JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING STUDY OF MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING ALGORITHMS AND IDENTIFICATION OF PEAK POWER USING COMBINED ALGORITHM FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 1 1 CHETAN HATKAR, 2 ROHAN HATKAR M.E In VLSI & Embedded System, Dr. D. Y. Patil College Of Engineering Ambi, Pune 2 B. E. Electrical, AMGOI, Vathar, Kolhapur ABSTRACT: There are many methods used to track maximum power point (MPP) of photo voltaic (PV) array. This paper presents a study and review of different techniques of peak power point tracking algorithms for photo voltaic array. In this paper proposed new combined algorithm for rapid tracking photovoltaic system . There are two stages, first stage algorithm fast tracking and fine tracking in second stage. It has combination of perturb and observe algorithm and current sweep. By using this combination drawback of this two types cancel each other and give real maximum power point tracking in rapid changing environmental condition i.e. temperature and solar radiation. Keywords: Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), Perturb and observe (P & O), Current sweep, Photovoltaic (PV). 1. INTRODUCTION Now days, power demand is one of the major problem in whole world. Due to unavailability of enough resource to give power, so renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy are widely used. Solar energy is used for many applications such as battery charging, solar pumping, solar heating, home power supply, satellite power system etc. which have pollution and maintenance free. But initial investment cost of solar equipment is high, it require charger/ inverter for any application. Since solar array have low conversion efficiency. So overall cost of system is reduced by designing converter which gives maximum efficiency of photovoltaic array. Which call maximum power point tracker.[1] Maximum power point tracker (MPPT) which tracks continuously maximum power point that point have maximum voltage Vm and maximum current Im of photovoltaic array. Many MPPT algorithm have been studied and developed such as fractional open circuit, fractional short circuit, current sweep, perturb and observe (P & O), incremental conductance. The P & O algorithm is most commonly used to track MPP. Because of easy implement track MPP. But practically this algorithm does not track real MPP on rapid changing environmental condition i.e. solar radiation and temperature. Drawback of P&O is overcome by using incremental conductance technique but this is complex algorithm and difficult to implement. [6] Current sweep technique gives fast tracking but its require periodically track the MPP. Its fails when solar irradiation and temperature variation happen. This paper presents a new approach or propose algorithm that two stage algorithm. First stage fast tracking and second stage fine tracking. It is combination of perturb and observe technique and current sweep MPP tracking methods. The proposed algorithm identify quickly and accurately the MPP in non-ideal environmental condition. 2. PV MODULE AND CHARACTERISTICS The equivalent circuit of a PV module is shown in Fig. 1(a), while typical output characteristics are shown in Fig. 1(b). The characteristic equation for this PV model is given by [1], ܸ + ܴܫௌ ݍ ൫V − ܴܫௌ ൯൨ − 1ൠ − I = ܫீ − ܫைௌ − ൜݁ ݔ ܴௌு ܶ݇ܣ where ܧݍ ܶ ଷ 1 1 ܫைௌ = ܫை ൨ ݁ ݔ ீை ൬ − ൰൨ ܶݎ ݇ܤ ܶݎ ܶ And I and V ܫீ = ൣܫௌோ + ܭ1ሺܶ − 25ሻ൧ߣ/100 cell output current and voltage; ISSN: 0975 – 6736| NOV 14 TO OCT 15 | VOLUME – 03, ISSUE – 02 Page 438 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IOS T k q KI=0.0017 A/oC cell reverse saturation current; cell temperature in oC; Boltzmann’s constant; electronic charge; short circuit current temperature coefficient at ISCR ; λ solar irradiation in W/m2 ; ISCR short-circuit current at 25oC and 1000 W/m2 ; ILG light-generated current; EGO band gap for silicon; B=A=1.92 ideality factors; Tr=301.18oK K reference temperature; Ior cell saturation current at Tr ; Rsh shunt resistance; Rs series resistance. The variation of the output I-V characteristics of a commercial PV module as function of temperature and irradiation is shown in Fig. 2 (a) & (b) and Fig. 3(a) & (b), respectively. It is seen that the temperature changes affect mainly the PV output voltage, while the irradiation changes affect mainly the PV output current. The intersection of the load-line with the PV module I-V characteristic, for a given temperature and irradiation, determines the operating point. The maximum power production is based on the load-line adjustment under varying atmospheric conditions. (a) Equivalent circuit of a PV module Fig no. 1 (b) typical PV module current-voltage characteristics (a) (b) Fig No.2 characteristic of a PV module with constant irradiation and varying temperature (a) (b) Fig No. 3 Characteristics of a PV module with constant temperature and varying irradiation. 