EPIDEMIOLOGY OF LETTUCE NECROTIC YELLOWS VIRUS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA 11." DISTRIBUTION OF VIRUS, HOST PLANTS, AND VECTORS By J. W. RANDLES? and MARYCARVER? [Manuscript received September 30, 19701 Abstract A survey has shown that both lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) and its vector Hyperomyzus lactucae are commonly associated with the widely distributed host plant, Sonchus oleraceus. Three newly discovered naturally infected host plant species, Reichardia tingitana, Sonchus hydrophilus, and Embergeria megalocarpa, have a restricted distribution, yet their ability to support colonies of the vector shows that they are potential sources of LNYV. Both S . hydrophilus and E. megalocarpa appear to be endemic to Australasia, and the possibility that either could be the original source of LNYV is discussed. Serological relationships have been demonstrated between some isolates of LNYV. A simple and rapid method for concentrating LNYV from sap extracts for serological testing is described. Hyperomyzus carduellinus has been shown to transmit LNYV, and the distinguishing morphological characteristics of this species are described. Its geographical distri bution is limited, and it was found most commonly on R. tingitana. Demonstrations that the incidence of lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) in lettuce crops may be reduced by eradicating the weed host Sonchus oleraceus L. within and around crops (Stubbs, Guy, and Stubbs 1963), and that high incidence of the disease is associated with increased flight activity of the aphid Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Randles and Crowley 1970) suggest that S. oleraceus is the major source of LNYV, and H. lactucae the major vector in south-eastern Australia. But although both weed host and vector have a world-wide distribution, LNYV has been identified only in Australia (Stubbs and Grogan 1963) and New Zealand (Close, personal communication). This implies that LNYV may have originated from plant species endemic to Australia and perhaps New Zealand. A survey was therefore carried out to examine the natural distribution of LNYV-infected S. oleraceus in South Australia, and to determine whether any native species allied to S. oleraceus are naturally infected with the virus, and support populations of the vector. * Part I, Aust. J. agvic. Res., 1970, 21, 447. 7 Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, S.A. 5064. Aust. J. agric. Res., 1971, 22, 231-7 J. W. RANDLES AND MARY CARVER LOCATION OF SITES SURVEYED INFECTED WITH Site Ceduna Venus Bay Wilmington Willochra Creek Carrieton Orrorroo Booleroo Centre Whyte Yarcowie Crystal Brook Burra Merildin Wallaroo Balaklava 14. Semaphore 15. Grange 16. West Beach 17. Marino 18. Port Noarlunga 19. Moana 20. Maslin Beach 21. Aldinga Beach 22. Norlnanville 23. Gool\va 24. Meningie 25. Younghusband Peninsula 26. Salt Creek 27. Cantara 28. Coolatoo 29. Kingston, SE. 30. Cape Jaffa 31. Robe 32. Southend 33. Millicent 34. Carpenters Rocks Mt. Gambier Naracoorte Keith Coonalpyn Parndana * Number (SEEALSO FIG. 1) SHOWING THE PLANT SPECIES AND THE INCIDENCE OF APHID VECTORS AT THESE SITES Plant Species 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. LNYV, Number Infected Presence of H. lacfucae H. carduellinus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonclzus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Soizchus olevaceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Reichardia tingifana Reichardia tingifana Reichardia fingitana Cryptosreinnza calendula Picris hieracioides Senecio laufus Sonchus oleraceus Picris echioides Einlgrgeria niegalocarpa Sonchus oleraceus Reichardia tingifana Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Picvis echioides Sonchus oleraceus Embergeria megalocarpa Embergeria megalocarpa Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus hydropkilus Embergeria megalocarpa Sonchus hydrophilus Sonchus hj~drophilus Sonchus oleraceus Embergeria nzegalocarpa Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus hydrophilus Embergeria megalocarpa Sonchus hj'drophilus Embergeria nzegalocarpa S o i d a n oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Embergeria megalocarpa Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus aleraceus Sonchus oleraceus of infected plants colonized/number of plants colonized. -Aphids not observed. LETTUCE NECROTIC YELLOWS VIRUS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. I1 233 11. DISTRIBUTION OF NATURALLY INFECTED HOSTSOF LNYV In the period May 1969 to May 1970 Sonchus oleraceus and related plant species viere collected at 39 sites, in areas free of commercial horticulture. The oldest specimens at each site were selected to increase the probability that plants had grown through a period of vector activity. Plants were indexed separately on Nicotiana glutinosa L., Datura stramonium L., and Gonzphrena globosa L. Aphids found on plants were preserved and identified. S. oleraceus is widely distributed in South Australia, and infected plants were found in 19 of the 31 sites where specimens were collected (Fig. 1, Fig. 1.-The distribution of infected and uninfected host plants of LNYV in South Australia. Open symbols, no infection detected; solid symbols, infected plants detected. Sites are listed by number and name in Table 1. Table 1). The other three species found to be infected with LNYV (Fig. 1, Table 1) are apparently confined to the coastal regions (Black 1957; Eichler 1965). The dune thistle, Enzbergeria megalocavpa (Hook. f.) Boulos, was found between Semaphore and Carpenters Rocks on the seaward dunes within c. 0 . 