PBSI–DOC Solutions AUTOMATIC TRANSFER TO PATIENT This procedure transfers charges from the insurance balance to the patient balance based on the class set in the Insurance Carrier File for primary and secondary. Before using this option, you MUST call PBSI. We will assist with running a compare program (MDUOUT) to check each account's insurance balance with outstanding items. These amounts must balance for each account before running the transfer option. Also before you can run Automatic Transfer to Patient, the Batch File must be empty. Perform this set up step one time only for each class. SETTING UP FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSFER – From the PBSI–DOC main menu, Select – 15. FILE MAINTENANCE 13. STANDARD COMMENTS FOR POSTING 1-ADD a comment to print on patient statements. For example, 'Your insurance has not paid. 3. CLASS This is now your responsibility.' 2-CHANGE (open item, non-assigned classes only) 18. DAYS OPEN TIL TRANSFER – Enter a number greater than zero (45 or 60, for example) (keep this field at zero for classes that you do not want to transfer charges). 19. TRANSFER STD COMMENT Enter the number of the standard comment. For some accounts such as employee discount accounts and accounts that have a contract with a secondary carrier, you can turn off the automatic transfer feature for these accounts that are set up in a class for transfer. Select –2. PATIENT LEDGER INQUIRY Find the account 3-REGISTRATION 1-CHANGE 39. AUTO XFER: change this field to 'N' (charges for accounts set to 'N' will never transfer automatically to the patient balance). PRINT THE OUTSTANDING INSURANCE REPORT – Select – 13. INSURANCE PROCESSING 6. OUTSTANDING INSURANCE REPORT PRIMARY, SECONDARY, OR ALL (P/S/*): * PRINT (D)ETAIL OR (S)UMMARY: D SHOW 700 CODE CHARGES IN DETAIL (Y/N): N SORT BY CARRIER (Y/N): N ENTER PROVIDER and LOCATION FROM REGISTRATION OR CHARGES: ENTER CLASS #: enter the class # to transfer CHARGES AGED ON SERVICE DATE OR BILLED DATE (S/B): B REBILLED, ORIGINAL, OR LAST BILLED DATE (R/O/L): L START DATE: enter the oldest date billed ENDING DATE: count back the DAYS OPEN TIL TRANSFER number and enter that date. PAGE BREAK AFTER CLASS TOTALS (Y/N): Y or N PRINT PATIENT/POLICY INFO ON ONE LINE OR MULTIPLE LINES (O/M/N): M (enter Y to print the secondary ins. & AUTO XFER setting). PRINT COLLECTION COMMENTS (Y/N): Y or N PRINT ADDITIONAL AGING BANDS 150/180 (Y/N): Y or N The report shows the charges that will be transferred. VERIFY THE REPORT BEFORE PROCEEDING! E:\A Medical\Product Knowledge\FAQ Sheets 6.4\Auto Transfer to Patient.wpd Page 1 of 2 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER TO PATIENT – Select – 13. INSURANCE PROCESSING 13. AUTOMATIC TRANSFER TO PATIENT ENTER RUN DATE: press enter for the default OKAY TO CONTINUE (Y/N): Y The system transfers outstanding insurance to the patient and runs a Batch Update. The Batch Update report prints two transactions for each transfer. The first is a payment of .00 with AXFER in the ICD9 field. The second is a 701 code for the balance due from the patient. The amount of the transfer is in the ICD9 field (without a decimal). The service date for each transaction is the date of the transfer. *Note: If the account you are transferring contains charges posted with a 900 code in the insurance balance, the system will not automatically transfer them to the patient (the 900 code is an insurance balance forward code, the automatic transfer will skip these). You will need to manually move the 900 code to the patient using the Insurance Payments option. Your Outstanding Insurance Report will indicate whether the account you’re transferring contains 900 codes. E:\A Medical\Product Knowledge\FAQ Sheets 6.4\Auto Transfer to Patient.wpd Page 2 of 2