Department of Political Science Subfield Assignments Political Theory, US Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics Note: Effective Fall 2012 ALL World Politics courses offered have been designated International Relations or Comparative Politics. Majors declared prior to Fall 2012 will earn World Politics subfield credit for International or Comparative Politics courses. Political Theory PS 199 PS 208 PS 225 PS 308 PS 321 PS 347 Sp St: Theo Leadership Introduction to the Tradition of Political Theory Political Ideologies United States Political Thought Introduction to Political Economy Political Power, Influence, and Control Sp St: Games in Politics *Equivalent to PS 388: Sp St: Games in Politics. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. US Political Culture *Equivalent to PS 410: Sp St: US Political Culture. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Sp St: American Political Thought Sp St: Feminist Political Theory Sp St: Games in Politics Sp St. Identity Issues Sp St: Liberalism and Its Critics Sp St: Matrix Symbolism Sp St. Politics of Sex and Body Sp St. Topics in Political Theory Sp St: Var of Democracy Advanced Methods and Models in PS Arendt and Schmitt Democracy Beyond State Democracy in Theory and Practice Dilemmas of Democracy Experimental Methods Expert Des in Decision Making Intergenerational Justice *Equivalent to PS 471: Intergenerational Justice. CANNOT receive credit for both courses Language & Political Theory Matters of Life & Death *Equivalent to PS 472: Matters of Life and Death. CANNOT receive credit for both courses Politics and Music Topics in Feminist Theory *Equivalent to PS 458: Topics in Feminist Theory. CANNOT receive credit for both courses TH TH TH TH TH TH Winter 11 Spring 10 Spring 12 Spring 08 Fall 10 Summer 10 TH Summer 10 TH Fall 09 TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH Fall 10 Summer 07 Summer 09 Summer 09 Winter 11 Summer 05 Winter 09 Fall 09 Summer 07 Fall 09 Fall 08 Spring 08 Summer 10 Spring 07 Fall 10 Spring 08 TH Winter 11 TH Spring 10 TH Summer 11 TH Spring 12 TH Spring 10 PS 410 US Political Culture *Equivalent to PS 379: US Political Culture. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. TH Fall 09 PS 430 PS 431 PS 432 PS 433 PS 445 PS 446 PS 448 Political Theory: Ancient and Medieval Pol Th: Renaissance, Reformation & Early Modern Political Theory: Modern and Contemporary Marxism and Radical Thought Methods for Politics and Policy Analysis I Methods for Politics and Policy Analysis II Racial Politics in the US I Racial Politics in the US *Equivalent to PS 449: Racial Politics in the US II. CANNOT receive credit for both courses TH TH TH TH TH TH TH Fall 10 Winter 11 Spring 10 Fall 10 Fall 10 Spring 10 Spring 12 TH Fall 09 Topics in Feminist Theory *Equivalent to PS 410: Sp St Topics in Feminist Theory. CANNOT receive credit for both courses TH Spring 10 PS 378 PS 379 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 449 PS 458 Department of Political Science Subfield Assignments Political Theory, US Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics PS 471 PS 472 PS 491 Intergenerational Justice *Equivalent to PS 410: Sp St Intergenerational Justice. CANNOT receive credit for both courses Matters of Life & Death *Equivalent to PS 410: Sp St Matters of Life and Death. CANNOT receive credit for both courses Politics of Everyday Life TH Winter 11 TH Summer 11 TH Fall 09 US US US US US Yearly Winter 10 Yearly Spring 12 Spring 06 US Fall 10 US US US US US Spring 12 Spring 09 Fall 08 Spring 12 Spring 12 US Spring 12 US Fall 10 US US US Spring 12 Summer 09 Winter 11 US Summer 10 US US US US Summer 08 Spring 09 Fall 07 Spring 07 US Summer 10 US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US US Summer 05 Summer 10 Summer 10 Winter 11 Summer 10 Fall 06 Summer 09 Spring 10 Spring 12 Spring 08 Winter 10 Fall 08 Winter 11 Summer 10 Fall 08 Winter 09 Summer 08 United States Politics PS 104 PS 199 PS 201 PS 203 PS 230 PS 260 PS 275 PS 297 PS 301 PS 348 PS 349 PS 350 PS 352 PS 353 PS 355 PS 386 PS 389 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 Problems in United States Politics Sp St Public Policy and Democracy United States Politics State and Local Government Introduction to Urban Politics Public Policy and Democracy *Equivalent to PS 199: Sp St. Public Policy and Demcoracy. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Legal Process Introduction to Environmental Politics Art and the State Women and Politics Mass Media and American Politics Film and Politics *Equivalent to PS 399: St St Film and Politics. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Political Parties and Interest Groups *As of Fall 2012, you cannot receive credit for this course if you have previously taken PS 353: Campaigns and Elections Campaigns and Elections Oregon Government and Politics US Social Movements and Political Change Direct Democracy *Equivalent to PS 399: Sp St Direct Democracy. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Sp St: American Conservatism Sp St: American Crime/Punishment Sp St: American Neo-Conservatism Sp St: Corruption in US Politics Sp St. Direct Democracy *Equivalent to PS 389: Direct Democracy. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Sp St: Environmental Democracy Sp St: Film and Politics Sp St: Financial Crisis and Reforms Sp St: Gender & The Law Sp St: Labor and Politics Sp St: McCarthyism Sp St. Obama & 08 Election Sp St: Peak Oil & the Politics of the 21st Century Sp St: Political Economy in the US City Sp St: Political Parties Sp St: Political Representation in American Democracy Sp St: Politics of Religion Sp St Race, Politics & Law Sp St: Rise of Barack Obama Sp St: Rural America Sp St: US Inner City Politics Sp St: US Presidential Election 2008 Department of Political Science Subfield Assignments Political Theory, US Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics PS 399 PS 407 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 467 PS 468 PS 470 PS 484 PS 485 PS 495 PS 497 Sp St: US Urban Politics US Winter 06 Sem: Rave, Gender & Public Policy US Winter 12 Bureaucracy US Spring 08 Criminal Justice US Spring 06 Politics of Marriage US Winter 08 Public Opinion in the US US Spring 06 Race & US Political Behavior US Spring 10 Race/Gender/Public Policy US Spring 09 Urban Policy & Politics US Fall 06 The United States Presidency US Spring 12 Congress US Fall 09 Constitutional Law US Fall 10 United States Supreme Court US Winter 11 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties US Spring 12 United States Political Economy US Spring 08 Environmental Politics US Spring 06 Community Organizing ES 407 *Only when taught by Prof. HoSang US Spring 10 International Relations All IR and CP Courses count as World Politics for Majors Declared BEFORE Fall 2012 PS 205 Introduction to International Relations IR Yearly PS 326 US Foreign Policy I IR Spring 12 PS 340 International Political Economy IR Spring 12 PS 346 Terrorism & Weapon Proliferation *Equivalent to PS 399: Sp St Weapons of Mass Destruction. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. IR Spring 12 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 420 PS 421 PS 422 PS 429 PS 440 PS 455 PS 459 Politics of Climate Change Sp St: 9/11, Iraq, and Intelligence Failures Sp St: Abolishing Nuclear Weapons Sp St: Genocide in the Modern Age Sp St: Geopolitics & Caspian Sea Oil Sp St: Image War & Peace Sp St: International Terrorism Sp St International Politics of East Asia Sp St: The New Al Qaeda Threat Sp St: Nuclear Evil Sp St: Political Economy of North-South Relations Sp St: US/ Afghanistan Sp St: US/Iraq War Sp St: War in Afghanistan China's Foreign Policy Formal Model Intl Rel Politics of Financial Crisis Politics of Globalization and Development International Organization Science, Technology, and International Relations Human Rights Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Causes and Prevention of War Theories of International Politics United States-China Relations IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR IR Summer 08 Summer 06 Summer 10 Winter 09 Spring 07 Winter 06 Summer 06 Winter 12 Summer 08 Summer 07 Winter 08 Winter 08 Summer 07 Summer 10 Winter 10 Winter 07 Winter 13 Winter 12 Fall 10 Fall 06 Fall 06 Spring 06 Spring 10 Winter 11 Spring 06 Department of Political Science Subfield Assignments Political Theory, US Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics PS 477 International Environmental Politics IR Winter 11 PS 479 INTL 199 HC 431 United States Interventions in Developing Nations IR Winter 11 Sp St: Intl Negotiation *ONLY when taught by Prof. Brady IR IR Winter 08 Winter 11 Topic: Climate Change *Only when taught by Prof. Mitchell Comparative Politics All IR and CP Courses count as World Politics for Majors Declared BEFORE Fall 2012 PS 199 PS 199 PS 204 PS 204 PS 301 PS 324 PS 324 PS 337 PS 342 PS 345 Sp St: Mafia in Russia State of the World Introduction to Comparative