掌握,关键在于对辅音送气的把握。如一些同学认为在读 some money 时,前面读 some, 后
面读 money,分明读了两个[],实际上体会一下[]在发音时的送气过程,不难发现我们其实只闭气一次,鼻腔
3. 关于失去爆破的问题,一定是爆破音才会失去爆破。爆破音失去爆破并不是简单的失音,而是发音过程
4. 如果音素// // // //后跟一个由/  /音开始的单词,两个音就连在一起,产生如下变化:
// + // = //
// + // = //
What’s your name?
Did you see the book before?
Can’t you do it right now?
How did you like it?
Actually I know nothing about it.
He is well educated.
Don’t you like it?
I graduated from a famous university.
// + // = //
Yes, you should follow him.
I have returned from the Insurance Company.
God bless you!
// + // = //
How’s your father?
Who’s your friend?
Where’s your home?
● Part One 叠合听辨练习
辅音对辅音的连读 1
次。这种情形常发生在[], [], [], [], [] 等辅音出现的时候。
Listen and repeat.
bad desk
sad dog
take care
part time job
ripe pear
big game
dig garden
hunt Terence
good day
like candy
black coffee
at two o’clock
stop playing
big garage
some men
red dress
deep pond
book case
hot tea
keep pace
big gate
same machine
Read the following sentence.
My friend did it.
The desk came.
The chief flied to New York yesterday.
He wears a fresh shirt.
She can never finish it by herself.
tame monkey
grab Bob
more rain
car ride
sore ribs
fall leaves
bus station
I did this for the first time.
A big game was played between the two parties.
Please keep peace in the house.
There is a doll lying on the floor.
She took care of the children.
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I don’t believe that Ted is a good boy.
How much did the cake cost?
He tried hard to persuade Bob not to work too hard.
Take care of your mother.
Just give the tab back to me when you are ready.
How long is the car ride?
When will it rain next?
Why do you want to shame me?
Grab Bob and have him come here.
Ann Nolan lives over there.
C. Read the dialogue.
Rent Agent:Good morning, s ir. Can I help you?
Good day. I’m looking for a one-bedroom apartment today.
Rent Agent:Certainly. How much rent did you want to pay?
Well, I didn’t want to pay more than $900 a month.
Rent Agent:$900 a month? We don’t often have apartment as inexpensive as that. We have one apartment for $ 985 a
month today, on Eleventh Avenue. It’s near the municipal buildings.
Is it furnished?
Rent Agent:No, it’s unfurnished. It has a kitchen, but there are not many cookers. There’s a garden in the back, but
the tenants can’t use it. The landlord lives downstairs. Friends are forbidden in the apartment after
midnight. No noise and no television after 11…
No, thank you! I want to take an apartment, not a prison.
Rent Agent:Ok, we would do as your requirement. And we’ll contact with you later!
D. Read the paragr aph.
Here, then, is the problem that I present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable:Shall we put an end to the
human race or shall mankind renounce war? People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish
w ar. The abolition of war will demand distasteful limitations of national sovereignty. But what perhaps impedes
understanding of the situation more than anything else is that the term ‘mankind’ feels vague and abstract. People
scarcely realize in imagination that the danger is to themselves and their children and their grandchildren, and not
only to a dimly apprehended humanity. And so they hope that perhaps war may be allowed to continue provided
modern weapons are prohibited. I am afraid this hope is illusory. Whatever agreements not to use hydrogen bombs
had been reached in time of peace, they would no longer be considered binding in time of w ar, and both sides would
set to work to manufacture hydrogen bombs as soon as war broke out, for if one side manufactured the bombs and
the other did not, the side that manufactured them would inevitably be victorious...
As geological time is reckoned, Man has so far existed only for a very short period one million years at the most.
What he has achieved, especially during the last 6,000 years, is something utterly new in the history of the Cosmos,
so far at least as we are acquainted with it. For countless ages the sun rose and set, the moon waxed and waned, the
stars shone in the night, but it was only with the coming of Man that these things were understood. In the great world
of astronomy and in the little world of the atom, Man has unveiled secrets which might have been thought
undiscoverable. In art and literature and religion, some men have shown a sublimity of feeling which makes the
species worth preserving. Is all this to end in trivial horror because so few are able to think of Man rather than of this
or that group of men? Is our race so destitute of wisdom, so incapable of impartial love, so blind even to the simplest
dictates of self-preservation, that the last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet?
—for it will be not only men who will perish, but also the animals, whom no one can accuse of communism or
I cannot believe that this is to be the end. I would have men forget their quarrels for a moment and reflect that, if
they will allow themselves to survive, there is every reason to expect the triumphs of the future to exceed
immeasurably the triumphs of the past. There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness,
knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? I appeal, as a
human being to human beings:remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a
new Paradise; if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universal death.
● Part Two 失去爆破听辨练习
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辅音对辅音的连读 2
Listen and repeat .
lap dog
mad John
pet lion
big shoes
hot day
a suitcase
put it down
red chair
round table
black gate
cheap box
a badcold
bad boy
work hard
look good
a handbag
bad news
just great
a great pity
keep secret
late for the flight
sweet lips
read the map
a mad rat
the last bark
a fat cat
a pop shop
patent right
feed the goat
a red flag
Read the following sentences.
1. I have read the book.
2. Put the book on the desk.
3. The rich and the poor have great differences.
4. Let’s have a good talk.
5. He has made the right choice.
6. It’s a very rude joke.
7. That’s a very bad thought.
8. I would like to have one.
9. Let me have a look at it.
10. Good morning, s ir.
11. They are mostly teenagers.
12. Football’s my worst sport.
13. Jim kept studying for his exam.
14. Do you live on the west side or the east side of town?
15. We kept strong for our children.
16. I hope you haven’t lost trust.
17. Where’s the grand stand?
18. This is our last trip.
19. You need to wash your hands.
20. I know exactly what you mean.
truck stop
sit down
good teacher
good tea
a blackboard
could be
leave the team
a vast grassland
told him not to shout
Read the dialogue.
Paul:Hello, Sally? This is Paul.
Sally:Oh, hi, Paul.
Paul:What happened yesterday? You didn’t come. You forger the date we made, didn’t you?
Sally:Well, it rained hard all day and I had a badcold, so I decided to stay at home and have a rest.
Paul:You did? But I tried to call you at least 40 times and nobody answered.
Sally:Oh, the telephone lines were damaged by the storm. They repaired them today.
Paul:What did Bob do yesterday? Did he and his classmate go dancing?
Sally:No, they stayed at home and played cards with other children.
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Paul:And what did you do? Did you play cards, too?
Sally:No. I listened to records and studied. What did you do yesterday, Paul?
Paul:I just told you, Sally. I tried to call you 40 times!
D. Enjoy the small joke .
Teacher:What’s an abstract noun, Ann?
I don’t know, madam.
Teacher:What? You don’t know! Well, It’s the name of a thing which you can think of but cannot touch. Now
give me an example.
Ann: A red-hot poker, madam.
E. Read the paragr aph correctly .
Almost 60 percent of overweight women in Britain say they would not allow their partner to see them naked, a
body image survey showed last Thursday.
Despite the current craze for curvy figures, too much body fat has a devastating impact on every aspect of a
woman’s life, Slimming Magazine said. The magazine ’s annual survey of 2,000 women, all of whom regarded
themselves as overweight, revealed that more than 80 percent believed their excess weight was damaging their health,
ruining their sex lives and holding back their careers.
“Overweight women don’t want to be stick insects, they just want to fall within an average weight range and feel
healthier, sexier and more confident,” said Alison Hall, the magazine ’s editor.
“What the media is talking about at the moment is that curves are back. People want to be more like Catherine
Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Lopez, and that’s great. But we’re into making sure women are at a good weight for their
The survey showed 76 percent of women believed overweight people were seen as being less intelligent than
slim people are. Some 80 percent thought it was easier for slim women to climb the career ladder.
Government statistics show that more than half the British population is now overweight, but 81 percent of
women received no guidance from their general practitioners, the survey said.
National Health Service spokeswoman Gail Robinson said the government did not record information about
dieters seeking advice from their doctors.
● Part Three 跟读练习
Listen and repeat the phrases.
a drug store
be drunk with joy
solicit trade
drink like a fish
find fault with
great pleasure
in cold blood
break ranks
radiant with
read magazine
cheat the journey
the youngest child
get the cheese
feed the duck
eat hot dogs
get the better of
keep the key
lock the door
leap forward
the front yard of the house
Form sentences with the following phrases.
visit the city
get the payment
cat too much
hit him on the head
a bad suggestion
keep fit
get settled
forget the plan
in a great hurry
passed the examination
date the girl
a first-class university
a job transfer
fight for freedom
in the deep valley
bright colors
bank service
ask yourself
get his goat
hold the bag
the first class
behind the back of
like making cakes
lead the team
a stupid men
help them
get sacked
cost much money
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in short supply
hate city life
C. Read the following sentences.
1. He ’s a bad boy.
2. I like lollipops.
3. She’s my favorite daughter.
4. I gave Margaret some books.
5. Monica has big feet.
6. Kirk looked at the photo carefully.
7. I can help Greg with his homework.
8. Grab my coat and we’ll go.
9. Please keep your words you said.
10. The cub scouts of Canada are a great group.
11. It’s a big problem if cars do not stop at a stop sign.
12. You look tired tonight.
13. I felt sick last night.
14. Children must look carefully when crossing the road.
15. When the student finished his job training he offered a position with good job benefits.
16. The school held a big meeting to help people understand problems.
17. Last year bad drivers caused deaths on the road.
18. Do farmers still use windmills?
19. Your kindness will be repaid some day.
20. She stopped to listen to the music.
D. Complete the following sentences.
1. It’s a pity that…
6. It so happened that…
2. It’s too bad that…
7. It is not known that…
3. It’s strange that…
8. It is a good thing that…
4. It’s possible that…
9. It seemed that…
5. It was surprising that …
10. It looked that…
Read the following answers, and then put forward a question accor ding to the
answers. And pay attention to the pronunciation between consonants and consonants.
Example :She washed the dishes and put them away.
What did she do all day?
What did she do today?
What did she do?
1. She broke all the dishes and threw them away.
2. He opened the window and looked out of it.
3. My sister is studying in her room.
4. We looked up the word in the dictionary.
5. The boy wrote a letter to his friend and then posted it.
6. They went to the swimming pool this morning.
7. Mary washed all of her dirty clothes today.
8. He gave a lecture on this topic this afternoon.
9. We visit the Great Wall yesterday.
10. They have been rehearsing all day.
Read the dialogue.
Mrs. Herbert:Would you like some cream in your coffee, Mr. Fred?
Mrs. Fred:No, thank you. But I’d like some milk, please.
Mrs. Herbert:Would you like some chocolate cookies?
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Mrs. Fred:Mm, yes. Thank you. Did you bake these yourself?
Mrs. Herbert:Yes. It’s a cuckoo clock. I bought it in Paris.
Mrs. Fred:Is it wooden?
Mrs. Herbert:Oh, no. It’s oak. It was quite an expensive clock. It’s automatic.
Mrs. Fred:Well, it’s exactly 7 now, and it’s very quiet. Doesn’t it say cuckoo?
Mrs. Herbert:Of course. Look!
Clock:Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Mrs.
Fred:Well, what a cute clock!
G. Appreciate the English song.
Forever Young (Joan Bae z)
Stand upright and be strong.
May Godbless and keep you always
May you stay…forever young.
May your wishes all come true.
Forever young, forever young.
May you already do for others,
May you stay forever young.
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars.
May your hands always be busy,
And climb on every rung.
May you feet always be swift.
And may you stay…forever young.
May you have a strong foundation,
When the wind changes shift.
May you grow up to be righteous?
May your heart always be joyful,
May you growup to be true.
May your songs always be sung.
May you always know the truth,
And may you stay… forever young.
And see the light surrounding you.
Forever young, forever young
May you always be courageous,
May you stay forever young.
H. Read the passage, using the way you have learned in this class.
Oceanography has been defined as “ the application of all sciences to the study of the sea.”
Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton
considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work.
For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who
earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath
the surface. The first time that the question “ What is at the bottom of the oceans?’ had to be answered with any
commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The
engineers had to know the depth profile of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured.
It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this
matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which sounding were taken to
investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular
interest in his book. The Physical Geography of the Sea.
The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts,
the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied
contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.
Within a few years oceanography was under w ay. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for
four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists
for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.
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LESSON 52 元音对元音的连读 (元音间的过渡))
(Glide from the final vowel to the initial vowel)
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 许多同学不理解为什么两个元音之间会出现半元音,以及什么时候出现半元音[],什么时候出现半元音
2. 还有同学对加入半元音后是否使单词之间的过渡变得流畅有疑问。这说明问问题的同学明显缺乏朗读经
元音对元音的连读实际上是在元音之间插入半元音[]或[], 从而使纯元音音节之间的过渡变得自然、流畅,
1. 前面的单词以元音[]或[]结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时,在两个单词之间出现半元音[]作为
2. 前面的单词以[]或[]结尾,紧随其后的单词以元音开头,这时,在两个单词之间出现半元音[]作为过渡 。
3. 为了把两个相邻的词连在一起 , 人们往往在以[] 或 [] 结尾的词后面加上[]音, 以便和后一个词的起
首元音连接,这种添加的// 称为”外加音”[]。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen and repeat.
be on time
blue on top
say it
may I
weigh it up
clue in
blew away
who else
play around
stay up
see it through
Russia and China
flew out
knew it
my only child
drama and music
the early bird
very interesting
day in and day out
area of agreement
I am
you are
she is
shah of Persia
go out
too often
go away
law and order
any other
go on
try it
I saw it
try again
throw away
no way
see off
how old
no end
a banana and an apple
B. Make sentences with the given phrases.
stay up
go outside
she is
the other
he is
we are
they are
her own hands
you are
how old
I am
hear it
we attend
do it now
be in
he and she
they arrive
I see
Mary is
see eye to eye
C. An additional pronunciation between two vowels
I can see it. []
I did it myself. []
You saw it by yourself? []
Can you see it?[]
He got it. []
You can’t copy it. []
Can you do it?[]
He didn’t get it yet. []
I’ll type it tomorrow. []
I saw it myself. []
D. Listen and repeat the sentences.
1. Make sure you pay up until the end of the month.
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2. I’d like to see Europe in the summer.
3. If Tom asks, don’t play around, “Say yes”.
4. We have to stay united in the office.
5. When you are at the interview, be yourself.
6. Be on time for your first appointment.
7. He flew in for my party.
8. Blow out the candles on your cake.
9. When you grow up, you can stay up late.
10. If you knew it, you’d say it.
11. She isn’t here at the moment.
12. I don’t care if she would be in favor ofthe proposal.
13. China is changing a great deal.
14. There is an apple tree in front of the house.
15. Will you keep an eye on my suitcase and boxes?
16. Don’t any of you try to leave the room?
17. Let’s not delay in giving them an answer.
18. Do you care for coffee or tea?
19. I know he is a famous artist.
20. Did you run in the race?
E. Read the dialogue.
Roy: Honey, why are you so angry?
Susan:She says nothing.
Roy: Honey, why are you so angry? Can you tell me?
Susan:You don’t love me, Roy.
Roy: Why do you say such words? I love you very much.
Susan:No, you used to be. But not now. You are in love with someone else. You are in love with my friend, Janet.
You appreciate her very much. You think she is beautiful and fun to be with and you think I’m dumb and
Roy: Susan, just one last week I went out to have a lunch with her. There is nothing for you to be jealous about. I
like your company much better than Janet’s.
Susan:I envy her and also I hate her at the same time.
Roy: Honey, you should know that I love you so deeply.
Susan:Oh, shut up, Roy.
Roy:But honey, I think you’re terrific. There is nothing…
Susan:Oh, SHUT UP!
F. Appreciate the English song.
Imagine (John Lennon)
Imagine all the people
Imagine there’s no heaven
Living life in peace
It’s easy if you try
You may say I’m a dreamer
No hell below us
But I’m not the only one
Above us only the sky
I hope some day you’ll join us
Imagine all the people
And the world will be as one
Living for today
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
Imagine there’s no country
Noneed for greed or hunger
It isn’t hard to do
A brotherhood of man
Nothing to kill or die for
Imagine all the people
And no religion too
Sharing all the world
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You may say I’m a dreamer
I hope someday you’ll join us
But I’m not the only one
And the world will be as one
G. Read the paragr aph, paying attention to the pronunciation between linking vowels.
I have a Dream
… I say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a
dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed— we hold these
truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners
will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering
with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of
their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping
with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will
be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough
places shall be made plain, and the crooked places shall be made straight and the glory of the Lord will be revealed
and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with.
With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.
With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of
With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to go to jail together, knowing that we will be
free one day.
This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning-”my country ‘tis of thee;
sweet land of liberty; of thee I sing; land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride; from every mountain
side, let freedom ring” —and if America is to be a great nation, this must become true.