3. PROBLEM OVERVIEW PV module characteristics shows maximum power point at which has maximum voltage and maximum current. MPPT algorithms tracks continuously that point in variation of solar irradiation and temperature also and under partial shading condition. MPPT Algorithm We introduce different MPPT techniques below. ISSN: 0975 – 6736| NOV 14 TO OCT 15 | VOLUME – 03, ISSUE – 02 Page 439 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1) Fractional Open Circuit Voltage :Photovoltaic have near linear relationship between Vmmp and VOC Vmpp ≈ K1 VOC Where K1 is constant of proportionality, since K1 is dependent on characteristic of PV array. Factor K1 has been in range between 0.71 to 0.78.[2],[4] In this method VOC is calculated by disconnecting solar array from DC-DC converter. Then calculate the Vmmp using K1 factor. So, this system have temporary loss power when it calculate VOC. K1 factor is no more valid under partial shading condition and charging solar radiation. 2) Fractional Short Circuit Current:Immp is also linearly function with ISC i.e. short circuit current of PV array. Immp ≈ K2 ISC Where K2 is proportionality constant. It has range in between 0.78 to 0.92. In this technique ISC is calculated by periodically short circuit the PV array to track the Immp. This increases number of components and cost. .[2],[4] 3) Perturb And Observe (P & O):P & O techniques work periodically incrementing or decrementing the voltage of PV array. The change in power is observed. If perturbation has observed increases in PV power then it continuous to perturb in same direction, if it is decreases then the perturb in opposite direction. See flow chart. P+ & O means it observe PV power and compare new power with old power. According to that it increases or decreases duty cycle to gate maximum power point. .[2],[4],[5] P & O algorithm is simple to implement but in rapidly Changing solar radiation condition it oscillates around MPP. 4) Incremental conductance – Drawback of P & O is overcome by incremental conductance technique. Incremental size decide fast tracking if we use more size then it oscillate MPP & not track the exact MPP. The incremental conductance (IncCond) method is based on the fact that the slope of the PV array power curve (Fig. 1(c)) is zero at the MPP, positive on the left of the MPP, and negative on the right, as given by .[2],[3],[4] dP/dV = 0 , at MPP (1) ൝ dP/dV > 0 , ݈݂݁ ܲܲܯ ݂ ݐ dP/dV < 0 , ݃݅ݎℎܲܲܯ ݂ ݐ Since ݀ܲ ݀ሺܸܫሻ ݀ܫ ∆ܫ (2) = =ܫ+ܸ ≈I+V ܸ݀ ܸ݀ ܸ݀ ∆ܸ (1) can be rewritten as ∆I/∆V = 0 , at MPP (3) ൝ ∆I/∆V > 0 , ݈݂݁ ܲܲܯ ݂ ݐ ∆I/∆V < 0 , ݃݅ݎℎܲܲܯ ݂ ݐ Fig. 4. IncCond algorithm as shown in [2] ISSN: 0975 – 6736| NOV 14 TO OCT 15 | VOLUME – 03, ISSUE – 02 Page 440 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING The MPP can thus be tracked by comparing the instantaneous conductance (I/V ) to the incremental conductance (∆I/∆V ) as shown in the flowchart in Fig. 4. Vref is the reference voltage at which the PV array is forced to operate. At the MPP, Vref equals to VMPP. Once the MPP is reached, the operation of the PV array is maintained at this point unless a change in ∆I is noted, indicating a change in atmospheric conditions and the MPP. The algorithm decrements or increments Vref to track the new MPP. 5) Current sweep The current sweep [2][8] method uses a sweep waveform for the PV array current such that the I V characteristic of the PV array is obtained and updated at fixed time intervals. The VMPP can then be computed from the characteristic curve at the same intervals. The function chosen for the sweep waveform is directly proportional to its derivative as in ௗሺ௧ሻ ݂ሺtሻ = ݇ସ (1) ௗ௧ Where ݇ସ is a proportionality constant. The PV array power is thus given by P(t)=v(t)i(t)=(t)f(t) (2) At the MPP ௗሺ௧ሻ ௗ௩ሺ௧ሻ ௗሺ௧ሻ ௗ௩ሺ௧ሻ ௗሺ௧ሻ = vሺtሻ + fሺtሻ =0 ௗ௧ Substituting (1) in (3) gives ௗ௧ (3) = ቂvሺtሻ + ௗ௧ ቃ ௗ௧ = 0 (4) The differential equation in (1) has following solution ݂ሺݐሻ = ݐ[ݔ݁ܥ/݇ସ ] (5) C is chosen to be equal to the maximum PV array current Imax and k4 to be negative, resulting in a decreasing exponential function with time constant τ = −k4. Equation (5) leads to ݂ሺݐሻ = ܫெ ݁[ݔ−ݐ/߬] (6) The current in (6) can be easily obtained by using some current discharging