5 mile of the high water mark. Infected plants were found in five of the eight sites where they were collected. Reichardia tingitatza (L.) Roth. was found only in the coastal area near Adelaide. Sonchus hydr.oplziltts Boulos was found along the Younghusband Peninsula and south to Southend. It is common on the flats behind [he dunes extending north-west of Kingston to Salt Creek. None of these species showed symptoms which could be associated with LNYV infection. SeveraI other species collected from West Beach were not infected (Table 1). 234 J. W. RANDLES AND MARY CARVER On N. glutinosa, symptoms produced by isolates of LNYV were of the following types : Mild: slight stunting of the plant accompanied by a faint mosaic and a downward cupping of young systemically infected leaves. Medium severity: marked systemic vein clearing, chlorosis, and leaf distortion. Severe: chlorotic or necrotic lesions on inoculated leaves followed by marked systemic vein clearing, curling, and stunting of the terminal leaves. The symptoms produced on D. stranzonium were interveinal chlorosis, sometimes w ~ leaf h distortion. The severity of symptoms on this host uas not as a rule related to their severity on N. glutinosa. A few isolates produced a faint mottle in G. globosa. One isolate, from E. nzegalocarpa at Goolwa, was transmitted to and recovered from Nicotiana tabaczm A faint chlorosis was associated with infection. LNYV-like particles Rere found in sap of the infected tobacco plant by electron microscopy. 111. SEROLOGICAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ISOLATES The concentration of virus antigen in sap extracted from LNYV-infected plants is generally too low for the development of visible precipitin lines in double-diffusion serological tests. A method was therefore devised to concentrate the antigen. Systemically infected leaves from N. glutinosa indicator plants were homogenized in one volume (w/v) of 0 . 2 Na,HPO,, ~ and two volumes (w/v) of Freon 113. After centrifugation at 3000g for 15 min, the supernatant was mixed with polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) added to a final concentration of 8 %. The precipitate was collected after 10 mill by centrifugation at IOOOg, and resuspended in water to c. one-tenth of the original supernatant volume. By serological assay in double-diffusion plates, and local lesion infectivity assay on N. glutinosa, it was shown that the above procedure concentrated LNYV. Concentrated antiserum (McLean, Wolanski, and Francki 1971) to the SE3 isolate (Stubbs and Grogan 1963) of LNYV was used for investigations of serological relationships between isolates. All serological tests were carried out by the double-diffusion technique (Crowle 1961) in 0.75 % agar containing 0 . 0 1 phosphate ~ buffer, p H 7.6, and 0.02 % sodium azide. Antigen was placed in wells 18 hr before the antiserum wells were filled. A positive reaction was observed in nearly all tests between antigen concentrated from field isolates, and the LNYV antiserum. When concentrated homologous and heterologous antigens were placed in adjacent wells, the lines of precipitation formed with the antiserum were confluent (Fig. 2). Spur production in some instances indicated that antigenic differences occur between isolates. IV. APHID SPECIESASSOCIATED WITH HOST PLANTSON LNYV Three species of aphid have been found on naturally infected plants described in the previous section. H. lactucae has been found in all areas surveyed and infests all the hosts of LNYV listed in Table 1. Hyperomyzzrs carduellinus (Theob.) was found only in the coastal LETTUCE NECROTIC YELLOWS VIRUS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. I1 235 region within 50 miles of Adelaide (Table I), where it was found most commonly on R. tingitana but also on S. oleraceus and E. megalocarpa. Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thos.) was associated with R. tingitana, but not commonly. I ig. 2.-Reactions in double gel-ditfusiun tests betwen antiserum prepared to the S t 3 isolate ot' L Y Y V (centre \vell) and homologous fS) and heterologouj ( 1-6) antigens. The ability of H. carduellinus to transmit LNYV was tested to determine whether it could have a role in the ecology of LNYV. In one experiment H. carduellinus nymphs and adults found to be feeding on 12 infected R. tingitana plants at West Beach and Semaphore were transferred to S. oleraceus seedlings. LNYV was transmitted to S. oleraceus by four of the 12 groups of aphids. In another experiment, 12 apterous H. carduellinus were fed in leaf cages on two LNYV-infected R. tingitana plants in the glasshouse. After 6 days, 27 nymphs and three adults were each caged on a small S. oleraceus seedling for 7 days. The seedlings were indexed after 22 days. Seven of the 30 test seedlings were infected. Transmission occurred only when nymphs were used. Fig. 3.-Typical abdominal dorsum of alata vivipara of Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (left), and Hyperomyzus carduellinus (Theob.) (right). Hyperomyzus Iactucae (L.) and H. carduellinus (Theob.) are morphologically very similar. The most reliable distinguishing characteristic appears to be the difference in hair size. In both apterous and alate morphs, H. carduellinus has, in contrast to H. lactucae, very short antenna1 and dorsal body hairs (Fig. 3). In addition, H. carduellinus