SUGGESTED PRACTICES FOR REGIONAL CENTERS WHEN DEALING WITH RECRUITERS/AGENTS The following are merely suggested practices that Regional Centers may or may not wish to consider when working with recruiting agencies and law firms. The following suggested practices are for the purpose of helping preserve the integrity of the EB-­‐5 Program. 1. Choose agents who are proficient in the English language, and who are familiar with
emigration services
2. Ask for resumes of agents, principals of company, and attorneys
3. Meet them personally (Have them visit your office and visit their office)
4. Verify recruiter’s knowledge of the EB-­‐5 program
5. Find out how and to whom they plan to present projects and perform due diligence
6. Define terms of working relationship (Watch out for exorbitant legal fees to be charged to
potential investors)
7. Educate them as to what is permissible/lawful when selling a project
8. Approve all RC publicity materials and advertisements prior to publication (English version
and translation)
9. Include disclaimers in all RC printed materials with regards to translation into other languages
10. Request to see agreements with other agents who may assist their firm with recruiting efforts
and visa cases (if necessary, include language that would decrease your center’s liability as to
their “recruiting behavior” i.e.: misrepresentation of terms of project, or USCIS laws, policies,
11. Develop policies and procedures. i.e.: “Recruiter Manual”
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Phone: 202-795-9669 | Email: | Web:
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Disclaimers: No content or information provided within this document should be construed to constitute legal advice or services. As a service to its membership, IIUSA seeks to provide
informational and educational materials regarding a range of issues, including, among others, ethical business behavior, but urges it members and others reading this material to seek
legal counsel as appropriate. In addition, while IIUSA endeavors to keep the information it provides up to date and current, please be advised that such information may not reflect the
most current information available. IIUSA is not responsible for any subsequent use of these materials or reliance on any information contained therein.