DRT-200™ Rotary Table Direct Drive Rotary Table Features : : Speeds to 6 revolutions per second : : 1 micro-radian (0.2 arc-second) resolution : : No gear wear, torque variations, or backlash : : Ultra-stiff 4 point contact ball bearing : : 65mm through-bore Danaher Motion-Dover’s DRT-200 rotary stage is an ultracompact, direct drive rotary table that establishes a new level of price, performance, and compactness. Its direct drive technology eliminates the gear wear, torque variations, and backlash conventional rotary tables encounter. Speed, resolution, and repeatability are also increased by a factor of ten or more over gear driven rotary tables. Despite its high level of performance, the DRT-200 stage is very compact, with body dimensions of 210mm x 210mm x 843mm. Its 65mm through-bore allows convenient routing of optical beam paths or vacuum/pneumatic lines. The DRT-200 table offers a standard resolution of 10 microradians (~2 arc-seconds, or 0.00051 degrees); due to its direct drive technology, the repeatability is +/- 1 count, or +/- 10 micro-radians. Speeds to 6 revolutions per second, and accelerations to 400 revolutions per second2, permit rapid pointto-point moves. Settling times are minimized due to the direct drive design, which allows high servo bandwidths to be achieved. Unlike other direct drive rotary tables, the electronic interface is completely standard, with digital A Quad B encoder outputs, a standard three phase brushless motor, and three digital Hall commutation sensors. This allows the DRT-200 Stage to be driven by any commercial motion controller/amplifier that can drive standard three phase brushless motors. The ultra-stiff 4 point contact ball bearing provides a high degree of axial and torsional stiffness, and a once per revolution index sensor allows a unique home location to be defined. DRT-200 ROTARY TABLE SPECIFICATIONS Specification Table Diameter 200 millimeters Through-bore Diameter 65 millimeters Accuracy (uncompensated) +/- 150 micro-radians (+/- 30 arc seconds) Resolution Standard: 10 micro-radians (2 arc-seconds) Optional: 1 micro-radian (0.2 arc-seconds) Bi-directional Repeatability +/- 5 micro-radians Maximum Speed 6 rev/sec at 2 arc-second resolution Maximum Acceleration 400 rev/sec2 Axial Motion < 5 microns Radial Motion < 5 microns Tilt Motion < 100 micro-radians Axial Load Capacity 980 N Radial Load Capacity 490 N Moment Load Capacity 145.0 N-m Axial Stiffness 2.0 x 108 N/m Radial Stiffness 3.2 x 107 N/m Torsional Stiffness 5.0 x 104 N-m/radian Total Mass 7.9 kg Rotational Inertia 9.44 x 10-3 kg-m2 Torque Constant 1.09 N-m/Amp Motor Constant 0.66 N-m / √Watt Back-emf Constant 144 V/KRPM Coil Resistance 2.8 Ohms Coil Inductance 13.0 mH Continuous Current 6.2 Amps Peak Current 48.0 Amps Motor Continuous Torque 6.5 N-m Motor Peak Torque 27.7 N-m Bearing Torque 0.79 N-m Available Continuous Torque 5.7 N-m Available Peak Torque 26.9 N-m DRT-200™ Rotary Table DRT-200 ™ Rotar y Table D A N A H ER DRT-200 ROTARY TABLE SPECIFICATIONS DRT-200 R OTA RY T A BL E SPECI F I CAT I ON S 210 8.27 175 6.89 210 8.27 264 10.39 175 6.89 4X COUNTERBORES FOR M6 OR 1/4" SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 65 2.56 200 7.87 M5x.8 TAPPED HOLES (4) PLACES ON A 100mm BOLT CIRCLE (4) PLACES ON A 150mm BOLT CIRCLE 84.3 3.32 D9 MALE MOTOR HALL EFFECT CONNECTOR HD-15 MALE ENCODER CONNECTOR HIGH POWER 3 PIN MALE MOTOR CONNECTOR POSITRONIC P/N CBD3W3M0000Z MATING CONNECTORPOSITRONIC P/N CBD3W3F0000X Third Angle Projection • Cleanroom compatible option available. • 9,9; 9,15; 3,15,9 pin configurations available. M ov i n g T h e Wor l d, On e N an om et er A t A Ti m e.™ • Cl ean r oom com pat i bl e opt i on avai l abl e. • 9,9; 9,15; 3,15,9 pi n con f i g u r at i on s avai l abl e. PR037/Rev 00/11-01 A l l t r aden am es, t h e Dan ah er l og o, t h e N EAT l og o, an d t ag l i n e ar e t r adem ar k s of Dan ah er Cor por at i on or i t s su bsi di ar i es. © 2001 Dan ah er Cor por at i on . A l l r i g h t s r eser ved. Speci f i cat i on s su bj ect t o ch an g e w i t h ou t n ot i ce. 7C R AY M ON D A V EN UE • SA L EM , N H 03079 603.893.0588 • Fax : 603.893.8280 800.227.1066 • w w w .N EAT.com