Chairman`s Report for Panel 18

 Chairman’s Report for Panel 18
Bobby Gray, Chair_____________________________
1) Date(s) and location of meeting: January 12-14 2015 Sonesta Resort, Hilton Head, SC
2) Panel members in attendance:
Bobby Gray, Chair
Ron Ally
Fredrick Carpenter
Kurt Clemente
Paul Costello
Hakim Hasan
Lee Hewitt
Jack Jamison, Jr.
William Ross McCorcle
Michael O’Boyle
Randall Wright
Donald Berlin
Steve Campolo
Joseph Chandler
William Dundas
Richard Hollander
Charles Kurten
Paul Yesbeck
National Electrical Contractors Assoc.
Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
National Electrical Manufacturers Assoc.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Electric Light & Power Group/EEI
Philips Lightolier/American Lighting Association
RKW Consulting
Intermatic Inc./American Lighting Association
Leviton Manufacturing Company, Inc./NEMA
Independent Electrical Contrators, Inc.
International Sign Association
City of Tucson/IAEI
Acolite Claude United Sign Company/NECA
Staff and Guests in Attendance:
David Lutz
Hubbell Inc.
Patty Barron
Safety Quick Light (SQL)
Amy Cronin
Strategic Code Solutions representing SQL
Michael Fontaine
National Electrical Safety Group representing SQL
Jack Lyons
Tim McClintock
Kim Shea
Daniel Gorham
Bill Burke
Derek Vigstol
Lynn Lupo
Jacqui Doucette
Jeff Fecteau
Sherman Robbins
Imaginative Innovations
3) List names of guests addressing the Panel/TC, the subject of their address, and the
length of time they spoke:
Representative of Safety Quick Light in support of PIs addressing changes to Articles
406, 410, and 100. The presentation was 15 minutes.
A presentation was provided to the panel from Sherman Robbins. Mr. Robbins was not
in attendance due to travel problems, but the panel review his presentation talking
points regarding a PI proposing a new Article 395 for underfloor Class 2 distribution.
The presentation lasted approximately 10 minutes.
4) Number of Pubic Inputs acted upon: 159 plus 8 global PIs providing
recommendation for disposition. Total number of PIs considered 167
5) Number of First Revisions created: 38
6) List any Task Groups appointed to work subsequent to the First Draft Meeting, along
with the names of members of the Task Group(s):
1. Article 406 Co-Chairs Steve Campolo, Chuck Kurten
a. Paul Costello
2. Article 410 Chair Michael O’Boyle
a. Don Berlin
b. Fred Carpenter
c. Paul Costello
3. Article 600 Chair Randy Wright
a. Subgroup #1
i. Lee Hewitt
ii. Jim Jamison Jr.
iii. Paul Costello
b. Subgroup #2
i. Rick Hollander
ii. Donald Berlin
iii. Chuck Kurten
iv. W. Ross McCorcle
v. Wes Wilkins
c. Subgroup #3
i. Bill Dundas
ii. Wes Wilkins
iii. Paul Yesbeck
iv. Lee Hewitt
v. Chuck Kurten
4. Articles 393, 411, 605 Chair Lee Hewitt
a. Fred Carpenter
b. Hakim Hasan
c. Joseph Chandler
d. Ron Alley
e. Mike O’Boyle
7) List any request contained in a Responses or Statement that require NEC Correlating
Committee attention:
The Panel requests that CMP 1 consider a recommendation to eliminate Informational Note
to the definition of “Listed” based on actions taken by CMP 18.
8) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions, in your opinion that needs to be referred to
another TC for information or correlation: None.
9) List any Public Inputs or First Revisions that should be referred to the Toxicity
Advisory Committee: None
10) List all Public Inputs or First Revisions related to combustibles in plenums or other air
handling spaces: None
11) Identify any issues that should be brought to the attention of the NFPA Research
Foundation for their input and assistance: None
12) List any general requests for information or assistance from the NEC Correlating
Committee: None
13) Provide any additional information that you feel would be helpful to the NEC
Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general:
Consider modification of TerraView software or other accommodations that will allow
panel members to process text and incorporate into TerraView with legislative text. An
option may be to develop a separate word processer available to panel members that will
interface with TerraView. There is a lot of wasted time and potential for error while staff
attempts to reconcile proposed code language changes, especially large blocks of text, and
committee statements that are developed in Word or other programs.