So let freedom ring —from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, let freedom ring; from the mighty
mountains of New York. Let freedom ring—from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.
But not only that. Let freedom ring from the Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.
When we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and c ity, we
will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Catholics
and Protestants—will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, “Free at last, free at
last; thank God Almighty, we are free at last.”
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1. 了解单词重音的重要性。
2. 掌握如何找准短语及句子重音的方法。
3. 体会重读对听力的直接影响,培养对句子中受到重读的那部分单词的听力敏感度,在听力中建立对重音
4. 将重读技巧运用到口语实践中,使意思及情感的表达变得精确起来。
1. 听一听单词中哪个音节比别的音节读的声音大,用的力量足,体会什么是重读音节。
2. 体会短语和句子中哪个单词的重读音节更加突出,逐渐培养对重音的敏感。
3. 本章要求大家先仔细听几遍泛读的练习,再了解一下关于句子重读的一般性规律,然后在跟读练习中尽
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LESSON 53 词的重音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen to this group of syllables.
1. da dá
2. dá da
da dá
dá da
da dá
dá da
5. dá da
6. da dá da
da dá
da dá da
dá da
dá da da
3. da
7. da
da da
dá da
da dá
4. dá
8. dá
Listen to the English words of one, two, or three syllables.
One syllable
Two syllables
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Three syllables
mul·tip·l y
More th
an three syllables
char·ac· te·rís·tic
an·te·cé· dent
au·to ·ma·tic
pér·ma·nent ·ly
Listen.Mark the
1. lesson
2. practice
3. music
4. window
5. answer
6. Brazil
7. balloon
8. Peru
9. guitar
10. record
11. perturb
12. relapse
13. broken
14. annoy
15. announce
his·tor· ic
an·ti ·só·cial
stress in these words.Mark on the vowel a,e,i,o,or u.
les ·son
16. anxiety
17. engage
18. wallow
19. hesitate
20. regret
21. Chevrolet
22. represent
23. understand
24. photograph
re ·cord
25. holiday
26. cigarette
27. seventeen
bro · ken
28. pronunciation
29. ignorance
30. economical
● Part Two 跟读练习
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Listen and repeat.
Stress of words of one syllable
Stress of words of two syllables
Stress of words of three syllables
Stress of words of more than three syllables
Listen and repeat.
er is often the weak or unstressed syllable
The noun ending
on your own:Now repeat the one-syllable word and add the ending –er to form a two-syllable word
Example :work + er =worker
1. own
2. read
3. print
4. call
5. play
6. swim
7. write
8. send
9. accuse
10. cadge
11. adore
12. walk
13. talk
14. listen
15. balance
16. dress
17. cook
18. judge
19. fight
20. smoke
Talk bout these occupations :baker ,painter,teacher ,writer,far mer,dancer .Tell
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each person does.Use the verb(the form without the er ending )and the noun.
A baker bakes bread and cake
On your own:
D. Talk about the weather, including these weather conditions :cloudy,rainy ,sunny ,
windy and the noun that -y is added to.
Example :Is it cloudy this morning?
Well,look outside.The weather forecast said there would be clouds all day.
On your own:
Repeat the names of the occupations and the first and family names in the table.
First Names
First Names
F. Now ask questions or make statements using the occupations and names .With the
family names ,use Mr., Mrs., Miss,or Ms.
Examples :Is Ms.Ride a diplomat?No,She’s an astronaut.
Dr.Wilson isn’t a professor.He’s a dentist.
On your own:
G. A cer tain group of verbs stress the second syllable while their corresponding noun
forms are stressed on the first syllable.
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1. The policeman spent his life combáting crimes.
The cómbat between good and evil will continue endlessly.
2. His cónduct is very bad.
He should condúct himself more professionally.
3. It is said that there is a great deal of cónflict between environmental protection and industrialization.
Does this item conflíct with any other items in the contract?
4. They had signed a cóntract to buy the car.
Now we have to contráct a designer to change the style.
5. We should expórt our products gradually.
Wool is one of the chief éxports of Australia.
6. Our company decided to impórt a set of counting machines.
Could you tell me the ímport tendency of that country.
7. The population of that city has incréased greatly.
Robbery is on the íncrease these years.
8. The article inclínes me to change my thought.
We should climb a steep íncline first.
9. The mother would not permít the boy to get a driver’s pérmit.
10. We have recórded the lecture yesterday.
He has established a récord for long distance swimming.
11. The boss finally refúnded our money.
We have the right to demand a réfund on unsatisfactory goods.
12. This country has been subjécted by another one.
His strange behaviors were a súbject for amusement.
13. They plan to survéy the west coast in a few days.
The land is still under súrvey.
14. Hesuspéct I am one of súspects.
H. Enjoy the English song.
Love me tender,
Love me sweet,
Never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
And I love you so.
Love me tender,
Love me long,
Take me to your heart.
For it’s there that I belong,
And I we’ll never part.
Love me tender,
Love me tender,
Love me true,
Love me dear,
All my dream fulfilled.
Tell me you are mine.
For my’darlin’ I love you,
I’ll be yours through all the years,
And I always will.
Till the end of time.
Read the following passage, paying attention to the stressed words and syllables.
Mr. Jones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husband. For several days they did not
speak to each other at all. One evening, Mr. Jones came back from work very tired, so he went to bed soon after
dinner. Of course, he didn’t say anything to his wife before he went upstairs. Mrs. Jones washed the dinner things and
then did some sewing. When she went to bed much later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small
table near her bed. On it were the words:“ Mother, wake me up at 7 a.m. Father.”
When Mr. Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8. On the small table near his bed he saw a piece of
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paper. He took it and read the words:“ Father, wake up. It’s 7 a.m., Mother.”
LESSON 54 短语和句子的重音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
在构成短语或句子的单词中,总有一个单词比别的单词读的重一些,这个单词本身的重 读音节也就成为句
A noun phrase, maybe a single noun, a pronoun, or a noun with modifiers. A noun phrase, whatever its function
or position in the sentence, is spoken as a unit, and forms a part of the rhythm of the sentence of which it is apart .
Compound nouns are formed of two words. They are used as a single noun. Compound nouns have several
different stress patterns, but characteristically they have strong stress on the first word.
A. noun + noun
E.g.:straw hat
book review
coal gas
pencil box
grave stone
iron curtain
B. adj.+ noun
E.g.:raw material
central heating
blue print
mutual enemies
responsible government
C. present participle + noun (现在分词+
E.g.:leading article
ruling class
grazing land
humming bird
shooting star
D. noun+noun (名词+
E. adj+noun (形容词+
F. gerund + noun (动名词+
G. verb+noun (动词+
E.g.:a pickpocket
a hitch hiker
verb+preposition (动词+介词)
Often a two-word verb has strong stress on the preposition.
throw away
take off
call up
turn on
burn up
try on
hang up
blow up
blow out
write down
cut out
fill out
clean up
put up
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look up
give up
take back
A. noun object of a two-word verb has loud stress; a pronoun object has weak
E.g.:burn up
burn up the letter
burn the letter up
burn it up
try on
try on the gloves
try the gloves on
try them on
B. adj.+ adj. (形容词+形容词) E.g.:deaf-mute north-west south-east
E. noun/adj. + past particle (名词或形容词+过去分词)
F. adj. + present participle (形容词+现在分词)
G. adv.+ present/past particle(副词+现在分词或过去分词)
B. noun+adj.(名词+形容词)
E.g.:world-wide color-blind
F. verb+adv. (动词+副词)
E.g.:drawback setback
H. noun (adj.) + verb (名词或形容词+动词)
a gold fish
a yellow fish
a gold fish
a light bulb
a light bulb
a glass bulb
a grey hound
a gray hound
a clay hound
the White House
a white house
a wooden house
an inn key
a small key
a steel key
blue jeans
blue pants
canvas pants
a wrist watch
a beautiful watch
a gold watch
a cobweb
a large web
my web
a coffee cup
a small cup
a wooden cup
a steak knife
a sharp knife
a steel knife
a thumbtack
a shiny tack
brass tacks
a baseball
an old ball
a leather ball
a paint brush
a stiff brush
a wire brush
a machine gun
a toy gun
a metal gun
实 词
paying particular attention to those content words.
Listen and repeat the sentences
1. 名词
E.g.:She is an Italian teacher.
I speakChinese.
2. 实义动词
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E.g.:I like Chinese cousine.
You should study hard.
3. 形容词
E.g.:That’s a famous artist.
These new toys are cheap.
4. 副词
E.g.:We often go to school at 6 o’clock in the morning.
He can do that easily.
5. 感叹词
E.g.:Oh, it is very nice!
Hey, it is a good weather today!
Wow, what a beautiful dress it is !
6. 数词
E.g.:He is eight years old.
I’m in grade two.
Ten plus ten is twenty.
7. 一些需要重读或次重读的代词
⑴ 人称代词用做并列主语或宾语
E.g.:She and I study in the same class.
He told Jill and me the story yesterday.
⑵ 人称代词作对比意义时
E.g.:I like the picture but he doesn’t.
We talked about the weather while they talked about a well-known singer.
⑶ 关系代词在句中作介词宾语
E.g.:I will go to the school which my aunt worked in.
You are the right person we are looking for these days.
⑷ 物主代词用于对比意义时
E.g.:Is this your magazine?
No, my magazine is on the desk.
⑴ 位于句首的单音节介词和双音节介词
E.g.:In the dinning room they found the wallet.
On the wall there is a map of China.
Beside the person I saw a tree.
⑵ 两个或两个以上音节的介词,upon 除外
E.g.:They decided to go there without Mary.
Read after the tape recorder.
⑶ 系动词之后的介词
E.g.:He is with his teacher at the moment.
We’re near them.
这类单词出现频率极高,一般包括介词、助动词和 be 动词、冠词、和连 词。同时,一部分实词在某些
1. 名词
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⑴ 当某一名词在句中重复出现时,不重读。
E.g.:The girls in red are playing with the girls in green.
This bag is more expensive than that bag.
⑵ 当某一名词表示整体概念且其前面有一修饰语时,通常不重读。
E.g.:Why do you solve the problems in this way?
That’s your own business.
⑶ 名词在句末用做称呼语时,不重读。
E.g.:Follow me, please, Bob.
This is my classmate, Juliet.
2. 实义动词 实义动词在句中重复使用时,不重读。
E.g.:He did that as a child did.
He reads the book just as I read it.
My sister listens to the music as a singer listens to
3. 形容词用做问候时,不重读
E.g.:Good afternoon, Mr. Wang.
Nice to see you again, Jane.
4. 副词
⑴ 程度副词:as, about, a little, almost, much, too, very, hardly, pretty, rather, slightly, etc.
E.g.:I’m too excited today. The house is pretty small.
My school is about 3 miles away from my home.
⑵ 关系副词:w hy, where, when
E.g.:That’s the reason why I am late.
Is this the university where you studied years ago?
⑶ 副词位于句末且跟在一重读词后时,有时不重读。
E.g.:We let the fire out.
5. 代词
⑴ 指示代词:this, that, these, those
E.g.:This is my sister.
Those people are working very hard.
⑵ 反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
E.g.:I will go to Beijing myself.
He himself opened the window.
⑶ 名词性物主代词:mine, yours, hers, his, ours.
E.g.:This is my book, that is yours.
How about ours?
⑷ 不定代词:some, any, all, both, either, neither, none, another, few, a few, little, a little, many, much, other,
somebody, someone, something, anything, everybody, everything, everyone, anybody, anyone, nobody,
no one
E.g.:I have some books.
They got none of these.
Everybody thought that this is a myth.
He has published another book.
I want to buy them all.
Everything is ok.
⑸ 疑问代词:when, how, who, whom, whose, what, which, where
E.g.:Who can tell me the right answer?
Whose cup is this?
Where are you going?
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What do you think of this matter?
Which store is better?
⑹ 人称代词及物主代词
E.g.:We have seen the picture.
My name is Hellen.
He is one of my classmate.
It is very important to tell him the fact.
Could you lend me your bike?
⑺ 相互代词及反身代词
E.g.:God helps those who help themselves.
One should not live for oneself alone.
He himself finished the task on time.
1. 冠词:
E.g.:This is a bed. That is a chair.
The person over there is my teacher.
2. 介词:at, by, for, of, to, in, from, into, near, ect.
E.g.:He is going to New York next Sunday.
My little sister is sitting on a chair.
He is one of my classmates.
There is a coin in the water.
I do this for the sake of my mother.
3. 助动词(and be): is, are, does, will, can, ect
E.g.:He is studying English.
They are my friends
She often does her homework at that cafeteria.
I will take the rest work back to home. You can do it.
4. 连词:and, but, or, so,ect
E.g.:I need pencil and paper.
I know you are right, but he won’t listen to your advice.
Do you want coffee or tea?
I didn’t like the way he’s talking, so I got angry.
1. 副词 “again”用于强调对比时,不重读。
E.g.:Put up your hand again.
Repeat your words again.
2. 感叹词 为了强调形容词时,次重读。
E.g.:What a beautiful garden! What a clever boy!
3. 主语位于动词之后时,动词一般不重读。
E.g.:“Ok”, I agreed finally. After the war came the problems of employment?
● 听 辨 练 习
Listen. and repeat the phrases
to the store
come with
an airline pilot
an English teacher
instead of
be careful
to catch a
slow down
too bad
the tickets
some candy
the high school
give me a hand
go faster
according to him
in an hour
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in the middle of
sold out
post card
at the table
black shoes
write to him
my brother
not quite
wedding ring
to seat oneself
leave tomorrow
tell me
our teacher
in any case
without any doubt
a thick dictionary
going to London
sit down
to learn by heart
jewelry store
very well
flying fish
not only that
Listen to the phrases and sentences and then repeat them, paying par ticular
attention to those grammar words
Prepositions:at, in, of, on,
to London
I’m going to London.
about, to, from, etc.
at home
Is she at home?
Pronouns: he, his, she, us, etc.
was He was away then.
them, I, my, etc.
mail it
Will you mail it?
Auxiliaries (and be):is, are, does, will, can
is studying
She is studying English.
does does she
Does she speak it?
Articles: a, an, the, some
a book
I need a book.
some some money
I need some money.
Connectors:and, but, or
and paper
I need pencil and paper.
or tea
Do you want coffee or tea?
C. Complete the sentences with compound nouns as in the example.
1. A store that sells candy is a candy store.
2. Water which is good for drinking is called________.
3. Paper used for wrapping things is called _________.
4. A coat you wear in the rain is a _________.
5. A person who makes sales is a ________.
6. A shirt which is made of silk is a _______.
Listen carefully to these sentences . Circle the words with weak or medium
stress.Then repeat the sentences.
I’m going to the stóre.
Helen Solo is our téacher.
Ted Baker is an aírline pilot.
That plane is going to Lóndon.
I have the tícrest.
Jack is my bróther.
Let’s make some cándy.
I can’t leave tomórrow.
I cannot belíeve it.
He lives in Róme.
Have a níce day.
He had to go to hóspital.
Call me toníght.
He wants to táke it.
I bought a box of cándy.
Johnis my bróther.
Pam Stokes is a pílot.
Is he a dóctor?
Maria is Américan.
Tom and Alice are proféssors.
She works in an óffice.
He put the books on the táble.
He thinks highly of this pícture.
We are going to the cínema.
E. Listen and repeat. Then mark the sentence stress. Use this mark (’).
1. a. Pant Malik is a téacher.
b. She’s an English’ teacher.
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2. a. I work in an office.
b. They cost fifty cents.
b. I’m a bookkeeper.
7. a. We’re going to London.
3. a. Maria ’s Spanish.
b. We leave tomorrow.
b. She lives in Madrid.
8. a. My brother’s an airline pilot.
4. a. He is waiting for his friend.
b. He’s in South America now.
b. He is a student.
9. a. He has written many poems.
5. a. He would come very soon.
b. He is a poet.
b. He came to fetch his wallet.
10. a. There are many dogs around.
6. a. These are good pens.
b. The dogs are barking at each other.
Listen to the statements and questions. Then answer the questions, using the
words in the blankets.
1. Tom is sleeping. Where is he? (in the bed room)
2. I’m buying some stamps. Where am I? (in the post office)
3. Mary is going to the seashore. What does she need? (a swimming suit )
4. Jane doesn’t see very well. What does she need? (some medicine)
5. John has an earache. Where is he? (in the doctor’s office)
6. Ann is buying a textbook. Where is she? (in the bookstore)
7. Tom is looking for a book. Where is he? (a library)
8. My sister is going to make a journey. What does she need? (a travel agency)
9. Bob feels very cold at the moment. What does he need? (some clothes)
10. We want to do some cooking. What do we need? (some vegetable )
G. Listen to the following dialogue.
(Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson are at the airport. They have just gotten off the plane from London.)
Passport, please.
Mr. Johnson:I think I’ve lost our passports, honey.
Mrs.Johnson:Oh, Peter, how could you be so careless? Didn’t you put them in your pocket?
Mr. Johnson:(emptying his pockets) Here’s a notebook…a pen…a postcard… an envelop…a pin… a stamp…
Mr. Johnson:Oh, stop taking everything out of your pockets. You probably put them in the bag.