through a capacitor. Since the derivative of (6) is nonzero, (4) can be divided throughout by df (t)/dt and, with f(t) = i(t), (4) simplifies to ௗ௧ ௗሺ௧ሻ ௗ௩ሺ௧ሻ = vሺtሻ + ݇ସ =0 (7) ௗ௧ Once VMPP is computed after the current sweep, (7) can be used to double check whether the MPP has been reached. In [2], the current sweep method is implemented through analog computation. The current sweep takes about 50 ms, implying some loss of available power. In [2], it is pointed out that this MPPT technique is only feasible if the power consumption of the tracking unit is lower than the increase in power that it can bring to the entire PV system. ௗ 4. PROPOSED ALGORITHM FOR MPPT Drawback of P & O is the performance of the Perturb and Observe depends on the sampling interval and the duty-cycle perturbation of the algorithm . Those parameters set the dynamic response of the MPPT, such as speed, accuracy and stability. The duty cycle step must be chosen properly. Since the Perturb and Observe technique oscillates around the maximum power point, reducing the duty cycle step can minimize the oscillation and the steady state losses. However, the controller is less efficient when the atmospheric conditions change rapidly. The current sweep method manipulates the solar panel current, so during the current sweep there will be reduced power output. The current sweep determines the i-v characteristic of the solar panel and the maximum power point voltage is determined. The controller holds this computed voltage as the operating voltage of the solar panel until the next current sweep determines a new maximum power point voltage. So, the current sweep is not performed continuously, but only periodical. It only makes sense to perform a current sweep if the increase in generated power is greater than the loss of power by performing the current sweep. This is the main consideration for determining the period of the current sweep method.[2],[4] The proposed algorithm have two stage tracking that offer first stage fast tracking and fine tracking in the second stage .If we combine Perturb and Observe & current sweep method it will be cancel out drawback of each other.Current sweep method gives fast tracking & fine tracking by using P & O with proper duty step size to track the MPPT. Proposed algorithm flow chart shown below Fig no. 5. It is assumed that the PV module is operated at a given point. The algorithm commands the converter to make a sweep in the modules characteristic. Make the sweep which duty cycle vary 10% to 90% . At this sweep time duration PV_V & PV_I sensed to calculate PV power. In controller make the array for sweep duration which has calculated PV power for each duty %(10% to 90%). Find largest power in that array ,that point is MPP, that power duty used for mpp tracking. Due to drawback of current sweep is not performed continuously, but only periodically use timer for 5 min duration to track MPP continuously but rapid clouds may be present, thus the MPP may change faster than the ‘normal operating period’. Besides, if the sweep-duration is too long, the irradiance may have changed and the recorded curve corresponds to two different irradiations. To avoid this use P & O algorithm here. After staring ON the timer for 5 min in this duration use P & O algorithm. It compare ISSN: 0975 – 6736| NOV 14 TO OCT 15 | VOLUME – 03, ISSUE – 02 Page 441 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING new power with old power according to that duty cycle will be increase & decrease to by using proper duty cycle step size to get fine tracking of MPP. Fig No.5: flow chart of Proposed algorithm After completing 5 min make the next current sweep to get new MPP & this cycle is repeated for every 5 min. 5. CONCLUSION The proposed algorithm gives two necessary factor in finding out real maximum power point which are rapid tracking response in rapid changing of climate conditions of solar radiation & temperature compare to traditional algorithm. The proposed algorithm cancel out the drawback of P & O algorithm & current sweep each other when this two algorithm lgorithm used in combine form to achieve fast tracking of maximum power point for photovoltaic syatem. 6. REFERENCES [1] Eftichios Koutroulis, Kostas Kalaitzakis, Kalaitzakis Member, IEEE,, and Nicholas C. Voulgaris “Development of a Microcontroller-Based, Photovoltaicc Maximum Power Point Tracking Control System”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 16, NO. 1, JANUARY 2001 [2] Trishan Esram,, Student Member, IEEE IEEE, and Patrick L. 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