How To Enter An ADM and ACM

Processing ADMs / ACMs
Ticket Inquiry is the most convenient place in which to do ADMs and ACMs
So firstly find your ticket you wish
to enter a ADM / ACM for
Then please press the ADM or ACM Button
at the top on the tool bar
Once pressing this, a nother screen
will automatically be seen
As you can see a number of entries
have already been added
Date of Issue
Agents IATA No
Reporting Period
Document No’s conjunctions and
Ticket Validation
Passenger name
Credit card information with Expiry
if necessary
The Fare
Cost centre
All tax amounts ( up to 8 taxes )
Please note that AIRConnect
automatically give you an ADM/ACM
To easily adjust an ADM or ACM you can click the Calculator button
Once clicking the Calc Button a computation screen will arise
(ACM is in red and ADM in black )
Airconnect is a division of BSPConnect 7th Floor, West Plaza Building,
1 Albert Street P.O.Box 106111 Auckland 1 New Zealand
Telephone +649 9123459, Facsimile +649 9123462,, web
This looks extremely complex but if
you work through the calculator
sequentially it will become a lot clearer
Establish the value of the fare used and enter the amount.
TAXES - if the taxes have been used you can check the box beside – you will see that the
values will change automatically
If this is all correct you can now press the save button and you will go back to the ADM or
ACM screen with all the calculation placed correctly.
You can now make sure that it is placed in the correct batch for issuance and also enter a
reason as to why this agent has been issued with an ADM or ACM
When going back into the ticket inquiry you will automatically see the ADM /ACM placed with
the ticket for example the ACM below
Airconnect is a division of BSPConnect 7th Floor, West Plaza Building,
1 Albert Street P.O.Box 106111 Auckland 1 New Zealand
Telephone +649 9123459, Facsimile +649 9123462,, web
YOU CAN PRINT THIS FOR YOUR RECORDS within the ticket inquiry screen
In the print box there are a number of ways in which you can print
To check that you are printing the correct
format click the PREVIEW TO FILE button
and then click the Preview to see the image
that you will be getting
Once having entered all your transactions
for the day Refunds, ADMs ACMs, you
must go to the TRANSACTIONS button
on the main Menu
Then click Print and Authorise
A list of all transaction will be here and you
can then press the PRINT button and then
decided on the format for the printing
Airconnect is a division of BSPConnect 7th Floor, West Plaza Building,
1 Albert Street P.O.Box 106111 Auckland 1 New Zealand
Telephone +649 9123459, Facsimile +649 9123462,, web
( FOR AGENT – A4 size) and then you have a
choice of the transactions to print table
If you would like to check what you are
printing before hand please do so by
pressing PREVIEW.
Airconnect is a division of BSPConnect 7th Floor, West Plaza Building,
1 Albert Street P.O.Box 106111 Auckland 1 New Zealand
Telephone +649 9123459, Facsimile +649 9123462,, web