Mr. Johnson : (emptying the bag) Here’s a newspaper… two apples … a plastic cup… a spoon… some
Mr. Johnson:Oh, stop pulling everything out of the bag, Peter. These people are getting impatient.
Mr.Johnson:Well, help me, darling. Mr. Johnson:We’ve lost our passports. Perhaps we dropped them on the
Official:Then let the other passagers pass, please.
Mr. Johnson:Oh, darling, why don’t you help? You are not being veryhelpful. Put the things in the bag.
Your name, please?
Mr. Johnson:Johnson.
Mr. Johnson:Please go upstairs with this police officer, Mr. Johnson.
H. Read the following paragr aph.
Four men were talking about how smart their dog’s were. The first man was an engineer, who said his dog “T
Squared” could do drafting. He told the dog to get some paper and draw a square, a circle, and a triangle, which the
dog did easily. The Accountant, said his dog “Spreadsheet”, was smarter. He told his dog to fetch a dozen cookies,
bring them back and divide the cookies into piles of three, which the dog did with no problem.
The chemist, said his dog “Beaker” was even smarter. He told his dog to get a quart of milk and pour seven
ounces into a ten ounce glass, which the dog did with no problem.
The three men then turned to the bureaucrat and asked what could his dog do. The bureaucrat called his dog
“Coffee Break” and told him to show the guys what he could do. Coffee Break then trotted over and ate the cookies,
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drank the milk, crapped on the paper, screwed the other three dogs, claimed he hurt his back doing so, filed a
grievance for unsafe working conditions, applied for workers compensation and left for home on sick leave —with
Answer Key
C. 1. drinking water 2. wrapping paper 3. raincoat
F. 1. bed room
2. post office
3. swimming suit
6. bookstorc
7. travel agency
4. salesman 5. silk shirt
4. eye glasses
5. docor’s office
LESSON 55 数词的重音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 数字在名词前面要重读。
2. 像 twenty-one, thirty-six, and forty-nine 这样的数词,往往重读后面的部分。
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen and repeat.
two books
eight women
nineteen dollars
twenty pages
forty-eight metres
sixty-six trees
eighty-eight numbers
sixty-seven cents
thirty classrooms
thirteen cities
thirty-three stores
fifty-two people
seventy-seven spots
ninety-nine pictures
B. Listen to these pairs of numbers. The stress of –teen number s contr asts with that
of -ty number s and circle the number you hear.
Write the number s you hear.
1. Uncle John is___________ years old.
2. Our house is ___________ years old.
3. There are ___________ teachers in our school.
4. There are ___________ boys in this class.
5. I need ___________ dollars.
6. This pen costs ___________ cents.
7. Did you say Helen was ___________ years old?
8. The river is ___________ miles broad.
9. The lake is ___________ miles around.
10. The mirror is ___________ meters high.
11. He is ___________ years younger than me.
12. He bought the book ___________ days ago.
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13. The city is ___________ miles away from Beijing.
14. He is ___________ meters high.
15. The house is ___________ square kilometers.
16. She said she walks ___________ miles every day.
17. I have ___________ color balls.
18. The book costs ___________ dollars.
19. There are ___________ students in our class.
20. About ___________ people attended this demonstration.
D. Form sentences, using number s about things around you, for example, pages in a
book, students in a class, floors in a building, buses in the city, cars in the parking lot,
games your team won, and so on. Use about if you don’t know the exact numbers.
1. This book has ninety-six pages.
2. There are about ninety-six pages in this book.
3. We have fifty-three students in this class.
4. There are about seventy-nine floors in the building.
5. Take theNo. twenty-three bus.
6. You are the 14th of the visitors today.
7. Five of the blue ones are my brother’s.
8. Today is March the tenth.
9. The cost has been reduced by 40 per cent.
10. Its grain output went up 16 percent last year.
11. It is one-third smaller than our country.
12. It is the fourth largest river in the world.
13. This year we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of our university.
14. Stainless steels contain about 15% of chromium.
15. The output of chemical fibre in our province has increase three and half times in the past three years.
16. Our industrial output value was up 1.9 times during this period.
17. Some of these stars are one hundred million times brighter than the sun.
18. He lives in room 239.
19. My mother has just bought 2 kilos of apples.
20. Three-sevenths of the employees are women.
On your own
Tell the people’s ages,using full sentences.
Example:The king was born in 12(10).
How old was he in 1260?
He was fifty.
On your own
1. Tom was born in 1970.
How old is he this year?
2. Mrs. Chung was born in 194(9).
How old was she in 1979?
3. Robert Todd was born in 160(8).
How old was he in 1658?
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4. The twins were born in 198(3).
How old will they be in 1999?
5. My sister was born in 197(5).
How old will she be in 2002?
6. Thomas Hardy was born in 1840.
How old was he in 1940?
7. Jane Austin was born in 177(5).
How old was she in 1835?
8. I was born in 198(6).
How old was I in 2001?
9. Professor Li was born in 195(8).
How old will he be in 2038?
10. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 194(9).
How old will it be in 2039?
Read the short poems below.
One two tie my shoes
Three four shut the door
Five six pick up sticks
Seven eight eat your cake
Nine ten good-bye and come again
One little two little three little Indians
Four little five little six little Indians
Seven little eight little nine little Indians
Ten little Indian boys.
Ten little nine little eight little Indians.
Seven little six little five little Indians.
Four little three little two little Indians.
One little Indians boy.
G. Look through the paragr aph quickly and then read it loudly, paying attention to the
number s in the paragr aph.
BRITISH women have ballooned in size over the past 80 years, a report yesterday revealed. The vital statistics
for the average woman have risen from 31-20-32 in the 1920s to 36-26-38 in 2001. Bigger breasts are reflected in the
increased sizes. More D-cup bras are now sold in theUK than in any other western country.
Modern women actually eat less, consuming 2,000 calories a day compared with 2,500 calories in the 1940s.But
today’s diet is far higher in fat. Household appliances and sedentary jobs mean women also take less exercise, says
dieting website realslimmers.com. The report said:“In the 1920s, women burned off their calories doing housework
by hand. In 2001, an increasing number of women sit in front of computer screens all day.”
BREAKFAST:Porridge/bread and butter
Meat pie with cabbage and potatoes plus apple pie
Pork pie/scrambled eggs SUPPER :Bread and cheese
BREAKFAST:Powdered scrambled eggs
Rissoles and blancmange
Rabbit stew
BREAKFAST:Fried bacon and eggs
Stew and dumplings, spotted dick
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Egg and chips
BREAKFAST:Cereal and peanut butter on toast
Spaghetti and chocolate cake
BREAKFAST:Brunch bar
Mozzarella sandwich plus crisps
Ready meal followed by a bar of chocolate and a few glasses of wine
H. Tell this joke to your friends or your classmates.
Between the ages of 15 - 18 a woman is like China or Iran, developing at a sizzling rate with a lot of potential
but as yet still not free or open.
Between the ages of 18 - 21 a woman is like Africa or Australia. She is half discovered, half wild and naturally
beautiful with bush land around the fertile deltas.
Between the ages of 21 - 30 a woman is like America or Japan, completely discovered, very well developed and
open to trade especially with countries with cash or cars.
Between the ages of 30 - 35, a woman is like India or Spain, very hot, relaxed and convinced of its own beauty.
Between the ages of 35 - 40 a woman is like France or Argentina. She may have been half destroyed during the
war but can till be a warm and desirable place to visit.
Between the ages of 40 - 50 she is like Yugoslavia or Iraq. She lost the war and is haunted by past mistakes.
Massive reconstruction is now necessary.
Between the ages of 50 - 60 she is like Russia or Canada. Very wide, quiet and the borders are practically
unpatrolled but he frigid climate keeps people away.
Between the ages of 60 - 70 a woman is like England or Mongolia. With a glorious and all conquering past but
alas no future.
After 70, they become like Afghanistan. Everyone knows where it is, no one wants to go there.
● Part Two 跟读练习
Read the following number s quickly.
one hundred
hundredth thousandth
Read the following numbers.
Read the following for mulae.
26-8= 18
7×9= 63.
Four minus two is two.
Twenty-six minus eight is eighteen.
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Seven plus five is twelve.
Three times eight is twenty-four.
Three plus seven is ten.
Ninety divided by three is thirty.
Five times thirty-one is
Forty-five divided by six is nine.
one hundred and fiftySeven times nine is sixty-three.
Fifty-seven plus twenty-five is eighty-two.
D. Read this paragr aph loudly and try to remember the number s in it.
The Chinese language usually refers to the standard language and its dialect used by the Han nationality that
makes up 93.3% of the total population. Most of the minority nationalities in China have their own languages. Both
numerically and in the extent of its distribution, Chinese is the most important language in China and also one of the
official working languages of the United Nations. It is also one of the richest and highly developed languages in the
Chinese is also spoken by many overseas Chinese:it is the common languages of more than 10 million overseas
Chinese and persons of Chinese descent in Southeast Asia alone. At present, more than one billion people,
approximately 1/5 of the world’s population, speak Chinese as their mother tongue.
A written form of the language was developed as early as 6,000 years ago. From the point of view of its origin,
it belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family.
Read the following passage.
The United States is a land of great differences—differences in climate; In landscape; in altitude. The
continental United States, the country’s territory on the North American continent, stretches about 4,500 kilometers
from the eastern coast, that is, the Atlantic Coast, to the Pacific Ocean on the West; and it extends 2,557 kilometers
from the northern boundary to the southern tip of Texas. The country borders Canada on the north and goes down
south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. Including the States of Alaska and Hawaii, the United States covers an area
of nine million square kilometers, or, to be more exact, 9,191,843 sq. km., a little less than the area of the People ’s
Republic of China, which is 9,600,000 sq. km.
There are altogether 50 states in the United States, the largest of which is Alaska (1,518,807 sq. km.). It was well
known as Russian American until purchased by the Untied States from Russia in1867. It was linked to the United
States by the Alaska Highway in 1942, and became the 49 th state of the U.S.A. in 1959.
Texas is second in size (692,563 sq. km.), which is larger than France, but is only a little less than half of the
area of China’s Xing Jiang Uighur Autonomous Region.
Hawaii lies in the tropical zone of the Pacific, 3,200 km. away from the North American Continent. It is a group
of islands, which became the 50 th state of the United States in 1959. Hawaii was made very famous by the Japanese
attack, on December 7,1941, on one of its islands —Pearl Harbor which is situated near Honolulu, the capital of
A jet plane can fly over the continental United States from the east coast to the Pacific Ocean on the west in
about five hours; it will take a little more than two days to travel by train from Los Angeles on the west to New York
City on the east coast. And I think that is about the same, or a little more than the time required to travel from China’s
Beijing to Quangdong. Of course the actual distance of the former is much greater, since the train travels almost 100
km. an hour in the United States while your train here, I believe, normally travels no more than 70 km. an hour.
C. 1.
E. 1.
18 80
19 90
14 20
15 50
Answer Key
4. 13 30
9. 14 40
4. 18
9. 20
14. 1 , 75
19. 33
4. 16
9. 80
15 50
13 30
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LESSON 56 中性的句子重音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
We say that a sentence has neutral sentence stress (or neutral phrase stress) if there is no special loudness or
force given to a particular word to show emphasis or contrast. Sentences with neutral sentence stress generally have
the strong stress on the last noun, verb, or adjective in the sentence.
● Part One 重音规则及练习
Listen and repeat.
Last Word
ry ?
He’s reading a bóok
Are you buying a gift for Máry
John’s wórking
Do you like to r éad
Is her car bl
blúee ?
I’m very húngry
ently. You’re doing very wéll
Adverb of Manner He speaks English fl
Listen and repeat.
Do you hear me?
Don’t send it.
I called her.
Can you do it?
I don’t like that
Who told you?
当名词或动词后面跟一个介词和一个代词(to him, in it)时,句子的重音落在这个名词或动词上。
Listen and repeat.
ndow for me.
vie with us.
Open the wíndow
Cóme to the móvie
Whát did he s áyy about it?
Whát can we dó with it?
如:I have wórk to do.
Listen and repeat.
have work to do
several bills to pay
mails to answer
some telephone calls to make
several letters to write
a few windows to wash
some friends to visit
some books to return
a paper to write
an examination to take
● Part Two 听辨练习
Form sentences. Use words and phrases from columns A, B, and C (Iam reading a
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good book) or from A and B (Who fell?).
1. The car radio
2. Who
3. I/He
4. English
5. What
6. This water
am reading
is/is not
isn’t working
her new address
on the floor
a good book
very hot
very well
at the door
in the hospital
at home
in China
Read the sentence. Then say it again and change the under lined word(s) to a
Example: He
He’’s writing a letter. He
He’’s writing it.
He’s writinga letter.
Put some gas inthe car.
Tell Mr. Prado about the meeting.
Who calledthe doctor?
He’s writing his sister.
They kidnappedthe boy.
Did you mail the package?
Where did you seeMr. and Mrs.Ames?
Openthe box.
Look, who’s dancing with Angela?
Did he pay a lot for the car?
They handcuffed the prisoner.
C. Read the sentence. Then give advice or make a suggestion using the words in
parentheses. Be sure to use a preposition and a pronoun in your sentence.
Study the example
This lamp doesn
doesn’’t work.
Why don
don’’t you/Maybe you
you’’d better put a bulb in it.
1. I haven’t heard from June recently. (write)
2. This radio won’t work anymore. (new batteries)
3. This spot won’t come out of her dress.(cleaning fluid)
4. I wonder why Tom didn’t go to the party. (ask)
5. This soup is tasteless. (salt)
6. This door won’t lock. (a new lock)
7. I can’t get candy out of this machine. (more money)
8. I don’t know where Tommy is. (look for)
9. This flashlight won’t turn on. (new bulb)
10. This cut is bleeding badly. (bandage)
D. Listen to the following sentences, trying to find out which word is stressed.
1. There are a number of problems to be taken up at the meeting.
2. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.
3. This is a point for you to keep in mind.
4. The doctors give me some tablets, to be taken three times a day before meals.
5. It took them two years and a half to complete the project.
6. Her wish is to become a teacher.
7. Our main task at present is to raise our efficiency.
8. What we should do now is to better the living condition of the people.
9. We are sure to fulfill the plan.
10. No conclusion has been reached as yet.
11. She had never been asked to speak before such a big audience.
12. A reception was hold in honour of the guests.
13. A plan will be made to further raise our efficiency.
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14. They spent three days on the mountainside.
15. The worker was sent to prison for two years.
16. The fire started on the first floor of the hospital.
17. Have you read the book yet?
18. The newcomer is a young teacher fresh from college.
19. He lost the key to the drawer.
20. This story was painful to listen to.
Here is a joke, please tell it to your classmates.
A curious guy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. There he sees a parrot with a red string tied to its left leg and a
green string tied to it’s right leg. He asks the owner the significance of the strings.
“Well, this is a highly trained parrot. If you pull the red string he speaks French; if you pull the green string he
speaks German,” replies the shop keeper.
“And what happens if I pull both the strings?” our curious shopper inquires.
“I fall off my perch, you fool!!” screeches the parrot.
F. Appreciate the English song. It would be better to listen to this tape or CD.
Will this night fulfill all the promises
And bury us in peace
Will it leave us free and forgetful
Or at least bring some sleep
Your eyes don’t catch the little things
As they narrow on your fall
I’m checking your pulse ‘cause you’re so quiet
I’m kissing you but you don’t feel it
Why do you do this to me?
Showing me all that I’m good for
Is to watch you sleep as lifeless as anangel
She was the most beautiful cloud
That ever passed before the face of a girl
Seems like nothing’s too good for this life
Some things are too good for this world
And our names and our faces
Well they’re just spare change
In memory of a soul
Kept dropping spare change
Why won’t you stay? In memory of a little girl
Who was far too much in love with the world?
And who didn’t really wanna stick around for the end
Why won’t you stay?
G. Listen to the paragr aph, trying to find out the stressed words.
“Happy Birthday to You
You”” Where did that song come from?
The story of how the song “Happy Birthday to You” came to be, began as a sweet one, that later soured. Two
sisters, Mildred Hill, a teacher at the Louisville, Kentucky Experimental Kindergarten, and Dr. Patty Hill, the
principal of the same school, together wrote a song for the children, entitled “Good Morning to All. ” When Mildred
combined her musical talents, as the resident expert on spiritual songs, and as the organist for her church, with her
sister’s expertise in the area of Kindergarten Education, “Good Morning to All” was sure to be a success.
The sisters published the song in a collection entitled “Song Stories of the Kindergarten” in 1893. Thirty-one
years later, after Dr. Patty Hill became the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia
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University’s Teacher College, a gentleman by the name of Robert H. Coleman published the song, without the sisters’
permission. To add insult to injury, he added a second verse, the familiar “Happy Birthday to You.”
Mr. Coleman ’s addition of the second verse popularized the song and, eventually, the sisters’ original first verse
disappeared. “Happy Birthday to You,” the one and only birthday song, had altogether replaced the sisters’ original
title, “Good Morning to All.”