Politics Introduction to Comparative Politics Art and the State - Taken Prior to Fall 2008 European Politics European Politics Politics of Development Politics of China I SE Asian Politics *Equivalent to PS 399: SE Asian Politics. CANNOT received credit for both courses. CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Winter 08 Spring 10 Yearly Yearly Pre-Fall 08 Spring 12 Spring 12 Spring 11 Winter 12 CP Winter 11 PS 377 Sp St: Gods and Government *Equivalent to PS 399: Sp St: Gods and Government. CANNOT received credit for both courses. CP Winter 11 PS 388 Russian Mafia & Corruption *Equivalent to PS 399: Sp St Russian Corruption/Mafia. CANNOT received credit for both courses. CP Fall 10 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 Sp St Afghan/Pakistan Sp St: African Politics Sp St: Algeria/ Morocco Sp St: Central Asia Sp St: China and Environmental Crisis Sp St: Comparative Enviromental Politics Sp St Comparative Women & Politics Sp St: Corruption and Organized Crime in Russia Sp St: Detecting Election Fraud Sp St: Eastern Europe After Communism Sp St: Egypt/North Africa Sp St: Env Pol Comp Per Sp St: Ethnic Conflict Post-9/11 Sp St: EU & the Constitution Sp St European Political Issues Sp St. Global Women and Politics Sp St: Globalization and Discontentment Sp St: Gods and Government *Equivalent to PS 377: Gods and Government. CANNOT received credit for both courses. Political Economy of East Asia *Equivalent to PS 460: Political Economy of East Asia. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Politics of Middle East Sp St: Iran Sp St: Iraq Sp St: Is the World Flat? Sp St: Korean Politics Sp St: Mexican Revolution Sp St: Nation Building/Nation Wrecking CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Winter 10 Spring 09 Fall 08 Fall 10 Spring 09 Spring 12 Winter 12 Summer 10 Summer 10 Summer 08 Spring 10 Spring 06 Summer 05 Summer 07 Winter 09 Summer 09 Summer 05 CP Winter 11 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Fall 12 Fall 08 Winter 10 Summer 06 Winter 06 Spring 08 Summer 10 Department of Political Science Subfield Assignments Political Theory, US Politics, International Relations and Comparative Politics PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 399 PS 407 PS 399 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 407 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 410 PS 454 PS 460 PS 463 PS 475 HC 424 HC 434 INTL 240 INTL 420 INTL 447 Sp St: North Korea Sp St: Palestine Sp St: Political Economy of East Asia Sp St: Politics of Nazi Germany Sp St. Politics of Persian Gulf Sp St: Politics of South Africa Sp St: Politics of West Africa Sp St: Post-Revolutionary Iran Sp St: Revol Guatemala Sp St: Russian Corruption/ Mafia Sp St: Politics of the Middle East Sp St: SE Asian Politics *Equivalent to PS 460: SE Asian Politics. CANNOT received credit for both courses. Sp St: Spanish Civil War Sp St Survey Asian Politics Sp St Syria/Lebanon Sp St: Turkey Sem: Women, Gender & Development Sp St: S Africa Post Aprth African Politics Asian Political Economy Comparative Conservatisms East Asian Cooperation Election Fraud Around the World European Politics and Literature Sem: Women, Gender & Development Election Fraud Around the World Idea of Europe Korea and Its Neighbors Korea and NE Asia Politics of the European Union Rad Right in Lib Democ Rising China/Intl Implications Japanese Politics Sp St: SE Asian Politics *Equivalent to PS 399: Sp St SE Asian Politics. CANNOT receive credit for both courses. Government and Politics of Latin America I Politics of European Union Comparative Tribalism's: US Cultural Politics in Africa Persp Art and Global Politics *ONLY when taught by Prof. Kraus CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Winter 07 Fall 07 Fall 10 Spring 07 Summer 09 Spring 08 Winter 06 Fall 09 Fall 08 Summer 09 Fall 12 CP Winter 11 CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP CP Winter 07 Winter 09 Fall 09 Spring 08 Winter 13 Spring 06 Spring 09 Winter 11 Spring 09 Winter 06 Winter 13 Winter 10 Winter 13 Winter 13 Spring 06 Fall 09 Fall 08 Spring 09 Fall 08 Spring 10 Winter 06 CP Winter 11 CP CP CP CP Spring 12 Winter 11 Winter 08 Fall 06 International Development *ONLY when taught by Prof. Galvan (F'02-Present) CP Fall 10 International Community Development *ONLY when taught by Prof. Galvan (F'02-Present) Comparative Tribalism's: Ethnic & Cultural Pol in Africa *ONLY when taught by Prof. Galvan (F'02-Present) CP CP Winter 06 Fall 10