After Mildred died in 1916, Patty, together with a third sister named Jessica, sprang into action and took Mr.
Coleman to court. In court, they proved that they, indeed, owned the melody. Because the family legally owns the
song, it is entitled to royalties from it, whenever it is sung for commercial purposes.
LESSON 57 对比句的重音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 通常的重读(重音落在最后一个名词、动词、形容词或副词上)情况下,出现在短语或句子末尾并代表
Listen and repeat, paying particular attention to the two contrastive content words.
ll, but his brother’s sh
rt .
John’s táll
My coat is r éd, but his coat is wh
whííte .
She’s going to wear a sc
scáárf not a sweater.
ffee, but I like téaa.
He likes cóffee
lls, but he never wrítes.
He often cólls
You must stáyat home, but you sister can gó out.
w, he’s coming láter
ter .
He isn’t coming nów
ssroom , not in the dórmitory
I met him in the cl
2. 代表所对照内容物的两个单词不在短语或句子末尾或为非实词时,重音也要转移到这两个单词上,不论
Read these sentences, stressing the contrasting demonstratives or possessive forms.
1. Do you want th
thíss pen, or th
thátt one?
ur teacher or mine?
2. Who said that, yóur
3. Does th
thíss car or th
thátt one have more safety features?
urs .
4. Those aren’t my glasses. They’re yóurs
ur car wasn’t damaged, th
irs Was.
5. Yóur
ther one was.
6. Thís book wasn’t very interesting, but the óther
7. Judy didn’t tell hérr mother. She told my mother.
rs .
8. This is not my bag. It is hérs
male writer. Th
le one.
9. Thís novel was written by a fémale
Thátt one was written by a mále
ur teacher to do it.
10. I asked my teacher to do it. I didn’t ask yóur
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen to the statement. Then for m another sentence like the example. Use
sentence stress on the contr asted noun modifier.
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That’s Helen ’s new silver brácelet. (gold)
Oh, I thought she was going to buy a gold bracelet.
1. Here’s my new French dictionary. (English)
2. Here’s my new winter coat. (summer)
3. That’s Tom’s new red sweater. (yellow)
4. That’s Laura’s new wool jacket. (leather)
5. This is my cousin Mary. (friend)
6. He is an old teacher in our school. (new)
7. This is our new classroom. (their)
8. He had bought 2 lamps. (3)
9. That’s the tallest building in the world. ( in your country)
10. I’m going to visit my friend. (teacher)
Compare two people, places, or things. Stress the adjective modifier.
Broadway/wíde/First Street/nárrow street
Broadway is a wide street, but First Street is a narrow one.
On your own
1. Weaver/English/Chang/Chinese name
2. “Children”/plural/”child”/singular noun
3. Norm Bolz/brilliant/H.R. Block/ordinary accountant
4. South America/large/Australia/small continent
5. Robert Redford/famous/Harry Ames/unknown actor
6. My brother/ naughty/his brother/obedient boy.
7. We/the tallest/they/the lowest floor.
8. I /early/he/late
9. I/red/she/black skirt
10. The old/hate/ the young/like this trend
11. He/rich/I/poor family.
C. Listen to each sentence. Then follow the examples and form a negative statement
with the same verb and an affirmative sentence with the verb in parentheses.
Mary threw away her old díary. (burn)
She didn’t just throw awáy her old diary. She búrned it.
On your own
1. Bryan entered the race. (win)
2. Woody Allen acts in movies. (direct)
3. Mr. Flaks grew the vegetables. (can)
4. Ken Scott designs the new dresses. (market)
5. IrvingBerlin wrote many famous songs. (sing)
6. Brent Holly designs new houses. (build)
7. He listened to the lecture.(record)
8. My brother found the mistake in his homework.(correct)
9. The lady attended the meeting.(make a speech)
10. We thank you for your bravery. (reward)
D. Use the word(s) in parentheses and form a second sentence like the model. Then
read both sentences, stressing and contr asting the subjects.
John isn’t my brother. (Tim)
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John isn’t my brother. Tim is.
On your own
1. The Canadians didn’t win the game. (the Mexicans)
2. The judge didn’t decide the case. (the jury)
3. Southern Airways doesn’t have the lowest fares. (United Airlines)
4. The tiger isn’t the fastest jungle animal. (the leopard )
5. The secretary of state didn’t say that. (the president)
6. His leg wasn’t broken in the accident. (his arm)
7. Helen Lassiter wasn’t elected president. (Ellen Lassiter)
8. Checking accounts don’t usually pay interest. (savings accounts)
9. My mother seldom helps me with my study. (my father)
10. The red sweater isn’t mine. (the blue one)
Read the sentences to yourself and read them aloud.
1. I don’t know your brother, but I know your sister.
2. Your brother didn’t tell me that. Your sister did.
3. I can’t come, but my wife will be there.
4. The cat wasn’t in the garage. It was on the garage.
5. I didn’t tell her. I told him.
6. The doors aren’t open. The windows are.
7. The trombone isn’t a stringed instrument. The piano is.
8. She didn’t see the thief. She heard him.
9. Your book report didn’t get an A. Mine did.
10. He didn’t say he could come. He said he couldn’t come.
11. A:I didn’t order fish. B:What did you order, sir?
12. He doesn’t walk for exercise. He jogs.
Listen and repeat. Stress the verbs.
1. You can either p?sh it or p?ll it.
2. You can either type your name or prínt it.
3. You can either rént your house or búy it.
4. You can either réad during your lunch hour or éxercise then.
5. You can either stáy or léave.
6. You can either kéep silent or cónfess your crime.
7. You can either óbey this rule or negléct it.
8. You can either ágree or objéct.
9. You can either réad or wríte.
10. You can either thínk about it or dó it.
G. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the stressed words.
1. She speaks English as fluently as native speakers.
2. He is as busy as a bee all year around.
3. Among all the courses, I like nothing better than to learn physics.
4. Of all the books written by the famous writer Parsons, I like this one the most.
5. He is a professor more in name than in reality.
6. The dress is not more expensive than that one.
7. They can do no more than that.
8. She is no less beautiful than her sister.
9. I like music, much more than dancing.
10. The more books you read, the more learned you will be.
H. Read the dialogue.
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Mother:Go wash your hands, Danny. Dinner is ready.
Danny :Yes, Mom. Mother:All right, everybody. Time for dinner!
Father :It makes my mouth water, Mother.
Mother:Set a good example for the kids, Father. (Danny stands up and reaches for the saltshaker.) Don’t do that,
Danny :But I want the salt.
Mother:You can ask Fanny to pass the saltshaker.
Danny :All right. (To Fanny)Will you please pass me the saltshaker?
Fanny :Sure. Here you are.
Danny :Thank you.
Fanny :You’re welcome...Shall I serve the soup, Mother?
Mother:Yes, please.(Fanny serves everybody soup.) Danny!
Danny :What is it this time?
Mother:Don’t make any sound when you have your soup.
Danny :Yes, Mother. Father :Don’t be so hard on him, Mother. He’s only a child.
Mother :He’s old enough to learn table manners.
Father :You can teach him in a more pleasant w ay. You’ll spoil his appetite.
Mother:Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t have blamed him before。
I. Read these paragr aphs. How many examples of contr ast stress can you find? Then
listen to the tape or your teacher and read the paragr aphs again.
A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He climbed
to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow... He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.
Time went by...the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree everyday.
One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy.
“I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy
them.” “Sorry, but I don’t have money...but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The
boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked
the apples. The tree was sad.
One day, the boy returned and the tree was so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have
time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?” “Sorry, but I don’t have a
house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left
The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree said.
“I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my truck to build
your boat. You can sail faraway and be happy.” So the boy cut the tree truck to make a boat. He went sailing and
never showed up for a long time.
Finally, the boy returned after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have anything for you
anymore. No more apples for you...”the tree said. “I don’t have teeth to bite.” the boy replied. “No more truck for you
to climb on.” “I am too old for that now.” the boy said. “I really can give you anything ... the only thing left is my
dying roots.” the tree said with tears. “I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am tired after all these years.” The
boy replied. “Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, Come sit down with me and rest.” The
boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...
This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parent. When we were young, we loved to play with Mom and Dad...
When we had grown up, we left them... only came to them when we need something or when we are in trouble.
No matter what, parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy.
You may think the boy is cruel to the tree but that how all of us are treating our parent.
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for
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those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
LESSON 58 实意重读
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● 听 辨 练 习
Listen carefully. Then mark the sentence stress. Use this mark (‘ ).
1. Where is your book?
6. He’s writing a book.
2. What is your first name?
7. Did my sister call?
3. What’s your last name?
8. The Wilsons are giving the party.
4. Do you speak English?
9. I don’t want to go.
5. Do you read it?
10. Please give the book to me.
Listen and repeat.
1. Tom likes to play sóccer.(normal stress)
Tom likes to pláy soccer. (not watch it or talk about it)
Tom líkes to play soccer. (He doesn’t dislike it.)
Tóm likes to play soccer. (Tom, not Bob or Phil)
2. Mrs. Todd likes to walk to wórk. (normal stress)
Mrs. Todd likes to walk tó work. (But she doesn’t like to walk home from work.)
Mrs. Todd likes to walk to wórk. (not drive or take the bus)
Mrs. Todd líkes to walk to work. (She doesn’t dislike it.)
Mrs. Tódd likes to walk to work. (not Mrs. Lock or Mrs. Shapiro)
Mrs. [mísiz] Todd likes to walk to work. (not her husband, Mr. Todd)
3. Today is Tom’s bírthday.
Today is Tóm’s birthday.
Today ís Tom’s birthday.
4. Do you walk to school?
Do you wálk to school?
Do yóu walk to school?
C. First listen to sentences 1 through 5, and then repeat them. Finally listen to the
sentence and choose a second sentence (a through e) to follow it.
1. My father doesn’t play tennis on Sáturday.
5. My father doesn’t play tennis on Saturday.
nnis on Saturday.
2. My father doesn’t play ténnis
a. He watches it.
3. My father doesn’t pl
plááy tennis on Saturday.
b. My mother does.
4. My fáther doesn’t play tennis on Saturday.
c. Someone else’s father does.
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d. He plays on Sunday.
e. He plays golf.
D. Read the sentences. Explain their meaning.
1. I can’t come néxt week. (I can come the week áfter.)
2. Téd didn’t tell me.
3. She bought a réd sweater.
4. His lég wasn’t broken.
5. Where there is oppression, there is resístence.
6. How many nationálities are there in China?
7. There is no wáter left in the cup.
8. I expect there to be móre people attending this meeting.
9. His opinion dóes influence mine in the discussion.
10. It was my fríend who reminded me of it.
11. Only by thís means can you improve your English.
12. This is a pálace of a house.
13. I’m sure that you can wríte about it.
14. You know that we should díscuss it today.
15. She says that shé wants us to take it away.
16. An ápple a day keeps the doctor away.
17. He said hé had to leave at once.
18. He wrote the letter on Mónday morning.
19. He cut the bread with a shárp knife.
20. We have waited for an hóur.
Appreciate the English song.
I can’t stop loving you,
I’ve made up my mind to live in memory of old lonesome time.
I can’t stop loving you,
It’s useless to say,
So I’ll just live in my life in dreams of yesterday.
Those happy hours that we once knew tho’ long ago,
Still make me blue.
They say that time heals a broken heart,
But times has stood still since we’ve been apart.
I can’t stop loving you,
There’s no use to try pretend there’s some one new I can’t live a lie.
I can’t stop wanting you,
The way that I do.
There’s only been one love for me that one love is you.
Listen to the dialogue and then read it.
Mike :Jill, how do you like your new job ?
Jill: I like it. But how did you know about my new job? I wanted to surprise you.
Mike :I just heard through the grapevine something about you landing a job with some travel agency down
town. You can still fill me in on tile details.
Jill: Well, two weeks ago I got a tip about a possible job opening at Ace Travel Agency over on Franklin
Mike :Sure, Ithink I know the place. Well, anyway, I made a beeline over to their office, had an interview with
the manager, and was told to start work the next day.
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Mike:That’s really great, Barbara. So, what do you do there exactly ?
Jill: Right now I’mbasically just a secretary, but if I’m given the chance, I want to become a travel agent there.
Mike:Don’t tell me your’ re already bucking for a promotion.
Jill: No, of course not. I’ve got a lot to learn yet. In the meantime, I just want tobe a good secretary and not
step on anyone’s toes.
Mike:Well I wish you luck.
G. Read the following passage and try to find which words should be stressed in each
Once More to the Lake
Y E. B. White
One summer, along about 1904, my father rented a camp on a lake in Maine and took us all there for the month
of August. The vacation was a success and from then on none of us ever thought there was any place in the world like
that lake in Maine. We return summer after summer—always on August 1 st for one month. I have since become a
salt-water man, but sometimes in summer there are days when the restlessness of the tides and the fearful cold of the
sea water and the incessant wind which blows across the afternoon and into the evening make me wish for the
placidity of a lake in the woods. A few weeks ago this feeling got so strong I bought myself a couple of bass hooks
and a spinner and returned to the lake where we used to go, for a week’s fishing and to revisit old haunts.
I took along my son, who had never had any fresh water up his nose and who had seen lily pads only from any
train windows. On the journey over to the lake I began to wonder what it would be like. I wondered how time would
be marred this unique, this holy spot—the coves and streams, the hills that the sun set behind, the camps and the
paths behind the camps. I was sure the tarred road would have found it out and I wondered in what other way ways it
would be desolated. It is strange how much you can remember about places like that once you allow your mind to
return into the grooves which lead back. You remember one thing, and that suddenly reminds you of another thing. I
guess I remembered clearest of all the early mornings, when the lake was cool and motionless, remembered how the
bedroom smelled of the lumber if was made of, and of the w et woods whose scent entered through the screen. The
partitions in the camp were thin and did not extend clear to the top of the rooms, and as I was always the first up I
would dress softly so as to wake the others, and sneak out into the sweet outdoors and start out in the canoe, keeping
close along the shore in the long shadow of the pines. I remembered being very careful never to rub my paddle
against the gunwale for fear of disturbing the stillness of the cathedral.
The lake had never been what you would call a wild lake. There were cottages sprinkled around the shores, and
it was in farming country although the shores of the lake were quite heavily wooded. Some of the cottages were
owned by nearby farmers, and you would live at the shore and eat your meals at the farmhouse. That’s what our
family did. But although it wasn’t wild, it was a fairly large and undisturbed lake and there were places in it which, to
a child at least, seemed infinitely remote and primeval…
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Stree & Rhythm
1. 把握重读与升降调之间不可分割的联系。
2. 掌握一些特殊情况下的升降调变化。
1. 跟读磁带的范读内容,将前一章所学关于句子重音的知识逐句验证。
2. 将句子重音的那个点同升降调结合,体会升降调在这个点上的变化并加以运用。
3. 反复跟读磁带,独立完成综合练习,熟练掌握各种情况下语调的变化。
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LESSON 59 降调
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 陈述句一般用降调,声音从一个中等的水平起始,然后在句子重音这个点上声音抬高,力度加大,最后
Examples:I am Mary Smith.
I said to do it.
He wants some chicken.
Life is wonderful.
He doesn’t work part-time.
Jenny enjoyed herself by traveling a lot.
These places are the best ones in America.
I think Peter has been working too hard.
It’s said that the pay in the US is quite satisfactory.
His wish is to becomea good engineer.
Television plays an educational role in our daily life.
2. 如果句子的重音出现在最后一个音节上,声音从一个较高的点上渐渐滑落。
Examples:She’s going hóme.
That’s éníce.
Mary and I are in Class óne.
My name is Bill.
This is our desk.
We should plant more trees and avoid cutting them down.
People have to walk in the sun along the streets.
3. 如果重音不在最后一个音节上,声音直接落下来。
Examples:I’ll call the doctor.
There are several factors.
She bought an umbrella.
The air in the city is very dirty.
Cars are most likely to substitute bicycles in the future.
Your efforts and self-confidence would prove to be fruitful.
Money can’t buy everything.
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1. 特殊疑问句一般也用降调。以疑问代词 who, whose, what, which 和疑问副词 when, where, how, how much,
how long 开头的特殊疑问句,句末一般用降调。
Examples:What is your name?
How old is the man?
What time does the train leave?
How many Englishbooks have you read?
How long have you studied English?
Whose handwriting is the best in his class?
Where have you been all these years?
Which film do you like best?
2. 当句子较长,句中有两三个重读音节时,通常采用先平调、后升调、再平调、再升调、最后降调的读法。
Examples:How long have you lived here?
What time did you get up yesterday morning?
How much is the rent of this apartment?
Why are you standing there and doing nothing?
What difficulties do you have in learning English?
What are the differences between British English and American English?
Where else can you find such strange animals and plants?
祈使句一般也用降调。 说明:祈使句的语调和陈述句相同,一般用降调,即采用平调、升调、降调的调型。
Examples:Let’s go now! Let’s have a rest! Sit down, please. Open your book, please. Don’t look at your books now. Don’t
break the glass. No smoking! Never do that again. 注:please 一词若出现在句末时不重读,但如出现在句首时则要重
读。 Examples :Please bring me those magazines. Please bring your wife next time. Please don’t go there anymore.
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen and repeat.
The lamp is on the désk.
The books are on the cháir.
The baby is on the flóor.
A cat is in the bóx.
I like my wórk.
F ailure is the mother of succéss.
It will do you góod.
This book will prove to be of great hélp.
They’re in the líving room.
Ann is writing a létter.
The child is pláying
The dog is sléeping.
I am a téacher.
Repetition is the mother of stúdy.
It will add to your happíness.
That one is useléss.
Listen and repeat.
Where’s my bóok?
Who’s that mán?
What’s her náme?
When did you cóme?
How is your wífe?
When did you cóme?
Where is your són?
Who is that mán?
How do you like the bóok?
What cólor is the pen?
Listen and repeat.
Let’s gó to school.
Where’s my nótebook?
Who’s that wóman?
What’s her télephone number?
When areyou léaving?
How is your húsband?
How long will you stáy?
Where is your dáughter?
Who is that wóman?
How does he like the pícture?
Gét out of the room.
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Mínd your own business.
Don’t lóok around the road.
Clóse the door.
Pléase open the window.
Gíve me the key to the door.
Lísten to me carefully.
Don’t shóut at me.
Téll me the truth.
Don’t ásk so many questions.
Don’t dó that again.
Don’t gíve up your ideal.
Don’t lóse your heart.
Cóme in, please.
Don’t gó to that kind of place.
D. Read the following sentences with falling intonation, and mark the stresses of each
1. I don’t understand.
7. What’s your name?
2. Please repeat the question.
8. Where do you live?
3. The lesson is on page six.
9. What do you do?
4. Where’s your sister?
10. I’m not a student.
5. She’s at work.
11. I’m an accountant.
6. She works in a hospital.
12. My brother’s anairline pilot.
Listen to the sentences with falling intonation.
A:Where is he going?
A:How are you going there?
B:To the doctor.
B:By train.
A:Where is she going?
A:What do you think about the work?
B:To the dentist’s.
B:It is very boring.
A:I’m leaving tomorrow. When are you leaving? A:What is Beijing like?
B:Next week.
B:Very beautiful.
Listen to the short poems, then read it with falling intonation.
There was anold woman,
And nothing she had.
And so this old woman,
Was said to be mad,
She’d nothing to eat,
She’d nothing to wear,
She’d nothing to lose,
She’d nothing to fear,
She’d nothing to ask,
And nothing to leave,
And when she did die,
Nobody grieved.
G. Appreciate the English song.
Almost heaven,
Western Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountain
Shenandoah River
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growing like a breeze
Dark and dusty
Painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrop in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain Mama
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the Virginia
Mountain Mamma
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice in the morning hours
She calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And driving down the road
I get a feeling
That I should have been home
Yesterday, yesterday
All my memories
Gather round her
Miners’ lady
Stranger to blue water
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West Virginia
Country roads, take me home
Mountain Mama
To the place I belong
Take me home, country road
H. Listen to the paragr aph, paying attention to the falling intonation.
It is not too difficult to teach your dog to sit on command. Call the dog to you, slip the leash over its head, and
say, “Sit!” Repeat the word, hold the dog’s head up with the leash, and press down on its rump. Reward the dog by
giving it a bit of food as soon as it is in a sitting position, and pat it to show that you think it is a good dog. Make the
dog remain sitting until you say “Up. ” The more often you repeat these words, the less time it will take the dog to
understand what it is you want it to do.
In the past five years, there have been great changes in the people’s diet. From the table, we can see that grain,
formerly the main food of most Chinese people, is now playing a less important role in people’s diet, while the
proportion of some high-energy food, milk and meat for example, has increased.
Bill thought seriously of joining the ever-growing number of Australians flocking to the ports. He was a young
man of twenty-two or twenty-three, tall and lean, with a tousled mop of black hair. He liked the outdoors and was
used to roughing it. During holidays and whenever he had the spare time he liked to camp in the bush. He fished in
rivers and mountain creeks, went for long tramps in the valleys and up the hills, and cooked his meals over a
crackling campfire. The thought of going to California and living out in the open near the gold mines. Nothing
worried him.
● Part Two 跟读练习
Read the following sentences with falling intonation.
He speaks Frénch.
She speaks Spánish
She’s an enginéer.
She’s at the drúgstore.
She’s a nurse.
He’s an accóuntant.
His suit is blúe.
Her dress is yéllow.
This is his bág.
That is his bággage.
Tom went to the párk.
Jane was in the gárden.
I am a student.
He is a teacher.
I like music.
He likes reading.
Read the following sentences.
What are you chatting about?
What do you think of this plan?
What kind of coat does she like?
What time is the plane due to arrive?
What was the girl like?
Which class are you in?
Whose turn is it to speak?
Which bus do you think I should take?
Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
When will you be back?
C. Complete the following sentences.
Be sure to …(call me up, write to us)
Take care not to …(dirty your coats, do too much work)
Be so kind as to …(post the letter for me, take a message to Kate)
Don’t bother to …(get dinner for us, mend this pair of socks)
Don’t trouble to …(send for a doctor, rewrite the letter)
Don’t be (so stupid, so sure of yourself)
Do… (have confidence in yourselves, accept the present)
Mind …(the dog outside the yard, the person over there)
D. Read the dialogue, paying attention to the falling intonation.
A:Good afternoon, would you mind if I sit here?
B:Of course not.
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A:I’m Jack. What’ s your name?
A:Do you like this place?
B:I don’t think it’s very nice. And my father doesn’t like it. But my mother likes it very much. So we often come
A:How often?
B:Well, we come here almost every month.
A:Who’s that?
B:It’s my mother. She’s fond of swimming. And the man beside her is my father.
A:Do you like swimming?
B:No, I hate swimming. I prefer playing tennis.
Read the following poem.
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up withsnow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are loved, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Read the following paragr aph.
As a young girl, Elizabeth Barret raptured a blood vessel in the lungs, which did not heal. Her physician
consigned her to a milder climate for the winter and she went to Devonshire for restoration. Among the members of
her family who accompanied her to those healing shores was her eldest brother, for a whole year they lived side by
side in affectionate companionship, she all the while being greatly benefited by the mild sea breezes of Torquay.
One summer morning her brother embarked on board a small sailboat with two friends for a trip of several hours
around the coast. Just as the vessel came in sight of the window where Miss Barret set watching, the boat struck a
sunken reef, and all who were in it went down and perished in the sea, before assistance could be rendered. None of
the bodies were ever found, although the whole village, full of sympathy, assembled in search.
This was the tragedy which utterly prostrated for some years afterwards the health and soul of Elizabeth Barret.
Somehow she felt that she herself had in some measure been the cause of all this horror, and she suffered accordingly.
Her whole being seemed shattered, and a full year elapsed before she was able to be moved to London. This fatal
event, which so saddened her youth, gave also a still deeper devotional feeling to her poems. The shadow fell upon
her heart, and her spirit, thus chastened, took the hue of sorrow so apparent in many of her earlier pieces.
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LESSON 60 升调
● Warm Up 语音课堂
上把调拔起来,而不是随意一升,或从后面的单词上升起来的。 一般疑问句需要用一个 yes 或 no 回答,这类问
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen and repeat.
Do you know Márc?
Does he speakénglish?
Is the baby sleéping?
Did you study French?
Is the cat playing with a báll?
Did you live in Fránce?
Are the boys asléep?
Can you spéak English?
Do you knów Mr. Brown?
Can I have a tálk with you?
Listen to these yes-no questions with rising intonation.
Did you study Spanish?
Does she like reading?
Can you speak it?
Would you like a cup of tea?
Was Ann at her desk?
Did you post that letter for me?
Was she writing letters?
Have you seen the film yet?
Does Mary live in New York?
Does he speak Italian?
Do you know her?
Do they live in New York?
Are you a student?
Is she a professor?
Can you hear me?
Are they watching TV?
Have they finished the work?
Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Can you see the picture on the wall?
Shall we start off now?
Answer the following questions.
Is that your wífe ?
Does she speakénglish?
Is that your són ?
Is he a stúdent?
Is his name Bób
Does he live in NewYórk ?
Is that your cár?
Is it a Vólvo?
Is it láte ?
Are they sléeping ?
Did he expláin this?
Is it impórtant ?
Do you smóke a lot?
Is she stúdying now?
D. Read the sentences with rising intonation.
Are you a student ?
Do you like Beijing Opera?
Is Ms. Brown your teacher?
Do you speak Italian?
Is your sister a lawyer ?
Do you live in South America ?
Are you in class ?
Do you play tennis?
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Do you drive a car?
Is she a lawyer?
E. Read the following dialogue.
George:Are you free for lunch, Al?
Bob:I’m planning to eat at my desk this noon, George. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
George:Joan Corbett from Electronic Futures is coming over.
Bob:Is that the new account you were talking about?
George:Well, not yet, but we’re hoping to get it. It would be good for you to meet her.
Bob:Yeah, I agree. I’m joining you. What time?
George:Oh, that’s great. One o’clock in my office.
F. Listen to the reading. Then ask yes-no questions about it.
Today is an important day for Lucy and Frank Manners. It is their wedding anniversary, their fiftieth. They were
married in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in 195(2). Frank is now seventy-two, and Lucy is seventy. Frank was an
electrician. Lucy was a cashier in Thompson’s Drugstore for thirty years.
Their three children are home today. Ted is forty-five. He’s a language teacher. He teaches French and Spanish.
He’s married and has two children, Florence and Billy. He lives in Miami, Florida.
Kimberly is a lawyer. She’s single and lives in New York City. She’s forty-three. Foster is an artist. He lives in
Los Angeles, California. He’s forty and single.
Tonight they are all having a big party. Who is going to cook dinner? Not Lucy Manners! They are all going out
to an expensive restaurant.
(Example:Were they married in New York? No, they were married in Scranton, Pennsylvania.)
● Part Two 跟读练习
Read the sentences with rising intonation.
1. Is it John?
2. Do you think it is true?
3. Does he bring you some chocolate?
4. Is this the one I borrowed from the library?
5. Is your mother at home?
6. Do you want to talk with him?
7. Does she know the cause of this accident?
8. Is that Mr. Smith speaking?
9. Is this book you are looking for?
10. Are you going to visit your professors tonight?
Answer the questions.
Can you finish this task on time?
Is the dictionary expensive?
Did you pass the entrance examination?
Have you been to Suzhou?
Would you like to go out for a while?
Did you have a good time?
Should we attend the meeting?
Does our teacher tell you this?
Will you give me some advice?
Have you received any reply?
Appreciate the English song.
Are You Lonesome Tonight Are you lonesome tonight?
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
Does your memory stray to a bright summer day?
When I kissed you and called you sweet heart
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare?
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there
Is your heart filled with pain?
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Shall I come back again?
Tell me dear:
I wonder if you are lonesome tonight. You know someone said the world is a stage and we each must play a
part. Fate had me play in love with you as my sweet heart. Ac t one was when we met. I loved you at first glance.
You read your lines so cleverly and never misses a cue. Then came act two, using the change you acted strange,
and why I’d never known. Honey you lied when you said you love me, and I had no cause to doubt you. But I
would rather go on living without you. Now the stage is bare and I’m standing there with emptiness all round.
And if you won’t come back to me, then they can bring the curtain down.
LESSON 61 陈述句的升调语气
● Warm Up 语音课堂
Listen to the following statements and questions
He’s coming.
He’s coming?
She knows him.
She knows him?
They didn’t want to come.
They didn’t want to come?
He’s forty-two.
He’s forty-two? (I can’t believe it! He doesn’t look that old.)
That’s his wife.
That’s his wife? (I can’t believe that woman is his wife. I’m very surprised.)
● Part One 听辨练习
A. If the sentences are read with a rising intonation, use a question mark (?). If read
with a falling intonation (a statement), use a period (.). Listen and repeat.
That’s your sister.
The flower is beautiful.
She was born in China.
He has been to London.
You didn’t see her.
You are talking about your homework.
They speak Portuguese.
He’s a graduate.
He didn’t answer.
You gave her money.
He’s a psychologist.
You’re working in the house at that time.
We weren’t invited.
They have sold out their products.
You know her.
Your mother is ill.
That’s your bike.
She can help me with some cooking.
The book is thick.
Carol has a new car.
B. Listen and repeat. Then explain the rising intonation.
1. a. My sister’s coming tomorrow.
b. Your sister? I didn’t know you had a sister.
2. a. I failed the math exam.
b. You failed it? I don’t believe it. You’re so good in math.
3. a. It is raining outside.
b. Raining? It was sunny when I came back a moment ago.
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4. a. More than 300 people died of this illness.
b. More than 300 hundred? I hadn’t thought this illness was so serious.
5. a. The coat costs me 1,200 dollars.
b. 1,200dollars? I think it is too expensive.
6. a. I want you to meet my mother.
b. Your mother? I can’t believe it. She looks like your sister.
7. a. I knew your father.
b. You knew my father? Yes. He and my father were friends.
8. a. I’ve just come back from Mr. Brown’s funeral.
b. Mr. Brown is dead? I saw him doing exercises just a week ago.
9. a. She passed the entrance examinations to.
b. She passed? It is impossible because she seldom study.
10. a. I have known what had happened.
b. You have known this? I didn’t expect that you have known it.
Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the rising intonation.
A: Honey, I have something important to say.
B: Something important?
A: Yes. I have just booked two tickets.
B: Tickets? What tickts?
A: Two air tickts.
B: Air tickets?
A: Yes. We will fly to Paris the day after tomorrow.
B: We? The day after tomorrow? What are you talking about?
A: Today is it!
B: Then it is June 20 the day after tomorrow.
A: Yes. Think about it carefully.
B: Oh, come on. Tell me please. Why did you book tickets to Paris?
A: Oh, honey! Don’t you remember this important day to us?
B: Sorry.
A: It is our 10th wedding anniversary this June 20.
B: Our 10th wedding anniversary?
A: Of course. You completely forgot it.
B: Darling. I think you have made a mistake.
A: Ihave made a mistake?
B: Yes. We married on July 20 ten years ago.
A: July 20? But I think it should be June 20.
B: Yes. We ahd planned to marry on June 20, but something happened, so we had to put off our wedding day.
A: Yes. I remember now. We put it off. I did make a mistake. But how shall we deal with the tickets?
B: Since you have booked. Then let’s celebrate our wedding anniversary before hand.
A: You mean?
B: Yes, quite right. We’ll fly to Paris the day after tomorrow to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.
A: Terrific!
● Part Two 跟读练习
Read the following sentences with rising intonation.
She is a famous dancer?
He stolen your money?
You sold your bike?
You feel tired?
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He can win the first prize?
That is your suitcase?
You have visited Rome for two times?
You have seen her off at last?
She is studying Japanese?
Your mother is coming?
B. Read the dialogue below.
Liming: Excuse me. You look familiar. Did you use to live in this city?
Wangtao: Yes.
Liming: Did you use to work at the music school not far from here?
Wangtao: Yes. I taught music there for a few years.
Liming: Oh, did you know Huang Long? He was a music student.
Wangtao: Huang Long? Didn’t he use to wear a funny yellow jacket all the time?
Liming: Yes. And he used to play the piano with a ja zz group at the university.
Wangtao: Yes, I remember Huang. Most students thought he was a little… nh…
peculiar. Do you know what he’s doing now?
Liming: Yes, he’s a millionaire in Hong Kong now.
Wangtao:A millionaire? As a ja zz musician?
Liming: Oh, no. He’s an executive for a large computer company. I saw an interview with him on TV a few
days ago. They were asking his opinion about future use for compuliar anymore.
Wangtao: Well! I guess people don’t find him so peculiar anymore.
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LESSON 62 特殊疑问句的升调语气
● Warm Up 语音课堂
1. 特殊疑问句一般用降调,其功能是用来索取信息。
What’s her name?
Where does she live?
In Paris.
2. 有时对话一方没有听清或不明白另一方的话时,需要对方重复所讲的话,这时可用升调来问“What did you
Our son’s a doctor.
I’m going swimming.
What did you say?
I said our son’s a doctor.
I said I’m going swimming.
3. 有时问话一方没听清,或不明白对方对所问问题的回答时,问话方可用升调重复刚刚所问问题,或只用
Where does your daughter live?
Who’s your teacher?
When are you leaving?
She’s living in Montreal.
Mr. Farmer.
Next week.
Where does she live?
In Montreal.
Mr. Farmer.
Next week.
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen to these exchanges, paying par ticular attention to the intonation of the
question word. Then circle the correct response, a or b.
1. There was a big explosion in Texas.
7. They spent two nights
a. In Texas.
b. In Houston.
near the seashore.
2. Someone broke something in my office yesterday.
a. Two nights. b. Two
a. My cup. b. My desk lamp.
3. I’ll meet you later this afternoon.
8. The man in the corner is
a. Later this afternoon. b. At four o’clock.
my boss.
4. Guess what I just found!
a. I didn’t know. b. My
a.A wallet.
b. A twenty-dollar bill.
5. I happened to meet my former manager on the way home.
9. About a million people
a. My former manager. b. A classmate.
in our province are peasants.
6. I showed the prize to my mother.
a. Young people. b.
a.The prize. b. Nothing.
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10. He advised me to go and see his sister.
a. His sister. b. My sister.
How long?
Are what?
To see whom?
B. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the intonation.
1. Is he studying English?
He’s studying Eskimo. What?
What’s he studying?
2. Where were you last Friday?
Where was I last Friday?
3. What were you doing just now?
What were we doing?
4. Who paid for the dinner?
Who paid? (I did, of course.)
5. Why have you brought your umbrella?
Why have I brought my umbrella?
6. How did you get here?
How did I get here?
7. He’s getting old.
8. When did you go to the library?
When did I go to the library?
9. What did you think of the city?
What did I think of the city?
10. How many times did you go over your textbooks?
How many times did we go over our textbooks?
Listen to the intonation of the question words in the following exchanges.
Ask for information Ask for repetition
1. Marie lives in France now.
In Paris.
2. Marie lives in France now.
In France.
3. A friend of mine won a trip to New York.
Jim White.
4. Harriet Summeril won the annual art contest. Harriet who?
Harriet Summeril.
5. She decided to do that by herself.
Wash all the dirty clothes.
6. They came back very later last night, about 23:00 o’clock.
About 23:00 o’clock.
First read these conversations. Then mark the rising arrow on those question
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1. A:My car was stolen.
A:Just a few minutes ago.
A:Just a few minutes ago.
2. A:Whenare you leaving for Japan?
B:Next month.
B:On the fourteenth.
B:On the fourteenth.
3. A:I was in Chicago last week.
A:Last week.
A:On Tuesday and Wednesday.
4. A:Where did you see him last?
B:In Georgia.
B:In Atlanta
Read the following paragr aph, paying attention to the intonation.
Susie:I’m tired, Larry. Can we have a break?
Larry:What? You’re tired? But we just started about twenty minutes ago.
Susie:I know, but I’mreallytired. My stomach feels funny.
Larry:What’s the matter?Didn’t you sleep well last night?
Susie:I was too excited to sleep last night. I didn’t go to sleep until quite late.
Larry:Then when did you go to sleep?
Susie:About 2 o’clock in the morning.
Larry:When? About 2 o’clock. Oh, Susie. Didn’t I tell you over and over again that you wouldn’t be able to
climb the mountain unless you got enough sleep?
Susie:You did, but I can’t help it.
Larry:This is a one-day trip. We’ll have to keep going and try to reachthe top by noon or give up right now and
go home. Which one do you choose?
Susie:Which one do I choose?I don’t want to give up, but I really feel tired.
Larry:So, make up your mind quickly. Whether to keep going or give up.
Susie:Let me think about it. What should I do? I think I will not give up.
Larry:(After a while) Can you go on now?
Susie:Don’t push me. What I need is to rest for a while.
Larry : I’m experienced, Susie. We won’t be able to reach the top if you keep asking for a break every ten
Susie:It won’t be long. It’s onlyseveral minutes.
Larry:It will last the whole journey. Take my word for it.
Susie :How can I take your word since I’m so tired? Further more this is the first time I’ve ever climbed a
mountain in my life. Don’t be so hard on me.
Larry: Sorry, Susie....Well, we’ll keep going for a while and see how youcan take it. If you do feel ill, we’ll
gohome. We can always go climbing mountains any time you like.
Susie:All right, Larry. Thanks. I’m sorry to spoil this journey.
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LESSON 63 选择疑问句的语调
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
Listen to and repeat the questions.
Do you want Coffee or tea?
Was it Sally or Helen?
Is it John or Fred?
Is Billy hungry or tired?
Was your sister happy or sad?
Is this your bag or his?
Do you like to go out or stay at home?
Is the girl in red or the girl in yellow?
Is this your mirror or mine?
Is the book thick or thin?
Listen carefully. Then repeat the phrases .In these questions there are three
Coffee, tea, or milk
Hondas, Volvos, or Toyotas
Math, science, or history
Repeat the sentences.
Would you like coffee, tea, or milk?
Do they sell Hondas, Volvos, or Toyotas?
Are you studying math, science, or history?
C. Now form questions. Ask someone to make a choice between two things. Begin
with one of the phrases below and select two of the three appr opriate items in the list.
Do you like baseball or soccer?
1. Do you like...?
3. Are
4. Would you
5. Was
2. Who called? Was it...?
you studying...? like...?
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6. Does your son play…?
7. Are you going to...?
8. Is Gloria going to marry...?
the shoe store
her mother
the bank
her sister
a friend
New York
take the bus
the post office
D. Ask questions that requir e the listener to make a choice among two or three things .
As suggestions, ask about:
(1) the kind of car someone drives
(Does Jim drive a Ford or a Chevrolet?)
(2) someone’s nationality, birthplace, or native language
(Is your native language Chinese, Korean, or Japanese? )
(3) favorite kind of entertainment
(Do you prefer to go to the movies, read, or watch television? )
(4) favorite vacation spots or cities
(Would you like to see London, New York , or Ricde Janeiro?)
(5) favorite mode of transportation
(Do you prefer traveling by train, plane, or car? )
(6) favorite kinds of foods, as on a menu
(Would you like peas, carrots, or potatoes?)
E. Read the following dialogue.
A: The May Day holiday is coming. Have you made any plan? Are you going to stay here or go out for a
B: I haven’t decided yet. But I may go out.
A: Where have you planned to go?
B: I want to go to Shanghai, but I also want to visit Hainan.
A: Then which will be your last choice?
B: Idon’t know. How about you? Stay here or leave for other places?
A: I have decided to go to Taishan.
B: By train or by plane?
A: By train.
B: You alone or together with others?
A: Only myself. I prefer traveling alone.
B: If you go out, would you like to go alone or together with others.
A: I think I will choose the latter.
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LESSON 64 并列成串的词的语调
● Warm Up 语音课堂
● Part One 听辨练习
A. Listen and repeat. The number s are said with rising intonation but have falling
intonation at the end of each group.
B. Now listen, and mark the falling intonation at the end of each group of number s and
C. Listen and repeat. The same kind of rising intonation is used with words in series.
apples, bananas, and oranges
speak, read, and write
Harriet, Robert, and Will
pen, paper, and ink
TV, radio, and refrigerator
physics, chemistry, and biology
classroom, library, and office
solid, liquid, and gas
weight, mass, and density
politics, economy, and culture
import, export, and market
author, work, and style
businessman, and tradesman
wholesaler, dealer, and retailer
bus, truck, and taxi
party, masquerade, and fancy ball
Audi, Benz, and Honda
breakfast, lunch, and supper
profession, occupation, and situation
beer, lemonade, and orange juice
D. Complete the sentences with the given words.
For breakfast I have cereal, coffee and juice.
1. For breakfast I have…
2. Bill
speaks . . .
3. That little boy
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is . . .
4. Mr. Novak is buying some…
5. Ms. Gomez has a lot of...
6. My brother plays…
7. We talk about…
8. She likes …
9. The man looks …
c. hungry
d. basketball
e. shirts
f. English
g. red
h. work
i. thin
a. talent
b. cereal
E. Listen to the dialogue.
A:What would you like to have in your breakfast:bread, egg or sandwich?
A:And milk or orange juice?
B:Orange juice.
A:What would you like for lunch:pork, mutton or beef?
B:I think mutton is better.
A:What kind of drink do you like most:red wine, beer or champagne?
B:I like champagne.
A:And among apples, oranges and bananas, which is your favorite?
B:Banana of course.
A:Do you always have meals outside or in your house?
B:I always have meals outside, because I’m not good at cooking.
A:I saw there are many kinds of flowers in your garden such as lily, orchid, rose, jasmine, magnolia, camellia,
peony, etc.
B:Yes, I like flower, so I plant many kinds in my garden.
A:I guess you like orchid most. Am I right?
B:Yes, orchid is my favorite. Orchids have different colors, for example:purple, yellow, red, pink, blue, etc.
A:Is it difficult for you to raise these flowers?
B:Sometimes. But I think this is quite natural. Anyone I think can get much pleasure from it.
F. Appreciate the English song.
Good-bye England Rose
Good-bye England rose;
May you ever grow in our heart where lives were torn apart.
You called out to our country, and you whispered to those in pain.
Now you belong to heaven.
And it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind,
never fading with the sunset when the rain set in.
And your footsteps will always fall here along England’s greenest hills;
your candle’ burned out long before, your legend ever will.
Loveliness we’ve lost, these empty days without your smile.
This torch we’ll always carry for our nation’s golden child.
And even though we try, the truth brings us to tears,
all our words cannot express the joy you brought us through the years.
Good-bye England’s rose, from a country lost without your soul,
who’ll mis s the wings ofyour compassion more than you’ll ever know
G. Read the following paragr aph.
How can we acquire stick-to-itiveness? There is no simple, fast formula. But I have developed a way of thinking
that has rescued my own vacillating will more than once. Here are the basic elements:
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“Won’t power. This is as important as will power. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, “Men must be
decided on what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigor in what they ought to do.”
Discipline means choices. Every time you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more. Every prize
has its price. The prize is the yes; the price is the no. Igor Gorin, the noted Ukrainian-American baritone, told of his
early days studying voice. He loved to smoke a pipe, but one day his professor said, “ Igor, you will have to make up
your mind whether you are going to be a great singer, or a great pipe smoker. You can not be both.” So the pipe went.
Delayed gratification. M. Scott Peck, M.D., author of the best seller The Road less Traveled, describes this tool
of discipline as “a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure by
meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with.”
The secret of such commitment is getting past the drudgery and seeing the delight. “The fact is that many
worthwhile endeavors aren’t fun,” says one syndicated radio and TV commentator. “ True, all work and no play
makes Johnny a dull boy. But trying to turn everything we do into play makes for terrible frustrations, because
life—ven the most rewarding one—includes circumstances that aren’t fun at all. I like my job as a journalist. It’s
personally satisfying, but it isn’t always fun.”
Grammar Words & Intonation
在英语口语中存在大量的音的弱读与略读。如元音字母 a、e、i、o、u 和 y 在弱读音节中都可以读做 []
或 [],这同样给听力及口语表达带来很大难度。本章通过一些有针对性的练习,使大家掌握在句子中究竟
在口语表达中,有些发音上的细节问题也让人困惑。如名词复数形式究竟什么时候 es?加了之后到底
读 []、[]还是[]?还有动词第三人称单数,动词加 ed 的读法等等。本章将对这些问题一一予以讨论,
1. 掌握语法词的弱读、略读。要求听力习惯于弱读与略读,并在口语中熟练的运用。
2. 正确使用冠词读法,规范的读出名词复数,动词第三人称单数及动词加 ed 形式。并加以熟练运用。
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LESSON 65 弱读与略读
● Warm Up 语音课堂
语法性虚词是被弱读的对象,实词很少被弱读。而语法词在英语中的大量运用,使弱读 和略读现象在口语
● Part One 弱读综合练习
Lear ning the strong forms and weak forms of the following words.
s ir
Strong Forms
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Weak Forms
, 
, 
, , , 
, 
, 
, , 
, , 
, 
, , 
, , , 
, , 
, , 
, , , 
, 
mst, ms
, 
, , 
snt, snt, sn, sn
, , 
, , 
, 
, 
, 
 
, ,
, 
, 
, 
, 
, 
● Part Two 单音节词弱读形式的综合练习
A. Listen and repeat.
a boy
an apple
and her
are you
as usual
at home
can do it
he does
for the sake of
book and box
pen and paper
more and more
he and I
his sister and her friend
you and that girl
sooner or later
go or stay
March or May
work or play
one or some
hit and run
yes or no
sugar or salt
believe it or not
no more than
his will
knife and fork
coming and going
sooner or later
sink or swim
B. Make sentences with the words below.
Example:What do shoe stores sell?
They sell shoes and sandals.
1. shoe store
4. drugstore
2. sports store
5. post office
3. clothing store dresses
6. grocery store fruits
Ask one or two questions, using either two or three foods. Then reply as indicated.
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Example:Would you like (Do you want) coffee or tea?
Would you like coffee, tea, or milk? I’d like milk, please.
1. coffee
milk ;
5. brandy
2. fruit
ice cream;
6. biscuit
3. rice
7. peas
4. chicken
8. beef
D. Form phrases with “and”, use the reduced form of “and [n] ” and the reduced for m
of the words in parentheses.
1. (a) book/ pencil (a book ‘n’ a pencil)
2. (the) man/woman
3. (an, some) egg/coffee
4. (an) apple/orange
5. (the) book/magazine
6. (an, a ) arm/leg
E. Form noun phrases like the examples, using the reduced form “of”.
Example:aa box of cookies, a big box of cookies, a big box of chocolate cookie
ice cream
Now tell the location of the people and things around you.
F. A noun with a phrase modifier is spoken as a unit. First repeat the noun phrases.
Then form complete sentences by using appr opriate phrases from the list.
Example:The book on the table is for you.
Noun Phrases
1. The book on the table
a. is waving at us.
2. The woman at the door
b. was very competent .
3. The man in the car
c. is dirty.
4. The music on the radio
d. is a police officer.
5. The man with the gun
e. is for you.
6.The teller in the bank
f. is too loud.
7.The nurses in the hospital
g. is selling something.
8. The dishes in the sink
h. gave me the wrong change.
This is not automatic or rigid, of course. English does not generally allow, for example, more than two or three
weakly stressed syllables in a row without automatically giving medium stress to one of the words.
Repeat the following sentences, paying attention to the pronunciation.
There is a cup of milk on the table.
I am a student of this school.
Would you like to give me an egg?
I have bought the books and related tapes.
They are going to attend a meeting next Friday.
He is as tall as his brother.
We have to stay at home because of the rain.
To be or not to be, that’s the question.
My mother has been to Australia for three times.
I like this pair of shoes very much, but I don’t have enough money with me.
Can you send him a message?
Do you always get up at half past six?
Does Tom believe this story?
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The station is not far from factory.
He had sold the house last week.
My brother has a blue pencil-box.
He has written a letter to her.
It is a well-decorated room.
You must study hard or you will fail the exam.
He is a friend of my father’s.
Shall we start now?
I should tell you the news two days ago.
Can I help you, Sir?
Some people say that the accident happened at night.
We have no more than five people to finish the task.
Can you give them the right answer in the class?
There lies a river behind the house.
We didn’t come back till it was completely dark.
He had to leave his native country for political reasons.
Let’s go to the cinema this Saturday.
He was the son of a famous artist.
They were from the same c ity.
Will you lend me your bike this afternoon?
Would you mind if I open the window?
● Part Three 双音节词弱读形式
E.g.: April
He was born in April.
Where should we enter?
Press this button to open the door.
He is the winner of this contest.
No one can escape from the sinking ship.
The student has just come to the school.
Professor Zhang will give us a lecture on Monday.
He denied that he made this mistake in his work.
The dog is very loyal to his master.
The cat is under the chair.
● Part Four 多音节词弱读形式
在多音节词汇里,如果有一个音节是重读的,其他的音节可能会被次重读,但整个单词 里至少有一个音节
E.g.: religion
announcement alleviate
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What’s your religion?
Where did you receive your education?
How can we eradicate all the flies in the house?
Let’s entertain our friends in our house.
There are about 45 televisions in the factory.
Everything will be ok in five days.
You must win in this competition.
Crocodile Dundee is a famous film.
How can you instigate an investigation?
People quickly congregate round the lecturer.
被完全省略的常常是跟在重读音节后面的元音。这种情况在字母 r 前面最常见。
E.g.: chocolate
Most children like to eat chocolate.
Which is the nearest restaurant among the three?
Thetemperature gets pretty high these days.
How are you getting along with the family?
He is a natural teacher.
We have several books to read.
We should study in separate room.
如果单词以 ary, ully 或 ally 结尾的话,元音 a 或 u 常常会被省略。
E.g.: finally
accidentally powerfully
elementary carefully
We finally decided to go there at four o’clock in the afternoon.
I accidentally found my lost book.
My sister was powerfully affected by the movie last Saturday.
There are several elementary schools in this town.
He does everything carefully.
● Part Five 缩读及综合练习
Are you
Ya going to school?
Where ya going?
I don’t like her ‘cause she is
too proud.
I c’n be there in an hour.
C’m over to our house around
Do you know Nancy ‘n David.
My classmates ‘r on vacation.
are you is contracted only when
followed by one or more words.
Therefore, it would be incorrect to
contract. How are you? to How ya
unless it was followed by one or
more words such as: How ya going?
This contraction does not apply if
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come falls at the end of the
This also applies to the following:
Should have=should’a
Shouldn’t have=shouldn’a
Would have=would’a
Wouldn’t have=wouldn’a
When followed by a word
beginning with the letter “e”, or
“a” ‘dja’ is commonly contracted
to ‘dj’ : Did you eat yet=‘dj’eat
Did you ask her=dj’ask ‘er?
You could’a hurt yourself!
He couldn’a done it.
could not
did you
didja or ’dja
How didja do it?
How’dja do it?
does she
don’t know
Dushi speak English?
I dunno where you live.
He works fer his father.
give me
Gimme that.
going to
(when followed by a
consonant) Gonnu (when
followed by a vowel)
I’m gonna give him a present.
I’m gonnu invite her to the
got to
I gotta give him a present.
I gottu invite her to my
birthday party.
had better
have to
(when followed by a
(when followed by a
Who is ’e?
has he/she’as
He’as a house at the beach.
This is’er book.
I like ‘im very much.
What is ‘im name?
how did you
how do you
how ’dya/How ‘dja
how’ dy ’a
How ‘dya/How ‘dja make that?
How ‘dy ‘a do it?
This also applies to the following:
When followed by a vowel, “going
to” is commonly contracted to
gonnu, although gonna is also
SEE:got to=gotta or gottu
I’ll talk to you tomorrow. This also applies to the following:
good night=g’night
You better start off right now.
I hafta go home immediately.
When followed by a vowel, “got
to” is commonly contracted to
gottu, although gotta is also
ALSO:(S) he hasta/hadda
This does not apply if he begins a
This does not apply if her begins a
This does not apply if his begins a
When pronounced as two syllables ,
how dya, the tense changes from
present to past.
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Although subtle, this difference is
easily detected by any native-born
How’dya do it?=How did you do it?
How’dy’a do it?=How do you do
how does
in front of
in fronna
How’s she feel today?
He parked in fronna the garden.
is that
I’m goin’ to the store.
Izat your new car?
a or o’(*)
He’s sorta strange.
It’s made o’gold.
There’s the ol’ house.
Do you like ice cream’r candy?
out of
Get outta the class at once!
(pronounced: oudda)
should not have
You shouldn’a leave so soon.
I want s’m apples.
Sher, I like chocolate!
I like’m/I like’em.
I don’t know what ta do now.
want to
(when followed by
consonant or vowel)
I wanna go outside.
I wanna eat something.
I wannu avoid the subject.
ALSO:Zat your new car?
Although you will occasionally see
the conjunction of contracted to o’,
it is pronounced like a. Therefore,
It’s made o’ gold would be
pronounced It’s made a gold.
As you may have noticed. ’r is a
contraction not only of are but of
or as well. The connotation
depends on the context:I c’n invite
Bob’r Tom.=I can invite Bob or
Tom. Bob’n Tom’r invited=Bob
and Tom are invited.
Pronounced: Ged oudda the class
at once !
He’ll prob’ly come for dinner.
A common expression indicating
Pronounced:Fer sher !
NOTE(1): This applies to any
word that begins with the
combination “ to and whose accent
does not fall on the first syllable :
today, tomorrow, tobacco, etc.
Pronounced : taday, tamorrow,
NOTE(2): when preceded by a
word which ends with an “r”
to is commonly
pronounced da: I dunno where da
go now.
Wanna may be used either before a
consonant or a vowel, whereas
wannu may only be used before a
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(when followed by a vowel
Wud if we went to the movies.
what are you
Wachya or wacha
Wachya/Wacha doin?
what did you
Wudidya or
wudjya or wudja
What cha or what chya or
Wudidya/Wudija/Wudja buy?
what does
What’s her do for a living?
what is the
what’s a
What’s a matter?
would not have
why did you
ja (common pronunciation
when preceded by the letter
Y’ (common contraction
when followed by a vowel)
Whyd’ya or whydja
I wudn’a done that if I were
How are ya?
Would ja like some ice cream?
If y’ever need me, just call.
Did y’ever see the movie?
why do you
what do you
What cha/what chya / Wuddy’a
It would sound strange to the ear
to use wannu before a consonant
such as I wannu go.
“What” is pronounced whad only
when followed by a vowel.
This contraction can only occur if
not it is followed immediately by
one or more words. It cannot stand
alone : What are you? Crazy? It
would be incorrect so say:Wacha?
When wuddya is pronounced as
two syllables, wud’dya, it becomes
past tense. When pronounced as
three syllables, wud’dy’a, it
changes to present tense. This
subtle difference is easiler detected
by any native. born American.
Although a common colloquial
contraction for “what does,”
contraction for “what is.”
ALSO:Wassa matta?(*)
Why’dya/ why’dja tell him to
Why’dy’a work so hard?
When whydya is pronounced as
two syllables,why dya, it becomes
past tense.When pronounced as
three syllables, why’dy’a, it
changes to present tense. This
subtle difference is easier detected
by any native born American.
Listen and repeat the full for ms of the object pronouns.
It helps me.
It helps you.
It helps us.
It helps them.
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It helps him.
It helps it.
It helps her.
B. Listen to these sentences that are spoken at nor mal conversational speed. All the
object pronouns are spoken in reduced form with stress. Weuse the informal
spellings’im, er, ya, and em, to repr esent the reduced forms of him, her, you, and them.
Send it.
Forget it.
Eat it.
Tell me.
Hepl me.
Pay me.
Phone us.
Tell us.
Show us.
I’ll help ya.
I’ll call ya.
C. Listen to and repeat these sentences.
1. Mr. Ames didn’t go to work today.
2. It didn’t rain testerday.
3. Mary doesn’t have many friends.
4. Ted’s sisters don’t go to school.
5. Tom always walks to school.
6. Mrs. Ames doesn’t feel well.
7. Billy doesn’t like girls.
8. Mr. Oda doesn’t speak Chinese.
9. I don’t know.
10. He doesn’t know.
11. We don’t work on Saturday.
12. She doesn’t want it. He didn’t tell us.
13. Is Tom here?
No, he isn’t
He isn’t here now.
14. Is Sally home?
No, she isn’t
She isn’t here.
15. Was it cold in January?
No, it wasn’t
It wasn’t cold then.
16. Were you at the bank?
No, I wasn’t
I wasn’t there.
D. Listen to the questions. Then qive a short answer and a statement from the list.
(Is Mr. Ames old? No, he isn
isn’’t He
He’’s [only] twenty-seven.)
1. Is Mr. Ames old?
a. in England
2. Is the sun shining now?
b. absent
3. Were you and Tom in France last year?
c. a classroom
4. Am I late?
d. twenty-seven
5.Is this the library?
e. early
6. Was Helen in class this morning?
f. last week
7. Was yesterday Heater’s birthday?
g. cloudy today
8. Is the new promotion system a good one?
h. fair
Now form sentences with plural subjects, using’re.
Example: Maria and Bob’re writing a book.
1. Maria/Bob/writing a book
5. Sue/Ray/feeling fine
2. Pat/Ed/eating ice cream
6. Julia/Frances/playing jeans
3. Tom/Ann/learning English
7. Ruth/Matt/wearing jrans
4. Joyce/Liz/baking cookies
8. Richard/Susan/speaking Italian
F. Answer the questions with a short affirmative statement, using the information
(Am I right? Yes, you are. You
You’’re always right.)
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1. Am I right?
a. only fifteen dollars
2. Is Jos old?
b. seventy-five
3. Is the lamp cheap?
c. god friends
4. Are you dressed?
d. ready now
5. Is Sally a baby?
e. always right
6. Are you and Joe friends?
f. on the table
7. Are the hamburgers ready?
g. six months old
Repeat the other contr actions of be, aren’t and werwn’t. Then listen to the
questions and repeat the answers.
Are they French?
they weren’t
you aren’t
Was I correct?
we aren’t
No, you aren’t.
Were we on time?
they aren’t
No, we aren’t.
Were they talking?
No, they aren’t.
No, you weren’t.
Am I late?
you weren’t
No, weweren’t.
Are we invited?
we weren’t
No, they weren’t.
H. Read the following sentences, paying attention to the reductions and liaisons.
1. We have got to go.
Do you want a pear?
We’ve gotta go.
Wanna pear?
2. They have got a computer.
Let me in.
They’ve gotta computer.
Lemme in.
3. Do you want to sing?
Let me go.
Wanna sing?
Lemme go.
4. I’ll let you know.
Wat do you think of it?
I’ll letcha know.
Whaddyu thinkv it?
5. Did you do it?
What did you do with?
Dija do it?
Whajoo do with it?
6. He ’ll meet you later.
How did you like it?
He’ll meetchu layder.
Howja like it?
7. When did you get it?
What are you waiting for?
Whenju geddit?
Whaddya waitin for?
8. Why did you take it?
What are you doing?
Wyju tay kit?
Whatcha doin?
9. Why don’t you try it?
How is it going?
Why don chu try it?
Howzit going?
10. Where’s the what you may call it.
Where’s what is his name?
Were’s the wachamacallit?
Where’s watsizname?
11. He has got to hurry because he is late.
I could’ve been a manager.
He’s gotta hurry ‘cause he’s late.
I coulda bina manager.
12. Could you speed it up, please?
Would you mind if I tried it?
Couldja spee di dup, pleez?
Wouldja mindfai try dit?
13. Can’t you see it my way for a change?
Tell her I miss her.
Kancha see it my way for a change?
Teller I miser.
14. I should have told you.
Tell him I miss him.
I shoulda tolya.
Tellim I missim.
Listen to the dialogue and then read it.
Bob: Could I speak to Mary, please?
Mary: This is Mary speaking. Who is that?
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This is Bob. Where have you been, Mary? I have been trying to get on to you for the last half hour. Don’t
you leave your at 19:00?
Mary: Yes, I do, but today I went shopping and have only just come back. It is very nice to hear your voice, Bob.
I didn’t know you were in New York.
Bob: I arrived this morning. I would have rung you before but I have been terribly busy all day attending a
conference. It has only just ended. Are you doing anything tonight, Mary?
Mary: Yes, I am going to meet a client.
Bob: But that is terrible! I am only here for one night!
Mary: I am sorry, Bob. If you had told me you were coming up, I would have kept tonight free. But you didn’t
tell me.
Bob: I didn’t know myself till this morning when my boss suddenly dashed into the office and told me to rush
up here to attend the conference.
Mary: I thought Henry usually did the conferences.
Bob: Yes, he does but when he was driving up here last night he had an accident and was taken to hospital. So
I am doing it instead. Mary, Must you go out tonight? Couldn’t you get out of it.
Mary: I’m free tomorrow but I suppose that will be too late.
Bob: (suddenly changing his plan) No, I will stay another day. I dare say my boss will get over it. Would you
like to meet me for lunch tomorrow?
Mary: I’d like to. But Bob, are you sure it will be all right? I would hate you to make your boss angry or even
you’re your job.
Bob: It is all right. I will call the boss and tell him I am staying another day. I stayed an extra night in Boston
last month and he didn’t seem to put about it.
Mary: Why did you stay an extra night in Boston? What happened?
Bob: I will tell you tomorrow. See you tomorrow, Mary.
Mary: See you tomorrow.
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LESSON 66 冠词读法
● Warm Up 语音课堂
元音前用不定冠词 an,辅音前用不定冠词 a。定冠 the 在元音前读[TI], 在辅音前读 []。
● Part One 综合练习
A. Listen and repeat, paying attention to the difference in pronunciation of the before
a vowel and before a consonant.
the book
the air
the sea
the ocean
the world
the land
the man
the flower
the apple
the oil
the egg
the mirror
the cup
the tape
the achievement
the ace
the accent
the empire
the emu
the water
the milk
the Olympic
the new
the old
the west
the east
the rich
the pool
the young
the old
Listen and repeat. Notice that
a nose
an eye
a foot
a boy
an animal
an umbrella
an uncle
an island
a man
an exam
an artist
an ear
a zoo
a school bus
an apple
an idea
the word an is used before
a leg
an arm
an ocean
a ship
a teacher
a girl
a pig
a coat
a bag
an elephant
an egg
a woman
an arm
a map
an envelope
an infant
a vowel sound.
a chair
a computer
a television
a hand a child
a radio
a banana
a pear
C. Ask wher e the following items are. A second student replies, using the locations in
a suitable place.
Example:Where’s the sink in your house? It’s in the bathroom.
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TV set
pots and pans
easy chairs
alarm clock
pens and pencils
electric meter
paint brushes
D. Which of these things will you find in an office? Which in an amusement park? Form
sentences (e.g.You’ll find a desk in an office).
ant tree
Circle the phrase you hear:a, b, or c.
1. a.a boy and a girl
b. the boy and the girl
c. boy and girl
2. a. the cup and the saucer
b. a cup and a saucer
c. cup and saucer
3. a. a man and a woman
b. man and woman
c. the man and the woman
4. a. teacher and student
b. a teacher and a student
c. the teacher and the student
5. a. a stamp and an envelope
b. the stamp and the envelope
c. stamp and envelope
Tell what tools these workers use. Form
Example:A photographer uses a camera.
6. a. the desk and the chair
b. a desk and a chair
c. desk and chair
7. a. an apple and a pear
b. the apple and the pear
c. apple and pear
8. a. cake and egg
b. a cake and an egg
c. the cake and the egg
9. a. the book and the knife
b. a book and a knife
c. book and knife
10. a. the teacher and the student
b. a teacher and a student
c. teacher and student
wire cutters
Match the synonyms and use them in a sentence.
Example:An exam is a test.
druggist doctor streetcar harmacist seat
H. Put in an article wher e necessary.
Every year in _____ beginning of _____ spring, when _____ hillsides are covered with____ beautiful red
flowers, you can hear _____ cuckoos. Their songs are so sweet and sad that they make ______ travelers think of their
homes; and _____ red flowers that cover _____ hillsides are said to spring from_____ tears shed by these birds and
are therefore called “_____ cuckoo flowers” in _____ Chinese. Many different stories have been told of _____
cuckoos, and _____following is one of them.
Once there were ____ two brothers who were very good to each other. They were _____ half-brothers, because
_____ elder brother’s mother was dead, and his father had married again. But, although _____ stepmother was very
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unkind to _____ elder brother and made _____ life very hard for him, _____ younger brother loved him as his own
soul and would do everything to cheer and comfort him.
One day, _____ mother gave _____ two brothers each _____ package of _____ seeds and enough food for ten
days and said to them, “ Take these, and go and plant them, one on_____ eastern hill, and _____ other on _____
western hill. But do not come back till _____ seeds have spouted.”
Now _____ younger brother received _____ package of good seeds, but _____ seeds which were given to
_____elder brother had been roasted over_____ fire. _____ two brothers did not know this, and set out on _____
journey as they were told.
“As _____ two brothers were very good to each other they often carried _____ packages for each other. At last
they came to _____ bridge where they were to part, and sat down to rest. When they got up again to say _____ goodbye to each other, they had _____wrong packages.
After _____ ten days were over, _____elder brother’s seeds had sent up _____ sprouts, and he came back
happily to _____ bridge, where he expected t meet his brother. When he saw _____ sun was already setting and his
brother had not yet appeared, he thought that perhaps he had gone home first, so he came back alone, sat at _____
_____ mother was so angry at seeing him that she told him to go and never come back until he had found his
Now _____ younger brother had waited _____ ten days in vain for his seeds to sprout. His food was finished,
but he dared not return home. After _____ long search, ______ elder brother at last found his dead body lying on
_____ ground. While he was weeping, he heard _____ bird calling to him in _____ sad tone, “Cuckoo!” (which
means “_____ elder brother”) and again “ Too-ngoo!”(Which means “I am hungry”.) And he knew it was his own
dear brother.
_____ elder brother was so heart-broken that he killed himself and was changed into _____ hedge-sparrow. To
this day, _____ hedge-sparrow still watches and hatches _____eggs for _____cuckoo. And for this reason _____
cries of _____ cuckoo are so much like _____song of _____ home-sick boy.
Read the following two passages.
There was once a traveler who was w et and cold because he had been riding in the rain. At last he reached a
country inn. The inn was so crowded with people that he could not get near the fire. So he called out to the innkeeper,
“Take some fish to my horse!” The innkeeper answered, “But a horse doesn’t eat fish!” The traveler then said,
“ Never mind, do as I tell you.” The crowd of people, hearing this strange order, ran out to see a horse eat fish. The
traveler, now having the whole room to himself, sat down beside the fire and warmed himself.
When the innkeeper came back with the crowd of people, he said,“ Your horse does would not eat the fish.” The
traveler answered,“ Never mind; put it on the table, and when I have quite dried my clothes I will eat it myself.”
Why does the wind blow sometimes from the north and sometimes from the south or the east or the west? The
answer is that the wind blows for the same reason that smoke from a fire moves upwards. The fire is hot; the air
above gets warmed; the warm air expands and therefore gets lighter in weight because the same amount fills more
space. The light warm air above the fire , because it is lighter than the air around it, rises as a piece of wood from the
bottom of a pool. As it rises it carries the smoke with it and we see the smoke moving upwards. But as the warm air
above the fire moves up, other, cooler air from round about comes in to take its place:and so a little “wind” blows
toward the fire. The sun, shining upon the world, warms the air, not equally everywhere, but in some places much
more than in others. The air over the warm places, wherever they may be, rises; the cooler air fromround about blows
in to take its place. So we have winds and breezes, sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes in raging storms.
Answer Key
the,×, the,×,×, ×, the, the , the, ×, ×,×,the/ ×, ×,the, the, the, ×,the/the, the, a, the, the, the, the, the/ a, the,
the, the, The, the,
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the/ the, the, ×, the, the/ the,×, the, the,×,The/ the/×,a, the, the, a, a,×,The/ a, the, ×,the, the, the, the, a
LESSON 67 名词复数与动词第三人称单数的读法
● Warm Up 语音课堂
很多同学不清楚单词后什么时候加 s 或 es, 是读[]、[]还是读[]。本章将说明、解决这一问题。
单词以[s]、[z]、[]、[]、[]、[]结尾的,加 es,读[];在其余的所有清辅音后面,加 s,读[];在其
余的所有浊辅音元音后面,加 s, 读[z]。
Plural Endings of Nouns
After a noun that ends with the sound
[] [] []
[] [] [] [] []
All other sounds
The plural ending
lips, cakes
noses, dishes
eyes, beds, arms
● Part One 名词复数听辨及跟读练习
Read each noun and pronounce the plural form.
Ask the prices of these articles.
Example:How much are the plates? They’re eight dollars.
plate ($8.00)
fork ($3.00)
soup bowl ($7.00)
cup ($6.00)
spoon ($3.00)
chopstick ($1.00)
saucer ($6.00)
napkin ($4.00)
glass ($5.00)
bowl ($ 2.00)
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Example: Ask how many of certain articles you can buy for a certain amount of money.
How many spoons can you buy (get) for one hundred dollars? You can get thirty-three spoons.
C. Form questions like the models. Try to form questions about things that are around
you in your school, home, city, or country.
Example:How many days does a week have? How many wings does a bird have?
book/the library
lamp/your bedroom
student/ the class
park/this city
people/ your country
university/your country
chair/your office
continent/ the earth
library/this city
nation/ the world
Listen to the questions and requests. Underline the form you hear, singular or
1. Do you have the (ticket, tickets) in your pocket?
2. Do you sell (candy, candies) in this store?
3. Put the (book, books) on the (shelf, shelves).
4. Where can I find the best clothing (store, stores)?
5. Are you buying the (gift, gifts) for your (friend, friends)?
6. Will you mail the (package, packages) and (letter, letters) for me please?
7. Where can I wash my (shirt, shirts)?
8. What (city, cities) are you going to visit on your trip?
9. Can you answer the (question, questions) in this lesson?
10. Please give my (greeting, greetings) to your (brother, brothers) and (sister, sisters).
Read the following passage, paying attention to the pronunciation of the plural
forms of nouns.
Many sports draw hundreds of thousands of participants and spectators in the United States. For instance, skiing
has 7.2 million participants each season.
Why each season? Most sports in the United States are seasonal. What is in season at present may not be played
next month. Just now I mentioned spectators and participants. Some sports are called spectators sports, that is sports
to watch, such as baseball, football, basketball, because the number of on-lookers is much bigger than the number of
players. Other sports such as skiing and swimming, are participant sports, that is, sports for people to engage in.
Participant sports draw spectator only on special occasions. Some sports are commercial and professional, in which
players are paid for their participation and spectators are required to pay for their tickets. If you go to the United
States, and want to watch a game in person, you can find ticket information by reading a newspaper or by calling the
ticket office of the team. The names of the ticket offices of various teams are listed in the Alphabetical Telephone
Books. Most major sporting events are surely telecast over television. And if you would rather play a sport than watch
it, there are certainly many opportunities to do so. If you are interested in swimming or any indoor sports, go to the
YMCA (Yong Men’s Christian Association) or the YWCA (Young Woman’s Christian Association). They offer
sports programs to the public at inexpensive rates. They want people to get into sports.
Let’s now come back to the figures. Skiing, about 7.2 million participants every season; college baseball games
draw approximately 30 million spectators; and the U.S. government issues 55 million hunting and fishing permits
every year. You can not go hunting or fishing without a permit.
And at home, numerous people watch all kinds of sports on television, or listen to broadcasts on the radio. The
sports fans at home are no less enthusiastic than those at the stadium. They sometimes even crash their television sets
when their team loses.
Then, Americans have as much fun reading and talking about sports. Usually several pages of the daily paper are
devoted to discussing sports events. In almost any social gathering—dance, tea, cocktail, dinner, etc.—people get
around to talking about popular players; the team that won last year; who is going to win the championship in the
coming season; what records are likely to be broken; what kind of fishing rod or gun is good to buy; or who is now
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even more popular that baseball heroes like Ty Cobb and Pete Rose and who is going to be the leading hitter and so
on. Americans also wear the colors or even the official jerseys of their favorite teams when they go out. So, you see, a
great topic for conversation is sports. And if you should visit the United States someday and stay there for some time,
you are likely to get involved in a chat like that everyday.
● Part Two 动词第三人称单数综合练习
A. Read each verb and pronounce the third person singular, present tense.
Repeat the phrases. Note that verbs usually have strong stress. Listen to and
imitate the rhythm.
watches TV
costs ten cents
washes the plates
needs a book
rains every day
makes the beds
likes to swim
eats at noon
laughs and cries
ask for Tom
account for the money
make a bet
swim in the pool
write a letter
split into halves
begin to study
buy a ticket
cut down the trees
fight for freedom
forget to take it
give an example
know about the person
lean against the wall
lend me the book
C. Listen to these sentences read by your teacher or on tape and circle the for m of
the verb you hear.
1. leave at six o’clock
10. read the magazine
2. play baseball
11. walk in the street
3. land over there
12. visit the place
4. run to school every day
13. carry the bag
5. sleep all the time
14. beat the dog
6. smoke a lot
15. buy a ticket
7. wash the dishes
16. shake hands
8. speak English
17. ride a motorcycle
9. listen to the music
listens to
18. leave the town
D. Form sentences, using the subject he or she.
He teaches English [in a Middle School].
manage/a restaurant
drive/a taxi
read/love stories
play/ football
E. Give quick answers to the following questions; don’t forget to add the–s ending to
the verbs when necessary.
1. Where does your father work?
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What time does he get up every day?
How does he go to work?
Does he work very hard?
Does he come home for lunch or have his lunch in restaurants?
What time does he come home after work?
What does he do in the evening?
2. Does your mother work?
Where does your mother work?
Does she work in the same company as your father?
Does she go to work every day?
Does she go to work by bus or by bike?
Does she work hard?
Does she do the cooking at home after work or on weekends?
Who has more housework to do at home?
Does your father help your mother with the housework?
What does your mother usually do on Sunday?
3. You’ve a sister, don’t you?
Does she study or work?
Where does she study?
Does she live at home or at the school dormitory?
Does she get up at 6 in the morning?
How many courses does she have every day?
Does she feel busy?
What does she do in her spare time?
Does she watch TV sometimes?
Does she like English?
Does she have many hobbies?
4. Who’s your best friend?
What does she do?
Where does she work?
What products does her factory turn out?
Does your friend enjoy her work?
How many hours does she work every day?
Does she work on the day-shift or night-shift?
Does she read newspaper every day?
Why do you regard her as your best friend?
Does she have an indeed friend?
5. Who’s your English teacher?
Does he live far away from your school?
Does he come to school every day?
How many hours does he teach every week?
Does he talk other things in class?
Does he speak a lot of English in class?
Do you like your teacher, why?
Read the following passages.
The sight of him as he comes to the ten o’clock class is in itself something that has to be recognized as dramatic.
In the pleasant autumn or spring, students stand high on the steps or out on the turf in front and watched in the
direction of his house to see who can catch the first glimpse of him.
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“There he comes!” somebody calls, and then everybody who is in a position to see watches him as he hurries
breezily along— a graceful, tallish man in very light gray suit and gray fedora hat, with a full square beard at least as
white as his suit, who moves with energy, and smokes passionately at a big cigar. Students say that he smokes an
entire cigar while he walks the short distance along the iron fence of the old burying ground and across the street to
the school gate. But as he comes through the gate he tosses the remnant of his cigar into the shrubbery with a bit of
flourish, and the students still outside hurry in and scramble up the long stairway in order to be in their places—as he
likes—before he himself enters. If any of them is still on the stairway when he comes in at the outer door like a gust,
they give way and he pushes up past them, and into the good-seized room and down the aisle to the front, throws his
hat on the table in the corner, mounts the two steps to the platform, looks about with a commanding eye, and there is
sudden silence and unrestrained expectancy.
LESSON 68 动词+ed 形式的发音
● Warm Up 语音课堂
很多同学不清楚单词后什么时候加 d 或 ed , 是读[]、[d]还是读[id]。本章将说明并解决这一问题。
+ed 读法:
一般来说,规则动词的过去式是在动词原形后加 ed,以 e 结尾的动词后只加 d;以 y 结尾的动词,y 前是辅音
字母的动词把 y 变成 i 后再加 ed;
发音时,清辅音后面读[t],浊辅音后面读[d],但是以[t]、[d]结尾的单词+ed 时读做[id]。
● 听 辨 练 习
Read the words
below and give the past tense forms.
B. Make sentences with the following verb phrases, the tense should be ok like enjoy
collect suppress applaud agr ee acquire bother stagger chop connect demand dispute
scan past tense.
accuse somebody of
fight with somebody for
long for something
hope for
attend to
live on (food/money)
believe in
apply to somebody/for something
blame somebody for
occur to
compare something with
prepare for
conform to
punish somebody for
deal with
refer to
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remind somebody of
insist on
succeed in
dream of
wait for
object to
apologize (to somebody) for something
prefer somebody to somebody
ask for/about
persist in
beg for
quarrel with somebody about
beware of
rely on
charge somebody with (an offence)
resort to
comply with
suspect somebody of
consist of
warn somebody of/about
depend on
wish for
fine somebody for
fail to do something
C. Underline the verbs in the following sentences.
1. They have looked up the number in the directory.
2. They turned down lots of good suggestions.
3. We should think over what he has just suggested.
4. He tried to put on a happy expression.
5. The dogs all turned on the poor girl.
6. He boiled some water for tea.
7. We started work at 8 last night.
8. He denied my charge.
9. He finally passed the examination successfully.
10. He took a card out of his pocket and placed it under the handkerchief.
11. The ship is scheduled to sail for Hong Kong the day after tomorrow.
12. The guard stopped anyone who tried to enter the hall yesterday.
13. We have played this game before.
14. Last year, he resigned from his job.
15. My sister invited many friends to her birthday party.
16. I worked all day yesterday.
17. He had typed the letter an hour ago.
18. We visited the museum last week.
19. He has stayed here for about 7 days.
20. This w ay, please. My secretary has already arranged the seats.
Give quick answers to the following questions.
1. How long have you studied English?
Did you work very hard at it?
How many English words have you learned?
Have you learned any English songs or verses?
How many?
Have you listened to some lectures in English?
You must have seen some English films, haven’t you?
Has your teacher recited some English stories in class?
Have you talked with some English people?
Have they given you any suggestion onstudying English?
2. Great changes have taken place in your hometown since liberation, is that right?
Have the streets been widened? How many tall buildings have appeared?
How many new houses been established?
Have many people moved into the new houses?
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What has happened to the old houses?
Your hometown has grown much bigger than before, hasn’t it?
3. How long have you lived in that town?
What does your father do? How about your mother?
Have they got a TV set?
Your father and mother haven’t got a car, haven’t they?
Has he decided to buy one in the future?
Have they saved much money?
Have you written them any letters recently?
4. What have you done today?
Have you done your morning exercises yet?
Have you listened to the English program?
Have you had your breakfast yet?
Have you gone to any places this morning?
Have you finished your English classes yet?
Have you had any oral practice today?
Has your teacher assigned you any homework to do?
Have you washed your clothes?
Have you cleaned your dormitory?
Have you visited your friends?
as anything particular happened today?
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, paying attention to the
pronunciation of the verbs.
1. The heavy rain _______ (stop), but there was still a slight drizzle in the air.
2. I _______ (cannot go) out that night, for I _______ (promise) to wait for Mr. Wang at home.
3. I _______ (not know) you _______ (all be) so busy in the past few weeks.
4. I ________ (be invited) to see Beijing Opera last Friday. It _______ (be) the first time I _______ (see) an
opera of this kind.
5. The snow storm _______ (drop) as suddenly as it _______ (start). The wind _______ (die) down and the sun
_______ (come) out.
6. Not one person _______ (agree) with him. That _______ (be) something he _______ (not anticipate).
7. Ten o’clock, and the climbers_______(be) already near the summit. They_______ (make) better progress
than they_______ (ever dare) to hope for.
8. The stop-watch_______ (say) three minutes, fifty-eight seconds—He_______ (break) the world records.
He_______ (succeed) in doing what he _______ (previously, think) impossible.
9. I_______ (find) the place_______ (change) beyond recognition. The streets _______ (be widened), the old
houses_______ (be pulled) down. A number of houses of modern construction_______ (spring) up.
10. When he_______ (see) his wife off at the station, he_______ (return) as he ______ (not have) to pack, for
his wife_______already (do) that before she _______ (leave) the house. All he_______ (have) to do was to
decide whether or not to take his overcoat with him. In the en he_______ (decide) not to. At 8:30 he _______
(pick) up his case, _______ (go) out of the house and (slam) the door behind him. Then he _______ (feel) in
his pockets for the key, for his wife _______ (remind) him to double-lock the front door. When he _______
(search) all his pockets and _____ (find) no key he_______ (remember) where it _______ (be). He _______
(leave) it in his overcoat pocket. Then he _______ (remember) something else; his passport and tickets
_______ (be) in his overcoat pocket as well.
11. After breakfast, Mike _______ (follow) his uncle into his study. His uncle went straight to the point. He
_______ (say) he’d always taken a keen interest in Mike and_______ (want) to help him in any way he could.
He________(ask) Mike what sort of profession he would like to take up in the future. Mike_______ (wonder)
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about this several times, but had not make up his mind. He_______ (reply) tentatively that he’d rather not
_______ (decide) yet. His uncle said firmly that he he’d have to. He could not keep hanging about the
university all his life. This was just what Mike would_______ ( like) best. But he thought it be unwise to say
so. When Mike said nothing, his uncle _______ (begin) to lose patience, and _______ (tell) him not to beat
about the bush. He must surely know what he _______ (aim) for. What was he going to be? Mike_______
(venture) to say, hopefully, that he_______ (become) purple in the face and _______ (repeat) the word with a
bellow. He _______ (ask) Mike what sort of life he thought that would be—_______ (run) from one
performance to another, always short of money. There was no future in it. Adapting a more resolute tone, he
then_______ (ask) what Mike would think if he were to offer him a nice steady job in his bank.
Read the following passages, paying attention to the verbs.
1. Then the father asked the boy what he should do next. The boy replied that he would wait till the milkman
went round to the back of the house. Then the father asked which house he meant. The boy pointed at one of
the house, saying that that was the one he meant. The father asked whether he meant the green one. The boy
said he didn’t mean the green one but the one next to it. The father demanded why he shouldn’t wait till the
man went round to the back of the green house. The boy explained that the man would only go to the sidedoor of the green-house, whereas he would go all the way round to the back of the other house. The boy
assured his father that he could do the job an told him not to worry.
2. King Lear asked Cordelia what she had to say. The latter said she had nothing to say. The king asked whether
she really meant what she said. Cordelia repeated her answer. Then the king became very angry and ordered
Cordelia to say something. Then the girl said that the king was her father. She would obey him, honor him and
love him. However, she would not talk as her sisters had done, for, if her sisters had meant what they had said
and loved the king better than they loved their husbands, they would not have got married. Cordelia said that
is she should marry, she would give her husband half her duty, half her love and that she would never get
married as her sisters had done and yet say she loved her father best of all.
3. The interviewer asked Mr. Smith if it was true that he had been living for over a year with the animals he
looked after. Mr. Smith answered that it was true. He was then asked how long he decided to spent with these
animals. He replied that he had been here for 20 months. The animals had soon become quite used to his
presence. Mr. Smith went on to explain that when he arrived at the edge of their habitat, the animals seemed
very hostile, But now they had accepted him. The interviewer asked if the animals really lived harmoniously
and did not attacked people first. Mr. Smith confirmed that; and added that men should stop hunting them and
lived with them peacefully.
Answer Key
1. had stopped
2. couldn’t go, had promised
3. didn’t know, had all been
4. was invited, was, had seen
5. dropped, had started, had died, had come out
6. agreed, was, had not anticipated
7. were, had made , had ever dared
8. said , had broken, had succeeded, had previously thought
9. found, had changed, had been widened
10. had seen, returned, did not have, did not have, had already done, was, did not have, had done, left, had,
decided, picked, went, slammed, felt, had reminded, had searched, found, remembered, was, had left,
remembered, were
11. followed, said, wanted, asked, had wondered, replied, decided, have liked, began, told, aimed, became,
ventured, repeated, asked,running, asked
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